Tim NKK: OMAHA, FKtDAV, DKCKMBKK '20, 11 The ee' ne agazire Pa?e SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT They All Broke Out at Once Copyright. 1912. National News Ass'n. Drawn for The Bee by Tad NOW LISTEN- VOU CMOVAJ,Trt6 3U0G Ms sev i-aug-hiwq- port, thiic. CrWS about .Something- amO NOOO&V KlOVJS VtfHAT IT IS IF HE GlfXJUK W COURT TOOrW VIE ALL vJAWr TO LOOK iOOti. fcNO JogE - J EE" - GG.T ME -NOBOCW CRACfc A -N. HEie he; comfs-j pgemgwbcx wow ( VjJG VNAMT TO LOOK AS WNNV Ai 1 If III- MAVJ- HAW HA-HA-M'A Ml HI- Hi -v V HO H O v'- C nee-nee j OH-HO-HO 1 r i i r , . , , - , - I I Jl I I I I I Dorothy Dix's Article on Women's Desire to Vote Their Mental Superiority or Deficiency Can Only Be Shown by Allowing Them the Opportunity to Satisfy Their Own Curiosity. By HOUOTHY DLV. .V scientist has been laboriously explain- , those doctors who spend their llveH m Ing that woman stands on a lower piano i laboratories searching Into the pedigree In evolution that man docs, and Is there- 0f germs, and In grafting the bones una fore physically and mentally his Inferior, the organs of dead people onto live ones, Tie says that structurally speak I n g woman 1 s closer to our great, great grandpapa, the baboon, that man, and that she slso betrays her nearer relation ship to the mon key by possessing of tho superabun dant curiosity that I s characteristic of tho simian tribe Kor these reasons ;li 'u thinks that 'orangoutangs and women should not he permitted to vriteV " Oh, I don't know , 4 When a man waills't often .a blight wig, criticism on femininity ho always ' makes, a 'few scathing remarks - about curiosity In the beginning of wisdom, and the hall mark of an active mind.- If it hadnt been for the curfoslty to see" what would happen when you put two and two together, wo should not now bo enjoying the sum of countless experi ments that make up civilization. Tho first cave man who noticed that when he rubbed two sticks together the friction produced warmth, and who had the curiosity to keep on rubbing the sticks together, gave us fire. The first woman who had tho curiosity to see what would happen when you put raw meat on the fire gavo us cooking. The first man who was curious to know what lay beyond his Immediate neigh borhood blazed the trail that has led other men to the north pole. If Newton had not been curious lie would never have discovered the law of gravitation. If Jenner hadn't been cur ious he would not have found out about the circulation of tho blood. f Kulton hadn't beou curious he woud nevor have bothered his head with the wild Idea that a steamboat could be made to run up a river at a speed of four miles nn hour. If Edison wasn't one of the most curi ous men in the world wo might not be ablo to sit at home and listen to Caruswi sing out of a little box In the corner, or to speak to our friends across the con tinent over r dlnkv little wire. All of ERUPTION LIKE PIMPLES ON FACE Developed Into Sores. Would At most Scratch Himself Raw. Cuti cura Soap and Cuticura Ointment Completely Cured Him. Wathena. Ivan. "My child's scalp trouble became so bad that I ni ashamed to hare anyone see hlra. fils bead hid a solid scab on tt. He alia bad a terrible breaking out on bis face which was gradually growing worts. Tho eruption was llko are all insatiably curious men And let it not be forgotten that the first of all these original researchers was !a womnu. It Is ou,r first mother, and I not our father, who began the investiga tion of the whyncss and the wherefore of , the things about her. and it was till 'quality that she bequeathed her sons that has sent them out to discover tho utter most parts of the world, and wrest from nature her secrets. Curiosity Ib the dividing lino between Ignorance and knowledge. Tho people who have no curiosity concerning the things about them, hut who accept every thing without comment, or question, uro Invariably those of. limited Intelligence, and who are heavy and loggy In mind. Therefore curiosity Is to be accounted unto ,lts possessors as a virtue, and not a fault. The contention that women ore more curious than men Is an allegation that cannot bp substantiated bjr fact, but "If It were true it would bo no reflection on the feminine character, and certainly no bar to their enfranchisement. Indeed, there Is no other quality that Is moro needed In voters of the present day than n large, robust curiosity in good working order. The majority of men are too busy and too much engrossed In their own business to have time to look Into public matters much, but women have moro leisure, and If they spent part of It In prying into public affairs many abusrs that now exist would be remedied. Perhaps the fear of vcmmn'H curiosity in such matters Is tho reason the ma chine politicians are the most determined opponents of womun suffrage. They are like the Janitor of thy school who. when be was asked how he liked the woman who had been elected to the school hoard, replied: "Aw, away wld her! She hadn't been on dat board a week before she wns snooping aiound In the cellar and made 'me clem it out. and me that had been hero fifteen years with never no man on the school board, even looking In at tho door!" Certainly it would do no harm If some body has the curiosity to took Into ttip records of candidates and saw that only decent men were put up to represent de cent reople. Nor would It he Inimical to Ihn welfare of the general public if n healthy curiosity was directed to finding out why the man who Is electtd on one Platform with a social promise to do curtain things forgets his obligation -is todn as he gets Into office. j It would bo a good thing to have somo iKidy curiouk as to where the monx- goes that ls niillrAn,lntai1 r,.- - . .. .. iu, nruuu pUDlle Improvements, arid why It costs the dty or the government o much more to have a Job done than It does an Indl virtual. It would bo a good thine to have somebody i urious about whv some laws are enforced and others are not, and how men holding smalt offices with small pay aro enabled to accumulate large fortunes and live like princes. Oh. there are a lot of flid.xv that It wouldn't hurt u to be curious about, und If women bring this quality into jolltlc they will fill ,4 long-felt want J'hcrell have to be seme better reason advanced against giving woman the vote than her desire to know thing. LET HlrA ENJOY HIMSELF TONiqHT BOYS" HE Q0E5 BY N.Y.f.H.ANP H. TO-IVOR.aoW. fTZCHOK THE BOY WONDLR. WAS TiCKUNG. THE IVORIES LIKE PADOY?OOtHOUSG NV COULD. HE WAS PLAYING THE ZWEZO KOlT SON FPOM THE OPEJ2A, HETSHK HE HAD FINISH iD THE SELECTION VJITHA QRACEFUL ftlPPLE OF TREBLE NOTES VJHtH THE APPLAUSE BECAME TEI2RIFIC. THE AUOlENCf BTArtPCO TMElfC. Bl?0(AftS AND HOLLERED, ENCORE'. TlTZCHOC GOT OP AND SHOUTED ABOVE THE Oi-" CAN ANY jfl.Q0TASK TELL ME, CAN A XWi-O PHONE II STANO BACK' FLUMMtN T2inn& WAS NEVER. KNOWN TO SHOW FEAR.. hey Ouch STtCKlN WELL . tF T AIN T AN rw i in ' . l ME' AWL BY QEET.' "BEArC-FUM" JACK STOOD ON THE DECK OF THE OUTWARD BOUND CUNAROER., AND SIGHED. IT WAS THE FIRST TIME. THE BEHSOMHUH5T BAO'MAN HAD EVER. SEEN AN Oct AN, AND YET HE LONGED FOC THE ROLLIN Pl?AlRlE5. SLOWLY HE DREW HIS BEAR-FOR COAT AROUND HIS MAGNETIC PERSONALITY, WNf SUOPEtVLY HE WAS 015- TURQEP ert THE WKilEii. WHO EO HIM SAT, CUU, CAN A, CATFISH V O DROP THAT CTYST E RL ANO LEAVE THE WHAR.F! IT WA& IN THE WlLDb OF AFRICA THAT OU(L LITTLE. PARTY EJE.- KAM.E LO&T, AND-WE DECIDED TO DRIFT DOWN THE f?IVR WE HAD HAROLY DRIFTED 7M5.3 MILC6, BEFORE WE" WEfCE CAPTUR.EO Bl CANNIBALS. WE WERE BOUND HAND AND FOOT. AMD TIED TO A STAKE THE, CHIEF 51M-KED OVER AND .SAID" I Wild tWE XOO VOUR. FREEDOM I YOU WILL ANSWER THIS, QUESTION -WHEIt HAb r-v coal- bin?" TAKE A L OT TAKE TWO. i w0nd where qot these: thimgs. QEE WH( THfcY SURELY HAVE bOMt S77Nq5. Look Up aud Out, Not Always Down Uy WIIKI'.liKIt WILCOX. ooh! look a' this, i'vc QOT SONrE MORE, ; 6EEM TO VAVE 'EM BY THc &CORE. Iooh'1 I WHO I l ' ARE U ? vi ' r 1 IM THE BOOB THAT PUT THE AWLS IN THE OVrdAL,lV. NT What Woman is Ideal Wife? "Dramatic Reader is Best Trained to Wed" pimples which developed wa'ter A Very (Joixl Tlt. Krythlng ail right, sir?" asked the Into sores when bo scratched which ho did almost con- itantly. liaby would al. most scratch himself raw. "I had used several different kinds ol salve, ncne of them helping In the least bit, j when I saw the Cuticura adrertltement in . the paper and it made me think of tbe j good results ray sister bad when she used it for ber children. I had only used Cuti cura Soap and Ointment abou two weeks before I noticed that tbe sore were almost entirely gone and it must have been a month or six weeks be was troubled before I began the treatment. lie would get easy when I would put tbe Cuticura Ointment oa hlra. Cuticura Soap and Ointment completely cured him and be has a clear complexion now. I also use Cuticura Oint ment oa tbe older children's beads and find it 1 cares the hair soft and silky." (Signed) Mrs. W. 11. Hughes. Dec. at, 1011. Tha llln.r mriiA I.... -.it. , i. iii si i ii me waiter hovrred near "Steak cooked to suit you, sir?" he asked again, presently. Again the diner noddrd. "Potatoes, the way you like Vin, sir?" "Yes." Another period of silence. i nope me service Is satisfactory erqanded sir?" "Are you asking for a tip?" dei tne oiruT. "Well. sir. of course you get tips some times, and I've got to go to the kitchen for another party, so" "So. you'd like a tip now to be aur Pf It? Well, I'll give you on," "Ti. sir." "Here Is the tip. r have a powerful voloe that I m rapabjo of uslwr. If ny. thing lz wrong I'll let out a roar you can hear In the kitchen. If you dan Cuticura Soap (2.V) and Cuticura Olnt- j h"r u n know that 1 am dining merit 150c) are sold throughout the world. A f " race no comfort and not In the atnsle set l often suffldent. Liheralcampleof , ,'al regretting your absence, for it's ch nulled free, with 33-p.81dn Book AdV no ,un Isb verbal Judgment ireMpost-card "Cuticura. Dept. T.rkwton." on B'7Ln,..l' 1 1 ' .TeodeTarmenshouWusetlcut, lhat'. italic atvl m.ghty koik! one tfoa.p BhavimT Slick. 26a feaujpUtre- m t o Host- & ma ins" . Hy FKAXCKS L. (JAILS IDE. '"J.'he claims cif the wa.ltresscs, the dressmakers and, tho stenographer?," said Miss Kuhilia Dale, with a laugh, "do not frighten mc. They do not give one rea j son why any girl following any of these Jcallliifs makes a particularly good wife that I can't offset I "And T speak," pointing to low Uhiii i low of graceful, charming and lutein jg'nt r.lils fur whom she Is spokeswoman, for th dramatic render. "Assuming that men marry not for' parlor maids, but for coiniMiilnnH for themselves and mothers for their chil dren. .1 believe that the dramatic reader' makes the very best wife. Kor If she' Is true to her woik she must, of ncesslty ) be developed, physically and mentally, bo alert, receptive and widely informed. 'To be n successful readerand It Is . only with those that we mean to deal she must necessarily have studied the I clasrlcw. Hhc hns hob-nobbed through I many pages with the great men and women or literature, and through this vast knowledge and study of great mlndH and various human mechanisms she mu. have finally found a sntlf.i-torlly h. nrophy for herself a bronrjer fymp.it) and u deeper understanding of all man Kind. "And this levls up to whaf I Mull try to make the man who wants 'a wifo clear l understand- That the more bruvlly developed a woman hecoriieg. Just so inui'h more U she tupuble iit raisin? herself abn. the petty. trHHng uffalin 1 of humdrum existence that occupy n wnrxy wpmcn. "And Just so much better companion sne mattes or herself for her husband. And I further believe, and contend, that the greater the capacity of one's mental growth, the stronger Is one in ruslstonuo to every temptation to which flesh is lilr. "This mtuUJ development Is the imwnr that make women belter mothers, and finer morul arid menta: Inspirations for their husbands. "I believe that men would not go so muoh to their clubs and leave their wives Ulono till the wee ima' hours of the morn ing If they found food for their tired unilni when they reached hnme nt nfrhi For 1 cannot lay all of the blame at the I a&or or t;ie unfortunate man who Is driven from his home by tbe 'cackle of ri pretty wife whose days are chiefly oo- j cupled with card parties and criticism of the neighbor's latest hat. and a discus-1 (Jon of the Lest soap for washing a. net dog. "The dramatic reader lias one more pleasing trait. I might almost call it power, it is so minted: she must have acquired, if stiw did not already possess I it. and that la a pleasing voice. That u ! a. great asset to any wife. Women will. talk; the men know it, and candid wives) admit II, but what a difference it makes It the recital of the days deeds Is told, ,T low sweet tones, (.nsUad of tones that "i;gg a woriout grapi.op'-oric I an h nk of r i Ing nvite -in ng Copyright. l!)i;. b the Htnr Company. Th? splendid discontent of Clod With vhuos made the world, Set sun Iit place, nml filled nit siiacn With stars that shone and whirled. , If apes had been run Unit with lulls. No thing of higher nhupo Koine one hits sulci that Is Is hard to ; look up when tho hand Is busy Yet Is n , linK'iotlvn that ft shuiild mukc the effort now and then, else the' eyes would i dim with overlooking downward n n tho ' work In hand. 1 Whatever you may 1 tie doing, give mi up i ward and outward ! look n't times, nml 'leallze how largo tho I world Is beyond our ininull horizon. iuto how many the slurs, land give iv thought to tho statement of schmtlflo men that there Is u reason to suppose many of tliu stars tire not In habited with beings a h Intelligent m I those nit enith. And then let you heart go up in tutors Jtlon of that Wonderful Creator who dwell i In nml back of und through all these universes. ; Birch thoughts will enlarge your cupii city for itsefiilness, Do not permit nny clergyman or teacher or pro.icher of uriy denomination to think nil your lellgloun thoughts far you. Ton can not grow spiritually unless you think for yourself. Cultivate a reverent frame of mind, ruid no matter how un satisfactory your llfo may be or how discontented you me glvo thanks every day for something, You con surely find some one thing In your life to make you offer i'l a feeling I prayer of thnnks, I A girl who has been lying for twenty jeare In n hospital bed with a broken I spine Mujtt she has so much to be thank ful for It fills her heart full of grat I ' tilde. I A man who died some years ao In J I'lilludelphlii hail spent over n score of years In bed unable to move nny tntisclo 'except Ills eyes und rnnutll. Ho told tho ,wrlter of this article that tils itbllliy to i enjoy III food and to eo IiIh friends innde him feel tlmt he was bTest Indeed ,Hi If two such suffereis cun he thankful for something, surely you can. Aril every thought of giatltildo brings us Just Und come to birth; tin king of earth Todny would bo nil ape. And from the discontent of man Thp world's best progress i-prlngi, Then feed tho flame (from Ood It canto) Vntll ymi mount on wings. so much nearer tho divine friends, Anil tomemlier how every thought you allow to come In your mind is ,ti real I factor which can help change conditions and help make or unmake you. kuch a statement Is no longer a, theory. It Is a, demonstrated fact. ' It Is being demonstrated every day, and overv year hy thousands of people who understand the law of thought. Whatever you greatly ileslro to bo or do or have, keep tho mental picture In your nilhd. I Think of it oftert, and Just before' golnt; ' to sleep let It take form In your mind In thlR way your little thought enrpen ters are made to keep at work through ! the night and to help build your dream Into renlll)'. I Hut lie careful that your desire Is a good desire, or else it wilt conic upon you In th form of n calamity nml bring you sorrow. There Is n story of n woman who prayed that she might have $2.00), Hln mado no proviso In her wish; no rmitur how It cniitf. no matter through what souito, she united that thin mlglit be given j her, booiuiHo she felt she iTeeded It soreb .Shortly afterward her Idolized aon wn i hilled In rip accident and the In'iuvnJK upon his life was paid to her J2.C0). Seek ye first tho kingdom or heaven' Then all oilier thlngH.nhnll bo lidded Hut your thoughts and actions must n slst. Never believe ftir a inoipent that you must forever remain In u posltlon'or pla.' which Is 'utterly ilfstns(eful to you. Of In a distasteful occupation. You can think your way out to better conditions. Hut in order to do this, you must give thankH for tho good that Is In your pres ent situation: and you mutt do to the let ter every duty commoted with It, and then you must mentally fit yourself for something better, nnd cpct that bet ter to rome. Tlmt KnOil A it p. "Your ancestors did not come ovr In tho Mayflower'" snapped tho tall, spare, thlu-llppcd MIhh Hester Plytnrock. "No," and Alias Ananias rubbed bin chubby hunds together, while nn nllv smirk spread over his full-moon phiz, "You hoc. It was this n-way The old man forgot to wind up th alarm clock! and so missed tho boat " Judge. 6 Sunkist ?5 Oranges MBBHBsBssBBssBBBssssslBM The Finest Gift for the Holiday s MISS KtfjAIJA n-Al.K. to a tired man, wearied by the torturing noises of the business world all dny, than a sofL well-modulated voice of a woman wlmn he has reached home at night. Juat as surely Is there nothing mora nerve-' rocklnc, or more prone to drive a man to the nearest corner rnloon. than tho high-pitched, nervous twang of tho wife who has only the latest gossip to relate. "The dramatic reader has alto the graceful manner that comes of a well trained body. There Is no awkward self-consciousness, no situation she can not command. With tha inemor' her work has developed and out of the s'ore hr, .s. rf a mnil that r utains one thai able mother of the most pleasing uf all ! coropatilonM." Iluyinir Illiu Clgrars. President I lad ley of Yale at tho Carne gie Koutvlailon'a recent luncheon In New York said of a certain charge : "Kuch a charge Indicates ignorance lu d I troiis ignorance. It reminds mu of the i young lady who desired to buy a box or , cigars for her Ilaiirti'n Christmas. , 'Thin joung lady, entering the most fashlorabie tobacconist'! on l'irth ttvuuue, said. ' '. want to gut a box ,t I gars for tt ill,,. rirUV( J'jail nun inilt? tiyvm IfclUl tt. I pale brow inu.ui ho- my fiance In fact.' 'U' n vt.i s I irs ir.rs 'isu.i lv I est, sl e hei uufs tbe iM'.fect v.lfe lli nT 1 auv,.! u. lonir bU' k rlgur would I j.l Mm u'll .n t rt.'i k ' Not a Seed in "Sunkist Luscious Thin-Skinned Juicv. Buy "SUNKIST" ORANGES by the Box of Your Dealer. No other Christmas Gift so Appreciated. "SUNKIST" Wrappers bring Rogers Famous Guaranteed Table Silverware. Send your name and full address for free Premium List and Premium Olub Plan. California Fmit Growers Excbaage 130 N. Clark Street, Chicago, 111.