2 C Positive Polly 1JUST OASMED OFP A LIL yMAS R3EM OlTTTA ME 0XJ HEAO, PtoLLY. imaj IIUKEVEHS CHANCES GREAT OPPORTUNITY In purchase tine drug store In heart of cm. doing large and profitable business; Mill Invoice about $24,000, but will toko much less for quick nolo, on account of Htckness; Ion lease on bldg. Must dtn Jioso of this at onco, so act quick. Ad ores., o a. nee. Patents that Protect and Pay Hooks, advice and searches free. Send sketch or model for search. IIlRhcst refer ences. Deal results. Promptness assured. I Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer, 6:"2 F St.. N. W.. Washington. I. (. PATRNTS Secured or fco returned .search of patent offlco records. How to 'obtain h patent and what lo Invent, with lllst of Inventions wanted mid prize ct- Icrcd for Inventions sent free. I'atfrts advertised free: I'lclor J. Evans Co.. Waa.lliigT in, D C mm i , Wo havo for sale choice ' Ty mortgages on Improved L Nebraska farm bearing a Mr 1 per cent, ranging in 8 g S amounts from $300 to $5,000. None of these mort- cage exceed 30 per cent of the market value of the farms. Call on un for furtner inrormauon. KLOKH INVESTMENT CO., 01 Omaha Nat. Dsnk Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. RRPnNP mArlrflr.1 nn ltnnmuA.1 ..I.., property In amounts from 1300 to $900, 'bearing better than 7 2-10 per cent. Abso lutely choice; principal and Interest pay. ablo monthly and prompt payment guaranteed bv us. HABTINOB & HKYDEN, UU Itarney Bt. DUSINK8S PEU80NALS. Architect. mni.D13nS-rian to'sult. 5 and up, J K. Cottrell, Architect. Price rlsht W. m. Olve me a trial. Chlnn Tainting. DBI.t.A HACKKTT. U Paxton Ploelc. L Chiropodists. Pit, nov. IMS Far. D. MOT. Open even'es. Carrie J. llurford. 633 Pax. lilk. HsU ST. Carrie J Duford, 6g Pax. IliTk. Red 4MT. nn. MONIIE1T, 403 B. Kth. Douglaa ZOi. Crranierles( Dntrles nnd Itnppltea. DAVID COLR CREAMKRY COMPANT. Coal Dealers. PARTRIDQE-THOMSON CO., have moved to 300 tlouth 17th. Hell best roal at reasonable prices. Drags. DRUas at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders: catalogue tree. Hherman & McConntll Drue Co.. Omaha, Neb. Brerytlilng Kleotrlcal. Klertrlcal Utilities Exchange. Omaha. Dressmaking. children's sewing a specialty. Doug, tots, ferry's Ujeismaklng college; toth & Far." " Dressmaking by the day. Web'. 7403. M188 D. MAL.LOY, altering of ladles' suits, rettttlng, rellnlng, etc. Hulte 204 ftoston Store Ulflg. 'Phone Douglaa Zili. Deteetlrrs. JAMES ALLAN. J12 Neville nik. Bvl enc secured In all cases. Tyler 113s. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agcy., tbonded. Suite 4S8 Paxton Ulk. D. ltl. W. LONONECKEH. HI Karbach Pile. Kverrtklsig (or Women. WEST'ERN MILLINERY SCHOOL, . 41S PAXTON BLOCK. Florlstc A. Donaghue. 1697 Far. D. 1061; A-1091, HESS & SWOMODA. 14IS Farnam 8L VlATH'S. florist. Boyd Theater BIdg, . L. HENDERSON. 1618 Karnam. D. l?a. DRANDE1B cut tlowur dupt., new store. foundries. McDonald Brass and Bronie foundry. 'Aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1437 Jackson. U la e nar sad Framing. We da ghizlnc and deliver glaaa In all arU of the city; also picture framing. Barker Bros. Paint Co. . . "The Paint Men You Know." ItOJVi Farnam St. Phone Douglas 4758. Muilnc Storage and Cleaning. Furn. moving; 2 men, tl per hr. IV. ms. MeLaud A Son, Van & 8., i-horse van. 1 'men. 11.28 hr.. 2 hra.. 11 hr. D. 4JJS. W. (41. Musical Instruments. doltns. Uultars and Farland Banjos. 30th nnd Fnmam. Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S 8EEDMAN. 11 N. 16th. Osteopath). Alice John. on. an8- Rrandels The. Bldg ''Jr. Hunt. 703 City National Bank. D. XS2J. Patents, HIRAM A. STURQE8, Patent lawyer. M Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. HO. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Printing. DOUOLAS .Printing Co.. Tel. Doug. 644. Lew "W.Raber, Printer, De0'5Eh?oi; BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. a'lort' and Office Fixtures. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixture Sought, aold. Levy. 251 N. South Omaha. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shtlv. ng. etc. We buy, we sell Omaha Fixtur ind Supply Co.. 41I-16-1I So. 12th. D. 3724. Mi uuuraphers and Court Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelley. (IS Bran. The. D. MM. I'ruuLv anil sultcasvs. ' Rlelnle'. 1(03 Farnam 8L ,' Inr4 uiul Lluiir. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, fsndniches. Alex Jfte. M2-2 So. 13th St IROINIA DARE wine. c a large bot- ttli.u Llijupi iiousvi it: ti lttu tit L . She's a Candid Critic, Anyway Dosrr Mind ME, PA, . Shoot! CHERC27 J OH Cf2E JME. SOUL TlPC Joy f J TMAT OfOO ME. CHILOIM HEartI I in HBM I VXS" I'nrcvnovAti The Mid-Winter Term of Boyles College Opens Monday, January 6 Both Day and Night Just to Work is Not Always to Win Knowing how lo work Is the principal ussnt of the successful person. To bo untrained Is lo Ixi unmanned In these daya of hot competition. He who la untrained In llkn n limn with (no arm. llo may reach success ho may grasp some of tho world's prises, but ho has only half the chance, ir ho hus that, of tho muii who Is trained. Tho business world has work to be don anil has money to pay for that work being done. It In ghul to pay It to those whose efficiency gladdens It and Is only Pkascd to pay more, and more, and mor0 to him or her whose business training In such that he or sha grows In capability as his time out In the business world Increases. Hut the busliiftSH world always asks one sharp, blunt question the minute ybu seek a position In the bunlnens world. U snaps at you this query, "What can you do and do well?" BOYLES COLLEGE "points" Its students towards the achievement of real success starts Ihrm wltn a long and strong push towards the attainment of their ambition, by maintain ing courses ui siuuy aim inrinuun 01 instruction inav are practical ngnt down 10 tho very corp. , It Is hardly necessary to argue this point We've proved that point in the Year Hook that wo'll gladly send you free. But before we ever could havo printed that proof In thut yeur book, the success of our graduutea MUrtT have proved It. It hlis. It continues to Prove It. Wo can irlvn vou the names of olinnlv hundreds of men right hero In Omahn. who have risen nbovo just Htnnographto and Bookkeeping Positions and now oro officials in mrir concerns, wno ireeiy unu irnnaiy acKnowicago that lloyiea college train ing was their FIRST ITKLP towards gnttlnir toward success. do writo, pnono or call ror our Yearilook without delay, BOYLES COLLEGE BOYLES BUILDINO, OMAHA. II. B. BOYLICS, President. , Man Is What He Wants to Be If He Wants Hard Enough To full Is no ono's goal. All of us luivn a head full of auccusg. Ideas ami Ideals. But how many of us arrlvo at tho goal-liow many succeed HWKH1' aside nlatltudesl Foraet tho wnlllnir nxriiMvs if tli mnn wlin Say to yourself that neither trusts nor monopolies nor the grinding heel (7) of tho rich man shall keep you down. Know for yourself that most of this capltal-grlndlng-down-tho-young-meu talk In Just bosh. The young man who ivlll "grind" himself to n. perfection or ovon a near-perfection of business efficiency, can laugh at competition and can always- obtain a really desirable, position. THE WINTER TERM OF AtOSHER luMPMAN-COLiLEGE OPENS MONDAY, JANUABY 6. Will you accept the opportunity that day offers youT If vol! have anv thotiaht of enterlnc anv business collese anvwhera. Mosher- Lamnman College Is honestly deserving of your first and beat consideration. The self-help idea manifest In all Mosher-Lampman Instruction the self reliance taught by even' step In tho Mosher-Lampman training the confidence In one's own Indlvlduul ability to master the task generated by the Mosher-Lampman inothods all these unite to endow Mosher-Lampman graduates with an ability not equaled oy tne graauain or me usual ousiness college and, a a consequence, onng aixiut the result that the Mosher-Lampman College graduate gains u salary not equaled oy mat oDiuinea uy tne graduate of tno usual business college. Send for catalogue today. Mosher-Lampman Cplllege Wellington Jlldr, THE MID-AV1NTER TERM; OF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, JAN. 6. Dny nnd Night Complete courses In business, bookkeetf Ing, stenography, telegraphy, civil serv ice and salesmanship. Tho cattalogue is free for the asking. Call, write or phone (or It at once. Address H. B, Boyles. President, Boylea college, Omaha, Neb. January 6, Moshor-Lmnpmnn Collego Opons Its "Whiter Term Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue and full Information address. MOSHEU.LAMPMAN COLLKQE. 1815 Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL Founded 1801. A private training school for stenographers. Enrollment limited to thote whose use and education Insure ihelr success In tho profession of steno graphy Our catalogue will give you all the Information you desire. Wrlto for It. Room ii. weaa uiag., umint, rvec Diuivlng. Mackln's, 3 class nights per week. D. Mil LOST AND FOUND. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office or th Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street para. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST At corner 20th and Dodg Sts., on Harney car going west, about 6 p. m , Friday, gentleman's gold wutch chain. Reward. Phone Douglas 20& a RAY Anglla pup, answers to name Joe. Return Jo 2101 California St. Re ward. No questions asked. ""BROWN marc, disappeared Trum South Oinah.t December 21, Unit- ai.d bridle tn, Retw i to V H. t'raig Pcifi-i vt nyi t Oiiiahu foi rwaid T'Vnhon Harney CKi, HIE OMA1JA BvTTA Boy ? IJIU'CATIOVAI. hold ixuittlnns of mnl nannnlhllltwwhr Omaha, Neb. LOST AN1 TOUND LOST A beaded purse, containing be tween $10 and 115 and a watch. Call Web. 1205. Reward. IX)ST Gold bracelet Tuesday between Center and line, on So. 10th. Reward. Doug. 3767. J10 REWARD for return of black lynx muff, lost Dec. 20 In shopping district or on Farnam line 206 & 31st Ave, liar. 3636. LOST A black cat, 17th and Spruguo. Old lady's pet. Finder please call Web ster 0807. LOST Diamond ring, half carat slie. In downtown district. Finder return to Beo Office and receive reward. MKDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr E. II. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other roctat diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and na money paid until cured. Wrlto for book on rectal dl&uoses with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY i U UUU.. Omaha. MONRV TO LOAN flalnry and Chattels. UHWmilHWS4WlWlHWn . I SALARY AND C11A1TKU IJUAINW. The CHEAPEST place In Omaha to borrow money. Let us prove it to you. Borrow s 10, pay .40 per month. Borrow I 18, pay t . per month. Borrow I 20, pay 3 per month. Borrow 25, pay ll. Pr month. Borrow 3 (0, pay 32.1S per month. Borrow 3100, pay 33,09 per month. Other amounts tn equal proportion. Deal with a home concern, uncap, CONFIDENTIAL and Quick. PEOPLE'S LOAN COMPANY, 1S23 Farnam. Room 4. Tel. D. 7477. iwmtwmimHumttwtHii"ttu DIAMOND LOANS at 14 and per cent. FLATAU. U14 Dodge St. Tel. Red SO. MONEY IX) AN ED BALARIED PEOPL.B and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D, It. Tolman. 803 Now Om. Nat. UK. Bldg. FURNITURE. nALARY. LOANS. Without publicity. Easiest payments. Lowest rates. Confidential. Private. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Established Twenty Years, lttl IT A TIN AM ST. Room 13. Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Douglaa 22S1. 'iluNb LOANS at 3 and i. per cent, i UROSsJ LOAN CO.. 110 North lth, SUNDAY ?EB: DECEMBER 29. 1912. Copyright, 1913, National News Ass'n. Juirt Sulh. Pf2e5ENTS L ml- 6 err, WTH FbCKET-BoOK Sum OEV ILL ufcELV HAVE. To RuM W DE.BT The. PfZiCES ArzE So HIGH'! 6ET 6n "jroNiTv To'iAXdur" 9nlry nnd Chattels. U 33 33 31 31 13 It 33 A 3$ 33 FEW 13 33 D O L- 33 31 I. A R S $3 33 ARE AL- 31 33 W A Y B 13 It N E E D ED S3 WAT X M A S 33 TIME. TOU 31 33 CAN OBTAIN 33 33 THE DOLLARS 3$ WOF US ON 33 33 Y O U R ITKRNI- 3$ T U R E, PIANOS. 33 3 HORSES, WAGONS It 33 OR ANYTHING OF 33 33 VALUE OR ON YOUR 33 33 PLAIN NOTE IF YOU 33 33 HOLD A STEADY SAL- 31 33 AR1ED POSITION. THE 13 33 MONEY IB ADVANCED 33 33 QUICKLY, P R I V ATELY 33 33 AND AT LESS COST THAN 33 (3 ANY OTHER COMPANY 33 S3 WRITING INTEREST RATES 33 33 IN THE CITY. REMEMBER )3 33 YOU USE THE MONEY AND 33 I SECURITY AT THE SAME TIME 33 33 AND CAN PAY IT BACK IN H 34 SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY 33 If PAYMENTS. DO NOT BE MISLED 33 H BUT COME TO A COMPANY THAT 33 34 HAS BEEN IN BUSINESS FOR 33 34 YEARS. AND NEEDS NO OTHER 33 M RECOMMENDATION. A GOOD, 33 K QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAL 33 33 DEAL IS WHAT YOU WANT. THIS U 33 WE GUARANTEE. 33 if!!!''''!!! U 1 ! I M Ml M I I I H IIS Wishing You III And A. Ill A A MERRY III HAPPY CHRISTMAS III NEW YEAR, 1 RRl.1A.nLil CREDIT CO.. Id Floor, 207-8 Paxton Block. 217 8. 16th St rnone uougias nu. Iltttlllllllllllll 333331333331133 TV ir on furniture, pianos and VIOTIPV eetate at a very low xvxjii,y rat0 ot lntereit Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas ISM. 220 Bee Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS 35 to 1100. nA.UA.tii LOANS. You can get It today or STAR LOAN CO., 001 Paxton Block. OKFKllKD FOIl KENT Board and Ilootus. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Douglaa (11. Merrlarn hotel. 2Mh and Dodge, utxler new management, single and en-aulte. STEAM-HEATED rooms with good board. Phone Douglaa 3133. 212 S. 25th. HOTEL MADISON. Six blocks from Dostofflcn. thn most Ideal place In the city for pennant and transient guests during the winter sea son. First Class Tablu Board and every convenience. ELEGANT suite, furnished for two or more people; first-class table board. iiotei Aiaaison.' ONE or two front rooms, private family. board ir desired. Phone Harney 9797. furnished iluuius. WARM, pleasant room: modern houso: 32.25 per week. 26(4 Douglas street. 2312 Douglas. New furnished rooms, mod. TWO strictly modem furnished front rooms:' single or ensulte: references re quired. 214 North 23d St. LARGE atoam heated room, with bath: private home; close In: references. Tel. Rsd 6376. LA ROE parlor. 2244 Landon Court. S. 27TH ST., 900 Two cosy, clean rooms. Stove heaL FnrnJsaed Ilanaekeeptnjr Bmsu. TWO or three front housekeeping rooms. JOiv Davenport. i Hotels nnd Apartments. DODGES HOTEL modern, reasonable. CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam-heatea rooms, 33 per week and up. Free .baths. Apartments and Flats. FOR RENT Modern 5-room flat. S23 S. tCth Ave.: references required. Tel.H. S170. 393 largo rooms, part modern flat, 1315 Kim street. Tel, Harney 436. CLOSE IN APARTMENTS. 24 rooms, modern, near 16th and Howard Sts., rental. 3110 per mouth. 21 rooms, modern, near ltith and Jackson Sts., rental 1110 per month. 7 rooms, modern, all newly decorated, new plumbing and electric lights. 617-619 S. 16th St., rental 335 per month. GEO ROE & COMPANY. 902-15 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 756. 1 1 KATKD apartment of 5 rooms .and bath. In choice residence district. 2S23 N. 20th St. boulevard. .Strictly modem. Possession January 1, J. N. Marsh. Phone Webster 6S92. FOR RENT Out of town, new 3-room apartments, with bath, large, sunny, completely furnished; beat residence sec tion. Sarah W. I.owman, 16 Brooke Ave., Venice. Oal. STRICTLY modern, three-room steam heated apurtment: 25th and Harney Sts, l) ...... 1 .... t , - T nunc vu cwk jtetrri'iicon,' Modern 8-roomflat7"l30 N. 24th". 316,50? Cr., cor. flat. 1S0C N. UHh St.. 322.60. 6-r., flat. 514 8. llth, 35a THOMAS W. HAZBN. 207 McCague Building. Douglas 1300. THE STANDARD. STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS. SEPARATE HOMES ONE FLOOR. Six highly finished, ample rooms, Bath, private hall, pantry, closets, range, hot water. Janitor service, quality equal of any. Winter, 335 to 338; aummer, 310 less. This cuts cost high grade comfortable living. Why pay more for something you don't get? References. PAYNE A 8 LATER CO.. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Office, Standard, 1101 N, 18th. STRICTLY MODERN 8-room steam heated apartment In THE ALBION. 10th and Paclflo Sts.; one block south of the Burlington depot excellent Janitor service. ARTHUR MAROWIT55. 721 Brandels Theater Sl&s. Doug. 3622. FLATS 624 No. 19th St.. 9-r., modern 315 ;C4 Park Ave,, S-r.. modern 325 1717 Park Ave., l-r. modem 326 621 So. 29th St . 4-r . upper floor 315 1312 Ho. 27th St.. -r . city water 313 1214 So. lithe Bt. S.r city water .. 312 2204 No. 27th St. R-r, city water ,j GARVIN BROS., 345 Omaha Natl Bonk Bldg T WHAT:? TrE. MATTER. She. rhymes "THEl th' J n 1 i ii Hook! Hoo-K!) 0 ? OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartment anil Flats. REDUCED" RENTS. THE HELEN APARTMENTS. 20TH AND HARNEY STS. Owlnx to the lateness of tho season, the owner hns decided to mnko some big re ductions In the rents of tho apartments In this Htrictly modern sound-proof and fire-proof building. Tho location Is the best In the city. The npartments are decorated nnd we furnish gas range, re frigerators, ahndes and hot and cold water. See theso today without fall. Man will be there to show you through from 2:30 to C. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. STRICTLY high class, B-room apart ment on West Farnam St, with steam heat and Janitor service. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. SEVEN-ROOM flat, second floor, 1G09 Howard St. Wright & Lusbury, COS S. 16th St. Phono Douglaa 162. llousen nnrt Cottages. 7-room. 316. 2708 Seward St. Doug. 150S. M'LiATJD Son move tninks, 25c, 1U UUXJ Douglas 423S. FIVE rooms. 1807 Furnam; modern: suitable location for offices, studios, den tal or dressmaking rooms for tenants wishing home adjoining. Hall, 433 Ramgo mug., uougias nw 4-r. cottage. 1914 Bancroft St. Red 6556. 3181244 Patrick Avn (.rmn. house. Call Webster 4869. B-r. cottage, OVi N. 25th Ave.. 314. 5-r. modem, 3707 N. 20Ui, 319, 8-r modern. 2109 Grant, 320. S-r., 900 N. 25th. 325. 207 McCaguo Building. Douglafl l.TOO.' WNTER BARGAINS 335..0O 5-room. all modern St. Louts flat. 2817 Jackson St. 320.00 5-room modern npartment, 1904 S. 10th St. 110.00 fi-room home. 2252 Pierce St. tr. a. mni.p 432 Brandels Bldg. 'Douglas 8008. BENSON & MYERS CO. wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR, and to help you prosper offer one month free rent on any of the following vacant properties none reserved and rents In some cases greatly reduced: 4-R., 3010 N. 2Sth St 110.00 C-R., 3563 Farnam St 16.00 6-R., 311 S. 3Cth St 15.00 6-R., 1103 Georgia Ave., port mod.... 12.50 R-R., 2615 Parkep St., part modern.. 15.00 R-R.. 1737 Park Ave., modern.. 22.5Q 10-R., 1041 Park Ave., modern......... 30.00 ii-it., jo-jy w. aotn Ave., modern 30.00 8-R., 421 N. 39th St., modern 35.00 See u before you move. BENSON & MYERS CO., 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. A NEW YEAR'S PRESENT OF ONK MONTH FREE RENT TO A FEW GOOD TENANTS. 1602 N. 27th St., G-r., 316. 1604 N. 27th St.. 6-r., 314. 1610 N. 27th St. 7-r.. lk 2704 Seward St., 5-T., 315. 2710 Seward St., 7-r., 315. These dwellings have heretofore been rented at the abovo prices without Im provements; modern plumbing and elec tric lights have Just been Installed and we win not advance tne rent. iMe ad vantage of the nice weather and our New Year's gift. HKNSON & MYERS CO. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 318.00 6-r., 2419 Blnnoy St., modern, ex cept heat. 320.00 7-r., 3424 Franklin St., modem. S3).00-6.r., 1SU No. 19th St., modem, ex cept heat. !20.00--r.. 3714 No. SOth St., modem. 326.00 6-r., 918 So. 31st. modern. 137.60 -r 3530 Florence Blvd., modern. 127.60 flat, 1615 Howard St., modern, except heat. 336.00-7-r., 07 Bo. 16th St, modem, ex cept heat. 336.00 7-r 2S30 Fort St., modem, hot water heat. 340,00 7-r., SOU. Blnney St., modem, hot water heat.. 14100 7-r., 4908 Davenport St., Dundee, modern, fine repair. 140.00 7-r., modern bungalow, 5115 Capi tol Avenue. 345.00 7-r.. 3724 Lincoln Blvd., Bomls park, modern. 1110 S4-r., 1611-13 Howard St., modern, except heat GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 75. 902-1S City Nat'l Bank Bldg. la ui..A-Mnnm MXncrn ill 1T19 TsT. !ttd 320 Six rooms and bath, electric light, 2209 Larlmore Ave. $23 Six rooms, brick, hot water heat. 6322 N. 25th St. 330-Sven rooms, hot water heat, newly papered. 3901 N. 18th. W. II. GATES. Room 644 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1294. 549 8. 25TH AVE., 4 rooms, close In, $11. 3008 Seward, 6 rooms, partly modern, $13. 3X43 Manderson. 6 rooms, $14. 2124 N. 16th. 5 rooms, partly modem. $12.50. 1706 Burt. 6 moms, close In, 320. 1320 Capltpl Ave., 6 rooms, close In. $22.50. 2621 Parker, 6 rooms and Imrn. Jl. 1203 S. 27tl, 6 rooms, all modern, $26. 2710 Parker, fi rooms, modern except heat, $16. Ill N. llth, 6 rooms, close In. $17. 432 S. 2th, fi rooms, all modern, $30. WI Jackson. 7 rooms, all modern, 322.M. 627 Park Ave . 9 room, nil modern. 332.50. 2022 Wirt. 8 rooms, alt modern. $40. S34 N. 41st. 9 rooms, all modern, $10, Sftth Av. and Pacific, 10 rooms, all modern, $53. 221S Leavenworth. 10 rooms, modern ox cept heat. $23. TH M BYRON REED COMPANY, rhorc Pmielna 2U 21? P. 17th St. 24 Franklin St.. 12-r.. nil modern. KH. JIM So. 27th St.. S-r., mod. x. het. $16. 2M3 Kmmet. 7-r.. mod. ex. heot. $15, 4107'Itard. 7-r., all modern. $. 844 So. 22d. St., 7-r., all modem. $fS. 214 So. S5th St.. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. 1S. S1I7 Ohio St.. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat $13. IS So. S , 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. 3150. 4A8 No. 2h St.. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. 317. 1012 Parlflc 4-r.. mod. ex. heat. 31160. HS1H No. 17h St., 4-r.. c w.. ts. (Rear.) BIRKETT & COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754. STEAM HEATED COTTAOE. 5 rooms, perfect condition. Ideal for small family, $25 a month. Owner will retain one room at $8 a month for the winter if desired, Mrs. Isabel Ttbbetts, 1825 Locust IIOT water heated flat"af 24oT & l&tix, S large rooms and bath: newly decorated In oil to careful tenant at $25. RING WALT Brandels Theater Bldg, Drawn for The Bee by Cliff Sterret 1SJAL1 Hol'otJ A MlbluTE. i WA Ju5T cSPTTIM' "To - OH. rrfc CHUCrC FULL of METRE BUT 17 LACKS he "PUNCH f TMEr PUNCfcUJ 1 ir 1 OFFERED FOR RENT llouni-s nnd Cottages. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. 902 S. 27th. 4-r., partly modem. $10 210 S. 2Sth, 5-r partly modern, very close In. bargain at $15. 1618 Clark, 6-r., partly modem, close to U. P. shops, $15. 2113 Nicholas, 5-r., partly modern, for colored. $15. 3923 Decatur. li-i. strlctlv modern, rr. duced to only $15. ZH a. isth. 6-r., modern In even re spect except heat, bargain at $16. 819 N. 34th, 6-r. cottage. In a very de sirable neighborhood; modern except heat, uurgiun ui ill. 2543 Davenport. G-r. cottage, modem ex cept heat, very close In, bargain at $21. 211 S. 2oth Ave., G-r., Btrlctly modern, very close In, $25. 817 N. 31th, a nearly new 61r strictly modern cottage In a very desirable loca tion. $25. 17J3 Sprngue St., a u-r., strictly modem cottage, nearly new, desirable location, reduced to $23. 1035 S. SOth Ave.. 7-r.. strictly modem. very choice residence district, $30. z73l Caldwell. 9-r., modern In every re spect except heat, largo yard, good bam, bargain at $3n. 1623 S. 26th St.. 8-r., all modern, 330. 3917 N. 20th. a brand new. strictly mod ern detached house, only 330. 3311 n. 20th, a brand now, strictly mod em 6-r. Iionso In a very desirable loca tion $30. 2708 N. SOth St, 7-r strictly modern de tached house, only one block off the car line: reduced to only $30. 1608 Spruce St.i a 7-r.. strictly modern detached house, very dealrablo location. special inducements ir taken at once. Price $35. 250C Mason, a brand new strictly modern 7-r. house within walking distance, $37.50. FUVTS. 1412 No. 17th 3-r partly modern, $8. 1003 No. 29th St. 7-r.. strictly modern brick dwelling, In a desirable location; a bargain at $20. 1608 No. SOth-C-r., strictly modern St. Louis flat, reduced to only $22.60 , 324 No. 26th St. A 6-r., strictly modern St. Louis flat, very close In, JoJ.DO. 3123 Pacific A beautiful 6-r., strictly modern St. Louis npartment. Field club district; finished throughout In quarter sawed oak; tiled floor In bath room, large brick flreplaco In living room, built-in bookcases, bargain at $40. HEATED APARTMENTS. THE LEONE, S32 So. 21th St.-5-r., apartments, $30 in summer $40 In winter. 2920 Farnam o-r., strictly, modern steam hented npartment. $33.60. THE FIjORENTINE, 25th and Marcy Look at apartment No. 23, 4-r strictly modern. $30 In summer nnd $10 In winter. THE CARPATHIA, 831 So. 24th Brand new, soon ready for occupancy, 2 and 3 room apartments. Popular prices. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. $4.00-3300 Ohio, 3-r. cottage. $11.00-1551 No. 16th St. 3-r.. mod. ex. heat. 318.003522 No. 28th St., 6 rms., modem. 32O.0O270O Manderson, C rooms, modern. 323.002508 No. 18th St., 8 rms., mod. ex. heat. $25.00 2S03 Pratt. 5-room new cottage. modern In every way. $27.602512 Sherman Ave., 6-rm. flat, oal: finish, very fine. FAYNfJ INVlSSTfilENT COMPANY. Doug. 1781. Ware Block. 716 N. 23d, 6-r. brick flat, all mod. .327.60 2403 ft. 17th St., 6-r. cottage, all mod.. 20.00 2166 S. 20th. 6-r. cottage, modern ex cept neat , 17.00 2464 S. 20th, 5-r. cottage, modern ex cept heat 17.00 2409 S. 17th, 6-r. cottage, all modern.. 20.00 A. P. TUKKT & HON, 444-6 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Doug. 2181. 6-r. house, city wuter, 3110 8. 18th St.. $15 B-r., part mod.. 3171 urand Ave 16.00 6-r., fully modern, hot water heat, 2111 Fowler Ave 26.00 7-r., part mod.. 2668 Spauldlng 18.00 O. C. OLSEN, Douglas 1053. 103 McCague Bldg. HOUSES 614 No. 17th St.. 9-r., mod. ex. furnace. 337.60. 1319 No, s&tu Bt. 7-r moaern, sw.w. 2227 No. 19th St.. 9-r.. modem. $30. 111?. ?o. 2Sth St. 7-r. modem. $26. 2701 Howard St., 6-r., modem, $26. 1337 So. 27th St.. 6-r., modem. $22.50. 3520 Hamilton 6t, 6-r., mod., ex. fur. pace, $20. 811 Park Ave., 5-r., city water, toilet, $18. 2731 Davenport St, 6-r., mod. ex. fur., sis So. I9tn til- moa., ex. rur, 41 Burdette St., 6-r city water, gas, $17.60. 2219 Seward St, 5-r., city water, gas, $17. 2001 No. 22d, 6-r mod., ex. fur.. $16. 2630 Seward St, 5-r., mod. ex. fur. $17. 3501 Blondo 8t, 6-r., city water, $12. 2617 Charles St., 5-r., city water, $15. 3011 Franklin, 6-r. city water, gas. $14. 3323 Dewey Ave., 6-r., city water, $12.60. 605 So. 34th St., 6-r.. city water. $12.60. 4335 Franklin St, 6-r mod. ex. fur. $16. 2SM Hickory St, 6-r. modem. $22.60. 2027 Center St, 5-r., well, 3S. 415 Dorcas St.. 3-r.. well, 36.50. SEE VB FOR REDUCED RATES FOR WINTER MONTHS. OARVIN BR03.. 343 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. HOUSES AND COTTAGES $30 9-r.. 2021 Howard St,, all modem. $33-0-r.. 828 So. 22d fit, all modem. $45 8-r., 1315 So. 33th Ave., all modern. $35 -r., 1103 No. 33th St.. modern, Bemls park. $35 7-r.. 2319 Florence Blvd., modern, new. $203-r., 2225 So. 15th St., modem, hot water heat. 316 6-r., flats In walking distance. 315-6-r., 3113 No. 30th St, cottage. 312 4-r., 3415 Taylor Bt, cottage. 310 4-r., 4244 Maple St.. cottage. $10 3-r.. 512 No. 2Sth St.. for colored. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, (Under Omaha Nat'l Bank.) MODERN steam heated apartment or 5 rooms, 18th and Farnam, $40. 8-r., modern houso, 3021 Marcy, $33. 7- r.. modem houre. 123 Ny 40th, 130. 8- r. house. 2548 Davenport dose to high school, a good bargain. $22.60. 6-r. house and bam, 3226 N. 26th, $15. 3-r. house. 1814 Nicholas. $12. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. EIGHT-ROOM house, modem, lit S. SOth St Seven-room flat, second floor, 2310 Cum ing St. Eight-room house at 1659 N. 17th St. Eight-room house at 1563 N. 17th fit s Seven-room house at 972 N. 26th St. O. C. REDICK. ATTORNEY. 1517 Farnam St. I . W . I W " B l I VJ . . , MIVUCIII, walking distance, west, $21. 7-room, mod jern, 23th and Charles, $20. 6-room, 27th J and Davenport, like new. walking ; OT stance, dty water In yard, $12, Charles I V Tl'llllaman. Cn RtfT Tvnn Till. , - II IIAII.UI, V V., . OTA. VI. Douglas 2107 SAME. IT FEfz. MA vKJoTHIN . OFFERED FOR RENT Houses anil Cottages. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO-Stor-age. $2 per month. We contract your packing, storing and hauling. D. 423S and D. 3785. Offices. 117 S. 14th St. 620 N. 16th St. CENTRAL Nothing like US steam heat. nil modern 4-room flat, 220 Jf. 23d St. 2310 Douglas, 11 rpoms, modern $30.00 3S0C N. 24th. hot water heat 27.50 Dundee, 4923 Webster". S rooms, mod. 25.0i, 2121 Burdette. 7 rooms, modem 23.00 4031 Lafayette, 7 rooms, modem 23.(0 3S0I N. 24th. modern 22.ro 2827 Franklin. S rooms , 19.ft) 1515 N. 20th. 6 rooms . 13.00 1911 Izard, 5 rooms, toilet 17.00 i SOS S. 23d, C rooms i 16.00 i 2519 California, 6 rooms... 15.00 2230 Charles. 5 rooms -.. Jf.wv 1324 N. 23th Ave., 5 rooms 14.0 3414 Cass, 5 rooms i-00 JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 654 ' 2007 CLARK, 4 rooms, fine condition, $14. 715 S. 17th, 6 rooms, $20. 3027 Chicago. 8 rooms, modern, $40. 2222 N. 18th. 6 rooms, 316. 1219 S. 16th, 6 rooms (for colored family). $17.60. RING WALT, Brandels Theater Bldg. SI.TOfr oil ,Tir.,l i. rri nn nlpn Pfimpr choice neighborhood, not a rented district excellent condition, owner pays watevr $30, Farnam and Leavenworth car lines. Charles B. Williamson co &u mxtou Blk. Douglaa 2107. 13(4 S. 27th St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat.. $17.00 123 N. 24th St, 5-r part modern,... 20.00 4140 Burdette, 6-r., mod. ex. heat 15.00 4719 N. 40th Ave., 7-r city water.... ll.Ou 3310 Ohio. 4-r., city water 9.00 3030 . 18th St., 5-r., city water 8.00 1114 N. 46th St., 5-r., well 9.00 3216 Boulevard, C-r well 10.00 3423 Taylor, 4-r.. well 7.00 CREIGII. SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. 4244 Douglas St, 7 rooms, strictly mod ern, oak finish, new. reduced to KO. 2518 Capitol Ave., 7 rooms, modem, hot water heat, $30. . 3S28 Seward St, 6 rooms, all modem, two lots. $23. 135 N. 4Sd Ave.i 6 rooms, modern, with furnace, $20. Bostwick, Phone Tyler 1606. 218 & 17th St. nmmr ir Ar.n Civinm liflllHA. olnSft i.. Am nn.ni i Riiilnvnrd. 330. W. 11 Dorrance. Phone uarney jioi.- c.rjirvxf nnttnirp 2th Avn. and Grant BU $12.00- 'Phone W. 789. 3024 CASS 9 rooms modernjjexcellent neighborhood, pnone narney jiu. Tnnn TiTJXTH. K and fi.rnnm hnl1KS nftWI block from car. Tel. Webster 2151. 674 U: 28th St. 8 rooms completely mod ern. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A-440C. Moving, packing and storago of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage. 806 S. 16th. by the viaduct. Branch office. 209 S. 17th St. Tel. Douglas 4163. A-KWS. 79T. ss I7vi St.. strlctlv modern house. Electric lights. Web. 2590. SIXTY houses located In all parts ot i the city. Reduced rentals WniiHon lr al1 Parts of the city. Houses creigh, 8ons & Co.. Bee Bldg. $203117 BURT, new 6-room cottage, all modern except furnace. IL B. Boyles. D. 1565. In Walnut Hill. 4-room cottage, gas and water, 312.50. Phone Harney 8295. FOR RENT Blx-room ISth, 125. house, 624 MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. FOR RENT 2-story frame dwelling on CasB St, between 26th and 27th Sts., all modern Improvements. The Crelghton Unlverstty. Tel. Doug. 2320. Stores and Offices. CROUNSE BLK.-Offlce room. Uf N. 16th St., opposite postofflce, 17 per month. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Then. D. 1571. STORES FOR RENT. I 33 No. 2208-10-12 Cuming St., new stores, will be completed In days; very attractive, modem rooms at reason able rental. $ 85 Per month, 613 S. 16th St, room 20x GO; full basement, new fronts, close to the best retail section. $300 Per month, 2024 Farnam St', auto mobile show room and garage, steam heat, bowser tank, wash rack, also good 6-room modem apartments, 2d floor. $150 To $210 per month, for store room In the new Jones Bldg., 2549-2661-2S53 Farnam St; everything strictly modem, steam heat, full basement See us regarding division ot space. GEORGE & COMPANY. 902-12 City National Bank Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 756. FOR RENT For wholesale, light man ufacturing or retail purposes Farnam 6t-r-after December 31 the tliree-etory and basement building. 2x100 at No. 1011 Farnam 8t Upper floors have light on three sides. Inquire at room 314, First National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1242. BRICK store and tenement 2214 N. 24th St. Tel. Florence 192. FOR RENT Office room. 25x30 ft. on , ground floor front. In the Edward Crelgh ton Institute, 210 S. 18th St.. opposite city hall. Telephone Douglas 5S45. 1417 JACKSON Suitable for store, club, hall, pool hall, athletic club, $70. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 664. NEW centrally located hall, well equipped. 160S-10 Harney, second floor. Store, 318 S. 15th St, tine location. Store or salesroom, second floor, 1508 Harney. Third floor at 1606 Harney St., new. Offices at 1517 Farnam St.. second floor Store at 336 N. 26th St. South Omaha. 1020 N. 16th St., store. Two stores, new. 2104-210G Cuming St O. C. REDICK. ATTORNEY, 1517 Farnam St. SECOND floor 606 8. 16th St., suitable for tailoring, millinery of similar busi ness. Wright & Losbury, 60S a 16th St Phone Douglas 152. STORES FOR RENT. $20 Large store room at 2116 Cuming Bt $30 New modern store at 1508 N. 24th St H. A. WOLF. 433 Brandels Bldg. Douglas Sa. THIRD floor. Palace Clothing Co.. 10 1SJ, steam heated, cheap rent to right party. Palace Clothing Co.. llth and Douglas. HALU4 for rent for lodge purpose : steam heat and downtown, cheap. lSli Harney St