) Lv1 Mr. Jack Runs Up Against fer.'nSssSM SS5 iSiBHS R7oTM DOWl-TOVM VSIUJU YET T MUST BE A ! POR.XO-! J. , . , I HIMSELF I ACCIDENT 0 1 TU rOR . YOU DOAUTTtE- , V wOMANl I it ONtfbUW f I ' - VH-IMS6U. , ftWOENT POOR DEAR.. SHOPPING FOR ME? 1 V WORCD IF I HOVt! J t L f Tl,, MV . j ' OFFERED FOR RENT. Honscn mill Cottage. ROOMING HOUSES AND FLATS $60 9-r., nil mod. In exc silent shape, Mi a 30th. $35 9-r., all mod., near 2 car lines, 828 fi. 22a Bt $40-G-r, 701 S. ar.th., 2d floor. $30 0-r.. 705 8. 16th., 2d floor. $16-6-r., Shelby Courf (near 22d and liCaVcnworth) In excellent condition. HOUSES AND COTTAGES v JlO-3-r.. M2 N. iSth. for colored. $12 t-r 3415 Taylor, inoa. ex. heat. $l4-6-r., 1133 N. 17th, mod. ex. heat. $19 6-r., No. 12 Shelby Court, mod. ox ht. J20 6-r., 22a", : t.'tli hoc -mer heat. $35 7-r JM? I'l.ironc- Blvd. Modern. J ' brand new, near end of now 24th St. car line. i $35 S-r 1403 N. 35tn.. al mod. $30 8-r., 2818 Ames Av . mod. ox. heat. $45-S-r., 1315 S. 25th Ave. (F.i;ld Club.) PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Untjer Omaha Nafl lianK iiiug. . SEVEN-ROOM modern houe, with hardwood finish, hardwood floors and all modern conveniences. $35. This house has a bedroom and bath on first tlooY and I three bedrooms on second floor. Immo Idlato possession. -. 1 Six rooms, modern oxcept heat, cyen -thing complete, Including storm windows, I $18 per month. . 1 .1. II. DUMONT & CO., Phone Doug. 690. 1003 Faniam St. 1 2431 a 10TH St, 6-r., modern, $21. 4140 Burdette, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $1j. 1344 S. 27th St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $18. 4712 N. 40th St.. 5-r.. city water. $11. 3030 S. 18th St, 5-r., city water. . 3114 Maple, 4-r., city water, $8.50. .".129 Taylor, 4-r., well, $7. 3310 Ohio. 4-r., city water, $? CREIQH. SONS & COMPANY. ,Tel. Douglas 200. 60S Uec Bldg. 2310 DOUGLAS. 11-r., mod. $50. 3S02 N. 24th. hot water heat, $27.60. Dundee, 4923 Webster, 8-r.. mod., $A. 2121 Burdotte, 7-r., modern, $-j. 4031 Lafayette, 7-r., modern, ,,$23. 3S04 N. 24th St.. modern, $22.f. 2S27 Franklin. 8-r.. J19. 1515 N. 20th St., 6-r.. $18. . 1911 Izard. 5-r., toilet, $17. 2236 Charles, 5-r., $10. 4324 N. 25th Ave., 5-r.( $14. 3414 Cass St., 5-r., $7 JOHN N. nTOCEKK. Douglas M WEST FARNAM Rent $28 every respect, with "talrww to floored nttlo- no other house within -00 reet, Window shades and cooking range free. Biggest snap in West Farnam; open Sun day from 9 to 12:30. . T. J. WILLOWS Tl Red 1808. 864 Branaeis iiiuii. ... 7T, cn. HTo.tr 7.1V. StrlCtlS 4244 IJUUUUAO oj.. qo n,2fllr "capVtol " AVe.-7:r.V " moderaV'ot 5ra siwird'BLV'rrWu'mode H5 North 43d Ave.. 6-r... all modern.$20.W 4M AVC., o-l., uii Bostwick Tel. Tyler 1500 218 South 17th Street ON is Muni" ' " 5V,wiiM rhone D. 756T 902-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 1433 FRANKLIN ST., 12-r.. d": f ' 1109 S. 27th St.. 8-r.. mod. ex. heat. $16. 4107 Izard St.. 7-r., all modern, $. S44 S. 22d Bt. 7-r., all i mod.. $30. 2523 Emmet. 7-r.. mod. ox. heat, JIB. 3117 Ohio, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, J1S. 1608 Corby St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. JL-w. 211 S. S5th St, 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. JW. 408 N. 2Gth St, 5-r mod. ex. hoat. $u. 1CC6 8- 22d St., B-r., mod. ex. heat, $13. 1012 Pacific St.. 4-r.. mod. ox. heat $13- lmVi N. 17th St (rear), 4-r.. city water. $9. BIRKETT & COMPANY. ..r..nTM. 423 Bee Bldg.' " $20-aose in, partly modem. C rooms. anil v;ai'imi - ma " - I . tllltOA imn rent Large n no-iuum wHh good barn and about an acre of Ground about one block from end of Leavenworth street car line, at low ' ronUJ to responsible party. E H. bcott, 637 umaiia umi 8-ROOM house, i n aa"nd tfrult8,0trle ? sprries'0 h! aindaSSg 2 b'ks K car 2nd Walnut Jil school. $30. 4511 Franklin. V. 3164. 2617 CAPITOL AVE.. 9-r.. nil mod., J30. 2116 Spencer ou, o-i., i u., r 'nun a 16th St. 5-r.. good repair, iu. 1t AHpmiOS. PHONE DOUGLAS 1C53. ' HOUSES AS FOLLOWS: Eight-room mod., walking distance, west. $21.00; rm. mod.. 28th and Charles St, JJIM; 6-rm house. 27th and Davenport St.. like New. walking distance, city water In "ard. $12.00: 5-rm. "e ground. 36th and Valley. $9 00. CHARLES E. WILLIAM mwco! 507-508 Pxton Block. I). 2U7. heat, gus tank heater, 4 bedrooms and hall, front and back stairs; house In fine repair. Cement basement and vegetable ceilor. cement walks, beautiful O-eea. large lawn and bam. three blocks from rrosstown and east side Park line. Get off at Hickory street. 1525 S. 26th St. J'hona owner.. Red 4902. Moving, packing and storage of house hold goods and pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof ktorage. S00 S. 16th. by th viaduct. Branch office, 209 8. 17th St Tel. Douglas lltJ. A-1559. rnnan(j In all parts of tho city. llOllSeS u-eigh. Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. 2416 EMMET St 31x-room house, gas and electric light, bath and furnace. J20. Tel. Webster 3156. itrM,oir"irriIH cww1 rm rlf 1 nnrl for. UUUaui.wMw n - j warded, cheap freight rates. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. IJOUglaS SJi. unice nil o. iiiii. CLOSE-IN, all modern. 8 rooms; only $' i 2? 73 Dodge. Benson 379J- ""fiVEROOM house, all modern, bam. 2418 Blondo. Rtl 2S24. Store and Offices. CROUNSE BLK. Office room. 119 N. 16th St. opposite poitofflce. $7 per month. Conrad Young. 322 Brandels Thea. D. 1571. FOR RENT For wholesale, light man, ifactuilng or retail purposes-Farnam Ht -after December 31 the three-story and basement building, 22xlW at No 1011 Farnam St. Upper floors have light on tree sides. Inquire at room 3H. Flrt National Bank Bldg Tel Douglas 1242. " Bill' K store and tenement 2214 N S4th it TeL Florence 192, OFFERED FOR RENT Storcn ami Offices. STORES FOR RENT. $33.00 No. 2208-10-12 Cuming St., new stores, will be completed in thirty , days; vory attractive, modern rooms at reasonable rental. $S5.00 Per month, CIS So. 16th St., room 20x60, full basement,- new fronts, close to the best retail section. $200.00-Per month. 2024 Farnam St., au tomobile Bhow room and garage, steam heat, bowser tank, wash rack; also good 6-room modern Hpartments 2d floor. $150.00 to $210.00 per month for stororoom In the now Jones building, 2549-2551-2553 Farnam street, everything strictly modern, steam .boat, full basement. Seo us regarding divi sion of space. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone U. 756. 902-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. PARK Avo. and Leavenworth St., store room. 22x45 ft., $25. bl6 S. 13th St.. storeroom, 22x60 ft., $18. BIRKETT & COMPANY, Phone Douglas 4754. 423 Bee Bldg. STORE and basement, 1907 Cuming, ov. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FABNAM ST. f2O.0O-Largc store room, 2116 Cuming St. $30.00 New, modern store at 1508 N 24th th St. II. A. WOLF, 432 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 8068. FOR RENT Office room, 25x30 ft., on ground floor front. In the Edward Crelgh ton Institute, 210 S. 18th St., opposite city hall. Telephone Douglns 6S45. 1417 Jackson, suitable for store, club, hall, polo hall, athletic club, $70. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 554. DRUMMOND BLDG., 18th St., between Farnam and Harney. S. S. Curtis, 180S Harney. New centrally Jocated hall, well equipped, 1508-10 Harney St., 2U floor. Store. 318 S. 15th St.. fine locntton. Store or salesroom,' 2d floor, 1506 Harney, Third floor at 1506 Harney, new. Offices at 1617 Farnam, 2d floor. Store at 336 N 2fltli St., South Omaha. Storo, 1020 N. 16th St. Two stores, new. 2104-2106 Cuming St O. C. REDICK. Atty., 1517 Farnam St. STORE ROOM. 1912 LAKE STREET. Good location for a grocery store and meat market. Rents for $15 and wo pay the water rent. Vou can't beat this. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. THIRD floor, Palaco Clothing Co., lOOx 132, steam-heated, cheap rent to right party. Palace Clothing Co., 14th and Douglas. ' NEW store building for rent in Red Oak, la., 22x100, will be completed Janu ary 1; good location; everything modern; steam heat furnished with building; $50 per month. Address 215 Reed St., Red Oak, la. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. Howe Ventilator, turn, cheap. 1620 Cum. FOR SALE At a great sacrifice (owner leaving city) complete set of fur niture for five rooms, Including china nnd silverware; fumed oak parlor set. Call Harney 64SS. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months, $5. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $5; rent applied on purchase price. Omaha Typewriter Exhange. 411 S. loth St. Mn-U-nl Instruments. WEBER Pianola Piano, good condition. II J. Root. 1034 S. 30th Ave. NEW Columbia Regent Grafonolo. H. J. Root, 1031 & 30thi Ave. Typewriter-. vnrt mir lino whollv visible typewriter free, would you be willing to show the typewriter to your friends and ask them to write Xar our offer? For particulars address Emerson Typewriter Co., Box 482. Woodstock 111. at tuoellancpnu. 1 FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alloyB and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balko Collender Co., 407-409 South 10th St. " STORM SASH. CALL WEB. 2577. SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. Rartralns: unredeemed watches. Jewelry. o'coats, trunks. Jeff son Loan Co.. 418 N. 16. 4-n COAL; It's good; try a ton; best for P" money. Web. 848. Harmon & Weeth. STEWART steel range, first class con dition. 2660 Ames Ave. Old brick. $3.00; lumber, $12.00 to $15.00 per m. 11. uross bumuer aim w I'yn ni,c uniini itii" iwui iau.co anH all onulnment; irooil condition. Henry Anderson, Florence. Neb. FOR SALE Shavings and sawdust in wagon loads or carloads. National Box Co,. 39th und Pacific. Kindling, J!. H. Gross, lumber & wrecking. AH kinds machinery bought, sold and ex changed. H. Qross. Mach. Ex.. 1001 Doug. FOR SALE Cheap, four-light F. P. gas. ollne Bystem; in perfect order; must sell at once. Address B 412, Bee. FOR SALE Green trading stamps, cigar and tobacco tags and soap wrap pers. Apply Acme Machine Co., 3124 Leavenwortn, t . T..ii a TrWP tnno mpomir. nrtrl ,11k- tance zone map -.'lth full Instmctlons; helps cheapen cost of living; necessity In ei'ery household; 15 cents, stamps. Mis souri Motor Car Co.. 821 Chestnut St., St LOUIS, .MO.- CAT T. VnilP.hllrn.P im tl rfl tl IT A anil f OU Ort-l a-y. -w. O ' , o- household furniture ver' cheap. SJB Poppleton. . PERSONAL tiTa pXTVTTr1 treatment E. Brott MALrJNJ'ji-lv 0ver 7W S- i6th., D.7S. 63-DAY BIXIOD REMEDY. Bex ten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. f A 2d A fJli'1 Swedish movement. Apt ! W- FtirniirnL Massage M:s. Goldsbuig. 308 Boston BldT ATiVA M ARKS-Mtt',aie- im kuJC' THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. Uth St . for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phono Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. "BEST bracer for men. Gray s Nerve , Food FiMs, Jl per box postpaid Sherman , & McConucll Drug Co . Omaha Neb. THIS OMAHA a Tough Proposition PERSOXAIi YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers aro invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at tho Union station. HARRY Return at once and everything will be satisfactorily arranged. Wire C. M. "lASHAGE -Expert treatments by lady operator: select patronage. 208 S. 13th St.. Room 80S. Close 10 p. m. FOOT ailments successfully treated. Mrs. Haynes, 707 S. 16th St. Douglas 4492. BATHS. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. Drugless treatments. 703 S. 16th. Apt. B. MASSAGE. Mme. Allen of Chicago. 202J .... .. ... . . . . .. ... r " r i Wltnneu uiug., loin unu iiurncy. WE HELP sick and discouraged men and women. Also teach others for health and success In business. Call at pneo. Misses Rogers and Vernon, Parlors 2224 Farnam St. WILL tho parties who witnessed thq street car accident on Military Avt,t Monday ' morning, December 9, whereby Charles a Myers got seriously Injured, kindly communicate with ueorgo r organ, Tel. Doug. 1548. ' MEN Prof. Osborne's Pullmotor. per fect organ developing appliance. Osborno Co., 4607 Delmar Ave., St. Louis. Mo. Send for free book on development SUPERFLUOUS hair, warta and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES RHODE ISLAND RED COCKERELS. thoroughbred; also some White Leghorns and White Wyandottes. li. A. iiuskoii, 1826 N. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. ALIVE or dressed, 15c for-"iprlngs; 12o for old ones. Phone Benson 23j. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Coming White Leghorn cockerels; large, active birds; perfect type; raised on country range. Price $.". Address A. II. Baker, Benson. Neb., R. F. D. 2. PICT STOCK FOR SALE Bird dogs, "setters," either sex. E. G. Kephart, Holt. Mo. . CANARY birds, Hartz mountain, Ger man, roller, old enough to mate; 50c to $5. 1512 II, South Omaha. Tel. South 1136. REAL ESTATE LOANS $10,000 Trust fund to loan in sums of $5,000' or more. We are in the market for loans of $,5000 to $100,000 or more on down town cen trally lacated prop erties. Lowest rates. W. Faniam Smith & Co., i:J20 Farnam Street. " LOANS on fannsT and Improved city ?roperty, 5 und 6 per cent; no delay. J. I. Dumont At Co., 1(103 Farnam St. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Oo 1320 Fumanj Bt. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 mado nromntly, F. D. Wcad, WeaA Bldg., 18th and Farnam City and farm loans. John N. Frcnzer. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Oma. Nat7 frATf.VT?d"Rl?f)S Loans. $500 and upT Uiilv N Xil JJivUiD. omaha Nafl Bank. fiqf CITY LOANS, Bomls-Carlberg Co., 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. , .MONEY to loan on Improved farms In eastern Nebraska. Loans made for 6V4 per cent, with privilege of paying all or part of the principal after 3 years. For further particulars write to homo office. The Equltublo Loan Co., Percy E. Gwynne, Ass't Sec'y, Omaha, Neb. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties. J1.000 to $50,000. W. II. THOMAS, 228 Stato Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. rVTf KrtiMi'F! IJT.7AI. tlRTATl! CTl 1016 Omaha National Douglas 2715. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. FARM LOANS near Omaha: no com mission; optional payments; cheap money. Orln S. Merrills 1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. TEN YEAR farm loans with optional payments. A. A. Patzman & Co., Con tinental Block SMALL loans a specialty. Contracts and second mortgages bought. Loans on va vant lots. P. O. Box 29S. WANTED TO RENT HAVE a client, who wants to lease a largo apartment house In a good loca tion for a term of years; ono that is run down and out of repair preferred. W. I Sclby, 436 Board of Trade. Phono D. 1510. FURNITURE DEALERS Dolgoff 2d hand store pays highest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. WANTED TO RUV WANTED To buy 5 or 6-room house to be moved on a lot; would like one Wimin lu IHOCKB Ul .nil uii- ' ,jiiiii. Telephone Red 4301. WANTED To buy old broken watches and old gold. Al. rsaman. ivu a. lainm. WANTED to buy Omaha business prop erty for Investment. Must be bargain. Address L 417, Bee. Old Coins Wanted. OID MONEY WANTED We pay $8 for certain 1653 ciuarters. $100 ror certain JH&3 half dollar, $100 for 1894 dime, B. mint, etc. We pay highest cash premiums on all rare money to 1909. Keep all old money and send two dimes (20c) for C4 page Illus trated coin catalogue. It may mean your fortune. The Numismatic iianK, wept. 4, Ft Worth, Te. WANTED Names or foreigners who ordor liquors and other merchandlSBby mall. Plate cash price per thousandln flrpt letter Stnrtiy coniiuentui. viuies P. O. Box 680, t. Joceuli Mo. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 20 ACRES, "immediately adjoining Rni ston, good 6-r houie barn, some fruit tl . Irnnedlatt possession 'ush rent. $25C ptr tu Merrill, 1211 City Nat Bunk ' SrNDAT BEE: DECEMBER FOR SALE OR KXCHAXiSE llenl Katnte. SOO ACRES. Dallam county. Texas; Price, J25 per acroj clear; owner wants Income property, SO acres, highly Improved, 8 miles from Adair, Adair county, Iowa; price, $150 per acre; encumbrance, $5,500.00, at C per cent; will exchange euulty for residence in Omaha, Neb. $2,000.00 first mortgagu on Lincoln county, Nebraska land; owner will ex change for residence In Omaha. jl.iw.00 nrst mortgage, iorion county. Kansas, to -exchange for equity In Omaha residence or lots. Several lots to exchange for equities In Omaha residence. 240 acres. Holt county. Neb.; price, $25 per ucra; encumbrance, $1,600.00; make of fer. 100 acres, Holt county, Nebraska, four miles from good town; price, $45 icr acre; encumbrance, $2,000.00, running sov. eral years, at 6 per cent. 320 acres, four miles from good town. Holt county, Nebruska; price. $25 per acre; clear; terms half cash, balanco 5 years, 6 per cent. C40 acres, well Improved, Holt county, Neb.; price, $10 pur acre: encumbrance, $500.00; submit your proposition. 320 acres, near Lexington, valley land; for hardware stock, $7,500 millinery stock, located In xrood town In western Neb. What havo you to orrery 200 acres. Platto county. Nebraska, land: price, $25,000.00; clear of encumbranco, for umnna income property. Several sections Chevenno county. Ne braska, land for Omahu Income property, 700 acres. Pierce county, Nebraska, farm, for Omaha property. 320-acro farm, Adams county. Nob., for western ranch. Several Improved and unimproved rarms, jocatea in Mripp onu xoaa counties, soutn jjukoiu, lor mercnanaise siocks. Good farm near Gretna, Sarpy county, Nub., for Omaha property; value, about J12.000.00. HU.wo.w income property ror iana. 160 acres. Polk county. Nob., louated near Swede Home, Osceola and Stroms burg; black loam soli, clay subsoil; price, $20,000.00; owner wants Incomo property; must be good. 160-acre tract of land, located In Polk county, Neb.; price, $90 per acre; on. cumbrancc, $2,000,00; owner wants mer chandise or good livery stock; might con sider good Incomo property. ino acres, Mcrrlok county, Nobraska, land, improved; price, mw; owner wants merchandise: might consider ood livery business. juu acres, MerncK county, Nebrasita, farm, all In cultivation, but not im proved; price, $110 per acre; owner wants merchandise stock, 680-ucre ranch, In Decatur county, Kan sas, to exchange for Incomo property. 4S0 acres In Grant county. South Da kota, Improved, part In cultivation; price, $50 per acre; encumbrance, $10,uw.00: owner wants Incomo property or mer chandise stocks. 500 acres, clear, Hughes county. South Dakota, one mile of Blunt: priced right; owner wunts merchandise stocks. lbO-acre farm, one mile to Fullerton, Neb.; price, $20,000.00; encumbrance, $8,000.00; owner wants merchandise stock. 160 acres, miles of Silver Creek, Neb.: price, $lti,ww.C0: encumbrance. J2,800.00; owner wants Incomo property. Clear cottage, in Missouri Valley; owner will exchange for good automobile. Clear business lot, Garden City, Kan sas; owner will exchange for good auto- moDiie. 500 acres, well Improved land, near For. est City, Mo., and eight-room house, practically in town; price, $30,000.00; en cumbrance,' $7,500.00; owner wants west ern ranch. Wo solicit the Ustlmr of vour nmimriv. either for exchange or cnBh. Glvo us a trlul for results. STAR LAND COMPANY. 215-217 Nafl Fidelity & Casualty Bldg., mh and Farnam Sts.. Omulm. Neb. (137) 100 ACRES In Sherman county, Kansas. No Improvements except fences. Good land, Prlco $35 per acre; Incum bered $900. Will tako merchandise. (138) 400 acres in Davis county. Mis souri; quarter mllo from Locke Springs; elegant improvements; 200 acres hay land nnd 200 acres bluer grass pasture. Prlco J5 per ucro: incumbered. 17.fti0. Wnnln smaller farm. (140) 320 nores In Gregory county. South Dakota; fair Improvements; all fenced; some In alfalfa. Price J30 per acre. Mortgage J2.600. Want smaller farm or hardware stock. (141) 640 acres In Wheeler county, Ne braska; 40 acres cultivated: all funced nnd cross fenced; fair buildings. Prlco J10.000; Incumbrance J2.000. Will sell for cash or exchango for suitable property. (142) 1,620 acre ranch in Sioux county! Nebraska; all fenced, fine ranch im provements. Price J16 per acre. Clear. Will exchange for merchandise business In Eastern Nebraska. 1 AJ A n Hn.,Ai. 1II,I n. l ..mi itrwi ... in lull, aii.iii.u .u.. iiim,. . mllo from Stratton, Well Imp., 86 acres airaua. i'rico o,wu. line, $2,wo. Want farm In Eastern Nebraska. (144) I. section, Box Butte Co., Neb., 4 miles from Alliance. Imp. Cut 130 tons of hay this year. Land smooth. Price $40 per acre. Clear. Want smaller farm in Eastern Nebraska or Iowa. (145) 220 acres, Dawson Co., Neb., 140 a. In corn, good black soli, clay sub-soil, ex tensively Improved. 1 mile from Eddy, vllle. Price $12,000. Enc $2,000. Want merchandise. (146) 9-rooni house Alliance, Neb. All modern. Price J7.000. Want good small farm In Eastern Nebraska. (147) 279 acres of good land In Boyd Co., Neb., 6 miles from Spencer, Highly Imp. Price J56 per acre. Mortgage J4.3O0. Want smaller farm In Eastern Nebraska in high school district. . I J. A. AllliUlT t UU., 504-7 City Nafl. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Omaha Home Must Go for clear land or house, cntlicly modern, close to Hanscotn puik, churchas and schools, half block I I-nihvit. f.nrs; Jtt.500 Incumbrance, of which ll.'OO Is duo now; owner can't pa It Writs nuw for description and photo. O'Kocfo Real Estate Co., Doug. 27I-. 1013 Omaha National. Evenings Harney 538 or Harney 5134. FOR BALK or exchange for clear city pivipurty n general More doing cash bust. iipbs. .-ioiui win invoice ouout $t.vuu. Uoixl reason for selling. W1U pay differ ence If necesary D 424, Due. FOR EXCHANGE Stock of inerchan ,lso of ubout JI.500, wltli good business, Vant Omaha property I N Hammond, lioard of Trade 22, 1M2 Drawn for The Bee by J. FOR SALE Olt F.JHAN(E 120 ACRES, 6 miles from good railroad town Boyd Co., Neb . 6.1 acres broke; 30 acres moro could be profitably cultivated, encumbrance $2,000. What have you for $3,800 cqulty7 1206 V. o V. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. EXCHANOU Good seven-room houstt . for only $1,500. lias ciiy wilier, pmer mm kiis, i:isivni with pump In kitchen. iKircplaln sink, five rooms on 1st floor and two on 2d, front and back stairway, house In good order; lot 25x144, to an alley; small barn at 3116 Burdette. Will take somtl vacant lots. W. II. GATES Room 644 Omaha National Hank Building. Phono Doug. 1294. 160 ACRES, Btanlcy Co.. S 1)., at $2,S. for Omaha residence. What havo you be tween $2,000 and $3,000. Address, M 410, Bee. Itm nvAa lll.tABl1 rtnutilv rn 1 1f nr.itn ft miles from, railroad town; owner desires property in middle west. What havo you? lice w. u. w. mug., unuuia. 1G0 ACRES Holt Co.. Neb., euoumbrance $1,500; 9 miles from county Heat. What have you for $1,600 eimlty? Address, M 415, Bee. I HAVE some extra good oxchanges In city property, farms and ranch lands. W. W. Mitchell, 414 Bee llldg.. Omuha, Neb. "FOR- SALE or exhango to practical modern miller only, under 50 years; clear Huilf Interest modern elcctrlc-llghted flouring mill, eastern Nebraska, on Bur lington; fine local trade. Only nlcar for clear will be considered and must be Al miller. C. O. CnriMsntcr, 620 Houth Marr etta St, Excelsior Springs, Mo, I WANT COTTAGE for my quarter black soil, underlaid with clay, no sand or stone, plow ever- Inch; got price back In two crops; 6 miles from main line U. P., 400 miles west of Omaha; I owe $1.50 per aero eacn year tor eigni vwim. Prefer Omaha cottage, but might consider good town. Address K 418, euro Boo. FOn RALH OR TRADE Good Omaha Incomo stuff. Would tako a good, clear farm In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa. Must bo clear also. Address A 419, Bee. 6-ROOM, new bungalow, modern, on comer lot to exchange for vacant lou. Call at 41S Karbach Blk. Phono 1). 3607. REAL Kar.VTK ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 'JK Brandels TheaUr. C.1Y I'HUl'l.ltTY FOR fiAl.r.. GLOVER Si SPAIN, 1219-22 City Nat. Bank D. 3963. C. TJ. GLOVER-W. O. SPAIN. General Real Estate. Loans, Insurance and Investments INVESTIGATE corner lot on 11th street in wholesale district; has ample trackage; 66x132. Tel. D. 4312 or Tyler 1073. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1803 FARNAM BT. THE ROSEBUD LAinD CO. handles exchanges of all kinds. Room 8, Continental lllk.. Omaha. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, Indexed, free nt office; 2 stamps by mall. CHAB. E. WILLIAMSON CO.. Real Estate In surance. Caro of property. Omaha. SPECIAL HOMESEUKEILS' RATES first und third Tuesday cuch month to southern states; grasp tho opportunity to visit the south nnd Investigate the ksb1 bllltles of the six richest southern states traversed by Seaboard Air Lino railway. Rloh fruit, truck und farming lands cull bd secured ut low prices. Crop growing season 250 to 345 days. Two or threo crops ;er year easily grown, isxceuent cumaie. Write todav for sneclal llteruture. it A. Pride. General Industrial Agent, Seaboard Air Lino Railway. Bulte 358, Norfolk. Va. DRUMMOND BLDG.. 18th. between Farnam and Harney. 8. B. Curtis. 1803 Harney. A DANDY new modern house: oak fin ish first floor: full walled up basement. oement floor, laundry, surface entrance. Next to comer 23d and Brown Sts. Open for Inspection Sunday from 8 to 5. Price, $3,500. Good lot considered as part prlco. I, N, HAMMOND, lioard of Trado Bldg. FOR SALE Easv terms, now 6-room cottage, 3911) 8. 14th. W. O. PAISIJ5Y, 2564 Mender-son. Phono Webster 1175. New and Up-To-The-Minute All modern 7-room house, finely located on Boulovard and Miami, (46th and Miami) In Clalrmout; close to car; ihus nil mod ern features: outside sleeping room, sun parlor, oak finish first floor, whlto enamel second floor; cement walks. Will sell this fine homo on very easy pay. ments. $500 cash, balance like rent. Houso open for Inspection today. Benson & Carmichael 642 Paxton Block. Doug. 1722. ACTUAL BAKCfAlNS EASY PAYMENTS 4227 HARN EY S-room mod. house, $32.50. 2113 GRAND AVE. 0 roomi, mod., $38. 2219 OODEN BT -7 rooms, mod., $33. 2414- MAPLE ST 6 rooms, mod., JSi. 3023 FRANKLIN fi rooms, mod., J27. J. H. JOHNSON, 678 Brandels. D. 42S1. Facing The New $1,000,000 Hotel. We have a brick flat renting at J1.440 a year, always rented; with ground 44.5x 120. Considering present Income and un questioned futum for this property's It's a "fine buy." See uh Monday; don't wait till soma one else grabs this bargain and be sore at yourself forever after. Glover & Spain 1213-22 City National. Doug. 8963. FOR SALE BY OWNER New 5-room bungalow, only hulf block to car, In first c!as neighborhood. I will sell cheap, $250 cash and balance on easy monthly payments. Call D 2740 for price and terms. D. M. Sloan. Owner. FINE BUILDING SITE Southwest comer of 25th and Charles His., 120 feet fronting on Charles St., and 63 feet fronting on 25th St.. with 7 room cottage. Price, J3.500; terms, $500 cash, balance rssv W. II. GRIFFITH, 2623 Chicago St RHAL ESTATE CI'I'V I'llOI'llHTV I'HU SAIiB. THE undersigned will receive bids up to 11 o'clock a. m. of Monday, December 23d, 1912, at his office. 212 H. 17th Ht, Omaha, Nebraska, on the following de scribed properties locHted In Douglas county, Nebruska, to-wll: Tho north 10 feet of lot 4 In block 01. In the City of Omnhii, together with tho two-story brick buslners block thereon nnd tho frnmn store attached: said prop erty lieing located at the southeast cor- , ner of Uth Ht. nnd Capitol Ave The north 110 feet of lot 4. In block 124. in the City of Omaha, together with the brick warehouse and brick oftlce building thereon and nil appurtenances; the snld property being located at tho southeast corner of 10th and Douglns Sis, Terms of sale on obovo properties to bo not loss than one-third cnM balance en rensonoule payments secured by first mortgngo on tho property at 6 per cent Interest Bald propcrtle.io nrn to bo sold free of Incumbrance, Including tnxo of every kind and nature; subject only to existing leases. Deed to Ito tho usual form of executor's deed. Abraham L. Reed, Executor of tho Last Will and Testa ment of Anna Wilson. Deceased. RENT TALK NO. 44. CILVRLES E. WILLIAMSON CO. START YOUR NEW YEAR With This Resolution. "I'll never nav unother umiitli'M rent." Then, after making It this time, STICK u it. iiuy tins now (wim your rent money). A 11ILANI) KI.IW 5-rm. modern cottage, full lot. Inst started. Can btlll mako plans to suit you. On Firestone boulevard, between Miller park and Miller school. J1W cash and $21 per month. FOR THE "NEWLY WED." Mco now 2 or 3-rooin houso (can change plans lo suit), on ono, two, three, four or rive lots, as you want, only. C minutes rrom Florence car lino (on rare, no transfer), lit now addition. Little placo for small family, brand new, .ready to move In 30 days or less. Small payment down und $7.50 up per month, according to number of lots. Do your Christmas shopping now. What better pre.vnt can you mnko your family? Remember CHARLSEW HEIGHTS and our other additions about that beau tlful park,' Fort Onuthu. Cull at 507 Paxton Blk. C1IAS. E. W1I.LIAMSON CO. 36th and Harney Fine Home Eight rooms, largo living room with luglo-noolc and fireplace, den and good slued dining room; butler's pantry nnd kitchen on first floor. Four fine bedrooms and tiled Ixith on second floor! largo attic. First floor In oak; second floor white enamel; extra bath and toilet in base ment; south rront lot. A boautlful limiso In that choice district of homo owners, where so llttlu property can bo bought. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. 210 B. 17th Bt A NEW BUNGALOW Would muko a fine Christmas present. Owner will sacrifice, a brand nuw 6-room bungnlow located ncur Fort street, ono block from ear. If sold this week. Tho rooms uro all good Mze, front vestibule, living mom nnd dining room in oak; beautiful electric fixtures; tile bath; full basement: guaranteed funnier, and on a full south front lot Tho property Is cheap nt $3,250, but for ililck sale, $2,950 takes It; u reasonable payment down, balance monthly. PAYNE .INVESTMENT CO., Dougl.1- 17.1. Evenings And Sundays cill Wnlmter 12!?. 4107 Izard Near new cuthedrnl church, a 7-room, all modern house, full basement. Owner moved to California and writes us to sell. Full lot, paved street, permanent sidewalk, all paved; $3,200. Can mako good terms. Birkett & Company Doug. 4754 . 423 Bee Bldg. A BIG SACRLFICE $3,40O-J3O0 CASH. ... . .. ?....... 1 n. 1. r, , on l.,tl,A.l Al? IIU.V ,-IIIUIIl IHMUul II liuuoui ftttttu, In oak; has fireplace, built-in bookcases. run cement, ousemeui, iuiku tiuwicu um, screens and storm windows; 50-ft. lot, cement walks, etc. located 2 blocks to Dundee car. Must bo sold at once, so u you want a bargain, call Harney 4745. Only $500.00 For two lots and a house, partly com pleted, around Is 80x131, lays fine, at 3611 North 36th Ave., near Bedford Ave, same ns west Bristol, Tho lumber (Used In the house cost ubout $300. Owner lias left the city; bargain lo nome. one. W. II. GATES, Room 644 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1234 APARTMENT SITE CHEAP 69xltO FEET, ono clock from three car linos. Improved by 7-roomed modern house. Corner. Both streets pavou, Party very anxious tu soil, Price for ten days only $4,500. Walking dlstunce, W. FAKNAM SMITH & CO., ' H. M. CHRISTIE, Munager Ileal Estate Department. Phot.o Douglas 1061. 1320 Farnam St. West Hill$l,lQ0 CHEAPEST LOT ON WEST FARNAM HILL. 0x124. south front on Howard, 2d lot east of 35th avenue. Directly east of new Richardson home. Price subject to bulance of paving. Beo lot and see us at once. O'Keofo Real Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Bank. . Doug. 2715. MODERN COTTAGE ON EASY TEH MS Only $100 cash,' balance monthly, buys a strictly modem 6-room 'cottage, located rn ono of the prettiest streets in the north part of town. Ixit 60x130. Here's an op portunlty to get started on u homo of your own, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Douir. lTSV. Ware Block, 30 Swinnerton REAL ESTATE C1TV I'llOlMill TV I'Olt HAM). Dundee The Place To Buy and Build Is strictly u ivsldouee suburb, away from the smoke and dirt of tho city and jet Is reached by only a TWENTY MINUTE CAR RIDE, Dundeo also hns all tho Improvements of tho best res! denoo districts and Is In tho direct lino of Omaha's westward growth. DON'T MISS THAT TRIP along tha now boulovard from Leavenworth 8t. to lr.nrd St Notice tho natural beauties of this boulevard, which, when finished, will be ono of tho prettlost stretches of boulevard around Omahu. Then you will rcallxo tho splendid growth of Dun ileo this year. THIS MEANS INCREASE IN VALUES. A building site or a rnsldenco near this boulevard will bo a good Investment as well as an Ideal spot for a homo. Wo are offering fer sale two first-class up-to-datn residences on Izard St., ovort looking tho boulevard, at a prlco that Is right nnd terms that ara easy. Also some flnn lots. SEE George & Company 902-12 City National Bank Bldg. Phono Douglas 756. Make Yourselef A Xmas Present. $200 Cash. $25 Mo. $3,200 Flvo-room cottage, strictly modern. Largo reception, hall, hall, parlor,' dining room and kitchen on first floor and two nlcu bedrooms nnd bath on tho second floor. Up-to-dato combination lighting fixtures and iip-to-diute-plumbtng. F"ull cemonted basement and good furnace. On past front lot, nicely terraced and sodded. Cement walks In front and around thu side. Near car and school. (Formerly Shlmcr & Chase Co.) American Security Compiiny, 309 S. 17th St. Phono Douglas 3807. Open Bn turday Evenings. Until P O'clock. New Bungalow Must Be Sold In located In beautiful Kountze Place; has 5 rooms, all on ono floor; the living room, dining room and den ore finished! In oak, balupco of housu In hard pine; has window scut and plato rail In dining: room, also bonkcasos und columns be tween dining room und parlor; sltdlnK doors between den and parlor; Is strictly nil modern; tho best workmanship and material that can bo had; In a locality oC all nuw homos; only half block from oar and ono block from boautlful Kountzo park. Owner has moved south. This In now and has nover been occupied; prlco reduced to $3,150; located at 1619 Pratt Bt, 'Phone Web. 821, North 24th Street Bargain That beautiful little Croom house w havo been advertising at $3,200 has been reduced In prlco to $3,000. Practically now, all ii)oderii: finished In oak, newjy decorated nnd In fine condition. Lot, Iixl20 ft, fenced; good smull barn: suit able for garage. You can't beat it for tha money. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Phono Tylor530. 210 8. 17th St. Three Houses Rent $63. Price $5,000. right away. cotU,ffeB' Wo want- "er Glover & Spain 12)9-22 City National. Doug., 3963. , Brick-Flat 22d & Douglas A 12-room brick flat at 2201 Douglas St. only short distance from site of now million-dollar hotel; better get In on his before, values In this district begin to to orf'ersW"er Wttnt ,12'00' but open The Byron Reed Co, Tel. Doug 297 212 a 17tb. Xmas Suggestions! i.. ... , man one or I.0?8 J",1! "'1 '0,s at. and Mason Sts? North front on Mason St, $1,350. paving, sidewalks, sower, water and rob St 44r-d .!'?! fori e,st tronts "n 33 St. 44x18.. $1,150 each. Close to Hanscom Park and West Leavenworth car lines. Terms can bo arranged. Get a plat from 1 he Byron Reed Co lill.il.a Daho. K n . 1 1 1 1 v vuurii wii 212 So. 17th St BARGAIN NEAR HANSCOM) PARK You all know ubout the big values In Crelghton's First Addition. This 64 feet situated ono block south. East front on puved street and on car line. Yours for 11,200. Can make terms. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. H. M. CHRISTIE. Manager Real Estate Departm.nt. Phone Douglas 1061. 1J20 F'aroara Bt Field Club District $3,650 Beautiful new C-room bungalow, strictly modem, oak finish, on nice east front comer lot, paved street, one blocK to car line. $6C0 cash, bulance on terms to suit. P. J. TBDBENS, SOLE AGENT 750 Omaha National Bank Building, 'TU D.JStsuj Sl-C."