Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1912, THE Semi-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 11, Image 44

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The Brass Tack
Continued from
r a i
s ot dventure
Page )
"O-o-hl" tho ninn said, brinuini; tlio
v.iru up uui ui iiumiug so nmuiiuv mill
In- hardly seemed to interrupt; "you
n.vdn't bother I'll have to you
know go liavo appointment
important " and there his speech faded
into nothing again, gradually, like a Phil
adelphia elevator, and lie clawed at a
fuzzy brown hat and strolled away.
"Who was that!" Jim asked, staring
after him.
"That " Carrie's head was up; but
there was never a quaver in her voice
"that's Mr. St. Clair. He's working
with us. We're going out to dinner
tli it is, we n ere."
'You were.' And he sacked you 1 Oh,
herd! Now I gotto get you some eats. I
wonder " and he stood looking at her
in a comical, doubtful sort of way
"tan you stand the grub? Want to
come down to my place"
"Don't feel that you've got to take mo
to dinner, .lini," the girl said. "I'm
useti 10 ii- io uuuiig aione.
She did not mean it to sound hurt.
mi... .... l.., l i l .t l... ..1 .
L lit' JUl l SUV IlilU ill'l UUimm ilUllllli
.Inn. She had supposed he would grow
up to lie a stocky, hard-working villago
hoy, the kind who would certainly sing in
the choir, whether he had any voice or not,
And here he was, six feet high, in clothes
that needed pressing, but still smacked
of Broadway, with the Hroadway swagger
in his gait and all Broadway's boldness
in his mouth. So she hesitated. But .lini
gathered in her arm and almost swung
her off her feet as he went forging south
ward down Avenue.
Ten minutes later they had'gained mys
terious admission to a shabby basement
cafe economically tucked in behind an
iron grating.
"You in the chorus, Carrie?" Jim
asked when they had found their places
at a little disordered table.
"Mm-hm," she nodded. "No lines at
And then, as she rolled her gloves to
gether, she gave him a quick glance.
"How did you know I was on tho
'stage! " sho said. "T do hope 1 don't
look it."
"Not a bit. T saw you with that re
hearsal gang Reef"
Jim stretched a point there, for she did
look it. Surely not the chorus girl out
right, the sweet-scented garden sort,
baited high-llavoredly with plumes and
silk stockings and a complexion. Not at
all. But the transplanted, tho hot-houso
chorus girl, the tailor-made, tlio good
faced, the defiantly demure; piniu-hntted,
ilain-booted, lirown-gloveil ; a Iittlo jaun
ty, a little shabby, and so very pale.
and proud of it pale like a washed
white board on the sen-beach, pale with a
gallant weariness that goes to the heart,
that means trying loyally to keep straight,
and trying terribly, too, to keep nice. So
Carrie looked, and so Jim had sized her
up when he saw her. And:
"I'm glad of that," she said, looking
full at him with her big, red-brown eyes.
"I'd hate to look like an actress, Jim."
Her eyes matched her hair, and her
hair had darkened until it was the color
of old red mahogany, and there was a
great deal of it. Her face was still long
and clear-cut and strongly made; her suit
nils blue serge blue serge in that No
venilier wind and tho seams were worn
anil shiny. Yet, the old clothes fitted;
and she had that same girlish look of lie
nig alive all over, eager to bo stirring.
Jim was a draughtsman, he told her
in an oflice architectural work plans,
lovatioiis tlmr kind of thincr. voti
now. Cnrrio didn't know; but it disan-
inted her to have Jim anything that
ended in "man," like "draughtsman."
Por sho had day-dreamed about him nnd
'iiade him a hero, and now when he burst
up suddenly out of Seventh avenue, big
ml gusty and hustling, very much in tho
tlesh, all that forgotten dream-stuff camo
throbbing back to her.
"Wo'vo buried tho rat already," sho
"Wo'vo what.'"
Jim, having had no dreams, could
hardly bo expected to follow her.
"Buried tho rat. It was n rat, you
know. Don't you remember the first
thing we did? St. Clair, 1 mean. He
isn't anvbodv, and he's out of it."
"Well, what in Mabel Blazes "
Jim gave it up, with a drop of his out
spread hands, and Carrie sailed eagerly
on, her face kindling.
"And you wanted to play circus, do
you remember? And now, 1- I Do
you know, Jim, I'm afraid now I won't
make good on the stage?"
"Now!" said Jim, losing his puzzled
look at last. "I getcher there, Steve.
No, you won't make good on tho stage.
Now I'll tell you why."
Ho did not mean to be cruel; he had no
idea of breaking up her dream. That
was why it hurt so terribly as he leaned
forward on the table and went swiftly on.
"You're too little." he told her. "No
fault of yours, of course; but you (ire.
May be you can play one kind of parts;
ingenues and such. But first you 've got
to get your chance to play 'em. Been at
tho game long?"
"Three this is my third season."
Carrie was taking it gamely.
"And you're still with the tootsie
toots. You see, even a man's size woman
don't get many chances. I guess per
haps it takes a big girl to make an im
pression, any way. You 've got to play
any game big. Make 'em notice you!
Give 'em a shiver 1 That's what goes!
Pour-Hush may be, but sure do something
or other that just comes booming up big
an' hits 'em! "
"Take that yourself, Jim! Perhaps
you need it! "
Her face was hot and her eyes were
snapping with anger as she Hung it at
him. Jim sat slowly back in his chair.
His steel-gray eyes narrowed and his
lymds slid slowly into his trouser pockets.
"You hit me hard," he said quietly.
"Ioft to the jaw. More of a jolt than
you Uy Jove, 1 .see it!"
Bis hand came down on the table with
the words, and the next instant he was
leaning over, a long yellow pencil in his
hand, clearing a partly unsoiled bit of
the table-cloth.
"See!" and down went
sweeping strokes. "A tower! Big!
That's what they want! Bight over the
entrance one big curve Slam! Hang!
Pine! That stuff those Spaniards
say, they eat it! They love it!"
Jim was shedding excitement around
him in jolts, as a battleship sheds shells.
Carrio leaned over, all eagerness, and
looked at the bt range, swinging lines on
tho table-cloth.
"Yes," she said. "What is it?"
"A tower, Kid. Por a big well, 1
can't tell you just what; it's as good as
a Oovemment job, to go down at Ha
well, in one of tho Spanish countries.
"Oh! Aro you going "
"I'm after the job. One big thing
like that, and you're made. The plans
go to Senor Whatchermacallim, ami he
sails tomorrow; it's an all-night job ami
I've got to bo going."
Jim stood up and Carrio stood up with
him, tingling to her finger-tips. low
or, Spaniartls, government, tomorrow 's
steamer neither head nor tail to it.
Only it was all foreign, adventurous; and
Jim, who made it so, had insulted her.
"Do vou mean to leave me. too?" she
asked, her head up again.
Ho turned with a frown, ono arm in his
"Certainly not! Come ahead if you
want to."
Her breast swelled as she took in
breath through her tight-drawn nostrils.
"I don't want to," she said, "if you
talk to mo like that."
They were quarreling like old friends
"Oh, T won't, Kid! " said Jim. "I'm
sorry. 1 didn't mean anything. Come
ahead. "
So they scudded beforo tho wind to
Seventh nvcnuo and caught a car, a fierv-
tcmpered car, blazing golden lights and
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