-"Olt S.VLH OH EXCIIAXOK Itonl KMnte. SCO Ai'llKM l.il.,. rrTTT! f-Hc-r. jr. ;r- aCrr"; clear. , nVr xi Income nruiierlv 1 . . MuiiiP S) acres hlghtv improved, S miles from Adair. Adair county. Iowa;' price 1W P ?if?s '"wumlLmn. tS.6W.tW, at 5 per Wirfl.W first mortgage on Lincoln vounty . Nebraska landowner wi 1 ei 'i,f1?rior.,rpSlde,,oe ln Omaha. J1.1W.00 firm mortgage, Norton countv tev0; toSii,,g" tor wity ,n 240 acres, Holt county. Neb.; price. Eft per acre; encumbrance. fi.noo; make of niilMCftS "i00.""'1'' 'braskn. four mile from good town; price, per acre; encumbrance. K.000.W. running sev. oral years, at S per cent. Six) acres, four miles from good town. Holt county. Nebraska; price, per years, 6 per cent. NVh .m J.' ,nWW. "olt county. rmoA. P .?e iP pr Rcr,,i encumbrance M.0O; submit your proposition. 3.0 acres, near Lexington, valley land; for hardware stock. ' ' 17.500 millinery stock, located In good offe?? weBtern Nb What lmTO V o nH,a7"ri5tte, county. Nebraska, land; Price. tfj.OOO.OO; dear of enoumbranoe, for omaha Income property. Several sections Cheyenne county. Ne- C5ka lani1 for Omaha Income property. iW acres. Pierce county, Nebraska, farm, for Omaha property. KO-acre farm. Adams county, Neb., for western ranch. Several Improved ajid Unimproved farms, located in Tripp and Todd counties South Dakota, for merchandise stocks. l.ood .farm near Gretna, Harpy county, liSv for maJla- Property; value, about I,VWAV. $16,000.00 Income property for land. ICO acres, Polk county, Neb., located near Swedo Home, Osceola and b'troms i,m"x blaok l0ftm s0"' clay subsoil; price, Jl,oo0.00; owner wants Income property! must be good. " ISO-acre tract of land, located In Polk county, Neb.: price, 90 per acre-; en. cumbrance, R.600.00; owner wants mer chandise or good livery stock; might con sider good Income property. 160 acres, Alerrlok county. Nebraska, land. Improved; price. J20.000.00; owner wants merchandise; might consider good livery business. 160 acres, Merrick county, Nebraska farm, all In cultivation, but not Im proved; price, 1110 per aero; owner wants merchandise stock. 6S0-aefe ranch, in Decatur county, Kan sas, to exchango for income property. 4S0 acres in Grant county, South Da kota, Improved, part in cultivation: price J50 per acre; enctimbrance. 110,000.00: owner wants Income property or mer chandise stocks. 00 acres, clear, Hughes county. South Dakota, one mile of Blunt: priced light owner wants merchandise mucks IGO-acre farm, ooo mile ' to Kullnrton Neb.; price, J2OW0.O0; encumbrance JS.W0.O0; owner wands merchandise stock ICO acres, 254 innea of Silver Creek Neb.; price, 1B,MW,W; encumbrance.' S!.S00.00; owner wants Income property Clenr cottage, In Missouri Valley owner will exchange for good uuboinoblle' Clear business lot. Garden City, KanI naft: owner will exchango for good auto mobile. WO acres, well Improved land, near For est City, Mo., and, eight-room house practically In town; price, J-J0.000.oo- en'. cumbrance, $7,G0O.CO; owner wants west ern ranch. 1 Vv'fc solicit the listing of your property, either for exchange or cash. Give us a trial for results. STAK LAND COMPANY S13-217 Naf Fidelity & Casualty Bldg., 12th itud Farnam Sts.. Omaliw. Neb. 1.7G0 ACRES, WELI, IMPROVfTrT NCBrtASlCV farm and stock ranch 6( acres of It excellent ami landt Price J22,000.. Tho farm land alono is cheap at tho price asked. Owner wlnhcs to en Kago In the hardware and Implement bul ness. SIX ATTACHED Omaha modern, close in S-room residences; large ground: room for threo more houses, ilentaj value $180 a month. Price, tlR.WO. Want a boou iaxm. buy me.se, nvo In one, take' care of tho others and have a good income. v. w. -Miicnen, n ueo Bldg. Omaha, Neb. -r-2ACRJ3 Improved central Nebraska farm. Good black loam soil, no sand or hikrii; i:y acres cultivated; 30 acres al taira; gooa noignDornooa; w rods to school; H6 miles to good town. Will take uo to so,ow umiuia income nnd'carrv bal ance on farm at B per cent Interest. Price SIZ.OTO. REAL ROTATE ABSTRACTS IIP TITLE. I REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. CUV I'KUPKHTV i.'Ull .SALE. Apartment House Corner Close In 140x146 ft. With two COOd frame hnunen. o situated that a largo corner Is still unimproved. Kxccllent location for an apartmoni. present improvements win bring In J90O per year. High, slthtlv itt cation near the high school and only 5 uiocks to mo posioiiice. Tins is some thlng good, which has never been offered for sale before. Price J15.0O9. Investigate hi once. George & Company 302-12 City Nat'l. Hank Bldg. Phone. D. 756. GLOVER & SPAIN. 1219-22 City Nat. Bank D. 3M3. C. D. GLOVER-W. G. SPAIN. General Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and Investments. INVESTIGATE Corner lot on Hth street In wholesale district; has ample trackage 08x132. Tel. D. 4312 or Tyler 1073. . The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising is the Road to Burtncss Success. REAL ESTA.TE crrr pUopkrtv for sale FRUIT PATCH 3 nice lots all set oub In cherries, apples, small fruits of all kinds, all bearing, and 5-room cottage, partly modern. 2 blocks from car In good location, all Xor only tl.SEO. Hero Is a chance If you ar looklnc for an income , property. BEmS-OARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. Kountze Place Home $1,000 Less Than Cost This is a well constructed, 8-roora mod ern house, located on paved street, near jOth and Blnney Sts.; basement divided Into' three rooms with, brick partition, having laundry room, holler room and vegetable room; first floor has tiled vesti- uuir, ituKn reception nan, living room, lining room and kitchen, nith in rim nanl try and rear vestibule, all finished In luarter-sawed oak except kitchen: second floor has four large bed rooms and com plete up-to-date bath roon.. with tiled floor, and the very best of plumbing house hao fine hot water heating plant, with 000 feet of extra radiation; lot 60x121 feet. This place was built by the owner for hlH homo, who has reduced thta price to J5.260, which Is very low for this prop- hKVy'tfffcr- " and George & Company S02-12 City National nank Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 756. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SBB JOHN W. ROBBINH. 1M2 FARNAM ST. TUB ROSEBUD LAeiD CO. handles exchanges of all kinds. Room S. ijrinental Blk.. Omaha. MY steumheated residence. No. woo 8 Kd St.. eleven rooms; two bathrooms, ono innantaneous heater In one bathroom; garage for three autos; coal nil In boiler room; ttorm windows; portico half screened. Highest ground In Omaha, Half block from Hanscom park. Terms mj iay anyone can ane n Ne-.Uie, NerilU Block. Hue James I f KKAL KSTATi: UII'V I'llllt'ttliT-v i-mi uti i ... : : : r Ito II ' "IB."CU ..M .."5 , i vv H i III. Ill .tlllllllllV. 1 PlP1MIUr ' omce. 112 p. 17th St.. Umaha, Nebraska, on the following de scribed properties located In Dnuclas (county, Nebraska, to-wit I The nOltll 0 fort nf lot J In HWW II. In tho City of Omaha, together with the tno-story brick busine. block thereon and the frame stoic attached; mild prop-rrtj- being located at the southeast cor ner nf 2th Ut. and Capitol Ave Tho north 110 feet of lot 4, In block 1J4. In the City of Omaha, together with the brick warehouse and brick office building thereon and all appurtenances; the sail property being located at the southeast corner of 10th and Douglas fits. Terms of sate on above properties to be not less than ohc-thlrd "sh; balance cn reasonable payments seenred by first mortgage on the property at 6 per cent Interest. Said propertleso are to be sold free of Incumbrance, Including taxe. of every kind and nature! subject onty to existing leases, need to be the usual rorni of executor s deed, Abraham L. Reed, Executor of tho Ul Will and Testa ment of Anna Wilson. Deceased. New Square House Walking Distance Has reception hall, living room, dining room, with plate rail and paneled walls. These rooms- fiulshed In oak, nice, roomy kitchen, with largo p.ntry und entry way; thrvo lar;:e bed rooms and bath, with tiled walls, on second floor, oak floor throughout; elegant lighting fixtures; house nicely decorated ; basement ce mented; hot air furnace; sink for laundry Dlirnoses: on corner lot. tn a fine lieltrh borhood. This property can be purchased on easy terms. SCOTT & HILL Douglas 1009. a7 MeCaguH Bldg. $3,200 Be Quick This Is an 8-room house with bath and furnace, on a nice cast front lot, paving paid, Hanscom park district. Owner has left city and does not wish to rent. House alono could not be duplicated at this prlcq; joW will handle this. Why pay rent when you can get a fine homo at this price? P. J. TBBBBNS, SOUS AGENT. 750 Omaha Nut Bank Phone D. New Home On No. 24th St.-New Car Line $4,350 For u well constructed fl-rooni, 2 story modern house near Miller Park, having tiled vestibule, lartie Jiving room, with fireplace, built-in booKcaucR and beamed celling, Mocl sized dining - room with puncllwl walls and kitchen, all finished In oak first floor; threo good bedrooms with mahogany finished doors und glass door knobs and up-to-date hathrooni second floor: full ce mented bnnemen,t, with furnace heat and laundry connections. Lot 49.6xlw ft. A very attractive home it a right price. Cain are now running to Miller Paik on N. 24th St. by this .house. George & Company 003-13 -City National Bank Bldg. i riiono Douglas 756. i HEAL ESTATE FARM & RANCH I, AMIS FOR SAt.B Arwniisiic. 430 a., rich dark loain'lahd: t5 cult.: bal. tlmbored: level; no rocks: 1 ml. ry. J12 a., hi down. Robt. Sessions. Wlnthrup, Ark.. Dept. B California. CALIFORNIA fruit land. Five-acre tracts, J230, on. two years' time. Ideal climate, rich soil, fine orchards nearby. Send for particulars. John Dubuls, Santa Cruz. Cal. Mlilliit. SEVENTY acres richest soli, adapted for any truck growing; quarter mile from depot, Lyman, Miss. A bargain. W. W. Byrne. Holt. Fla. lovrn. DO TOU DO ANY BUSINESS IN IOWA: The Des Moines Capital Is Iowa's molt widely circulated and most Influential newspapei, Its dally circulation exceeds 43,000 copies. The classified advertising rate is 1 cent a word or 0 ccifts a llrv.'. Tou can sell your farm In Iowa or you can buy land In Towa oy tho use of the Des Moines Capital. Tin- rate by the month Is J1.20 a line. Address tho Des Moines Capital, Des Moines. la. A'eliriinUii. BIG AUCTION. MARS LAND. DEC. 21. Buy yourself a home farm nt tho big auction at Marsland, Dawes county, Ne braska. Saturday, December 21st. Six farms, ranging from 40 acres up to 240 acres each, and ranging from right loin- aro to ba sold to tho hlahest bidder on terms of ons-tenth cash and ono-tenth every six months. Bring n certified , check or draft. Personal checks will not be accented unless you are known to one 1 of the owners. Marslnnd Is located In me mmous vauey or me rxioDrara on the banks of thd Niobrara river, JO miles south of Crawford, and on tho booth edge of Dawes county, and the north edge of llox Butto county. Here in YOUR CHANCK. Freo automobiles will be In Maryland tho -20th. nnd SHtunlnv morning, tho 21st. to jjIiow you the land to oe soia. un tneae terms vou can af ford to bus'. The highest bidder gets the land. Two hundred town iota mm smtv 1-acre tracts will also be iold to the highest tildd'.T. J ARAII L. HUNGKRFORD, EBUN D. WAREN. Owners, COL. P. O. COOPI3R. COL. H. P. QOURSKY Auctioneers. AH paBsenger trains will stoo at Mars- lana. p.oo.. faturaay. December 21. h sides the Hpccial train. Mornlnir tra.li Morning train I fL?. Taiuiarl-5f.M 1 i' ,'i'cl.";,k: , nlBht o''o inn . f v 1. 4 i u inn n, 40-BUSHEL WUEAT UND, JS to 3S PI2R ACHE. We have for sale over 20.000 acres n Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land, where tho crop yields for 12 years. Including 1510 and 1311, average witii m ocs in mo state, Airaua also a leading crop. Better soil, wter and climate cannot bo found. Write for full Information. Agents wanted everywhere. FUNDINGSLAND INVESTMENT CO.. SIDNEY. NUB. All Ooes to Highest Bidder at Marsland, Neb., Dee. 21st. Threo forty-acre tracts, one elchtv-acri. tract, all Joining the tcv.-nslte: one IGO- acre tract, ono 2W-acro tract, both 314 iiuicD east ui iiarsianu; iiw town lots In Marsland: sixty 1-acre tracto inlnlni? 1 Marsland on tho east. These lots and 1 acreage tracts will be auctioned off to I the highest bidder on Baturdav. Dee. 21. regardless of the price they bring. Terms on tho lots will bo ono-tenth cash, and one-tenth a month thereafter until nnr. chase prico is paid. A few lots will mane you uig money. The 1-acre tracts 'Si win ue eoia on me sumo terms, the 40. 1C0 and 240-acre IractK w sold on terms of one-tenth cash and one. tenth every six months. Hern In th. chance you have been looking for to bu I a nice, elosi-to-town farm on such eusy . payments that you will be able tu handle ! anu noi notice tnu expenditure. Auto mobiles will be In wulting at' the hotel tn Marsland on Friday, Dec. 20, and In tho morning Saturday, December 21, the day of tho atutlon, to show you tho land free of any charge, so that you wll! know exactly what you aro bidding on. Either of thtse places will make you a fine little farm and they aro going oheap. Be sura to leave home In time to get to Marsland Friday If you can. but Saturday morning will do If you can't. If you come over the C. & N. W.. via Crawford, you can go down tn Marsland on the special thnt will leave atiout 3 o'clock. If you come over the Burlington, slop off at Marsland, 'J) miles south of Crawford ARAII U ill'NOERFORD. 1JBKN D. WARNER. Owners COI. P. O. COOPBR. COL 11. 1. COIjRSKI. Auctioneers. Ail passenger trultis will atop at Mara lund, Neb.. Saturday, December 21. iw- iwt..a tti,, Mnrlnl trail, .. ... -cm Omaha arrlvei at j o. P. . niht I train going Oust i a .to at 11 o dork. THE BEEt UKAli KSTATK a. l-wn.M A U.VXCU I, AMIS I'OH SI Nrhrnskn. TllIll'JK 40 a ere tracts, one S0-A . one 'Neither Wind Nor Snow Nor Mud lfO-.V, one J40-A. tract, aw town lots. p0i Wa,,,.-, Mxty 1-A. tracts, will all bo sold to the I "or Rm Stops WOUien. highest Wdder at Mainland, Dawej county. Neb., beginning at 10 o'clock a. 1 nrrr T irtnnv rnrrT mTTi-v -nnrt-n m. Saturday, Dec. ast. Come--Tltl ------I- MARCH TILL THEY DROP I; your chance. Only one-tenth down ' f"v --;.-mooies ai tne notel to show laJ5ll'...All.-t,'C8 t0 u" hlRhest bidder. COME to Marslnnd, Dawes county. Neb., nnd attend tho auction of town lots and acreage tracts Saturday. Deo. ast. It all goes to the highest bidder. All passenger trains will stop nt Mars land, Neb., Saturday, December 21, be sides the special train. Morning train from Omaha arrives at 6 o'clock; night train going east leaves nt 11 o'clock. AltAll U HUNOKUFOIIP. KHUN D. WAHNKlt. ecu p. o. coopkh. nne" COU H. v counsHV. Auctioneers. All passenrer train will stop at Mats land, Neb.. Saturday, December 21, be. Mdea the special train. Morning train from Omaha arrives at 6 o'clock, night train going east leaves nt 11 o'clock. Oklnhomn. FOR SALE. 160 a. 1 ml. of small K. R. town, fair Improvements, H of 140 acres wheat. Price foO per acre: will guarantee Investor JJ00 rent. J. It. TOSH. MKOPOKD OKI.. RENTERS OWN YOUR OWN FARM. I HAVE some good Oklahoma land that can sell for ono-lltth down and ten Vears pn balance at 6 per cent) Just like 'rent. If you are a young man, wanting a start this Is your chance. Own your own home; don't pay rent. Write me now. W. J. Finch. El Reno, Okl. Tciinc-dDce. i.ALlCAI,'FAi. or.n Co"0" 'and bargain lists. McMath A Johnson. Mamnhls. Tenn. LIVK STOCK MAItKKT OF WEST Ship live stock to South Oinalm. Save mileage nnd shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tlon. Live Stock CoinmlMlun Merchnnts. nYERS BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. I Exchange Bldg. Snyder-Malone-Coffmun Co., 1B Ex. Bldg il'l HROS.. l.TS Bxvtmi.ce Bldg MARTIN BIIOS Co.. Exchange Bide. Clay, Robinson ft Co., 200 Exchango Bldg. LKGAL JVOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of Lce-Glaxn-Aiidicesen Hard ware Company. Omaha. Nebraska. De cember 14th, W12.-Notlce Is hereby given to the stockholders of Lce-Glass-Andico-sort Hardware Company that the annual uiruiuig oi mo siociciioiacrs of the com pany will be hold at the offices of Bald ...I. nuiu i me on ices of said any. corner of Ninth and Harney s. In. the City of Omaha, In tho of Nebraska, on Tuesday. January streets, cut. . JjVi i . . ..BU' luCBna'. January 14th. A. D.i 1913, at three ofclock p. m.. for tho purpose of electing a board of directors for the compnuy to servo during the ensuing year, and to transact such other business as may be presented at such meeting. II. J. LEE. PreM,i Attest: J. CLARKE COIT, Secretary (SEAL.) D14JH. Harvester Agents Accused of Untruth CHICAGO, Dec. 20. Testimony by olio manufacturer of harvester machines that representatives of the International Har vester company had sought to lure awny his customers by falso statements wus given in tho hearing here todnv In the Bovornmeht's suit to dlswOlvo the Inter national company an an Illegal 'combina tion. Copies of advertisements by com panies alleged to havo been absorbed In the International company, but who pro claimed themselves ob "Independents," were Introduced in evidence by govern ment counsel. The testimony that his customers hod! been taken from him by misrepresenta tions was given by A. J. Glass, manager of tho Adrlanlo Piatt company of PoUgh kecpsle, N. Y. Mr. Glass said agents of the International Han-ester company had told his customers that tho Adrlanlo Piatt company had been absorbed by tho Inter national Harvester company and that they might as well order from Iwadquar- ters. "We waited until wo were able to fasten responsibility for two such statements on International Harvester company agents nnd then wo filed two suits for jio.000 each," said Mr. Glass. The International "nrvestnr company officials promptly came around nnd apologized and oskod us to tfrop tho suits. Vo agreed to do bo If tVl,. ' ,,,, ,,.,,, . ., .. 1 tne wou'" reimburse to Us the expenses tho suits had cost us up to that time They did so and wo dropped tho suits," Mr. Glass' testimony as to the suit met with objection from AVilllom D. Mc Hugh, counsel for tho International Har vester company. Railways Need Cash, Says James J. Hill NEW YORK, Dec. a. "The commerce of tho country can escapo disaster only by additions to and enlargements of rail way terminals," declared Jameu J. Hill, former prosident of. the Great Northern rnl'way. tonight In a firtech ut tho annual !).innllft nf ihr rl n 1 1 vn v Tlimln'a nuiuM.ln t!on. ..when the railroad vurds are flllerf with cars that cannot be moved, the rail road loses a portion of its earnings," ho said, "but the buslnesr. man loses a larger share of hid trado and' the working man his employment." Back of tho lack of proper terminal facilities, Mr. Hill dctdared, was tho Question of finances. Impairment of credit duo to decreased earning power1 and Increased expenties, ho said, made It Im possible for tho railways tu borrow money advnntagoously and build these necessary tormlnnls. "The railroads should 1m? permitted." he firrvliAft ofirvi ATtA Hnlrl ft Hllrklnu A.innl , , ' . ...... . ., 10 por crnl 01 ",e """"' DU dividends, to be held for emergency cases, and applied to improved facilities. The people must re'alUo that regulation must not be strangulation." Mayor of Havana Against Duelling HAVANA. Dec. 20, General Kreyro Andrade, tho new mayor of Havana, has set his face resolutely against the na tional custom of duelling. Colonel Manuel Aranda, a prominent member of the Vetirane' association, visited tho mayor yesterday. Ho waa ac companied by eight comrades, for whom he demanded appointments. Tho mayor refused to comply with his demand and Indulged In saroaatlo comments on the veterans' greed for office. Thero ensued un ncrimonlouH personal dispute. Colonel Aranda today sent two seconds tp the mayor, who promptly arrested both ) of them nnd committed them to Jail. , The mayor's action has caused great excitement In tho highest social and no i lltlcal circles Key tu tho ref lation JI'-e Ad" e-tUlnc OMAHA, SATTODAY, DECEMBER 21. I'M PILGRIMS CONQUER STORM ... . . ... .rniiiiiiiiiH .iiriiinrrn til cm 1 1 r- uettc Army Wnlk Twrnly-Tnn Stllm nml Stop nt 1'Uh Wlll fr Mnbt. I-'ISHKILL. N. Y.. Hoc. 20. -It was tuo hours after dark and snowing, when th suffragette "army," which Is on Us wal to Albany 'to deliver n messafto to Gov ernor Sulzer, inarched Into this city to night. Winding roads stretched sixteen reputed miles Into twenty-two and tho survivors of tho band of thirty-four women, which stai ted from New York on . Monday limped In here at 7 o'clock tonight, scurcely Hbl to drag their feet another tep. It was tho first day of actual hard ship which the mnrchera hnvo exper ienced, mi up and down hill Journey over muddy roads In rain nnd snow. The laet six miles were made In pitch da rim run ankle deep In mud and In the face of n bitter northeaster. The footsore, weary women rtfused offers of a "lift" from two passing automobiles, for they have vowed to travel the entire distance to Albany afoot. Miss Rosalie G Jones, leader of tho expedition, who for two days has walked with painfully blistered feet, almost col lapsed, when she led her followers Into tho hotel where they stayed for the night. "Will you g6 on tomorrow?" she was asked. "Wo will march until wo drop," stoutly replied tho miffragottc leader. Miss Jones went Immediately to bed. Tonight Mrs. Jesslo Hardy Stuggji ad dressed n meeting of veteran firemen, while Lavlnla Docks, tho fourth marcher, talked at u gathering of local suffra gettes. New Story of Loss Related by Farmer ST. I.OUIS, Mo., Dec. SO.-Chrlsttun R. KaMerday of Mnrengo, Io., who arrived hero today accompanied by Iowa county officials to suarch for two men who, he said, swindled him out of J3.OO0 In a bogus real estate deal, finally admitted to De tective Frank MclCenha, nfter four hours' questioning that he lost the money In n confidence matching game. Tho Iowan, according to' his lattmt story, mot two men whom ho knew as Hicks and Randall. He won J3,o00'on ono turn of a nickel, ho 'was told, but had to show that ho had that much monoy bo foro ho could bo paid. Ho returned to Marengo, borrowed the money from a bank and again met the two "friends" here. While ono man went to got his $3 COO the other decamped with Easter day'H money which ho held as stake holder. Eastcrday says ho wus slugged nnd robbed of ' S later Ip the station at Bur lington, la. Christmas Shoppers Robbed of Their Cash The several bnnds of clever pickpockets that have been optnitlng In tho Yuln ..v. .lllllllf, llip msi IOW 1Ia l.n..nl(. - .... ..... una Hiu LuniliUIIIIH ill IUUII" HllCCeSH. Oh- terday, Dallas Drawn, a painter living In Kansas City. Kn., lost JIG, whllo look ing about near tho Thompson & Seidell store. Fred Rlebal, 4S15 Dodgo Btreet, lost h's card case containing club mem bership cards and personal papers, whllo riding a Farnam street car. GERMAN AVIATION FUNDS REACH TOTAL OF. $1,750,000 BF.RLIN, Dec. SO.-Prnico Henry of Prussia, ns protector of tho committee of the national aviation- fund, announces that the contrlbutlona total moro than Jl.TfiO.OOO. An appeal was Issued last April asking prlvute persona and munici palities to subscribe, toward a fleot of aeroplanes which It Wan Intended' to pro sent to tho emperor. Prlnco Henry, In a statement Issued to du, thanks In thu wariiicnl tenim all thu donors, and fays the success of the move ment renders Jt possible "to further nvla tlon effectively for the upbuilding of tho Industry nnd well-being of thy father land." DEATH RECORD Mrs. Ida II. Spoonrr. Mrs. Ida H. Spoomr. aged 10, died Thursday morning at axil Poppieton avo nuo after an Illness lusting ten months. Mrs. Spooner came to Omaha on n steam boat In 1HG7 and had lived hero over since. She was a daughter of Jacob and Buzan nah .Shull. ,ho la survived by one brother, D. W. Bhilll, two sisters, .Mrs. Mary Klllott and Mrs. Catherine Juckman, nil of tills city. One daughter survives, Mrs. Z. D. Claris. Tho funeral services will bo held Satur day nt 2 o'clock at tho residence, with Interment at Prospect Hill cemetery. Rev. M- L. Mellck will officiate. a.- ... . . Mrs. Spooner was a member of tho Douglas County Pioneers' association nnd also of tho Pennsylvania society. w mm " " LAST CHANCE TO SEE PANAMA CANAL, WORK before the water ii turned In. conducted tauri In the ita.m.hlr. from XnWinii Cnlon ? !? ' Th,,YeVl 1tyr' bu" in SeotUnd durlne 21L ?ie,ptC 'Uy f?r tourln the tropic. It Is equipped with Marconi wlrelest service, electric Ifghte and fen, and all modern conveniences and luxuries It will LJ,ia?iyW'St Jnu"y 7h nd JUt. February Mi and IStli. March 4th and ltth, April let and IJth. An eleven day trip. Including meals and berth at sea and In port, for SU0. Stopover privilege granted at Colon. Havana and Kingston. ATTH,WTHIS IX OMMIA. Boyd! "The Whit. Rl.t.r.'i Brandels: "rroxWt." Odytyt XxtraTftg-anta. Hlppodrorost VaudsvllW. Xnurt nnrltaqut. Orphemut Vuflvlll. Matinees today at th CUytty, Hippo- . flrome, Xrugr and Orphcnm theaters. "I'rcldM" nt tin- Ilmiidcl. "! rcckle.. med on vlow t he llrnndels last .,iiii,K for on ciiraho ment, which Is to last the remntmtrr of the week with a mattupp on s.mml.iy, hns n s)lie of ilw inelodramntlc. and therefore Is ve gIMd nUit taltimeni es peolally nt this time of year, when nearly , "rrjiran is secKiug recreation as a re lief tfom the hiiMIe and hurrj attendant Upon tho tiletlde The nctlna M not nil that the m..t ertttenl might wish I for; but there Is no slnile effott de cidedly Inferior; mi the contrary, there 1 nro several piece of playing that are very effective. John Itoherts, in thn title rote, gives ft true and vivid Impersona tion of a raw Irish youth, who hiui neither parents no, fi lends, oud who yet xvlns his wa through the lneshcn of a gang of plotting lumber thieves. The part Is well done Miss Udlth Men- dosa, as Angel, n young hlghmotlvod girl, Is very KOtxl. at leat she pleased ; all who saw her piTfoi-maneo last even ing. George Mnrllm r. delineating tho character of a rough weak-kneed lum ber camp cook, wai inipreiBlve. other parts aro Fkllfully ptnveil. The plot of "KroeklM." is I he story of a young Irish bo. Mi alone In the world, who becomes (lie protege of n rich lumberman. He tights n battle with thieves for his benefactor, and finally wins a place which urh u youth de serve. A thin love stoi Is woven Into tho action of tho plav. The singing Is well do'ne. Tho . audli-m o which saw tho play IftM evening seemed well pleased SIm-'k .Not ii Hiif Criiurue. Miss Wliilrt-ed Krasei. the cliurinlnu Kngllsli actress who will ho Keen for the flint tltnt. lmrt. M Miin M. i,,int., first time here km Mile. Mm Jololno i.ac.ncBiinm in l ornnimrr uik. emcr- tnlns pronounced views on tho subject of woman's suffrage, which ho docs not htmltnio to talk about. MIhs IVnsrr Is the daughter of a clergyman of the An- gllcnn church, mid was born nnd edu- cntcd In London. Her Ktiige experience has been q.llte varied, and hc has been cotincted wllh several of the most renu- coiinuwu pmmui oi inc uiosi ri table driunntlc companleH of Knnluml Miss rrnser holds to tho argvin Miss l.'rnser holds to tho argument that the women Of today nro not lii Ii state of t hrn dotn. She says her obrerva- ., , .. . ., . , tion of tho condition of tho American woman Is that sho Is the freest In the world, nnd that eel Inlnlv nnwhrro iln tl.,.v world, nnd that ceilnlnly nowhere do they have as great opportunities. "Take tho womyn or Germany und France," shn said, "nnn it would occur to mo that If any women had reason to complain on account of a condition of servitude It would be tho women Of tho mlddlo classes Hi those count! Ics. lint . nnd the mother, u Miss Melrose,' ii'lwiiyil they aro busy helping their husbands In S.Vn,nV'j! ,w,lh her husimnd's (umimntes. , , ., ' ,, . The chlldnui, .Mnrty nnd Prlnilose, a -the fields and In the shnns. They have j wny traveled with their pnroiitM. no time to Join clubs and rave and Hot over their condition and the enfranchise- ,.?''''H 'f ,r! ',e .,,,.a .'.nV," ,,R.!lLa.t ib1 . .. , , . King theater, whom "Tho Whirl V,of moot of their box. mi their slMeis of j Mirth," with all the famous eartoon Knirhunl am dnliiir lint ivre MeAinlii1-i chaVilctcts. Is holdlili! forth. All thn ni'lkok j contented. If you em.ld look over tl i savings statistics of these rountrles you j W0II)l1 HP1, mt I,-rrtn0l nnrt 0rnlBnj. ftre the tlchrst in that respect of tiny eoUn- In lh,. ..v.!.! n.,,1 lliw ,. I... dL-Rtry of the women Is In a gr:it measure responsible for It "There may be more reasons for the women or iCngland to iioiikmn their con dition than for the women of OermnfiV, France or the United States, Miecnuso lCnglnnd 1b poop, principally on account of tho land holdings of tho nobility, hut from what I have seen of tho conditions of the women In America, they hnve ab solutely no teuson for getting up such agitations as they are engaged In at tho present time, and I am led to believe that a deslro for personal publicity In the press Is responsible ror a lot of It, "Increased political privileges would bring Increased political responsibilities and, speaking as an IhigllHliwomiin. I do not want any moro political privileged than 1 already enjoy " Trlxli Player t'onilim. LONDON, Dec. 19. Lady Gregory's frlrh players aro passengers on the steam ship Majestic, whleh sailed from -Queens-' town today for New York. Thn players ! will mako n second tuui of America. Promise of the ',tm AKi-nl. Tho cast of Lout" N Turkei-'s latest Play, "Pomandor Walk ' which Is to be scon for tho first time In Omaha at the Brandels theater, npming with n inutlm-e oh tho -nfternoon of Christmas and con tinuing during the i. malmlcr of tho week, with matinee on Snturduv, will introduce it number of apl.ii.liiJ lingllsli plnyci-4 who aro known luie by reputation only. Homo of them. Indeed, have iippi-iired in this country from time tn time and With decided success, hut the majority of tliem aro iinwcomeiH Tuinunder Walk" is an lCugllsh play, an Idyl of suburban life in tho great British metropolis In 1S1XV and the Llebler company has imported a com pany of Kngllsh pliiycis for the produc tion of the piece There are a Oozhii roles In "Pomander Walk" that are almost of eipial strength. Consequently there are u dor.cn Kngllsh phiycrM of almost equal i-Qiiowu participating In tho performance. This Is the play and the compnny tint ran for a whole vi-ar at Wnllack's thea- uii lur ii ivnuie t.ir i it until ter. New Vnrlt tun M,.r.ni, nu An exceptional fine bill will be giver at the Orpheiim dining i:iirltm:iM weuk. He doiif need Take him where he can get it every day-- take him to FLORIDA, where lis can be out-of-doorB all day long! where the tun will drive the chill out of his blood; where the soft ocean breezes will coax the color back Into his chsek; where the tang of the salt air will give liltn the appetite a boy of his age ihtuM havo. If you keep him here, he'll be sick all wintet. If you take him to Flotlda he'll be playing plralea with the other children in less man a weeg, purying marbles in a cigar box and pretending they're Spanish pieces of eight. You need the trip, too; you're all run down. "A long, tiresome journey? Not a bit of hi The Frisco runs a fast train right through from Kansas City to Jacksonville. It'e called the KANSAS CITY--FLORIDA SPECIAL From Kansas City Every Day at 5i25 P. M. "It carries all-steel, electric-lighted equipment! electric fansj Pullman sleepers of tho latest design; steel dining cars under the direction of Fred Harvey," Fare. Train Schedules, Pullman and Steamship Reservations and Illustrated Descriptive Literature may be obtained by addressing Plot,. n.,..,.ii.. M t?T 11 '. ..i - v,ZZ"f"' " J. C. I PRETTY ANTI-SUFFRAGETTE ACTRESS. ww ' ' "H. i ftJviwlC- '3 MISS WINIFRICD KRAHHH. Till tU'i llilltllnn llttl'iii.tli.im will bo ( William 11. Thompson, tho celebrated I enHer antor, nnd Charles Kellogg; the ! -(illloriila nature singer. Mr. Thompson, j K uw imrodilolhg a new playlet, called, , jh wnjeci lA'SMon, Clinries Keiloflg who was brought up In the wilds of l."al Ifornla, 200 mlleo fioiu a rallroiid, will give h retnarKnino exntimion of bird mnir- :llig. He cull Imitate the songs of all tho ft, ' V.11 V.'d' .dlo AHtulro. two Omaha children, Will 1 nnothor special ntttiicllon. These two J-fho ntr!" TI'. young persons novo maue WOllilernii MtllitaiM tin tit, utnir.. frim n nmuurilit. ln a sketch railed "A Rainy Saturday." I'll? Ofeilos Million Onera eommiin- will Veins' ....iu. ,u ..... ; 'V1'1"",,""1 ".' . '''" their own on llto bill at tho Hlppodi-umo. Ar. 1 Novlna posnenses n beautiful tenor voice t'l'"!, Miss Almnti In her "rtllc," make-up rV".1!'r" BU,,, "f the .old-lime ItlUsle on a violin in a manner that proves she IK a violinist of exceptional ability. Primrose nnd Marty SetnOn, principals with "Tho Taxi Girls" nt the Gayets'. thlii week aro entitled (o lay claim to practically having been horn on tho Mttmo, Harry Scinon, their father, now deccasod, lmttuiireil loud nttmettmiN mr tnnnv vnr. ! "j t ' , What is a good office location? The best office location is the one most conven ient for yourself, the one that is most accessible to the people with whom you do business and the one which will offer these advantages permanently. It is a bad thing to move a business. The office building that offers the greatest advan tages permanently is THE BEE BUILDING 17th and Farnam Sts. drugs - lie needs sunskne) LOVRIEN, Div. Passenger Agt., FRISCO LINES, J Waldheim Building, Kansas City. 19 Mrs, Dickinson Dies After Long Illness Mrs Mlnnli M. Dickinson, wife of As Hslnht I'liltej States Attorney Dickinson, died of tuberculosis Tuesday afternoon at the homo of her fathcrln-law. Judgn C T. Dickinson. 38KI North Twenty-third street She was 20 years of ngc and lonves besides her husband, n 3-year-old son. Funeral services, which were pri vate were held nt .Dodder's chapel nt 3 o'clock yesterdnj afternoon, nfter which the bodj was taken to Davenport, la. for i rem.itlon. The ashes will be pi. -iced III the family aull at I.e Claire, la. ORANGES' QUALITY BETTERED BY SWEATING, SAYS WITNESS CHICAGO, Dec. 20. Witnesses in the government's action beforn federal Judge landln to destroy right caroada of tirangs seized recently near t'rovlso, ill , testified today that the "sweating" prui ess applied to turn the green fruit yellow was beneficial. It was said that orangeM fioquently remained Rlccti until dead rlp on thn tree and that sweating reduce, tho thlcknoas of the rind and made thn fruit julolrr In addition to improving the color K. G. l)eell. assistant manager of t fruit grow'el-s' itRfoclntloii, nnld that when thn "sweating" process Is not used tti oranges are shipped oast by the southern route to allow them to ripen In transit C 11 Grassley, manager of a citrus ex chango, testified that tho artificial color ing method I applied nlw) to Irmons and. grnpo fruit FARMERS ENJOY BANQUET GIVEN BY ROME MILLER One ut tho enjoyable features of the Country Llfo Congrers occurred yitr dny noon when Rome Miller at the Roma hotel tendered a complimentary luncheon to the following officers and mombcrs oi the nrgniilKatloii: L. tv, Lawsoii. W 8. Delano. F W. Tunnehill. j o. Ream, J. H. Orlnnell. Geoigo .Connland, W. H. Campbell, FranM U, Odnli. Ii. V. Pnrrlsh. Dr. George R. Condm, I S. Ifen-on, Prof, J. H. Frand sen, V W. Crocker, . C. Dassett, C. Vincent, Mr. und Mrs K. M. Huff;- Mr. nnd Mrs, W. II. Trager. O, F. Dom inant. I). W. Unsloker, O. W. Hervey. J. H. Catmday, O. G. Smith. Colonel Ram Hampton. A. M. Tomplln. Miss Fayo M. Hartley. Mis, Draier Umlth. Mis Dewey, Mrs. Julia tloynohlM Loverott. James Lov orett, h'rrVl U Petty. MIsB TOlIlL Culls from the Wires The casti of J. KVnnk Rickey, changed with the murder of little Joseph Josephs, will go to the jury today. Ills majrsty. King George V 0f Eng land, wus w.u'tiM all honorary member of tho Now YOMt Yacht. ctub, The iMiitrtl of esMniatn voted to spend all tho money necessary to- give New YorK City one of the largest municipal dock: Hl'Bttms In the world. Honey will bo cheaper rhext year owlngr to htter crop und cimilltVins of bees, ae cptdlng to reports by imuobirfl of th Npt-thWesloi-il Ilco Kccle8' association, which met In Chicago. Testimony relatlvn to the existence of a "hlstorleitl imoui," in whVli competing cash register manufacturers wem "gloomed, " was given by Detroit manu facturers In the trial or officials) of the Nntlunal Cash Register company in Cin cinnati. In order that ho might l ani tho spell ing and, detlultlon of nil thn words In an llhiihrtdgrd dlollomiry, r. Crusn, 'J4 years old, wrote Judgo Ifiwing AV, Uland of tin south sldu mpnlclpal cotuK In Kansas City asking Unit ho bo allovved to enter a prlsoh (iell for throo years. .j