7 A Great Underpricing in All Lines to Reduce Our Winter Stocks by Half It Is Just Following Our Policy of Never Carrying Stocks Over From One Season to the Neki-Great Saving Opportunities for You TUN niOK: DM All A, SATURDAY, Dl'X KMIM'tt lis. loij. 20 Discount on All Pur Cnps. Your choice of our immense lino, $1.75 to $18 values at 20 Discount Prelnventory Sale LINENS Great Greatest Clearance Sale of Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments in Omaha .Full size hemmed huck towols, colored borders, 15c values, each 10c Imported, mercerized satin da mask, beautiful assorted pat terns, 69c value, yard.. 3) Puro linen, hommed, huck tow els, 39c values, eRch...l()t Dressor scarfs and squares, slightly mussed, $1 values, at each Huckaback, hemstitched tow els, puro flax, 75c values, at each 35 (j Extra largo, extra heavy hem med bed spreads, $2 values, each Sl.SO One More- Day of the Big Clearance Sale of Oriental Rugs At 333 Discount from Regular Low Prices. ASSORTMENTS FOR SELECTION AND VALUES THAT YOU'LL NOT FIND DUPLICATED IN ANY OTHER STORE. COMPARE VALUES HERE WITH OFFERINGS ELSE WHERE. WE'RE CONFIDENT THE DECISION WILL BE STRONGLY IN OUR FAVOR. COME EARLY. Hundreds of elegant Evening Gowns and Dresses. Tailored Suits and Cloth Coats, $35 to $75 values; on salo for one day, Saturday at choice 14 Your choice of any Tailored Suit in our entire stock, a broad assortment o f i im ported, and domestic models for selection that sold regularly up to $75, at one price- On I' or choice ot any OU cloth coat in stock (except plushes a n d velours. 1 Biggest assortment in Omalia for selection. $1490 14! Evening Gowns and Dresses in fine chif fons, nets, satin, char meuse and other pop ular fabrics, beautiful styles and colorings for street and evening wear; regular values up to $05 Handsome evening coals, made to sell up to $50, in brocaded satins, velvets, $ A J Qf nio.. n snlcndid V il OU assortment all 1 20 Discount on All Tra cling goods, Suit Cases, Grips or Trunks. ( Indestructo excepted.) at 20 Discount Your Choice of A Our Fur Coats at Half Any Fur Set, Scarf or Muff in our entire stock, just half price. All Children's Furs included. at one price 275 CHILDREN'S COATS That sold up to $5, to cjose, $1.95 The Children's Dresses that sold at $2.50 and $3.00, in one All other Children's Conts at just half price. $0.50 conts, at choice. .$3.25 $7.50 Coats, at choice. .$3.75 $8.95 Coats, at choice. .$4.45 $10.00 Coats, at choice. $5.00 big lot, at $1.45 Children's wool dresses that sold at $5.00, $0.00 to $7.50, choice at $2.95 All the Ladies' Waists A very heavy stock and broad assort ments at . At Just Half Price Ladies' Bath and Lounging TJobes and Silk Kimonos, at greatly reduced price in Saturday's sale. Interesting Clear- ance Specials in Fancy Goods Department $1.00 leather Collar bags, 4Qi J 1.00 Coat HaiiKCrs, at. . .49tf $1.00 Hair Ilruahes. at.. .4f) $1.00 l.aco Collars, at. . 49d 75c Auto Scarfs, at H5d $1.50 Work naskots, at. .79i Ribbons at Half All kinds, plain and fancy, a great clcarnnce which means a big saving for you. Great Pre-Invontory Clear ance Sale of Men's, Wo men's and Children's Shoes Saturday. Don't buy one dollars' worth of shoes till you see the values we offer hero. PRE-ltiVENTORY PRICINGS To Make a Clean Sweep of All Holiday Men's Furnishing Slocks All men's neckwear that sold to $1, in four lots, 45c, 35c, 25c and 15c All men's fine suspenders that sold to $1, in two lotB 49cnnd 25c Men's linen 'handkerchiefs that sold, to 50c, Satur day, each ..25c 12Jc Men's Wool Sweater Coats, newest styles to $'7.50 values, S3-50 82.08 81.08 Mon's Wool Btth Robes to $15 values on salo at 82.98 S3.98 S4.9S to 87.50 Men's Dresa Gloves, values to - $2.EjO, kid mocha or buckskin lined or unllned, on sale, at, Pair Sl.SO 98tf and 49 Men's heavy fleeced shirts and drawers, at 35 Men's Dress Shirts, some are slightly soiled, values up to $1.50, on sale at -49 Men's all wool, French flannel or mercerized Madras shirts that sold to $3, 81.45. 98 Men's union suits that sold to $5, finest quality, all sizes, at S3.50. S2.50. S1.98 Men's $2.50 wool shirts and drawers on sale 81.25. 98d P re-Inventory Clearance of Hand Bags Saturday wo will place our entire stock of Ladies hand bags on sale in bargain opportunities seldom, if ever, equaled in Umalia big lots, offering LOT 1-31 HAND BAGS. 39c-A nobby line of Caratoll bags with strong metal frames. LOT 2 $1.50 HAND BAGS, 69c-An all lea ther, leather lined bag on 10-inch leather cov ered frame; a remarkable bargain. LOT 3 $2 HAND BAGS, 89c-A beautiful line of all leather, leather lined bags with fancy metal frames; they're beauties. LOT 4-$2.50 HAND BAGS, 98c A splendid variety of high 'grade bags, black or tan, lea ther lined, with purse and fancv metal frame. LOT 5-$3 HAND BAGS, $1.49-High grade Goat, Seal, Walrus and Pebble tloat bags, plain or fitted; beauties. LOT 6 $4 HAND BAGS, $1.98-A big range of leathers and styles in black and fancy col ors; greatest snap ever. LOT 7 HAND BAGS "Worth $5 to $7.00, at $3.50; a big assortment of the choicest styles and most wanted leathers, snaps, nt $3.50 $20,000 Stock Reducing Sale of Groceries Before Invoicing 21 lbs. best granulated Sugar. . . .$1 4 8-lb. sack best high grade Diamond II. Flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, at per sack. . .$1.10 10 bars. Lenox, Diamond C or Uiat 'Em All soap -Be 10 lbs. best yellow or white cornmoul for 17 54 c 7 lbs. best bulk laundry starch. .25c I lbs. best Japan rice for 25c The best domestic macaroni, vermi celli or spaghetti, pkg 7c r. His. best hand nicked navy beans, ZSttD for Hardware Our department will do moit to make thU pre-lnventory salt the ob ject of every convtreatlon In every household In Omaha. "Triumph" sifters reduced Saturday to 53.88 Round, extra heavy, metallic frame sifters. at !0 Wood fpmie sifters, at ...18c KITCHXIT ITEMS. ' "Ideal" heavy tin flour Blfter it.. So Mop sticks Low frame waffle irons 8Vfc No. 7 heavy steel skillets .390 No. 8 heavy steel skillets 39o Any size drip pan So No. 7 extra heavy copper tea kettles, . .91. 1 Furnace Scoops Fit any furnaco door, blade of patent tempered, extra hardened steel, best grade of handles, only 3!o Ash Sieves At the present extremely high prices on coal none can afford to be with out one. We are ngents for the famous "Success" and "Triumph" sifters. All that is necessary is pour in the ashes andl turn the crank. There is no duet. We guar antee these sifters to save the price of thenvsolves on the first ton of hard coal. "Perfection" sifters reduced Saturday to 93.98 GREATEST VKUISTAHLH .MARKET Best Red River Early Ohio potatoes, per peck of 15 lbs 15c Fancy cooking or eating apples, per peck t!Oc Large bunches of fresh shallots, beets, carrots or turnips, at per bunch 4 c Best solid cabbage, per lb 1c 2 heads fresh leaf lettuce 5c S lbs. best bulk oatmeal 25c 4 cans fancy sweet sugar corn..iWc "lb can solid packed tomatoes ,l()u (i-lb. can best domestic oil or mus tard sardines for iMc 1-lb. can assorted soups 7jc .Tell-O or Jollycon, pkg 7o Gallon cans Golden table syrup, ,'l5c Best soda crackors, lb 014 c Best oyster crackers, lb OJic Best crisp pretzels or ginger snaps, per lb Oc Best tea sittings, lb .10u Golden Santos coffee, lb 25c per 14 u IX THE WEST KOI! TIIH PKOIM.K Beets, carrots, turnips or onions, per ID IV, (i eggs: EGGS! eggs: Best No. I eggs, nothing flnor, dozen 1' SPECIAL IH'TTKIt SAIjE Best creamery butter, carton or bulk, per lb :i7c Best No. 1 country creamery butter, per lb ;lo Best No. 1 dairy butter, lb li5u Special on Xtits, Elgs, Dales, Kir. Best mixed nuts, per lb l-!ic 7-Orown Imported fiss. lb 15o California flu". 12-ounco pl.g 7iio Fancy Hallowe'en dates. II) 7t6o Fancy Imported Kuril dates, lb. . . 13?o A GREAT PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE OP Women's and Children's Hosiery aJ!l Underwear Ladles' Pure Thread Silk Hose, black and white and tan, to J I. r0 values, special at GOtf. Knyscr Silk Hobo, regular and out sizes, black nud colors, special bargains "t ..81.50 and 98tf Esco Silk Hose In all popular shades, all guaranteed at -QSd Children's 25c wool and fleecod Hose special, Saturday, pair Children's Union Suits, heavy fleecod In all sizes, on salo. garmcut 40 Ladles' and Children's VestB and Pants :15c values, fleecod, In all sizes, at, per Karmonr 19rf Ladles' Union Suits to SII.BO values, silk and wool and all wool. In white and colorB, heavy" fleeced S2.08 81.98 Wool Union Suits to $2.50 vanios, In gray or white, heavy or modlum weight, at f)8d and 81.50 Klueced Union Suits, heavy or modlum weight, gray or white, to $1.00 values, at Gf) aJ 4 fid Ladles' 75c Fleeced Union Suits, all sizes, porfect. por garment 35 Iadlna' $1.75 Undorvests or Pants, all wool, steam shrunk, scarlet or natural, at 25 Ladles' Silk and Llslo or all wool Vests, black only, $1.50 values, Saturday at 19 MM Cauliflower, Capo Cod cranberries, qt Fancy California Caulll ID Fancy ripe tomatoes, lb. Large grupo fruit, each lllUliIaiHl navel oranue Mile, xnc. l.-il sles, por dozen 1 Be, 20c 25c. !J0c Uc per t: It Pay Try Hayden's First Pays Saturday's Bed Spread Clearance Hemmed crochut bed spreads, full size, $1.50 values, at each 81 Hommed and fringed crochet bud spreuds. full size, $-' value, at each 81.25 Fringed and hemmed bod spreads, assorted pat terns, $11 values, at each 81.08 Scalloped bed spreads, full size, cut comers, $5 values, clearance price, each 82.08 $1 Caps, 39c 1,000 men's ami boys,' caps odd lots samples a n d broken lines from last weeks' selling, to $1 val ues, choice 39c i BRIEF CITY NEWS tack-?tlooner Co., Undertaken. Try riatlfon Cafe Everything right Have Root Print tt New Beacon Press Llrhtlng rixtnres, Snrress-Oranden Co. Bailey the Dentist. City Nafl. D. 2566 Diamond tonne at 34 and 5 pat tent. W. C. CTatau. 15H Dodge. Red 6619. Ton Can start a Savings Account at the Nebraska Savings and Loan Ass'n. with J1.00 or more. 1605 Farnam street. Bute for Motor Truck The .Tetter Hrewlng company has sued the Union Pacific railroad for destroying a motor truck by running, a train into it. Damages of U.973 are asked. Judge Doane'a Estate Estate of the late George W. Doane, valued ap proximately at W.OOO, was admitted to probate In county court. The widow was appointed special administratrix and probably will be appointed administra trix later. Judge Doane left no will. Ills estate will go to his widow and his chll Jren. Earl Hervey Vlilts Parents Karl C. Hervey. formerly of Omaha, but now of Indianapolis, is in the city visiting his parents. Mr, and Sirs. G. W. Hervey, of tlilB city. He is the manager of the Hydraulic Pressed Brick plant there and Is another Omaha boy who has won suc cess abroad. He left here ten years bko and since then has steadily climbed the '.adder of achievement. To Dlicuis Poe-"Edgar Allen Foe" Is the subject for discussion before the Omaha Philosophical Boclety Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock In Barlght hall, Nineteenth and Farnam streets. Uicliard K Metcalfe ot IJncoln was the speaker tcheduled for this subject, but owing to his inability to be present his place on the program will be filled by Walter It. Justin, who Is secretary of the Philoio phlcal society and a Poe enthusiast. The Persistent and Judicious I'm ot Ifewepaper Advertising is the Road to BuatauM 0ucm WILSON DISCUSSES MONEY Propped Up in Bed, Governor Con fers with Financial Experts. CONQUERS ATTACK OF GRIP Prrslitriit-Klret will Leave Prince ton Tonlubt to Olebrute Illrtli duy In Vlrnlnln Town Where He Wae Horn. PRINCUTON, N. J., Dec. LT.-l'ropped up in'hed President-elect Woodrow Wil son sat for two hours today talking about currency reform with Representa tive Carter Glass of Virginia, chairman of the subcommittee on banking and currency reform, and Dr. II. P. Willis, a New York financial wilter. "The conferenco concerned generali ties." Sir. alass said afterwards. "The governor has some positive Ideas about currency reform and expressed them more decisively and clearly this anyone I have ever met." The governor had almost entirely re covered ' tonight from his attack of the grip,, but in compliance with tho physi cian's orders he remained In ted. He will leave nt 10:30 o'clock tomorrow for Staunton, Va., his birthplace, there tp celebrate with the townfolk his fifty sixth birthday on Saturday. Staunton I'rriwirex fur Wileon. 8TAUTON, Va., Dec. 27. Visitors from various parts of tne country began to arrlvo hrre today for the celebration In honor of the homecoming of President elect Wilson, which will begin on his ar rival in Staunton tomorrow night mid coni'lude Satuiday night Committees having In charge the W.I hou celcbrntlou were bxi'y today com pleting final arrangements for the event and providing accommodations for the visitors. ''very precaution has beon taken to safeguard the president-elect A large detective force Is heo Hnd i- I llcemen from other lUe will usxlst Pi ' maintaining order j Precautions alto hive been taken to prevent Governor Wilson from catching cold during the big parude which he will review on Saturday. The reviewing stand will be enclosed with glass and heated. Jlrs. Wilson will be tendered a reception Saturday by the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Daughters of the American Confederacy. llglous instructions should be viewed with ! at least the same sertoulnem 11 so-1 otology " ' Jewish Educators Discuss Problems of Religious Teaching MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Dec. J7.-KstabllsU-ment of chairs of Jewish history and literature In all summer schools, Chris, tlan as well as Jewish and the inaugura tion of a national correspondence f-cluiol for Jewish Sabbath schoo'i teachers, are topics which will be considered at ses sions of the National Jewish Chautauqua society which convened In eighteenth annua) assembly here tonight. The purpose ot the organization, as outlined In the address of Rev Dr. Willllam Rosen of Baltimore, vice chan cellor of the society, is to discuss per plexing Jewish problems, contemplate Jewish educational needs and advocate Jewish educational Ideas. Well known educators are on the pro gram, Including, among others, Dr. 3Ienry Berkowitr of Philadelphia, founder of the society and Its chancellor, Dr. Israel Abrams. Cambridge unl versltj ; James G. Menkln, teacher of pedagogy, University of Pennsylvania, B. E. Hall, University of Tennereee, and P. li. Claxton, United Statej commissioner of education. "Efficiency Is 'the slogan of the hour in all the forward movements of the day," kalil Dr. Ilrrkowlu in his grtotlng to the assembly. "Religious education, last to ff(' this progressive Impulse, Is moved by It, pel haps more profoundly than nil the rest. Leading educators I have aroused the whole country to a recognition of the fact that study for mere bread winning has far outstripped effl'lenry for charade" making until now Jhe con. lrt lull has conm that re- Stockman Injured By Transfer Team C. O. Ing, a stockman living at 2523 St. Mary'H avenue, suffered Internal In juries and a broken ankle yesterday after noon when he was knocked to the pave ment and run over by a heavy American Transfer dray driven by Prank Qulmby. lie Ih nt St. Joseph' hospital, and I'ollce I jSiugeoii T. T. Harris, who attended him, 1 sayn that his condition Is serious. Qulmby I was arrested by Officer Cornu on a 1 charge of reckless driving. According to witnesses, 1,0 rig was cross ing Fourteenth street at Douglas when he was knocked down by the horses. The driver, Instead of stopping the team, whipped up and the wheels passed over the, prostrate victim, Paiwersby at tempted to halt the driver, but he drove toward Farnam street and tried to get away. Officer Corneau stopped him Be cause he was driving too fast and a mo ment later learned of the accident a block away. tlotiat board, having been appointed last year to fill tho adiicy made by the death of Captain II E. I'ulmer of Omaha. Barry Will Govern Home for Veterans Save Your Pennies Advises Oil King TARRYTOW.Y N. Y, Dec. 27.-VSave your pennies," hb the advice given by John D. Rockefeller today to 11 nunitir of school teiii'bers to whom he gnve 1 slclgji ride about Ills estate. The young school ma'ams eie so Improved with what they shv. tliut one of them said .if she alighted iioiu the slrlgh: "Just think. Mi Rockefeller, you have this large estate with thtce honves to live In, while nf must content ournolve s with u. iwnall 100111 In a flat." To which the oil magnate's laconic re sponse was ' save our pennies." 1XS ANGH1.ES, Cal.. Dec. 2T.-General Patrick H. Barry of Greeley, Neb., is the probable successor ot Colonel T. J. Cochrane as governor of tho Sawtelle Soldiers' Home, accorduig to Colonel 1 Cochrane, who raid today that he tiad , received word that o ma;otily of the national board of managers favored Gen eral Barry for this place. Colonel Coch rane tendered his resignation two week ago and it will become effective In Feb- j ruary. The Sawtelle home was recently Inves tigated by a congressional committee as the. result of charges of mismanagement General Bairj is a member of the na- j FIRST DAMAGE SUIT BROUGHT FOR DEATH INAN AEROPLANE NEW YORK Dec. :T.-The first suit ever brought lure to recovor dumiigcs for the death of a passenger In -an air ship was filed today In the supremo court by the widow of Victor L. Mason, who wan Killed In Ixindon on May 13. Mrs, Mason sued an accident and guarantee company of I-ondoii for $15,000 on a' policy Insuring her husband against death by violent means. Tho policy wa& Issued by the defendant's New Tork agents In IMC. Mr. Maoou, the deceased, was a p,in. senger in on aeroplano "for pleasure" when he fell out and was killed. CHOLERA EPIDEMIC RAGES AMONG PILGRIMS AT MECCA IiONDON, Dei Tt An Odessa dispatch in Mm rnt n norts un ularniinu enldemlc of cholera In Mecca, Arablu where 10,000 pilgrims are now gathering In the last few cla,s 1 H deaths hae been re- Ported, At the Theaters .vrni.w.Tiovs in omaiia. Boyd: "The Seep Purple." BrandeUt "Pomander Walk." Oayetyi Extravagant. Hippodrome t Vaudeville, xrueri Burlesque. Orpheumi Vaudeville. Matinee today at the Oayety, Hippo drome, Krug and Orpheum theaters. I'rnmUi' cif the lri Aurnt. Three more performances of "Pomander Wulk" will be given at the Urandels the ater, tonight. Saturday matinee and night. F'oniiiiider Walk" Is for people who sel dom ever enter playhouse, an well us for tho seasoned playgoer; for those who have the heart of Dl kensy fold of quiet humors; ror those who nave sentiment and moonlight, the muffin man and thu lampllghtnr Induce xomething more than a yawn and the Mhlftlng of the overcoat from one knee to the other. To all such wo nay: Don't miss "Pomander Walk.' This beautiful play will bn the attraction for tho bulancci of the week, The Vaughun Glaser players continue to play to packed liounes at the Royd thea ter. "The Deep Purple," this week's of fering, Is 0110 of Uie strongest plays ever presented here by a stock organization, and much credit U due State Director Curtis for tho beautiful production he has given this play. In the futuro the new bill will open with a Sunday mutlnee In stead of at tho evening performance, as bus been the custom, and the Tuesday matinee discontinued, Next week's at traction will be the laughing comedy, "Girls." . "Tim Littlest lteoel," that stirring and spectacular military play, will open a four-days' engagnmcnt at the IlrandeU theater on next Sunday evening, under the direction of A. II, Woods. Mr. Far uum, who starred In this. play last sea son under tho same management with signal honors, will be seen in the role of Captain Cary of the rebel army, t When the- Iloer war broke out Nnt Wills, at the Orpheum next week, can celled all his theatrical booking dates tor a year ahead and hastened to South Africa, whore he placed himself at the disposal of the country. Oara Paul was deeply touched by Mr. Wills' generous riffei-. but was firm In his refusal tu al- ; low his friend to link his life In tha con. 1 fllct. Mr Wills, however, remained with Oom Paul, who found hla sound advice I on weighty matters and his rousing spirits a help and tonic As a token ot .gratitude Mr. Wills was presented with a set of South African coins, many ot them dating back centuries. Vacant scuts are nn unknown iiuuntltv ut the Guyety, as everybody seems de sirous of becoming acquainted with Alti Phlpps and all tho "Winning Widows constituting- this week's big musical at traction. Incidentally, It muy be said that by actual count there were 110 ladles at yesterday's mutlnee. The seat sale for the balance of the week Is very large. MIntz and Palmer at the Hlppodronv this week had their schooling with the Metropolitan Grand Opera company und ulvo spent two seasons with the Abor.i company. Mr. Mints gives an Imitation of Caruso Hint In exceptionally clever IIOTKLN. "Tho Hotel of American Ideals" Washington, D.C. Hotel Powhatan Pennsylvania Avenue at 18th und II Streets Hew. nreproof. Buroptsu TPlan Rooms, detached bath, $1,00, $2.00 up. Rooms, privute bath, $-,50, 8U.00 up. 100 per cent. Fire, Germ and Dust Proof. Two blocks from White liouue, and near all points of Interest. WRITB FOR SOUVKNIIl BOOKLKT WITH MAP. LDWIS HOTEL COMPANY, me Owners and Operators. Direction aad Management CLIFFORD M. LEWIS S