Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 11

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10 A
'I'm? mrAMA uitmiviv TiiTr.. niiVMAfRMU. oo 1010
t '
Large Number of Towns Are Mak
ing Strong Campaigns.
fleceptlon on w Yfsr'n liny
Other Clnh ?nnn Ilenet
Their Activity.
The Mothers' Culture club will meet at
the horn of Sirs. W. W. Fisher, K10 F
treet, South Omaha, Friday afternoon,
December 27. The program of the, meet
ing will be on the subject' of "Methods
of Establishing night Idealc. Precept and
Kxarnples." Those who will contribute
to the program are Mrs. .C. J. Dutton,
Mrs. J. O. Dotwller, Mrs.' It-iW. Koch
and Mrs. W, W. Usher.
The nilvanced French will meet Friday
morning. December 27. In the club rooms
with thejr leader, Mrs. Ben 8. Baker.
The West Omaha Mothers' Culture club
lll meet at the home of Mrs. T. J.
Cooper. C9 Parker street, Friday after
noon, December 27. at S o'clock. The sub
ject of the afternoon will be "The Value
of Myths and Fairy Tales."
The Omaha Woman's club will not give
a reception on New Year's day owing to
the fact that the club will not bo able to
get tho use of the club rooms on that day.
There will be an open meeting of the
club Monday. January 6. at 2:30 o'clock,
and this t1II 60 a business meeting.
The selling of lied Cross seals this year
for tuberculosis prevention has been
taken up by the club women of Nebraska
at the following points: Omaha. Alliance,
Decatur, Benson, Dundee, Il'oldrege.
Ureelcy, Ashland, Alma, Aurora, Bridge
port, Beatrice, Chadron, Clarks, Central
City, Dakota City, Dalton. Daykln, Edi
tion, Fremont. Fairfield, Fullorton, Falls
City, Kearney, Laurel, Long Pine, Mem
phis, Mead, Meadow Grove, Norfolk. Ne
llgh. North Loup, Ord. Peru, Palmyra,
Randolph, Shelton, Springfield,. Sidney,
Bcott'a Bluff, Stromsburg, Reward, Syra
cuse, Tecumseh, Vcrdon, Valley, Walt
hill, Wood nivcr and York.
Some of these clubs are sub-agents for
the first time this year, and some have
been working for tuberculosis prevention
ever since the Bed Cross seals came as
an apportunlty. Notably In the latter
class la Mrs, W. H, Matthews of Fremont
Woman's club seconding tho motion of
Omaha, Fremont erected a welcome arch
and thereon blazons fortha Bed Cross
eal In brilliant electricity.
Ashland Woman's club Inaugurated a
street clean-up campaign as a result of
selling seals; Aurora: hospital care for
tubercular patients; Scott's Bluff: sani
tary drinking fountains; tho same of
Shelton, Randolph. Beatrice and others;
Central City, vacuum cleaner for school.
In Omaha all energies ro bent toward
raising S,500 to finance flje tuberculosis
dispensary In Jacobs' h.vs 1712 Dodgo
Mtreet, presided over by Miss Lillian B.
etufi" fHnco Its opening In July many
cases have come' for treatment In the
afternoons. Mornings Miss Bluff visits
In the homes nnd with sufficient pro
ceeds from the rale of seals, It looks
n though but a short time before It
may be said of Omaha that tuberoulosts
Is under control. ,
Separate Lobby;
at tHe Postoffice
for Parcels Post
The Omaha postoffice Is to have a spa
cious lobby Joining the stamp room on
the north to be used by persons sending
parcels post packages after January 1.
Superintendent of Construction Crnmer Is
working on the plans now.
Superintendent Cramer, Custodian .Tay
lor and Postmaster Wharton have had
several conferences on -tho matter and
have decided, on tentative ptans for such
a lobby. There Is at present a largo
lobby for Uie money order department,
and another for UiOt registry department.
Tho Idea Is to segregate' In a measure
the pfopfo who visit these places to trans
act such business. As. the sending of par
cels through the mall- un'der tho parcels
liosUIs expected to be a largo branch of
the activity a.the postoffice It waa de
cided tho persons doing such business
should also be segregated by a lobby
The authorities feel that It would bo un
satisfactory for persons to handle the
parcels, get them weighed, and buy the
stampi to stamp them all In tho general
lobby of the postoffice when there Is a
crowd on account of the confusion. There
will likely be a window from the lobby
where scales will ho kept and a man to
do the weighing ul tho request of patrons.
There will be doors through which the
parcels can bo readily wheeled to tho
mailing room in carts after they hav
been dropped Into the slots.
Parisian! Cloak Co.
318 320 SOUTH 16th
Will Sell Monday, December 23d
Of Unusually High Class, at a Surprisingly Low Price
This lot" of dresses includes our complete remaining stock of this season's styles tailored and
fancy dresses, party frocks and velvet walking costumes
Serges, Eponge, Fancy Cloths, Velvets, Corduroys, Messaline and other
Silks, Chiffons and Embroidered Robes.
Cripple Wheels
Himself to Safety
When House Burns!
Mlohael Waldman, 11 years old, who
has been confined for four months with
hip disease at his home, 2221 California
street, wheeled hlmsolf out upon the
front porch early yesterday when lUs
home and the adjoining half of a double
cottage took flro. Once upon tho porch
the wagon, mounted on wheels, was trun
dled out upon tho front walk by a colored
man. Once upon tho front walk Michael
was left alone and shlvcrlngly watched
tho firemen work to put out tho flames.
Tho fire attacked both sides of the cot
tage, occupied by the Wnldman and
Ncrnrs families. The latter side was
gutted, but the former suffered only a
severe drenching. Tho caUso of the fp
Is unknown. No Insurance.
in Our
Misses3 and Women's Sizes; Real Values $15,
$20 and $25; unrestricted choice, at
in Our
Levine Dies from
Blow from an. Auto
Isador Levine, the young man who was
run down at Twelfth and Douglas -streets
by an automobllo driven by Boy Kurstcn
borger Thursday, died yesterday at
tho Omaha General hospital, The police
aro looking for Kurstunbcrgert who has
not been seen sjnee shortly after tho acci
dent. Coroner Crosby wilt hold an In
quest, probably Monday.
I vino waa 20 years old and lived at
Eighteenth and Burdetto streets.
Levlno was thrown more than seventy-
five feet when the car struck him, ac
cording to reports of witnesses. Both lcgH
were broken and other severe external
und Internal Injuries were sustained.
Nebraska's chapters. Daughters of tho
American Revolution, will won be aug
mented ,by the addition of two new chap
ters, which are now ready for tho formal
The now chapter -at Lybns will be
known as the Joalah Kvcrott chapter, 'of
which Mrs. Benjamin I VJvcrett Is the
organizing regent, and will be composed
entirely of Everotts who aro direct de
scendants of Joslah Kverett, and nil of
whom have entered the national society
through his revolutionary war service
All of the members except two ore resl-
dents of Lyons, at least n part of the
year, and one cousin who desired to bo a
part of this unique organisation sent her
application from far-away Rangoon,
The other chapter has been formed In
Fairmont, with Miss ElUabeth Wright as
organizing regent. Miss Wright, who Is
a new Daughter, having been admitted
to the national society at the December
board meeting, has accomplished won
der In a short time, hnd will present her
chapter within a couple of weeks, having
already the membership list filled.
During the two years' state regency of
Mrs. Charles Oliver Norton, with the two
chapters mentioned above, thero have
been eight chapters formed, bringing tho
number of chapters now In the state up
to twenty-one, a splendid and most re
markabte record.
In the death of Mrs. La Verne W
Noyes of Chicago, which occurred re
cently, the Daughters of the American
Revolution and the United States Daugh
ters of 1812, have sustained a great loss.
Mrs. Noyes was vice president general
of the National (Society of the Daughters
of tho American Revolution for Illinois
and had a large and active Interest in
the work of both ot these organizations.
Her energy and enthusiasm were un
bounded and sho stood high In the coun
ells of both societies.
lira. Noyes was known as a patron ot
the fine exta and was herself an artist
and a writer of talent.
The Chicago chapter. Daughters ot th
American Revolution, ot which lira.
Korea was a member, held memorial
services for her on December li In the
ussemly hall ot the Fine Arts building
Officer Heil Plays
Cupid and (Jets the
Desired Eesults
Workmen Will Give Their Christmas
Entertainment Friday.
Today is Shortest
Day of Entire Year
This Is the shortest day. of the year and
tomorrow the sun will start In on Its
Journey northward. According to tho
almanac, winter now starts In nnd, ac
cording to tho theory, the cpld weather
will begin to strengthen as tho" days begin
to lengthen,
The calendar reading Indicates that this
morning In the area covered by centra!
time, tho sun roso at 7:21 and sets at 4:31
o'clock, giving a day of about nlno hours
between sun and sun.
Woodnirn to Hold Joint Session
Veterans Thank County Com
missioners for Iluoin in
Court .House
Ancient Order UntU'd Workmen.
On Friday evening 'Omaha lodge No. 18,
nt tho Ancient Order United Workmen
temple, 110 North Fourteenth street, will
give Its annual Christmas entertainment
for Its members and their families. An
elaborate program nnd a Christmas tree
Is being prepared for tho occasion. Re
member the date.
Order of Scottish ('Inn.
At tho regular meeting of Clan Gordon
No. 63, Order ot ScotUsh Clans, John
Racsldc, tho golfer, was Initiated. After
business entertainment was provided by
John' Raesldo, J. O. Ounn, James Brown,
John Hamilton, R. O. Watson and John
MoTnggnrt. '
Tho following aro tho officers for 1913:
Chief, JohnMcTaggart.
Tanlst, Alexander McKle.
Chaplain, John Trench.
Secretary, James C. Lindsay.
Flnnnelay secretary, Oeorgo A. Dunn,
Treasurer, W. J. Hlslop.
Senior henchman, William R. Cnllan.
Junior hehchtpitn, John O. Ounn.
Seneschal, Howard Home.
Wardor, Donuld Munroo.
Sentinel, John Hamilton.
(Miyslclan, Dr. C. C. Morlson.
Trustoos, D. Lcnn, II. Buttle and Thomas
Piper, Juiucs Anderson, jr.
standard bearer, William Hampton.
The ladles' auxiliary will attend the
Installation of clan officers January "
James Bowie' and Thomus Meldrum will
pick tennis to play a curling match on
Christmas morning at Miller park.
Burns' celebration wll bo held Monday,
January 27, In Douglas auditorium, Eigh
teenth and Douglas streets. Concert and
lJ O dU Vail IHgC perlenco of purchasers. Children re
ceive tho same courteous attention as their elders.
Browning, King- & Co.
entertainment nt Eagles hall, 1410 Harney
street, on Tuesday evening, for the chil
dren of members. Presents and candy
for tho little ones and a dance after for
tho older ones will be some of the fea
tures. The comtnltteo In charge promises
a good time to all who attend.
Kost's Arm Crushed
and is Amputated lBecmb'th1t1dntoft!
a session, but will unite w(l
Adam Kost of Valley, who has been
employed by the Union Pacific on the
viaduct at Fifth and Iaclflc streets, met
with an Injury this afternoon that cost
him an arm. He was doing some struc
tural Iron work when a heavy steel
beam crunhed him against the lulling ot
the viaduct. The arm was shattered and
was amputated ut tit. Joseph's hospital.
Mary Catrta. SM TH croft sre. and
James Kelly were oweetbeaurts. Eraxta-
allr tier were t be narrtw
As a token of. bar a mat Sara for Xtmes,
Mary gav Mm a sotkl sold bant ring,
which be proudly worn. Last XocxJay
Mary and James bad a Utile rgtt and she
told him to go away and Berrr return,
demaaaing tb return ot bar goU ring.
James refused to return th rtrnr and
Xary swore out warrant tor Jamas' ar
rest. He waa brought Into police court
but the flffrl rcfoaad to prrsecsie. Slipping
the rtf on the third Oncer a f Mary's
left haad Joe HeD joint tha rnauas ot
(he twa Tcmn people aad tnU them to
depart in peace. Tho two yw&kftt! tavtr
left the court room arat In ana, tha
troubled waters havts- Bean atnaoated.
ver by Jo sJeH's atftfne words.
The funeral of Juage a. W. Doane will
be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
at the residence, a)2t Chicago street.
Interment will be in Prospect Hill ceme
tery. Burial will bo private. Dean Tan
cock will conduct the services at the rest
N. A. Hall, president of the Omaha Bar
association, has attpolnted the following
members of the bar to represent that or
ganization at the funeral:
Ben 8. Baker, a. XV. Shields,
T. iv, liiacgnurn, u r vaster,
11. iscotu
C. A. Goes,
H. H. Baldrtge.
V. A. Brog&n,
W. D. McHugh.
The foUotrtnc will
Kotwrt Patrick.
T. C Bryne.
L K. Cungdan.
Arthur C Waktley,
Tefflng at the top of his rolce, Tony
Macooey, an Italian 1' borer brought to
the polica rtxOoo to hsyc the police sur
geon Batch vp two anHUtoed fingers.
jumped trots the wtoinw ot Out doctor's
office, ran south on Eleventh street and
disappeared when. Dr. Dawson reached
In his medicine case and took, out a
Urge pair ot scissors.
Magoney left his coat, overcoat And hat
tn the doctor's cfilnc. which are being
held tor hia recurn.
It. Q. 11 ur bank.
It- W. Patrick,
A. C. Wakeley.
R. W. Patrick.
A. a Wakeley.
be the active pall-
vr. E. Martin.
Dr. C. A. Hull.
Montgomery Named
Chancellor of the
Episcopal Diocese
C. 8. Montgomery, for twelve years
senior warden of All Saints' Kplscopal
church, has been appointed chaneeflor of
the dloceue of Nebraska by Bishop A. L.
Williams. ,
Mr. Montgomery ha.i been a member ot
tho vestry of All Saints' church ever,
since It was founded In 1BS4. He with
Judge Wt A. Redlck and James Wool
worth owned tho property on which the
church stands. When It was decided to
build All Saints' church tho three men
donated the property to the parish.
For several years Mr. Montgomery wan
a member of the vestry of Trinity' cathe
dral and also treasurer. He held the lat
ter office while Trinity waa In courso of
James Woolworth, who for several
yours held tho office ot chancellor of the
(Uocese of Nebraska, was succeeded after
his death by Richard S. Hall. Judge
Eleazer Wnkoley succeeded Mr. Hall and
was chancellor at the time of his death.
Mr. Montgomery will take up the work
whero Judge Wakeley left off. The office
of chancellor is an appolntlvo one and !s
for a period ot four years.
The Persistent aa4 Judicious Use ot
Kewvsaper AaWertotng te she Road U
Mayor Dahftnan has gfren the elevator
boya at tha city hall a flock of tat geese
for Christmas presents. The elevator
boya uguai that soma donation to
ward thehr Christmas dinners would not
be amiss and the mayor, remembering
bow the Cash at the goose tasted, hai
given each, operator one ot the blgaeet
and fattest and liveliest geea ha could 1
purchaae tn. the city.
Union MertlliK.
Woodmen clrclo, Alpha Grove No, 2,
will huvo no meeting on the evening of
their noxt regular
with other groves
In the city In tho Christmas cntertnln
mont on Thursday night in Manchester
Grove's lodge, room In tho Board of
Trade building?
Veteran Tnuntc County.
At a regular meeting of George Crook
post No. VS, Ornnd Army ot the Republic,
department of Nebraska, the' following
resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, The county commissioners of
Douglas county and through them the
taxpayers havo kindly donated to the
exclusive use of the grand army and sister
organisation, a largo room, ante room and
closet, designated as urana Army nan in
the new court houiw, finely furnished.
free telephone and janitor service, free
light, heat and a largo glass case for
preserving war ralica;
iirsoivcd. That the tnanxa or tms post
and tho Grand Army 'Of tho Republic In
general aro due and hereby extended to
the following county commissioners who
were Instrumental In bestowing this
prise: Fred Bruning. Oscar Itckard,
Jeff W. Bedford, P. J. Tralnor, M. J. Ken
nard. Peter Klsaascr. Thomas O'Cormer,
John C Lynch. A. C. Hurto and F. B.
Resolved, That we also thank John
Lntenser, the architect, for his klndners
and the many favors bestowed on our
committee who had the matter In charge.
Resolved. That a copy of these resolu
tions be furnished each ot tha commis
sioners and Mr. iAtenssr.
Rnynl .rhntc-e ato Picture Sbott.
The members of Unlfln lodge No. 110,
Royal Achates, held a short session hut
Thursday evening- and then went In a
body to one of tho pfctnr- snows. As all
the officers were rejected at the recent
etectfon. except fnr the station of marshal,
tnstaHuthm exercises win be omitted on
the at of January; and a social dance
will be held Instead, to which members
ot friends are tnvlted.
Ovrrlund Council Kleeta OMcwa.
At Its reular meeting last week Over
land council No. 1133 of tho Royal Ar
canum elected offtc-era for OTA The fol
lowing wctb elected'
Delegate to grand council,. C 8. Cope
Ian d.
Alternate, no ward Braner.
Regent. IX E. Howard.
Vice regent. G L. Kgun.
Orator. II. IL Garst. , ,
Jltttng past regent. W. C SUndblad.
ChapUIn. B. C. Mlckle.
Guide. M- Wehh.
Warden. A. J. Btom.
Sentry. O. R. Hjuiptman..
Collector. V- A. Matthows.
Secretary. H. L. Bradshaw.
Treasurer. C 3. Copeland,
We have the finest line
of Christmas Slippers In
Wo have them In nil fj
siyies, ior
Mother ,
Sister '
The comfy kind that
overyone likes to receive.
Buy a Certiflcata.
$1 to $5
All marrlngo llcenso records In tho his
tory of Douglas county will be nhnttered
this yoar. Already more licenses havo
been Issued than In any previous year In
tho country's history. At the close of
tho week's business 2,SM licences had
been Issued and there will be at least
sixty moro before January J. The best
previous record was 2,333 In 1910. Ijust
year only 2,150 licenses wcro issued. ,
Albert Krug of the Krug Brewing com
pany has purchased JTX) worth ot red cross
Christmas seals to put on bis December
bills and correspondence. C R. Courtney
also purchased n like amount ot the
little stickers. Mrs. IC. R. J. Kdholm an
nounces that 13,600 worth of stamps have
been sold throughout the state to date.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
Big Returns.
Wcmfmrn or ttie "World.
Alpha camp. No, L Woodman of the
World, will hold their annual. Christnuui
Naming the New Hotel
What more fitting or apfendld or truly
typical of western enterprise than "Tho
Hotel Omaha," and why irot, stand up
lor Omaha In preference to a real mean
ingless UUe? M. A. BROWN.
I will suggest three names. "Ak-Sar-Ben,"
"Golden Eagle," "Great Western."
Let me suggest naming the J1.CCO.000
hotel, "The Ak-8ar-Ben," In honor of
the Knights of Ak-Sar-Uen. E. D.
Considerable sentiment, suggestions.
etc., have been voiced by Interested citi
zens, making It possible to settle on eomo
suitable name for the new 11,000,000 hotel.
Omaha as a city Is a distributing center
universally known and In my opinion
would be as spod it not the best name of
any Heretofore, mentioned, a native of
New York would not know any of tho
names spoken ot as well as Omaha.
Therefore, In concluson, let us call It
"Omaha." C. W. T06TBVIN.
Take pleasure In suggesting ."The Bran-dels-Kennedy"
as a name tor the new
hotel. Thla name suggests style as well
aa honoring two ot the principal men
connected with It. OMAHA. BOOSTER.
I would suggest for the name of the
new 1 1,000,060 hotel that at "George Fron
ds Train," to whom Omaha, Is tn a way
Indebted fur Its present prosperity and
prominent position among other large
cities. Una SAMUEL RKF.S, BR.
TJer -JrTr the new hotel, I suggest "The
1419 Farnam St.
Put Your Want Ad in
Around the World
On The Maiden Trips of Two New Ships
These new steamships are now building in England
for regular traffic between Hong Kong and Van
couver B. C. The initial sailing of the Empress of
Russia will be from Southampton -April 1st, and the
Empress of Asia May 27th.
Stops will be made at Gibraltar, Monte Carlo or
Vilk'franche (and the beautiful Mviera) Port Said
(with side trip to Cairo and the Pyramids), Suez,
Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai,
Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama, arriving in Vancouver
about two months later than sailing dato. Returning
to starting point via Canadian Pacific Railway
through the wonderful Canadian Rockies at the best
Sailing From Sauth
ampton, Empress of
Russia, April 1, Em
press of Asia, May 27
time of theyear.
Rate F r o m Any (
Starting Point Yia
Any Atlantic Port
to Southampton FOR THE ENTIRE TRIP
This is a most unusual opportunity to make an
Around-the-World Tour in a magnificent now vessel
equipped with all the latest improvements for safety,
comfort and service in ocean travel.
For full detail and literature call or write
GEO. A. WALTON General Agent
224 So. Clark Street
lift SSK Sp
MW You
for the Winter
d San Antonio of
anish days is alive in the
l the new.-
cannot help but be charmed with thp whnlo atmnenhara
San Antonio its balmy winter weather, its fine hotels,
theaters and shops. Golf the year roundsplendid roads for
liiutuxjiiy uuiy a xew nours to uie sea.
For Free Booklet and any Information about accommodations writ
Chamber of Commerce, San Antonio, Texas
The way to go is via the Katy
United, trains from SL Louis and Kansas City
u3hcIto,nduIhcIM" cover the distance in the quickest
i !ll 11. . X A t 1
ume, wuu uie greatest comion.
7 ?, 9 Geo. A. MeN'utt, District Passenger IMtMv . AM
ti a myZyr- lBent' 805 Wu,Iult St., Kansas City. VSffTOiOTm YA W