Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1912, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 20

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Her Engagement Announced
Several Are Scheduled. Contrary to
the Usual Custom.
(JilUcrnMv t'lult Will lrri t)ivn
llimip In Hh r (tnnrtrrx mi
.liinuir- SeiMiiul Mnnj
llonip from Mt'liiiol.
(Continued from I'auu Two.)
to spend Christmas with Ills mother, Mrs.
B. II. Wood, nt Oenoii.
Mit.i K.oreiioc Rnhm returned Saturday
tnorntnir from Mont'crllo aen-.lnnry nt
Godfrey. 111.
M'i. R. M. Kalrllrid returned Thuwdiiy
fiom ii month In threnst vUHnnn In New
York nml 'Washington.
Mr. I'Ycd Hunter has returned' . from
Columbia. Mo., whern hp attends thn
I'nlvrrslty of Missouri. "
Mis EllzHl'Pth Fleroln ot( BUrllngton.
In.. will arrive December 25 to be th?
mit ol Mlts Mary llurklcy. '
Mias Kntherlno Mnehurp of ' Dallas.
Tex., is eypfcted today to oe the Rilest of
her aunt, Mrs. Hen S. Baker. - "
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Utnton. who
have been to Honolulu on tholr wedding
trip, are expected home Monday.
Mr. Arthur li Pratt of Wllllngton, N.
C, fornerly of Omaha, will spend the
holidays In tho city with relatives..
Miss Alice Woodworth arrived Friday
to spend the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Wodworth.
Mrs. Li. A DeLiuiney, of Spaldlntr,
Nob., has arrived to spend the holidays
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Miss Faith T-ee Hoel will leave New
Tear's day for Chicago, where she will
continue her studies at the University of
Miss Elizabeth Carr will IcaVe Sunday
for IexInRton, Ky.. where she will spend
tho holidays with relatives.
Mr. Paul Hornung of Minneapolis will
he here tomorrow to spend Christmas
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hornunfr. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Jc-el'.W. West have re-'
turned from a month's trip through the
cast and .have apartments at the Colonial i
for tho winter.
Miss Adnlaide Thomas or Tekamah.
Neb., who haa'reoently been the guest.ot
M'ss Olabelle Hervey. left for her home
fiaturday evening.
Mr. Hownrd Baldrlge left Sunday for
te east and will spend Christmas at his home. Holldaysburg, 'Pa.. hli son,
Malcolm, lolnins hlM there.
Mrs. F. W. Conkllng.and children of
Pallna. Knn., arrived Friday to be the
guests of her sister. Mrs. Harry IT.
Rtaley. for the holidays.
l.loutcimnt and Mrs. Fulton of Fort
'.'rook Will leave Monday to spend the
holidays In Denver, Col., with Mrs. Ful
tor's mother, Mrs. Bennett.
MIhs Klorcnco and Miss Alico Cudahy,
who are at Miss White's school In Paris,
will go to Algiers with a party from the
school to spend the holidays.
Miss Elizabeth Milliard of Memphis,
Tenn., arrived Saturday to be the guests
of her sisters, Miss Margaret and Kath-
erlne Hllllard, for the holidays.
Miss Kllzabeth Joyner and" Miss Mel
nnle Joy.her arrived Friday to .bo the
guests of Miss Alice Carter for two weeks.
Their hpmc is In Carhbrldge, Moss.
Miss Margaret Marshall and Miss Irma
.loncs. .'who are attending flic University
' Viioiika, arrlycd Saturday morning
to spend the holidays with their, parents.'
Mr. and Mrs. W J, Hynes and William
Hynes Jr.. left Saturday to spend Christ
mas with Mrs. TTyneB' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alexander Pickens of Hastings, Neb,
Miss Ulllan Morgan of Portland, Ore.
arrived Saturday with Miss Greta I.ano
from National Park seminary, Washing
ton, D. C, and will spend the holidays
Miss Marguerite Walker, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Walker, 2787 Capitol
avenue, has arrived for tho holidays, from
Cedar Ttaplds, la., where she Is attending
Coe college.
Mr. Warren A. Breckenrldge arilved
Monday from Amherst, where lie Is at
tending school, to spend the holidays with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W.
Miss Isabel Iowden returned homo Sat
urday morning after spending several
weeks In Chicago. Miss Ixiwden has had
great success with her musical play,
"Prlnoeos Snow White."
Mr. W. II. Davis, Jr., and his aunt, Mrs.
Alexander Green, both of Chicago, ar
rived this morning to be the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davis, sr., and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Foley.
Miss Frances Plattl, who Is attending
Mount St. Mary's school, will spend the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ii. J. Plattl. Miss Frances has as her
guest Miss Callle Faddls of Valentine,
Mrs. C. P. Southard, formerly of Omaha,
who has been vltlslng her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Scott Fmlth. for the. last threo
months, has gone to St. IxmlB. where
Mr. and Mrs. Southard will make their
homo In the future.
Miss Louise Macfarland will leave the
latter part of the week for Boston, where
she will spend a year wtlh her brothers,
Thomas and Charlea Macfarland, Miss
Macfnriand will continue her study In
voice while in Boston.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McCarthy will leave
Monday for Chicago, where they will
spend the holidays with Mrs. McCarthy's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Maua. They
will be Joined by their eon, Harry Heb
ner McCarthy, who Is a student at Notre
Mrs. Benjamin Achtenberg of St.
Joseph, who was formerly Miss Minnie
Ilobcrtson of this city, arrived Baturday
to spend tho holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Robertson. Mr.
Achtenberg will arrive the latter part of
the week.
Mr. and Mr. Hoxle Clark are spending
it few days In Chicago attending grand
opera. Tlioy will spend Christmas with
Mrc. S. II. It. Clark In St. touls and u
Uvu In Omaha December 27 to spend somu
tlino Msltlng Mrs. Clark's mother, Mrs
Flip Squires.
Mr. Robert R.. Rlngwalt left for the
cast Friday, spending the Christmas
holidays with his sisters In Detroit, re
turning to Omaha early In January. Mrs.
Illngwalt will be In San Diego for Christ
mas and Is anticipating going to San
Franwco next month.
Mr. Loyal nrandels Colin, kon of Mrs
IJer.-au Cohn, returned Saturday from
the l'i.'verlty of Michigan to spend the
I hrtnr.HH holidays with his mother, Ida
Walter, and his uncle, Mr. Ar-
The one Great Annual Sale
that the women of Omaha and
vicinity have learned to wait for
Annual Clearance
opens Thursday Morning, Dec. 26
at Eight o'clock
Entire High Class Stock
Tailored Suits
Street Coats
Afternoon and
Street Dresses
Dccnmber 22, 1898 Mr. (leorge F. Ayrcs
of Deadwood, S D . and Miss Myrtle K.
Coon were married at the residence of thr
bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.
I Coon, of Omaha. Dean Fair of Trinity
cathedral presided over the ceremony.
Miss Corhett was the maid of honor. The
wedding gifts wrrp handsome and nu
merous nnd especlullv worthy of notice
was a very beautiful set of game carvers
from the choir of Trinity cathedral.
December 22, 11,'3 Mr. George N,. Peek
and Miss Georgia Llndsey. daughter Of
Mr and Mrs. Zachary T. 1,'ndsey, wero
united .i we-Jlock at the First Presby
terian cjiurrh.
S Decembi . 22. !Sb7 Rev. John Victor
Carlton, n minister for twenty-six years
past, today reaches the silver anniversary
of his marriage to Miss Matilda A. John
son. The ceremony was performed ".t
Henderson Grove,' 111. ' ;
Fur Coats Sets Separate Furs
Placed on Sale Thursday at
One-Half Price
Watch Daily Papers for Further Announcements
vmmmmm m
' 'cf !HiMM nlock d
last week, Is slowly convalescing at her
Master George Voss, son of Mrs. George
Voss, Is quarantined with diphtheria nt
"Hillside," the home, of his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates. He Ex
pects to be out of quarantine by Cluist
vr.r.s day.
are In charge of Mrs. Frank Harrison of
, Lincoln, who hns been made executive
secretary of the (issoelatlon. Tho hoad
quarterft wlil bo open for buMnsss Monday
I morning.
I Tho women nro now busy organizing
' suffrage associations in overy county In
the state. Sirs. '.. T. Lindsay, chairman
. of the Douglns county organization, has
I aroused the cnthusluf m of the women In
. Benson, Florence, .South Omaha, Valley
Irvlngton, Dundee and other communities
i and all are. busily engaged spreading the
I gospel of equal franchise.
j As soon hs the counties of tho btdte are
f well organized the suffragists will form
congressional dlstilct bodies toward tha
unit or mailing imp women or iseurosita a
unit for enfranchisement. A meeting will
bo held In Lincoln next week to organize
tho women of the First congressional dis
trict. Tho WeBt.Slde Woman's Christian Tem
perance union will hold un open meeting
nt the home of Mrs. C. J. Roberts, 1920
I South Fifty-third street, Friday nfter-
noon at 2 o clock. Mrs. Jessie A. Meek
of Jjoa Angeles, Cul., who whs one of the
prominent workers In the woman suf
frage campaign In California, will give
an nddreas during th afternoon. All
members of the different Woman's Chris
tian Temperance unions of the city are
cordially Invited.
Women Are
Doing in the World
AM In favor of woman's suf
frage, for It is only justice,"
said Mrs. W. C. Sunderland,
who Jiaa recently been made
chairman of the Second con
gressional district of Ne
braska for the campaign for suffrage In
the state which has been begun. "Laws
should be made to protect tho working
woman and the woman should have the
right to do this. I can see no reason why
we should not have woman's suffrage
and .there are many reaions why we
should have It and It Is only Justice," said
Sirs. Sunderland,
Mrs. Sunderland Is a prominent Ornah.i j
woman not only In slclal circles, but her i
advice on a business proposition Is wel
comed by any business man us well us
woman who may have the good fortune
to be given It. In choosing Airs. Sunder
land for chairman of tho Becond congres ,
slonal district the choice was a most I
judicious one, for she is a woman of af- j
fairs nnd no mattnr Iiojv great thu task 1
which might be before her it would not .
be too large for her to manugo with ox- '
cellent judgment In a most coruervatlvc
wny. Mrs. Sunderland w, 11 devote inu ! ;
of hr time In the future to woman's Mtf .
frago ubtll the women of Nebraska are
given the privilege of tho ballot
Stfttn headnunrters have been estab
Mmr D- Brandel?, at their new home. 42! fchej ln Qmaha by the Nebraska Suffrag
.o i:i Thirty-eighth street. UUoclation pre4Im!nary lo the campaign
- to secure an equal franchise act at th
Pci0U&l Gossil). om'ng teestnn of the logislature 1h
Dl i. I ll A Wells, no was injurea mutes are ui ui uianutu ouiiaing Riiu
'Mi .
t. A
Last Chance Before
Xmas. Buy Now
and Save Money
All Trimmed Hats must
o at big reductions. Hats
marked as low as '
Oilier Special I'rlret for
Monday nnd Ttiesda)',
Rffrs. Richards
M'hone Douglas IftHft,
City Xat'l. HnW IlldR.,
V. V. Corner. 2d Floor.
Mnko yours a .Jewelry Christmas. (Jive something
henntiful and useful, something that will add joy, not
for one Christmas, hut for many.
Last Hour Suggestions
From Omaha 's Leadiag Jewelry Store
Ioarls, diainondH, watches, silver tablo ware, sil
ver toilet ware, silver cigarette and card cases, silver
mesh bags, Oorham leather goods, cigar casoB, pocket
'books, etc., hall chime clocks and Cheley mantel flocks,
opera and field glasses and hundreds of other useful
and appropriate Inst hour gifts.
C. B. Brown Company
Jewelers and Silversmiths,
16th and Farnam Sts.
Oiif ,Tolmif Vofe 1" 8ollon brown, dark brown, groy
Ul VClUUr lldLO and black aro groat favorltos
(three dlmentlon) 85.00.
Browning, King & Co.
For Baby's
We have a very choice
selection of Children's Furniture.
Remember we save you from 20
to 40 on All Your Furniture.
D. F. Corte Furniture Co.
24th and Farnam Sts.
The Supreme Artistic Pianos
of Today
There is as marked development shown in the
art of piano building as in any line of human en
deavor. The highest type of yesterday is not the
highest type of today. Old standards aro trans
cended, now ones take their place.
In buying a piano, you want that ON 10 which
is in the van of progress today, the highest lypo
which has yot been evolved.
Tho Mason & Hamlin, through its exclusive
features of construction, has surpassed all othor
pianos, and is now everywhere proclaimed the
finest piano tho world has over produced.
Noto tho artists using the Mason & Hamlin
Piano today-and for its MERITS ONIjY.
WtrUra rprsntatlT for
the Vuoii fc Bkmlln, Kranleh
U Bach, Xrs.ka.uer, Xlmball,
Bush b Ihlub, Oftblt-Wslson,
and otbsr UtAlng makes.
1513-1515 Douglas St.
will give
j something to
please, send
Open Until Xmas Noon
They are always appreciated and are always
beautiful and fresh when received from
The Twentieth Century Farmer
la the leading Agricultural Journal or tne wc-it "a m nnius a.
filled with the best thouunt ot the day In nmtera peualnlns to
the arm, Ibo ranch and the orchard, and It Is a facUr tu tl b
devclopmeni of the great western country.
ies on
Assortment. SMrLVliiT