Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 5

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    TNK OMAHA bl DAY Jiii. tutlBkH JJ, I'jlI.
Senders of. Christmas Packages Arc
' Being Helped at Poitoffice.
Mcrnl Hold IMrors Are Anion the
Things Sifted Ont ol mckne
nnd There l Xo WT '
Identifying Them.
', Postmaster Wharton has assigned tho
ntsistnnt superintendent of malla to tern
w.rarv duty In tho lobby of the fostofflc
to ass.fct patrons In getting their Christ
nia matting done The assistant Is work
W hat off, and Id the busiest man
'in the hall.
There aru pwplo who ,u,n 1 conlc to
thin oirlco once ft year," PMtmtutor
(Wharton, ""unless It la.t Chrlstmaa time,
'and many of tbcm are utterly lost to
know whre to Ko to get their precis
Wlied. where to get stamps nd then
where to mall tho various kinds of parcels
land letters. For this reason It It whlnB
W fine to have, the assistant superln
Wlent out there showing them thU way
nd that way and answering
51e Is a buy man there In the hall and
$wo ..rc getting this Christmas mailing
Vjown to a system."
' One of the things that Is surprising to
n stranger and Is expected aa a matter
'pt fact l.y clerks In the mailing deport
Vnt 1 tho extreme carelessness of man
,ple In tlolng up their packages and
jiarcele for Christinas malllnB. rwt of
,the men ;n the malllnB room are Itept
'litisy grabbing out parcels and boxes to
moro securely tied. "If people were
only more careful In getting their pack
age ready for the mail." sold Assistant
,l'ostmater ufoodard. "they would save
us a world of trouble and time, there
Vould bo less delay In the Christina
malls and the loss would be reduced to a
',j J'su'flu Loosely Tied.
, Dozens of parcels come Into the mail
from the city fcollrctlons with the strings
practically off the bundles nnd the con
lents already nearly dropping out. While
tpcreons aro expected to do their own
'tying, and d6 It well, yet tile maillns
;xom has to havo n large box full of balla
ft hemp twlno from which, the clerks are
'constantly drawing a supply to tie poorly
prepared packages. If the strings aro
rutlll holding tho parcel together so that
Jlhe paper containing the addross can be
.found, all Is well. If not, the paper cover
may" be- lost and the clerks are wholly In
Ihe' dark an to where tho package Is
landed for and can do nothing for the
In the nlxle" room are filed letters and
parcels which haVe-po address, or from
which tho address 1ms been lost. The
rattles of a-VftiUesniik'o are among thU
collection. They earno unwrapped and
with no address and lib explanation. Two
gold rjifceV'foilWd' In" two mall cars
- Jylng loose; .oh hn table with nothing to
indicate fro'm what'pdck'ngo they dropped
aro In this cpllrctfon'. Another open puck
nge without address '.contained four now
P) gold piece's.'' '"
University Squad
Enjoy a Banquet
Aa a fitting close i.6 the foot ball sea
son, thb"(uad of the N university 'of
' Omaha was entertained at a banquet last
Silcht at the TTnlvarsltv club. The ban
'. quet, which was theflrst' formal one to
'-tho tendered an Vthletlo team of the local
Tunlyersltj: was glyen ny tho fathers of
' tho members or the team, beverai mem
7 hers of the team nnd board of trustees
responded to toasts. All expressed satis.
faction with the showing that the boys
' made tho tost reason and predicted more
glories In years to come.
Coach O. I. Morgnnthaler was pre
son ted with a gold watch charm In ap
jireclatlon of, the splendid work ho has
, done In rounding out a winning team
from ho few apd Inexperienced players.
At chapel yesterday morning, the cov
eted "O" was warded to Andrew Dow,
George I'orlsh, John Belby, Alfred
Adams, Harold Haaker. Victor Jorgen
sen, Stanton Salisbury, Iaul Selby. Julius
Ilarliman. Ncal Parsons, Almot Solomon
una Charles Fnindsen, For worn us
substitutes "Ors," wero presented to
Harry iilsbrow. OHilton Halsey, Halph
Jiudwlg, "James Woitcrfield, Sara Slotcky"
und Oldham Paisley. George Perclval
was given an "Dm" for. managing tho
train. ,
: Following the banquet, Paul Selby w
chosen to' lead next year's eleven., Selby
y'aycd'quarterbacli the season just closed
and while small was a fast and nervy
Vljycr, In sewndary -defene he-showe4
great' skill lr breaking up forward passes
nnd never failed to malfe hla tackle.
In-running the 'team, whllo on the offense
he showed great resourcefulness ana
demonstrated that he will make a splen
did captain.
Culls from the Wires
A fire drill prevented a panto of
children at Bpringfteld, Mo., when a blaze
was discovered In the auditorium of the
Mowtrinan school while Christmas exer
slses wcro In progress.
Aftor hcsrlng the testimony of three
witnesses for the government, Judgn
Howard llollster adjourned the trial ot
jfflclalH of tho National Cash ItcgUter
company until January 6.
rttullty of murder In the first degree whs
.tho Jury's verdict In the caso ot Wtonxet
Itungo of Wauwatosa, Wis., who last
February set fire, to his house, In which
his wife was burned to death.
Secretary -MauVeaeb Has again sua.
penned the Treasury department order,
which was to have become effective to
day, Imposing a countervailing duty on
split peas and flour from Uermany.
Alt published estimates of tho value, ot
the estate of & It. Harrtman, the finan
cier, arc "guess work" and no official
appraisement of the estate has yet been
made,, according to J. W. Lyon, the offl.
Itepresentatlve Itucker of Colorado, who
holds the endorsement of the Colorado
delegation In congress, and of William J
Bryan and pthors for appointment to the
jt of t'nlted Ktutea minister to Cuba,
u.ft for Havana to look over the situation.
Delay of at least another day In the
presentation of the reply of the eastern
inllraad managers to their firemen's mod
lfliid demands was announced at the close
fif a long conference between the man
seers' .committee and the employes' rep.
Uovertior Marion K. Hay of Washington
. ttnnouncea mat na naa denied the appli
cation for the pardon of Charles W.
Vappesisteln, former chief of police of
teattie. wna is serving a sentence in me
Mate prison for having received k bribe
from the keeper of a disorderly House.
Ta determine whether thera Is suffi
cient grounds for the federal government
lurtherv to attack "hard coal ' Interests
tinder the' Sherman anti-trust law. Attor-J
ny uenrrai vricKersnam naB sent a copy
.-if the- supreme court's decision to J. C,
'KCRevnolua, tne government's counsel.
With tne announcement that it had
1an decided to establish publicity head-
i-uiutcrs in Washington and with the ap
pointment ot vanoua committees to for
tmrd the work of organization, the ex.
i- utlo 'ot: tnlttce ot the progerlve party
i uwmnea twa-gay- Mention in ;vcw
The Latest Song
(Try this over to the tune of "Didn't Ho Ramblo?")
Hy JltVNK.
Ouce there won a gamblins mnti, a Rambler bold was be
He was tho boldest Rambling man the world did ever see.
Ho wandered In tho Stock exchange, and ono day bought some stocks,
And now tho pore old gambling' man Is busy breaking rocks.
And didn't ho gamble, ga-a-amble,
Gambled all aroun', in and out of the town,
And didn't ho gamble, ga-a-amble.
He gambled till tho brokers cut him down.
Once there was a pious man, a plouH man was ho
he "was tho moatost pious man tho world did over see.
Ho closed up all tho gambling Joints, but didn't think R strange
To sell on "shorts," and curb reports, and loao his ploUB change.
And didn't ho scramble, scra-a-ainble,
Scrambled all aroun', In and out of the town.
Thqy .forced him, to scramble, scra-a-arable,
Scrambio 'till tho brokers cut him down
Water Board Present, Bui that
Would Abrogate Contract.
Ulsitorers Illicit In Time ftnd TnUen
Action that Will Preseut Pay
ment, to City Council for
lis Decision.
What was probably a carefully planned
coup, of the Omnha Water board to have
the city of South Omaha abrogate tho
old agroenent between It and, tho Omaha
Water company waa tiereatea yesmroay
by City Clerk Perry Wheeler's keen eye
for tho Interests of the tax payers. The
board presented a bill for hydrant
rental aggregating sotno 18,000. A Uttlo
figuring on the part of- the city
clerk and his deputy, Charles Kads,
brought out that the board was charging
for SIS hydrants, which Included the forty-
one annuity hydrants claimed by tho
tlty under the old franchise with the
water company.
Investigation of the Item showed that
hn Water board had Intentionally Ig
nored tho provision of tho old contract,
Ahlch allowed the city certain hydrants
rteo under the annuity clause of tho
contract. The exact amount of royalty
ald to tho city by tho old company
amounted to $3,M, that Is forty-one
jydrants, calculating that each hydrant
fented for $60. Under tho old contract
with tho water company the royalty paid
(he city for the franchise was taken out
m rtntal for th,e said forty-pne hydrants.
, However since the taking over of the
water company's affairs by the Omaha
Water board there has been a dispute
as to tho relation existing between the
board and the Maglo, City. The board
has held that tho city must come under
.the domination of tho Water board with
out any reference to the old franchise
granted by the city of South Omaha to
the water company. The city has main
tained that the Water board stands In
the same relation to It as did the defunct
water company, whose assets and -lia
bilities It accoptcd at the time of the
transfer of the property.
Olit Bnrirnln. llnonil.
in order to bind the bargain under
the old contrnct. Mayor lloctor some
months ago under the provisions ot the
old contrnct paid some US on this year's
account to the Water board. The sum
was accepted by the board without any
ado at the time. It was In fact an over
sight on their part. At any rate, when
Mayor lloctor and the council demanded
that the Water board live up to its con
tract and Install water mains and hy
drants as provided by the contract with
the city the board through Commissioner
n. D. Howell, sought to evade the ques
tion tinder various pretexts. Each pre
text, however, was successfully mat and
overcome and finally the board declared
that It could not do the work In the
winter time.
Now comes the apparently bnrmltaa pre
sentation of the Water board's bll( for
hydrant rental, with the rental calculated
on US hydrants Instead of TIL Added to
thts Is the deduction of the IC3 paid re
cently on account by the city. It was a
neat Uttlo coup, but Clerk Wheeler did
some quick thinking and then used the
tejephon. Tho representative of the
Water board admitted that the hydrant
rental was calculated on 315 hydrants,
that is, all the hydrants ot the city, with
out any deduction for the royalty owed
the city on the franchise granted to the
defunct water company, predecessor to
the Water board.
"And tlto $421 paid on account under
the old contract and accepted as such by
the Water boardT" queried Clerk Wheeler.
"Oh, of course, that was just paid on
the whole annual account ot this year
without any reference to the old con
tract," was tho reply.
llut City Clark Wheeler directed that
the bill be not authorised. It will now be
up to the council and the city treasurer.
City Clerk Wheeler says he will hold the
bill up and will not issue the warrant,
wtUoh leaves the Water board Just where
It was before having the necessity of
going into court to show that It can ac
cept the bonus of the Omaha Water com
on Wall Street
pany without tho attendant onus as tho
Magic City holds.
In tho mcantimo tho city attorney will
bring suit to mandamus the Water board
to Install thn now hydrants and water
mains as prvulded In tho old contract and
ordered by tho city council some weeks
Xcir t; in minium AVnrmril
The new gymnasium was warmed last
night by the four basket ball teams of
tho South Omaha inch scnooi. nie
seniors-ran away from' their competitors,
tho Juniors. Tho sooro was 60 to 2. In
thn sonhomore - freshmen gamo the
froshlea took the hdhfcra after a well
fonifht cameU. The was 12 to 7.
Tim ovmnoslum. located at Twenty
fourth and J streets, has Just been reno
vated and equipped Jot ; tho use ,ts the
high BcUpolvsrudents. It was well patron
lied nt tho opening gamo last night and
bids falrto be a popular resort for the
local high school students. Tho following
aro tho llnoup of tho rcspoctivo teams:
Freshmen. , Sophomores.
Bhamhol t. . . , Center . isggers
Nixon tC.) SUV2 Magnussen
flohovlllo tluard ..Varsley
Conner u. Forward Foelle (C.)
Johnston Forward , bulllvan
Seniors. L i,""10,"',.
Sheeny Center ,. Bhamhol ts
JJuck.ny tluard , Wyness
orchard Wuurd ..............Davis
Itob nson rorworij ..ivirM'"iu
lllchardson Forward rlttle
IIurRlnr rriBBieni iiunn.
Scared by a burglar some nights ago,
Mrs. It. U. Johnson, wire ot rror. . ii.
Johnson of tho high school, lies at her
homo on Twentieth and J streets In a
dangerous condition. Mrs. Johnson lias
been In delicate health and when a burg
lar attempted to break Into her .home the
fright nearly cost her life. Physicians
aro Inclined to hope that Mrs. Johnson
will recover.
A number ot residents In tho vicinity
of J street and Twentieth street claim
that the place la frequently the stamp
ing grounds for burglars. The residents
say that policemen are rarely seen in
that neighborhood.
Holiday Vacation Drain.
Yesterday marked the cIobo. ot the
school term and the flitting of the school
mar'ms hither and yon for the holidays.
The board has granted a vacation or
holiday recess of two weeks, which Is
tlie longest holiday vacation given in
IJttle family entertainments wero given
by the teachers and children yesterday
and presents were made to some of the
principals. A number of high school
parties were given lost night to inaug
urate the Yuletlde season. A number
of the teachers from out at town will
not leavo tho city, but most of the out-
of-town school mar'ms to gone to'
their respective homes.
Church Mer-vicea.
United Presbyterian church, Twenty
third streets, llev. W. A. Pollock, pastor.
in Die scnooi at s-.u a. m. j-udiio worsnip
ti a. m., wnen tne suojeci win oe.
"The Irlnce of Peace." Young People's
Christian union meets at t:S0 n. m. "Thn
Stable or the Inn" will be the subject for
the evening hour of worship.
First Christian church. Twenty-third
and I streets, lie v. W. J. Hastte. pastor.
IMble school at 10 a. m. The Christian
Woman's Hoard of Missions will give an
address at the morning hour of worship.
Christian Endeavor at t:S) p. m. At t:M
). m. the pastor will give a Christmas
sermon. Special music. A cordial Invita
tion Is extended to the public, Tuesday
evening the Sunday school will give a
program ana win have a cnristmas tree.
All are welcome.
8t Luke's Iimeran church. Twenty
fifth and 1C streets, Jtev. S. II. Yerian,
Sastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. in.
lornlng worship 'at 11 o'clock. Confirma
tion class at 4 p. m. Services at the
church ChrlstmaB morning at t:30.
Letter Memorial church. Fifteenth and
Madison streets, Ilev. T. A. Dagshaw,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Spe
cial music Christmas sermon at 11 a. m.
Special mualo by the choir. Catechism
olass at the parsonage at p. m. Walfr
Hoggs is leader for the Epworth league
meeting at 7 p. m. "The Story of a
Uuslness Man" la the theme for the ovn
lng sermon. The annual Christmas pro
gram will be given at the church Tuesday
evening at, T:30.
First Presbyterian church. Twenty-third
and J streets, Rev. Dr. Wheeler, pastor.
Sunday school at i'M a. m. The pastor's
subject for the morning hourof worship
Is "The Star of Jacob A Christian Mrs.
sage."' Young people's meetlnr at 6;30 P.
m. Dr. Wheeler's talk at 7:30 p. m. will
be. "The Increasing Dominion." 8peclal
Christmas music will be given.
First Methodist Kplscopal Church,
Twenty-fourth and M Streets. Odd Fel
lows' Hall, Ilev. J. W Klrkpatrick, Pas
tor -Sunday school lesson and Christmas
program at 8:46 a. rtu Preaching at 11.
subject, "CJood Tidings of Great Joy
Special music by the choir. Kpworth
league at Ilrass' chapel at &30.
Mrs. Peter Peterson, age 1 yeitrs, died
at her late residence, 9B It street, yes-
Now for an Xmas i(t
Only 25c
For a daintily decorated
Toy Tea Set. A set
just like it would cost
again as much at the
toy shops. Buy one as
a Christmas gift for your
little girl.
terday.- She is.1 survived by a husband
and six children Kdward, Fred, George,
nichard. Ir. C. Hall nnd Henry Peter
son of Ua -Angeles, Cal. Funeral serv
ices will bo held Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the residence,. Dr. K. L.
'Wheeler officiating. -Burial' In Qraceland
1-otk ccmoiery.
Mnitlc CItr noirllna; LectRue.
12 3 Tot.
Hunt ICS 151 154 475
K&gerbci't; 112 170 1,2 Kit
Winters 201 199 203 RJQ
McDonald , m 178 ISO 641
Francisco , 171 239 191 WI
Totals 915 937 903 2.754
12 3 Tot.
Krusn 133 163 US 454
ivce 155 155 155 465
Hall , 125 190 135 450
Ooldenberc 203 177 179 569
Clay bom 168 171 178 617
Totals 7S4
SM m 2,446
S 8
Handicap 29
Totals ...813 RS5 S34 2,532
Mnulu City flosslp.
Frank Mumni Is being held hy the
local pollco on the suspicion of bctng
wanted In Olenwood, la.
A number of tho young people who are
away Attending hcIukm art) returning
homo for tho holiday vacation.
Phil Kearney Woman's Relief corp will
meet this afternoon at tho home at Mrs.
J. O. ICnstman, 1432 North Twenty-third
Frank Dworok, one of tho crack shots
of,the South Omaha Oun club, and "Doo"
Fryc, also ono of the local "Dead-eye
Dicks," will compete at the target range.
Forty-fourth and Q streets. Sunday aft
ernoon on n side bet with twenty-flvo
targets. The smaller fry will enjoy tho
turkey and duck shoot given by the club.
Members of Phil Kearney post No. 2
will elect officers this evening at the
home of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Cress, 209
North Twenty-third street
Joe Stanek, a saloonkeeper, said to
reside at Twenty-eighth and R streets,
waa arrested yesterday by Officer Jo
seph Dlask on tho charge of receiving
stolen property.
Billy Lowery, axed 53 years, a painter
by trade, wants to die but tho police will
not let him take his life, tast night he
made a second attempt to commit suicide
by asphyxiation in a rooming houso at
S07 IJorth Twentieth street. Itoomers
smelled gas and found towery lying
across his bed with one end' of a gas
tube In his mouth and the other on a
gas Jet.
Police Burgeon Dawson, revived the un
conscious man. Ixwery was locked up at
the station. He win recover.
Lowery tried to take his llfo last Tues
day afternoon at Tom Davts' residence,
810 North Twentieth street,, by inhaling
gas In the same manner. Domestic trou
ble has prompted him to make the at
tempts on his life, he says.
His wife has started suit for divorce on
the ground of nonsupport.
At the police station he said he would
kill himself before Ion and that the
police might tts well let him die at once.
Foreign Affairs
A Bcneral man gin if committee of the
German national aviation fund haa been
organlxed under the chairmanship m
Prince Henry of Prussia.
The French senate, with tho concir
rence of the Chamber ot Deputies,
adopted a bill authorixlns a loan of 15 -000,000
to Indo-Chlna to be used In ex
tensive development In that country
The government of Guatemala Issued a
decree recognising- the consolidation -the
Guatemalan railroad and branch line
Into one company, which will be called
the International Railroad of Central
A committee of the Duma engaged r
drafting an address to Kniperor Nicholas
has reached a deadlock, a majority of the
members refusing to make allusion in the
Instrument to Uie autocratic power of the
ItVSfiSSX Every piece solid oak; in a thoroughly waxed fe-Wl
j nt &' Jjryc ,A Early English finish; every joint glued and mortised. fM SMMijlX
Secures the very Livmg Room or Li-
brary set pictured here Four handsome pieces
that would sell at 130.00 in the ordinary way.
There's a handsomo table In the outfit, and a massive arm chair and two rockers,
ono of tho rockers armless, the other with broad and comfortable nrnis. It Un't claim
ing a bit too much to say that the arm rocker and chair alone are worth $17; that leaves
the balance or tho outfit almost a gift to you. Figure out the savings; note the STYLE
of the pieces and the terms upon which you may buy, and you MUST then agree that
you'vo found the VEKY ChrlstmaB Gift you 'vo been SEEKING for the HOME itsolf.
I Goods Purchased
Saturday will be
delivered Monday
or Tuesday, as requested.
"Union" promises an
ideal' 'last minute11 Xmas
delivery service.
nun mmj
tTh People's rarnltore and Carpet Co.;
Deaf Institute Will Ask State Legis
lature for $175,000.
Forty .Ueiubera of the? Association
Conduct Meeting: Yesterday mid
Dlscnse Pinna for Proposed
An appropriation of $173,000 will bo usked
of the legislature for four new buildings
for tho Deaf Institute at Omaha by the
Nebraska Parents' Association for the
Promotion of Oral Instruction of the
Forty mombers of tho association, rep
resenting parties from all over tho state,
the parents of deaf pupils of the instituto,
met at the school yesterday afternoon
and canvassed the matter. Tho four build,
ings to bo asked for ore: A primary
building. 100,000; an advanced boys' build
ing, tSO.OOO; a power plant, $35,000; an In
dustrial building, 130,000.
State Architect Hurd Miller had beet
asked by tho association to make esti
mates on what tho various buildings
would cost, and these aro the figures as
he reported them to the association at
the meeting.
The parents are anxious to have the
primary building in order that It may
afford segregation to some extent for thje
new pupils coming In. This they contend
Is necessary in order to got the orat sys
tem Nitltfactorily established In ,the
school as provided by the last legisla
ture. Bo long as the new pupils are not
segregated from the older ones they ab
orb the sign language from the older
ones inoro rapidly than they do the oral
training from tho teachers, and this con
stitutes a drawback throughout their en
tiro course of Instruction, the parents nnd
Instructors say.
The advanced boys' building Is desired
to take tho pliico of the present advanced
boys' cottage, or dormitory, which Is old
and which was cheaply built in the first
place. It is feared also that the old
building Is no longer sanitary.
Tho n$w power houso Is to take the
place ot the old one, which It Is claimed
Is Inadequate to the present needs. The
old ono olsd stands In what should natu
rally be the frorlt yard of the school,
facing Forty-fifth street. The new power
plant, It one is obtained, is desired In the
back yard, whero it normally belongs.
A new Industrial building, the parent
hold, Is absolutely necessary, aa the pres.
cut ono is not nearly sufficient to accom
modate the number of pupils who should
by all means havo an Industrial training,
in tho opinion ot the association.
Thcso rccominendatons will be made by. j
the association to the legislature sepa-,
rate and distinct from tho appropriation
to be asked for by the superintendent for
If your child has
Ur Bull's Couch
Syrup will uiepoa
tlbleaerioutillness. Bale. Euro-
lleUablc, SSc.
' I bat ui Dr, Butrs Cwiifc tmp tor crap.
Uwuhitti. koopit erne k. okk plural rauW
Kit. Aula BUM, 2 5.24 St.. KutuCUr Ku.
I 1
Miniature Wash
ll in. high, cute Christ
mas Gifts to little ones,
and sell here,
at, each, only. . . JLUC
Consolidated With tae People's Btor.
tmk wf i ill m.
Easy to Find Acceptable Gifts
at the Sherman & McDonnell
Drug Stores....
Thermos Bottles at ... .1 $1.50 $2 S3.50 S3.50 and $5
Watortnnn's Fountain Pons, and ottvor standard makes
mat SI S1.50 $2 S2.50 S3.50 S5
Travelers' Flasks, covered with wicker, leather and nickel
m 75d 856 81 S125 S1-50
Military Hair Brushes In Kosewood, Coca Bola, Ebony, Satlnwood
and Celluloid, at 1.25 S1.50 $2 S2.50 S3 S3.50 $4.50
Fino Dressing Hair Brushes for Ladles and Gentlemen, $1 to S5
Fine Candles in Sealed Boxes as follows Woodward's, Llggett's,
O'Brien's, Guth's, Voeglo & DInnlng'o, Johnson's, lb. to 5-lb.
boxe9 at 25 d to $4.00
Three-piece Silver Sots, at -,..$4.39 $4.80 and $5.64
Cigars to suit tho most fastidious 200 brands to
select from. "Wo will sell you the kind of oigar that will
suit your friend, because it would suit you if a smoker.
Despite the rush we are giving our usual prompt
prescription service, as these departments are quite apart
from the fcales rooms of our stores.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co.
Corner Sixteenth and Dodge Streets
J07-I) No. lflth St.; HARVARD PHARMACY, Cor. 34th and Farnam.
" t
VUl 1M Iliad U UWCLa i. ,n ner cases
. 7 , . T 2. Rma fancy Christmas boxes that
make as neat and tasty a gift as anything In the store
81.00, 91.50, $2.00 per box or case of three.
Browning, King & Co.
Ask about "Seven ty-soven." ask
your neighbors, ask your friends, tuk
j anyone you meet( ,n socety in buat.
' ness, at church, at the opera, theater,
anywhere, anyono, it makes no dlf
i ference, the answer will be the same
j "It you will take 'Seventy-seven'
I when you first feel a Cold coming
on, It will broak it up, In short
1 If you wait begin to '
j cough and sneeze It may take longer, i
A small vial of pleasant pellets,
fits the vest pocket. At your Drug- 1
gist 25c, or mailed.
llvmp'-reys' Uonieo. Medicine Co. J-(i
WIMIani New Yoiv-sVdverrlseinent.
"Wooly Dogs"
i l inches high, cute kinds,
worth $1 at carnivals, Afo
etc., here at
Boys' Mechanical
Train Outfits
Outfit consists of Engine,
Tender, Coach and four pieces
of Circular Track. Has auto
matic winding attachment,
and Is Identical with the
kinds usually selling at J 1.00-
It's the VERY gift ft, hoy
WANTS, too.
Union's price,
per outfit. Is. .
o are ahov
Wo are showing a variety ot
Our Btock of CANDY is more
complete this year than ever be
fore. We have an abundance of
extra help to take care of the
rush Monday and Tuesday, Goods
delivered free to nil parts of the
city and packed and delivered to
tho express companies for ship
ment. Fancy boxen and baskets
suitable for tho Holiday Benson.
Htiyler'B Famous New York
Candy, t. to D-lb. Q(
boxes, per lb OUC
Original Allegrctti Chtcoluto
Creams, M, to 5-lb. 2
boxes, per lb OUC
Egyptian Chocolutcs, 1 an! 2
lb. boxes, per OA
lb oUc
I-Yesh Salted New Crop Ntits,
all kinds, reasonable prices.
Myers-Dillon Drug Go.
leth and rarnant Sts.
- j