THE BETOt OMAHA, SATURDAY, DEOflMTHSlt 21, 1t12. Gff GVers Tace JVofe of These Saturday Specials! T VOUR gi on your C ift problems can easily be solved and prices will guide you to a handsome saving Christmas purchases. You'll find this store not only the most pleasant, serviceable and helpful store to do your holiday shopping; in, but decidedly the most economical place to buy. Only 8 More Shopping Pays Till Christmas DC This Store Open Evenings Till Christmas ( HPKCIAIj SAIjE OP DHUOS, TOIIjKT (JOODS ANl IHU'fl Hl'NDKIKS STAUTS H ATI.' Ill) AY .MOllN'lNU XOTK IMUCK $B.OO Whlto Persian tvoiy Hand Mirrors at "M 13.00 Shaving Mirrors, each 81.80 JS.00 Jewel Safety rtaaor Spin cut to $3.00 Every Fiece of Rubber Oooda 2Sc bar Cutlctira Soap fot..17o tic Packers' Tar or Woodbury's Soap for 16o lOr Physicians' and SurgeonR Soap for .Co 10c Mhlnnta shoe polish for' . .50 Four bars of Ivory Soap for IBo Z6c Ponds; Extract or Peroxide Face Cream for ilB'to 25c size Santtol or Graven' Tooth Powder or Pnsto for 100 76c Hudnut's or Plnaud's Toilet Waters for 89o W.00 box Aiurca or I.a Trefle Face Powder for 7 Bo J 1,00 bottle of 1a Trefle or Arurea Face Powder for...78o $1.00 and 75c fancy packngu 'Perfumes, each 35o SOc Children's .fanlcurc Sets, a Bo Sold by Us Is Ouaran- tsea to you. $3.00 Wellington Syringe nnd Dottle. KUaraJitced for flvo years, for 92M $2.S0 Wellington Hot Water Hot ties, guaranteed 'or flvo years, for 91.60 Ci.OO No. 2 Combination Syringe, guaranteed for two years, for -. 81.00 $1.00 No. 2 and 3-qt. Fountain Syringe, guaranteed for one year, for 78 Big Sale Christmas Men's Everetts, Opera and Romeo Slippers, $2.25, $1.50 and $1.00 Women's Fur Trimmed Nullifiers $1.50 and $1.00 Misses' and Children's Fur Trimmed Nulli fiers, $1.0D, 90c and 75c Men's and Women's Plush or "Felt Slippers, w;th leather or felt solos, 50c and 39c Men's and Women's Patent, Gun Metal or Ton Calf Button or Lace Shoes, $5.00 values, at $3.00 Men's and Women's $4.00 values in all Btylos and in all leathers $2.50 Slippers and Shoes About 500 pairs Men's and Women's Shoes, regular $3.00 values; while they last $1.98 Women's Knit Slippers with warm lamb's wool soles; two lots, $1.00 and 50. Stetson or Orossett Shoes for men mako the nicest kind of a present, $5.50 and. .$4.00 Grover and Queen Quality shoes for wo men are real jyaetieal Xnias presents and are sure to be appreciated. Rubber shoes, overs'hoes and boots will be wanted soon. The largest stock and lowest prices in Omaha. IV H A T ? &k Don't Worry; Just mm w H IA. T ? Come In and look over our wonder J ful assortment of gift sug gestions. You'll find something just to suit and at mighty pleasing prices, too. Here's a Few Suggestions Underpriced $8.00 Toilet and Manlcuro Sots, at S5.00 $7.00 Toilet Seta with cloth brush, nt $4.50 $6.00 Men's Toilet Sots Jrty.75 $2.00 Men's Tollot Seta $1.35 $5.00 Traveling Sots nt SIJ.75 $6.00 Men's Brush Sots g;i.75 $3.00 Military Brush Sets $2 $3.00 Men's Traveling Sot $2.00"liidle8' Toilet Sots Qgg $2.00 Hand Mirrors ..81.25 $1.76 Hand Mirrors ...S1.00 $3 Calabash Pipes ....81,98 $1.00 Briar Pipes fOd $4 Meerschaum Pipes $2.50 $2.00 Thermos Uottlcs . . -08 Vo aro showing a Hue second to nono over offorod In Omaha, at most attractlvo bargain prices. IjMlle' nnd Children's Handker chiefs, !!, aH'. '. 10c, tlfir up to SI. OO Heal 1jco Handkerchiefs, at from $1, $2, $1 up to S5 llox Handkerchiefs 10c to Indies' Ncekwenr A beautiful lino; specially priced at iMc, 40c, 7fe, 08c and S1.25 Practical Gift Suggestions For Mother, Sister or Lady Friend 43 Glove Certificates for Sale at the Glove Gounter. Ladies' Silk Hosiery, values 'up to $2.50, in pretty gift ' boxes, at.. $1.45, $1.98 50c. Silk lisle hose, on sale Saturday, at 3 pairs.. $1 $3.50 Italian Silk Vests hand embroidered, pink, blue or white, at each $1.98 Girls' Aviation Caps, all col ors, $1 values, at ... .69c Assortments and values you'll find you cannot dupli cate elsewhere. Ladies Cape Gloves, also mocha silk lined gloves, in tan, gray or black; $1.2. values, at $1 Two-button length k i d. gloves, Monarch or Derby make, Paris point stitching and embroidered backs; the very best, at ..$1.50, $3 Ladies' Sweater Coats, all the newest styles, Aveaves and colors; values to $10, at $4.98, $3.98, $2.98 and $1.98 Girls' $2 and $2.50 Sweater Coats, all the newest styles and colors, at $1.45, 98c Ladies' Silk Combination Suits, made to sell at $3.00, at $1.98 mm WW Offers a Wealth of Special Bargain Surprises Bring the kiddies and let them enjoy themselves among the toys and dolls. Our entire south room, main floor, is a perfect bower of holiday beauty lots of things to interest the older ones as well as the little tots. Take advantage of the specials. Come early. $1.50 Trains on Track. .98c $1.50 Electric Trains. . .98c $6.50 Rocking Horses $4.98 $10.00 Skin Hocking Horses at $6.98 $3.50 Oak Writing Desks at $2.25 35c Red Chairs at 19c $12.50 Skin Rocking Horses nt $9.00 All 75c Games for 43c $2.00 Printing ProBBes, 98c $2.00 Doll Go-Carts, $1.25 $5.00 Oak Writing Desks at $3.50 45c Dressed Dolls at . . .25c G5e Dressed Dolls at. . .49c $3.00 Character Dolls $1.98 $2.50 Character Dolls $1.49 50c Character Dolls. . . .35c And thousands of Other Toys Underpriced. Holiday Linens for Christmas Presents Pure Linen Dinner Sets, $7.50 values, each $5.00 Pure Linen Scalloped Circular Cloths, $5.00 values, each. only $3.50 Pure Linen Dinner Napkins, full size, $5.00 values; per dozen -$3.00 Pure Linen Hemstitched Huok Towels, 79c values, each, only 50c Pure Linen Circular Scalloped Cloths, $10.00 values, at, each $6.25 Pure Linen Hemstitched Huck Towels, SOc values, each, at 35c v Gifts for the Traveler A nice Fitted Bag or Suit Case is an ideal re membrance. We are show ing a splendid line fitted with toilet articles, all sizes, styles and leathers; Splendid values at $12.00 up to $40.00 30 Sample Traveling Bags Walrus, seal, cowhide and Russian calf, $10.00 to $30.00 values; speoial Saturday $6 to $22.50 Omaha Selling Agents for the "Indestructo" Trunks. Don't fail to see this splendid Hue, the very best produced. . Give Her Rugs Oriental Itugs make a royal gift and wo are Bhowlng one of the most complete lines ever of fered in Omaha AT 83 H DISCOUNT from now until Christmas. Take advantage of the sale. : J Saturday we offer the Goats from the big manufacturer's stook purchase at prices which will not average half the value of the garments. All Women's Coats in Three Big Lois Lot 1 500 Ladies and Misses coats in big assortment of now styles and weaves, plain colors and fancies, made to sell at $15, on salo, at choice Tf 'Hill $6.95 Lot 2 $25 Coats, $10 Newest midwinter styles in plushes, caraculs, astrakhan, chinchil las, fancy mixtures, etc., made to sell to $25, at choice, $10 Lot 3 $55 Coats, $25 Fine, imported volours and plush coats, the season's choicest Htyles, with heavy Skinner satin and fancy linings; to $55 values, choice $25 ALL THE CHILDREN'S COATS IN TWO LOTS Lot 1 Children's Coats, worth to $10, nono worth less thun $5, alj most wanted materials and colors and in all sizes, at $3.98 Children's Cream Serge Dresses A fine line of $6 and $7 val ues, in good assortment of styles, all sizes, at. . . .$3.95 Lot 2 Children's Coats, worth $5, caraculs, friezes, bear skin, velvet and corduroys, all sizes 1 to 14 years, moHt desirable colors and styles, at $1.98 One Mixed Lot of Children's Dresses, made to sell at $2.50 and $3; nil sizes 0 to 14 years, at choice $1.50 Every day will see now bargain surprises offered from this great manufacturer's stock purchase Get your share of tho bargains. HARDWARE The worry and work of pre paring those big holiday din ners is greatly reduced if your kitchen equipment is com plete. Big Special Sale Kitchen Utensils Saturday Savory Rotators are the original aelf basting- sanitary roaaters. Orratly 1 reduced Saturday, up from 69o Llilc HoatUrs ... .. . 1.49 BrownU Koaatero two-piece alf baiilnr roaster, large enough for any chicken, duck or small turkey one day only .... ... ldo No Telephone Orders, no O, O, D. Orders. One to a Customer. Tin Pie Pans, any ehse. 2 for 80 10c Olover Ebb Beaters and Cream Whlpa So Enameled Pie Pane, any size Bo Any size heavy netlnned Basting Spoons Bo Mop H ticks 60 25c Cotton Mops ISO 25c large hlch grade Rol Ing Plns..l9o "Dust Bright" butitless Mops 39o High grade warranted Butcher Knives for lso Grape Fruit Spoons BSo Kamll size Kitchen Cleavers 38o 50c Imported high grade French Butcher Knife 3Do Food Choppers No kitchen completely equipped with out a "Climax'' chopper. Small alzo, $1-25 value-, BpeclaJ. . . ,890 Medium size, II 50 value; special... tBo Skates! Skates! It Pays Try Hayden's First Pays Saturday only, we will sell any size Boys' Skate, war ranted best steel ; polished, finest, at per pair 9c BIG BARGAINS IN HAYDENS' GROCERY DEPT. Gilts for Father, Brother or Gentleman Friend That they're sure to approci ate bocauso they're practical. 50c, All Silk Four-in-Hand Ties In fancy boxes, on tmlo Saturday, nt. for 81.00 IWo Silk Tin lu box, At 15 '2Tv Initial lliimlkerrlilefti, In fancy gift boxes, each 124 Mcu'h dOo all Unon HamlkorchlofB, at 25d Men's 50e nunllty nocks, In burn wooil box, pairs for H& t T m Men's Suspenders, up to $1 values, in separate Christ inas boxes, at 49c, 35( and 25c lant.'v SusMnders, values to $2.50 . ..; 9S 75c flannel Overshirts, values to $3.50, at $1.98, $1.45 and 98o Dress Shirts, to $3 values, white and colors, $1.45 and 98c $2.50 and $3 Outing Flannel Gowns each Sample Bath Robes, regular values up to $15, on sale, at $2.98, $4.98, $5.98, $6.98 and $7.50 Sample Sweater Coals, val ues up to $10, Saturday, at $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.50 and $5.98 Fine Wool Union Suits, made to sell to $7.50, on sale, at $3.98, $2.98, $1.98 and $1.45 and Pajamas, at . $1.45 and 98c Warm Furs Make Splendid Gifts Sweeping price reductions on regular stocks together with em menso purchase of fur garments se- cured from the manufacturers offer opportunity for profitable se lection tho equal of which was never hefore known in Omaha. Long French Coney coats, made to sell at $35, choice $19.90 Long itussian Pony Coats, made to sell at $55, choice $39 Long Brook Mink Coats, regular $100 values, choice . $69 Long Aleutian Seal Coats, regular $225 values, choice $145 lxuig American Beaver Coats, regu lar $250 values, choice ....$175 Long Blended Squirrel Coats regular $195 values, at choice $125 White Fox Fur value, on salo . Sol, $1.25 ..$82.50 Ringtail Fur set, made to sell at $45, choice $25 Genuine Marten Fur Sot, made to soli at $100, on salo at $67.50 Long CrejKi Kimonos, light nnd dark colors, mado to sell at $2.50 and $3, choice, at $1.45 Fine Jap Lynx Sots, with largo shawl, collar and pil low muff, regular $20 value, at $12.50 Handsomo American Mink sots, best quality and new est styles; excellent bar gains at 775, $95, $125 to $275 Beautiful Silk Kimonos, all newest colorings and do signs, $7.50to $8.95 values, at $5 Wool Blanket and Eider down robes, special bar gains, $2.95, $3.95, $5 20 lbs. beet granulated sugar . .91.00 48-lb. sacks beat high grade Diamond II flour, mode from tho best select ed wheat, and nothing better for your puddings, pies and cakes, per sack 91.16 2-lb. cans fancy sweot sugar corn, at .,.ei-4o 2-lb. canw fancy waa, string, green or lima beans , 7V4o 2- lb. cans Karly Juno peas .... .loo 2H-lb, cans solid packed tomatoes 100 Large bottle Worcester sauce, assorted pickles, pure tomato cat sup, horseradish or mustard, bot tle - 8 l-3o 1-lb, cans assorted soups ,..7tio Jello or Jellycon, pkg, 7Ve The beat domestic! macaroni, vermi celli or spaghetti, pkg. 7iio The best soda or oyster crackers, lb., at ....74o Tall cans Alaska salmon loo Domestic oil or mustard sardines, can 3 l-3o Imported sardines, can 8 l-3o Fancy Queen olives,, bottle 35o Fancy Queen olives, bulk, quart 3Bo Fancy stuffed or plum olives, bot tle .....81-30 Golden Santos coffee, lb 9Bo Brlsd rrolta for Tour rnaalnffs, Pies and Oakes Cleaned currants. Ib lOo 3- Crown raisins, lb ...7Ho California secdlrss raisins, lb. . .70 California seeded raisins, pkg, 8 1-to California .Mulr peaches, lb. ., 81-40 California cooklns figs, lb 81-3o California Sultana raisins, lb. . ,,13o California Mulr Park apricots, b. IBo The best lemon, orange or citron poel, lb. . So 3 pkgs. best condensed mlnco 33o 7-Crown Imported figs, lb 90o California figs, 12-or, pkg 7tto The best imported fancy dates, lb, IBo Holly or Mistletoe, Ib , lOo Canned Ootids for Zmas 1-lb. raus Golden pumpkin, hominy, squash nr baked bnans 8 1.3c 3-lb, cans fani-y table plums, pears, poaches or apricots. In heavy syrup. can 16c Butter, Eggs and Ohseas Tlu best Ho. 1 Eggs at Kaydan's, per dozen aOo The beat creamery butter, lb. . .380 Fancy country creamery butter, Ib. at 330 Tho best dairy butter, lb 38o The best full cream. Y, A. cheese, N. Y. white or Wisconsin cream cheese, lb ,....33o The best mlsed nuts for Smu, lb. IBo Highland Havel oranges esoal all for sweetness, duality, flavor and price, per dozen IBo, 30c, 38a and 3Qp This In the orango of quality, Cal ifornia's pride. The Vegetable and Trait Market of Omaha It reminds you of tns good old sum mer time Our full line of fresh vegetables for Xinas. No advance on Potatoes at Hayden's. Our price for the brat Ited itlver Karly Ohio potatoes, 16 lbs. to tho peck, for IBo Fresh shallots, beets, carrots, tur nips or radishes, large bunches, per bunch 4o Largo head lettuce, per head . .7Jo i head fresh leaf lettuce Bo 'I bunches fresh hothouse radnlien for Bo Fresh horseradish root, lb, . . .7Ho bunches fresh parsley So Cape Codl cranberries, quart ...74o Fancy Jersey sweet potatoo. 3 Ib for lOo Old beets, carrots, turnips, parsnips or rutabagas, Ib, , . lHo Fancy large flat Dutch cahbago, per lb, . .. lc Ilrussels sprouts. Ib, , , ,,.,lBo Fancy cooking apples, peck SOo When in Doubt Give Jewelry Cut Glass or Silverware Ituforo you buy Just comparo tho otforlnK" hero with thone shown In other Htoros. You'll find that buying hero moans KottlnK Just what you want at a mighty nlco saving In price. Many specials Saturday. Oinnlin Headquarters for Christmas Candies Flnost, purest goods at saving prices In Basement. Liquors for Christmas Maryland Rye Whiskey (i yrs. old; full qts., 75e per gallon $2.50 a-year old Whiskies, Guclcen holmer. Cedar Urook, Schon ley, Jack Daw wd Woldon Springs, full quarto . .gl00 Per gallon $!$ 50 Huuklst California Wint.t-r-All kinds, per full quart . -50d California Port nut Sherry, per largo bottle iJ)t. 35i llrnndiM, Gins anil Cordials for Christmas, a; Hpeolal bar gain prices Saturday. Give Him a Winter Pan ama; a Fine Importod Velour We're, showing all tho newest shapes nnd colors here at... $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 WHY NOT A PUR CAP? Chooso from our complote linos of Coney, Muskrat, Near Seal Caps, pieced nnd Full Seal Caps; very best qualities, $2.00 up to $25.00 values, at $1.50 up to $18.00 1,000 Winter Caps; men's, boys' and children's - values to $1.01); choice, at .49c It Pays Try Hayden's First pays 3 X 2