Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 14-A, Image 13

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    14 A
.. . t-iI1 ' nome oi wie unnsim.-is ircr, mr inuinvi
.iy oi ureens rs a xesuvm , preparrs ft smn ,rf0 for mem)er
f I V. Snmn. nuMnllni' In Ihn rhlMrpn'R
n tree, but in ItitsJla the custom has never , pflnn DHAHC TMPDPHOU 0 A I VQ (closely watched by vvrry motor car mnn- nrlxca. winning tl e lirnnd prlxe. or A. S
become a national one. UUUD ftUrtUD InUftJjftOD OALlJU lifnctuirr. drsVr and owner In America Sweet cup, for coastlnK the greatest dls-
In some tmrtu of Germany, the true, lit Is of vital Importance to each one of tance, irrespective or. class, ana aij in-
ti p,,,," "jiuii -noose cup, or nrsi prize in us
c'.aw. Thus it was victorious over all
cars rt-Knrdloss of weight, some cars on
jlng heavier and some lighter, the weights
ranging from I.7C0 to 4,400 pounds.
! height and decorates each with lights and
UTTFS presents. QUI nuts, ehcep, stars, eoloted
l apples, fruit, figures of the' Chrlst-chlld
... , . . and of the mngl all play an Important
r - pftrt (1 (nc drcoratlon 0f lhe Uee, and all
.Modern Ctinnitri. In lroK- ! have o symbolic value.
Tlme'n Cor- The manufacture of the light toys, the
Tli ronitli
, rlilnrs.
V minister who announced that If his
wishes were considered the church would
i.ot be decorated with preens at Christ
mas time, gave two reasons for his ob
jection. The first was that the use of
pine trees at this season of the year has
spiead to an alarming extent and that
r radically no steps have been taljen to
r pair the ra-agcs. He also Intimated
t nt he disapproved of tho use of Christ
n as greens In Christian churches, be
ause It Is a pagan custom, derived from
the Druids. 1
Hi Is undoubtedly right In his as.ier
t on. But It Is hardly n good argument
against the practice, as many of our best
nnd cheeriest customs are pagan In or
g n Indeed If they nre old enough they
aro sure to be.
tapers and the glittering tinsel artlcJcs
uwd In the decking of the trees furnishes
occupation to thousands of German toy
makers. Henry Barrett Chamberlain In
Chicago llocord-Hcrald,
Arrangements Made
to Make Auto Show
Greater Than Ever
Directors of the Omnha Auto show,
which will be held early In February,
met Thursday morjilng In the Towell
Supply company's building to discuss the
arrangement of exhibiting space, and to
consider applications for membership to
tho association of two new companies,
HOuscr nnd Howos agents for (he
Tuo pngans were not so very different I Htevens-Durycn, and tho 1'alge Nebraska
from modern Christians In their desire company who sell tho Paige-Detroit line,
for light nnd warmth and lovo nnd Joy. After carefully considering the shows
The use of green growInB things as sic- of past years It was' found that dec
tufkant and symbolic of joyousness Is not ! orating had received tho least attention
J. i ted to any olio people or period. 0f any one thing nnd Ight be classed
The Hebrews used branches In their jos the only mediocre part of the entire
fi sst of tabernacles. Tho Creeks and . show. By a unanimous vote It was de
Itomnns -fine old pagans they were, the clfed to spend a conslderohle sum on dec
Q eeks with their sculptures and imowy I c rations" this year to mako them more
temptes, the Romans with their great , elaborate than anything before seen In
system of Jurisprudence hung up wreaths the city. Clarke Powell, secretary and
of flowers and green leaves at many of
their festivals.
It Is nit strange that many of the early
Christians, direct descendants of the
pagans should have retained some of
thn'r charming nnd picturesque customs.
I l England, wlnre while robed Druid
priests mndc nolomn pilgrimages to tho
UenHiirer of the show association, spent
the entire month of November In eastern
cUlcn visiting various departments of the
niitomobllo trade, where he secured a
fund of valuable ideas for this branch of
tho tochthltlon. As to the form which the
dcoratlng scheme will take Mr. 'Powell
already hrifsjils .own plans, whloh an yet
forest to bring back th sacred mistletoe ( , t ready to male public.
w Ih Its wonder walking power. It Is not ' There w:il bo thirty-eight exhibitors this
strange that the generutlotiB who liai UarB as compared to thirty-one last,
succeeded them should still testify In cer- There will bo eight sections on the stago
ta i observances the line of their descent , and ,Btiy more nllnttments In the base-
Tn America, with Its conglomerate peo
ple many customs and mnny ways of
observing Christmas and the 'festival
week following may bo traced back to
meut than hist year. Mr. Powell has
been at work on a plat dividing the;
Auc'ltor'um Into sections, each of which
will bo larger than last year. So with
the Homan, tho Qreelt. the Druid and Rrpnt dccbrnllon scheme, more
the Teuton.
ni'lfnt Ori-iiionlnln.
ven bfore the coming of the Chrl't
child with his message of Joy and good
will, the ancient people celebrated In rite
and ceremonial the season of the winter
In December tho sun, reaching Its routh
ernmost limit, starts to wheel back to the
northern world. Hb promlso of more light
nnd warmth, of another seedtime, bring
ing with It harvest and fruition, has al
ways meant much to men laboring In
the fields that they mny live,
Tho Romans held their Saturnalia 'at
this period of the winter Holstlco and the
Germans and' Scandinavians alsopb-,.
served It.
The Christian customs of thls counliy,
arc a curious mixture of rites borrowed
from thoso (indents who lived and. laughed
and loved and rejoiced In much the same
fasldon as do the men and women of to
flay Human nature, stripped of tho accl
dents of tlmo (and place, Is csscntlallv
ho same. The yule log, tho Christinas
candle, the Chrlstmaa carols, the Christ
inas troe with Its symbolism, the legends
that have gathered about tho time, the
cattle that kneel, the stain that dance.
Kris Krlngle, Santa Clsus they may all
bo traced back -to a remoto period when
men had little Idea of Christianity,
though they knew that the coming of
lhe sun was welcome.
Antlitnlty of the Mistletoe.
Tho mistletoe belonged to the early
Britons. Its gathering nt the time of the
winter solstice, Chrlstmaa time, wus a
solemn ceremonial acobmpanled by
sacrifices, sometimes human. Tho pen
pie formed tn procession with tho Drufd
hlb'tors. morn exhibits nnd moro space
together with tho yc'nr'fi Improvements In
tho nutnmoht'e orld. n splendid, bigger
nnd better display than ever Is all that
can result.
Motors Still In ItiMiinnd.
Apntoach of 'winter-bus" not served to
cut down the demand for motor vehicles.
according, to let lima fioin.the Packard
or Iti
weather motoring. Is being marketed lo
Cnr company. Tho now "3t," which hn
been featured for Its advantages In cold
volutna, hut'stlll has n'large waiting list
Shipments Tor December- will total SSI
cars, '
Auto School.
A special school of Instruction to fn
tnlllarUo'technlcal men' In dealers' cstab
IlshmontH with tho Improvements on Hit
new- "38" was completed recently nt the
Packard factory.
John Willys of Toledo Says Hard,
Smooth Roads Best Argument.
Ilrllrrrs I ncle Snm Should Do Ills
Shnrr In I'lnclnc the It on da In
(mil Condition' nntl Mntn
tnlnlnK Them.
Cadillac Wins in
Coasting Contest
meant a long, tiresome Journey of severnl
hours wherfeer he prenched at both
places on the same Sunday. Now it's
merelv a ride of nn hour.
His parishioners, ot course, are scat- j C. D. Hastings, general manager of tho
tercd all over tho .country, and it was !Hupp Motor Car company; k. A. Nelson,
well-nigh Impossible for him at one time : consulting engineer, and C. H. Dunlap.
A Cadillac car, 1S13 model, was com
pletely victorious recently In a unique
contest at Riverside. Cal a coasting
event In which thirty-two cars, repr-
"Motor car manufacturers are watch-1 "ennng iweniy-iom- uu.crum n.-r.
... . . i., . ., were entered nnu wincn was wnicneu uv
Ing with a great deal of satisfaction Ote peope The can, were ent down n
advance of the good roads Idea through- Krd, with proper shut off. gravity sup
out the United States," rays John N. plying the energy. Besides providing
Willys, president of the Willys-Overland Rlvcrsldo an nttractlvo holiday and con-
company. Toledo, O. "And when nil Islslderable excitement, the contest hnd Its
said nnd done, their Interest In this work
Is only natural, for sooner or later their
future success will depend, to a great
extent, on road Improvements. I mean
by this that the time will come, and that
before many yearn, when the question of
highways will be a mlghtv Important one
with manufacturers.
"During thtf life of the Industry, the
most serious question- has been to sup
ply tho people with cars. There has been
n aemana rrom aimosi every want in
life for an automobile, from tho high-
priced product which Is bought almost
solely nt a sporting proposition, or for
the prestige such u possession wilt glv-i
the wealthy owner, to the moderate
priced models which are bought for busi
ness purposes or by people of moderate
mtons, Before long, with present tre
mendous outputs and continually Improv
ing selling methods, tho present normal
domiitid for imtomolJles Is going to he
surptled, and then will the manufactur
ers havo to look for something to keep
their product moving. Good roads will
do much to solve tho problem Whero
thero nre now thousands of peoplo
throughout the country who nre unwilling
to purchase a cur because o poor road
conditions, In n few years, nt the present
rate of highway Improvement, all these
thousands will huve become converted, i
dyed-ln-the-wool motor enthusiasts. In
other words, I bellove that good, hard,
smooth roads, such ns nre b-lnp built In
mtiny states, are among tho best argu
ments for the automobile In the minds ot
many prospective buyers.
"The plan of enlisting government as-
nl-itnncc ,ln the building of roads, as out-
lined In the activities of the Federal Aid
Good Roads association, Is one of the !
grcatef.t factors tn the future of the
motor cnr Industry.
"Tho object of the organization Is n I
highly Important one, Though tho t'nlted I
States has taken a world lead In tho man- '
ufacturc of nutomoblles, It has been In
spite of. its highways, rather than bo- ,
cause of them. And tho sooner con
dltlonnt aro remedied nnd they, can be '
remedied properly only by the enlistment i
ot federal , forpes-jtlic uoont-r will the .
Industry take the forward leap that wjll '
place It among tho foremost commercial i
activities of the universe. With govern- :,N
ment nsslstnuco In building, good roads j
the United States ,can greatly Innrcnso Its
lend In the Industry nnd Bdd' further glory ,
to Its standing In the commerc-Iul nnd
manufacturing World.' The next conven-1 1
tlon.of theassqclatlon', Which will, be held
tn Washlngtc-n, March 6 nnd 7, should bi
jvnluo from the standpoint of motor ca that they need
demonstration and comparison because,
all other things being equal, lack of fric
tion Is the factor that enables a car to
win such a contest, or, In other words,
tn "roll" tho farthest.
Out In Knnsas where the towns nre
small and the d'stnnce between towns
Just the opposite, there aro several up-to-date
ministers of the gospel who are
enthusiastic motorcyclists. '
They find that It enables them to do
their work much rnoie effectively out In
the country; and gives them, besides, n
chance to secure some of the recreation
to make the rounds oftencr than once or
j twice a yenr. Now he Is able to do much
better, and at much less expense.
Recently, too, Mr. Steves managed to
save the day for a fellow-mlnlster who
was stranded In Admire with a, congre
gation waiting for htm some miles off.
The train, as usual, was hours late; but
Steves and the Yale made the distance
on schedule time.
Rey. MessrsA C. ,K. Huff of Oronque,
and R. J. Matlmbly, of Mlltondalc, are
also staunch believers In the utility of
the Yale In the soul-saving field.
Illjr Track Ncnrlv Rrnd),
The now flv'e-ton Packard truck
riAt 1 It- Qlnvno nt A A XTny I a
, , . . . . in-tiny euui c&uu BiniminiiB win bluii hi
one of the men ,and he has been a power L -fe daysf dlllon of this model
machine rider since 1&09. Besides his I to the Packnrd line gives a range of en
charge at Admire. Mr. Steves preaches Ipeclty to meet practically all requlrc-
at unothcr country church. Before he ' menis r neavy amy macnines,
The victorious Cadillac captured two enlisted the Yale In the good work It 1 jcy t0 the Situation flee Advertising.
extort manager, who went auroaa iu
study foreign business nnd Inspect tho
Hupmobllc Kuropean agencies, found a
grent surprise awaiting them when they
arrived In Paris to attend the Automobile
show. John L. Poole, Kuropoan export
manager for the Hupmoblle, had ar
ranged In honor of the Detroltcrs a great
bnnquot for the day ot their arrival, at
which all tho Hupmoblle dealers In Eu
ropo gathered.
Not only were the guests from Detroit
greatly pleased with the function, but
they were also grcnlty Impressed with
the enthusiasm of Hupmoblle dealers and
the prosperity Indicated In their reports.
The banquet revealed much evidence of
the wide swath the Hupmoblle Is cuttln
In Europe and alro provided siibstantl
reasons for the foreign manufacturers'
perturbation over the dominance of the
American car of medium price.
S) St evens -T)n rvea
I tiriPMt lonrllfttr hn.t .!
-j a viici i n a
f- Into the forests until a stately oak was
4 found.
if An altar wos. raised, nnd on the trunir
jj of the tree were Inscribed the names of
1 'their deities. Tlin "
l cHinbed the tree. ttd ,wlth a consccrata
I 'CO Id on Dninlnv Ixwilr
toe, which wo divided Into small piece
3 oniong the people. They carried It to
S their homes and placed It over their doors
M M a Propitiation and sholter to th svl.
g Von deities during, tlo season of snow
h and frost.
H Because of Its Drtitdlcal associations the
.1 mistletoe has not, been Introduced Inta
r church decornUon. but the use of over-
l feens has long been common.
I The tree as a gift bearer la older than
, Christmas day. The eaJy Egyptians used
j ft palm na tho treo on which they hung
J Klfts for friends, and. In Rome, a fir treo
i uj u iiiuiiuiinipu ui mo restlvui of
i the HIirlllMi-ln n.-hik r..ii....i i ,
-. luxuniru nuru uinn
Uo Saturnalia. Roman matrons hung
upon Its friendly brunches little waxen
images of mythological personoges Unit
were given to the children and were
called Slglllaria.
A German legend tells that It was the
apostle. Boniface, who gavo the people
the flr and pine tree to bear to their
home and erect aa the center of loving
Htes performed In the warmth and light
of the household Instead of In the stern
coldness of the forest. ,
Drnldit-nl Customs.
The Pruldlc rltca were performed be
neath Thor'B tree, the oak, on . lonely
Ew-clad hill. .Beneath it a. fir
j kindled, Whitr-robed warriors watched!
little cplidren die under the hammer blow
I of the high priest- Then came Bonirace
bearing his cross, symbol of the kindlier
I religion that was to overcome that of the
i hammer. Felling the oak, under which
1 the cruel rites were held in cold and si
lence, he bad? them to take from the hill
a fir and twar it to the chieftain's hall.
Where they could celebrate In peace and
i 'eve the birth night of the White Christ,
sr ho came to save and not to sacrifice
'; little children.
tjf The custom of decking a fir tree with
H glittering- toys, gifts and lights at Christ-
; mas time came to England by way or
,' nermany in the nineteenth century. Queen
Victoria adopted It enthusiastically be-
:j cause of her German husband, the prlncu
( consort.
! 5 ,i Long before this the custom was so
Hi,' generally practiced In Germany and Bax
ii ony that cutting the trees was prohibited
i In many places. In others permission to
1 take only poor or superfluous trees had
s, ; to be obtained from the authorities,
j i Wl Jch shows that there really. Is, nothing
I new under the sun and that Glffordi Pin
;i ,1 chot was not the discoverer of conserva-
The custom spread from Germany to
; Vrance and to America. To the children
Hew ctnnected with th host rlpair shop
md service station in the city of Omaha
White Trucks and
White Pleasure Cars
are now permanently located at
2416-18 Far nam k street y in con
nection with the Independent Auto
Repair Co.
You can now buy4 the Best Truck
and receive the 'best service at a
minimum cost.
Every merchant should start the
new year right by placing his order
for at least one White delivery
White trucks are made in 4 sizes;
y 3 and 5 ton capacities
ranging in price from $2,100 to
$4,500. 4 A - demonstration will
prove their adaptability to your
HDCI TAN 2411-18 Famam St.
. rCLIUIl PhiRt louglas 3301
Lincoln Representative Mookett Auto Co.
Council Bluffs City Garage.
Denmark, Sweden and Norway Christ
Vuu would not seem Christmas without
Thf rlorhpc you "nd at ""owning, king & co:s.
X lie lauilica are more than "Just clothes," for they will
"drew you" 815,00 l'l
Browning, King & Oo.
Nearly a Quarter -Century of Leadership
The Old Leadership
and what it means
The leadership of the Stey.ens-D.uryea
of nearly a quarter-century is recognized
in two ways: First, by the loyalty of the
Stevens -Duryea owners; second, through
imitation by other manufacturers, who, one
after another, have adopted the principles
first put into practice by the StevensrDuryca.
Three Point Support of Unit Power
Plant : Perfect alignment is absolutely
necessary for the proper operation or
machinery. In the Stevens -Duryea, the
motor clutch and transmission are housed
in one case, in such a way that they, cannot
help being in perfect alignment that is
the Unit Power Plant. The flexible Three
Point Support of this Power Plant auto
matically keeps the whole mechanism ' in
alignment. 'This reduces friction and wear
on bearings, strain on mechanism, and
delivers more power to the rear wheels.
The Three Point Support also prevents,
lurch and sway of the engine from being
communicated to passengers, thus saving
them from a very common cause of strain.
Multiple Disc Dry Plate Clutch : This
clutch takes hold smoothly and evenly with
out racking the transmission and rear axle
mechanism, prevents undue wear on tires,
and always lets go positively. This means
greater safety and comfort of passengers.
Taper Square Joint : The strongest and
most positive form of connection between
parts of the driving mechanism a square
end tapering into a taper square hole. No
keys ; no weak shaft.
Six -cylinder Motor: The Stcvens
Duryea Company has, for eight years, con
sistently used the six-cylinder motor. It is
today the accepted type of motor for the
fine car most enjoyable to passengers ;
smoothest application of power, with con
sequent reduced wear on tires.
The principal results of these vital
principles are: greater comfort and safety of
passengers; more power delivered to the
rear wheels; less strain on mechanism; less
wear on tires, and, for these reasons, greater
value of the car when resold.
The New Leadership
and what it means
First, an adherence to the fundamental
principles proved by years of experience
and their imitation by makers of other fine
cars. But, in our search of greater enjoy
ment for motorists, and greater pride in
their car in every respect, we have built
an entirely new car, with a new idea of
active power, a new quietness, a new
idea of motoring enjoyment, and a new idea
of beauty.
Active Power: Model C-Six has a
larger motor with abundance of power.
But that is not all. Wheel-power is what
you want not merely engine-power. The
Three Point Support of the Unit Power
Plant reduces the power-loss to a minimum
and power is conserved through the finest
adjustment and machining. Thus the
greatest possible amount of active power is
delivered to the rear wheels.
This means going many more .miles a
day with greater case than has ever before
been possible in any car of any power.
The New Quietness an important
clement of motoring enjoyment. An infi
nite number of improvements in design
and manufacture have made model C-Six
by far the quietest car we have ever seen.
The" New Motoring Enjoyment:
The motorist rests easily and care-free in
Model C-Six. The new springs dampen
any recoil effect; the Three Point Support
does its work; the wealth of depth of up
holstery, the patented adjustable rear seat,
the ample room, the rail upholstered for
its entire length, and the perfect equip
ment al keep the passenger in perfect
physical ease. The easy steering and
control of the car, with everything within
easy reach, give perfect confidence and
mental ease.
The New Beauty : For the first time
all the exterior parts of the car are brought
together in one artistic unit, with graceful
lines flowing from the radiator to the rear
of the car. This entirely new creation
is so distinctive, extremely beautiful and
sound that it compels admiration.
Confident in the continued leadership exercised by the maker of this
car, the Stevens-Duryea owner can always go about his motoring feeling
that he. has just the right car the most advanced, the handsomest, and
in every way the best creation in the motor-car world.
HOUSER & HOWES, 2102 Farnam Street
Stevens-Duryea Company Chicopec Falls Mass " Pioneer Builders of American Sixes" '"'