Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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taek-ralconsr Co., UndsrUksrt.
Boot rrlnt Now Beacon "rsse.
Z'trhtlni' rixturss. bttrrifOr&adin 0.
Ballsy the Statist, City Nat'l. D. lilt.
Try rutlron Cats a-rerythtne right
Diamond Loam at 8i and 5 par
cent. W C. Flatau, 1514 Dodge, ned. 6619.
B. IT. fc H. C, Bobsrtson, attorneys,
have removed their offices to suite UOt-5
Woodmen ot the World building -Advertisement
Ton Can Btart a Savings Aocount at
the Nebraska Savins and Loan Ass'n
with J1.00 or more. 1005 Farnam street
Th But Bank or Omaha pays 4 par
cent on time deposits, 3 per cent on sav
ing accounts. The only bwk In Omaha
whose depositors art protected hv the
depositors' guarantee fund of the state
of Nebraska. 17th & Harney Sts. Adv.
Improvement Club to Xeat The Lin
coln Avenue Improvement club will hold
a mass meeting at the Woodmen hnll
Thursday evening. Forty-ninth and Wal
nut street. The men elected to the state
legislature from Douglas county have all
been Invited to be present and apeak.
SU4e for the Xlddlv far Com
missioner Hummel has purchased two
toboggan slides for the benefit of the
youngsters who frequent the parks. These
Mldes will give the kids an opportunity
to make a flying descent down a smooth
Incline and after much practice to effect
a safe landing on the ground. Mr. Hum
mel will buy other playground equipments
ns funds permit and will Install them In
the parks. J
Neighbors' Gossip
Causes an Inquiry
In Death of Woman
Investigation of reports that an old
woman was dead at the home of Mrs.
.Sophie Lapchesler, 2332 Poppleton avenue,
and the relatives wore trying to make
each other provldo for ner tmrlat was
made by county authorities yesterday
afternoon. The facts were found to have
been exaggerated by some of the neigh
bors. Airs. Christina Knore, Mis'. Iipchesler's
mother, died Wednesday, aged S4. Cor
oner Willis Crosby took charge of the
body and embalmed it. The family was
without means to provide a funeral, ac
cording to the coroner, hut Mrs. Knore
carried a small paid-up life Insurance
policy and tho family wanted to collect
on this for burial costs to save asking
the county to bear the funeral expense.
Coroner Crosby located in Philadelphia
(ieorge Knore, a son of the old woman.
Mr. Knore holds the pollry. He sent word
lie will make proof of death, collect the
money and forward it. ,
"Tho body will be burled all light." said
Coroner Crosby last night. "I understand
Home of the neighbors notified the county
commissioners the body was spoiling and
members of the family were drinking and
quarreling. This Is not true. I am looking
after the case and have been out there
every day. There Is nothing to those
Party Insurgents Demand Progress
ivc Control of Congress.
St manic lo Overthrow Srnlorltr
Hille Mnilr by .Nw Member
lo (irt Kntr Dlvlalnu
of I'lacr.
Government Aid to
WASHINGTON. Dec 17. -The fight
within the democratic party for control if
the senate under the next administration
has taken definite form within the last
few days, as the result of concerted ac
tion by a small body of democrats to
ward laying the basis for what they term
"progressive control" In the next con
gress. A series of conference, culminating In
a dinner yesterday at which nearly a
dozen democrats were present, have re
sulted In a general understanding for n
reorganization movement designed to In
sure the control of legislation and policies
after May 4 by senators In full sympnthv
with the views of President-elect Wilson.
No detailed program has been outlined,
but the campaign Is understood to in
volve the entire subject of senate control,
the direction of affairs by senators op-
pioved by the present reorganlterm and
the establishment of a new system of
committee assignments that will dls
tribute important committee places alike
to men new and old In the service of the
Those who have participated In the con
ference thus far are Senator 1,n of
Tennessee. Smith of Georgia. Smith of
South ChioIIiiu, Mycin of Montana, New-
lands of Nevada. Ashurst of Arliona.
Gore and Owen of Oklahoma, Stone of
Missouri. O'Gorman of New York, Martlne
of New Jersey, and flepicsentatlve Mor
ris Sheppard of Texas, prospective suc
cesor to Senator Bailey.
It Is understood that all of the semi-
tors named do not agree to the more ind'
cal features of the "Insurgent program,"
although they have endorsed the general
purpose of demanding recognition from 'ill
members of the party In the reorganiza
tion and for the establishment or whr.i
they term progiesslvo legislative policies.
It Is nndei stood that Senators Stone and
O'Gorman, who have participated In the
latter conferences, have urged some mod
eration of the general plan outlined at the
tegular gatherings.
I'lelll to Confront WIIhoii.
The senate fight Is expected to reach
President-elect Wilson nlmost an soon as
he takes up questions of legislation In his
administration. The leaders In the demo
at least twenty
Aviation Business
Favored by Allen
WASHINGTON. Deo. IT.-Tho neccsMU
of securing army ottlceis as oMK-it mill
tary aviators Is emphasized In the nnmi-.l
report of Hitgadlcr General Allen, chief
signal officer of the army. General Allen
ys the number of expert civilian al"
tors now available In the Tutted Stiitf
Is not large enough to provide tui mlc
quate auxiliary and he does not bellr..
any marked advance will be made In th
manufacture of nerophms In this counirr
unless the manufacturers receive suppo'i
from the government.
'Manufacturers all believe," says Gen
eral Allen, "that the construction of aero
planes for exhibition work l practical
ot an end and the number so far pur
chased for the purposes of amusement
has not reached the figure that was ex
"It Is accepted that the neioplatio as t
stands today, even If no marked Impro'
ment were made In -It Is an essentia,
mlllltary auxiliary and up to this time i
appears that the mllltarv and naval sei
ices are the only ones In which It Is it '
special value. It would, therefore seetr ,
thnt the scouring of nppioxlmatel too
aviators and 100 machines and the ostub i i
lishmeut of aviation centers would not be
an unreasonable provision for this govern- I
ment to make. With this number pro-
vided for the regular service, the art
could be extended to the officers of the
National Guard, on whom the government
Is to depend for the largo number f I j
aviators thnt would be required In Hi
case of iui extended war "
ucements for Morning Shopping n
Afternoons these days every aisle is crowded every section is rushed. Do what we will,
we find it impossible to'givc our usual satisfactory service. 'Twill pay to bestir you Wednes
day A. M., for when the doors open on the stroke of 8 O'CLOCK
Plan to Monopolize
Hay Rake Business
Indicated in Letter
CHICAGO, Deo. 17.-Or the annfuls of j
letters and tables Introduced today in tho
hearing of the government suit against ,
tho International Harvester company.
Prosecutor Grosvenor regarded as espe-'
daily ImiHirtnnt a letter written by the!
sales committee to Cyrus H. McCormlck. 1
Tho latter was dated July 10, 1103, and ( I
heading the signatories was It. C. Has-,
kins, now president of the International
Harvester Company of America, a sub- ;
sldlary of tho International Harvester)
company. In substance the committee
said: "It is desired to get a larger per
centage of tho hay rake business for this
company and still I'm (her cut Into tho
business of the outside makers of hav
"Insurgent" movement, assert that I rakes. It Is believed that tho permission
st twenty-seven of the forty-nine given to a cents durlnir the Inst aeiuon to
lust received ovor 1,000 yards of 23-inch Mi-ssallne - a quality
which linn boon Bold at SB cents, for 5l (MINTS IMCH VAltl). All
20 styles of :n-lnch Tub Silks, splendid quality. ISMS styles. The
woman don't live who would rofuso ONH WAIST PATTHKN. Ono
of our good customers bought 0 dress lengths. They wash so well;
tliev look so clonn; they wwtr wo well.
The silks from Mborty & CompunV of Regent St.. t.oinlon. are
going rapidly. Styles are exclusive. Colorings unique.
About 50 pieces or Imported Chally, the Hoc and 7 So kinds, at
Af)d on Wednesday morning.
l'rom H:00 A. M. Till 1:00 1. M., If the stock lasts, about 244
demon pairs or 16-button Lamb Gloves, In while and tan only.
$2.75 vav. Instead of $3.50 pair.
Kitted afterwards, add of course guaranteed.
One table covered with gift books culled rrom regular stock. Some
show effects of handling, and a few expensive ones are a year old
or more. Some wonrtoriitl books In tho lot. A little art gum and a
little elbow greaHO, and there you are GOOD AS NKYV and fresh
as a daisy. Hooks worth up to $2.50, at 50tf KACH.
tllg business Wednesday. We quote n few Items without comment.
If interested you cannot afford to pass them.
.Japanese Hand Kmbroldery and Drawn Work. The Utile yellow
man Is n wonder.
18x54 Dresser Scarfs. Sl.ftS. Instead of $2.50. Instead of
$2.75. 30-lnoh Squnres, $1.79- Instead of $2.2:.. Sl.t)8 In
stead of $2.50. 45-Inch Squares, $3.79 Instead of $4.50; $4.29
Instead or $5.00. 18x72 Drawn Work Scarf. S'2.iir Instead ot
Krotn the Atlantic roiut to the waters of the Pacific, orders have
reached lis for riirNtmns boxes of UATjDCKK CANDY. Kvery order
from people who knew It of old. You must be prompt with your
order ir you desire positive nnd prompt delivery. The candy lorco
Is working r.lglit packing. No wonder, It's great candy.
.Mr. Tuttle Is doing a In ml office business in Slippers for the young
and their elders the comfy kind. Just right, for slipping on Christ
mas. Mil. KOKNIO OUOTK3:
Olass Sugar nnd Cream, with silver deposit, at 75c
Storllng Silver Cabinet Picture Frames only a few loft -at $1.89
IIA.NDKintCHlKF SUCTION G for men, all linen, In leather case
at $.1.50
G for women, all linen, In leather case Sl.OO
( fine embroidered for women, In box $1.50
n.v express wo have received tho latest kinks In neckwear.
Regardless of the stories others toll you of tho scarcity In Marabouts.
Wo have 'em Hons nnd Muffs.
ltltASS SUCTION for Hook Racks, Desk Sots, Smoker Sets, Fanor
Hoxgb, Ktc.
l-'l'lt WKATillilt AT liAST. Specials for Wednesday
$25.00 Astrakhan Set $16.50
Red Fox Sot, $23,00: H55.00 Set $39.50
$125.00 Pointed Sitka Sot $83.50
$150.00 Ulack Lynx $85.00
$1D5.00 Hudson Senl f shaded) $138
Children's ami Young Peoples' Furs Splendid assortmunt of brown,
natural and white. In coney sets at $2.50
Opossum and Squirrel Sets at $-1.50 nml $5.0O
llrook Mink and Wolf Sets at $7.50
Krlmmer nnd Fox. at $12.00 nd $13.50
Natural Lynx. Russlnn and Coon $20.00 and $25.00
Table covered with Dolls, all sires, all races nnd countrlos, worth
up to $3.00, at 98c
Aviation Caps. Eiderdown ynrn; sold last year at $1.50, Wednesday,
"t GOc
Practical and sonslble head covorings whon tho snow files.
Men's Lounging Robes. We aro overstocked 3 prices for 3 lota.
Should unload them YVcdncFdny. No buncombe about tltls. On Wed
nesday $5.00. $4.45 ihxI $2.95
Thos. Kilpatrick & Company
pay In this way for hay rakes has greatly
helped the sale of rakes and It Is believed
the oxtetislon of this an suggested abovs
will make It well nigh Impossible for any
of tho outxidn manufacturers to compete
with this company for hay rakn business."
Bandit and Sheriff
Lose Lives in Fight
Among Rocky Hills
SANTA ANA, Cal., Dec. 17. In a battle
today In the hills at Tamato Springs,
twelve miles northeast of Santa Ana, be
tween a young desperado apd more than
100' county officers, militiamen and citi
zens, the outlaw, who had attacked a
young girl la&t night, was killed. Under
.Sheriff Robert Squires met death and
three of his deputies were seriously
The battle wns the climax of an all
night pursuit of the bandit by a sheriff's
posse, which brought him to bay at dawn
on the summit of the rocky hills over
looking the water boles of Tamato
Springs. Turning upon his pursuers, the
bandit, entrenched behind bastions of
lock, opened fire. One of his first bullets
hit. Squires anil the under sheriff fell
fatally wounded in a gulch almost directly
buieath the outlaw. He lay cnlllng for
help throughout the long fight, but each
time an effurt wns made to reach him one
or moio members of his posse vfell
It wns not until Company I. of the
Seventh regiment. California National
Guard, had been summoned, nnd. flanking
the bandit's position, had riddled him
with bullets, that the body of Squires was
iccoverri). He was dead when picked up.
Tho bandit appeared last night at the
lanch of William Huff In the San Joaquin
illttrlct anil attacked the latter's niece,
Jlyrtle Huff, a 14-year-old girl.
democratic senators In the next congress
wll support the view of the "progressive
piogram." They estimate thai nt least
seventeen ot the thirty-eight "holdover"
senators will align themselves with the
reorganization element und that a major
ity of the Incoming democrats will Join
The fight for places on the Important STUDIES IN RURAL SCHOOLS
senate committees Is an Integral pait ot . .. . Dr-pr-up- eimCDUIOinM
the new movement. The Insurgent demo-1 WILL ntUCIVL OUrtn V IoIUIM
cratlc forces, probably will demand a fair I WASHINGTON, lei 17. .lofeph l.
distribution of places among the new and ' Kggleston of Richmond, Va.. state shper
old members on the Important committees. intcmlent of public Instruction, has been
Such an arrangement would- radically ' chosen chief of the field service in final
change the seniority system long recog-' education of the Vulted States bureau of
nlzed, under which the older senators I education. With his three assistants,
had the cholco of places, and often lipid lone of whom Will cover the west, nn
commandlng positions on several of the i other the middle west and the other the
leading committees. eat, country schools throughout the en-
Senators identified With the movement tire country will he visited nnd efforts
refused to outline today the extent to ' made (o adapt the studies taught as far
which the reorganization might effect las possible to the needs of the community.
democrats of long service like Senators
Tillman, immons, Overman, Martin, lla
con, Culberson and Johnston. Senator
Owen said that In the case of a member
of the senate who had the choice at pres
ent of a number of Important places, "we
would give a senator thus rituated one
good place and then distribute the other
desirable appointments."
Tho three assistants selected are Harold
W. Koght of the Klrkrx'Jllc. Mo., state
normal school; John C. Muerman, Idaho,
now division superintendent of schools
nt Cebu, Philippines, and Arthur C.
Monahan of Massachusetts, graduato
of the Massachusetts ngrlculture college.
Governor of Arkansas Makes Pro
test Against leasing System.
Kicciillw I'rllli'lse MnitUtrntm for
1 in post n l.oiiK Prison SenCenern
for Trlvlnl Offi-nsen Seri
ous Conditions SIiomii.
LITTI.K HOCK, Ark., Dec. 17.-Oov-cmor
Donngh todnv pardoned I'lfi sfato
and forty-four county convicts anil In a
long statement sold his action was taken
us a protest against tho system of leasing
of convicts In vogue In Arkansas.
The governor In his statement scored
magistrates for Imposing long Hentencc!1
for trivial offenses and told ot what ho
termed disadvantages of the lease system.
Am n result of tho pardons three state
convict camps will be abolished, but sev
eral camps where prisoners working on
tho roads arc housed will bu continued In
operation. Some of tho men pardoned
wero sentenced to terms of fifteen years.
The governor In his statement, which
will be presented to the next legislature,
tells of his unsu . cssfui ef foils to have
the cunMcl lease system abolished and
declares thnt teports made to him by
special ngetils of conditions exlNtlng on
stute and cuuntx farms "could scarcely be
accepted as truth among a civilized peo
ple, hut for the record In the case."
Aimnrrii Ills Crllles,
In answer to his critics, whom the gov
ernor quotes as having said that "a state
penitentiary could not be designed as a
Sunday school " he said: "Nor was It
designed as a tcyiigefut hell. Of course
no one Intended for It to be such, hut In a
measure that Is what II and the county
farms of the stale have re-olved them
selves Into."
Ot the minor courts Governor UnuuKhy
"The abuse or power shown by a few
Individuals acting as Justices of peace In
some of tho towns and cities W enough lo i
nUiggcr Into Hinnzernent thofe who have
given the matter any attention."
Naming the New Hotel
Let mo suggest that "The Uranedy"
would bo both h pleasing and becoming
name for the proposed new hold In view
of all tho circumstances, thus ciiblulng
tho names of somn of our most excellent
and public spirited cttlzenr.
We thought would send In a name
for the new mlllloii-ilollar hotel. Call it
the "Huffalo." Ot course other names
will be nsked for', nnd wo Valley folks
thought or this name.
W. It. NiailTlNQALK.
ItiMiiliriiuill I1Icim rreil.
LA HOllH. Hllllsh India. Dec. 17.-A
painting, which expetts luivo pronounced
a ftenilirundt. has been discovered In a
I, nudum
The city vital statisticians hnd a problem
to contend with that only exhausted
their Imaginative faculties. A girl wan
reported born to Frank and Catherine
White, 108 South Ninth street. Mr. White
is nu Indian. His wife Is colored. What
Is tho child? At last tho health depart
ment held a conference and decided to
accept the report of tho physician who
classified tho youngster as a "negro,"
At the Theaters
Boyd: "Th Whits Slater."
Brandali: "A Tool There Was."
Qayetjri Extravaganza.
Hippodrome: Vaudeville,
Kruffi Burlesque.
Orphenmt Vaudeville.
Matinees today at the Boyd, Oayety,
Hippodrome, Krug and Orpheum
Honors vGiven
Amundsen in Paris
PARIS, Dec. 17. President Fllleres to
day received Captain Roald Amundsen,
discoverer of the South pole, and handed
him thd Insignia of grand officer of the
Legion of Honor.
A reception In honor of Captain Amund
sen was given at the city hall and In tho
evening Amundsen delivered a lecture
before a distinguished gathering. At 1U
conclusion Prince Honaparto presented to
him the grand gold medal of the Geo
graphical society.
Culls from the Wires
Tho republican majority Is doing lta ut
most to prevail upon Leon Bourgeois, the
former premier, to stand as ?anddato for
the presidency or tne repumic.
Hallways of Oregon attacked in the
federal court at Portland. Oregon's Inltia
tive bill In which the people undertook
to declare tha relationship of freight
Suit against Henry Clay Pierce, head
of the Waters-Pierce Oil company of St.
Louis in New York brought by Mrs.
Alice G. Rycroft. to recover J171.000 In se
curities, was withdrawn by Mrs. Rycroft.
Two questions relating to the validity
of the Oklahoma "grandfather law." were
certified by the United States circuit
court of appeals sitting in St. Louis, to tho
T'nlted States supreme court.
John A. Locker of K. Locker and com
upany, Brooklyn tobacconists, who are
plaintiffs in a 1300,000 damage suit against
tho American Tobacco company, told his
own story In the trial In New York.
Strenuous objection was entered by Ven
ner and company. New Yor!' bankers,
presenting stockholders of the Michigan
Central railroad, before the Ohio public
service commission, to the granting of
Dcrmlsslon to the New York Central lines
to Issue J24.000.00O in bonda for purchasing
additional car equipment.
Action on President Taffs appolnt
tnentHs not likely to be taken by the
innate before the Christmas recess. An
attempt to secure the confirmation of the
appHntment of Edward E. Clarke of
Iowa for another term as member of the
Interstate Commerce commission was be
gun la h.e aenate. 4
rrninltes of th- Press A cut.
Robert Hllllard's great success of last
season, A J-ool There was. is now lie
Ing picsentcd at the Brandels theater by
a company of clever players. Tho lead- .
Inc part this season Is being played by j
Mr. Gibson, a very capable actor, who reen -here In "The Virginian."
On Thursday evening at tho Brandels
theater that much talked of play "Kreck- !
les" will open n three days' engagement. 1
The management announces "Pomander .
Walk" for the Christmas offering, the
engagement continuing until Saturday
with two performances on thnt day. i
When you meet Owen TdcGIveney, ihe .
celebrated Irish actor nt the Orpheum j
this week, you realize how many things ;
are true of the Irish. He lias the charm.
Ing courtesy, the refinement of speech
and the quickness of wit and imagination ,
that are characteristic of tho race. Mr.
McGlveney Is presenting, single-handed,
an extraoruinary skcicii iram uuvcr
Twist," Impersonating five different char
acters. Perhaps the most Interesting part
of Mr. McOlveney's work Is tho quick
changes he makes. It takes the eoncen- J
trated and highly trained efforts of two
men. one of them Mr. McOlveney's I
brother, to effect them. At each of tho
several exits from the stnge ore laid the '
i-arments and make-un needed for Ihe !
next character duo to enter at the samo
place. Whllo one assistant snatches off
the garb of Fagtn, another, with the help
of tho actor fastens, on Nancy's skirts.
shawl and wig. and frequently If becomes
necessary for all three to run from one
side of the Btngo to the other, putting ;
on a costume as they go. j
About the blggost "noise," with "Taxi
Girls," this week's. show, at the Gayely,
la the Farrell -Taylor trio. Fun lovers'
luck Is running better this season, tus the ,
entire trio Is well and hearty and fur
nlshes twenty mlute.s of continuous laugh- I
ter. The expressive term, "a scream," j
can truthfullly be applied to this act.
Tired Christmas shippers' matinee dally.
Klein. Ott and Nloh'olaen at tho Hlppo
j,.n,. il, lu week Intersperse their musical i
act Wltll Wlioieiome comeuy mm mo iciuii
ia an uct that would delight the most
"In Cartoon Land" is a laughable bur
letta In the "Whirl of Mirth" show at
the Krug this week. All the popular
cartoon characters Mutt and Jeff, Hllk
Hat Harry. Der Captain, the Katzenjam
mer Kids, Desperate Desmond, etc. ap
pear on the stage and go through clever
stunts that bring forth the heartiest of
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is thv Road to
Business Success.
iBft v It is the rich
you ever
wPBfiSHll p'ease yu n everv wav r
XgTtmBK iCYour Money Back;
st purest most deliciou
tasted guaranteed t
This is tke Ideal
Whiskey for the Home
WE kttow you will want some good, pure whiskey
for the Holidays for your own use and to set
before your friends. Be particular in your
selection avoid blends and compounds consider
quality as well as price and remember there ia only
one way you can be'SURE of getting absolutely pure,
straight whiskey and that is to insist on BOTTLED-IN-BOND
the kind with the Government's Green
Stamp over the cork.
That'a What Wo Offer You
Hayner fine, old Private Stock Bottled-inBond
Whiskey rich, pure and delightfully pleasing
shipped in Strong, sealed case direct from distillery
to you and all it costs you is $3.20 for FOUR full
quarts express charges paid by us.
There I No Question
About a Whiskey Like This
You KNOW It is goodf you KNOW it is pure the
U. S. Government's official Green Stamp over the cork
is put there for your protection and it tells you in plain
words that this whiskey is bottled-in-bond, fully aged,
full 100 proof and full measure and is your assur
ance that it comes to you just as it left the original
barrels as pure and good as it ia possible to produce.
Nowhero Else Can You Do So Well
Blends and compounds can be had anywhere and at
any price the papers are' full of such offers but when
itcomes toBOTTLED IN-BOND the kind with Uncle
Sam behind it the kind with the Government's Green
Stamp over the cork Hayner Whiskey stands abso
lutely alone the greatest value offered by anyone
in America at our price of only 80c a quart delivered.
How Can We Afford To
Name So Low a Price?
We are the largest distillers of pure, straight whiskey
in America and the only distillers who sell their entire
product direct from Distillery to Consumer thr.s sav
ing you all the profits of the middleman and dealer
and off eringyou this fine, pure, bottled-in-bond whiskey
direct from distillery at the distiller's price.
Profit By ThU Great Sarinf
Over 1,000,000 men in the United States are our steady
customers they know and appreciate the quality of
Hayner Whiskey and send us their orders time and
time again for more of the same good kind. NOW
we want an opportunity to prove our claims to YOU
we want to show you what we are producing we
want to convince you of the great saving our Direct-from-Distillery
plan of selling means to you.
Send Us Your Order Now
Try this Whiskey at our risk and on our positive
guarantee that you will find it all we claim as fine a
whiskey as you ever tasted and the best value you ever
bought or you may send back balance of goods at our
expense and we will return your money without a word.
You Take No Chances
Our guarantee is as fair and square as we know how
to make it it means what it says we MUST make good
we must send you a quality that will strike you as rich,
pure, delicious right in every way and we will do it
. Don't Put It Off
Attend to this right now while you tiiink of it no letter
is necessary use the coupon below fill it out and
mail it to our nearest Office apd Shipping Depot and
we will surprise and delight you with the quality of
the goods we will send you.
Enclosed find 320 for which send me FOUR full quart bottles
of Hayner Private Stock Botlled-in llond WhUkey-expreu paid
as oervour offer. Ilia unripr&tnori that if this whliKev is nnl
found at represented and satisfactory to me in every way, it may
be returned at your expense and my $3.20 is to be promptly
full 32om
PISj hi
Tho Hotel of Amorlcsn Woals""
Waihini, D.'C.
Hotel Powhatan
Pennsylvania A verms
at 18th and II Streets
Wvw. rinrjrroof. sPta TUm.
I too his, tlotachod buUi, 91.50,
$2.00 up.
lloonis, private bath, $2JK,
93.00 oil.
100 par oent Fire, Oorra and Dust
Proof. Two blocka from White
llouoa. and near all points
of interest.
Owners and Operators.
Btreotloa and Manscamsat
Add re
No ordsra f Iliad for lata than 4 quirts
Orders (or Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada.
New Mexico. Oregon. Utah, Washington or Wyoming must be on
the basis of 4 Quarts lor fi.00 by Express lrepaid or 20 Quarts for
$15.20 by Freight Prepaid. l i-u
THE HAYNER DKTflJJKIG CO., Dept. J-105 2111 Central St., KANSAS CITY, MO.
Oltlcea Va Sblsslnf alts at
pi.tlllerr at itot, iimo
Capital f 300.000.00 full Paid
34th St. East at Park Ave.
, Subway Entrance NEW YORK
The World's Most
Attractive Hotel.
Each room with a bath,
Single toom, with bath, $3, $4, $5, $6,
Double roorrij with bath, $5. 36, $7, $8, per
Double bedroom, boudoir dressing room and
batn. $7. $10. $12, per day.
Suites, pulor, bedroom and bath, $10, $12.
$15, $18, per dsy
T.M.HUUard, Managing Director
Walton H. Marshall, Manager
Tit AVE l,c
LartMt ttramer in the service llook now
tiiaira ci tint n
I Aik tor llluitrsitd bovkltt
'The llovttl Mull ritcn' Packet Co.
I i in iir T Stesijhl vTRlft Agist