OLD STORY OF MISTLETOE How It Came to Be Invitation to Man to Do His Primate Duty. HAS TROUBLESOME DREAMS Cntom of Klealn- Under thr Ml tlrtec Ilntra Uncle io thr Dun "When Tbor nnil 1I In llnlrd. T)i cuMom Of kissing under the mlMle toe goes back to the days when Tlior and Odin and alt the other rods of the north bind walked and talked with men. naldur, the ton of Odin nnd FtlRen, the Apollo of Scandinavian mythology, the flaxen haired Koddes.i 0f sunshine and It attendant blealnic, was loved by all earthly nnd heavenly beings savo one Iokl, the Rod of early tire and Its at tendant ovll. Naturally Lokl would hate him, for In the spring when naldur came forth with his bright and warm sunlight the world's people deserted I-okl'a hearth fires and did not return to them until the golden (accil cod chose to dopart In the fall, not UaWur with his happy nature cared little for the other's Jealousy and in the livo of his wife, Xanna (blossom)) lived for years a Joyous existence. At length, however, says a writer in I ncle Remus' Magazine, ho began to have troublesome dreams vUlona of dis aster and of death. What could tt mean? It was all so now to him, this lover of light nnd pleasure. lie consulted tht mother. Frlggo, and she In her distress sent word to Odin. Long Frlgga thought and then one de vised a plan, she sent messengers far and wlda through tho universe nnd had every creature, animate or Inanimate, swenr to do her son no harm. Willingly all promised, for did not all love the sunlight good? All? No, tho surly mlstletoo re futed to swear, and that was the cause of great future sorrow. But what Injury could a bit of mlstleton do? FrlCTrn waa all Joy; her darling was safe from any thing; sprung from earth, air, fire or water! Promised Ho Harm. Now as the years passed nnd tht gods ' learned how absolutely safa Baldur waa fnjm any wound whatever they fro quetnly amused themselves by using him for a target for all sorts of mlsalles tones, clubs nnd weapons. One dny as they "were playing thus nnd shouting with laughter at their failures FrlgRa, sitting t her spinning wheel, asked an old woman who was passing what was thy cau of all the merriment "The gods," answered the old woman, "are amusing1 themselves trying to hurt your son." Ah," said Frlgga, with a boastful imlle, "they can never do It, for all thlnes have promised not to harm lilm." "All things?" Inquired the old woman. "Yes, all things, except tho fnill mlstle too, who, of course, Is too significant to trouble any one." The old woman was Lokl In disguise. Hastening away, the evil god went straight to the mistletoe that grew on the oak outside the gates of Valhalla and breaking off a piece turned It by manic art Into a hard, ntmrp dart. Then hurry ing back ho found the gods stilt Playing tho game-all except Baldur"s blind brother, Uodur, who leaned gloomily against a tree nnd listened In silence to tho laughter, "Why do 'you not play, HodurV said tokl. "How can I?' answered. Jlodur. "Am 1 not bind?" "Ah," laugheq Xiokl, "T will show you how. Ktand thus and throw this Hart with all your strength." Tho mlstletoo shaft hissed through the air, and Baldur, the god of life giving lleht, fell dead. Tenderly the guards planed his body upon his favorlto ship, the Rlnghorn, nnd prepared to give both to the sea, Then ell the heavenly ones came to gaxo upon the beloved face; but Nannu, bending over lilm, could not bear the sight, and her heart broke, and she was laid beside him on the vessel. Then tho great ship was set nftre nnd floated, a sheet of flame, out on tho distant waters. And even yet wa may. see at sunset the burn ing vessel of Baldur far In the west. aNov the guards felt that some show of justice must be made, and In conciliation, hoping to soothe tho pnssldnato sorrow of the mother, Frlgga, Ihoy dedicated tho mistletoe to her,; and to this day It Is under her enro and control. And now sin and sorrow had hallowed It; for henceforth it was to grow, not ns a symbol of bitterness and hatred, but as a sign of tenderness and love. But the gods decreed that It was to stand for these- things only so long as It touched not Juki's kingdom, the poll, and for this reason It Is never seen grow Ing on the ground, and wo ourselves ul days hang It high on tho rafters or chan deliers. And now that tt was the plant of toy, the custom urous for enemies to become friend under the mistletoe, for lovers' to pledge their troth beneath It . . and for those who met there to kiss as a, lsn of affectionate fellowship. 1 Quickly Now! f You CANNOT Strike the Heart Chord Any Closer Buy a Victrola .as an Xmas Gift! It's an UNSELFISH remembrance, because EVERY0ODY will enjoy it! You'll THANK us for URGING you thusly, when you S&fi tho pleasure your VICTROLA gift will create on CHRISTMAS Morn'. We have o COMPLETE stock of "Victrolas" in every model, every size und every finish and we have them RIGHT upon our floors. No tedious Pro-Christmas delays; the " Viotrolas" are here READY to deliver to your homo any hour, any dny, even up to Christ mas Morn'. And another thing, we sell them at n DISTANCE. JuBt order by MAIL feeling certain that you will get aa low a price as though you liv.cd v but a block away from us. Please noto that you may purchase ANY "VICTROLA" in this stock, paying nierely ONE-TENTH down at any time of purchase and the balance as BEST suits your convenience. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Harney Streets. Omaha 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa We Will Save You Money and at the same time we promise to provide you with more piano quality than you can got elsewhere if you will purchase your piano from us. Our Christmas stock this year is much larger than in the past. Nearly every stylo of pinno casing and wood is shown. We have the exclusive agency for Omaha for twenty three of the leading makes. A Piano as a Christmas present is the ideal gift, for the reason that its uses are many; jt is ornamental, it aids' in the education of 'the children, it as sists in the entertainment of company; through it amusement is furnished for the entire family. ' A Piano is a most unselfish gift, for while pleasing the recipient, the bene- Hjj III Cits from it go to the entire household. Burins our Great Christmas Piano Sale we. guarantee to save tho buyer at least 'S3fayi and in some instances the savings will amount to 65 over the prices for the same qualities asked in othor piano stores. As to terms of payment You Should Buy Here for the one important reason that the same amount of money expended for a piano from Ha yd en Bros, will- pro cure a great deal more piano quality nnd on terms in most cases of the buyers' own choosing. Hero is a Bample. A certain well known -piano company are makers of several very good instruments. They are made in the same factory, by the same workmen and the materials put into them are the same; the only dif ference in them being the name plate. On each of these Pianos after, the name of tho instrument you will find the figures $300. These Pianos are being widely advertised over Nebraska as worth $350, and are being sold in several places at from $250 to $350. Haydcn Bros, arc offering this instrument from now until Christmas to all customers for $172.50. BUY NOW, and we will agree to deliver your instrument any time up to December 25th. We Sell More Pianos than any house in. Nebraska, for the reason that qualities are higher, our prices are lower, and our terms are easier. Come and let us prove to you this statement. SPECIALS IN USED PIANOS Behning $125.00 New England $100.00 Camp & Co $100.00 A. Gray $50.00 Harrington $125.00 Steinway $250.00 Wellington $125.00 Vose & Son $125.00 Ohickering & Son $125.00 Decker & Son $100.00 Lexington $100.00 Steger $175.00 Hardman $150.00 Kimball $75.00 Story & Camp $75.00 HAYDEN BROTHER 1 U. .w mi Let it be an Electrical Christmas... Elictrlcil vrctnt are always o- ceptaMe, always a4 never wear wt. cmrlstmM Tree KlrkUs Outfits It llnhts, one Circuit $5.60 IS llffhts. two circuit 6.00 24 lights, three circuit .50 J! lirhu. four circuit...,,.... t.03 We will only have a limited itoc5 Had xtens Olympia Candy Store 1518 Harney St. A. B. Sweet Shop Corner 16th and Jaokson SANTA CLAUS CANDY HEADQUARTERS In ovory city thore are stores that olaim to be candy headquarters, but in Omaha, the, Olympia aud tho A. B. Sweet shop are recognized as being the places of iho best candies. The most com plete assortment ever shown Try , our box candles. PRICKS 50c TO $10.00 All Kinds of Xmas Candies at Reasonable Prices. At the Last Moment You cmn find exactly what you need to complete your Xmas purchases at Gustafson & Henrickson Loyal Jewelers 16th and Capitol Ave. The Best, Most Usefu and Most Desirable S Are Here Gift UUl OUUW1UU AIUKITO llivtuicn UJUSt. .yytmjavvu w women and children comprises everything conceivable of latest jewelry, nllverwwe and flnB cut glass. See our window display "before supplying your seeds. Our prices) considering quality, are the lowest in tho city. EXTRA Al " I linnsimas Force! 'Phone us early Mon day morning and wo will call for your gar ments and clean and press them up oxcel lently in plenty of time for -wear on Christmas day. Tyler U"t V Dresher Brothers 2211.19 Farnam St. 5 years f-ib. simplex. Ir 8.1b. HlmpleV Iron, with de IS.SO Implex. Iron 4. SO t&ctiable plug- 5.00 rJou Xltctrlo Cturllatf Xros. ,93.50 ' t-eiouie uiectrio uurunc iron with hair drylnir con.b 14.50 Every woman aliuuM have on of thcae. Blaetrlo Warmlny T& BlnjfU heat ,..,.-.. ...S.0o Three heats e,0 A good bed fellow In cold weather. AiraeM VlVrator EquM to any f 35.00 machine on the market, our price 915.00 Indlapensable for achea and pains. Cfeafhir BlefcM SO to S0.00 Taeaaaa Sieaaer The very beat we can find on the market and fully guaranteed, regular price I37.SQ; our price , f SM0 OotYe rereelatwr 18.00 Meetrte Yeaatera tS.IO and tt.00 sroesei run xairnis... ti.uo to 11.00 XUotrlo x.wHe Kleetrlc Desk Lamps JI.SO to t20.00 Electric Piano Lamps 19.00 to IJ5.00 Electrlo Library Lamps .... .... 110.00 to $50.00 Our 110.00 lamps are equal to any ii.do lamps in umsna. uur iib.oo lamps are equal to any 111.00 lamp Jn Cnaha. Tloot XAJups 15.00 to 175.00 Our $10.00 Tiffany Verd Floor Lamp Is (Teat comfort to old Pftople. a con.panlon to the "old arm cnair. XMy other eleetrleal sttrvesUoas. Write for booklet on lamps. Burgess-Grinilen Go. 1S11 Mawui, OXCtKA SPORTING GOODS Hom of the following named articled uriH nake moat suitable gift for father, mother, sister, brother, sweetheart or friend: Sleds, Flexible Flyers, Skis, Wagons, Punching Bags, Shaving Bets, Safety Raxors, Guns, Rifles, Kodaks, Carving Sets, Exercisers, Fishing Tackle, Pooket Knives, Golf Supplies, Gun Cases, Hunt ing CoatK, Dog Collars, Tricycles, Thermos BqtUes. Boxing Gloves, Footballs, Bweater Coats. SKATBS lee nnd Heller. TOWNSEND GUN CO. 181 Fat-sam Street KODAK KODAK PICTURES of the things that in teres t us, means fun in the taking and fireside companionship in the years before us. The Kodak makes photography so simple a child can enjoy it is so capable you can never exhaust its possibilities. Let Your Christmas gift this year be a KODAK, Just a few good sug gestions: Resnor Heaters Portable Lamps Gas Logs Toasters Gas Irons See our beautiful display of suitable Christmas gifts for a little money each. Lodge No. 90 i Loyal Order of Moose i of the World i will, at their regular meet- i ing, Thursday night, Decemv ber 26, initiate a large class j! of candidates. If you axe in- ji terested, call at the club . house and file your applica- ( tiori. Members are requested ( to bring their friends to the j club bouse between tho ; hours of 9 a. m. and 12 p. m. for inspection. By special j dispensation from the Su- ; preme Lodge the initiation , fee has been reduced from $25.00 to $5.00 for a short time only. Members are en: titled to benefits of $7, sick or accident. Free medical at tention to members and fam ilies. Dues are 75c per month ; 11" you are interested, call or address J. A. Schroodoty District Director, Loyai Order of Moose. We have them THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO. TWO STOKXS 1813 Farnam Street. 306 South 15th Street. Omaha Gas Moose cm. Company 416 South 17th St., Tel. Doug. 6826. h