lxiv 0MA1IA ol4l)AV bl,K: Ulu v.MluAi 22, UHU. 3-A S. 1 1 VT-1 1 ! Join Or kin rrmTTT-7' i ihw whuih m&arn We Want 18 More Msmbers Monday and Tuesday $257go gsoMb $5750 SS.00 DOWN NO INTEREST RANDALL REPORTS ON FIRES State Commissioner Teljs of Campaign of Education. His MANY SPEECHES OVER STATE One Thouimnd Two Hundred Thirty Four Fires Ilcporte'd In Xcliroika During the Venr nnd Losses I,ru Thnn Million. (From, a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 21. (Speclal.)-In his report to the governor Fire Commissioner Charles L. Randall pays considerable at tcntloh to the loss .sustulned by fires and the falling off of the number since he took control of the office. He pays the volunteer firemen a rttong tribute' and urges that a law be parsed at the coming session of the legislature which enable towns and villages to equip their local departments with up-to-date fire fighting apparatus. in the Interest of carrying on a cam palffn-ofcducattont the report shows'that Commlstloner . IUukJuII-Iuu delivered nd dreSsca t6'ovcr "0,000 school children nnd 30,000 business men over the state. He has sent out over 500.0W bulletins and cards aitd lover 100,000 of his lucent '"No braska ire Scout" enrollment curds. Ho pays a tribute to the press of the state, which has assisted In the cam paign of education for fire precaution by publishing his monthly bulletins. Ho says that the legislature should provide a suit able amount so that these papers could be paid for the space taken in the work. Jast year tho loss of property on ac count of Fourth of July conflagrations was J23T.,OO0, but this year the loss was only J7.100. He calls attention to the great danger from gasoline, not only from Its fire starting qualities, but from the danger to those who may bo called to" fight a flro where gasolluo Is burning. He says that he has known the fumes of burn ing gasoline to penetrate through the air fifty feet and do gTcat damage. notonly to property, but to life. Some of tho ftost seVere teases or burning has been from the Inhaling of gasoline "9m a fire. This can be communicated fifty vfeet or more under conditions which are apt to exist at most any flro where gasoline Is burn ing. During the 'last year 1.S3I fires were re ported to tho fire commissioner. Lost year there were 1,348. Tho value of the buildings on fire was ,$11,373.24.38. Tho fire loss was tSS9,0X40, about per cent of value The value of ttjc contents of these buildings was J6.1GS.337.54. The loss waa Il,314,656.!, about 2iVs per cent. Tho difference between the value of the build ings and their contents and the damago was tl5,3S8,056.69, 'and volunteer firemen of thastate should be given credit tor the saving of this vaat amount of wealth. i Which? I (An Easy One) Will you carry a Pall cold all Winter, piling one cold on an other until Spring finds you a likely candidate for Consump tion? OR Will You Throw 7 he First C.ld Out of Your System, Once for All, with wMfii in such a tower Of 1 TV 4UVM . lL m4- stAirlrt rin f Vin BTXeUffin UJlUAuau uwuii . germs Cannot harm thOSe WhO ' O use it faitniuiiy v 1 os. AX I. DB0OOI8T8 8 OX. Pat or. brown eampl tottle Jee by mall Addross Oron.-ulslon, 841 Pearl kit, Ntw York. Brothers Piano Club 1..J.1, . lu i"i laiifi'.iin nimii :i.ui.llll I ll I. l.tt m mm i, m hi i. mi III in ji wmm mm n im i 500 Members A TIP FROM "SANTA" THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR isbbbbb Following Is a showing of the value, loss and Insurance on property during tho last three years: Value of buildings 27,?a,R73.39 Value of contents 19.054,373 51 Insurance on buildings 14,407.803.5) Insurance on contents li.!M7,fo0.75 Loss to buildings..: 2,!)S3,(S3.05 Loss to contents 3,159,123.55 In speaking of the double shift for fire men, Mr.- Randall says:' '"One of the pleaant memories of my acts when In the senate Is that I used my Influence and vote to bring about the double shift of firemen In the city of Omaha and I wish it were possible to have the some condi tions In other cities." Lgislators May Ask Supreme Court to Pass on Salaries (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN", Dec. 21. (Special.) The pub llcatloiHn The Bee Saturday morning that the members of tho coming legislature might find it difficult to draw the In crease In salary proscribed In the con rtttutlonaf amendment voted on at the last election nnd proclaimed by Governor Aldrlch U3 adopted, has stirred up not only the members of the legislature, but has been the cause of a great deal of discussion around the state house. J. F. llagerty of Par-gent, who will rep resent Custer county In tho house of representatives, was In the city today, and when his attention was called to the matter suld that ho had never thought at any time that the constitutional amend ment relating to an Increase In salary for members of the legislature applied to the coming session. He thought tint tho old law still held good and that the mem bers could "not draw more than the $5 per day. State Auditor-elect W. II. Howard had returned to Omaha yesterday when the matter was brought to the attention of the auditor's office, but W. L. Minor, who will probably bo the new deputy, said this morning that there would bo nothing doing on the S10 a day proposition for members of the legislature until the mat ter was settled by tho proper- authority. "Jt looks, to mo," said he, "that whllu tho Intention' of the law was that the amend ment should go Into effect at this time, the law plainly says otherwise." John S. Jlclgren, another new man In the auditor's office after the new auditor takes, hold, was of the opinion that tho matter would have to bo settled by the courts before warrants would be drawn by the auditor. In his report to the legislature of the amount necessary to run 3 legislature. Auditor llarton maUfa his estimate on the old law and does not Include in the estlmato for legislative salaries tho mount called for In the amendment to the constitution. It looks' at this tlmo that before mem bers of the next resMon will bo able to draw more than t5 a day that tho matter will have to be submitted to the supreme court and an opinion handed down before they can see tho color of the state's money. NEWS NOTES OF ALLIANCE . AND BOX BUTTE COUNTY ALLIANCE3. Neb., Dec. 21.-(8peclal.)- '-'etltlons are being circulated In Alliance . -chool district No. C asking that a spe cial election be held for the purpose of issuing bonds to the amount of 172,000 to replace the Central school building, re cently destroyed by fire. The Elks' club, according to Its usual custom. Is arranging for Its annual ball to be hehl on .New Year's eve. Elaborate preparations are being made, and the club expects to entertain 250 members and llielr ladles. A pretty wedding was eolemnlzed at the home Of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, C. Soules, Wednesday evening, their daughter, Kmeretta, and John A. Hen derson of Toronto, Canada, taking the vows which made them life partners. The ceremony was performed by Itev. J. n. Brown. ' The marriage of Miss Emma Tash, Jaughter of Postmaster Tash, to James A. Jonnrton ruesaay evening was one or 1' e delightful social events of the season, oth Mlfs Tash and Mr, Johnston being oc,Ri favorites In All'ance. Only a few f the near relatives of the contracting nartfa w1tnffmri ihtt ptttmnnv. which rattles witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. O. 8. Baker, but after the wedding a reception was held at the Tash home, about 100 being In at tendance. SUter Patricia, one of the teachers In Ht Agnes' academy. Is very low, her death bring momentarily expected. S1.2S PER WEEK NO INTEREST PIANOS bbbbbi isbbm dbbbbbj TAXI COMPANIES TO COMBINE Grey Bonnet Company to Affiliate with Other City Lines. OMAHA TO BE HEADQUARTERS Conaollilntlon of Compnnlrn In St. Piinl, Minneapolis, Denver, Kan sas City nnd Suit I.nUe City Is Planned. Indications point to Omulia becoming headqtmrtcrs for one of the largest taxi cab amalgamations In the country' The plan is devised by H. H. Hawke, presi dent of tho Grny Bonnet Taxi line In Gmaha, and will result In tho slmlllar business In such cities ns Minneapolis, St. Paul, Denver, Salt Lake and Kansas City being thrown Into one big concern, with general headquarters In Omaha. "Gus Uhl, president of the Shaw Taxi line In Kansas City, will be In Omaha after Christmas," said Mr. Hawke, "for the purpose of perfecting the plans with the Idea of putting them Into effect at once. Omaha, being tho central point, will becomo headquarters. The purposo of such an nfflliutlon Is to afford largo purchasing power, thereby reducing oper ating expenses. The combined capital of such n concern, taking In only first-class lines In each of the cities In question, will be In tho neighborhood of JMH.OOO. In addition to purchasing supplies In Immense quantities and distributing them from Omahu, bodies will bo built hero and complete cars assembled. Eventually this will result lu uniform equipment for each of these linos In the various cities. Tho production or our own cars will effect an enormous saving and will materially reduce the cost on repairs and replacements, besides bring ing a new Industry to Omaha." Farmers' Institute, is Held in Aurora AUItOItA, Neb., Dec. 2L-(8peclal.)-The annual meeting of the Farmers' In stitute was held In the district court room at Aurora, December 18 and 19. The fol lowing program waa rendered: "Im proving the Corn Crop," Arnold Martin; "Weeding Out tho Boarder Cow," W. C. Andreas: "Pure Food," W. C. Andreas; "What Can Be Dono on Twenty Acres," Arnold Martin: "Cultivating the Soil to Conserve Moisture." C. CI. Marshall; "Balanced Rations," Mary Pascoe; "Tho Girl Who Can," Miss Beaumont; "Is tho Effort Worth Whllo;" C. G. Marshall, Tliero was an unusually largo crowd In attendance at all the meetings. The largest -meeting was held Wednesday evening when tho program was preceded by several excellent dialogues rendered by the pupils of District No. 11, who, with their teacher. Miss Mazle Kerr, drove ten miles In a hayrack In order to be present. H. H. Icymaster was elected president for the coming yeor and J. D. Kerr was re-elected secretary. During the Institute an exhibit of corn, cooking and sewing was held under the direction of County Superintendent Jack- , son. While the exhibit was not large, yet the quality of the display was ex ceedingly good. Pome fine, seed corn was shown, especially that of I C. Genoways and his son of Phillips, who secured most of the Important prizes. Superintendent Jackton Is planning to hold a boys' and girls' short course next year, which will probably last a week, NEBRASKA DAILY PAPERS WILL FORM ASSOCIATION GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Dec. Zl.-(Spo clal.) As a result of some correspondence between the publishers of evening dally newspapers in the smaller cities of the state, a meotlng of such publishers has been called to be held at the Uncoln i hotel. Uncoln, on Saturday afternoon, I December a at 3 o'clock for the purpose of taking steps, If possible, to organize for better telegraphic ana mall news service for the legislative session and for general news purposes. fiunrd Otllvf Ilo.pltal, . BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. H.-(8peclal Tel- egram.) The Cage County Crop Improve tnent association was organized herp to day with a meintershlp of C00. The amount of $2,00 will be expended for a crop expert In the county the coming year. Officers elected arc A. H. Kldd, president, George Huntington, vice presi dent, S. V, Nichols, secretary: W (' Black, treasurer i! -Jj 'HENDRICKS SHOWS EXHIBITS Omaha Man Gives Instances of Yields of Dairy Cows.' AMEND BILL IN MURDER CASE Attorney from I'rr.itont AW Pet uillon of fotirt (o JlnUc ChniiK Adjutant tirurrnl's Office llroomrn Hospital. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LtNCOLN. Dee, II.- (Spcelal.)-ln an erfort to extend the education of the dairy throughout the state, W. O. Hendricks of Omaha, state dairy Inspector, was at the office of Food luspvctor Hansen this morning and was exhibiting some of the exhibits used by him In carrytng on the work. In a test made for one year In Douglas county Mr. Hendricks showed that the beat cow produces In one year 1,797 pounds of butter fat, and the lowest, 1,373. The percentage of profit on tho best cow was 1417 on each Investment of 1 for feed, while tho lowest was only Kl cents for the samo amount Invested. Tho ten most profitable cows produced 1,032 pounds of butter fat, which brought thq owner an average of $57.82 per cow. Tho best three producers or butter in the country, according to Mr. Hendricks, are a Holsteln cow, wmcn prouueeu m one year 90S pounds of butter fat. She wns closely followed by a Jersey cow, which produced 952 pounds of butter fat. A Guernsey heifer. S years old, raised In Nebraska and now the property of tho state farm, produced 928 pounds of butter fat during the year. Tills heifer was orlslnally sold by tho man who raised her for $45. "Had that man known what he should have known, or had ho taken the trouble to educate himself along tho lines which we are trying to Instill Into the minds of tho farmors of the state, ho would have discovered the true worth of that Guernsey heifer and It would have taken many tlmcM Hr to hove purchased her," said Mr. Hendricks, Would Amend Hill. Louis Rogers, through his attorneys, F. W. Button and Frank Dolczcl, have mado application to tho supreme court to withdraw the bill of exceptions filed In the "suitcase mystery murder caro," for the purpose of making amendments. They ct forth by nffldavlt that It has been discovered that through oversight tho certificate of tho Judge presiding nt tho trial settling bill of exceptions omits to lndlcnto and describe ttio exhibits re ferred to. Ths Is the Fremont murder case in .which the nbovo attorneys havo been cited to appenr before the bar com mission on disbarment proceedings. - Joe HiiritH Makes Visit. Ex-Senator Joe Burns was at tho stato houso this morning on his annual visit back to his old haunts. Senator Burns Is now a citizen of Utah, Wyoming und Idaho, according to his own stntomcnt, nnd says he Is trying to cover the whole territory. "We tried awfully hard tq carry our states for Tnft," said Senator Burns, "but the best we could do was to elect republican governors In two of thoni. in my county, which has formerly been strongly democratic, I wont out and made twenty speeches and wo carried tho county republican by a big majority." , finRe Crop AMsnclntlon. Captain I.on Kesterson of the adju tant general's department, whllo tryl'iK to crank an automobile, had three bonei In his wrist broken and a finger nlno I crushed by a flarebaclt. The Injuries are painful, but Just to keep him company Adjutant General Phelps has developed a felon on one finger and the two have turned tho office Into a hospital. Tho guard will bo furnished Identifica tion tags, according to a notice recelvell by the. adjutant general from the War department this morning statlng'that 3.C0O had been shipped for the use of tho national guard of this state. These tags nro only used wnen tne troops are ni war and aro hung about the neck by a ribbon und -serve to Identify the wearer In case he Is killed. The tag bears tho name of tho bearer, his company, regi ment and state and on tho reverse sldo tho name of the party to be notified lu cane of death or accident. This would Indicate tliat tho government Is prepuriug tu call on the Nebraska guard In cuho of trouble In Mexico which would necessitate the culling out of troops. I Suten from Orrrtnn, OVERTON, Neb., Doc. 21.-(Speclal Trl- egram,) Cyrel Carpenter, son of II. M. Carpenter of this city, had his foot caught In a hay press und badly mashed. It will have to be amputated. P. I Stephens sold his restaurant busl- ness lo It. IV. nneiiey, wno win lane charge about the flrrt of the year. 2 Days ALL SHOES WILL BE Biggest Cuts Ever Given Here 60 pairs to sleet from, patent kid leathers, during closing out aalo these 93.60 and 14.00 shoes go JQn on salo this sale U XioAUs' Kid Button and &ao Shoes With welt soles, 94.00 values: n7& pairs In this lot to select from, Go ing out of business salo Ladles' Tine Calf Suede Shoes 94.00 values, in all sizes, hand turned hoIoh. This lot contains 1(0 pairs or fine shoes that go on sale tomor- QQ. row at .. ?OU Ledlei' Dull Calf Button Shoes With high toes, f4-0O values, all sizes anil widths, during closing 1 "1 M out ; sale I l I Ladles' Rana Turned SSartha Wash ington Style Slippers 93.50 and 93.00 values. In all sizes, on 01 QQ sale at 1 iu9 94a pairs of. XAdles' Xlstra Fine Shoes In all leathers, hand sewed welts, In all new lasts and patterns, 90 and 04 makes, during clewing ( I QQ DUtsale lilJO Ladies' Tine OraTenette Button Shoes Round high toes, flexible, 93.00 val ues, all slr.es. This Is one of our finest button boots, During I QQ rinsing out sale , bedles' 9LCO Tnr Trimmed Jullcttes All colors, hand turned soles, "TJn dnrlng this sale at w ALEXANDER GO. 3D IXOOB PAXTOXT BX.OC7X 16th and Far nam Take Elevator Open STenlsgs Until Christmas Correct Furnishings make tho most acceptable of . Chilstrrms Gifts for Men. Tho mill uVoutnlilo point nbout n gift of furnlaliliiKs to a man 1b correotni'sa ami in Hint rcRanl you neml havo no four If you pntron Ixo thin storo v( cater to men folkH nnd wo know their likes and dislikes. You ro i(o on the correctness of nny wearablo you get hor. Imported Silk and Silk Knit Neckwear 50c to $2.50 Gloves, dress, lined or fur gauntlots $1 to $12.50 Pajamas, silk, madras, pongee, etc $1 to $10 Toilet and Manicuro Sets $2 to $10 Collar Bags 50o to $5 Combination Collar, Handkerchief and Tie Oases, in fino leathers S2.50 to $7.50 Combination Sets Hose, Handkerchiefs and Ties all clors v $1 to $2.50 Fancy Handkerchiefs, silk, linen and initials. . 15c UP Silk and Silk Knit Mufflers $1 to $6.50 Gift Suspenders of Excellont Quality 50c UP The Store. of the Christ- inns Spirit F.S.K1NO. PRCS, Loans and Discounts Are on the Increase (From a Staff Contsprmdcnt.) LINCOLN, Dec. SI. (Special Telegram,) A report of tho condition of tho 631 state banks of tho state of Nebraska reporting at tho close of business Novem ber 1M shows tho number of depositors to bo LW.W'i and the averam reserve 23H ler cent. nnsouucics Umns and discounts ;s,'j;u.Ttl.77 Overdrafts 72l,70f.K Bonds, Hccurltk4. Judgments, , claims, etc 1.00ti,715.6l Duu from national and state banks 14!fBl,04M5 Banking house, furnltuin and rUttlt cm 2.S.V.,6.15.1t Other IVnl estate 2SIU47.70 Current expenses, taxes and Interest paid ,f,iVi,a'V).72 Cash 4,4r,tOT.MI Other assets M.8S3.91 Total f lOI,17.VOi.ni IjIA1I1I.11 U5H. Capital stock paid In $ lS.RSS.60a.0J Surplus fund 2,iijO,S4t.W iurpli Indlv Ided profits... S.ia.076.41 Depiwlls Si.WT.lSU.W Notes anil bills ledlscounted.. I'.'fl.'il.Ol Hills roynblo 741.3W.Oi) DeiKisltors' KUtiruntcc fund.... MS.tf&.UI Totill JKH,17&.016.0l Since December ii, 1UU: INVItKAHCS. Ijoans and discount Jl0,7)I,sJ7.fil Deposits N.iVn.SSI.M Resources 10,7!,rJI.7il Rediscounts and Mils piiviiblo. 171,373.72 DKCRRASKS. Duo from banks nml catli $ 7fiS,lS.SS Averavo reserve December B. 1911, wuh 27 per cent, hlnct! Hcptembor I, V12' INCRBASI4S. l.ouiiH and discounts $ 4,2M,6Kti.s? Rediscounts and hillx payable. Mt.T77.C) ri;ritasKs. Deposits S,lfiS,457.42 Due from banks und cash fl,o.VI,!M8.r'j Resources 1 .013,1107. 10 Average leservi September 4, 1912, was 29 per cent. PLINEY PIERP0NT INDICTED ON WHITE SLAVE CHARGE LINCOLN. Nib.W. Zl.-Pllney I'lor pont. nlla.1 Lawrence Clnvls, nllns Paul Clovls, wns Indicted here on December fi on a charge of having violated tho Mann white slavo uct. Tho Indictment was mailo publlo today. Plerpout was taken into custody In St. Joseph, Mo., last week anil taken before a United States coinnilsslomr, to whom ho gave bond In the sum of $.",000 to ap pear before tho federal court lu Febru ary. Miss Carolina Youngs, n schol teacher of Aftous, Wyo wits the complaining witness, Her parents leslde near Meiuls ville. Mo.. The Indictment charges Pler pout with having induced her (o coino from Wyoming lo Lincoln on October 2S last for Immoral purposes. CAPTAIN PURDY GUEST OF HONOR AT BANQUET BI3ATRICH. Nob.. Dec 21 -(Special Tel egram.) Tho Orange and Black foot ball banquet given by the 1912 foot ball squad at tho Paddock hotel thlB evening wus one of the big social affairs of tho season. Harold Mulligan was tonstmaster and Leonard Purdy of till lty captain of t mo uornuusKers team, was ine kmcsi hi i honor. About sixty were present Closes this Sale FOR OMAHA'S OXIiV .MODKItX CLOTHING THE M0iIC9rQUUTVa0TIIES New holiday haberdashery S!2 mo sun any man or uoy Notes from Beatrice and Gage County HIUTRICi:. Nob., Dec. 21.-(SpoclaI.)-Kour aspirants for tho position of post master of Cortland to succeed A. Ij. Sausman, resigned, took tho civil service examination here. They wore R. A. Grot Jan, Karl Grotjan, Mtsn Una Sausman und Mrs. Pert Gletty. Tho co-operative store, which was started hero nbout a year ngo by tho leading socialists of tho city, cloted Its doors yesterday nnd a petition In bank ruptcy will bo filed nt onco. Lack of business Is said to have caused the Btoro to close Its doars. Tho controlling Interest of the Klrst National bank of Adams, which was owned by L. U. Huwuy of Lincoln and l' II, llowey of thin city, has been pur chased by capitalists at Adams. Thore will bn no chiiugo lu tho bank's officers until the annual meeting In January. 'kearney'sIiayorVetoes compromise lighting plan el'' Shrsrkm;d, f M-lptb mf wffww KKARNEY, Nob., Dec. 21. (Special Telegram.) After having personally championed a compromise proposition be tween the city council nnd the Kearney Water and Electric Power company, now literally at swords' points In legal suits, and having spent three nights this week In passing nn ordinance to submit the proposition to tho voters of the city on ,....,,.-,. 01 iiavI Mnvnr .T V !nttnr- son vetoed' the bill lato last night and wus sustained In his action by six of tho eight councllmen In a special meeting cnlled this forenoon. Falluro to guarantee nn agreement upon reduction In prlco to prlvato con sumers, was given by the mayor as the causo for hlH. action, Tho city Is clamor ing for an electrolier system of street lights, and for a municipal light plant to furnish not only tho street lighting, but nlso commercial lighting nnd -electric power. Petitions asking for tho catl ing or a special election to vote $50,000 bonds ror commercial lighting uro now on rile with the city clerk awnltlng tho action or tho council, tho company, whose contract expired last Tuesday Is now rurnlshllig street lighting to tho city on the strength of Its oxplred contract. JVimv ItrlifUiili Loitice Instituted. KEARNEY, Nob,, Dec. 21. (Special.) Rising Star No. 304 Is tho name of tho now Rebekalt lodge Installed at Rlver dale last night by Miss Funnlo Dellow of Coleridge, president of the state assem bly, assisted by tho drill team of the Kearnoy lodge. A splendid banquet waa served after the following offlcora hau been Installed: Mrs. Elmer Walter, noble Brand, Mrs. Amanda Fresher, vice noble SOLD - MUST Bath and Lounging Robes, $2.50 to $15 House ,Coats $2.50 to $12.50 STORK Store Open Monday nnd Tuesday Kvcnliifts A.S.PECK SEC. TRIAS. ox- dlf- would onjoy wearing. Browning, King & Co. grand; Mrs. W. H. Watson, chanlnln. Mrs. 13. 8. Hill, treasurer, and Mrs. Hlmer l'rntt. secretary. Tho Kearney delecatlon returned to tho city Friday on tho motor Veterans at Milford in Bed for Warmth (From a Staff Correspond nt.) LINCOLN, Dec. 2t.-(8peclal.)-Coni-mandant Joe Teetor of tin Milford Sol diers' home came to Lincoln this after noon for" the purposo of securing repairs for the bollor at the homo. This morning the grato broke and the institution is without heat. An effort was mads to secure repairs nnd get them out this evening so that tho boiler can bo fixed as soon as poselblc, Tho old soldiers, who havo been In tho habit of going to bod In warm rooms, will have to submit to tho cold sleeping iiuartors until the bollor Is fixed. For onco they will bu allowed to stay In bod as long aa they wish. It may bo1 necessary to keep them there to keep thorn warm. I NEWS NOTES OF SEWARD AND OF SARPY COUNTY SEWARp, Nob.. Dec 21.-(SpeclaJ.) -Tho corn show closed lost night, having been attended by thousands of pcoplo from all over the county. II. II. Wilson of the law department of tlm University of Nebraska and Chancellor Avery wcro here. Tho Burlington signal crew has placed j ?n ""tornado signal at the Tipton crow Ing, a very dangerous place and where several bad accidents have occurred. Mrs. Rachel Meyers, aged 82 years, died at her homo north of Bewnrd Wednesday and was burled yostorday. Htanley Matzko whllo cranking Ida car yesterday, let go of the crank too quickly and received a bad injury to his Jaw. Mrs. Sarah Thomas has purchased the Diamond cafo of W. Wlnklcman, who will go back to Germany. I MR. NEWELL OF BLAIR FIFTY YEARS AN ODD FELLOW II LAI It, Neb., Dec. ZI.-(Spoclat.) Thursday evening local Odd Fellows and members of tho Robekah lodgn tendered a rcoeptlon to J. W. Newoll, it being his firtleth anniversary of Odd Fellowship, Those attending were all neighbors, and during tho evening he wns presented with a beautiful rocking chair. Mr. Nowell was one of tho charter members of Omaha lodgn No. t, having located lu that city In 1S57. Ho moved to Washing ton county In 1R68, spending a number of years on a farm. loiter he moved to lilalr, retiring; from active business. - 2 Days BE SOLD Sold in All Sizes at All Pricss Ken's Tine Dress Shoes 94 and 9.1 makes, made of the finest patent colt and other leathers, hand welted soles, all sizes, closing out sale (I JO prlco tO Men's Oun SCatal Button Shoes All slzea, genuine oak sote, high toes, sewed solos, 93.50 values, ft I en closing put sale price only I iUs lien's Work Shoes Made of heavy tan chrome, all solid double soles, 94 values, closing out sale I j O price lli0 1,000 pairs of Men's Fine Calf Dress Bhoes 95 and 94 makes, every pair Goodyear welts, hand made shoes, In all sizes, button and lace patterns, during closing out j j (JQ Men's Band Turned Kouie Slippers In Everett and Opera cuts, 93 values, in all sizes, brown and black, QO. during this sale only ...... .SOU Boys' and Otrls' Shoes 500 pairs of Children's Shoes In all sizes and leathers. 91.50, 93 and 99.35 values; every kind of Child's Shoes are QOn In this lot at UOU Boys' Black School Bhoes Made of the best grade of calf leather, 93-O0 values, oak soles, button and lace pat' terns, S00 pairs, during I JO clorlng out sale I il'O ALEXANDER 00. 3D rX.OOB PAXTOH BLOCK leth and raraam Take Elevator Open Evenings until Ckytetwas