rm: UKK: OMAHA, SATHiDAV, PECWMBER 28, VM2. 13 te r GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Somc Believe Taking on Wheat at This Time is Premature. CORN GOSSIP IS BEARISH Onta I'nll In llolil Up In Price, but the Luif for the liny Arc Smnll Offerings Toilny Arc Litriter. OMAHA, December 27, 1913. Persistent rennrt nf ilrv xvpflthpr nn the xx Inter wheat belt tins caused many pro- icsRignam in the trado to take on long .Ines of May and July wheat. Some of the most conservative and well posted men la tho Chicago market believe that taking on of wheat nt this time because of dry weather is premature. There has been no snow covering as yet. and it would sent reasonable to suppose that It Is likely to maku its appearance in a lib eral manner shortly, it Ik hnltnvpd that tho spring wheal receipts' at Minneapolis and Duluth ore likely to overbalance tho Misting bullish conditions. The fact that rxponers anu millers showed no uesiro (o follow tho advancing mafUot yester day reflected the nctnnl rnndltlnn more than anything nlee to develop. Sentiment on wneai was decidedly one sided yester day and favored tho bull side In . pro nounced way. This fact showed that thu professionals in tho market wcro anxious to follow any pood buying, and with tha offerings small, an upturn was an easy matter for those wanting higher prices. The fact that the Winnipeg market was strong and that there were reported good sales there on export account, caused tomo buying at Chicago. Considerable wheut is being worked from Minneapolis to eomo to Chicago, one firm having bought two lots Tuesday and yesterday. These transactions, show' that Chicago Is tho highest spring wheat market at pres ent and with speculative trado moderate there are many who believe that -values will give way under any volume of hedg ing sales. Several cargoes of wheat were bought at Duluth to come to Chicago. Ono of the leading sellers' yesterday's business umountcd to 800,000 bushels of May wheat. Wheat at Its high point yes terday was up nearly 4c for the May option, from the low point recently made. A good many traders were bullish last night because wheat had had a creep ing advance. Cash wheat unchanged. Gossip on corn last night waa mostly bearish. Those who watchod the market closely said the main strength came from wheat. Eastern bids for export were mostly out of line. Some of the cash, licople claim they see evidence of a loosening up in the cash situation, but this Ib not visible in a canvass of the railroad offices. While there were many shorts buying corn yesterday, tho offers exceeded the demand nearly tho entire session. Cash corn unchanged to He lower. , ... Oats failed to hold up in price yester day, but the losses for tho day wero mall. Tho offerings wero larger and the support was not in evidence. Cash oats unchanged to Ho lower. The following cash sales were reported today: Wheat-No. 2 hard winter: -cars. o; 3 cars, 82y4c: 1 oar, Kc No. 3 hand winter: 1 car, 821'c; 2 cars, 82c: 1 car. Slic. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 8014c. No. 3 spring: X car, 82c; 1 car, 8lc; 1 car. SIHo; Icar. Sllic 'No. 4 pring: 1 car ismutty), Mo. No. 3 mixed durum: 1 car, E214c. Oats-No. 3 whlto: 1 car, 31c: 8 cars. 3114c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 3114c, No grade: 1 car, 31c Corn: No. 4 white, 1 car, 41V4C No. 3 yellow. 4 cars, 4114c; 2 cars, 4114c; 2 cars. 41c. No. 4 yellow, 3 cars, 40c. No. 3 mixed. 1 car, 42c; 2 cars. 411ic; 1 car, 40Jc. No. 4 mixed, '2 cars, 40'Jc; 3 car, 40c; 1 car, 39ic. . Clearances were wheat nnd flour equal lo 617.000 bushels, corn 325,0fO bushels and oats 47.000 bUBhels. Liverpool closed with wheat H0?o higher and corn unchanged to -Ho higher. Primary wheat receipts wero 1.413.000 bushels and shipments, of 499,000 bushels against receipts of 481,(XW bushels and shipments of 304,000 bushels last year. lrlmary corn receipts wore 1,433,000 bush els and shipments of 645,000 bushels against receipts of 244.000 bushels and. shipments ot 260,000 bushels last year. Primary oat recelptB wcro 992,000 bush els and shipments ot bOS.OOP bushels HEAIj ESTVTK CITV I'ltOI'liKTV FPU SALE. NON-RESIDENT, In the city for a few days, wishes to sell Ills homo in new part of Kountze Place; would consider acreage Or vacant lot us part payment. 1 D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St. TUB ROPEBUD LA.WD CO. handles exchanges of all kinds. Room 8. Continental Blk.. Omaha. IF you want a good homo far below cost of reproduction, look at 1901 Ulnney t-trect. Klght rooms, barn, corner lot, lino trees, both streets paved, convenient to cars, good neighborhood, good repair, easy terms. Prlco asked will sell it. Doug las 2546. ' RtiAIi ESTATE FARM .t HANOI! LANDS FUR SALE Arunnini 430 a., rich dark loam land; 120 cult.; bal. timbered; level; no rocks; 1 ml. ry, 112 a., H down. Ivobt. Sessions. Wlnthrop, Ark.. Dept. B XVctimakn. M-BUSHELj WHEAT LAND, $23 to $3J PER ACHE. We have for sale over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land, where the crop yields tor 12 years, including 1910 and 1911, average with the best In the state Alfalfa also a leading crop. Better soil. wtnr and climate cannot be found, writs for full Information. Agents wanted everywhere. FUNDING3LAND INVESTMENT CO., SIDNEY, NEB. 160 ACRES of land In Valley county. Neb., for sale or trade for Co, Bluffs ' Voperty. Business lot for sale on North ilaln St. Inquire, F. A, Spencer, .137 i 'way. Co. murrs. r Oklahoma. RENTERS OWN YOUR OWN FARM. I HAVE some good Oklahoma land that can sell for one-fifth down and ten years on balance at 5 per cent; just like rent If you are a young man, wanting a start this is your chance. Own yonr own home; don't pay rent. Wrlto me now. W. J. Finch, El Reno. Okl. Tennessee. ALFALFA. ;on , cotton :and bargain lists. McMath & Johnson. Memnhls. Tenu. LIVE STOCK MARKET OK WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage.. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Lire Stock Commission Merchants. RYERS BROS. St CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Bide. LAVEHTV BltOS.. 1.18 Exi-nal.rse Bid MARTIN BHOS. A; Co.. Exchange Hldg, Clay. Robln'on & Co.. 200 Exchange Bide. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS'-MEETING, Office of Lce-Glass-Andreeson Hard waio Company. Omaha. Nebraska. De cember Hth. 191!. Notice Is hereby given lo the stockholders of Lce-Glass-Andry!-sen Hardware Company that the annual meeting, of the stockholders of the com pany will bo held ot tho offices of ald icmpany, corner of Ninth and Harney ttieits. In the City of Omaha, In the Ktat of Nebraska, on Tuesduy, January 14th A. D., 1913. nt three ofclock p. m . tor tt ii purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to serve during !.i ensuing year, and to transact such the business as may be presented at nc!. mectlr.g. II. J. LEE. President, xttest: J. CLARKE COIT, Secretary. fBKAI) P14JH. NOTICE "" Stockholders meeting of the Union Land 'ompany. Notice is hereby given that lie annual meeting of the stockholders )f The 1'nlon Land Company for the elec tion of five directors and toe transaction if such other business as may legally ine before the meeting, will be held at Room 1103, Union Pacific headquaiters tuldlng, )5th and Dodge streets, Omaha 'lraka on Monday tho 13th day of )-stuart Il 1. at 10 o'clock, A. M The lik irmsld books will be dosed 10davx puxious lo tile meeting Alex Millar v- rtarj New '"tork City, N Y, De It. ?91? D 24 to J i: against receipts of 217.000 bushels and shipments of 319,000 bushels last year. Oiiinlm Ch Prior. WHEAT No. 2 hard. SJCfSPc: No. 3 hard. SlHrtStc; No. 4 hard. 77tV4c; No. 3 spring. SiyB82c; No. 4 spring, T9'-PS0,iC- CORN-No. 3 white, 42m$l4c; No. 4 while. 4ttt4t4c; No. 3 yeliuw. 41W4tl4c; No. 4 yellow, 401iUo; No. 3, 40VuM2c; No. 4, ;M440?c. OATS No. 2 white, 3J4?S2i;c; standard. 31ifi32c; No. 3 white, SlltfUio: No. 4 white. 314f31V4c BARLEY Malting, &83c; No. 1 feed, 40ift5c. liYE-No. 2, &SV4o9c; No. 3, tOfltSlic. Cnrlot Receipts. Wheat- Corn. Oats. .... 61 613 v 301 ,...SK ... ....607 43 .... 61 .... 78 ....152 Chicago Minneapolis Duluth Omaha Kansas City St. I.ouls Winnipeg CHICAGO GRAIN AMI PROVISIONS M HI 5u Pent ii res of the TrntllnK nnd Closlnn Prleon on Ilonrd of TrniU". CHICAGO. Dec 27. Board of Trade markets slumped today, wheat dropping ?o to He. Corn and onts wero very dull, the former declining He nnd tho latter a hiiuuo to He. January products wero liquidated in some volume, and tho .close was from 12H315c to atctfGaHa off from yesterday. Higher cables, based chiefly on light world's shipments, maintained wheat prices for a whllo early, although yester day's top was not attained. Later the market broko on the accumulation of stocks lit tho northwest and tho Argen tine official report showing that this year's crop will exceed that of last year by 20.000.0UO bushels. May sold between Silio and OlUQsmc closing 4Ho under yesterday nt 91Vii01Hc. '-The tono was btendy at tho decline. Tho market for corn was dull and In clined to drag and the close was at the bottom. GohhIp Included nothing new. May sold between ISHc and 48Hc, closing Tio depressed at 4S10. While oats wero less weak than corn, trade was Inactive. It was reported that tho Argentine exportable surplus would total 98.000,000 bushels. May sold botwecn 33fttt03o uikI 32c, closing at 32UQC2Tc, a shade under yesterday. Liquidation of January products was the solo feature of tho trade In provisions. Shorts securod thoir profits all the way down. May pork closed 30ig,32Ho down at SIS. 00; May lard 15o lower at S9.85, and May ribs 12H15c depressed at $9.67va 19.70. Futures ransecr as follows: Artlclel Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yea'y. Wheat Dec 86 86?i83TifS6 86 8$U May, 92HB92 92U S1W 91Hif H 91U July. 89M 89H SSH 8SH S9 Corn. Dec. 47i 47i 47U 4714 47'i May. 48V4 4SH 484 48U K July. 49H'.' 49?, 49 49 4H Oats. Dec. 377; 32?; 3?U 32?; SZUfMi May. 3233 32T;33 S3U 32?iPTi 32 July. 33H 33s 33 33 33H Pork. Jan.. 17 DC 17 9T. 17 62H 17 62H 17 97H May. 18 30 27 IS 30 IS 00 18 00 18 30-32 Lard. Jan.. 9 92H85 9 92H 9 75S7 9 7S4W7 9 22H May. 9 97H 9 97H 9 85 9 85 10 00 Ribs. Jan.. 9 72H 9 "2H 9 Bii 9 60 9 75 May. 9 80 9 80 9 66 9 67H 9 S2H Cash quotations wero as follows: FLOUIfc-Stoady; winter patents. J4.25 4.90; straights, W.OOffleo; spring .patents, J4.00i.20; straights, W.S083.90; bakers, 3.4OjiO.60. HYE-2e3Hc. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4S50c; fair to choice- malting, 61072c. SEEDSr-Tlmothy, 3.25if3.70. CTover, 19.00. PROVISIONfi-Mess pork, J17.0017.25. Lard (in tierces), $9.90. Short rlbB (loose), P.12HB9.7H. Tho clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 547,000 bu. Primary recelptB wero 1,413,000 bil., compared with 204,000 bu. tho corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow! Wheat, 31 cars; corn, 700 cars; oats, 319 cars, hogs, 14,000 head. Chicago Cash' Prices: Wheat: No. 2 ted, 11.00HGl.ll; No. 3 red. Jl.04ifl.08r No. 2 hnrd, 8&91c; No. 3 hard, 8Sg92c; No. 1 northern, SJHSOOHc: No. 2 northern, 87H 3S9c; No. 3 northern, 83HS6Hr No. 2 spring, 87Htf?&SHc:- No. 3 spring, 85g'86c; No. 4 spring, 77S4c; velvet chaff, S3 89Hc; durum. 83B9c. Corn: No. 3, 45H8 46Uo; No. 3 white, 40?iB17Uc; No. .1 yel low, 45H46Vic; No. 4, 43QH5c; No. 4 white, 4t46Hc; No. 4 yellow. 43gi5Uc Oats: No. 2. 3233c; No. 2 -white, 34 34Uc; No. 3, 32Hc; No. 3 white. 32H(!i33Hc; No. 4 whlto, 32KSlo; standard. SSH'P'Siic. Rye: No. 2, U2Jr63Hc Timothy, t3.(wt 3.90. Clover: J10.WVffl8.60. Barley: 4S3 75C BUTTER Easy, creamery, 31034c. EGGS Steady; receipts, 3.766 cases; fresh receipts. 21g'24c; refrigerator firsts, l4Hc; firsts, 25c. CHEESE Firm; daisies, Wfi'tfc; twins, 16UftlGHc: young Americas, 16?i 17c; long horns, 164igl7c. POTATOES Firm; receipts, 27 cars. POULTRY Steady ; turkeys, dressed, 21o; chickens, al.vc, 12c; springs, alive, llHc V HAL Steady at 9SJ14c. HW YORK GISTVnRAL 3IAR1CI3T (Inotntlona or tTic Day on A'nrlonn Cnmmodlt-ra, NEW YORIC, Doc. 27. FIX5UR-Qulet; spring patents. J4.40S4.63; winter straights, J4.4&4.65: winter patents. ' J4.65S6.00; spring clears, J4. 15.45: winter extras No. l, J4.O504.15: No. 2, J3.9CS4.05; Kansas straights, J4.CO34.10. Rye flour, quiet; fair to Rood. J3.GfVff3.S5: chntrn tn fancv. J3.9(VM.OO. Buckwheat flour, easy; J2.40 per 100 pounds asked. CORNMEALKtnnril-. fln wlillo onrl yellow, Jl.3ftSl.35; coarse, J1.251.30; kiln uneu, ij.jo. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 66(f67c c 1. f. Buffalo. BARLEY-Steady; feeding, 69',ic c. i. f. Nw York: malting, 6768c c. I. f. Buf falo. WHEAT Snot market obkv. Vn red, J1.07, elevator, and J1.08, f. o. b. afloat, nominal: No. 1 northern nuluth. 97Hc, f. o. b., afloat. Futures market closed at Ho net decline Export sales were six loads of Canadlnn. December closed at SSHc; May. 97K&T97 15-16c; closed at 97ic. CORN Spot market, barelv steadv: ev. port. 64Hc, f o. b afloat.. OATS- Spot market quiet; standard white. We. nominal: No. 3. XHhWiAn-i 37H't'3S'4c. UAJ yulr.t; standard. J1.06; No 1. Jl.O7Hfi.10; No. 2. Jl.OOfll.02H. ' FEED Steady: western snrl 100-pound sacks, J23.7C; standard middling. jwniuunu iucks, tu.w; city, jvu-pound i sacks. J24.00. HOPS Dull: state, common to limine. 1912. 2432c; 1811, 1215c; Pacific coast. 1912. 17M3c: 1911, 14a16c. IIIDSS-Dull, Central America, 2702Sc; Bogota. 27Hc. ! LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts. 2X 29c; seconds, 2SC9c; thirds. 2425c; re jects, 19if20c. PROVISIONS Pork, quiet; mess. J19.00 (319.E0; family. J22.50i323.00; short clears. J22.00g'.'4.50. Beef, firm; mess. J20.00fl21.00; family. J34.00fl25.00; beef hams, JTO.0CKBS2.O&. Cut meats, steady, pickled bullies, 10 to 14 pounds. 12ffl2Hc; pickled hams, HQ 14Hc Lard, weak: middle west prime, JlO.OO'tflO.lO, refined, bteady; continent, JI0.80: South America, $11.70; compound. 7Hl67T4c TAL!X)V Dull: prime city, hhds., 6Vo asked; special 7c; country, 6S6?c. POULTRY Dressed. steady: fresh killed western chickens, HHftl9c; fowls, jswifiv.r; turkeys, isu'ac. Bl'TTEH Firm: receipts. 6,219 tubs; creamery extras, 37t37',jc; held extras, 33 4r34c. state dairy finest, SHjCtc; process extras, afiHSHtj; Imitation creamery firsts, 24g3&Hc; factory held. 23H24Hc current make, firsts, 23H82lc; packlns stock, held. 21Hf?22Hc. CHEESE gulet: receipts, 606 boxes; state whole milk, held, white and colored specials. 18c: skims, 30Mic isuus i nsettiea; receipts, siiia cases; fresh gathered, extras. 31fi32c: held fresh average best, 22lSC3c; refrigrator special marks, fancy, local storage charges paid. 20c; nearby hennery whites, fancv, Urge. new laid. 42645c: western gathered whites. 'iSfiWc; neHrby hennery browns, XtQOic. poultry uresseu. sieauy; lreh killed western chickens. 11919c. fowls, lilic, turkeys, 14S2Sc. I.lvrrpoul (iraln .tlarkel, LIVERPOOL. Dec. 27.- WUCAT-Spot, teady No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 7',4d: No. 2 Man itoba. 7s Mid; No. 3 Manitoba. 7s 3Hd Futures, flrnr December. Is uM. Mar jl. 7s 4Sd . May. 7s 2T,d. CORN Spot easy, American mixed old via Galveston, os 7Hd. American mixed old 6s 2d Futures, stead- Jan .ur '.s Hd February, is lOd NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Slight Variation! Mostly in Way of Lower Prices. FLUCTUATIONS IN MONEY RATES Session Is Another liny of Utiuxtinll)' Sninll limine nnd Utter I.nck of InltlntUe, vrlth l.lttle Interest Shovfit. NEW YORK. Dec. 27.-Sueh variations In prices as tho stock lists revealed at the close of today's business wero for tho most part looses, but so far us tho stnndard stocks were concerned the move ment was slight. It was another day of unusually small business and utter lack of Initiative, with speculative Inter est at tho vanishing point. Tho principal fluctuations wore among tho specialties. Harvester, beet sugar, can and rubber Ml back from t to 4 points, each. For n, time early In tho day tho railroad shares gave some Indications of strength, and the coppers moved upward In keep ing with tho advance In tho metal Ivbroad. but." tho rise was small and ot short duration. Money rates fluctuated in an erratic way. Tire opening was at 10 per cent, from which it was advanced quickly to 12 per cent. Renewals wero made at 12 iWr .cent, the highest renewal rato ot the year. Tho rate fell off steadily nnd during tho afternoon 7 per cont was quoted. At tho samo time It was reported that various out of town banks which had deposited funds horo for loaning wcro holding out for 15 per cent. The domand for accommodation, however, was small nnd toward the close tho quotation fell off until offerings wero mndo at 1 per cent. A further cash gain by tho banks was Indicated In forecasts of tho weekly state ment, estimates being lit tho neighbor hood of Jl.000,000. It Is expected that to morrow's statement will reflect a return of cash withdrawn for Christmas, which caused a smaller gain In cash last week than had been Indicated by known move ments of money. Tho bond market wns Irregular, with some heaviness In con vertible Issues. Total sales, par value, JI.4S0.0OO. United States 2s coupon advanced H. the 2s registered nnd 3s coupon, on call. Number of smcs nnc; leading quotation on stocks wero as follows: P1M. nun. low. uiom. 1J.W0 U 7 l.TOT 1.000 MM too ArailnamalM CLieper. . Amerlcto Atnculturil Amtrlcin Bert 8u(ir. ... 7,100 Atntrlcui Cn G.S00 American Can, pM American Car i Fdry.. American Cutton Oil... American lc Securities American Unseed American Locomotive .. Am. Smelting & Ilet Am. Smelt. & IUf. ptd.. American Sugar ltf American Tel. Tel... Amerlran Tobacco Anaconda Mining Co.. Atchison Atchison. rtd Atlantic Coait Line Uattlmore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Jtapld Transit.. Canadian Pacific Central Lther ClicEnpeake & Ohio Chicago, Great Wettern Chi.. Mil. & St. Taul.. Chi. & Kortlieslern Colo. Fuel Iron Consolidated (las Corn I'riKlucls Delaware tt Hudson ... Denver & Itlo Otsndt.,. Den. & Itlo timndc. p'd. Distillers' Securities .. Erie Erie st. pfd Kile :d, pfd General Rlectrlc Great Northern, pfd... Great Northern Ore, ctfs. Illinois Central Interborough-Met Interborough-Mt. pfd. .. Inter-IUrvcslcr Inter-Marine, pfd International Paper .... International Pump .... Kansas City Southern... Laclede Gas Lehigh Valley, e. dlv. LoulsTllle & .VashTllle., Minn. St. P. i- S. 8te. Ml Mis., Kan. t. Texas... Missouri Pacific Nat. niscult ei. dir... National Lead Wit. Itys. of Mei. M pfd New York Central N. Y., Ore. & Western.. Norfolk & Western North American PJorthern Pacific .... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania :.. Feople's fine Pitta. C. CC. & St. L. . Pittsburgh Coal Preised Steel Car Pullman Palace Car... Iteadlng nepubllu Iron A Steel., llepubllu Iron A- B. pfd Hlock, Island Co Kock Island Co. pfd.. St. L. fc S. F. M. pfd.. Seaboard Air Line Seaboard Air Line, aloss S. S. & Iron. Southern Tactile .... Northern IUIlway Southern lly. pid.... Tennivssee Copper .. Texas & Pacific .... Union Pacific, pfd. . United Stales llealty United States Rubber.. ?,00 United States Steel tC.200 United Mates Steel, pfd Utah Opper Va. -Carolina Chom Wabash Wanssb, rfd Western Maryland Western Union WesttnthouM Electric . Wheellnp A Lake Erie . . Total sales lor tne uuy (OK 6U tOTi 39 nsvi he 100 tiH Ki Vi !li 114S4 f.6', 55 lev; mi 42U tV 105 lit W.i 575 l.fOO ST; S9'i 5SH too loan ioa4 10 1034 lOS'.J 10! 2s 11i t:. 7i'k 00 111 110", tOO 1)14 Ill's 3314 loo joi ioti ss; 260 :', 79 H n: ioo 134 ut's ias- tOO 33'i .100 9iH 400 t0 500 S9H 500 791t !00 1 500 11 on, S574 S9 7i IMi 300 -US 1 St'i 82'i 49t 21U 31Ts 49 ioo 1:7 1,500 19Vi 1,600 6t U'i 1(3 1 28 1 j :iu 31?iJ 49 3Ti mo uti'ii nn. ush tOO 130s 1301, 40U lie 18Ti 31 in 18Vi 1SH 1 too 2Gi :ev 100 i01U 103T1 l2i 500 1(7 MM HSi 140 13S 26", 40t 153U 55M 27i 107i 31V4 tOO llt'.i lltli lliH 127 1 C3!i 200 1US HI 300 140 137 3,100 4l'i 40Ts 500 t:i, 27S 100 121 500 iis" 121, ltlH 31 121S Ul'i lit (00 1031i 104 200 24Vi 24U e,900 Uf.t 17 Pfd fO) 200 27'i t.00 10 ioo is 200 SO 105 103 :s't K lSt'i 17 , 26 : :3'i 431', ii ISti' 4S.i 40 IDi 50 . tOi 3S ,8M 1WH 1S7V4 1S7, Us 73'4 62S 61. 61, IU 67H 67(, 300 107H 107(4 107 300 SW 5U 4.1 1 13'i 300 47', 4(i 4(U 15 " a 125.900 $?raWjft LIVE STOCK MARKET for receipts, dlsbursenumtH and deficit ex- itma cnnal and public debt cltnlo Pauitnia transactions. HKIMIHT tr CMMIIIM! IIOI UK Transact Iniix of Antii'lnteil HmiiUk for thr Week, NHW YOllK, nrc. 27 -Hradstreet s bank clearltiKs report for the week end liur December 26 shows an HKKrcimte ot 2.W6,3s:,00O, as nKnlnst JS,T1T,BSS,J last week and J2.i701.3KS.tX In the correspoud tntr eek last year. FollowInK Is a list of the cities: C1TIKS. I Amount. I Ilia Dec. New York 1 vuucaEO Huston Philadelphia St. t-ouls Kansas City Pittsburgh Pan Francisco ltaltlmorc Cincinnati MlnucnlHills New Orleans '.Cleveland ..! .Detroit Iis Angeles UMA.IIA Milwaukee Louisville- Atlanta Portland, Ore Seattle St. Paul Ilurfalo Denver ltidlannjMilUi Providence ' Illchmolid WashliiKton, D. C. Memphis St. Joseph Salt 1-nko City Fort Worth Albany Columbus Savannah Toledo Nashville Hartford Spokane, Wash Taeoma il)es Mollies Ilocht'ster Duluth Macon 1. Oakland, Cal Norfolk Wichita Peoria New Haven Jacksonville, Fla.... Scruntou Grand llaplds HtrmliiRhnm Sioux City Augusta, Oa Hyrncuso lovansvllln Worcester Sprlncflcld way tun Oklahoma City Portland, Mo.. Chattanooga .. Little Hock.... Charleston, S. Wheeling, W. Knoxvlllo San Diego, Cal... Lincoln Heading, Pa Topeka Wilmington, Del. Davenport Sacramento, Cal. Mobile Wjlkesbarre Cedar Hanlds. la. Akron Youngmown Waterloo, la Fall Hlver Clinton. O Springfield, 111 Fort WJuyno New Hertford. ....... 1 lelcna Lexington York. Pa Columbia, S. C Krle. Pa ! Stockton. Cal Holac. Idaho Hockford. Ill MtiHkogee, Okl Kalamazoo, Mich.. Qutncy, HI Iltoomtugton, 111... Tulsa, Okl Ogden. Utah Lowell Cluwtcr, Pa Springfield, O ninghamtmi Sioux Falls. S. D.. Jackson, Miss Decatur, 111 Mnnsflold, O Fargo, N. D Fremont, Neb Vlcksbtirg. Miss.... Jacksonville, III.... 'Houston Galveston Trenton .STtstM.tWI :ws,cu ia.reiii.iM 142.TW.1XVI M.I15.W0I W.473,(. 34,47!.O00 a;.07:,ax K.tlTO.tWI . 19.7T2.(X) a,s.x) 1.417.0U rO..23,(X)l 11 F.'l rl 12,'51.00oN 1.4 lS.KW.rtX) O.feO.lXiffl iMn,uooi S,S2,tXJ !.9TO,(XW 8,S71.t 7.661.fJ 7,.Y., 15.71 Il.SI S.l Cm I0.& XI. i 16l i 17.M 1S.B n-ii '-'i-i !'.S...... SV.21 IK 71 I Mass. C. Va. 7,t?n,tw: fi,fi.17,ii0 !.177.M r.rvjt.oxi f,Xti,tWI T.SKM.fltXt r,.342.X! t!,r2,(i00l (I.tiiu.OOO 4,f.7fi,X) fi.l4.(VK1 3.879.001) 4.7I1.O0O 3. Ml. (XX)! 3,74j,00.) 4,34,X) f.,nrc,ooi) 4,216.tKlO 2.7lH,Ol.X)J 3,nt,000 .I.IW.CO) 3,101,M 2,:t87,lO :t.irs.txKx 2,'.ra,ooo 2.SM.OO0 3.O7S.01W 2,403,001) "C03.000 2,084,003 2.1.T0.030 2.009.001) 2,082.0(X) 2.0M.0CO 1,61 0.000; 128.000 2,3Sfi,0(X ;,;uo,tw 1.916,000 1,913,000 1.805.000 2.342.0IX 1.498.000 1.7S3,000 l,64B.OW 1,513,000 1.183.0001 1.160.00D 1,W2.000 1,397,0001 1.314.000 2.15t.000l i,z,tiiu; 1.2H4.0U) 1.242.000 1,433.000) JvVV,tXKrl J.lSil.tA' 853.00.) 1.008,001) Mi.onoj 762,000 l.MO.tJOO !174.lOi) tn9,ooo 110,000 1,143,000 Sffi.000 fifi7,000' 711,0001 r.,uoo 853.000 791.000 448,0001 li,0ij( tmg.000 54.3,000 MI.OOOJ 402.000 470,0)0 363.0O9I 4113,000 273,000 329,0001 209,000 3S.141.0OO 19.000.000 I.SOO.OUO I'. 3-71 -2T..BI . as.9. 2.91. H.O 20.0 4.2 27.i 7.3 1 23.41 13.7. 13.nl. t.B. 7.b . 2.1 ..... . . , . . I-- 3.3 "i'.i 11.4 . 3S.6) . 34.9 . 9.91 . .2 . 1S.31. 15.3 31.6 2.i 5.2 34. 2 11.4. S:2: 2.1. 25.11. 17.1. 16.3j. '22.91. 4.!l. "n.'s 30.9 12.1,. 3.4. I 16.. . "2Lft. 21.3. I 2S.2I. 102.BI 14.0 2.0 4.3 ij.'s '11.0 15.5. 12.5 o.B 18.6 W.5 l.S loo 7 t 9:4 uv, SI'i eiv Ynrk Slonry JlarUrt. NIVW YORK. Dec. 27. MONKY On call. No 7. Hic. Futures steady; Maroli, 13.60c; bid, 1; offered at 1V4. Time louns: steady; sixty days, u per cent; ninety uays, t,?i per cent; slv months, IVt per cent. PRIM K MKHCANTILB PAPEH-6 per CRTBRL.INO JiJXCHA NG E ICasy, with actual business in bankers' Iblln at $4.81 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8485 for de mand; commercial bills, Jt.SOH. SILVER ar, tec; Mexican uonars, 4c. HONDS iovernmcni, urm; raiirouu, Irregular. Closing quotauons on uonus toaay wer ii follows: u 6. rrf. Ii. rtc.iMftK. c g. rer is. 40 coupon lOsliU . deb. 4s (1(31). U. B. 3s, rei 103HL. & IV. Un. 4s. do coupun ivn-.M. n. &: i. 1st. in V. s. 4s. rer lUfs 'io en. 4s do couDon iiMissouri I'acinc is tuis Allli-C lit 5s, cts. M',4 do conr 5s 17 Am A(ri 5s . . 100.V llrs. of M. Vi 56 Am. T T. " 4s. 107', N Y. C tm. SVis H Am Tobacco ts .Ul'i do dfb. 4s II Armour & Co. ii.. 91SN,Y.N.II.lt.c 3V4s i Ati talson fro. 41, . Wi.-f. flt w. Itt con I 111 4o cr 4s. tlW) ira?s ao cr. s do rr. 6s 105 Nifthsrn Pacific 4s . A. r i 1st 4s . i ao 3s Dsltlmorc -t O. 4s.. 97'iOre. S I rfdp. 4s , do 3ts ... siM'fnn. rv 3i,,s (1911) 101 TWjklrn T. cr. 4s.. t do con. 4s 7 Centrsl of O 5s. .107V4lttartln sen. 4s ... 74', C3i. & O. conr. 4Hs !'4r5t. L. t fi. P. It. 4a M CM. Si Alton Vi HVt do sen. It toy, C. S. r. & e 4H 3U'I. L. 8 con 4s.. H do sen, 4s .. . . S A. L. adj. ts. Sl'i C.M.&St.P ct. 4H10t'.iSouthm Tsc. col. 4s :, P. H I, a I . e. 4S u 00 cr. Is mv, do rfr. 4s IIS do 1st ret. 4s 104 H 8- r. c. 4Hs MUSouthsrn It. 5s Dilsisro & H. cy. it 74 t 4 .. . O. & It. O. ref Is HViUnlon Pacific 4s Distillers' 6s m do or 4s Erie prior lien 4s .. ', do 1st I ref. 4a. iWi do (eti. 1s hiij. P. llUBWr s 101 do r. 4s writs "n" 71 I' H. Steel 3n4 in. . : III. C 1st ref 4s MHVa.-t'r. Chem, 5s . 63), Inter-Met 4V,s ... M4iW'ab. 1st A est. 4s.. ti; lnter-11 M. 4',s. . l4Western Md. 4s J Jspan 4',is 834 West. Elec. ce. 5s.. MH Bll. "Offered. tt York Mluluir .Stocks. KKVT TORK. Dec. 27 Closing nuota. tlons were as follows. Comtsk Tun. Stock Ot Meilcsn Cooistoek T noodj 13 Ontsrls Cos. Cal Vs.. . Ophlr Iron SlUer . 154 gtandanl . . Oadsllle Oon 04 Yellow Jacket Little Chief . . 04 Offered . 77 St'.i .100 .350 . JO .100 . Trrnmir) Stalemriil. WAiilllNOTON. Dec. 27. -The comlitlnn of the I'nlted HtateM treasun' at the bo clnnuic of biulnesrt today was Working balanw H9"l 41, 111 bunks and Philip pine trraun, e32,H7,.(l Total of Kcnerul ftmrt $142 111 .'.. P-rclpts ves(eida $1476,004 disbursements JlJ8t",;;6. Deficit Not Included In totals because contain ing other Items than clearings. Lnntloii Stuck Mnrkrt. LONDON, Dec. 27 The market for American securities opened steady and advanced on coverlnK. At noon the tone uhh steady, with prices Jfeperally Htf'.i over the New York closing of yesterday. Canadian Pacific shHres wero generally firm nnd sold l?i higher. London closing stock quotations: Illinois Oentrsl 131 Consols, money ..75 l-10.oulsrllla & Naali.145', do account 75UMo., Kan. A Tesas. t7, Amal. Copper . ... 7!4New York Centre!. .113 Atchison 109 Norfolk & Western. 116H llultlmore t Ohio.. 101 Ontario & Western. 32 Dansdlan Pnclflr . .5S',lPennrlTsnla . ... 82 Chetapeake & Ohio. SUiTtenrtlni (4i Oil. Orest Western 17 Bouthem Hr ('hi.. Mil. t St. r.n Bouthern rnclflc ..100 31 Union Pselflc .... 33HU 8. Steel MViWabesli steady at 2S7,d 155U . 701,; . 11 per r.aat ilutta Cop. I'ranklln Ulrous Coti (rsJibr Con. Oreene Cananea Denver it Rio (1. llT9 do 1st pfd... C-rand Trunk 8ILVKR liar. ounce. MONHY 3V45H per cent. Tho rato of discount in the open market for short hills Is 4 15-1G per cent; for three months' bills, 4 12-16fl4T per cent. Ilotnon Htnclc Mnrki't. BOSTON, Dec. 27. Closing quota lions Mere us follows: Allouez 41 Mohawk tt) Amalgamated Copper 76 Nevada Con IJl, Am. Z L, A 8m . . . SSHNIplssInc Mines ... (14 Arliona Com 37,N'ortli Ilutte 83i II. tt C. C. & 3. M(. (UNorth Ike t Calumet & Arizona.. 70 Old. Dominion . ... tl'4 Calumet & IIeIa..530 Osceola lot Centennial 1'UQulncy 771; Cop. luinge Con. Co 51 ehsnnon 1314, .M i4Huper1or 3 . msuperlor II, Mln.. 1; 3 15-lCTsmsrsck it .. V. 8. 8m. It M 4314 I 15-ltt do pfd. . . . 4iU isi ivojaue icopprri 04 uina kajji o Kerr lAke 2,Utsh Copper Co . (I Ike Copper .. ?4HWInons I-a8all Cupper .. .5 Wolrerlne 671! Miami Copper . . lH II1111U of KiikIiiiiiI Mtntemeiil. I3NDON. Dec. 27. -The weekly sUte merit of the nank or KnRland shown tho followInK chaiiKes: Decrease. Total reserve f2,fi4,( Circulation SI9,000 nulllon 9 us ui Other securities 2,(a4!oi0 Other deposits l,182,Mr) Public deposits 1,13S,0U0 Notes reservo , 2,630,000 Increased. The propoitlon of tho bank's reserve to liability this weok Is 37.85 per cent; last week Is was 42.98 per cent. Government securities unchanged. 1 . lank 4f Crrninny Htnlrmenf . HBRLIN, Dec. 27. -'Hie weekly state mont of tho Imperial bank of Germany shows the following rhunKc. fush In hand Increased 1,288.000 marks Loans Increased 23.341. 000 marks. Discounls Incrcused 131,447.000 marks. Treasury bills tic-creased I5.744.noo marks Notes In circulation increased 102,177. 000 marks. Deposits Increased 38,805,000 marks. Gold In hand Increased 4,644,000 marks Hank ClenrliiK". OMAHA, Dec. St. The bank clearings for today were $2.5(6.583.44 and $2,469,205.5 for the corresponding day last year llmnlm liny Mnrkct, OMAHA, Dec. 2T.-1IAV No. 1 upland, $U.(iUU.tO; No. 2, $10.(j0ffll.00: No. 3. $.00 il 10.00; No. 1 midland. $10,60411.00; No. 2. t).m 11.00; No. 3, $8.00ij10.00; No. 1 low land, $10,00110.50: No. 2. $3.4ai0.00; No. 3, $7.0ofl9.00 Alfalfa, choice, third and fourth tutting, pea green, $14.50316.00; No, 1 first ard second cutting. $U.00$ 14.50, No, 2, any fitting $12 (syg-3.S0; No, 3. any tutting, ja.fiOfH.' on. Btruw, oat $7 50 rye , Oi wheat $4(036.50. Cattle Receipts Light, with Demand Good and Prices Steady. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE LOWER Sheep I, nmli In Very Active III" itirtiul, tilth Priors Ten to Klf teru (( HlHhrr Tlinn Tliiirsdny, SOUTH OMAHA. Dee. 27. 1912 Itecclptn were Cattle. Hoks. Sheep. Otflclnl Mnnda ... 2.(W 4.M1 11,417 Official TursdB). ... ua 6.7C1 2.0S Otflclnl WeilripDiUv liniMiv Official Thursday " . ' 8.IS1 3,191 Kstluiato li'rldnv ... . 1,100 !,4H) 2n.X13 K,3!W 1,175 m,425 38.rS 26,S4 ,M7 2,30) K.1M 37.IW 47,324 4J.S7S 43.03S Five ds this week.. 0,RStf Samo days last eek..lS,tiW Hamo days 2 wks ago. .Sl.tf Banio days 3 wks ,Iko.. 24,71!) Same days 4 wks hko ,ir,,435 kM.iiir uuin inni . rar. ,1 j,4VI ti.o: .ivn iiio iuiinwuiK tanin shows tile receipts of cattle, hogs ami sheep at South Omalm for the year' to date as compared with last year; 1012 toil. Inc. Dec. Cnttlo ...,..1.0t.d.M l.ira.KW 163,178 Hogs 2.S0I.IOT. 3.SU.SM t.25,007 Sheep ....... 2,927 AV. 2.:V,KW 37,353 Tho following t.ihie shows the range of prices for hogs at South Omnha for tho Inst few days, with comparisons. 1811. I1HI1 ll0.l'AW.iW.IW.190i 6 IS Date. Dec. IS. 1 'CV. IJ Dec. W. Dec. 21, Dec. 22. Dec. 21. Dec. 24. Deo. IT.. Doc 26. Dec. 27. 7 02i 7 04 ! 7 07-a 7 12 7 18 7 13V 7 2S4 fi Ml 5 Ml 7 S7 r Oil 7 61 S 31 6. 6 Oli 6 Vi, m S 13 7 3 S OS) 6 31 ST 8 11 6 32 u 31 31 5 3i r, M 6 47 B t 4 401 4 34 4 S4 4 33 4 41 4 ti 4 23 4 39 6 19 19 6 09 6 W 6 13 (i 21 6 15' 7i s : Ai..IhIh ..I . - . .-I. -vwrifis uiiii uiej'uTiuiu or live SlUVK at thrt Union Stock ards. South Omaha, for twenty-four houis ending at i o'clock yesterday: UKCEUTi :aiis. Cattle Hogs. Sir p. Hor n. C. M. ,t St. P. Wabash Missouri Pnclflo.... Union Pacific C. .fe N. w.. C. & N. ' west,... C, St. V.. M. it O.. C, H. & Q east.... C, It. & q., west... C, It, 1 & p., cant.. C It. I. & V west. Illinois Control C. O. W 2 14 II r. 2i II I 21 li 3 l Total recclts... 49 12J 11 1 DISPOSmON-IIHAD. , . Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co g o Bwlft and Company.... riS 1,4107 1,301 Cudahy packing Co.... 473 1.579 NO Armour & Co sc; "jxi 1,115 SchwarU & Co yx .. .1. W. Murphy hks Morrell n So, Omaha Packing Co. t! Hill & Hon 3 1 H. Lewis 2 Huston A: Co I J. 11. Iloot & Co 0 Iloscustock Uros 13 II. I llnmllton 10 t'lllio & Christie 17 Other buyers S7 Totals 1,311 's,06? 3531 C'ATTLli Cattlo receipts wore vety light, there being all fold only forty-six cars in the yards. This leaves the total for tho five days this week at tl.sso head, being n falling off of ono-half as com pared with tho corresponding days lust week unil n year ago. Thcro were how ever, cattle enough considering that tho domund at no point Is very brisk Just at present. Practically all kinds of cattle, steers, cows, heifers, and feeders commanded good steady prices and the trado wns reasonably nctlve so that pretty much everything In sight had changed hands by 10 o'clock In tho morning. As high tic $8.C0 was paid fur good beef. As noted befurn In these columns east ern bobf coolers are full of meat and tho ccllng Is general among operators on tho market that tho proper iollcy fur tho country to follow Is to ship lightly for tho next fow days, thus giving the various llvo stock markets of tho country' an op portunity to recover from thn sevcro slump of a week ago. Prices at this point havti been very satisfactory all this week an compared with those prevailing at other selling points, beef Bteers being around 26030c higher than a wcok ago. with cows nnd heifers toyooo higher than last week's low point. Quotations oil cuttle. Oood to choice beef steers, $7.M?J9.ti0; fair to good beef steers, $6.!W7.80; common to fair beef steers, $6.0S!.90; good to cholco heifers, $C.75fiti.f0; good to choice cows, $5.4030.00;, fair to good grades. S4.40ftC.44; common to fair grades, $3.0034.40; good to choice stockcrs and feeders, $8.4038.00; fair to good stockers and feeders, 15.7l4i.40;' common to fair stockers and feeders, $5.00 (tS.,6; stock cows and heifers, $4.5036.26; veal calves, $4.753'.75; bulls, stags, etc., $4.403.00. llt'presentatlvo sales: s i isuurc. No. At. I'r. No. A Tr. i m 7 00 i ii'so ou 17 1034 7 4D 14 1301 K (ID 30 1101 t 41) 20 1160 t Oi 2! 1050 7 5) 44 1121 I 05 16 115S 7 "5 1 1094 I 10 17 1113 7 75 20 1213 S 111 It 1300 "1 to II list I 35 10 .'... 7S 7 tO II 1171 I 40 3J 1:32 7 50 10 1175 I 60 13 1223 7 n COWS. 2 765 3 00 91 5 to 4 tOO 3 60 17 911 6 35 3 M0 4 00 II IMi B 40 2 1075 4 25 2 lid 5 40 6 970 4 40 1191 C 40 6 1042 4 60 T 917 S 40 193 4 60 1 1040 5 40 HOGS There, wns a libera run of hogs and tho packers took advantage of tho situation by bidding lower prices. As somo uncertainty prevailed In tho early trade comparatively fow hogn wcro bought on speculative nccouut. Pur chases nmdo by speculators woro mostly on a steady basis, but the rest of thn business transacted during the morning showed largely a nickel decline. Thn packer buyers managed to fill their ordero at tho nickel reilurtioii. tho bulk of their hogn costing around $7,157(7.25, with sev eral loads of choice heavy grades at $7.3.1, top ror mo nay aim a iiicisei lower than the highest point reached yesterday. As to light and hea kinds the supply was pretty evenly dhhli-d. and the general quality of all the offerings wan very good, compared with the previous days of tho week. Tho good heavy hogs sold mostly around $7.25 and as high an $7.35, Thn raiign of prices for anything on thn light order was $7 lGf 20. with the best offer ings selling an high as $7.25. Thero were li'sn of the mi'dlimi kind oft hogs on sale than for some little llmo hack. The gen eral trado was somewhat slow nil thn morning, though a fair clearance wo made ill good season Thero were 122 curs, or 8.400 head, yarded. The mimilv rxceeded last Friday by about 1,310 hed, but was about 337 head short of thn rorrespondlng day ono year ago. It being Ohristniun week tho receipts for tin- five days wern very mod erate, thero being only about 13.900 head shipped In us compaled with 33,380 for thn sano days last week. 68,175 lioad two weektt ago and 20 694 head during thn cor responding time a e&r ago. 8H HEP There being U small supply of sheep In bight sml a good Inquiry for de sirable killers tho packer buyori bought without much luxitatiou find puld prices generally IWi- lilghcr than yesterday. Practically everything was cleured In short order. A limit 400 head of fed west ern Iambi sold as high as $8.40, ux com pared with $8 25 the highest price on yoMtorday's market It might bo added that 18.40 Is tin- lilghc-st price paid slncn May, when $10.4.'. nan paid, that being the record xirlco roi mo year to aato. uut ewes reached $4 85 In all about eleven cars, or 2.300 had. were received, as against 5,0r4 head laat Friday, fi.t07 head two weeks ago anil 6,34 head on the same day last year. ood to choice offerings made up the big bulk of thn iecelpts, there being more lnrnbs than nged shenp In the barn. As for some lime time back, few If any wethers or curlings wore otrcreu. Tho combined ncelpts of sheep and Iambi for the days of the week amount to onU T- 100 head, this being considerably shirt of last week, two weoks aso anil aL, it 3.200 head less than the corresponding time a year ago. Malnlv unuer tno inline ot tins mooeraio sup plv allien tins week havo xhown a mmrp advanrn o r prices prevailing ul tho end of last ctk Both killing lambs and ngf.l shep nrn selling fullv 4.V(ic hlghei than a week ngo The bulk of live good to choice lambs on ThursdH ami Friday of hint week Hold nt $;.rU7.N, an against $s.0OJ8.4O todnv. The nmjoilty of thn ewe offerings brought pi Icon h round $1.1091.15 a week ago. an compared with $4.MVfN this moi nlm;. While thero was n general Improx rnient all along the line on fat offerings. ngel sheep, cspev lally exves, showed the most advance. (juotntlons on sheep nnd litmbs. lxmbs. good lo choice. $H.vj!S. (0. lambs, fair to good. $7.tVtf.O0, lambs, feeders. KWfl.Oi; yearlings, light, $s.7&fl-50; yearling, heavy. $.Y3Stt6.75. yearlings, feeders. $4.M ff..i xvetheis. gnod to choice. $l.tTr6.00, wethers, fair to good, J4.2MI4.G5; xvethers. feeders. $!.2'Vin.l7; oxves. good lo rholcn. $4 0Mfl.S5, exxes. fair lo goixl, $t,2Mf4.(r; nxv(s. feeders, $.1.3.70 1. 75; cull sheep and bucks. $i.raa. IIIIC ACIl I.1VI5 STOCK MAftKHT Di'iiiiiiul for t'nlllf nntl Xhrrp Slrntly linn l.oxxrr. ClflCAOO. Dec. 27.-CATTLK-HecelpJ. 3.0H) bend; mnrkct sloxv and steady; beeves, $5.70719.50; Texas steers. $i.001i$o.80; xveslern steers. $5.76ffi.t; slockers and feeders. $4 'JMf7 30; cows and heifers, $2 7Ml7.M; calves. $(!.roirl0.rrt. HIX1S--Receipts. 23,(XX) head; mnrkM ac tive. 5o lower; light. 7.1.Vff7.52i; mixed. J7.2W7.flO; heavy. $7 1Hi7W. rough. '$7.15fT 7.:. pigs. $.V2f'(l.10. bulk of salcH, 47.3oi 7.55. SIIKKP AND LAMHS Hecolpts. I7AW head; market steady, native, $4.JVfK.G0; xvestcrn, $I.U5tTfi.M; yearlings. $0tW40; natlvo lambs, $ti.i0ft.?S: western' lambs, $l'.4.V!8.75. Kniixiin City l.lxc StocU .XlnrUrl. lwNSAS CITY. lVc. 27.-OArri.lvV-Hecelpts. 1.000 heud, Including 400 head of southerns. Dressed beef and export steers. $8.00ifi).25; fair to good, $0.Mli.i; wostrin steers, $5.WliS.M; Blockers and feeders, $..00i(7.45: southern sleers, $..00ft 7.85; soulhern cxixvs, $3.50tM'.26, luitlvc cows, $3.ff7.t); native hrirers. $o.ft)fi8.(W; bulls, $4.4OfhVfi0; calves. $i',.OVjf 10 00. HOOS-llecelpts. 5,7tX) head; market sternly, close 5c low or; hulk of sales, $7 201T7.45; heavy, $7.10517.50; packers ami hutchcrn, S7.VxU7.45. light. $7.151i7.l3. light. $7.15H.f?.35; pigs. V.tjT!.). SIIRKP AND LAMIIS-Hccclpts, 5,000 head; market steady to strong. Inmln. $tl.fiOfi.M; yearlings, $3,0iil'7.25; xvothorn. $4.Wtl5.2f; exxes, $3.7MH.t'); stockcrs and feeders, $;l..Xi.O0. , SI. I.iiiiU l.lx Mlock .XlnrUcl. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 27.-CA'in'L14-Uo-eclpts, 1,700 head, Including 700 hend of Texaiis; market steady, cholco to flnn Mlecrs, $9.tKIfl0.75; good to cholco, $S,rAlf 9,i); dressed beef and butcher steers, $5.2f1f7,35; stockcrs and feeders, $5.Wi45.75: cows and helfern. $t.S5ti7.00; canners, $50 df7.ro; fancy cowm. urATH.00; bulls. $4.00$fl B.M; calves. $iV00lflO.O0; Texas and Okla homa steers. $l.6O4f7.50; cows and hclfcrH, $XtVIJ4.!H). 1IOUS Receipts, 8.000 bond, market 5o low am t7.fAtrT.ir. shuhp and LAMtiS-rteccipt. 2.700 head; market 10c lilghcr; muttons, $l.3T4i 4.75; yearlings. $6.tXVU7.25; lnrnbs, $7.654rs.); culls nnd bucks. $2.0Wi.O). t . SI. .Intppti Live Slni'U Inrkrl. ST. JORKP1I. Dec. 27.-CATTLl'ilte-celpts. 1100 head; market ateady; steers, $.7MM0.00; covxn and heifers, $3.7tVU'S.X); calves. $5.0X110.50. HODS Itocelptri. 4.S00 head; market slow; top. $7.45; bulk of sales. $7.30T7.37W. 8HI3KP AND I tA M US Hecolpts, 600 head; market, irJ25c higher; lambs, $0.75 3.50. ( 5lntU 111 MIkIH. Receipts of live stock at' the five prin cipal xvestern murkeln yesterday. Cottle. Hoes. Sheep. South Omuhn l.i) s.ioo 2,:xv) St. .losoph .M" Wi Knnsnn Cty 1.000 6.700 5,000 St. Louis.... 1.700 8.VX) 2.7T0 Chicago -'-W ".COO liwx urui'iinn, ivw 11,.,.., ..... v wor; pigs mid lights. K501f7.iSO; mixed id butchers, S7.;V0CT7.G5; good heavy, Totals 7.400 49,!00 27,500 Wool Mnrkct. P.OSTON "00- 27. Tho Comerclal Bul letin will say ot tho wool market to morrow: A very limited amount ot business has been transacted In tlio Hosttjn xvool market during tho wrok mid that consisted very largely nf odds and ends of nlock, on xvhlch prices wnru posNibly Mhaded frac tionally to Induce quick clcnii-tliw. rather than bcciiUBo of any loan In the Intrinsic valuo of xx-ool. Good xvooln ot staples and cJmractiir ore held at firm quotations, ami dealers have no hesitation In turning doxvu low nffern xvlthout a second thought. Stocks of xvool hero are very light. Tho shipments of xvool frnr.i Tjoston from January 1 to December 20, Inclusive, wcro 274.S73.274 pounds, against 214,581,!7 tmiimlr, for the same iwrlod last year Tho receipts from January 1 to December "6, Inclusive, wcro lt67.3l8,3o:i ikiiiiicIk, against 2K1, 182,4 (15 pminds for the name iK-rlod Inst yonr. ST. LOUIS. Dec I7.-VOOIe-Steiidy; medium grados combing and clothing. 23i:kj; light fine, 194.ilc; heaxT fine, l!VlJ'18c; tub xviutlicd, 27ft33c. llvlnl Xlitrki'l. NUW YOltK. Dec. 27. MKTALS-Cop-per: Quiet; standard, spot lo March, $17.00 ffl7.37'.; electrolytic, $l7.r.2',y,rl7.87',4; lake, J17.6:Wifl7.87V; costing, $17.25017.3714. Tin; Firm) spot und December, $50. 40fl 50.00; January, $.'A0OJIW.10; Kcbruaiy, $43.fK& C0.10. lead! Quiet at $4.2O7f4.30, Spelter: Quiet at $7,205(17.40. Antimony; Quiet; Cookson'a, $I0.Mt. Iron: Quiet nnd un changed. Copper arrivals, 160 tons. Kx ports thin month, 23,fHi tons. Ixindon copper, cany; spot. 78 2s Cdj futures, 77 2s tkl, Txnndon tin, easy; spot, 237 10s 6d; futures, 227 15s. London lead, 18. London spnlirr. 26 10s. Iron, Cleveland xvarrants, CTn lOHd In Tendon. ST. IOIJIS, Mo., Dec. 27, M KTA T Ji Lend, higher; $4.17!4M.20. Spelter, quiet; $7.15. .XI I n urn pnllN (irnln Matrkrl. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 27.-WHKAT-Closo: December 81'io; May, KSSSTic; July. 87S7'.4c Closing cash: No. 1 hard. S3T4c; No. 1 northern, 52iS3,c; No. 2 iiorthern, S0UK,e; No. 2 hurd, Montana, S2'tc; No. 3. 7Sir7fl(c. COIIN-No. 3 yellow. 41',4'i42c. OAT -No. 3 xx-hlte. 29HMc. HYIV No. 2, r-VafiSc. mtAN In 100-lh. Hacks. $l9.0Oii 19.50. FlOrn l-'liut patents. H.K1M.W. second PtttentH. $3.9034.15; first clenrn, $2,9010.20; m-cond cleurn, $2.W.40. RRKDKIojc. $1.22dJ'1.22H. HAllLHY-42nX)c. ( olloii Mnrkrl. NHW YO UK, Dec. 27 .-COTTON-Spot, closctl ulet. middling upland, 13.10c; mid dling gulf. 13.35c. Sales. 2,700 bales. COTTON Kuturcs, closed steady. Clos ing bids: December, 12.C0e; January, 12.61c; February, 12.52c; March. 12.68c; April, 12.5c; May. 12.65o; June. 12.50c; July. litVOo; August, 12.38c; Srpteuiber, 11.86c; October, 11 73c. LIVERPOOL. Dec, 27.-fX)TTON-8pot In limited demand; prices, steady; Ameri can middling, fair. 7.72d; good middling, 7.3Sd: mltldllng, 7.18d; loxv middling. 7.00d; good ordinary, 6 5ld; ordinary. C.OOd. Hales 4,000 bales. Coffrf Mnrkel. NHW YOltK. Dec. 27.-COKl''UH -Ku-turen opened burnt)' steady at a decline df &it13 polntn III roHxmH lo lower French rubles. Thn close was steady at n net declllin of 12419 points. Salon. 112.2.7) bagn. December and Jnnuary. 13.25o: February'. 13.35c; March, 13.Cnc; April. 13.73c; May. 13.85c; Juno, 13.90c; July. 13.9tic; August, H.04o; Septmnher. October and Novemlwr. 14.12c. Spot coffco, easy; Rio 7s, Uc-. Hanton Is, lSc. Mild coffee, quIoU Cordova. lOVitflSc, nominal 1 . 'riirprnllnr anil Itosln. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Dec. 27,-Tl'ItPKN. T1NH Hrm. SMic: nalos, 161 bbls.; re .clpls, 300 bbls.; shipments. ."VjI bbls,; Block. 35.353 bbls. IIOSIN Finn; sales, 1,471 bbls.: re ceipts, 2.020 bbls.; shipments. 1.401 bbls.; stock, 152.256 bbls.; A. U, C and D, $3.65: 13, $5.0); F, $3.6; O and II. $5.70; I, $3.75; K. W.33; M. $7.00; N. $7.25; WO. $7.25 WW. $7.45, Iniporln nt w York. NHW YORK. Dec. 27. Imports of mer chaudlsn and dry goods at tho port of New York for the week muling Decem ber 21 wero valued at $17,076,118. Import of specie for the part for tho xveek ondlng today were $313,853 silver and $M7.3 gold; exports, $1,13,497 silver und $IOO,5nO gold. Nugnr Market, NKW YORK. Doc. 27 8UUAR-Raw nteadx . mtiHcovado. 89 test, 3.42c, cen trifugal W test, 3 92r molasses sugar 89 test, 3.1, r Refined, sttady DUN'S REYMOF TRADi Notn.blc Expansion in Exports Nota ble Thing at Ycas End. BANK CLEARINGS ARE GROWING llt'tnll Holiday Trnilr nf IntposliiK Prnimrllnna Ilnx FvornbIr nffect on Wliolesnle Trndn nnd Industrial Lines, NKW YORK. Deo. 27. Duns Review of Tmde will sny tonwrrow; Thn potable dnvnlopmcnt of the close of tho year Is tho tremondous expansion In cxK)rts. xxhlch am breaking previous record, the movement from the put of Noxv York for thn Inst xveek amounting to $2t!.37tVW-$4,13l,000 larger than In 1911 Thero Is sonio slowing doxx-n of domestic operations In the closing weeks of thn year, as In usual, yet the current statistics of business continue almost n notexvorthx an tluno of foreign commerce. Rank clearings (alKiut thn bent measurn of activity available), Incrmiscd this xveek 11.9 per cent, as compared xvltls 1911. and railroad grosd oarnlugii for thn first half of December gained 3.8 per cenct. Hetnll holiday trade xxtui of Imposing proportions, and thin had a foA'crablo cf fect on wholennt trade and on Industrla" lines, in the Iron nnd steel trado tho chief feature In the contlmlqd heavy put chasm by tho railroads. Thero are shorti r hollduy suspensions of work thin year than In usual, owing to the. Insis tence of demand. The grain arid cotton mnrketn shnxv continued large domestic movement and exports. Ititerost In the financial tnarkotn in still keen as to the result of Um llalknn peace negotiation In tjoiuhm, htlt a holiday quietness gen erally provnlls. . , IIUADSTIIIJHT'S THAU1S IHIVIIIW llrst lli-porln nn Clirlstmnis nunlnrs from the Wral. NUW YORK. Dec. 27.-Uradstreet' will soy tomorrow: What in described In most sections of thn country us 11 record holiday trndn has croxxned a year of which has hnd few equals nnd fowrr nupurlora In nearly every lino of human endeavor. Thin, of course, refers directly to volume of product or x'alue of output rather than to muigtii!) of profit, which uro conceded to have been cut In many lines. Rest rclwrtn nn to hollnny and retnll trado camo from the xvent, northwest, most parts of tho southwest and thn Pacific coast. In tho eastern states trade htm boitii good and thero nro many large centcrn reporting tho year end trade as breaking nil records. Lcnn buoyant ad vices camo from the southeast of thn Mississippi, but hero shorter yields are held mntnly responsible, in xvholefnln trade nnd Industry thcro has been a quieter tone. Ah tha year closes tho feeling In one of cheerful conservatism, but not of pes sliulfcin, becattro of tho fact that thmo to seven montlw orders are tn hand. The end ot thn yenr finds tho labor situation quiet ns a whole after a year notable fur some big striken and for many xvldcsprcad xvago advances. Holiday dullness prevails In the New York stock market, the rencxx'ed firmness of money dun to ond-of-tho-year require ments also checking speculative activity. A somexvhat Improved sentiment Is dis played, hoxvovcr. Business failures for the week, ending December 20, wcro 253, iun against 322 lant xveek, nnd .101 In the like weok of 1911. Failures In Canada for tho xvoek xverc nineteen In number. Wheat, Including flour, cxpotts from tho United States and Cariiidn for thl week ending' December 2fi. nggrcgata 4.950. 68(1 bushels, against O,i7,M0 last year nnd 2,855,530 bushels this wock last year. For thu txventy-Hls weeks ending December 2G; exports arc 122,013,70$ bushels, against S,670,OS7 In the corresponding period last vcar. Corn exports for the week aro 762, 3C5 bushels, against 135,533 lant xveek nnd 1.233.7S5 btmliels In 1911. For tho twenty alx, xvccUb ending December is, com ex ports aro 2,720,809 bushels, against 13,4S3,3fiS last year. American Telephone & Telegraph Go. A dltldend of Top Dollars par share will paid oa XVedneiJij. Jsnusr If, Ittt to stKW holders ct lenrd. al tbi rloas of buiitms it Tuesdxy December SI, itlt WM R DlllVEl! f, a' r Tult.ll u ) SI. I.onln (lenernl Jllnrkcl. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Dec. 27. Wlth'AT Cash. strong; track No. 2 red, ll.OOto: No. 2 hard. S!iC34. CORN Uiwer; track No. i, 4,'Hc No. 3 xvhlte, 48t(,l3Uo. OATS-Strong; track No. 2, 3314c; No. 3 white, 3l'4c. Closing prices of futures: WIIUAT Iower; May, 93c; July. S7?c CORN Iwer; May. 471ic; July, 4S,c OATS- Wcaki May. 3.1&3Vic; July, 33,4C. RYIO-Uncliangcd, (He, FIjOUH Dull; rctl xvlntor patents, $4.8.. fiti.05: extra fancy and straight, iJ.eSVtf) 4,M; hard winter clears. $3.403.55. BI3BD-Tlmothy. $10 00. CORNMICALr-$2.90. , . .. . HRAN Strong: sacked, cast track, $1,9) 1'lAY-Weak; timothy. $11.00oM6."0: prai rie, $9.0O(UUI.O0. RAOOINO 9t4c TW I Nil-Hemp. 8c. PROVISIONS Pork, uiichunged; Job bing. $16.75. Lard, unchanged; prime steam. $10.!Gg11.0u. Dry salt meat, un changed; boxed extra shorts, $11.37(4: clear rib, $11.3714: short clears, $11.6214. thicon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, jl2.371; clear ribs, $12.37141 short clears. POULTRY Steady: chickens, 914c; springs, 1114c; turkeys, 17c; ducks, 134o; geese, Uu. nUTTUR Firm: creamery, 27tJT35c, ROaS Firm, 23c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.000 10, (me Wheat, bu 96,000 1J3.00H Corn, bu 60.000 43.0OU Oatn, hu 68.000 100.000 Knuonn City (irnln mill 1'rtirlsiloii. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Dec. 27. WIIKAT Cash, unchanged: No. 2 hard, 83.1jSSo, No. 3, 821485c; No. 2 red. $1.01L0414. No. 3, 93cW1.05, CORN Unchanged to 145 lower: No. i mixed. 4214iM3c; No, ?, He; No, 2 white. MlWWi fo. 3, 44c. OATH Steady: No. 2 white, 34033c; No. 2 mixed, 3St3315c, Closing prlicH of futures: WHKAT-Muy. 8614c: July. 83Hc CORN-May, 4C',4-nM6c; July, 46T40i47c. OATS- May. 34!j?W,c. RYF:-!2ia63c. HAY I'nchttllBcd. UUTTRR Creamer)-. 33c; firsts, 31c! sec onds, 29co; pocking. 21c. 1CCSOB- Kxtrau, 26c; firsts. 23!4tj'24c. sec onds. HJi'IBc. I'Ol'LTRY Hens, 111412c; roostem, Sc, young turkeys, 16151614c; ducks, 134J14c, Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 61.000 57.0ft) Com. bu no.oo) 3fi.ai outs, lit" u. o, I .. . , I XIIIxTHiikce Crnln Mnrkct. MILWAUKBH, Doc. 27.-WH KAT - No, 1 northern. 897190c; No. 2 northern. Si'JfSSc. No. 2 bard xvlntw. 87J6Sc; December, 85c,' May, 89flrS91ic CORN No. 3 yellow. 4c; No. 3 white, 47c; No. 3, 45U'r.V4c; December. 47tc. May. 4H14.C. OATH-Standaril. 33ga3Hc UARLm'-WiP;2c. 1 , Peorln Market. PKORIA, Dec. 27. CORN Unchanged to Ho lower; No. S whlto, 4ii4ff46',ic; No, S yellow, 44VfS44?ic; No. 4 yellow. 43fS 43c; No, 3 mixed. 4414ll4c; N"o. 1, mixed. 4So; sample. 40342c. OAT&-Unchanged to lie lower; No. 2 whlto, 33Uc: standard, 32i432c; No. 3 white, 33c; No. 4 white. 31c. Toledo Need Market. TOLEDO. Dec. 27.-8EKDS Clover Prime, cash, $11.60: December. $11.60: Feb ruury. JU 'O; March. $11.70. Alslke: Prime. cah. $1190; December, $12.90; March, $18.00. Timothy: Prime, cash. $1.95: De cember, $1.93; February, $2.00; March $105. DululU Grain Mnrkrt. DULUTH, Minn.. Dec. 27. WHEAT No. 1 hard. S414c; No. 1 northern. SSUc No. 2 northern, SHic; Montana, No. 2 hard, 83Uc; July, 87c. nominal, Decern bnr. 82ic. nominal; May, 861,c- OAT9-30C. A .e :n 4W ) Ii' )1