The Omaha Daily Bee OUR MAGAZINE PAGE will Interest every woman who likes good heart-to-heart talks with other sympathetic women THE WEATHER. Generally Fair VOL. XLTI-NO. 161. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 123, 10112 TKN PAGES. SINGLE COPV TWO CENTS. TWO NATIONS LEFT IT AGREEMENT TO Abrogation of Treaty with Russia by Congress Unsettles Trade Relations Between Countries. FIRST TIME IN EIGHTY YEARS Unprecedented Situation Results from Lack of Understanding. BUSINESS INTERESTS DISTURBED Display Great Anxiety to Know on What Footing to Work. EFFECTIVE FIRST OF YEAR Stntua Quo am to Trade Will Prob nbly lleinitln Unchanged n Lome Neither Country Taken Dli. criminatory Steii. WASHINGTON. Dec, 23.-The termina tion pf the Russian treaty abrogated by congress because of Russia's attitude upon the passport uestion, which becomes effective January 1. leaves tho two na tions for the first time in eighty years, without an agreement to govern their trade relations and nrosonta a aitimHn,. unprecedented. Except as a consequence of war, the United, States has never before" under taken to continue on friendly terms with another nation In tho absence of any treaty relations, after it has once en Joyed that connection. Naturally tho great business Interests of both countries havo- displayed the greatest anxiety to know upon what footing they may con tinue their operations after December SI, but asfar 'as the .Washington government i vuni-ci nuu, u hub nui ueen udiq vo se cure much enlightenment, and officials have sbeen obliged to deny requests for special Information from inquirers. The lesult of many months careful considera tion on tho subject haa- left the officials themselves In tho dark, except as tothe uroa'J conclusion that the ktatea quo bo tar as It relates to trade may remain un changed providing neither country; does anything that might be regarded sis dis criminatory against , the other. It appears that the sole effect of the termination of the treaty as to the United Statest so far as can be now forecasted will be to deprive' Russian consuls of tho right to administer estates of Russians flying in Amorlea and. to deal, .with dis putes between the captains and crews of Russian vessels In' .American ports. (TThe great volume of trade between the I two countries, which according to thp figures to the bureau qf .trade relations , aggregatesithls calendar. year ,ahout,'JJ0.- J 00070W, la expected to remain unimpaired, though trior are some Indications 'that the RusiJ f government coritemplatefc some changes' in its traltf laws that may unfavorably effect the importation of 'agricultural Implements, machinery, hardwares, and 'pSrhajis cotton. So long as these increases are of general' applica tion, however, and arc not directed .spe cifically against American products. They cannot bo "regarded as discriminatory and is warranting retalltory measures. Freight Steamer ' Anl Crew is Lost ST. JOHNS, N. F.. Dec. 22. The freight steamer, Florence of the Furness line, was wrecked near Cape Race Friday morning and twenty-two of its crew were lost. News of the wreck received (here by wireless today said that the second mate and (our sailors had been save) after being adrift for two days In a boat. The Florence was , bound from Halifax to Liverpool via St. Johns. BULL LOST IN TRANSIT, FOUND NEAR DUNLAP WOODBINE, la., Dec. 22.-(Speclat.) The buy shipped from Avoca and con signed to W. II. Barsby & Son of Wood bine, but lost while in transit a month ago, was discovered near Dunlap and re turned a few days, ago to Woodbine. Whether the bull was put off at the wrong station, or got off, or Jumped from tho car motion Is a question yet to be' determined. Pern Neirollntlon. LIMA, Peru, Deo. 22. President Bllllng hurst today asked congress for authority to negotiate a foreign loan of J28.COO.000 for the purpose of cancelling certain debts and financing the construction of rail ways. The president In his message es timated the urgent debts of the republic at 120,000. nxprdlttoii i(nt lire tic Zone. . WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. Ensign PtU hugh Green, t'nlted States navy, has been detailed to accompany the Crocker land expedition to the Arctic, which sets out next July, and he-will act as topographer and physiographer. The Weather, For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Fair and warmer. Temperature at Umnhn Yesterday. Hour. Deg. 5 a. m 22 6 a. in.., tl 7 a. m, 22 8 a. m 2j 8 a. m. 21 10 a m 21 11 a. m 21 12 m ' ai 1 P- m si i 2 p. m 3a ? l m 39 P- m ,, 40 5 p. m 37 6 p. m zs 7 p. m as Comparative Local Record. 1912.1911.1910.1909. Highest yesterday 40 30 35 is Loweut- yesterday 21 23 25 16 Mean temperature - JO 2J 30 16 Precipitation .00 .00 .08 T Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 23 Kxoesj for the day...., ., e Total excess since March 1 106 Norma precipitation , .03 Inch Deficiency for the day , .03 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 .21. ?; Inches Deficiency since March 1 ... 4.(1 inches Deficiency for cor period, 1911 .13.CS Inches Deficiency for cor period, 1910., 11. 72 inches WITHOL BUSINESS Peace Celebration Attracts Attention Among the English LONDON, Dec 22. Few public move ments In England have enlisted the ap proval and support of so large a number of prominent mm as the plan for a Joint International celebration on the one hun dredth anniversary of peace among Eng lish speaking peoples. The meeting held at the Mansion house In London Wednes day, over which Earl Grey, former gov ernor general of Canada, presided, was the first public announcement of the project on this sldo of the Atlantic. The list of vice presidents embraces one hundred names. Mr. Asqulth, the prlmo minister; Sir Edward Grey, secre tary of state for foreign affairs, and eleven other members of the cabinet head' tho list, followed by the principal mem bers of tho last conservative ministry, Honor Law, tho leader of the unionist party, and J. Ramsay McDonald, leader of. the labor party. The church Is represented by tho arch bishop of Cantorbury, Cardinal Bourne of the Roman Catholic church, the heads of the varlbus non-conformist Protestant bodies and bishops of the Church of Eng land; science and art by the chancellors of the universities, tho heads of royal societies and varjous other Important per sonalltles In thoso domains. The lord mayors of tho principal cities, the governors of many colonies and for mer colonial administrators, prominent among them Lord Cromer, tho earls of Elgin and Mlnto, and Lord Roberts, Lord Rolhchlld and Lord Rercsford complete tho list. One of the projects of the English, com mittee fur this celebration Is tho purchase of Sulgruve manor, the old home of tho Washington family, which still stands In a good state of preservation. It Is hoped also to place a bust of George Washington In Westminster abbey. Harry Britain, who Is secretary of the English branch of the Pilgrims' club and a member of the executive committee for tho peace centenary, will visit the Unitei States and Canada In January to make, arrange ments with the over-seas Organization for the joint celebration, whicn Mil begin late In 1914. Big Blair Canning Factory Destroyed in Midnight Fire BLAIR, Neb., Dec. 22.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The Martin Jt Nurre Canning company plant at this point was destroyed by fire tonlgJU with a loss of fully $100,000, V) per cent of which is covered by insur ance. The buildings covered nearly a Yialf block and only the office building vaa saved. Nearly tho entire pack of sweet corn of- last fall was on hand and the )6ss on that alone will be fully $10,000. Until a few nights ago thq company env -ployed afregular watchman, but a djspute arose, sloco which time there has been no one to guard the prbperty at night. fires were In any of -the stoves. In the ware- roouis during'the entire day, It, I thought the blase 1 was of Incendiary origin. From appearances the blase Btarted in the box making room, from which It spread to the rear.of the building and had gained considerable headway before being discovered by a late home-goer. Tho fire department was on the ground before the blaze j broke out, but on account of low pressure firemen were unable to do much except watch the building burn. The factory Is owned by S. F. Martin of this city (nnd J. J. Nurre of'Neola, la., who also own a similar plant at Atlantic, la. Information has been wired to Mr. Nurre and it will not be decided whether the company will rebuild until he Is con ferred with. Tho output of the factory last season was 1,&00,000 cans and the management was contemplating enlarging for next season. Delivers Answer of the South to Blease WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. Thomas H. Felder of Georgia delivered what he termed "tho souths answer to Governor Blease" here today before the annual meeting of the American Society on Jurisprudence. He characterized as "anarchy" the South' Carolina governor's speech' In fa vor of lynch law before the meeting of governors at Richmond two weeks ago and attacked Governor Blease "as an enemy of the south." Senator Townsend of Michigan presided at the meeting and later praised Mr. Felders remarks. Mr. Solder said, he came all the way tc Washington to make a complete reply oh the part of the decent people of the south, to the "Insults of Governor Blease." He said the south did not stand for lynch law and the people of the country ought to know it. Governor Oshorn to Become Pedestrian LANSING, Much.. Dec, 22.-qoyernor Chase B. Osborn announced today that so anxious Is he to "get back to nature" he has given his two automobiles and-his horses to friends and will hereafter seek recreation us a pedestrian. He expects to start on his seventh globe,-glrdllng trip soon after lie retires from office, and during the course of his travels, he .aid, hopes to spend many hours' walking In rorelgn lands. The. governor gave his horres to friends in thje upper pcnjnsula, while residents of southern Michigan received his big tourng car and Hrnouslne. MUST PUPILS SALUTE FLAG? ' . SCHOOL BOARD DIVIDED SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 21-Whether children of the public schools here shall be compelled to salute the flag has caused a break in the Board of Education of this city and Its members adjourned tonight after a three hours' session without tak inr action in the matter. The dispute arose after Lena Eyler, a 13-year-old girl, had been suspended from school because she refused to salute the 11. DOLLAR GAS MAY BE VERY CLOSE AT HAND City Officials and Qat Company Agree Upon the Price, Rcachin Tentative Understanding. LENGTH OF FRANCHISE MOOTED Renewal of Rights is Asked, and Long Term is Demanded. QUESTION TO THE LEGISLATURE Law Providing for Carrying Out Plans Will Be Asked For. TALK REDUCTION FIRST OF YEAR Chennenlns;, llMvecr, 81 ny Ilnve to Wnlt Until Vote on Length of Term of Franchise la Tnkeii. An agreement has been reached between tho city of Omaha and the gas company offlcluls which will guarantee to rest dents gas at a dollar per 1,000 cubic fect and will put up tho proposition as to whether tho company's franchise, which expires five year a hence, Is renewed for a period of ten or thirty years. City offlotals huvo stood for the ten year franchise or for ut least an oppor tunity to revise tho rates every ten years under a thirty-year fianchUe. TIiIb has been opposed by tlm gas company, which has, however, conceded thnt dollar gas can be furnished at a profit under certain conditions. Theso oondltltus depended on the amount of royalties to be paid, and the occupation tax, to bo based on the annual Income. A counter set of conditions was sug gested by the city which would guarantee dollar gas throughout tho franchise terms and would make the city charges de Pendent on the cost of the gasf but never to fall below the fixed figure The legislature will bo asked to pass the proper legislation to carry out tho tentative plans of the city and company officials. The request will be made this winter. "What we want to do is to havo dollar gas the first of the year," said a city of ficial following tho last conference. "And It looks like we will have it." However, It Is not definitely decided as to whether the dollar rate will go Into ef fect January 1 or follow the vote on tho length of time for whfclt'the franchise will be extended. Nebraska City Man's. Neck Broken When Automobile Upsets DORCHESTER, Neb.,. Doo. 23. (Special Telegram.') A. J. Denton of Nebraska 'City, Head of -tho Dentori-Kuhrr Grain company of Kansas City, was Instantly killed at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon one mile west of here when tho Ford runabout automobile ho was driving overturned. Denton's neck was broken. The accident occurred on a level stretch of road. It is supposed Denton was speed. Ing and struck a slight obstruction, for the tracks showed the car curved sharply, left the ground, turned; completely over and fell upon tho driver. Mr. Denton leaves a wife, who Is now at Nebraska City. Ho was well known in this part of the state. He was about 10 years old. St, Cecilia's Church At Hastings Dedicated HASTINGS, Neb., Dec. 22.-(Speclal Tel ogrnm.) St. Cecollas new Catholic church here, the finest In the diocese of Lincoln and unsurpassed In either beauty or size by any Catholic edifice between Omaha and Denver, was dedicated today. The dedication mnss was celebrated by Rov, J. Henry Tllien, bishop of Lincoln, and the dedication sermon was preached by Archbishop Keano of Dubuque. Over a score of priests from Lincoln and Omaha participated In tho ceremony and there were many visitors from tho state. The church has a seating capacity of about 1,000, but fully 1,500 crowded Into It for tho opening service and hundreds were turned away at the doors. The building Is fireproof throughout, not a scrap of wood being used anywhere In Its construction. Its .cost complete, In cluding the organ which is yet to be In stalled Is approximately (65,000 Rnd It Is tho belief' of the members of St. Cecelia's parish that it could not be duplicated for 1100,000. Another large assemblese gathored at the church tonight to hear a lecture by Bishop Tihen, GENERAL RAINS IN SOUTH AND SNOW OVER NORTH WASHINGTON, Dec. 22.-General rains in the southern states and snow and rain in the northern states eoet of the Missis sippi river and in the southwest are pre dicted for this week by the weather bu reau as a result of disturbances now covering the far northwest and the Rio Grande valley which will move eastward to tho great central valley Monday and the eastern states Tuesday or Wednes day. Another disturbance will appear' In the far west about Wednerday and move east ward, attended "by snows In northern and middle states and preceded by rising tem perature, crossing the Mississippi' valley about Thursday and the eastern states Friday or Saturday, ' This disturbance will be followed by a period of much colder weather over the Rocky moun tain region. LARGE SEED HOUSE IN MINNEAPOLIS BURNED MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Dec. 22,-Firc. caused by a hotlox on a grain distributor, today destroyed the corn elevator and a smaller addition to It of the Albert Dick inson company, n largo seed house. The loss is estimated at 1122 000. The heaviest loss Is on 210.GOJ pounds of seed corn, mus tard and popcv" When 0 u "It's so nice of you to deliver before breakfast, you know fa From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. JACK JOHNSON BUYS HOME Gives White Wife Fine House in Chicago's Exclusive District. AMONG CHICAGO MILLIONAIRES Christians Present for Luetic Coats the .mrci PuRlllst f:tO,000 Home Fronts on l.nkr MlrhlKnit. CHICAGO, Dec. 22,-Jnck Johnson, the negro world's champion heavyweight pugilist, who Is at liberty on a :,000 bond on a charge of violating the Mnnn act. today purchased as n Christmas present for his white wife, formerly Luclllo Cam eron, a home in the heart of the exclusive Lake Ocneva summer resort. Nearly all of tho houses in tho neighborhood are owned by Chicago millionaires. "Jack has purchased tho property nnd probably will go to his new homo next Tuesday," was tho Information given out at the negro's homo hero tonight. The property wan purchased from Jud son E. Shoerman, a grain dealer. It Is said. The price was (30,000. It has a frontage of 125 feet on the lake. Among well known Chlcagoans who own Property near Johnson's hew home are Jplttth Rumsey. J, J. Mltcholl, Samuel AllortSifc S. ;1J. ' Chatln.S jnc-Moorc- and Edward 'fiosley, Johnson will mnko tho house his future home. It is understood, not merely refill ing In the colony during tho summer months, as is the custom of the majority of Lake Geneva's social leaders. Tho negro also is said to he planning the purchase of thirty acres of land within twelve miles of the lake with the intention of breeding stock. Presidential Party Boards Warship for Trip to Canal Zone KEY WEST. Flo., Dec. 22. With tho gun of tho United States battleships Delaware and Arkansas roaring a wel come, President Taft and his party late this afternoon boarded the latter vessel and set out for the Panama canal zone. It was shortly after 4 o'clock when the president, after making a short speech hero, boarded ono of the launches of the Arkansas together with Mrs. Taft and the remainder of the presidential party and was taken tp the battle'Mp. A few minutes later both the .m Kansas and the Delaware, which will act as a convoy, had weighed anchor and wcro steaming out of tho harbor. The presidential party will spend three days in the canal region. Including Christ mas. President Taft plans to get back to Key West on December 29 nnd two days later to be in Washington, Investigation of conditions in the canal zone to determine whether the time In op portune for establishing civil government there is the announced purposo of tho president's visit. Mr. Taft has announced that he expects to Issue the order estab lishing civil government immediately if he finds conditions favorable. Colonel George W. Goethals, builder of the canal, Is considered to be the likely appointee a governor of tho canal region If he will accept the place. German Cable Ship Annoys French Fleet CHERBOURG, France. Dec. 22.-Much bitterness of feeling has been caused here and probaWy in naval circles by the con tlnued presence of the German govern ment's cableshlp Gross Herzog Von Old enburg, without any ostensible reason, during a series of important navnl maneuvers now being carried out by the French fleet. The German vessel, which has been passing In and out of the port since the beginning of the week, took up a position last night opposite the principal fort. The French admiral In command of the port sent a naval officer to request the commander of the Gorman vessel either to put to sea or to come Into the public harbor. The Oerman captain chose the latter course and his vessel is now lying there. EPIDEMIC Of TYPHOID IN GERMAN GARRISON HANAU, Oermany. Dec. 22-An epi demic of typhoid fever has broken out among the troop of the garrison here. Two hundred and eleven soldiers are ly ing In hospitals suffering from the dis ease. The river Main Is believed to be Infected, and If this proves to be so the health of the entire population will b imperilled. We Get 0 ur Parcels Post Automobile Bandit Spreads Terror for Brief Time in Seattle SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 22.-A bandit last night commandeered tho touring car of Frank McDormott. prraldrnt of a largo department store, romiwllrd the chauf feur, Charlos Oslund, to drive him about the city, held up a nalonn and a grocery Htore, engaged In five running fights, shot two incu and made his encupp. Tho highwayman was arrested early to dav. He gave his name as Alexander Thompson, 24 years old, nnd said he was a sailor, Stovo Katies, a laborer, was shot In the head ami torlouely' wounded. George FuJImotn, a Japanese, was shot In tho leg. He wus not seriously hurt, The highwayman held up Onland, who wns alonu In tho car, and after robbing htm, climbed Into tho automobile and. holding a revolver nt Osland's heud, mnde htm drive at high bpoimI tho entire hingth of the city to Georgetown and hack to Hi" business district stopping in froutlof a saloon. , llarchlng ,Osland ahead of hlni, tho ban dit .entered the saloon and made tho bar tender give him M0. An he was Iravlmi thn nlaco ho exchanged shots with n patron of iuT place, brio" bullet' hlttWV, FiiJImoto., Twice jie engaged in a plsjol battlo with moioroycle policemen who pursued tlio automobile, During tho chase Knlles wuh hit. The automo.tille got away from the motorcyclo officers und the bandit released It. Tho highwayman next entered a groc ery, obtained 112 nnd escaped after en gaging In a pistol fight with the propri etor nnd then with a pollcemnn. J Half an hour later a pollcemanl sur prised him standing bareheaded "6n a street corner. Murphy and Hearst Absent Themselves From Sulzer Dinner NEW YORK, Dec. 22. "To the best of my ability I shall make honesty and simplicity, economy and efficiency the hvalchwords of my administration of the government of New York." Thus declared Governor-elect William Sulzer tonight at a dinner given In hi honor by more than 1,000 of his friends at which United .States Hrnator James A. O'Gorman presided and William J. nryan wa a speaker. Charles F. Murphy, loader of Tammany hall, who was to havo been ono of tho guests, sent word by telephone Just be fore the dinner Unit tho arrival of unex pected guests at his home In Good Ground, L. I., would prevent his attend ance. William It. Hearst hnd been an nounced, to speuk, hut he telephoned from a distance that his automobllo had broken down whllo he wax on his way to the banquet hall and that he would not do ablo to keep his engagement, Iresldent Taft was toasted at the out Bet. - "Tho contest of the democratic party with President Taft ended on November 5," said Senator O'Gorman In proposing the toast, "and I think I reflect tho senti ment of New York stato when I declare that Mr, Tuft curries with him Into re tirement the best wishes of tho people, Irrespective of political feeling." Women Disappear; Police Seek Convict SPOKANE, WuMi.. Dec. 22. Police of this city am searching for Mrs. Minnie Elglo and. May Henna, sisters, who dls appeared' recently after receiving a throating letter from a former convict. Mrs. Elgie has been missing two week. and Miss lienna since Thursday night. Ths disappearance) of the'two women was reported to the pollcti by Mrs, D. A, Hor tun, with whom Miss Henna roomed, Bhe wild tho sister received u letter three wnks ago signed by Ran Elgle, husband of Mrs. Elglr. Klgle was given a con ditional pardon from Walla Walla peni tentiary lost July. He was convicted three years ago in Colvllle, Wash,, of attacking Mls Henna, the sister of hit wife, then but 15 years old. Each woman disappeared ofter receiv ing a mysterious summons by telephone. LIGHT EARTHQUAKE SHOCK FELT AT FORT DEFRANCE 1 FORT DICFKAWE, Martlnque, Dec, 22 There wu n Mlgot earthquake here at 4:40 o'clock this morning. No damage has been reported. ther does love his fresh." BOMBS IN. PEACE BANQUET Mnnn Declares Against Arbitration of Panama Canal Dispute. ADMIRAL INSISTS ON BIG NAVY So Action Tnknt ! Nnrlrty on llrsolntlnn Knvoi-lnsr .Submission of Controversy with (J rent Ilritnlu to The ilnnnr, WASHINGTON, Doc. 22.-"The United States never could submit the Pnnuma canal controversy with Great Britain to a court of arbitration," declared Repre sentative Mann of Illinois, floor lender of the house, last night at u banquet which brought to n close tho convention of tho American Hoclcty for tho Judicial Settlement of Intcrnnt'.onal Deputes Several speakers during the conference hail urged such arbitration. The question was submitted to a .fair jury hero, the congress) of tho Uliltud States, said Mr. Mann, and this country hns spoken on a question which Is as much its internal affair as any that could arise. Ho atseried that tho rest of the world was opposed to the "United States In the Panama matter and that an' International court coud not decide the question cq 'iuiaoij- -- - - .. . .... Rear Admiral Richard Walnwrtght throw another bombshell Into tho peace camp when ho expressed the opinion that Justlcft and truth could not prevail with out the navy back of it, that unarmed pcaco was tweh ns had existed in China for many years, nnd that "tho navy Is the antitoxin for war, to ba taken In this country In doses nt fou- battleships an nually." Mcssaatr from President. A messngn from President Taft, now on a battleship on his way to Panama, to Dr. James Urown Scqtt. secretary of the society, suld that the president's whole Ideul wus that of nn arbitral court for tho settlement of International controversies and that he had favorod the general arbi tration treaties with Great 11 rl tain and France "as a long step toward an arbitral court, whose jurisdiction would be In creased ultimately io Include all posslbtn disputes of an International character," A motion that the supreme court of the United States might offer to act as arbi trator In international disputes was promptly rejected, The motion was made by Pert Russell of Forest Glen, Md. No action was taken by the society on thn resolution offered by Everett P. Wheeler of New York to the effect that the United States should declare Its will. Ingners to submit to arbitration tho Pan ama canal controversy. Flames in Theater Cause Fatal Panic; Town is Threatened MAY8VILLH, Mo., Deo. X-One man wns fatally burned and three persons, a man and two girls, trampled and Injured tonight in a panlo which followed a fire In the opera house hure during a per formance. The flames spread rapidly and destroyed the opera house, three stores, a livery stable and several small buildings and had spread to other buildings, In cluding the Maysvlllo bank, when tele phone connections with the town wero broken, presumably by the flames. At midnight It was said that the entire town was threatened unless the wind veered. Hulldlngs wore being dynamited In an effort to prevent the spread of the flames. The dry season has dried up the town wells and the only water at hand came from a cistern which was quickly emptied. Hucket brigudes wero bringing water from various private wells several blocks away. Karl Cu nil Iff, operator of the moving picture machine, won badly burned and after he had made his way to the open air, rushed back Into tho building to suve his mother who had Ix-en unable to get out of the family living rooms tin tho second floor. Ho received more and dangerous burns, although Mrs. Cundlft was but slightly saorched. MAN FATALLY WOUNDED IN STANDING OFF POSSE LOUISVILLE, ICy., Dec. 22,-Trying to escape from a posse, seeking him for shooting and fatally wounding his wife and her woman friend, Domlnlck Gyr, a dairyman, today barricaded Jilmself In his home five miles from here and was not taken until he was fatally wounded, He had gone home, earlier In the day, quarreled with and shot his wife and the friend, Mrs. Murray. Clarke, who sought to Interceds. , TURKEY SUCCEEDS IN CAUSING MORE DELAY IN PEACUVIEETINGS Instructions to Delegates from Con stantinople Demand Reviotual ing of Adrianople. PRICE OF ADMITTING GREEKS Balkan Envoys Again Appeal to Their Own Governments. ALLIES BECOMING IMPATIENT Nest Disoussions Are Scheduled to Be Held Monday. SUFFERING IN BESIEGED CITY Henri of Ottonimn Delegation Vrr- srnls Klnborntc Arirnincnt In llrhnlf of Thonsnnris of Nonrorabnlnnts. LONDON, Dec. 2S.-Turkey Is playinie tho old game of delay and has caused) a, further postponement of the oft-delayeil peace conference, which adjourned to Monday after a brief and fruitless ses sion this afternoon. It Is evident tho Turkish delegates ar trying to gain the right to provision Adrlannpln by consenting to inoludn Greece in tho conference. Tho allies aro anxious to proceed with tho negotiation and havo openly hinted that theso delay must come to an end. Today's sitting was tho most Important slnco the beginning of the conference, si It was tho first tlmo the opposite parties) had como Inttf a serious engagement, which Is preliminary to tho ruclal ques tion over tho possession of Adrianople. Tho Montenegrin ex-pronfler, Mlyusko- Itch, who presided, seemed on account of his rather severe nnd Imperious aspect to be tho best president- for the occasion of a stormy sitting. When tho president asked Rechad Pasha to communicate in confidence the answer which he had re ceived from Constantinople, there was a moment of breathless silence. Presents Tnrks' Proposnl. Rechad Pasha rose and outlined the, In structions ho had received to the effect that Turkey should not treat with Greece, as tho latter stato had put Itself out of the negotiations by refusing to adhero to tho armistice. Hut, ho added, wlahtnc to show a lenient spirit nnd a conciliatory disposition, nnd also put of regard for Kurope, Turkey was willing to treat, on condition that the allies In return granted tho privilege of revtctunllng Adrianople. This, ho pointed out, was simply a humanitarian reausit as, be.tliJes thn lielllgerentK," thH Vera"nibrotKan 1W.004 people, suffering from lock of food. Rovlctuallng this fortress ho argued, would., not olinhke tho situation as It existed whnn the armistice was concluded nt which time the Bulgarians declared they could selo Adrlanopl whenever they Vdshed or fores Tahatalja, The head of tho Turttlsh delegation con- tlnued to llltistrato the Ottoman view point, which aimed to' limit, as much hk possible, disasters and sufferings from the war, by supplying to Adrianople what was strictly necessary to sustain life. The conference would then ba ablo to proceed with its work In' tho knowledge that the town was not starving, whllo the delegates were negotiating. Ilnneff Mnkrs Reply. Dr. Daneff, the chief Bulgarian plenU potenUary, eloquently countered with solid argument against Turkey's propo sition. He recalled that the armistice was an accomplished fact and was so well defined that tho delegates lacked tho power to change It, their mission belnff circumscribed to the conclusion of peace. Finally the Ottoman delegates pro posed that the sitting bo adjourned until Monday to enable each delegation to ask for fresh instructions from the homo government. Powers In Agreement. PARIS, Dec. 22. A semi-official states ment IsKued tonight soys: "Tho Improvement, In the international situation lia'a become more marked and there Is now complete agreement amonsj the powers In favor of moderation. "Austria, which heretofore has main talned an attitude of reserve, having de olded to come Into line with Uie other powers and urge prudence and moderation on Turkey, the cause of peace has modsj great strides in tho last forty-eight hours." ATHENS, Deo. 22. The Turkish army in Mltylene has surrendered. Seventeen hundred prisoners were embarked today; on Greek transports. ( Hickey Convicted On Murder Charge in Second Degree! BUFFALO. N. Y.. Dec. 22. After twen ty-slx hours' deliberation, the Jury In tha case of J. Frank Hickey, on trial fort the murder o( 7-year-old, Joseph Josephs of Lackawanna. October 12, 191L today brought In a verdict of murder in Uisj second degree. Thirteen ballots wera taken to doclda Hlckey's fate. Twelve resulted, accordn Ing to the Jurors, In a vote of nine for conviction and three for not guilty on la ground of insanity. The thirteenth and lost ballot was taken at 3:30 o'clock thin afternoon, after the Jurors had reported; to the court in the morning that they could not agree. Justice Brown at thatl time declined to discharge them and di-t reeled tliem to make another effort to) reach a verdict. - At Hlckey's request the Imposition ofi sentence was deferred until Monday The penalty is not less that twenty years at hard labor In state's, prison. Hickey. after buying young Josephs candy, enticed him to a deserted butld Ing. strangled him and hurled his. body Into a cesspool. He also has confessed that he killed Edward Morey in Lowell, Mass., In 18S3. by giving- him poisoned whisky, and that he strangled Frank: Kruek, a New York newfboy, in Centra park December 10; 1MB.