Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1912, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 15

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Debutantes and School Set Have
Many Entertainments.
1 i
Sltcmn Thpla pi llottU Antinnl Merl
in.? Here Dnrln the Week '
with n Lnrge Attendance
of Delegates.
. Social Calendar. ,
5?cS1fbrJkn.M Mit urkley. at Met
rtoIltnhall; Fait luio-hebu
fct the Rime hotei. Mr. and Mn a. I
eicrdaneo lor Mho Ll::t tobet
8teraT.Ur. atid Mr. Donald Madae of,
Council 'Bluiu, debut anz.Lt lcr Minn I
Marian Macrae at Urahd hotel, Les Hi-,
UOUV dance nt ChSmhnr. 1
TUhdDAA Table u.hotodl.iinr dance
at the Country cldo; Mrs. Juiwatd i'or
ter Peck. nrtrno5n tea ttcrti 3 to 1 4jr
Mrr. It. B. II. Hell: M(js Alice and Mf
knd Mm. Lee Htnaard, matiquernde
daiiclnfv party at Falrncres; Mls helen
Scoblcmnd Mas Beitha Uickej, watc.i
baity at their home; hup ui u. 1 t toj,.,
Mt. i . T. Kountze, luncheon tor Mir it
Helen Eastman: Mrr. ,i. v.. tlajdj ana
Mrs. C. M. Wiliteim. vskaUn$ party tu
lotvcd by a supper at the hui.e 01 Mr
VVUhelm for .Misses KatheMrte flaU r
Esther . Wllhelm. Vlrgmln Uifii t and
FJrnp. Reed, K Lobs Club chUi.altis,
Diets' club, watch party; I.a Halle Will)
WBDNfiUDAY New Year' day, Mr and
Mrs. Clement Chase, debut reeept oa fo"
Miss Carmellta Chase; Mr. v. t, Calla
lian, dance at Chamber fdr Miss Chat
lotte Callahan: Mr. and Mre. H. W.
Yates "a,t hbme at inilslde; O.plleus
party at Jaeobr.' holt; weddlhg of Miss
Helen Hart and Mr. Ister Morgan.
rHURSDAY Mrs. John ProntUs Lord,
afternoon teai Miss Katherlne Thum
tnell.. afternbon bridge,; KabPa Knppa
aamma dahce at fianford hotel. Golden
Glow club at llome-lor Mrs. Wagen.
FRIDAT-Dr. ahd Mre. . O. A11!boii, skat
ing patty for Miss Grace and, Maetr
Charles Alllso)r: Mi's. A. d: Lahe, lunch
don for.MlkSei Greta, and Elizabeth Lane
and Mlsa Lillian Morgan of Portland.
9ATURDAT Mies Daphne Peters, aMer
Jfioon bridge for Miss Fleming of Hur and Miss Joytier c-f Cam
bridge.fMass. Two large debutante battles this' week
will orik monYi ti thn hnllHAv fntot v. Mnh.
i!dai- everilhjr Mr. Frank, Burkley will Rive
a. reception and dancing, party ai me
Metropolitan to Introduce hla daughter,
Miss Mary. Burnley. "Wednesday Mr. and
Mrs. Clemeht Chase will be at home from
6 to " o'clock In honor of their daughter,
Miss Carmellta Chase, . Thtre 'have beon
nine attractive-debbtahtfis this year and
they diaVe. been the Inspiration for most
of the large parties.
Many 'of the school set who are home
of'thoweek and the first Of' next week
to return b helr'respectlve schools. Until
that' tlnle there are entertainments for
each aft-rioon and oVertltiR. Besides tho
young people hdme from nchool there
nr a mlmber of visitors. Miss Plemlnir
of Burlington, la.( Is the guest of Miss
Mar' Burkley The Misses Joyner of
Cambridge are v,lsltltiK Miss Carter.
Miss Halcyon Cotton Is' (Sntertalnlns a
house party and vlll be at home Infor
mally this afternoon sahd evening In
honor of her guests. Miss B'olden and
Miss Hall of qhlcago and Mr, Ambler of
Chicago and Mr. Appleyard of -Ashland,
Wis. ' '
Sigma Theti Pi. -..
One of the largest, and most enjoyable
if fairs SJven In honor of the visiting
slgma Theta Pi" sorority, "was a' dancing
party 'given I'rlday, evening by ..the local
.members, for the visitors '.at the, Romp
hotel. Kvery day since the arrival of
tire guests affairs .of all kinds -have been
Blven lit honor of these visttdfs. Satur
day Misses Mamie and Hortense Splesber
ger and MIkb Blanche Cdhh entertained
at luncheon at the Ijoyul' hotel, Tollowed
by . a meeting of, the confclave. In the
evening the members of the sorority were
entertained by the young. men of the Hal
Itcsh frdterplty ,at an Orpheum party.
The vlBllors leave - Sunday for Lincoln.
wlere they will' be .inests of the local
members of the Hlgma Theta PI sorority
of -.that city." Those present at the soror
ity dance 'given' Friday cVenlng were:
Miss Amy Oersoit' of -oklhltoma City.
Miss Corinne Hornb,ln of .Denver.
Mlsi Juliette Well of 9t. Joseph.
Miss Httiel Fceednian or St. Jon-ph.
Miss Padle Welhmaii of St. Joseph.
Miss Julia Just 'of fit. Joseph.
Miss Rebecca Ladensohn.ol M. Joseph,
Miss Bernlco Michael lf Bt. Joseph.
Miss Aline Ururtswlg of 9t. Joseph.
Miss Pauline Auerbach of St. Joseph.
, Miss Cfirlrtrte Berg of at.-Josepli.
Miss Oardlyn VJnbe'K bf. Lincoln,
Miss .Gertrude Simon ,gf Lincoln.
Miss Strauss, of Chicago.
Miss Jeanette Jncobson Of LoulSvllls.
Miss Pahny Oppenhelmer Of Louisville.
atlss Bertha Brooks of Louisville.
Mlts Pay HcrzoK nt Lincoln.-
Miss Jeanette Mayer of .Lincoln.
Miss Bfelrfleii Fatitell of Hloux Kiai
Sitta- Molina Uleitstag 6t- ClitcUsa.
Miss Krna Hadra ot Omaha.
Miss Blanche Conn of Onrahav r
Mis Slamtfe BplesUergfr ot Omaha,
.Hiss P4nny Hosenstoclc of omaim.
Miss Ruth Arnsteln of Omaha.
Miss Hoitentu, SplesberSi.?1 o- Omaha.
Miss Alina' Fell' of Omahf.
Miss Jessie Rosenstock ot Omaha,
Jilss Irma Gross of Omaha.
Miss Nellie Eigutter of utnaua.
Miss Oertrudo Hassfenbujcn oi St, Jo-
"JSiUs Jiartyl . Itoncnthal of Oklahoma
Mr. Charles -Straus of SL iul.
Mr. Wilton Uubbnsteln. ot St. Liuls.
Mr. King Qlaser of St. Louis.
Mr. Ben Schuleln of Kt. J-ouls.
Mr. Hldney Landauer or U iouls,
Mr. Raymond Frank ot Denver.
Mr. Romeo Llndenoaum of Denver.
Mr. Sidney Altschuler of Kansas City
Mr. Harold Straus of St. Joseph.
Mr. Leo Lowenberg ot t. Jtieh,
Mr Wu.tU' Lowenberg of 3t. uosepii,
2lr. Ira Mcsthclmer of St. Joseph.
Mr. Albe Ambaugh of St. Josepli.
Mr. lsiidor Hassenbaurctt of ji. Joseph.
Mr. A'hert Brunswick of St. Joseph,
Mr. Iiwrence Lowensteni ot ..iemphl3.
Mr. Mannv Ievv of MemDhls.
Jrt. Atelvllle Goldberg oi Jr.:'a'-
Mr. AI Mayer of Lincoln.
Mr. Harold Maytr of Ltneo'!1.
Air. Nathan nofd of Lincoln.
Mr. Henry Wessel of .Lllici. i
Mr. Victor Friend of Llnco ...
Mr. Joseph Simon of Unco n.
Mr. Al Bpler of Lincoln.
Mr. Arthur Acckehnan ot Llr. oln
JlK Elmer Well of Fort Vuype.
Mr. ilorbert Arnsteln 6f Omaha.
Sir. Edward Klrschbraun ot Omaha.
Mr. Morton Ulller ot On1a.a.
Mr. Fred Heyn of OniJha.
Mr. MditUn Legen of Qinahn
Mr. Sam .Kramer of O.tialia.
Pat.-ons and patronessea won.
Mr. and Mts. F. S. Hadra.
Mr. and Mrs. Rosenatock.
Mr. ftlifl M. N. A. Splesbertlt.
Mr. ancrMrq. L. M. .Cohn.
Mr. and Mrt. Deaen. , ,
llK and Mrs. Charles ElgUtl
Mr- arid Mrs. K. P. Fell.
Mr. and Mrs. Cross.
Mrs. Edward Rosewftter
Mrs. Arnsteln.
Silver Wedding Anniversary.
Mr Mr Charles' Han&sn
brated their twenty-fifth qr silver wed
dins anniversary Saturday .evtw : t at
the Swedish Library ussoclatlon hall. They
were presented with ti sllvf UA .. The
fdllowing. together wltll the msmbera of
their families, were present: Messrs.
tlmrles Anderson. A. W. Petersor, F
Peterson. Carl Freeberg, Helinan L, Suu
dean, Carl Jarl. Aufcust Anderson. A
Backlun, P- Rosendall. John A. Carlson,
Emit WahJtrom. August Munson. Charles
llolstcln, John Stebcrt?, F. A. Johnson,
X. O. Anderson, Andrew Johnsoit, A. A.
Xowraan, O. Nygren, Alf.'ed Olson, C. J.
Bors, Arvld Peterson. Jjohn Andeisuu, 'l'
. Larnian. Gust Larson. S. WIekman,
Conrnd Carlrcn, Kmery Stone, Carl An
derson, Uric Curlson, O. S. Pearson.
William Holm, (Oustavo Nelson, G. It.
Palmer, John Anderson, lustave Ander
son, Oscar Anderson.
Society at the Sales.
Did you uttend the after-Christmas
It would Indeed be a successful social
lYrction that could count as many roolul
Ifnders present ns have been at theso
salen. .
Tho Jam whs all right for those uccus
tomcd to largo receptions, but! alas for
the .rurallst. more used to being alone In
God's great-out-doorB A countryman's
wife had succeeded In getting her spouse
to the sale, but It was In vain. When
the sale sturted and the women made u
grand rush for tho beautiful gowns, .the
man and his wife were carrjed ' along
with tho throng. But tjilfl was too much
for tho stalwart landsman. t
"Come op, mother, tills Is no place for
us; these people nre all' crazy," he said
to the meek little wife, who looked back
longingly at the pretty dresses.
"Say, do" you suppose everyono will
know what I paid for this dress?" one
little matron asked me. "You see It wns
In the window with a big price mark on
it, nnd I want to wear It to a large debut
dancing party." '
To Reside in Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. George Francis Steel,
who wero married at tho home of th
bride's sslter, Mrs. Frederick J.,
Jr., 4936 Michigan ' avenUe, Chicago, by
Rev. Herbert W. Prince of St. Paul's
Episcopal church at 7 p. in. Christmas
Worker for
Holiday Debutantes
- i
dny, will bo at home after January 2t
gt Corlirll. Wis. '
Mis. Steele beforo her marriage wis i
MIhh Alice Frederick, youngest daughter
of John Thomas Frederick. Mr. Stoelo
is a prominent member of the Chicago
club and a man of extensive business In
terests In Wisconsin.
Leap Year Dance.
Lust Friday evening "The Crums" held
a leap year party at the new Prairie
Park Club house. Twenty-sixth and Amca
uvonue. Those attending were:
Fred Mengedoht,
K R. Bombaek,
IJr. C. F. Patton,
J. Wescott.
K. O. Gentleman,
H. At wood.
F. S. Updegraff,
It. K. Fisher,
J. Anderson,
Hr. Lage,
Henry Ixige,
Will Kntzensteln,
II. K. Pennisten,
W. H. Qulgley.
Messrs. '
Albert Wedemeyer,
H. W. Granden,
Karl Llndbcrg,
Clarence Shary,
Cole Younger,
Paul Hampton,
Lewis A. Rubin,
S. J. Bill,
A. 11. Campbell,
K. Mcaierton,
II. J. Keenan,
Everett Rogers,
Gerald Bruce,
F. C. Wedemeyer,
Augusta Mengedoht, Mary Coll,
Lillian Johnson,
P. Larson,
Hazel Johnson,
Helen Anderson,
Leola Grnnden,
Hazel Ochiltree,
S. Johnnon,
Ruth Fisher,
11. Linn,
Gertrude Grucnlg,
Murgaret lige,
Huzel Anderson,
Dora Sass.
Mr. and Mrs. F.
Mr. und Mrs. S.
Mr. and Mrs, B.
Mr. and Mrs. K.
Bess Rogers,
Irene Mead,
Mario Hampton,
Wllma Bruce,
Clella Brubakcr,
Margaret Iogan,
Irene Mlckle,
H. Merlo,
Anne Keenan,
Nellie Nesbltt,
L. A. Johnson.
A. Van Buren.
M. Kent.
H'. Ward.
R. "Wilson.
Mr. and Airs. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Ella
0. II. S. Club Banquet. ,
The Trels Kalderka club of the Omaha
High school will give a banquet on the
evening of Junuary 2 nt"tllo rathskeller
oi the Henshaw hotel. The iwlnmlttee In
charge of the banquet Is made up of
Harry Meliold. Herman Jobst and tiugenn
Neville. Toastmastor for tho banquet will
be Wallaco Shepanl.
Covers will be laid for the following
members of tho club
Hurry Menold,
Ralph Campbell,
Herbert Davis.
'Russell Larmou,
KUsworth Moser,
Miller. Nichols,
Walter Joires,
Phil Downs,
John Reed.
Donald Hall.
) Herman Jobst,
Kugeue iNevino,
Fred BUcholz.
Foy Porter,
Robert Kdwards,
Perry Singles,
John Drexel,
Monn Berry,
Pleasures Past.
Mr. arid Mm. A. P. Johnson entertained
Christmas day at dllincr In honor of Miss
Fay Towns. Covers ueie-luld for Miss
Fay Towns, Miss Irene Johnson, Dr. C
Pointer of Minneapolis, Mrn. itosamond
Cook of Lincoln, Mr. Harry Towns, Dr.
Relchenbach of Council Bluffs, Row
Relchonbaah of Council Bluffs, Dr. and
Mrs. H. A. Johnson, of Tekamah, Mr.
George Johnson, Mr. and 'Mrs,. A. P.
A party was given Friday evening by
"W. H. Baldwin. Games were played and
those presont were:
Clara Samstead.
Marie Van Druaka,
Florence' Heath,
Justice Saunders,
Benjamin Nekon of
Emlllo Gruhclman,
Louise Hermann.
G. U. Bracket.
Glen Turner,
Shickley, Neb.;
w. il Baldwin.
Mrs. Charles K. Butler entertained for
her sister, Mrs. William Rogers or Ox
ford Junction, la., Friday afternoon.
Those present were
P. F. Maloy,
Walter Ilazelton,
F. B. Hogan,
Claude DflWald,
M. C. Warren,
G. W. Barber
Max I. Walker
Ij. Huffstuttor,
Elma Wilson,
Al Jcnnlnts,
C. L. Morse,
C. P. Daniels.
F. R. YdUns;
H. M .Madden,
A. Wedemeyer.
T. J. Flannigan,
A. S. Adlly.
OhaMea Portef,
J. J. Cammeron,
G. T. Beavers
of SoUth Omaha,
R. C. Beavers
of South Omaha,
CI. I). Butler,
(!. IJ. Btltler.
William Rogers.
Miss Mattle Barber.
Mes Edith Anderson
entertained at
luncheon Saturday In honor of her sister,
Mis. Charles R. Anderson of'sloilx Kails,
and Mr. Thomas Hamilh Amrlne of
East Orange, N. J. The table decorations
were In red and white and covers wero
laid for twelve guests.
New Year's Parties.
The Country club will hold open house
New Year's eve, when a. program will be
given' ahd dinners and ddhclng, will fol
ldw until tho new year. Reservations havu
bCbn innde- by Mr W. M. BdrgcES for it
party of ten or twelyo and by W. J.
Foyo ,for about the same dumber of
guesls. C. v. Hamilton -will have six
Tuesday, evening the freshman cIuhb
of-the University of Omaha will enter
tain. The students will gather at Red
IcWh liall mill wat5ll tho did year out.
This Is the second of a series of class
parties, '(lie first purty was given by the
sophumoees Hallowe'en,
illfs ltejeti Scoble und Miss Berthu
Diokey . wlil give a watch party at their
A wo tcli paity at the Hensliaw will in
clude: 'Mr. and Mrs. Wi N. Dorward.
Mr, nhd'Mia. J. p. xtedlnau.
M.. and Mrs. James Freeia'nd.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Cahow.
Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Till'itson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gould. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Kvte.
air. nnd Mrs, C. J, Frn'ielfno.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Shlpherd.
At the t Country Club.
SatUfdqy evening the Delta Phi Sigma,
gave a dance at the Country club. The
members-of the club are; Mr. and Mrs.
John J. Hanlghon, Mr. Philip Chase, Mr.
Charles Hall, Mr. Clarence Peters, Mr.
Harold McConnell, Mr, Puul Slilrley, Mr.
Jurvis crfutt. M-. Gerald Elllck, Mr.
Jabln Caldwell. Mr. Albert Hltbernreu.
Tho officer of tho locul fraternity are:
Philip Chase, president; Clarence Peters,
necretary, 'and John J. Hanlgheu, Jr.,
Plditeen-I.augliHu Wedding.
'fjtus wetldlng of MJsi Adduh Murle
Laughllp, daughter of Mr. and Mr.".
Harry C., and Mr, George R. Plan Minneapolis took place Thursday
oveldng, at the home of the bride's pur
erit. vTJib mairlagc lines wero road by
tile itev. P. M. Llndbera. The bride
! woro- white chiffon velouv trimmed with
' brooiidedi(attir. peui-'.s and rhlnestones, a
smull white l at with aigrettes and car
I rltd-brlde's roses.
Miss I'ad Chapman of Fort Collins,
Colo'., cousin of tho bride, ' waa maid of
honor und was gowned Ir. tan broad
clolh irlininfMi with Venrtlun Inn und
' rarrled nlltk roses A while plrturo hat
triiiiincd with pink wings completed her
December a, iv., Mr. Thomas li
Crane of Oiimhn and Miss Margaret
Bnlrd of Lincoln joined tu wedlock '
at tho Holy Triton church of IJneohi.
Bishop Wjirthlngton of Oimihu secured I
the bonds. The in i to vvete Messrs W
F. Sm'.th nnd Jnim - Ratten of Omaha.
Mr. Robert U . r Chicago' and ProC
Owen of Lincoln Mi. R. II. Howell if,
Omaha wn the i.-t man. After th. ,
ceremcny the brldn pi-oeeslon repaired '
lo the bride's hen where a delight fill
wedding luncheon w.m partaken of. Th
frrscnts received iv elegant, some of i
theni coming fiom Hcro the ocean.
Aflir the litneheon Mr. and Mrs, Oiin- I
left for nn oxtdule.l weddhiK tour of th
went. 'Mr. Cnw s u promlmmt nt j
lorney of Qmuha nml nlso a well knuvvn
politician, having tvrd two terms in1
the Hate senate nn,i one In the lower I
house. I
Drccmher a. !vi -Gordon Wui:acc I
Noble, lite In'sura- -. ngrnl, Is twetit - j
otic ycnr to the m. ..i since his nmrrlage
to Miss Jessie Flmli, v t Athintlc. la. I
December 2!, ifSl Vitliur C. Cmssntaii.
dealer In lands and Ini. ,Vns married to i
Miss Cl'ura Hurt nt U alum, Neb. j
December 'J3. IS'tt- Mi. John A. Demp
ster and Miss Mary K Robertson were !
ifirrled at the" bride home at Llncoi-i
b, Dr. Lewis J. Grruuv of Lincoln, us
slsted by Rev. W. K llnm of 6tunhn
The wedding nmreh w.ii played by Mrs
P. V. M. Raymond. I he color scheme
was carried out In tni.iietoe und white
hyacinths. Mr. nnd Mi- Dempster, have
resided In Omaha since 'SPS.
costume. The Misses 1 1, i. n and Gru"u
Kinsley served ns ring lienr.-r nnd flower
girl. Both wore white fin. ks. Tlie wed
illng innrci. wiih plajiMl l.v jHs Irene
Looiuls mid preceding tin- ..renuiny Mrs.
Al WIckBtrom sang, "lleniime."
Thomas J. llnssett wif iHt man. mid
tho ushrrs weiv the M.-hsrs. Norman,
ixwls nnd Vernon Ragnn
In the living room whom the inarrlugo
lines weie read the ilei-omtluiiH were
palms, ferns, cnrnntlonti und suillax.
PolnscttluH wero used In tho dining room.
Mrs. ltyun wns asutsted by Mini Lllllnn
b'rlokoy of Lincoln. Ms Hthel Nelson
and the Misses Knthryn and Murlo
Mr. and Mrs. Plnnteen will he at homo
after January t nt S7V' Seventeenth
street, North Mlimenpolln
For the Future.
Miss Halcyon Cotton has extended n
goncrnl Invitation to her school friends
to call Sunday afternoon nnd evening be
tween 8 nnd 10 o'clock to meet her house
guests, Miss Beatrice Hoyden, .Miss Adelo
Hall and Harold Ambler, all of CMIra-co.
and George Appleyard of Ashland, Wis.
Miss Mnry.Liitensor will give a card
party Ttiosday atteinooii.
Mrs. J. P. 11 rd has Ismicd cards for u
tea to be given nt her home Friday af
ternoon, January 3. from 3. to (1 o'clock,
for Mrs. PrentlHS Uird, Mrs. Roger T.
Vaughan of Chicago mid C. A. Burbnnk
of New York.
Tho next dancing party at Fort Omaha
will bn on Friday evening, Jnntiary 17.
Tho dancing pnrtv planned for January
3 will bo omitted on account ot the holt-
A card party will lie given by the An
golus Social club, January 6. at Jacobs'
hall. Muslo will follow the gamo of curds.
Tho University club 1ms Issued Invi
tations for a reception to bo given for
j tho members and friends at the now club
rooms at tho Board of Trade building on
Thursdny, Jnnuary 2, at 8:30 o'clock.
Dancing will follow nt 9:30.
The employes of the liurllrifiton general
offices will give a dance at Metropolitan
hall, Friday evening. January 3.
Anson-Kuhlman Wedding.
The wedding of Mies ljiura Kuhlman,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Kuhlmun
of Nebraska Cits nnd lr .1. Franklin
Anson will take place at high noon, Jan
nary 1, at Nebraska City. Following the
ceremony u large reception will be held.
Miss Kuhlman Is an nronmpllshed mu
slc'an and a leader of society In her home
After an extended wedding trip through
Florida, Dr. Alison and his bride will
return to Omaha and will reside at the
Virginia apartments.
Wedding on New Year's Day.
Tho wedding of MNs liorothy Knlman
of Grand Island to Mi Michael Levy of
Omaha will take plac- New Year's day
at the home of the in. da's parents In
Grand Island. Mr. IKi levy of this clly
will bo bust man.
Singer-Summer Wedding.
Invitations nre out for the wedding
of Miss llattle Summer of Chicago and
Mr. Jay J. Slngei of this city. The wed
ding Is to tako plan- Monday, Januury 20,
at the Hotel Sherman. Chicago.
Larai Club Banquet.
The Iral club r the Omaha High
school gave Its holiday banquet
at the Hotel Rome t'rlday evening.' The
following program '3 given during the
Laral Carlisle V llani, Jr.
The Man on the niHlde- Harold Torell.
Theorlsms IrvliiK Menollien.
Success Arno Ti'ielMin.
IIUli School' Cliil-p i: Kendall Ham
mond. The banquet room h.ih decorated In tho
dull colors, cat dim. I red und navy blue,
and also menus of Hie fame color wero
used. Covers weic in Id for:
Klein Rogers.
Dorothv Myers.
Alma Harms,
Kutheripe New
branch, Ituth Mills.
Elizabeth Gould.
Dorothy Skr'.ver,
Marparetta Burke
Iloiuce ltliiko.
Porter Allan.
Arno Tvuolsun,
Howard Douglar
li Kendall llam-
Iljilph Benedict f
Robert Marshal!,
Harold Torell,
M lakes
l.tiniru llllpp.
I rank I llxeubuugh,
Mildred Todd.
S iv lii Hoover,
M.iigarst .Mcl-'arlane,
Dnrli Duiiouii.
Marguret McCoy,
Vniia Neble,
Helen Stuignsa
Waller Hlxen-
I'arllsUi Allan.
Morton Rhoades,
I'.len Paxton
Sands Woodbrldgo,
living ilnnolken,
Heyo Oaim,
I-red Kot nlif
I. .nil akiket
Mr. and Mrs. ! ild B. Allan.
Buffet Luncheon.
Mrs. J. W. Tow b -w hostess al a Urge
buffet lunoheon Sut'-'day at her home In
honor of her iljinlifi. Mis-Mis Marlon
and Naomi To und the younger
members of the.1-'- ol set
Christmas w;'jilm and American
Beauty rosea bimiiicned the living room
and Mrs. Ward o.cs and yellow shaded
i undies were ubi i in decorating the din-
The Big Event
If You Want to Save Money
Be Sure and Attend This Sale
l ixllca' anil MisHcs' $10 Cloth Ladles' nml MIsbcs' $qo Cloth
r.H:.r: $5.00 T'.: $10
I.dillcB' nml Misson' $ir. Cloth j
Conts, go
.$7.50 J
IMil HIl COATS, nil bIzch nml slylcs, remilnr $25.00
valui'. diirlnp thin snlo for
l'l.l'SII COA'IS, till sIxb mid 8tyUB. roKiilnr $.15.00
valui1, duiliiK this ruIo for
MiiiiiHiiit nml Itiisvlan I'ony l-'ur
1 miles' nml MIbbos' Knits dC ((
forinnrly $10, ro nt. . tj) O . U U
Lnrlios' nml MIbhcr' Sultii
fornu'i ly $15, go nt . .
L.AIHIOS' SKIItTS Made of Whipcord, ScrReB, Fnncy etl C(
Mixtures and plain colors, worth up to $-1, your cholco P A .Jvf
flSBinery at Lass Than Cost
All TrlnmiPd $H mid $4
lints go ul only ,
All Trimmed $5 nnd
nnd J1 QQ
only ip 1 .270
$li lints go nt
All Our Men's Suits and Over
coats at Half Price
$25 Suits and
OvercontB ro nt
$20 SultH mid
Overcoats ro nt. . ,
$18 Suits nnd Over- tQ
conts ro nt 4V.UU
$15 ftiills-mul Ovor- fry e
conts ro nt P,
.Mcii'n I-'Ino Trxmsers,
JZ9-8 No.
Ing room. Hevonty-flvo guests were pres
ent. '
Hill-Parmelcc Engagement.
Mr, and Mrs. Hdward A. Parmelee nn
nouuee tho engagement of their daughter,
Florence, to Mr. Robert Tudor Hill of
Now York City. Miss Parmelee Is nil
Omiiha girl, a graduate of the Omaha
High school and of the slate university
and Is a member of Alpha Omleron PI
sorority. Mr. Hill In also a graduato of
the state university at Lincoln, whero
his parents reside, and Is a member of
Alpha Theta CM fraternity. Mr. Hill
held a fellowship at Columbia university,
where ho also received tho degree of
Ph.D. For sevaral years ha has been
an International secretary of tho Young
Men's Christian association. Tho wed
ding probably will tnke place In tho fall.
Wedding Anniversary.
Relatives and friends of Mr. and Mm.
R. ICulnkofsky surprised them ChrlBtnias
In honor of their fifteenth wedding nn
nlversury. They brought a well prepared
dinner with them and at the dinner table
presented Mr. mid Mrs. Kulakofsky with
a punch bowl and glasses. The evening
was spent In cards und music. Prizes
were won by Mrs. B. On.RS. Mrs. A.
R. Musken, Mrs. SI. Filcdeli, Mr. H.
Meyer and Mr. Dave Kler.
Those present were!
.Mr. and Mrs. M. Oross.,
Mr. nnd Mrs. B. Gross.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Oross.
Mr. und Mrs. 15. Meyer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskec.
mV: aVd MrT t of Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Klmon of Council Bluffs.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Frleden.
Mr. nnd Mrs. B. A. Hlmon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Adelson.
Mr. und Mrs. K. Kaplan.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Musken.
5lr. and Mrs. Dave It er,
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Woolfson.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky.
Mrs. A. Musken.
Miss Tybe Meycn
Entertain Teachers.
Mr. and Mrs. C. IS. Heed or Dutideo en
tertained the members of the teachers'
training clasa of tho Omaha High school
at their homo lost Friday afternoon. The
inipstH were:
Rachel Huger,
Alary O'Leaiy.
liene Wilson.
Hertlui Olrlon,
Mario Nunc,
Blanche Blgly.
Dorothy McAUIste
llertha Cellncr,
l-'runces Maloy.
Helen Anderson,
Myrtle Anderson,
Ilmma Peterson.
Twentieth Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Beck enter
tained Friday evening In honor of their
twentieth wedding anniversary. Those
picsent were:
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cristensen.
Mr. and Mrs. Inll Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rasninssen.
Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Petersen.
Mr. mid Mrs. II. Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Ilunseii.
.Mr. and Mrs. Frit Crlatensent
Mr. and Mrs. H. Holmberg.
Mr. and Mm. Fred Koclc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff RasmusHcn
Mi. and Mrs. Tom Harrison.
Mr. and Mis. C arlson.
Mrs. FrIU of Stromsburg, Neb.
.Mm. Gustlno Oust of Vinton. Ia.
l-lna Hansen.
May ApdorBen.
1 ullhrH
Marie Thonison,
Oertrudo Beck,
Kllen CristeiiBen,
IJnrry Rasninssen,
Htnry lieru.
Kinll Thomimon. Jr.; ArtlPJ" Heck.
raui uriHieiiBen,
Lcs Hiboux Banquet.
Lei- Hiboux club entertained at the fifth
annual bamiuet Friday evoiilug at the
Henshaw rathskellur. The guests wem
seatid at one long table decunited vv'ltn
red carnations, ferns nnd gray wi i'a
shades on which wen- painted 'ii owi de
sign, the Inslena of the club. At eltVr
end of the room waa a largo stutiVl l
Mr. Wayne Selby was toastmas; T 'inl
responding to toasts were Mesars. Lo
MoShmie, George Grimes, Harry CIM-
(Continued on I'acu Bight)
of the Season
Liullfs m;d Misses' $25 Cloth
aT. '.h $12.50
Coats, worth up to $150, all go
All LnrlloB' und Misses'
SuttB that, formerly Bold
itB high UB $25, nil ko at
Your choice of nil opr hcmitlftil-
ly Trimmed Huts that nold us
hlKh iib $1H, ditrliiR d0 QO
this sale, only.... PJ.ivO
$10 SultB und Ovor- f(
contB nil ro at.. ipO.vIv
$75 Coon Conts
nil ro nt
$(!0 Coon Conts
nil ro nt
$35 Plush ContB rr Cf
nil ro nt P.l OU
nil nt IFATjF IMUCK.'
Women Are
Doing in the World
Mrs. John Ia Kennedy, who Is ono ot
tho most prominent young matrons of tho
city, hns beon appointed by Mrs. 'A. T.
Ltndscy, chairman of Douglas county, to
tho chairmanship of FnlrucreB "and Dun
dee for tho suffrage campaign, which
has been commenced by tho women of
Nebraska. When Mrs. Kennedy waa
asked what her greatest Interest In the
suffrage movement In Nebraska she re
plied In, a modest way that sho wanted
to vote Just the same ns her husband
did and she thought that Jt wus her right
n-s well as a man's.
Mrs. Kennedy, who waa formerly Miss
Marguerite Pltchett. has madn Omaha
her homo practically all her life und her
social duties hnve always" been many.
Mrs. Kennedy wns one of the Omaha
women who attended tho. state stiffragu
convention which was held In Omaha In
Tim lirnticfM Wlltnrd union of tho Wom
an's Christian Temperance union, will
meet Jnnuary 3 nt 2 o'clock at tne oui
People'H home. Tho meeting will be In
hnnnr nt Ihn lllrtlldllV linlll VeMaTy Of tllO
liYunces Wlllnrd and each
momber of the union Is requested to bring
a donation In honor of tho occasion.
Tii..r. will he a mcetlnir of the Kauai
i.VatieidHx micietv Thursday afternoon at
.1 o'clock at the homo of Mrs. T. I Kim
ball. This will be tho regulur montniy
meeting of the society.
Tho Omaha Society of Fine Arts will
r,it 'riiiimdav morning at 10 o'clock
when a business meeting held and
organization ot the Junior branch' will be
Mrs. 'A. T. Llndsey who Is chairman ot
Douglas county, haB about completed tha
county organization to circulate the peti
tions for the campaign for Womnn's suf
frage. In Nebraska. Mrs. Llndsey nas ap
pointed M rs. Jolui L. Kennedy as chair
man of Falracres and Dundee, Mrs.
Charles A. Tracy chairman of Benson.
Mrs.. A. B. Hunt chairman of Ploronco.
Mrs, W. a. Wldtmore chairman of Val
lay and Mrs. Silas A. Brewster of Irving
ton. Theso chairmen will appoint local
or neighbor chairmen who will assist In
procuring tho signatures for tho petition.!.
Mrs. Blanche U McKelvy, who ts pris- .
Ident of tlm State Woman's DemocraUo
lcaguu and Mrs. Cuthbert Vincent, secre- '
tary, will leave the latter part of the week
for Washington. D. C, as delegates to
the national Democratic Woman's con- j
ventlon, which will bn held In that city
January 8. The meeting of the Oraana (
Woman's Democratic league, which 'Via
to havo been In the council chamber of I
the city hall Thursday, January 2, has
been postponed until the return of Mrs.
McKelvey and Mrs. Vincent from the con
vention. Tho art department of the Omaha
Woman's club will meet Thursday morn
ing at 10 o'clock In the club room's at '
Twenty-third and Harney streets. Mrs.
A. B. Homer, who Is leader of the depart- '
ment. will be assisted by Mrs. C T. Piatt i
and Mrs. H. II. McDufr. and tho subject
ot tho lesson will be the Boston museum.
The Benton Woman's club will meet
Thursday afternoon at the home ot Mrs,
II. R Knudsen. Mrs. Raber will be the
leador of tho afternoon and the current
events will be In charge of Mrs. Stahl.
There will bo n publlo Installation ot
officers of tho Ladles ofjfOarflold circle
Thursday evening at the Grand Army ot
tho Republic Memorial hull In the new
court house.