The Omaha Sunday Bee PAST TWO EDITORIAL PAGES ONE TO TWELVE PART TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO TWELVE VOL. XL1T-NO. 27 Helpless Cripples? Not Brave Souls that Overcome Physical Ihs. Aimailtnapp ou man or , woman who nia'y , be n vnilt lllrL- " linH fVilnl-- ths "down 'on your luck,' world a hard place to llvd In, what would you do if your neck wore broken, or your back, or you were helpless, dead, from the wrflst down, or wore paralyzed In the, lower llrribs, puffcrtyg from curvature of the Bplue, and, had hand crippled? Could you face the world with a smile and by patient industry earn your own'llving'? Do any of you folks who. are going about, fully possessed of all your faculties, feel you are In-hard luck? Ifyou do, read this story of four brave spirits who have defied tho "sllngsand .arrows of. outrageous fortune," and with a ca'lnvhiph nhllos-! ophy of life have w'orkW'day bytday In face of dreadful afflictions to something that is very much like happiness. One man lives wlth'a broken neck; another with a broken back; a 'third is dead from his waist dowij, and the woman Is paralyzed,, is a victim 'of spinal trouble and has. n'crlppjed hand. But read of wlfafth.ey do arid how they do it, and learn a' lesson'qf patience. Handicapped by a.. misshapen body, tbe' rem nants of an almost 'mangled frame, handicapped most of alM)y..a broken neck? Hans Anderson, in mate, oi th'o Douglas, co.unly alms house, .has found work: to do.and hasmade himself "a thrifty 'cablnet niakcr(now jiosscsaliig a neat bank Toll off-$185. Haps went to the pbor 'farm with a broken nock in J 883, now almost thirty years ago. -Although his chin rests forever on his chest and he Is forced to drag hln misehnppon body about with the aid jof crutches, he no sooner landed at; the poor house than her sought about him for something to, do. There was not jnuch a man of his physical condi tion could do, apparently. But Hans was a .be liever In the philosophy that If the opportunity does not come to the man, the man must stir up his owji opportunity. So he began to stir. Down Into the basement of the great building he snalled his way with his crutches. It tookhim a long time to explore all the recesses of the grtstt brick building with the aid "of his slow crutches, but-at last be found a little basement room In the Foulhwest corner of tho building. Hero he was nloe and he set to work whittling chairs and other little' articles of furniture out of pieces of dry, goods boxes that would otherwise have been burned or thrown away. Soon he was able to eo1la few of these. The money he at once invested in1. such crudo tools as he must havo to do better work. His outfit now consists of a hammer, a plane, a saw, a square and a pocketknlfe. The square Is a new addition to his outfit. It is bright and shining. "I juBt bought that the other day," said Hans. "I gave a fellow 35 cents for It. He wanted a quarter, but I thought It was worth more. He was a crippled fellow, too." In this little basement room boards and boxes and half-completed pieces of furniture are piled so high on every side, that Hans has only a small space In which to stand and work Jn the middle of the room. Sawdust Is four Inches deep on tho floor of his workshop. liars is a real optimist. From morning until night ho tolls on in his little workshop, and when visitors creep through the low archway Into his lit tle corner he laughs and jokes with them, although he caunot raise his bond to seo them. With chin resting on his chest and looking straight down at .... y .. ..j r . I imwiMiinr i r mmr niWBm fit i hi wmrT i iww k k 1 V OMAHA, "If I make 25 cents a day I am satisfied," he said" tho other day whon visited. "I'o got ?1S5 in the savings bank now. That is enough to bury. Mf when the time comes." Hans felt in n mood to, so he laid down his saw and .hobbled to Mb chair In tho corner of .. tp little workshop. Sitting down painfully, he swung, back, tipping the chair..bac,k-at such an anglo ah tq get' hie head In position to get bin ores on his callers. "Y?b," ho Bald, "I have $185 that I havesaved from soiling Jjheae things. That's more than I'd have-If, I'd staid upstair ehewinr tho rag with the reBt of the fellows or playing cards." , "Where did you learn this carpenter work?" he was asked. , v "Here In this shop. I had lots of time to learn It," he laughed. "Oh, my uncle was a carpenter In tho old country, in Sweden," he continued, "nd when I was a kid, and no one caught me, I used to sneak" into tho shop hnd tinker around a llttlo. If 1 mado anything worth looking at, all right; if it was a failure; I sneaked out again and no one knew I was ever in there.". ' Hans complains of the kind of .wood the dry. 4 'goods boxes are made of nt tho present time. "Wo used to get mighty good wood In the boxes," ho ' Bas,'."but the.' material jn boxes Is- getting worso . and worse. Theonly ones that are any good now are tho ones that come from California. Yen, sir, timber Is. getting mighty scarce, and it will bo . scarcer yet." Chairs and dressers, sideboards, and cradles, t'"cupboardstand dolls' beds, rockers, high chairs and playhouse furniture does this man manufacture . with inconceivable patience and tireless energy. In tlmhall of the basement he stores his supply of ' , the finished product. Last week Hans sold $15 worth of furniture. The Christmas season Is drawing near. He admits that business is not always as good as that. Hans had his neck broken Jn 187C. He was driving a delivery wagon for the U, P. bakery. On a muddy day he slipped on tho wheel In trying to getrtnto the wagon at Tenth and Capitol avenue. The horses ran away. His coat was caught on the singletree and he was dragged for blocks, while tho horses kicked htm repeatedly. "They picked me up for dead," said Hans. "The doctor told them my neck was broken and If I lived three days there was a little hope for me. He said if I lived nine days thero was con siderable hope. Well, I lived tho nine 'clays," he concluded as he tilted his chair back a little farther to get his face up where he could see his visitors. Seldom Is seen a more persistent and valiant determination in a human being to survive in the struggle for existence in the face of fearsome odds than Is to be seen In the case of John Gordon, known as "The Magazine Man," who lingers in his bed at 2423 South Twenty-fourth street, suffering with a broken back, paralysis from tho waist down, anil never-healing bed sores. Breaking his back twelve years ago In Minnesota, when he was thrown from a moving train and becoming Imme diately paralyzed, Gordon has nover for a single moment unknlt his brow of determination to make a living for himself. Once confined to a poor house for a time when he could not avoid being forcibly taken there, his case and IiIb great deter- SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22. Much-They Are Busy Workers Misfortunes and Turn to Industry for Relief from Pain initiation attracted the attention of,.u stranger, who holped him provide u little iioufcj;. whero ho lived alone on tho flat of his back for four yearn. - Gordon is a man of masterful -resources. ' Ho has "dov'olobed tho mngaZlno agency to" a largo systemj and his, writing of subscriptions; to the" large magazines at the country on a commission has kept him alivo for yeu'rs. Sometimes he has been alone, in his lippsii for days, from morning till night, working with his reports and his mngazlnu orders, taking orders over tho tojophono, drawlug out a board from n bureau standing near him, using it for a table on which to -prepare Ills bread and mllkj shivering with the cold.ut Intervals and when a moment of leisure affords, setting hlH fer tile brain to work on schemes to help other un fortunates besides himeelf. He hit upon the plan of winning prizes from prominent publishers for magazine subscriptions and turning tho sum over to somo charitablo In stitution, the interest of which should accrue to him and thus afford hlni a steady Income. In the name of the chari(ab)o JpstUutiqn which was to be benefited ho expected to be able, to gain sub scribers better than by working In his own bohalf alone. For two years ho tolled on this matter and finally obtained tho $5,000 prize contended for, although to do this he had to print circulars in such numbers that tho last' several hundred sub scribers had to bo literally bought. During the two years, strange to' nay, he did not come In con tact with the officials of a single charitable insti tution that would assume the responsibility as trustee for tho money. Ho then persuaded some of the best people he knew to act as trustees of an organization to bo known as the "Invalids' Pension Association." The Idea is to conduct a magazine agency in the interes't of charity, the profit to be used to pension Invalids having partial means of support who are not fully able to support them selves. If, ho can earn $2,000 a year for Hi's charity It will pension sixteen invalids at $10 per month nplqce. He still needH some 400 subscrip tions to make this Invalids' pension nchonio a suc cess. Pale and haggard, he lies In his bed,, raises him self up long enough to answer his telephone, which hangs ou a hook at the right or his bed to take subscriptions and renewals, pulls his helpless body from right to left to get a pencil and paper from 1!M2 a drawer here or u pen and Ink from another drawer on tho other side of the bod. Nover dis couraged, jft facing odds that would bo expected - to dlafrosH the strongest, ho has toilud and fretted until only withlii 'the past few weekB.ho suffered a convulsion In his slqop, during' which time ho chewed his tongue ho that he could not eat for the next few days, lie tellH of this convulsion with a smile, and tho next moment forgets It all as ho BnatchcH at the telephone to talco an order. Thomas Petltt Slowly wlienllng himself In a rackety wheel chair that Is about to collapse, Thomas Petltt, 918 North Hlghth street, dally tolls his way to four teenth and Douglas streets, where, no matter how cold or stormy the day, he braves the weather and soils papers for tho few coppers this business yields him toward his support. Potitt is paralyzed from the waist down as a result. of an accidental drop of an elovator at a packing plant In South Omaha four years. ago, Petltt was trucking and wnn on tho elovator with a load. Ho was not paralyzed at onco, hut his back was so severely wrenched that It grow worse and worse until paralysis resulted. "I cannot and will not beg," Bald Petltt the other day whon tho cold northwest wind was cut ting hi m squarely In the fnco as ho eat In his chair with his lapful of newspapers at tho comer of Fourteenth and DouglaB. "I used to try to Boll lead pencils and shoestrings, but thero wore so many fellows In that business that I found I could not depend on that for a living, so I took to soiling newspapers." Thomas Is a game loser. Ho knows there Is no chance for him to regain his health, bo he smileH and makes the best of It all. He set about a few yours ago to calculate his resources and decided a wheel chair and a determination to sell paperI and pencils tnuBt do the business for him. Recently the chair, which was secoud-hunded when ho got it, has become more and more rickety. Other newsboys havo takon up tho matter of help ing him to get a new chair, and Harry (Jracuman lias started a subscription list In the hope of rais ing a fund to buy tho chair. "We all want to help a follow that Ih In his con dition and Ih game enough to try to make his own lfvlng," said Graceman, "and although wo don't make big money, wo believe wo can get enough to gether to get Tom a new chair." SINGLE COPV in.VR CENTS. Auothor personage who, although having lived eight yearb In. a. wheel chair, suffering" with a sovere ourvuturo df the Bplno , and paralysis, ot' the lower limbs, refuses to be maeterod by her misfortune, but tollB ovory day at making quilts, Is Mrs. Anna Kuapp, 4325 Camdon avenue. "I'd go crazy if I'd sit around and think of my pains without keeping busy, at something," she says. With this spirit, backed by a natural Instinct to he busy and a clour grit that forces her to toil .on, although tho lack of vitality In her wnsted framo has loft her lips blue, this slender woman of sixty-three winters plIeB her needle from morning till night. Sitting In her wheel chair, she drops her cloth out on the floor and wheels hersolf back ward away from It until alio gets it spread out be foro her. Comforter after comfortor she has made In this quiet way without tho aid of a rack and .without ever resorting to the quilting party method. 11 or quilting parties are lonesome affairs, as she is tho only one participating. They are not nccom punled by a sumptuous luncheon and a social chat tering of many happy voices. On the other hand, thoy consist of her wheeling to her work as soon as daylight will permit and working with weary fingers as long as gathering dusk will permit. The product of her labor she sells whenever perchance some neighbor happens In who needs a comforter. Not only Is this brave woman handicapped by her spinal curvature and her paralysis, but tho vory faculties which she needs In her sewing are de ficient. Fifteen years ago a severe felon developed ou the thumb of her right hand. Nino times was the hand lnncod and nlnety-Blx days was the woman confined to the hospital. When at last the hand healed, a crippled thumb, with the end practically gone with tho exception of a gnarled nail and the llttlo finger rendered stiff and doublod over, was loft her. When she sews with exceptional zeal for u period of days it is not Infrequent that she wears the skin off her gnarled thumb until it bleeds, and only whon tho Inflammation hero becomes go in tense that she can no longer endure the pain does alio rest- from her labors for a few days. Loft a widow twenty-six years ago by the death of hor husband, she has made her way up to the present time, although now she Is living In a little two-room house with her daughter, Mrs. P. G, Bang, 4325 Camden avenue. t