Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
will interest every woman who
llkca good heart-to-heart talks
with other sympathetic women.
Generally Fair
VOL. XLTT-NO. 1(52.
Sultan's Plenipotentiaries Announoo
that They Will Prooeed with
Negotiations with All Allies,
Thy Include, Surrender of Adrian
ople, Sontarl and Janina,
Reserve Reply Until Next Session,
Which Will Be Saturday.
Atiulrtn Informs 1'nwrrn that There
la I3very Prospect fnr Amicable
Settlement of Difficulties,
with Hervln.
LONDON, Deo. 2l-A furUiar relaxation
of International tension brought
about- today when Austria-Hungary In
formed the other European powers that
It considers th Balkan difficulties ap.
preaching a satisfactory solution. This,
It says, Is the result of Servla's action
In apologising to Austria-Hungary for the
Incident connected with the treatment of
the Auatro-Rungarlan consul at Prlsrend
and also Its acceptance of the proposed
arrangement to give it port facilities on
the Adriatlo without territorial posses
son. '
Besides these assurances from Vienna,
another helpful factor In the situation
was the audience given today by the em
peror, Joseph Francis, to the new Servian
minister, M. Jovanovitch, when both cor
dially expressed hope for a speedy re
establlshment of complete friendship 'be
tween Vienna and Belgrade.
The peace conference resumed Its sit
tings at St. James palace this afternoon.
The session lasted an hour and a half.
Allies Prcnent Demands.
The Turkish delegates did not insist
today on the roviotualllng of tho fortress
of Adrianople. Stojan Novakovltch, ex
premior of Servla, who presided over the
meeting, presented the peace conditions
of the Balkan allies, and the Turkish
delegates stated that they would require
time to consider the proposal.
Tho discussion, according to M. Nova
kovltch, was "fairly amicable," and the
plenipotentiaries separated hopeful that
the next meeting on Saturday would pro
duce something more definite.
Among the allies the claim Is made
that their military position , has been
greatly strengthened, and if they must
reopen .the war they can jnuster-.between
Adrianople and Tchatalja 850,009 mn. in
cluding 100,000 Bulgarians, who are vet
erans of the November battles, 160,000
fresh and well-drilled Bulgarians' anxioun
to emulate their brothers in arms, 60,000
Servians and 40.000 Greeks, who can be
landed at Dedeaghatch and Knoe at a
Most of the military men here believe
Ready to Braame PI rid.
Opening another chapter of warfare is
another step which the allies do not in
vite, but for which they profess to be
fully prepared. "While suspicion exists
that the Turks have been sparring to gain
time since the conference assembled ten
days ago, the consensu!) of opinion is
that the Turkish government 'will reoog
nlze the situation and conclude peace,
and that the political situation in Con
stantinople dictates that course. The ad
vice which the principal powers have
been giving to Turkey is in the direction
of peace. The Bulgarians declare that
if the Turks are not ready to oome to
Allies HtrenKihcn Position,
the allies will not attack the Tchatalja
lines, which have been reinforced with
fresh troops and the fortifications
strengthened, but will await the attacks
of the Turks be'htnd their entrenchments,
while pressing the siege of Adrianople
and forcing Its capitulation. '
Both the Turkish and the Bulgarian
armies are supposed to have constructed
new works at Tchatalja, since they gained
much Information regarding the respeo.
.tlve po&itlons in the recent fighting.
The Greek community In London gave
a banquet tonight In honor of the Greek
delegates. The Greek minister, J.
Gennadlus, presided. Premier Venlxeloi
was given a great ovation when he aros
to speak and there were cheers for Crete.
The premier said a victorious war would
not only spread the geographical bound-
arles of the nation, but strengthen the
nation's soul.
General Dnnglls, chief of the Greek
staff, In responding to a toast to the
Greek forces, paid a high tribute to the
crown prlnoe, who during the war, he
said, had displayed such military virtues
as to prove himself one of the greatest
generals in Europe. By the work of the
crown prince and the energies of Premier
Venlzelo. Greece, he predicted, would be-
(Contlnued oa Page Two.)
The Weather,
Forecast till 7 p, m. Tuesday:
for Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair tonight, Tuesday and probably
Wednesday; slightly colder tonight.
it Omaha
Hours. Deg,
5 a. m St
6 a. m ,, 23
7 a. m...,.
8 a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
tt m
1 p. m
2 p. m
3 p. m ,
Lot-ill Wenther Record,
1912. 1911. 1910. 19.
1 owext Ust night 2 3S S tfi
Precipitation ft) .0) .00 .01
Normal temperature for today, 25 do-
i . ?. i.. i i..i .!., t . ,
Deficiency In precipitation since March I
1 l o", 'licht I
I nr'. nrv I'urrcsponQiug penou, r.m. ;
Dt rich r. y
ii imhc-.
( rrespoudiiig jm ,lcd, 110
Search for Murderers
of Logue Continues;
Suspects Eeleased
CHICAGO. Dec. 23.-A countrywide
search for two men believed to he tho
flayers of Joseph It. IyoRUc, diamond
merchant, who was murdered In his of
fice In McVlcker's Theater building last
Friday, was begun today. Following la
n description of the men:
No. 120 to 30 years old, -five feet 10
Inches In height, 175 pounds: wore a
sweater Jacket with a large roll collar;
blue trousers and a dark cap.
No. a Long, peaked nose and face; wore
dark clothes and shirt.
Men answering this description were
seen loitering about the hall In the vi
cinity of Logue's office for several hours
last Friday before the murder wsb com
mitted. Tho police are also looking for three
women who are said to have frequented
Logue's office. Two of them had blonde
hair and one Is said to have . called to
see Logue at his office the morning of the
day of the murder.
Mrs. Logue told the police that she
knew of several women who sold dia
monds for h-r husband on commlf."
but ridiculed the Idea that any of t.
women could have had anything to
with tho murder.
All but four of the suspects were re
leased by the police today. Those still
aeld arc:
Clyde Stratton, university graduate, who
Is said to have escaped three times from
the Ohio State penitentiary at Colum
bus, O.
Frank Wllllamj. alleged safeblower,
II. K. Hampton, alleged holdup man.
Mrs. Marguret Johnston, believed by the
police to be the wife of "Toronto Jimmy"
Johnson, alleged burglar and safebower.
The finding of $3,000 worth of parcels
post stamps in the North Side flat .used
as headquarters by Stratton and his com
panions today, led federal government
officers to take a hand In the Investiga
tion. After lnspoctlng the stamps Postof
flce Inspector Otto expressed the opinion
that they were stolen from small sub
stations either In Chicago or In a nearby
Unnecessary Noises
Are Under Ban of
the Berlin Police
NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Police regula
tions which are to be put Into effect In
Berlin, Germany, on April 13. will bar
whistling and cano swinging, and pro
hibit persons polking more than three
abreast on the streets. Copies of the In
structions received here Include these and
other unusual restrictions as follows:
Persons may not walk more than thren
abreast or stop or congregate for any ex
tended period of time.
Persons with umbrellas or walking
sticks must not carry or swrng them In
any manner likely to Imperil the safety'
of passereby.
ru,pvou, ",i J V""V''
being played may be kept open.
No whistling, singing, shrieking, ahbut
Ing or loud .talking of any kind likely to
endanger the quiet' of (he streets, is to he
permitted, j
Teamsters In charge of wagons, trams
or trucks loaded with rebounding metal
of any kind are forbidden to drive In a
manner calculated to cause nerve shat
tering noises.
No paper, remains of fruit, cigars or
cigarettes may be thrown Into the streets.
The dragging of clothes of any kind
women's dresses or anything else capa
ble' of producing dust Is prohibited,
Schooner is Sunk
in Ghilf of Mexico;
Fifteen Lives Lost
MOBILE, Ala., Dcc.-'M.-The British
schooner Gcorgiana with ten passengers
and a crew of five, foundered off Lucea,
Jamaica, In trying to make that port
during the November gulf storm and all
on board were lost, according to dis
patches received hero today. The British
schoonor Cartagcnla has not been heard
from since November 17, and It Is believed
that vessel with its crew of seven also
has gone down.
One of those who perished on the Geor
glana. was AV. R. Boddon, a well known
merchant of Georgetown, Grand Cay
man, and IiIh -family, and Captain Wood
and his family.
The Georgiana was a two-masted
schooner which has traded among the
West Indies for over twenty-five years
and which had made regular visits to
tho various parts on the gulf coast. It
sailed from Mcntego Bay, Jamaica, on
November 16 for Cayman Brae, with a
cargo of merchandise.
The Cartagena, also was a two-master,
a regular trader between the West Indies
and gulf ports.
Two Hundred Coal
Miners Entombed by
Explosion in Japan
TOKIO, Dec, 23.-More than 200 Jap.
anese coal miners were entombed and
are probably dead as the result of a ter
rible explosion which occurred. In the
Ubarl colliery at Sapporo on the Island
of Hokkaido today. Of the men who wero
working In the galleries of the pit at the
time only three were brought to the.
surface alive and the officials fear that
all the rest have perished.
Dr.Eoller's Auto
StrikesLittle Girl
CHICAGO, Dec. 23. An automobile
owned and driven by Dr. B. F, Boiler,
the wrestler, struck and fatally injured
Mary Kurnlck, 8 years old, hern last
night. Dr. Boiler was driving Mrs. M
Merrlweather to the home of a family
of poor children, where she Intended to
leave a box of toys as a Christmas re
membrance. Near tbHr destination the
little girl tried to run across the street
In front of the machine, but was hurled
to one side, noth Dr. Roller and Mrs.
,, .t. . j ... , ..
Merlweather Jumped out of the automo-
one ana tne cnuo was pukea up aid
taken to a t-it died lit a ahull
uinmin iilluu u u.
Commercial Club Asks Railroad
Representatives to Explain De
lay 'in Meeting Needs.
Depot Officials Had Agreed to Give
More Tracks During 1818.
Trains Have Been Held on the
Bridge for Hours.
rnnhril the Since
rclnl CInb Dl-
a Called Upon
et nt Once,
oads. whore officials are
of the Union Depot company
Invited by tho Commercial club
explain why soifib promises mode one
year ago have not been kept.
One yiar ago the Commercial club de
mands I or tho railroads that Omaha be
given better and more adequate passneger
station facilities at the Union station. At
that time tho promise was made by the
railroad officials thut during the year
1912 a plan for, an enlarged or a new
depot would be worked out and submitted.
Tho year has poWd and nothing has
been done, Now tho Commercial club
wants to know why and has sent word
to the railroad men to explain.
Tho grout crowds that camo to Omaha
during the Ak-Sar-en festivities and
during during the week of the teachers'
convention aroused tho Commercial club
to action, but nothing was done until
the movements of the holiday crowds
made It apparent that the present depot
facilities weie entirely Inadequate to
handle the business of the growing city
and tho crowds of visitors that grow
larger each year.
The Commercial club has noticed this
and the members have decided that now
Is the time to act. hence the letters that
have been sent out. J
I'BMcnscr Uuslne, Incrrnsc.
With the Increase of passenger business,
durl)j' the last ten days almost dally all
of (hi) roads operating Into the Union
station have' been forced to run extra
trains. This business and these extra
trains havo congested business so that
shoppers, vlstors and other passengers
Into the city havo been held for hours
outside the terminals waiting In the can
that wero eunable to get Into the station.
Last week a Milwaukee passenger train.
wqs laid out two hours on theUnlon Pa
cific bridge, unable to get, into the .yards
on account pf the cppKcaUqn. Another
Uraln,..a - - Iocal on .the Missouri Pacific,
one loaded with more than 200 shoppers,
was held out three hours, simply because
there was no trackage that could bo uaed.-
Delay Are Frequent.
Cbmmerctal club members refer to the
fact that the two Instances cited are not
unusual, but ate of almost dally occur
rence. They go beyond this and stale by
reasons of the methods pursued by tle
Union Depot company, Omaha merchants
are losing vast sums of money, shoppers
feeling that by reason of the Inability
of the roads to get their trains up to the
station, they cannot get here, do their
trading and return hopio the same day.
The Commercial club" riot only demands
more tracks at the Union station for the
accommodation and handling of the
trains, biit they nsk for a larger depot.
They point to the fact that upon tho ar
rival and departure of the evening trains,
especially the locals that bring In nnd
cany out the shoppers, the present depot
Is ,o crowded that It Is next to Impossi
ble to get through.
By reason of this congestion, outgoing
passengers are frequently unable to get
through the crowds to catch their trains
nnd uro forced to remain In the city over
night, Incurring expense that they had
not figured on, all of which they say
works against the city In Its burinesa in
terests. Widow Faints When
Doctor Says Husband
Died of Poisoning
CHICAGO. Dec. 23.-Mrs Mary Baude
collapsed and sank to tho floor uncon
scious today at the coroner's Inquest over
her husband, Frank Baude, when Dr. W.
H. Burmeister testified that a chemical
analysis of tho victim's viscera showed
It contained thirty grains of one kind of
poison and nineteen grains of another.
Baude was found dead In bed at his home
several days ago. after he had made a
will bequeathing his property to his wife.
Dislocated Neck
Jarred Into Place
' BAN- FRANCISCO, Dec. 23. An uniden
tified man on the steamer Slma, coaling
here, dislocated the. vertebrae of his neck
yesrterday by trying to hang himself and
then the Jolting of an ambulance put
them back In plarr again.
The man leaped from a yardarm, for
some unknown reason, with a rope about
his neck. He was cut down and a sur
geon discovered the dislocation. When
be reached the hospital the bones were
In place.
Dr. Alfred Boncovelri said the case was
one of the most remarkable In medical
annals. Thero was no doubt, he said,
that the Jolting ambulance had set the
bones again.
KATUN ItOGt'K. La., Dec-23,-Whrn
filn i Iff Parker went to the court hou
of West Raton Rogue today he found the
body of Norm Calore, a negro, twinging
from a telegraph pole short distance
from the Jail. Cadore had been cpnvict(l
of Killing .losoph Norman, a plantation
manager. aiiout thrre weeks ago.
fudore i attorney had taken steps to
file all appeal It was piiKillllnl this i
liiepmd the lytichlns. (
jflBRiWsWI till I
From tho Now Turk World.
Attempt Made to Assassinate Gov
ernor General of India.
Huron Hardlnge, Who Wit Mukltin:
Formal Kntrr Into New C'niil
lal, ,.llVh"t1r AV'oiindrd .: .
b SIL.IIe. '
DHLHL India, Dec. 23.-Baroii and
Baronors Hardlnge, Viceroy and vicereine
of lr,ilia, in,lrapulouply escaped assHsslua
tlpn by .a natlvo fanatic today whllt
mailing their ceremonial entry Into
Delhi, the new Imperial capital of India.
The tpllntern of tlio powerful bomb
which kllle'l one native attendant and
Injured another, penetrated the back and
shoulders of thp viceroy and he was also
wounded ,ln th neck by the screws
with which the bomb was filled and which
pacsod throuch his helmet. The doctors
who removed tho mqtal- splinters from
tho wounds 'declared It was marvelous
that the viceroy escaped fatal Injuries,
Lady Hardlnge Immediately after the
explosion asked her husband If he was
hurt. He replied: "I om all right. Go
Iidy Hardlnge then said: "We cannot
There Is it dind man behind."
Vleeroy Fnlnt.
The elephant on which they were rid
ing halted and the viceroy tried to stand
up, hut reeled alnd fainted and the of
ficials who gathered around had much
difficulty ln removing him from the
elephant's back. The howduh In which
he and I July Hardlnge had been seated'
was blown Into match wood, , ..
The viceroy will soon be nhle to leavo
the hospital for the vice regal lodge.
The umbrella bearer who was killed
has acted In that capacity for Lord
The' bomb thrower has not yet beon
caught. Ae reward of 10,000 rupees (ap.
proximately S3.300) has been offered tor'
his arrest. ,
Baron Hardlnge was appointed last i
summer to succeed the earl of Mlnto, who
waa former governor-general of Candn, as
viceroy of India. Shortly after his appoint
ment he was elevated to the peerage, tie
Is 62 years old and a graduate of Cam
bridge. He entered the,, diplomatic serv
ice In 3881 and has remained In It con
tinuously until the present time. He'
served "successively at Chlcagb, Berlin,
Washington, Bucharest, Teheran and St.
Petersburg In diplomatic positions. ,
In 1SKM he was appointed ambassador
to Bussla and two years later nan made
under-secretary of slate for foreign af.
Snow in Oklahoma
and Northern Texas ;
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla Dec. 23.-1
Bnow fell steadily throughout north
eastern Oklahoma thjs morning. At
Muskogee the ground was covered to a
depth of two Inches at' daybreak. From
four to seven Inches of snow was re.
ported from -the Panhandle region of
Texas: At Abilene. Tex., snow still was
falUng at 7 a, m.
I5B' ANGHLMH, Dec 23.-A writ of
habeas corpus aaked by attorneys for
Carl Bledelbach, the "human bomb." who
threatened several weckx ago to blow up
thn pollen station, was denied today by
Judge Wllllu and the dynamiter was xeut
back to Jali until his trial, December
HUdellMLCh listened attentively whllo his
attorneys argued that he had committed
no offense by tpktng an Infernal nuclilnc
'nto the io!ice station and he guve equal
attention to thn answering argumeuU. He
showed no emotion when Judge Willis
denied the writ.
Supply and Demand
Fuller Brings Report
On Torture of Rubber
Gatherers in Peru
WASHINGTON. Dec. 23,-Ktudlt Fuller,
American consul at Iqultos, Peru, who In
vestigated' the reported autruges ugaluxt
the Peruvian Indian's In the I'utumayo'
rubber district, arrived In -Washington
todaJniJ conferred with HtatJdjtiiA.'
mem oitciais. win outrages urougiu oi
light by Consul Fuller's Investigation rii
such as to Rive rise to one of the most
perplexing Iatln-Aincrlcan problems with
which the State department has had to
deal, especially In view of tho fact that
British corporations aro tho principal
operators In the Peruvian rubber field.
Consul Fuller's' 'report, mailed before
his departure -for the. United States, had
previously reached the department, but he
supplemented the disclosures mado therein
with other Information all tending t
show the horror of the outrngea perpe
trated on the Indians by their foreign
employers, as well as the gravity of the
problem with which the government has
to dnal.
The principal purpose of Connul Fuller's
mission was to ascertain whether the out
rages against the Indlnn nihbr gathurcrs
had censed as the Peruvian government
Ihslnts Is the case, hut this fact cuuiiot bo
known until the consul's report Ie. (rans
inltted to oongrefcs, which has already
caUcd for It hy a spoclaj resolution'.
Thirteen Persons
Crushed to Death in
Panic in Theater
' MKNIN. Belgium. Dee. 23,-Of the thir
teen personB who lost their lives as a
result of th Cinematograph theater fire
at Uarraqtiea lam night not one
burned to death. Medical examination
of th bodies today Hhowed that death In
every cose was duo to Internal hemor
rhage caused hy uressuie In attempting
to escape.
Tho panic In the auditorium was fright
fill. The theater was capable of accom
modating people with comfort, but
more than '. Including many children,
had' crowded In. When the flumes broke
out; 'some of the spectators Jumped li
their frenzy from the low balconlen upoji
the heads of the struggling mass of chil
dren and gronn-ups, ,
Fifty suffered Injuries not fatal.
Railroad Held
. Responsible for
Eleven Deaths
ZANKHVILLU O.. Dec a.-Coroner A.
K, Walters toda held officials of the
Pennsylvania railroad responsible for tho
wreck at Dresden on December 3, when a
train on tho Cleveland, Akron & Colum
bus' division collided with a Cincinnati &
Muskingum Valley division train and
eleven persons wt-m killed. He says that
the train wero running too clonoly to
gether; the Cleveland, 'Akron & Columbus
engine carried defective oqulpment, and
the crew of tho other train was not able
to see the danger hlgnal soon enough.
Mail Carrier Fined
For Trading Jobs
LU3 ANGKLK4. Ui "2S. -.1, K. ltlcllter,
h Los Angehs mull carrier who ex
changed his tottlon with a Denver ear
lier and obtained IJ00. "to boot." was
Bntencd. tortus b Federal Judg Well
born to p.n a fine of II und to serve one
day In Jail Rlrhtt-r pleaded guilty He
HHld he was In bad health and (bought a
chungu uf illinatti would benefit htm.
Father Seeks Job, Which Comes
After Day of Hustling.
Ulinrltnlily Inclined Wnmnn Will
I'nUe I, Idle (Jlrl to Her Home
fur Christian Dti'ilicr
nnd Cheer, ,-
. - .
'The father of a family of two pretty
llttlo KlrlH,nnd a beautiful mother called1
at Jho Associated (,'harltirs Monday and
naked, for work., lie refused chn'rlty.and
Hpent several hours answering advertise
ments nnd calling up those who might
need help. Despairing, ho went home,
A few minutes after hn had left a
Womaja called up and said she wanted to
glvo a Christmas dinner to some deserv
ing family. The Associated Charities re
ferred her to this man. The woman went
to the home, but the father and mother
Bld, '-'Wo will have bread nnd hutter for
Christmas.," und courteously declined the
Finally the parent mado It optional
with the little girls as to whether they
would accept tho lady's invltntlon to
spend Christmas nt her home. The girls
did not hesitate. Tltfiy accepted the In
vitation niid aro looking forward to a
very merry time Wednesday.
"And to cap the climax.", said an Asso
ciated Charity worker, "tho father this
afternoon' found ' n job. They nre the
itpist Jubilant family in tho city, 1 be
lieve." France Leads World
in Military Aviation
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23.-The United
Htntcs, homTj of the first hcavier-than-air
flying ipachlne, Is far behind other na
tions In military aviation. This Is the ag.
sertlon of Captain Washington I. Cham
bers; V. S. N., ohlef of tho navy's avia
tion corps, an expert who Is devoting his
cntlro time to the science. Ho saysi
"Franco leads the world In uvlutlon
and all .that. It docs Is worth noting. A
short tinifi ago. In rcsponso to an Inquiry
by the minister of war, over 3,000 orricera
signified their desire to learn aerial navi
gation. Germany leads In aerostation,
but Is making great progress In aviation
"France has eight dirigibles, Germany
thirty. TJe number of aeroplanes ac
tually by eaoh Is a rapidly In-
I creasing quantity, but France probably
; will possess about 350 before the end of
'the year, tlio ultimate aim being to have
: I.WX) as soon as the requisite number of
pilots can be taught to use them,
"It U significant of German foresight
that ono of the first steps undertaken,
whf.n It. was decided to construct a large
aeroplane fleet was to found nn aero
dynamic laboratory. Tills Is at Gottingon,
where thu best known course of Instruc
tion In auronautloa Is ably conducted by
Prof. Irandtl."
, France UiuIh with a total appropriation
of 14,400.000 to dute and u popular sub
scription of 11,000,000. Germany I second
with a total appropriation of ll.&OO.COO and
a popular subscription of $7K,000. Next
comos Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Japan
and then the United Htatea.
MlLWAl'KKH. Wl Dec. 23.-A "tiamp
girl.'' -who gives her name us Maud
JuhiiHon, 22, and who latins her liomn la
In Memphis, Tenri.. was .taken from the
blind baggage of a railroad train ar
riving from 8t. Paul today. She was stiff
from tho cold. Other than to give her
name ttn4 addresa, she refused to talk.
She wai drexsed In a short bluo skirt that
diirs not rearh her tdioetops She wore a
I boy's hat and a heavy coat
Officials of New Haven and of
Grand Trunk Roads Accused
of Trade Restraint.
Purpose of Combine Alleged to Bo
to Prevent Extensions.
Penalty is Year in Jail and Fine of
Five Thousand.
President Chnmherlln of Grnntt
Trnnk Live In Mnnlrenl nnd
Chairman Hnitthcr la
nrltlnh Mnhjettt. 1
NBW YORK, Dec. a.-Chnrles S. Mel
len, president of the Now York. New!
Haven A Hartford railroad; B. J. Cham
berlain, president of the Grand Trunte
railway of Canada; and Alfred W. Smith
ers, chairman of the Grand Trunk board
of directors, were Indicted by the federal
grand Jury here this nftornoon, oharged
with violating the Sherman anti-trust law'
In the alleged monopoly agreement Ixvi
tween the two rondc.
The Indictment avers Mellen, Chamber
lain and Smlthera wero engaged on Au
gust 3, 1913, and "have since engaged In
an unlawful combination to prevent tho
construction and completion of certain ex
tensions of the Grand Trunk railway la
Now Kngland."
It Is also charged they conspired to prn-t
vent the operation of ateaimhlps between
Trovldenco and New York and "transpor
tation of persona nnd property In Inters
state and foreign commerce over thesaj
lines of railroads and steamships."
.Seven Overt Act Charged.
Several overt acta are alleged by tha
government. It Is charged that tho de
fendants met In New York on August 5,
1912, and discussed a memorandum there
tofore exchanged between Messrs. Cham,
berlln and Mellln, which provided that
the Grand Trunk should sell tho New
Havon system all Hh Itnerest In tho Cen
tral of Vermont and Its subsidiaries which
would Isoluto all tho proposed extensions
li-to New Kngland.
The second overt act alleged embraces
a chargo that Chambcrlln wrote to Vlco
President J. K. "Dalympto of the Grand
Trunk, saying he nnd Bmlthers had had
a satisfactory Interview with Mellen nnd
it wafngreeil that Dhlrymplo and Benja
min Campbell" of the New Hrtven should
meet quietly" Ih Mellen'sjiftlce and discuss
new divisions of New lingmnn Business.
The third net alleged hat the defend
ants held 'further meetings In New YoUc
City on September 20 of this year;
the fourth tliat they held an
other meeting In New York on
October 1. Tho fifth that at this men
tioned meeting, Mellen Initiated nnd gnv
to the defendants a memorandum of tlte
agreement providing among othor tilings
that tho Grand Trunk la "to retain tho
Central Vermont and the existing con
trolled linns, add continue Its existing
business at present."
Thn sixth overt act alleged Is that
Mellen caused the withdrawal of it peti
tion previously filed by his directors with
tho puhlla nervlce commlHslon of Now
Hampshire, asking authority to oxtenl
one nf the New Haven lines paralleling
and competing with a portion of the Cen
tral Vermont railway.
Tlio seventh overt act set forth Is that
on November 9, 1M2, Chamberlain caused
the work of constructing a line frqm
Palmer, Mass., to Providence, B I to b
abandoned. Cnnslraitlliin Abandoned.
After describing the.Nnw Haven system
nnd the extension of tho Grand Trupk
Into New Knglaqd, Including the Central
Vermont, the Indictment describes tha
formation- of tho Southern New Knglnnft
Hallway company In Bhod Island and tha
Southern Now England Hallway corKra
tlon In Massachusetts. It sets forth that
work was begun on the Palmer Provl
donce Hno on May 22, 112. and continued
until November 9, 1912; also that a cou
tract was entered Into botween the Grand
Trunk and Central Vermont to operate
atcamslilps between Providence and New
York. During that .time, say the Indict
ments, J3,OX,000 was spent on construc
tion work and In building two steamships.
The Indlotinent avers "That thero Is
now and haa long been a large voluino
of Interstate and foreign commerce In
the transportation of persons and prop
erty between Providence, Pawtncket,
Wloonsocket, Boston and other cities and
towns on the proposed lines of railroads
and the cities of Montreal, Chicago, De
troit, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis
and other western cities, and lhat tha
greater portion of this commerce was and
Is carried by tho New Haven system, but
that upon the completion and operation
of the Grand Trunk extensions that sys
tem (The Grand Trunk) proposed nnd In
tended to, and but for the commission
of the crime set forth, would have ac
tively competed with the New Haven sys
tem for such commerce."
None of the defendants was represented
In court when the Indictment was handed
up, but counsel for the government Bild
that all three would surrender themselves
within a Tew days, notwithstanding the
fact that Messrs Smlthera and Chamberlln
ure not residents of the United States.
Mr, Smlthera" headquarters In in Lon-
(Continued on Page Two.)
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