THE BEE: CHiIAH'A, TfttTUSDA?, DECEMBER 26, ir THE 0MA1LA PAU.Y BW " NiTku hy kdvv'arT' udwbnvaTkk, U TOtt KU3KyATBn. yptTOIt 1.KH DuYllNO, FARNA.M AND lTTrT :nttre,l at Omaha, postotficc as second H matter, n:auf of siajbvmrTioN. s i.dav He. on year 'lf MimiHv He, one year i.iw , ai' Uco. without Sunday, en year. 4.UJ J a'lv Hen. and Hunday. oat rwir.- w tint .tvisiiKti nv CAittUKR. r.eiinff and Sunday. t.r montii .. .. j f00t ball of contending power. Dur K cHnc. without Sunday, per month, go , , , . . l ath Tifc inciurtinc Ruwiay. per mo. J Ing the Orwo-TMrkleit struggle for If Hi dfiivery to Cuv clreuiatirmJJejn. u RKMITTANCHli. . . . Htmlt by draft, express er puMal order.. .abl. to The ! Publishing i.atnpany ' small aooounti. iVr"' heck, ex- . r.n nmuhn nnd wilrrn uxohanee, not I 1 1 ttpted OFFICKS. lee bull'l'n?. XouUi Omaha-.W X ttrct '".lunill niuffn- It North Main street r .n' oln- UttJe bulldlnc .. hltaao-1041 Jfarqnttte building. in"fa flty Reliance bulldlnK. ev Vork-M Went Thlrty-th!'''!, l.oulB-tM Frltco bulldlnif. Va'lilnatoii-TO Fourteenth St . X. W. COUnBMl'ONPKNCB, -jmmuncatlon 1 slating lo newa ana e ::torlai matter tihould be addretaea i)naha ne. Kdltoriol Department. xovBiinnn emrt'LATtON 49,805 r;..e of Nebraka. Comity of Doubi. ' ')lRht William, circulation manapef f The n I'ubllahlnK company, bnln ' i'y sTroin. tay that tlio average dallj eTi. ulatlon for tho month of November 13V: waO.TO. DWIGHT WILTIAMB, Circulation itanniser ':Wr!bed in my preeence and awor t t before mr thl 6th day of Decembe , ItOHBHT HONTKIt. al.i Notary Public. MiiliKcrtliera learlnif the clt) li-niiiornrll y dlionld limrr Tlir Ilee nnlled to then. ildre atIII lie fbniiKeil often n requeateil. Tho Gate City of tho wcat needs a wide portal. Local mcrphnntn huvo no complaint on holiday trade. That Balkan war- appoars to ho all flroek to the Turks. Only 304 days left for next ChrUU iua.i early shopping. Horn's that there aro uo rerots lfngcrlns on tho'niornliiR after. Hot times ahead for tho scnato "When Colo Uleaso gets there. lltit this Gould merger-to-be "will not violate any niitl-trutt laws. I llko a llttlo competltionl" said Mr. Morgnn. Emphosls on "llttlo." ICnrlv slimnilnir nnd fat (JhrlstmnH atocltlnga d,o play linvoc with fathers pocketljoolc. Still Hint Investigation was not had publicity for the houso of J. P. Morgan &' Co. n 1 . . i.i ... 111- , -H ; It is tobhopcdaPrOaldent Wilson "wilt not qrect tho gallows on the capltol grounds. A base ball rumor In winter is as trcacheroUa as tho Missouri river In enrly spring time, ,- Cabinet pudding roolpes seem to be tho moat numerous offerings to the presldont-olcct, Doys looking for their first Jobs ,nro not asked to qualify In cigar otto smoking or gambling. Cabinet and bureau doors may ho "closed to Hoe. Wiley, hut tho chnu tamiua latch-Btrlng hangs out. In his vain effort to sight thq mo-eey trust, wonder It it occurred tO Mr. Morgan to look Into the mirror. Aviators who poke fun at Ilannl-. bal for his crossing tho Alps should remember that he came down alive. President Wilson will have two! wars on his hands, tho one In Mexico nnd tho one In tho ranks of tho democratic pie hunters. Omaha claims to have a million-dollar lutel u plain sight. Rut why go to Jomsha? -Minneapolis Journal. . Oh, pshaw! Curb your envy. A Texas girl of 14 hair Just mar - rled for tho second time. No -wonder Joo Bailey refuses longer to repre sent that state In the senate. lf there Is any way for our law Makers to collect tho double pay which that constitutional amendment was intended to give them, trust them to find It out and to turu It to prac tical account. S-jiith Omaha's chief 'of police not only was acquitted of the charge, or ,. S zj: li .',J 1.' HiiiiUK 111a uuii5 luriucr m-ino unn- tilt raid, but was given $1,800 as a ( hriatmas present by tho state as a Towrrd fo'r rounding up tho refugee touvlets. As a matter of fact, we think tho world must be growing better be cause those who have are so generous with those who have not, especially 4. at Christmas time, The world Is com bing more and more to realize that "I 2n my brother's keeper." . , ... , . l Douglas county Jail prisoners will pcenpy one of the most palatial hos telrjes of IU kind In the land, with ';V)HM physical equipment even the most enthnslastic prison reformer -trill find no serious fault. There may be such a thing as making Jail room and board altogether too com fortable u Inviting, A workhsuse in nJKect is needed as an offset itm The' Fats of Crete On- of the article In th proposed terms of settlement of th- Turko Dalkan war cedes nil Turkish rights In the Island of Crete to Crrrcp. Thin' r well as the remaining proposals! Imii .vol to 1s rattried, hut the propo- Mtlon Is full of historic Inlpreet. Croto Iiim been for centuries the powora, consisting of Austria. Orwit."0, . Rrllnln Fmn,.. n.1 I . Russia, declared that CreU Bhotlld m Rrnnteu rompicte autonomy ann tnm 1 a Itn iiniio.vation Uy (liwf wa otit of the (Hiostloii. C!rH'p win aakod to withdraw Its trouiw. It refused and this precipitated opin warfare with Turkoy, which ohdeil lu Orece" at-ti-nipt nt nnnoxatlon. Th little Htlitittl boennw ntXonoinoiiK ttndur tli Miixnr alnty of Turjtfy and. by rlrtue of tho cotiVtltiilfotlbf 1800, H oxucwtlrp au thority waa voBtod In n high :um- mlHHlonnr and lo thla office I'rlncwl iRnnrrn nt ftro.. wU nWo,1 f,.r I r,- ... "mia - term of threo years. A qounrll of three aasisted him and could all in the Chambor of Deputies without votes. The foreiKn affairs of Crete wore handed over to tho control of ItuMln. Th; f " t t Z T 7, , ... 1 n nrm of Mta; .Mfr & Hro. nmdo Great UriUln. France and Italy. , record by Miipping ,,,ioa to Colonulo. Its autonomy, therefore, has been Mm Ida. iCansua, lown. Kvbrarka and more nominal than autttal, with Ita Wyoming-, air indo'or day. Bovnrnmont distributed nmoiie other j Tiviniv Vfnt AttTTT. powers. Whether the convention,! The railroad inWeated in the )ro which hIihII determine laaues In I lio 1 J-l new union depot kui what they Ualknns, does more than transfer ! ""n"1 nl 'o hnd of tin- city eotm- HU7.erainty from Turkey to OreecojJ' !' Xf ?T? an "n"""""- T1'8. ' , , ' J I'neup in the council wim ten to four in cannot now bo known, tf not, all tliati ravoi or the union Pacific proportion. Creto will have gained, 't anything,! Many cltiaetw wore at the meeting and will bo In tho ehango of its huujoc- i Hon. Thitt, of course, Is Turkey's loss add Greece's Jjuln, a iiln that must carry with It Immense satisfaction anil vindication. 'A Black Hero. , Tho colored p.ortor on thu St. Louis & San VranulBco train who kiljod a ,cpQr.ed bnndlt and tlmurted u (rain robbery is u real horo. He was the one man on the train courageous enough to resist tho ot)tlaw. Though i he called for aid in ills dariUK nndor-i tttjtlng ho received none. Seising a revolver, lie went alone with his life in his luind It) tho car where tlio'4V,,ni thousand vuti-s.- i-rofensor An highwayman wns at Work. . In thojdrews also mood hlh in educatlonul struggle' that ensuod tho black lierolworki in isss he, wiw ole.uttiil to the chair slow tho' black villain, probably Hav ing' thbusnnda to 'the railroad' and averting more orlous eonBeiiuuneos. Tlio rnllroud company siiouiu. ro- .V11"1 t.,'.,"r.n,v.. ,.".a.,,'B fl(lo."ty accord- Ing' to 'its dosurisVTo fall to do so ... , , 1 - ... , , .".".,',,.. l'u,.lrl "!tr,et. nnd broko his nrm. The same arm 1.1 1... ... ...I..I.Im.. II..., ..Mn idea of tho Iniportanco, both of dutyinad i,c broken In tho pmvioua b'opteiu- to trust and tho vnluo of humun life, which wits in Jeopardy ho long' 11a tha outlaw wa at largo. vi ' - t ' f Forward nnd Not Backward! j Tho democrats do . X tholr Hi feellngB ovur tho extensions, of thu clitHslfied service made hy President Taft nor their desiru to, ro-dpon tho civil sorvlce places to their hungry hordo of democratic of fice seekers.' High sounding proles slotiB of doinocrutlo dovotion tosionors 15 per ton for tho rest of tho or- tho merit systont in tho appointment or promotion of government em ployes aro not Intended to bo put in practice whoro domooratlc workers would ho barred from getting In if the jiutBlderfi wore republicans, then, of course, tho elvll service would bo luvokeii to protect the democrats holding down the horths. j I'rogresH tu civil service reform lui uiiiry nas niwuya una 10 iohow ' "''P ltli. President Taffs extension I orders uaitiraiiy found tun piucos in cluded fiUotl preponderantly with re puhllcans Just as President Cleve land's extension orders found them tilled exclusively with democrats. If a third party won out In the nation, tho complaint wottUf havo been that tho extension ordors of all previous presidents were unfair to tholr partl sauB who had uot had an equal chance. In tho long run, however, all IIUIICU. Ill 100 IUIIK run, liunumii nil 1 1 Inequalities will offspt and right th ""l hand to Prof. Taft. , , ,1 ..1... i.' lf J- ' Moiguti undertook to tell lemselven. Puhllc Hontlmont is u.(mmllteo a lie know Hbout flnR1 BUOh th stronger now thnn ovor for removing i8 many -of the Biibordluate gbvern mentplaces from the fortunes of poli tical warfare as possime nun puuucj sontlmont insists on going forward and not backward lu elvll service re form. ; The workirlon who are tmtorlng ob jections to any nnd all forms of workmen's compensation ' should ro-( member' that tho big corpora to em ployers art quite wlllhig to let vjjpjl' onbugtiTlon'o and -retain tho present unfair mejjjpd of making the work 'ruun bear lUoBt o't the burden. The rate nt which wo are starving to death, aa a philosopher reciaiUly asserted, may bo gathered from tho fact that while our Imports the last year amounted to $1,800,00,000, our exports ran as high as $2,400,- 000,000. What a hungry, Impe cunious lot we ore. anyway. President-Elect Wilson fears he would bo nnder suspicion if he ac cepted the friendly proffer from an Iowa farmer of a cow to furnish the White Houso with milk. Our nwtt president should not rate theotslim tlon of himself hy tho general pub lic quite so low. The man who sits behind his hack door waiting for opportunity to hap pen along, of course, misses It. mIiuhI opportunity always knocks at uio;, ,"M 'hB'1 "' ,rem Ml xront door. .IksD&v In Omsk U9MPTXK3 i nOTVl &E 'iiiioriwi. Thirty ram Ago A Christmas play was put on at the Uoly Kiuiillv chuioti, with parts assigned lo 'a I'.iik list of nmatuur actresses. In. Mlse mift JH?an. .. Sullivan. , M. Cosgrnvc. A. r 1 1 . . t . . ... ...... "cxwmgn.. .M. ITOurilKUI. -M. KlUmorrin. M. Hller. . V. Riley. 15. .M. x.. . nwe-npr ntifl tbene little trftU. Mmtumn. . iiurKo, A. Mttlhali. M. """u" ' ''iiy. .u. uu!itt. m ji. uw- rap. h f..nrvo. iMIly, F Harrtty. A. ln.rnlum. X. O. O'Hrlon. J Wlmlen. H. MurHiy and X. liarrett Uwrire Jl.ali.'fhr fifteen )ern at MoreaeeiM-r of tlio lnfSn division of the ITnlmi f'aelflr, lifts h'ofln ltiade itoro-ai-etfr for alt the linos oieratel by the rood. ( Dr. Henry llrmlfonl, ad yeurx, died Ml bta realdenfr. onler Thirteenth nnd laant atreetn. Tn "ut";' ff tho utontriK of the .all- ,m"' wniuimflH nay wero netl bv Thoma Xolnn a skoiu for tho fnlun l'aelflo and J. M. Unn as aont for the- Sllnnrnioll A. Oinahii. While teturnliiK fron.i ohuroh, .Mrs. M. 'V SreXamam reenlvml u full .. , llh. r i...i.i ...... .. onmit lmtd.uin m-tion . taken. AmonK them were liilward HoKonator, who mudc the lendliiK uiKumont for the clty'n ride" of the rase: Thomas ICIlnuttlck, pV V. Wcller, O. V. IJokkb ami many others. Miss Ktcllu. ,M. Ueechur, fit; North KiBhteontb Htreot. retuined from Oolinn. bun, Nob., where he Kpent a month vliltlitff retntlvoH. Zaeh Taylor, bond clork of the Puston hotel, wns bohlnd.tho oountur .to greet rrli'iids iiftor 11 month's Illness. A confidential friend of Oovemcr-Wect Crounso nuld that Prof. W. K. Andrews of !ttistlnH ,nd been chosen prlvnto soo retnry to .ludiro Crounso. During tho canumlKn Prof. Andrews made nulto p. ror "io" Po;itic,niy.iu tho. Fifth (Jlrtrlct, whero ho cut down tho mu- InHIV of Mrlvitlchnn fur eomfronn liv ! of lyjtln and history nt ItastliiKS colui;o and had been Identified with the In stitution since.' v ' IVn Yt-nrs Ago .Tulin H. Thouipsoni South Klght- i "H1- tM " ' ,",,w,"l,t U",S.V iMarv s nvonlio. tu little woet of Twentieth her by 11 fall. P. I. Fodrcli. asslHtnnt advertising agent of thu Burlington, spout Chrlstnms with the folks, atOruud Island. In.j G'jjyr.j,". House of Grand Island, ,011c. or .jupsi prominent republican lieprosoiitutlves lit IJncoln, was In tho pity fuulliig certain of success. - C. N. Diets:, whoso company had sold BOO tons of coal to the county, offered the county a oleur profit of tJ.CO a ton for the isl tons of eonl remaining undelivered .and was turned down. Uo wanted to get out of thu contpiaU allowing tho commls dor, but they did not wlah It that way, coal lielng hucIi a precious article, l.tuihirs of tho Union Pacific shopmen's strike, wont to Now Y'ork to confer with K. II. llnrrlnmn In tho hope of settling tho dispute. Among tho delegation were President John McNeil, the International head of tho hollermakcrs; IM Kennedy and Dave O'j.iorincH, local officials, nnd 'J'lun I,. Wllmin of tho machinists. People Talked About Turkey's dlplomnts are said to bo morn erfreltvo In killing tlnlo than the Turkish urmv in hilling Infidels, ' The author of the schema to dynamite the Denver mint und grab a. fovv millions was Imbued with th" idea that nothing less wouM servo to bleak Into society's hurrah 011 Now Year's eve. A lunacy commission is Hitting on him. On th morning of March I President Taft will greet Prof. Wilson, and In tho I fternoon President Wilson will extend tho nclal I deals and things, whero would ho find time to fatten his ur collection? Robert Gnice of Cleveland, O., now piesident of a construction company and rich, has fjust bought nt sheriff's sale a. larnt In Rucks county. Pennsylvania, on which he worked years ago as hired man. Mrs David Chambers McCan. a promi nent l4 Angsles society olub woman and clvlo worker, has accepted appoint mr. itu "Winn, 1 mo uutrjuni ni'iniini moiit as a member of the Municipal Civil Service commission. 8he Is the first woaian civil service commissioner In tho United ftatee. Senator George II. HodgHU the demo cratic governor-elect of Kansas, worked in a lumber yard, thirty years ago. ami 1.0 he ami his brother have several umber yards of their own. He Is said to have the nnsst library In Olathe and solids bis spare moments with his books. Old Prlnc liiltpohl wlio smoked a big 'ierman pit at day long and enjoyed iruim narana oixar tiner ne went to bed at nlifht. and who lived to Ik, tq ami was one af the best rulers Bavaria ever knew. Is going to bo a halt! nrgu man for th anti-tobacco people to handle Ml Mary Rarthelme. the Chicago woman lawyer, who has been appointed as a Judge. m confine1 her official duties to aiding lu the distribution of the jus. tics in the Juvenile court baring made tho reformation or children her life work. Moat of her work wl be confined to tVe hearing of eases where girls are the offenders. CHICAGO MAN CHARGED WITH SWINDLING WIDOW HAN IMIXIO. Col.. Dec. S-Dr. o'tto W. Hnuck of Chicago, aged U years, (a under r. tod.)y charged wl'.i, having ri. irrMl h,. r LOWE AVE. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH By Rev. Nathaniel McOiffin, D. II., Pastor, Ivjwp Aenue Presbyterian . hurt li la if iirMiinsUnc s and the little '-nift was twehty-flve years old this year. Bxoept I for brief exercises Sabbath morning and ! evening. December 38, no formal observ ance ha been planned. Jte. Btephen Phelps, U. D.. of Dellevue who once sup plied as jester of the church, will preach In the morning and J. K. Flumlng of the session, who was charter member of tho founding, wilt read an historical state ment Nearly tvsenty-flvo new members will be admitted. This Is one of th ctiurchw that owes Its existence very largely to home mis sions, which, with foreign mlislons, It stoutly maintains to the best of Ita ability. For many years it chief supiKirt-flnnn-rlally -i-um f-om the Uourd of Home M.eslons In New York, but nlte It leae'cej a self-supporting basis, It exerted rti powers toward aiding others In tlmt di rection. The meeting at which tills church wms organized was held Sunday nfternoon. July S, UtT. In Fclton s hall on Hamilton street, under the call of tho Omaha Pres bytery nnd undor direction of a commit tee from that presbytery composed of Ucv. -William Ilnraho. P. L. Perrlne (both of whom were unable to attend), rtev. V It. Henderson and O. H. Hallow. Itev. Mr. .Mathes of Iowa aspjgtcd In the ab senco'of Itev. Mr, Hnrsha and Mr. Per rlne, pastor nnd elder, respectively, of First church. Theso were admitted as the charter members by letter. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Oronk, Mrs. Kinory, I Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Fleming and their son. Charles. II. Fleming (now pastor of tint Church of the Covenant). Mrs. C. D. Hutchinson, Mies Ida Hckurd, Mr." 'and Mrs. W. IT. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. 3. T. Htuart, Mrs. Shoemaker, 5Irs. M. M: Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Silas V. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Fleming are th only charter members still In the church It was not Iowe Avenue, , hut, , West Hamilton Street Presbyterian church, at Its inception, and Martod oilt In vcy modest HiirroundtiiRS, growing' with ths fommunlly. After the organization, with Itev. Mr. Henderson In the chair; atessrs. J. IT. Fleming, Silas W. Wilson and T. U. Stuart were elected ,and Installed as elders, Mr. Stuart taking tho placo of clerk . of tho session. Young Charles Flomlng acted an secretary of this riiit Ing. Then In pursuance of church govern ment, tho session mot with Rev. Mr. Henderson 11a moderator to plan for tho preaching service, It being decided to call upon the various local pastors until the now church developed sufficient, strength to warrant it In calling a pastor of Its own. .October 1, 1SS7. Ilov, A, ;f, Palm, tho first pastor, took up the work. Things went along prosperously for 1 whlltv but the llttlo church had made 1U advent on the crest of the hard-times wave nnt soon after Its voyage, began the tnthulent bieakers began their havoc. Incomes wavcied or fell, sevens re trenchment"? bad to be made, vomo homes' bought on tlmo payments were forfeited nnd members migrated undor the stress WAYS OF INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION Better Results Hoped For from the New One. Cleveland. Plain Dealer. It overy government, commission la bored earnestly to perform the task given Into Its hands and then reported Its find Ings and dissolved, somo of tho popu'ar hostility toward that method of pro cedure would perhaps bo eliminated. Un fortunately that Is too often not the way of coinmlsalons. In the last ten years Washington has seen Increasing tend ency to shift responsibility concerning Important matters away from the execu tive departments and away from con gress to tho shoulders of usually well paid boards of Inquiry. What Is likely to be tho last of tho Taft commissions was named last week; by authority of congress. It Is called the Industrial commission. Its general pur pose has been explained lu these co.lumnsi nnd the projsct seems worthy. Tho creation of such a commission was iccommendeA lo congress hy the presi dent last February. In that communica tion Mr Taft called attention to the The Bees LctterBo? -H- CI ICC l" To he EdUo'r of JH!.CAW?: ?' "T.. xne nee: J our issue 01 nu.) ai.uuuov- ins ins ileum 01 imim mcniiuii v in personal sorrow io me. It Is seldom In one's life that the pass ing of a friend Is so keenly nnd Imprer slvely felt Tom Urep.nanwas a unique character. He had n personality distinctly Ida own. His intlmnto associates were compara tively few. That, however, was of hla own choosing. His chosen friends 1ovd him dearly. lie was a most, charming innn. Highly educated, refined and cultured. His opinion of men and measures were clenrly and comprehensively expressed ' a ... . I WM. "l- W" " poMt"rt of wonderful memory and was a walking encyclopedia. His ways were peculiar. Ho wus Intensely Irish and hail much to do with making Irish history thirty yon is ago. With It all Tom Brennan's placo In life In riTiiilli-l will h mn .llfflnull fill , ,, tho,e wh v,now him most intimately ; cherish his memory to the end of I their time, I A faithful friend, an honorahU man and a most Interesting character lias been ! call1. We slull miss him. ' W. R. TAYIJR. ' Wtml bnut a llotrl Trust f OMAHA. Dec. Sl.-To the Kdltor of The Uoe: Tlwre la much discussion going on us to the best nanio for the new hotel to be erected lu Omalia. In my Judgment Is but one name and that Is ''Omaha." If a party la In New fork City. Nw Orleans, or any city In the United States or In foreign countries the word Omaha advertises our city, and what Omaha needs la aAvertlaJng and If the people of Omaha buy stock. In the new hotel they should Insist that a word be used for the name of tho hotel that will be an advertisement to the city. Some one has suggested a number of names that signify nothing at all for Instance '"Fon tanell." which means the sott spot In a baby's head. Ak-ax-Bcii Is another uran that might do If we only wanted to .idverttso thj tnwn In Nebraska, another name la Douglas, ' do you suppose for a l :rlbly buffeted during those eight years of adversity, but It never went down. The Iord piloted It through at last to j h safe port. Rev. Cbarle U. Sttrlfng cfttne as pas tor on May l.'lsl, and wotkel very hard, o hard. In fatt, as to Impair his strength. He left tho pulpit and took up a profossorihlp In the Omaha Theo logical seminary on August 1. V1. and Rev. Fred K. Tonga aetsd as supply until July J. when the chutch culled as Its pastor Rev. T. 9. Haw ley. who took up the charge October 24, 1ST? and continued untU July 1. IDOt. Ftom Oc tober I of that year until jino 1. 1MU. Rev. Stephen Phelps. I). D., "the old man e!oqu"Ut." served as supply, doing most faithful work nnd endearing him self to the people. Then coins a man full of youthful vigor, lliv. Andrew S. C. Clarke. , D. D.. from Chicago accepting the call on Sep tember t. )lvi. Dr. Clarke, who became fory popular among his own and other people of the city, remained as pastor until November 1. IPiT. when he accepted an urgent call from the Second Presby terian church of Kvanston, III., where be still labors. Tho writer was his succes sor, coming to the field Mav 1. l!i$. The original church building wns ZOxSO feet in dimensions. It'hoon proved toj , small. Tho people borrowed money at 10 per cent, bought two lots' at our pres ent site. Fortieth nnd Nicholas streets (Fortieth formerly being known as Lowe avenue), moved the little structure upon the site und built an audience room In addition, -(OxM. whleb made a ery re spectable edifice In size nnd otherwise, The. name of the church then became Uwe Avenue Instead of West' Hamilton Street. ' The present building, which cost up wards of 30,000 was erected In tho last year of Dr.- Clarke's pas.tora.te. largely through bis and Mrs. Clarke's efforts. It Is oommodloua and equipped with a splen did pipe organ, which cost something more than 2,0u, of which the Carnegtu organ fund (now defunct) contributed Our present membership is about -TO. The last year ban been characterised by a change In the financial policy. Wo de elded by unajilmous action of the congre gation to substitute, what Is known as tho "slnglo budget system'' of raising all funds necessary for the maintenance of the work. This plan contemplated one fifth of the total sum for missions, homo uiwl foreign, and tho elimination, of all Indirect soclnl methods of raising money Our organization Is complete. Our services consist, regularly, of morning nnd evening preaching every .Sabbath, Sunda; school Immediately following the morning service, Junior and Henlor Endeavor early In tho evening, prayer meeting, on Wednesday nights, with the 'schedulo of meetings for the various agencles-the missionary and aid societies among tho women, the guild among the young women and the Men's brotherhood. changing relations between capital and labor and urgod the preponderating Inter est tho public haa In most clashes be tween employers and employes. The- sit-1 nation has In recent years grown, beyond , the public's knowledge concerning It. There Is need that tho whole broad sub ject of labor disputes, of tho efficacy of arbitration voluntary dr compulsory be studied with the object In mind of enact ing tho kind of legislation nee'ded to meet 41, u nnw pnni1lllnn,. At tho head of tho commission Mr. Taft puts Senator Sutherland of Utah. Capital unit labor seem to bo about equally repre sented among the remaining eight; oven . geographical considerations havo appar ently not been neglected. Fortunately, there Is no Indication of a purpose to pre rent consolation prizes to pnrtlwn lame ducks. F.veryono will hope that the faith of tho president lu this method of handling ti 1 great problem will le Justified hy tho result. moment that the name wnuld advertise Omaha? No. There aro a number of other names suggested whlfh- are In honor of sonw persons who are only known In Omaha, and would bo no advertisement. for our city. What wc want Is the namo "Omaha." It signifies something and tha nioro wo can havo the- name mentioned among traveling mm and In the. cast, "0rt" n"d B0Ut" tha b,8Rer W0 Rdvrrtl!"? 1 our city. .The "Onnha" or tho "New, 0mahR.. s0Ulld(l g00d, but boh Oil II lot of 1 0j)Br n!LmP8 that havo been suggested 1 I that mean nothing and odvertle nothing, and in dozms of llttl" towns In the state we find hotels called "Douglas" nnd many other names that havo been mentlonct as suitable for our big hotel. Nothing so good, nothing stnnds for so much to Omahs as a big first class hotel named "The New Omaha." 1 A few years ago people could stop at the very best hotels in the principal cities and get a first class room with bath und threo good meals for 12.50 to $3, hut things ,have changed, since hotels havo formed a trust and now charge aa much 1 rom as formerly they charged for hoth rom and board. The roms are no better and the meals are woise. No mora Is paid for help, and while the govern- 1 ment Is prodding trusts It should not ( overlook the hotel trust. C. it MANSON. Cml Hills liiitiincliril. Philadelphia Record. Bverybody claims to have won th anthracite trust suit: at least, til parties concerned express their satUf action. In 'the chorus of congratulattona, however, ( i the consumers voice n noi nn roi, Probably this long-suffering person la try. Ing to get his bearings and dftcern "where i he Is at:" and, poslbly. ha supect that, ; as usual, he "got whatever It coming to j him In the neck. If Independent operators who have not algned the (fi per cent agree ment roeelve Jl a ton inoie for their coal than the operators who have signed, vh-, annulmant of that agrtement 1 not go-, lnc to reduce coal bills, Man with Broken Baok Takes Walk . NEW ROCHELI.E. N. T, Dec. J5 Waldorf Miller, who contrary to the pre diction of phyaldana has lived for near''' eighteen months with a nroken bac t, celebrated hts Christina today by goln out for his flrat walk i ti.e vtreets alnr July 1. Wit, when be received thu titiinv , whlla diving. HOW EDITORS SEE THINGS. M. Iouis Olobe-Dcmouat. With peace and gv! government Mixlco would be one of the most prosperous awl promis ing nations. Why the Mexicans them selves object is one of the puszles of tor time. , Washington post: President Tuft's de cision to permit his successor to name the new amlMssador to lndon will enable some wrving. republican to save the price Of a steamship ticker to Kngland an, back. Kprlngfleld Republican. Despite the fact that Governor Wilson will not lw able to vllt the AVhlte House In Jaiiu ury. the gracious Invitation extended by President Talt will always remain to his credit. No retiring piesl.teiit ever did the like. lioston Transcript: What? An "edition 1I1 Jtixe" .n!esuuui arrested for separating a couple of women from only And In Boston, too? He must lie what Is professionally known as 11 "cheap skate." Am thing below a round hundred thou sand is really -Infra dig. In the trade or the Jolly Grafters. Chicago Tribune: From sundry demo cratic utterances wo gather the impres sion that Woodrow Wilson will make the mistake of his life If he gives tho secre taryship of state to Mr. Bryan; also that Mr. Bryan Is the logical, necessary and heaven ordained man for the Job. It Is high time to pull off another harmony dinner. Philadelphia Record; Pensions to de serted mothers of dependent children woukl be very proper, but the deserting father should he made to pay them. In California a deserter who will not sup port 'his family must earn the pension by laboring In a chain gang breaking stones, or at some other usefu' employment pro vlded by the state. LINCOLN AMI 1119 MKMOIUAI.t UllCM (reek Temple Kit Hrrnl merlon 11 Clinrncterf Philadelphia Bulletin. What would Abraham Lincoln think of tha memorial to he erected in Wash ington In his honor? Would this plain man of the people approve of the ornate, stately structure, which Is to adorn Poto mac park, this ball with Its colonnade of thirty-six Doric columns, each forty-four feet high and more than seven feet In diameter at the base? That tho memorial Is to be a magnifi cent one, all will admit. That the great ness of tho rsnn justifies the erection of any roowor'a! stilted, r h!s oVAracter, none will deny. Two million doltars Is not too 'much to spend lf in expending the money tho public may be brought to a fuller reallr-Atlon of the work and worth of Abraham Lincoln. But one can not help wondering whether there Is a real relationship between the beautiful Greek temple which will ndorn the banks of the Potomac, and the strong, rugged, For best results use Perfection Oil. Winter days it easily warms the rooms not reached by the ordinary heat. And it's so light and handy. Can be moved just where it's needed. Made with nickel trimmings, plain steel or enameled turquoise-blue drums. Ornamental. Inexpensive. Lasts for years. At DaUr EvTywhtre STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nabraska) . Omaha Mi Cuba, Panama, Gulf Coast Resorts and all other principal resorts in the south reached by quick and convenient schedules of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad either in solid through trains or sleeping cars from Chicago or St. Louis. Complete dining car service. Round trip tourist tickets, return limit to June 1st, on sale daily at reduced fares. Greater variety routes than any other tine; diverse routes to Florida if desired. lomeseekers' tickets on sate First and Third Tuesday each month at very low rates. Very Attractive Water Tears l Paauu, Cata aaa Jamaica. The Most Attractive Way South For full particulars, rate, tickets, descriptive illui (rated booklets and alssfH&g car reservations, address kindly, human man. who piloted tha gas emment through the four most terrible years of Its history. Perhaps the hlen Is the best that coutC have been suggested, but If so It Is striking evidence of the finlteness of tha human mind In the presence of Infinite opportunity. GRINS AND GROANS. Redd Black took a chance in a raffle for an automobile the other day, and he won It. Greene He's a lucky dog. Redd TUicky nothing! llo won't be out of tho hospital fur a monthl Yonker Statesman. "1 Cello, old man ncss?" how do you find busl. "Mow? Hy judicious advertising, of course. san j-'raneisro cnromeie. "A-fter all. rertrtilrt of one's anger It something of a gastronomic dilemma." "I don't understand exactly what you mean." "That you must either swallow your wrath or afterward have to eat your wordF." Baltimore American. Mnnd) ' What fob ; n'i been goln' to de Post Office so reglar? Are you oor reapondln" wlf some other female?" Rastut: "Nope, but since ah been n-readln' In de papers 'bout dese 'con science funds' a! kind of thought ah might possibly git a Icttnb from dat mln Istah what married us," l.tfe. "What makes that rich man so stuck op himself?" "I suppose It Is because he made sich a fortune In glue." Baltimore American. TO THE FIRE IN THE GRATE. Thou cheery giate. that ever did Impart, When all else failed, sweet comfort to my heart. Shine on: In thy bright beaming smiles appear No treoherles to fill the muid with fearl Unlike the face of man, whose chilling light Shines cold as wintry moons upon ths sight. Thy smiles Instinct with kindly weleotn glow. And frcm thy bosom peace and friendship flow. Thou loyal, grate, whsn rare with kllllntr frost Nipped ev'ry Joy and oven hope seemed lost: And hollow friends, devoid of heart, 1m4 . flown, No sinllo of welcome cheered inn but thlno own. Rut why complain? Tho lltrht that ssyly danced Around the henrth my lonely soul on tranced: 'Till won from cure by charms tin felt he. fore t know thy worth and longed foe man no more. Thou comrade of my lonely nights whese beams , Oft changed my wav'rlng hopes to' epWen dreams, Rhine on; the fire that warmB thy friendly breast rtopays mo for tho coldness ef tha rost, And when, as evening falls, the day's work o'er, On worldly cares and strife' I bar tha door. Close by thy side In coxy lngleneok I'll rest, nor further for contentment look 01 1 Brings Solid Comfort to Old People w m -s- It saves them many a cold and sickness, for on the windy, blustery Fall and 1 Tnrrrl Florida, New Orleans, P. W. MORROW N. W. P. A. 332 MarqusHa BUg Chica, tlL J. E. DAVENPORT, D. P. A. 312 North 8tk St. St. LaaU, Ma ( t t