loA bo rendered by tho large volunteer chorus, SPECIAL MUSIC .At CHURCHES In Song and Story, the' Story of the Nativity Will Be Told. ELABORATE PROGRAMS READY Knrly Mass nt ihr' Catholic Honsea at Wonhlp and Speolnl Serv ice at All of the , Others. All Omaha churches today win cele brate the approach of Christmas with special neniocs, iiermoriit on the Nativity and music apropos the Yuletlde (icaoon. Choirs of many have been rehearsing Christmas muslo for several weeks and the programs at many of the 'Churches are expected to be aa pretentious an at Kaiter. The majority of ministers, as Is usual for such a day, will tell the ever new story of the star of the cast, the shep herds and the Babe In the manger, with their Interpretations and the significance of that portion of Biblical history. The Catholic churches will have, special Christmas celebrations and early morn ins maas. The Episcopal churches will have special services and extra '.music. Sunday Christmas program at the. Bt. Mary's Avenue Congregational church will bo aa follows: - 10:30 A. M. Organ Prelude March of the Magi.Dubots Quartet The Iljrmn of the Angels.. West Offertory Nocturne (organ and 'cello) , ,,,,, Ooltermann FOlcO. Holy Night ('cello obligate).. Adams Mr. Hopkins. Organ Postlude Hallelujah Chorus... ; , ,, Handel 4:30 P. M. . Prelude Andante (organ and 'cello).. . Becker Quartet Arise, Shine, for Thy Light la Come., Clough-Lclghter Solo-The Virgin's Lullaby (from Tho Coming of the King) D. Duck Quartet-O, MtUe Town of Bethlehem. , ('cello obligate-), ; Neldllnger Hole Tho People That Walked In Darknesa (Messiah) Handel Mr. Jamleson. Of fertory Barcarolle , (onran and 'cello)' I. , Offenbach Quartet Nazareth Oounod luet O, Holy Light ('cello obllgato) , Adams Miss Schwrfrtz arid Mrs. Miller. Quartet There Were Shepherds. .Morrison Postlude Christmas march ......... M erkel The quartet: Miss Cora Schwartz, so prano and director: Mm. Verne W. Mil ler, contralto; J. It. Hopkins, tenor j J, O. Jamleson, basso; Charles Lee Cocke, Jr., organist; Miss Belle Von Mansfelde, rcellurt, The choir of the First Congregational church, under the djrectlqn of Dr. ,Kred erio C Preomantel, will give a program of special Christmas muslo at both morn-' Ing and renlng services. MOB.N1NC1. Organ Prelude March of the Magi Flaxlngton Harker Anthem The Heavens' Allelulla ............. . Ieoncavello Organ Offertory The Shepherds In the Field Mailing Anthem Welcome Happy Morn Ctifltl wick Tenor So'loWethUhetn. ,Bontock Organ Postlude Christmas Morn Best EVENING. Organ Prelude Noel do Tocraeb.,..-.. ....,.... Charpentier Anthem O Holy Night ...,Adam Quartet O Llttlo Town of Bethlehem Neldllnger Anthem Lovely Appear Oounod Soprano. Solo, Miss 'Dorrett Arndt. Organ Offertory Pastorale Symplwny Handel Tenor Soto Sing Ye Heavens.. ..Mathbwa Anthem Morn of All the HaDDlest.... , - Parker Organ Postlude Hallelujah Handel Miss Nancy Cunningham at the organ. P'rogrow-for Hundoy-nlght ,at4h West minster Presbyterian church! Organ Preludc-iNoeX..: .....Merkel Old Christmas Carol Holy Night v Proetoiius Processional Hymn No. 74 Harkl the Herald Angels Sing Mendelssohn Unlaon Song O Little Town of Beth lehem.. . Bartlett Ladles' Choir. Violin Obllgato Mr. Cox. Anthem There Were Shepherds... .Marks Choir. Choir Response Sanctua Gregorian Anthem Lift Up Your Head... .Hopkins . Choir. Violin Solo Pastorale Schumann Hymn It Came Upon the Midnight Clear .' rvvillla Choir and Congregation. Anthem 6Ing and' Rejoice Hymn Joy to the World Handel Choir and Congregation. Organ Postlude Festival March The following Christmas program wilt be' presented by the chorus choir of twenty-five voices, at the North-side Christian church, Twenty-second and 2xtbrop streets, Sunday evening at 7:90 o'clock, under the direction of Mrs. H. J, JClrschsteln, organist, with Miss Jessie Cady at the plana: lTocesilonal, Hymn 772 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Mendelssohn Hymn 108 To Us a Child of Hopo la Born Zerah Anthem The Christmas Message Dressier Miss Evelyn Hopper, with violin obllgato and organ accompaniment. Scripture reading and prayer. Baritone Solo To You the Blessedness He Bears (Holy Night). Brewer Air. waiter uaay. Alto Solo The Virgin's Slumber Sons (Holy Night) Brewer irs. -r. t wnes. Silent Night Old German Melody Anthem Hark! Hark. My Soul.. .Harry ltowe Shelley Mr, James Knight and Choir. Violin Solo Conzona Bohm josepn wooiery. it. Offertory Sentence All Things Coma of Thee O Lord f. Anthem Shout the Glad Tidings Henry Wilson Mrs. -. a. aiangum ana unoir. Christmas Message Ilev. H. J. Ktr- schsteln Chorus And the Glory (from Messiah) - Handel llecessionai varoi, iiroiners,- Carol (Old English Carol) Mrs C. A. Mangum, with chorus sung by uuvir iiviu ntuii i iRiinBi Christmas service, 10:90 a. m., First Presbyterian church. Seventeenth and Dodge. Morning music; Organ Pastoral Symphony (Messiah) ., Handel liymn joy to Tneei trie Lara is come. Uuortet-Kvery Valley Shall Bo Kx- alted Harker jiymn Jiartci tne iieram Angeis King, OrsarWTha Shepherds In the Field.... - Otto Mailing olo Soprano Bothlehem ,. ' Homer M. Bartlett Quartet-rP, Little Town of Bethlehem 'a-i.v v. Neldllnger uran enrutmas rosuuae William T. Best Afternoon at .4 p. m. The quartet will render - the btautlful Christmas cantata, The Star of Bethlehem," by F. Flaxlng tort Harker, arranged for solo, quartet and organr Organ March of the Magi Kings.. Dubol DfMJV iniroa ucuon uareness ana Ught Pat 1 1. "Prophecy of the Cominif." Part t"Th Advent' Pwr3.' "The Annunciation" Kart ''Herod and the Magi Quartet. 3ls Edith Foley, soprano; 3s. George Welty. contralto; George Melikyre, bass; George Johnston, tenor lad drct6r; Howard Kennedy, organist Karfor4 United, Brethren, corner Nine teenth and Lotlirop. University service at W. a. tn. Sermon by E. J, Nlckersou, associate jpastor. Community service at I ft si "rh'e prince of Peace," A Chrlst , piaa cantata, py Mrs. E. L. Ashford, will Chorus There .ed by .V. W. Bohren. IUUT I. Full Chorus-Stng O' Heavens .... . Base Solo The Htavenlv King H. P. Winter, Quartet and Chorus And There 8hall Come Forth Solo and Chorus-Fear Thou ot Mrs. Stanley Green, soloist. Contralto 8olo Hall Bethlehem Mrs. F. L. Mouer. Violinist- Mrs. Dr. n. E. Marble. Beading by Prof. Ernest Raymond Mlsner, reader and Impersonator. PABT II. Male Chorus-O' Holy Night Solos, Quartet and Were Shepherds 5 Harry Matoush and Mrs. Effle B. Mapes, soloist. Dutt Bright Star of Hope Mrs. II. H. Smith and Mine Erna Norgard, Male Chorus-March of the Magi, Dubois Solo O' Blessed Lord Mrs. H. P. Winter. Full Chorus Blessed Be The Lord God ,.n Mrs. B. F. Bohren, accompanist. M. O. McLaughlin, pastor. Christmas musical service this even ing at 7:30 o'clock by Immanuel Baptist choir. Twenty-fourth and Plnkney. Bay W. Ogden, director; Harold H. Thorn. urganlst: Organ, "Chanson Trlste"...Tschakowsky Mr. Thorn. "Praise to tho Lord of Harvest... Gabriel Choir. "Joy to the World ' Adams Choir. "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear" Kratz Choir. "The Angel Song" Wilson Choir. Offertory, "Largo" Chopin Mr. Thorn. "He Hath Dealt Bountifully".. ..Creeweli Choir. "From .Lands Afar" Holton Male Chorus. Hymn, "Herald Angels" Mendelssohn unoir ana uongregauun. Sermon talk, "Christmas Blessings".. , rasior "Baby of Bethlehom, Sleep". ......Loreni Choir. Organ postlude, "Creation" Haydn Mr. Thorn. Bt. John's African Methodist Episcopal church, Eighteenth and 'Webster streets, at S i. m. Anthem Choir Paner UOy ouis .Recitation Meivln Harrison Duet Pearl liny ana iretio Newman Bermonette ....Janies Lewis Paper Gladys Hall golo Minnie Wright Paper .i W. fl. Metcalt Anthem '...tr..;.....' cnoi. Muato at Clifton Hill rresbyterlan church: Organ Prelu'de.Joy to the World Anthem Hark, the Herald Angels.,.. ,, Asiuora Choir. Hymn-Joy to the World Response Christmas - Thanksgiving... Hymn O Llttlo Town of Bethelahem. Offertory Ilelolco Ye People ,. Solo Qlory in the liignesi. uiory...miss Mrs. lit it. man. Anthem-My Heart Rejoices Ashford cnoir. Hymn O Come Ail Ye People. EVENING. Prelude Largo Handel Itvmii Hark, tho ilcraia Angels bine Anthem-Hark, the Strains Wilson Hymn It Came Upon the Midnight Clear Response Holy Night Lorenio Anthem Fairest Lord Jesus Ashford Choir. Anthem-Ilcjolce Greatly.... Ashford Choir. Postlude Glory Rev. Thomas B. Greenlee, pastor; Mrt. Will Reynard, organist. Muslo for Sunday at Central United Presbyterian church, Walter B. Graham, director; HesDOnse Bow Down Thine Ear. .Herbert Anthem Gloria Coombs (With solo bv Miss Nevllda Moore.) Contralto, Solo Hosanna Van, Alstyne iuiss udi iruua jimui. Anthem There Wcro Shepherds Gaul (With solo ty Mr. uranam.) Anthom Behold. X Bring You Glad Tidings , .f .-...Barnby (With nolo by miss uoris Duncan.) Christmas services of Calvary Baptist church. Twenty-fifth and Hamilton streets; 10:50 A. M. Organ Voluntary Sextet from Lucta. Hymn IBS Joy to the World, the Lord Is Come Anthem Chimes of Christinas Morn.. , Drossier Offertory-The Birthday of the King (arranged for organ).... Solo The Glorious Morn ...Neldllnger Miss siauoi mnion. Hymn 1M Hark, the Herald Angels Sing Sermon The Universal Redeemer Organ Postlude March Adam 7:S0 P. M. U1UUHTUAS UUNUKKT, Organ Voluntary Nocturne Stelmmey itymn iw -onie ah i i'huiuui Sunday School Hymn 250 Peaceful the Wonarous Misrni Solo Oh, Holy Night Adolphat Adam Miss Mabel Fulton. Anthem Naroroth ..Gounod Hymn 16 Angola, Irom the Realms of Glory Sunday School Hymn 253 Waking Out or Kiience Solo The Virgin's Lullaby.. Dudley Buck Aiiss l'Qiin nwarcz. Sunday School Hymn 256 Mighty God and Prince of Peace... f Anthem While All Things Were In Great Silence Thomas Adams Hhort address by pastor. Lnlr K nr." Hymn 171 As With Gladness Men of uia , , (C it t rr At St. Mark's Lutlieran church, Twen tieth and Buredtte. this morning at 11 the chorus choir will sing "The Christ mas Message," by Dressier, and "Hark, Hhrk, My soul," ny Harvey Rowe Shelly. In the evening at 7:30 the fol lowing Christmas program will be ren dered; Only 2 More Days to Buy GIFTS Stores Open Evenings Until Christmas MONDAY SPECIAL Great lots of women's silk and chiffon wnlsts at Just one-half price. Great lots of women's long kimonos and lounging robes at just one-half price. CHRISTMAS CANDIES Made fresh every day Special prices on candy in boxes. Holly Wreaths Magnolia leaves In wreath, potted Poln BettaB, etc., for Christ mas decoration Cut Flower dept. Plan to do Your Buying in the Morning or in the Evening if You Can.- Let us help you make your gift buying quick, easy and satisfactory. BMMBH"IKa mmmmmmmmmmm ssmsmshssbwsim mmmmamm The little time you have left-to buy presents will be ample if you bring your list Monday to The STORE THAT HAS EVERYTHING for CHRISTMA Tte largest stocks, the. most convenient arrangement, the perfect system. Don't try: iowprry out your gift problems at-home. Cbme here and decide. Spend an hour here and you will find a ... , score of suitable presmts for everybody yoit wish to remember. MONDAY WE PLACE on BIG BARGAIN SQUARES in TOY LAND Thousands of Up-to-Date Toys, Dolls and Games At ONE-THIRD to ONE-HALF REDUCTION We positively will not carry over any article in our toy department after the holidays. In order to sell everything in stock quickly we place thousands of children's holiday gifts on big bargain tables at tremendous reductions. These toys cannot last long at the prices we will sell them Monday. Extra Special Purchase of 4,000 Pieces of Silver Hollow Ware, Silver Tea Sets and Dishes Sugars and Creamers, Sandwich Plates, Bake Dishes, Casseroles, Bon Bon Dishes, Fruit Bowls, Etc. Bought From CHARLES WOLFSON, 451 Broadway, New York. In this immense purchase are all the finest grades of Quadruple Plated Silver Goods such makes as Hermati Mfg Co.,Reed & Barton, Knickerbocker Silver Co., Etc. Every piece is of high qtiality and fully guaranteed. Price On Sale Monday and Tuesday at Less than i 2 This is the opportunity of a lifetime, coming just before Christmas. These handsome silver pieces make the ?nost exquisite gifts imaginable. Never i7i our history have we offered such bargains in silverware. Thousa7ids of pieces go on big bargain squares and tables at prices that represent just a fraction of tlie actual value of the goods. In 5 Big CI AA frl QQ AO OQ Aft QA Aft On Our Bargain Lots $I.UV-$l.30-$.a Main Floor Choice of Any Silver Plated Toilet Set or Military Set in Our Stock Monday at Ys Off On All Our Regular Gold Filled Jewelry, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Bracelets, etc. yz OFF ON ALL SOLID GOLD JEWELRY. Kxcciiting Diamond Set iowelrj'. y4 OFF ON ANY LEATHER BAG IN STOCK OVER $1 y4 OFF ON ALL STERLING TOILET WARE Toilet Sets and Manicure Sets. i3 OFF ON FRENCH IVORY TOILET ARTICLES. And Leather Traveling Rolls, on 'Second Darguin Square. Beginning at 9 otclock Monday Morning, for Ono Hour, We Will Sell 800 Pairs of Our Women's Crochet Slippers Made from fine Zephyr yarns with Lambs' wool soles, roll tops or collars, with spring heels or uo heels, in all colors or combinations and all sizes for women, misses and children positively worth $1.25 and $1.50 a pair on sale, at the pair 75c Carol While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Nluht Tansur Psalm and Gloria Patu. ??!P?.nBlY., p!au?""V.:'Vv: First Lesson "While Shepherds Watched Their Carol-Songs of Praise the Angels Flocks" Ilrmular Snntr (with nrinn MVinDhOny) Hymn 110-Joy to the World Handel ...QeorBe K. Whiting "it came upon me aiianight Clear".. Second Lwson U!VV. v. Il&minnn.l Uirnl Crnillpd In a. Manner.. .Old English ISarltone Solo To Tou the Blessedness Devotional. Carol Holy Night. Peace- He Bears (Holy Night). Brewer nil Night - Anon Alto Solo The Virgin's Slumber (Holy Tho feeven-Kold Amen..... W'i1; Nignu urewer Organ Pastoral Bympnony... ...... "" March form..' .....Oullmant Mlsa Carol 'Marhbff, organist and 'direc tor: . Hymn EB-Come Hither, Ye Faithful. "Silent Night." German melody Hark, iiaric. My hou .. tiarvey 11. Sliellv Ut, Miss i(aonei tinuius. The Sunday school of Plymouth Congre gational church will give a cantata on Monday evening and enjoy their Christ mas tree on that time. Qauntlett RArmnn .......'..... Offertory Anthem Noxareth. . ....... ... KecesslonaV ' Hymn-Hark 'the Heralil Angeis sing C1UUHTMA8 UA.L . First celebration of the holy communion at 6:30. Second celebration ol me noiy communion at 8. Morning prayer and third celebration, with sermon "j- AUllvuyn. Ufc . . ... - v. i "... i ii . r OnmA All e Views, sermon, songs and selections will 1 iJhfuT Heading be given on Bunday evening at Saratoga The Venito. ??vey Congregational church. Twenty-fifth and I Gloria Patrt Aitim avenue. A'e ue ileum in u... The CaateUar Btreet Presbyterian church. C. C. Meek, minister, will have Anthem While its morning service and the Sunday ..Blvey Garrett The Jubilate tn D eu Hymn-O Uttie Town oi Jcl",v""A't,,e SheDhe'rds " Watched TliMr Vlicks bv Night e school combined and the Sundiiv m-hnni a nVhi'.!ljunV. o Heavens.. nhHilmii nmrrim will h . .,1 IXJUra The Sunday school will also give a nro- " it:... nf orv... T Bmart gram Christmas night. December 25. at I 7:5. It is requested that articles of cloth. Musical Drosrani to be given Christmas Ing, groceries, etc., be brought, so that morning at 10:30 o'clock ar.the church or others may be remembered at this Christ- the Good Shepherd. Twentieth and Ohio mas time. Christian Endeavor at :tS p. m. and evening service at 7: p. m., with spe cuu rauscl. streets: Processional-"Hark the Herald Angels Hymn-"it Can'e "upon ' tlie .Midnight Clear v'VJI'Vvl.-h,.! Christmas music at Trinity cathedral Amnom- wnue Bnep""u" .." Bhackley Bunday afternoon before Christmas will! Sursuml cprdaahd Banctus. consist of special evensong and Christ-1 Cenedlctus. ' . mast carol service and sermon by Dean t-ommumon Jiymn ure" v Tancock. Program; .TTnmNTVLVsti Uoskerck poSe,;l0.na, Hymn-O Come All Ye Itecesalonal "AngeU from the Itealm Heading' of Olory" . Organ Postlude Grand chorus Jn Faithful Lord's Prayer, Creed, etc A children's' service will be held at St. Paul's-' Lutheran 'clvuvch, Twenty-Eighth and Paker;st'reets,''Rev. 13. T. OttoV pas tor. The program -will , be given 'In both German and'-Kngllsh By tho children of the parochial, and Sunday schools and tho mixed cholri' Some of tho numbers are: "Come Hither Ye Faithful". .Congregation "Joy to the World" Children's Chorus "Unto Us a Child Is Horn".. Mixed Chorus "Silent Night, Holy Night" Children and Choir "O Tannenbaum" Congregation "Ihr Klnderteln'ICommet"... Children "Ks 1st Eln Hos Entsprungen" Children Angels' Song'"..,;,. .....Organ and Violin In the morning service December 25, at 10 o'clock, the choir -will sing: "Uns 1st ElnvKlnd Geboren" , Ilanders "HulleluJah" chorus OncHn Evening service In English- December Z at 7:45 o'clock. The choir will sing; "Behold the Messengers, of Glory"..,, Gounod Christmas mush at'"'the North Pre byterian church today will consist of the following numbers: 10:30 A. M rreiuaeuanto iteiigtoso Barnes Jij'JllIl .-u. ii uuy iu lllQ WOriU Anthem Festival Te Deum in E flat, Dudley Huck Offertoryp-Violln.'' Deuxlemo Canion. Ytta O-iolIn).. d'Ambroslo Athem-'Uehdld, ' I Uring You Good names .. , Edwin A. Plar. Postlude Triumphal March Faar . ' ' - 7:30 P. M. Prelude Legendo ... .Donner Hymit No. 74 Hark, the Herald Angels Sing Anthem Glory to God in'the Highest. i '. Caleb Simper Anthem Tlie Ulrthday of a King.... Neldllnger Offertory Uerceuse Mauser Anthem Nazareth Charles Gounod Hymn No. 73-Oome. All Ye Faithful. Postlude In D flat Ceuffens Stephen Barker, eoprano: Mrs. E. F. Williams, alto; Carl J. Ochiltree, tenor; E. F. Williams, bass and director: Miss Irma Book, organist. Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal church will have the following program: MORNING. Prelude Prayer and Cradle Song Gullmant Anthom There Were Bhepherds (With solos, soprano and tenor) Hpence Miss. Ethel Yost. E. h. Mauer. Solo Light of the World Adams Dr. Jennie Collfos. Offertory Nocturne D Evry Cjumtet il uma umni i" jhuimsuv. dear. i Miss Ethel Yost, Messrs. Mauer, Foster Chapman, Kratz. Anthem-Night Song of Bethlehem (with solos, poruone ami suynuuj; , Buck br.' Jennie Collfara Charles Lang and Choir, Postlude March Merkel Prelude Question and Answer , vuiiiiennuiine Anthem The Night song or uemie- hem Dr. Callfaa. Mr, Lang and Choir. Solo The Babe of Bethlehem. ...Dresaler Miss Ethel Yost. Offertory Postoral Symphony,,., .Handel Duo-The Birthday of a King (Two sopranos) Krats-Neldllnger Dr. Callfas and Miss Yost Solo The Glorious Morn Neldllnger Charles Lang. Anthem-O. Holy Night (with soprano solo) Adam Dr. Callfas and Choir. Postlude Chorus of Shepherds. Leminens Miss Florence Peterson, organist; Mr. Lee G. Kratz, choirmaster. The Christmas .services at theTThurch of St.. Philip the Deacon will be the mid night mas at 12 o'clock-Tuesday night; holy communion at 7 i..m.; full morning service with sermon. at 10:30 a. in.; even ing prayer at 6 o'clock, T. J. Collar, rector of the Good Shep herd, on "The Incarnation." The closing sermon of the series of spe cial advent sermons at the Church of St The services ut the Third Presbyterian church, Twentieth and Leavenworth, will be of unusual Interest tomorrow. Rev. A. B. Marshall, D. D., will preach an appropriate Christmas theme. Muslo will be rendered by Miss Hazel Evans and a young people's choir. V. W. C. A. Notes. The Bunday afternoon vesper service will be held at 4:30 o'clock Inl the audi torium. There will be special Christmas music and, Instead of the usual address, a vlctrola concert. Following the ser vice there will be a social hour with re freshments. All vounc women are cor dially Invited. Strangers In the city arc urged to come and spend their Sunday- arternoons with us and learn to know our girls. Owing to the holidays there will be a vacation in the educational, gymnasium and domestic science departments until January 6. The bulldlnic will be closed all day Christmas. V. 31. C. A. o(r. O. B. Towne, secretary of the Commer cial club of Council Bluffs and formerly editor of the Nonpareil, will speak at the Young Men's Christian association on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The theme of his address will - be "Boy's Work." Christmas music will be fur nished by Master Henry Slivers, the well known boy soloist. The Public Speaking club will meet Thursday evening, December 25, at S o'clock. The subject for discussion will be "The Past and the Future," or the work of 1912 and prospects for 191S. The speakers for the evening will be Albert C. Itothery and L. C. 8hoels. Classes in the night school had their last meeting on Friday jilght for two weeks, No classes will meet until Jan uary 6, except the class In salesmanship, which will meet on December 30. annual apw icari revepuun m me Young Men's Christian association. Tflt- usual feature of basket ball, boxing. Philip the Deacon will be delivered wr.t"n5' .'"' Jd...BIranTastl.,.Y,n ostiuae in u nat Ceuffens : . " , , . . be put on In the gymnasium. In addition Those comprising the choir are Mrs. i Sunday afternoon at 5 o clock by Hev, to tnese tne Te, Jed gkoj of tht, Bohemian Turners will give an exhibi tion of their work. Exhibitions will also be put on In the swimming pool and the game room. The dormitories will be opon for Inspection and visiting; the educa tional class rooms will have demonstra tions of work done In the night school and an entertainment will be staged In the assembly hall. In the cafe there will be an exhibition of office appliances similar to the one of last year that was so popular. The whole building will be open on New Year's night and all people of the city are Invited to come. The Bible classes will meet as usual on December 2", but will not meet on the following Monday night. The boys' gymnasium classes will meet In the morning during1 the two holiday weeks instead of tn the afternonn. Miscellaneous. Dr. F. P. Ramsay will speak on "The Philosophy of Uergson" before the Omaha Philosophical society Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock In Barlght hull, Nineteenth and Farnam streets. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, Twenty-fourth and Ohio, Elder Paul N Craig, Pastor Sunday school. 9:43 a. m : preaching. 11 a. m.; CUon's Rellglo and Literary society, 6:30 p. in.; Sunday school Christmas entertainment, 8 p. m. First Reformed, Twenty-third and South Central Boulevard. C. M. Rohr bough, Pastor Sunday school. 9:13 a. m.j. divine worship, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.: "Christmas Messages" will be subjects of sermons. Christmas exercises by the Sunday school will be held on Wednesday evening, S p. m. People's. Charles W. Savldge, Pastor Services in the morning at the Gaiety theater at 11. subject, "Tho Modem Christmas;" evening, services at the Peo ple's church, sermon Illustrated by mov ing pictures; Sunday school at noon: Young People's Society of Christian En deavor at 7 p. m. Prof. Mertes has charge of the mutlc. Grace United Evangelical, Corner Cam dn Avenue and North Twenty-seventh, Thomas M. Evans, Pastor Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, ? aiJP':, Young People's Society of Chris tIanbndeavor, 6:15 p. m.; morning theme, '"The Anthem of the Skies;'' evening theme, "A Christlets Christmas. The 8un "Ji001 w' Elve the beautiful cantata. "The Story of the Star."