Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 7

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Wrestling1 Tournament Clears Debt
from City Mission.
Local Experts Reveal Exreutlnnnl
Form In Knst Matches n Enter
tainment Provided hr Peter
Loch nt Auditorium.
When Ezra. Millard, treasurer of tho
fit- mlwlop. loft tl Auditorium last
night he carried In his pocket $S7ftG0, the
wherewithal to gladden the heart of
levernl hundred of Omaha' poor children.
Mid wherewithal being the proceeds
from tho' charity wrestling carnival,
which proved n huge success "and van
run off In. clocklike order. This fund, says
Mr, Millard, will pay all the debts tt
the mission and leave a little balance be
ildes. Mayor Dahlman officially opened the
big carnival with ft sieech In which hr
commended the citizen of Omaha for
their ready support of a noble undertak
ing. He was followed by Itcv. T. .1
Macliay. who made a shbrt talk. The Ilev
J. M. Lflldy alfo spoke.
At 845 twenty-eight wrestlers filed Into
Hie roped arena In the center of the hall
and were Riven a great ovation. Each
wrestler was brought Into the center of
the ring and Introduced. Harry Snge, the
ocal umpire, did all the announcing.
Old-Kaliloned Hatch.
The program started with an old-fash.
loned HnR wrestling match. In which
wery wrestler participated. This lasted
for five minutes, when It was halted and
the first bout of the evening was stared,
twtween Mlnden and Miller.
Kach match went five minutes. The
lime Riven each match was so short that
la order to got a fall the contestants had
to work extremely fast, tho result being
that some lightning work was seen. Mln
den and Miller at the end of tho five
minutes were slopped, neither man hav
.Off secured a fall.
Cannon and Lokcrse, who followed,
weht the same route. "Jap" Tamlsea. th
Crelghton foot ball star, and Landour
went to a draw. This was a flno event,
and tho men wcrq evenly matched.
Jack Tolllvcr of Council Illuffs had llt
tle'troublo In throwing Webber, which he
did In, one minute flat with a hammur
lock. Illg Bill Hokuf and Jack Mryrrs
wrestled ten' minutes without getting a
I un-
Some Vnndevllle "Work.
The firth event was a vaudeville stunt
by Don Gordon, "The Crazy Cyclist." The
extreme softness of tho mat made It Im
possible for Gordon to work his monocy.
Holden and Thompson wrestled to a draw
and were followed by tho "Teddy Broth-
rs," who won fame irtm their burlesque
wrestling at tho Ak-Sar-Ben den last
summer. Tho two wrestlers wont well
with the house and drew round after
round of applause.
Following ike Teddy Brothers, Zlgman
and Peterf, went to a draw. Tete Loch
and Frank Coleman put up a pretty
exhibition, but failed to throw each other.
However, their work waa among tho best
of the evening.
Victor Klebba was thrown In tlree
minutes by Hoffman with a half-Nelson.
Chauncey Light got the better of tho
argument with his brother, Jack, winning
the match In three minutes and ten sec
onds with a leg hold. The three follow
ing matches went to draws: Dyers-Jacob-
son. Seelee-Patllien nhfl .Jones-Olson.
Farmer Bums demonstrated that he
still Is to be cpntended with even though
past the half century mark by throw
ing tJnland, a Nebraska farmer, in five
minutes with a head hold. Burns oould
liavo thrown his man at almost any
period of the five minutes, but wanted
to give the fans an exhibition.
Alt for Chnrlty.
Everything at the big carnival was for
charity. Tho wrcstlera contributed their
services that the many poor children of
this city could enjoy tho Christmas spirit.
Fete Loch, promoter, big noise and
brains of the affair, not only gave his
time, services on the mat, and labor, but
he stood the expense of hiring the big
hall. The Omaha Musician's association
furnished the rauslo for the occasion and
worked, Just'as hard, If not harder than
they would have done If they were get
ting money for their services. Oscar
LI then directed the orchestra,
The committee of newspaper men, Miles
dreenltaf of the World-Herald, Vnn Hon
tetter of The Bee and Fred Carey of
the News, worked night and day In an
endeavor to mako the big carnival one
long to be remembered and a big success,
which it proved to be. Farmer Burns
was master of ceremonies and had com
plete charge of running the matches. He
did this In great shapo and the people
I never had to wait between the events.
Queen of Greece to
Overrule Monks on
Holy Mount Athos
VIENNA, Dec. 21 Tho Neucs Tageblatfs
Athens correspondent says Queen Olgn
of Orceco Intends to visit the twenty-one
monasteries on Mount Athos, eighty miles
to the southeast of Halonlkl, thus break
ing the rule prohibiting women to visit
the sacred mountain which had been
strictly observed for 1,600 years.
"Tho monks on the mountain," con
tinues the correspondent, "on many oc
casions have refused to permit royal
ladles to tlirtt them, always nxcustng
themselves behind the legend that tho
Virgin Mary with her Infant Christ vl
Ited the mountain and that dio woman
had been allowed) to do so since. But
now that the Greeks have conquered the
territory and the king and queen pro
posed a visit to the mountain, the monks
summoned their council and decided that
tlicy had no course but to rescind tho
Mount Athos, or the Holy mountain,
was the center of Greek theology and
learning In the middle nges and many
masterpieces of 'ancient Greek literature
still remain In the libraries there. The
Turkish government gave the monks al
most comploto autonomy. Aside from tho
twenty-one monasteries on the mountain
there arc numerous grottos, cells and
chapels. The monk population numbers
several thousand. Many of them aro
hermits and live In caves.
Open Monday and Tuesday Nights
Open Monday and Tuesday Nights
Taft Gives Reason
For Trip to Panama
JACKSONVILLE, Flo., Dec. II. To de
termine If the time Is opportune for es
tablishing civil government In the, Pan-
ami cunal zone Is the purpose pf Presi
dent Toft's trip to tho IsthmUs. The pres
ident mndo this announcement In a speech
hero tonight, which was Included in tho
hour he and his party stopped en rout
to ley West.
"You may think I could ascertain this
as well in Washington, dui i oon
know," said , the president. "A, any rate.
I am going and I expect to Issue the or
der creating the new government In tho
sone If I find conditions warrant It."
Today was tho first visit the president
has made to Florida since he became the
nation's ohlef executive. He now has
visited every state In Iho union since ho
became president, with tho exception of
North Dakota and Oklahoma.
The president and his party left to
night for Key West, from where they will
sail for Panama tomorrow on the battle
ship Arkansas,
Delegates Report
On National Meet
Reports from the delegates who at
tended the cnvcntlon of the American Fed
eration of Labor at Itochcster, N. Y., In
November wcro .heard, and a discussion
took placo of the proposod worklng
tnen'.s compensation law In Nebraska, at
the Central I-abpr union last night.
In the report of the committee to draft
tho compensation bill, It was reported A.
C. WelUet of Omaha had affixed his
signature. This statement Mr. Weltxel
wishes emphatically to deny as without at
least three amendements to the bill he
say's ho would have nothing to do with It
It waa decided that the Central Labor
union move after next week's meotlng
Into h'wtOUiuarte'rs'iU Barlght's hall, Nine-
tenth -and. Fornam streets, providing
union laltor. Is. employed In heating the
Family-Honor Makes
Woman Kill Baby
u 1
OAKIjAND, Cat., Dec. 21.-Prido of
noble ancestry Incited Mrs. Kuke
Kltakuml. a young Japanese woman, to
murder her son and attempt her own life
today because aho had become an object
of charity. Mrs. Kltakaml'a husband died
two months ago and as she was without
funds she was given a home" with an In
fluential Japanese family.
Lashing her year old Infant to her
body, she plunged a dagger 1 Jnto Its.
heart. She waa found bowed down be
fore her Japanese gods, awaiting death'
with n dagger wound In her throat, ThV
I nut th n!.d nolo of rePrrontatlon
weaDon waa an heirloom. Inscribed with .... , 1.. nn.i. n t
a plea that it always be used 'in defense
ot the family honor.
The young woman resisted her rescuers.
VESOUL. France. Dec. JI.-The Ger
man aviator who landed at Mamay In
Ids biplane yesterday and whose machine
was seised by the French police has
proved to bo Ax German non-commissioned
army offloer named Zlffa. He waa
tlressed in the uniform of the German
military flying corps.
Ho declared today that he had under
taken to follow the course of the canal
from Mulhausen In Alsace-Lorraine to
the fortress of Straussburg, but had lost
his way.
The French military governor ot tho
fortress of Belfort has sent a detachment
of the flying corps to assist Zlffa in the
resumption ot 111 flight.
t WASHINGTON, Dec 21.-A polite thief
t who apparently wished his act to convey
n, lesson to his victims, sent George C
Merley, an automobile merchant, a spe-
; rial delivery letter In which he enclosed
checks and notes aggregating close to
(WO. wanting lilra "to be moro careful In'
' the future." The safe In Meeley'o sales
room was robbed Wednesday night, the
thief getting JS5 in cash and valuable
, papers. Mr. Meeley turned the letter over
to the pollen today.
Gt q e s& Sat
Jdiin A. SrTnnsu J'rcn.
Ttiu I.Jrdlininn, Tras.
1 A Landslide of Record-Breaking values
Enormous surplus stocks from largest eastern clothing
makers are now combined with the Nebraska Clothing
Co.'s entire stock of men's and young men's.
nits and Overcoats V to
Yz on
i-imnir-iii i
This wonderful clothing sale swings into Christmas week with greater
values than ever before. Now choose from the newest mid-season styles
at these astounding sale prices. No wonder this sale is attracting intel
ligent people by the thousands from every direction.
Entire stock men's
and young men's $12
to $40 high grade
suits and overcoats, at.
te tnousanas trom every direction.
$750 $975 $350 $J750
5 9 9
Actual values,
$45.00 to $50.00
go in this great
sale at
AY-THAT GIFT FOR "HIM" -It's Ready Here
Greatest Neckwear
Values ever offered in
Omaha, a.t
75c, $1, $1.50
Extromo values, on sale
at 25C
Tho. Nebraska invites every Christmas shopper to the greatest feast of giveable gifts this big store has ever
assembled. CHANGE Otf'OWNERSHIP makes Xmas money do double duty in many instances at the Nebraska.
Men's Lountfins? Robes I Gloves Will Please "Him"
$3.50 Blanket Bath Robes, srreat Sl.50 Kid and Kassan Cape
$2.30 firr1 ..95c
, mw-' -w
Give "Him" Good Shirts
AV'dnd(Jrful ' Sale ilerc. ,
82.00 ana S2.50 Ex- a 4
cello 8hjrtp, salo pHce. ... . , ?
Sl.50 cbtumWa cuff- turn A -t in
Snl?ta, aplo, prfcc..i . i ...... : A vJ
Sl.OO and S1.25Ncgligee
Shitty Jgrdat Bale prlcat .J. ' VC
Flannel Shirts,
::Vi 95c
S1.25 and $1.50
salo. price . . .
Lounging Robes, a great range to
Bath Robes, smoking jackets, the
ever good d Q BO . 1 A
p J. vr
sale price
SILK LINED Mocha gloves, great
lines, g1 1 C5
DRESS, STREET, Fur, Lamb and
fur lined gloves:$ R 9 C
finest quality... iUJ- J
Full Dress and Fancy Vest Sale
Monday you may ohooso from hundi'eds of high
grade, stylish fancy vests, full dress vests, Tux
edo vests, actual $3.50, $5, $6.50 vests, at-
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50
Combination Sets
Hosiery, neckwear and handkerchiefs to
match, special Ct it 5 A
Boys' aid Children's Suits, Reefers, Overcoats, i to i Off
Ages 2V& to 16 Years.
$2.45 to $2.95 Suits and Overcoats 75
$3.45 to $3.95 Suits and Overooats
$4.45 t $4.95 Suits and d, CA
Overcoatp at. i)J JJ
$5.45 to -S6.95 Suits d a en
and Overcoats at JJfct,JVr
$7.45 to $0.45 Suite
and. Overcoats at
OlT OOr Sift OartUlCftt.
at set
Suspender and
' garter sots, at
50c to $2
JK f
' ! Ivnlckcr-
' '" srfr bocket-. e 'f j
, slr double $ 7
volnc? at .. I ..
and $1
Administration to Act in Spirit of
Ciroumspection and Deliberation.
Stute nepurtment DxprctN 1o Sena
Communication to Mauro In Dno
Time Which Will lleault In
llrttcr Condltlnna.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21.-Hcnry
WlUon, tho American ambaaaudor to
Mexico, who hns been hert tn conterenc
wth Sate deporimont officials regardlnc
condlttdnii growing out of the Nexlcan
relvolutlon. left 'today tor New Yprk
preparatory foi salllnK for his post with
WATEHIjOO. Neb.. Dec. .-8pectal
Telegram.) Deputy Game Warden Chrls-
tnei ot Elk City caught parties seining
In Turner lakr, near the Elkhorn river,
Tbunsday and arrested them, taking
possession of about XO pounds of flsli arxl
the nets, ftank Oenest was brought here
today before. Justice Mengleln and fined
5 and posts,. Other parties were re
leased. The flsli were distributed here
After the trial and Uie nets were turned
tack to the party.
which this government la preparing to be
sent to the Mexican government; demand
lng protection tor Ajnerlcan cltlxens and
This action Is taken as a further evi
dence or the lntehtlon of the administra
tion to deal with tllls'dellcate and difficult
sltu'atloii '.with" 'circumspection nnd in. a
spirit of deliberation. fTnw communication
Is now being prop.ared.wlth the greatest
care at tho. State department nnd will
be transmitted to tho American am
bassador shortly . after his arrival In
Mexico City early In January.
The deliberation "with -which the officials
are moving jii tho casa of the united
States versus Mexico Is expected to re
sult In the produotlon of a brief that Is
expected to be well nigh unanswerable
except by a promise of promot and
adequate action on the part or the
Mexican government to meet fairly and
fully the demands of the United States
In thef matter of the protection of Ameri
can Interests In Mexico.
Justification for this demand by the
United States government Is declared-to
be found In tho numerous reports to tho
stato from every quarter to the general
effect that conditions h Mexico have
grown worse since the dispatch of Sec
retary Knox's note of protest last Sep
tember, and that there has been n marked
Increase in brigandage and In the kid
naping of Americans Tor ransom, and In
the levying of forced war loans by the
rebels on American mines and plantations.
There have come forward the three
members ot the self-conshtltuted com
mittee of Americans, representing the
tsrge plantation and mining Interests In
northern Mexico who from personal
knowledge were able to Inform the State
department of the various practices em
ployed by the rebel leaders to extort
money from the American managers and
foremen and of the comparative Indiffer
ence of the Mexican government officials
to the numerous appeals jot the American
Interests for protection from the raiders.
Also there have come tho memhws
of the senate subcommittee on foreign
relations, fresh from an Investigation at
first hand ot border conditions, from Cali
fornia to Texas.
The combination of all these representa
tions naa made a profound Impression on
''thu administration.
I It has been represented to tho State
Persistent Advertising Is the Itoad to jdepartmcent that tho fctrict enforcement
Dig Ileturns, lf the neutrality laws Is. In fact, result-
CHICAGO, Dec. tl. The last of the
scheduled hearings here In the govern
ment's suit to dissolve the International
Han-ester company as a combination In
restraint of trade was held hero today
At Its conclusion the government attor
neys went Into conference to olieok up
the results ot the hearings In various
cities and to decide upon their further
Itepresentatlves of the companies man
ufacturing harvesting machinery testified
today concerning their relations with the
harvester company. The last to appear
waa O. V. Messenger, head of the Mes-
soneer Manufacturing company of
Tatemy.-Pn-T'Whlch waa given aa a com
petitor,- ire the list ot alleged competing
firms furnished the government by tho
harvester company "iSr. Messcngtr testi
fied tht lihcompany raada only thrty-
zuur mowers ana norsA-miceii
last year, air Sold locally, and that ho
waa jol In competition with the har
vester company.
The final witnesses were' officials of the
harvestVr company.
lng In the maintenance of an attitude
anything but neutral on the part ot the
United "States and that tho Madcro gov
ernment Is benefitting unduly by tho .ex
clusion of arms from the rebels, wfjlle
itself, receiving quantities of military
supplies', and 'the United States govern
ment Is now contemplating some amend
ment of the practice In that respect, so
as to make Its attitude more Impartial
as between tho combatants.
Mtrlkr nt Solium.
Reports to the Stato department today
from the border country refer to the
strike of 900 Mexican miners employed In
Lane American mines at Cananea, Sonoro, and
ot the strong anti-American feeling among
the strikers. The local officials express
confidence In their ability to control the
situation, but It Is thought Americans In
the neighborhood would be tn danger In
the event of a riot. The reports Indicate
that arm and ammunition, allowed to
cross the border from the United States
for the purpose ot protecting American
Interests and plaoed In the hands ot
the miners to us against rebels, are
being turned upon tho American mine
managers and foremen.
Man Held for Ilunnn Itelonscil.
James S. Colbath, manager of the Mines
Company ot America, at I.os Arties,
Chihuahua, who was captured by the
rebels December 17 and held for ransom,
was reloaaed December 18, according to
a consular report to the State department.
Nothing has been heard ot the American
J. Morreys, roadmaster of the Mexican
Northwestern railway, who was abducted
by bandits December 27, when,t
to extinguish a fire they had kindled on
a bridge.
nUFFAIX). N- T.. Dec II. -After nine
hours deliberation the Jury In the case
of J. Frank Itlckey, accused of murder
ing Joseph Josephs, the 7-yetuvold Iack.
awanna boy, waa unable to reach a de
clalon and was locked up with Instruc
tions to return a staled verdict It a
conclusion was reached during the night.
The conflicting export testimony aa to
the state of lHckey's mind at the' time
he killed the boy Is the point over which
the jury fipltt. Two alienists for the de
fense testified that Hlckey did not know
he was doing u wrong act, .Wlieo he
strangled the boy: the others (for the
prosecution took an opposlto view ahd a
fifth, called an behalf bf the court 'de
clared that Hlckey was iane when the.
crime was committed.
Norman of Buffalo, N. T, a bridal song
composed by MIbr Jeanne Boyd ot Fre
mont, Neb., will be sung by Miss Laura
Wolz, alHO ot Fremont.
Perfect Woman at
Cornell University
ITHACA, X. V., Dec. 21,-Cornell has a
perfect woman, according to an announce
ment today by Dr. IJsther Parker, the
physical examiner ut Sage college ot
women students. Mls.i Ulsle Scheel of
Brooklyn Is the most perfect physically
of any student she has ever examined,
Dr. Parker declares, her measurements,
although she Is taller and weighs more,
being nearer the proportions of 'Venus de
Mita than any woman at Cornell since Dr.
Parker has been connected with the staff.
Miss Scheel is an athlete and plays basket
Itebels Store Active.
T5Ij PASO, Tex., Dec. SO. That revolu
tionary activity In- the north of Mexico
Is on the Increase was Indicated today by
advices of mine looting and town raiding
In the states of Durangc and Stnaloa and
the discovery by the Mexican secret serv
ice of nn uprising planned for the first
of the year at Bonora. The secret service
agents even assert the strike of the Mexi
can mlnerst at the Cananea copper camp
was a preliminary ot the plot, the object
being. to seouroarmcd recruits.
The agents d-BC,ftre lrge amounts of
ammunition .and anna have been smug
gled Into the mountains.
Correspondents of E3 Paso newspapers
today report rebel raids on the towns
about Rosarlo, an American mining cen
ter ot Stnaloa.
Muderlsta lu- rrsinprr.
MRXICO CITY, Dec. . Congress con
vened In special session tonight on ac
count of a number of pressing measures,
Use adoption of which President Madero
regards as essential.
Agents representing the Madero .family
have acquired a controlling interest in
Kl Impartial from Itafacl Reyes Splnola.
Possession ot the newspaper has been
promised Its new owners early In the
new year. With the acquisition of El
Impartial government Interests now con
trol all the more Important newspapers
ot the capital except El Pals.
Better Rural Schools
Object of Meeting
W. H. Campbell, a member of the rural
life commission which met In Omaha dur
ing tho. Country Life congress, has Issued
a. call, to the patrons of the rural schools
of Nebraska to meet In Lincoln on Thurs
day .evening, January 23, to constder the
advisability of changing the present rural
school systern.
Mr. .Caippbell holds that the present cti
uctfonal system should be reconstructed,
as under the present system a large ma
jority of the children never receive more
than an eighth grade schooling.
Governor Answers
Critics in Hot Words
LITTLE ItOCK. Ark., Dec. 21.-Charac
tcrlzlng the Arkansas penitentiary under
the lease system as "a burning, seething
hell, consuming human beings, who are
being fed Into It In a manner which re
sults In nqthlng but making fortunes for
contractors." Governor George W.
Donagy today Issued a statement In de
fence of his actlonlast Monday In Issuing
pardons to 318 state convicts.
gharp criticism of the governor's action
from state officials and citizens previ
ously had 'drawn from the executive this
statement: "All thbse-who oppose the
abolishment of the Inhuman convict sys
tem which we now have In Arkansas
are, tn my opinion, bound In tho direc
tion of that place spoken of by Governor
Blease in connection with the 'constitu
tion." ' " ' .
According to a newspaper1 compilation,
based on the state records, forty-three of
those pardoned by Governor Donaghey
were convicted of murder or manslaugh
ter, 111 of grand larceny, four of assault,
five of robbery, nineteen of forgery,
thirty-two of burglary, twenty-six of as
sault to kill and seventy-six of crimes
ranging from hog stealing to bigamy.
H. "Albany only eighty miles away!"
This was the cry of the little band of
surfragettes who arrived here late this
afternoon after an elghl-mlle walk from
Flshklll over good roads. The four pedes,
trlans. Miss Rosalie Jones, Miss Ida
Craft, Mrs. Jessie M. Stubbs and Mrs.
Lavlnla Dock, spent the night at a local
hotel and tomorrow will plod the seven
miles to Poughkeepsle, where they will
remain over Sunday.
When the little band left Flshklll they
were accompanied by a score ot enthusl.
astlc suffragettes and on their arrival
here they were met by a large delegation
with rousing cheers.
CHICAGO. Dec. 21. (Special Telegram )
- At the marriage here tomorrow evening
of Miss Helen Hotoon and Stanley Van
W. J. Mount died last mgnt at the hom
of his daughter, Mrs. R. Z. Drake, S35
Capitol avenue, following: a sudden acuta
attack of angina pectoris.
Mr. Mount waa 74 years of age and h4
lived In Omaha for forty yean, in 1SS7
he was elected to the Board of County
Commissioners, holding -ins omce ono
term. He was a Mason of the thirty
second degree and had long been promt
nent In the affairs and deliberations o
the order.
Two children survive, Mrs. Drake and
Mrs. J. Burns of Omaha. Mrs. Mount died
twelve years ago.
NmVPORT NEWS, Va Deo. 21.-An
attempt at wholesale prison delivery by
soldier prisoners at Fortress Monroe was
frustrated last night when a special guard
detected the men sawing Iron bars In a
prison window. Ten men Imprisoned In
the fort guardhouse attempted to escape.
Apparently they wero aided from tlje out
side, as a steel saw was smuggled )nto
their cell. One of the prisoners revealed
the plot to an officer,'
Footpads Rob Man
in Regulation Way
Two highwaymen held up Elmer Sallnei
of 1718 South Twenty-eighth street, la
night at 10:30 o'clock at Twenty-eighth
and Mason streets, and robbed him of a
gold watch, a stickpin and valuable docu
ments. Both were young m,en and each covered
Saline with n gun. Neither wore masks.
As Saline nearcd the corner on which
a large arc light burned brightly, they
stepped out from tho shadow of a tree
and commanded him to throw up his
hands. He compiled and one of the youth
ful thugs went through his pockets while
the other held a gun close to his side.
Saline furnished the police with a good
description of the robbers. The polloe
think they are the same men, that have
been working In various ports of the town
during the lost few weeks.
After robbing the(r victim the two high
waymen ran north on Twenty-eighth
Register and Leader
Suffers Fire Loss
DBS MOINES. Ia,, Dec. XL Fire In the
Job department ot the Register and
Leader here tonight caused a loss of ap
proximately 125,000, principally on print
paper and machinery. Workmen tn all
departments were dlrven from ths build
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
Save Money on Diamonds,
Pearls, Watches, Solid Gold
and fine Gold Filled Jewelry
is Good, Reese Has It,
If Reese Has It, It Is Good. 0
Christmas neckwear SJSTJSS.
new shapes neckwear. Worth seeing and wearing 50f to S3.
Browning, King & Oo.