Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Wonderful - Beautiful
Tile Famous Tel-Electric (55-noto accenting I'lnjr, ami the latest SS
note Telektra Player will he demonstrated every day this week on the Chick
ering Upright and Grand Piano.
Uan be attached to any Piano. The most beautiful, nearest human ef
fect yet produced. U is truly wonderful.. They are in the finest homes, in
America. Runs electrically, but current in homo not a necessity. Can be
operated by storage batteries.
You are cordially invited to hear these beautiful players during this
week in our Piano Department. A representative of the Tel-Electric Co. of
New York will be here to thoroughly demonstrate the merits of these play
ers. Come and enjoy an hour or two with us.
master on the Colorado division, with
wun win onnnuDn DAJifiuo
II nU H1UU QUUUUDU nUHVn: headquarters In Goodland. Kan. Mr. Bre
.. hrney has had charge of the lines between j
Governor Aldrich Has Several Men ! f."
from Whom to Choose.
Fanner There Strikes Vein While
Sinking Well.
Independent l'lionr I'ntniiia In
."until I'lnMc Not III Meracr rc
, I'm orr from tomiret Ion
ltltli Omit tin.
Aorntiil nnnnl Coca on Ileoord
Aeolus! I.iilitiyliiK A rou ml I.crI
Intnrc Hxi-rpt 'I'll much lles-
iK'nntPil Committee. .
(Krom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 17.-(Speclal.)-Who
will tp the successor to Hcv. Isaac
Frank Roach on the State Normal board
was not decided by the governor before
the board adjourned last night. Dr.
Roach did not hand in his resignation,
though It Is expected to bo In the hands
of the governor before the end of the
There are half a dozen candidates for
the plucc. Rev. J. S. Gtttys of Grand
Island, who was pastor of tho Methodist
church at David City at the time Gov
ernor Aldrich became a member of tho
church, Is one of the leading candidates
and is supposed to stand wen with the
governor ot account of old associations
How F. S. Stein of Lincoln, a retired
pastor of the Methodist church, is sup
posed to have the backing of Itev. Mr.
rtoach, tliot retiring member, and that
will be supposed to cut some figure in
the appointment. G.. II. Thomas .of Har.
vard, brother of Harry Thomas, secre
tary or the printing board and the press
agent of Governor .Aldrich during th'e
campaign, Is a candidate, and It Is sup
posed stands ..well with the governor' on
account of Jthty closenoes of tho secretary,
of tho printing board' to .the 'sojrjtgfr
M. Brugger of' Columbus, C- bapHer. of.
that city and who has Deertfa.mwPcr oi
the school board of that city for a num
ber of years, Is another candidate for
tho position. Mr. Brugger Is recommended
for the position by Superintendent Conn
of the Wayne normal, who says that he
Is "the salt of tho earth."
There have been, times In flio past when
tho State Normal board might have used
a little salt, and for that reason a little
"salt of tho earth" In the person of Mr.
Brugger, who 1b a successful business
man, might come In handy In tho future.
Oppose Lobbying;.
The notmal board: at Its meeting went
on record as opposed to lobbying around
the legislature, except when Invited to be
present by committees of the legislature.
The resolution was Introduced by Superin
tendent Cavlness of Falrbury and met
with general approval. However, It was
thought best that a legislative committee
should be appointed, and on motion of
Superintendent McDonald; a committee
consisting of Mr. Tooley of Anselmo,
State Treasurer George and Superintend
ent Cavlness of Falrbury was appointed,
to select a legislative committee. It being
suggested that If the governor appointed
a Lincoln man to the vacancy on the
board, on account of his placo of resi
dence, he would be a good' man to com
pose at least" a part of the committee.
I Falrbury and Council Bluffs for the last
o years.
Marriage licenses Issued: Almon Jones
and Mary H. Brown, Charles Johnson and
Daisy Tcfcnor. Travis Crainb and Lena
Zncfrka, Charles Nashmeler and Kmma,
Wletlng, ThomaB It. Moles and Margaret
Nun. Henry Fredde and Lydla Myers.
Tho Hock Island Is distributing ties
along tho lines between Falrbury and
Horton, Kair., and It Is the intention to
rebuild the 114 miles of track between
those points.
Rev. Luther Ludden
Finishes Fiftieth
Year of Service
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 17.-(SpeeIah-J.
C. Hublto, John Fisher and James
Harbak, three residents of Virginia, came
near being killed yesterday afternoon In
an automobile accident south of Virginia.
They were returning from tho country
and Mrs. Hubku was driving about
twenty-flvo miles an hour when one of
the tires burst, rauslng the machine to
leave the road. It turned over twice and
landed In a dltrh badly smashed. Tho
occupants were thrown clear of tho ma
chine and escaped with slight Injuries.
ALLIANCE, Neb.. Dtc. 17.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) The Central school building was
totally destroyed by fire, which was dis
covered about 4 o'clock this morning and
fanned by a stiff wind was beyond con
trol when tho fire department arrived a
few minutes later. The building, the first
school In Alliance, was erected In 1S0O at
a cost of about $10,000. The origin of the
flro Is unknown, but probably an over
heated furnace was the cause. The loss
Is partially covered by Insurance.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 17. (Special.) -Rev.
Luther P. Ludden, probably known all
over Nebraska better than most any
other man and the man who for many
years has, been the reading1 secretary of
republican state conventions on account
of his voice, which could be heard In all
parts of the largest convention hall, has
completed a record of which he feels
proud and which can iiardly be dupli
cated In1 the whole country.
On Sunday, December 8, Rev, Ludden
completed fifty years of continuous at
tendance at church without a break.
Thirty-five years of this ttmo he has
been a preacher In tho Lutheran church.
"During tho thirty-five years he has been
a pastor he has preached or addressed a
congregation every Sunday esCept twenty-two.
At present he Is the field sec
retary of the western district of the
board of home missions of the general
synod of tho Lutheran church, n posi
tion he has held for ton years, During
that time he has traveled more than 300,- I
009 miles and has averaged about 400
sermons or addresses each year.
In years gone by no republican state
convention was really happy unless Rev.
Mr. Ludden was on the platform send
ing out his strong voice to all parts of I WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.-A circular
tho hall. Many times other secretaries i MUed by a ma order (Uor f,rm be(U.
have been selected, but In each event lng tno words ..Unt!le Sam , our partner-.
there was such a demand from the f loor ; wa8 displayed In tho senate chamber to
for Rev. Mr. Ludden as reading clerk j day by senator Kenyon as an illustration
that no convention thought for a moment of the cxtent to Which, he said, the United
of getting along without him. At the states was Impliedly taking part In the
last state convention Mr. uuaaen was se- i vlolatlonof lluor prohibition laws in "dry
Sno.w Blockade in
Northern Wisconsin
ASHLAND, Wis., Dec. 17. Phenomen
ally heavy snow has beon falling in tho
Lako Superior region for fifteen hours.
At Ashland the flro whistles blew warn
ing to the school children to not go to
school, and tho blockaded streets may
close the public, schools .for two or three
days. The weather is very mild, but tho
snow Is the heaviest In years. Marquette
and Iscanaba report two feet of snow.
Kenyon Speaks fdr
Liquor Shipment Bill
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 17.-(Spcclal.)-Whctlier
some 6f the bull inoofc party which went
dow$ In the late landslide became buried
near Yutan. In Saunderi county. Is un
known, but Indications ioliit to something
Ike that In a letter which has been re
ceived At th eofflce of tho state game
warden. The letter says that In putting
down a well on his farm near Ytitnn.
Peter Hemmlnger struck a vein of wind
so strong that the force of It coming out
of tho well forces heavy weights off of
the hole.
At first It was thought that the new
discovery was gas, but by applying a
mntei to tho well it would not Ignite.
The writer of th cletter want to matter
.bought bsfore ho Btato officers to see
what ran be done. A bonus Is offcied by
tho stato for the discovery of coal, gas
and other things, but none of tho state of
flceds . remembers any reward being of
fcied for tho discovery of wind. The ses
sion of tho legislature Is almost here and
It Is tho opinion of sonio of the officers
that there will be no need of the Yutan
The matter will he brought before the
stato university dcpaitmcnt of natural
curiosities and an effort will be made to
capture somo of tho escaping wind and
bring It to the university for a chemical
analysis. The matter also will bo brought
before the city council of Lincoln to seo
If there has been a leak from tho council
Knulm-N I neil In Slnte.
A Douglas county farmer Iikh written
Secretary Mcllor of tho state fair board
for Information icgardlng the number of
engines In use In the stutc of Nibiaskn.
Mr. Mellor has looked up tho proposl
tlon and has notified the gentleman that
the number stands as follows: Traction
engines, 2,30.1; Btatlonory engines, 1.173;
gas engines, 11,047, and automobiles, 34,03$.
Phone Pntronn Left Onl.
The Stnto Railway commission listened,
to a vigorous kick late yesterday after
noon by the Hastings Independent Tele
phone company and certain citizens of
the town of Crc'to. alleging that patrons
of that lino which did not gel In on the
recent consolidation have been left out
and nrc unablo1 to get connection over
the Independent, lino with Omaha.
Tho company Is not a member of the
merger "and claims that It cannot get a
designation point In ' Omahn. Fornicrty
they had service to Omaha through Lin
coln, and were thus able to get Into com
munication with Omaha people, but since
the Independent company entering Omaha
has been sold subscribers at Hastings
The foesi assortment of
Robes and Jackets in
town awaits you here
No out' t'vi't- wi'iil astray in llu'ir gift
giving who gavo Mr. Man a nice robe
or a ronil'ort giving house coat. Tho
only thing that could possibly prevent
perfect appreciation of such a gilt
would be careless selection of it. That
need not worry you, however, because
you can conio hero, and from tho great
est selection in town pick one to per
fectly satisfy him. Try doing so.
$2.50 to $15.00.
$5.00 to $12.50
p s KiNn. mr niiMr.ooiiM.m tinTiirs A.S.PECK
and adjacent towns are unable to get
connection with Omaha It 1h sold that
the Hell company has notified the Lin.
voln company that it will no longer ac
cept messages sent by the patrons of the
imllln rcerl Independents at UaxtltiKS and
clsowiiere, and that the Lincoln company
therefore to troiisnitt messages
from 1 lasting" to the Hell company at
Omaha. Tho railway commission will
take the matter up as soon ns It ran get
to It and sec what can lie dime to alle
viate the distress at Hastings.
Xcvr Oniuliii Cnmimn .
The Hankers' Realty Investment com
pany of Omaha has filed articles with
the secretary of state with a capital of
J10.000. divided Into 1(0 shares of K each.
Tho company will do n general buying
and selling of stocks, bonds, etc. The
Incorporators are 1'ctor Rlvard, F. J.
Weaver, F. C. Haven
Five Debates lte letted.
This evening at fnlvorslty hall the flvo
debates held by the central debating
league were rex lowed. The Nebraska
Illinois debate was discussed by Demi
William Hustings and sonio others. The
Nebraska-Wisconsin debate by Pi of.
Fogg, the MllilU'sota-lowa debate by Will
Owon Jones and Albeit Wutklnx, who
wero Judges mid which was won by
Minnesota, the lowa-Wlft'onsIn debate,
won by tho former, by Prof. K. II. Con
ant. The Hohcmlnn students at the State uni
versity will give an entertainment at their
club house, 143". It street, on Tuesday
evening, In which Yulctlde customs of
Hohomla will fdrin n large pait of the
program, national costumes to be ued
I Of tho $3,000 nccosnry to elect a statue j
to the Ilolicmlan scholar and statesman.
Komensky. JGOO Is now In the hands of
the committee. This docs not Include k
which has been subscilhcil bji Dohenitan !
clubs and llolicmtans through the country
At tho university convocation this morn i
lug, W. M. It. French, biothcr of thu
sculptor, Daniel Chester French, who
I undo tho Lincoln statue at the stato rapl-
lol, spoke. Ills subject was "Wit and
Wisdom of tho Crayon."
I. mutiny Teachers Here.
At some thuo this week, not now known, i
lllnee public school teachers from Urn- ,
gimy, who aro making an Inspection trip .
or tho United States, sent out by thole
government, will arrlvo In Uncoln for un
Inspection of the Stnlo university nt
other snhonls of tho city. Tho visitors aro
Miss FrlgerlH, Miss Uipey and Miss F.n.
plnolo and they will spend ono year In
making tho trip. They Kavo boon In
America slnco last spring spending sov
eial weeks at Cornell collego dining the
summer session
ALL1ANCH. Neb., Dec. 17,-(8poc!nl
Telegram.) Tho household goods of U. H,
l'owcll, agent for tho lliirlliiKton .rallioad,
on routo from Litchfield, Neb., to Ouster,
S. U.. wliero ho Is bring transferred by
tho company, wero totally destroyed by
flio at Seneca this morning, tho car In
which they wero loaded catching flro
from somo unknown cause.
KKARNIJY, Neb,. Dec. 17.-(8peell l -Word
was received today by Attorney'
John A. Miller, noting for the defendant,
l'rcsby.orlnn congregation of the church
nt dandy against Clnrlmla O. Klrlo,
who secured a temporary restraining
restraining order a couplo of months
ago against tho removal of the church
edlflco front tho Inland town of Oandy
to Stnpleton, tin co miles away on tho
liowly extended, railroad lino from Kear
ney, stating that Judge K. M. Orlmes
of North Platto had handed down his dc-l
cltlou dissolving tho restraining order and
permitting tho majority of tho members
of tho congregation to havo their wish
In removing tho church to the new town.
In his opinion, Judge Grimes stntod
plainly, that church organizations must
regulate their own affairs unless It In
volved civic destruction or loss of prop
erty, and that tho plaintiff should havn
gone to tho church tribunals Intstead oC
thu courts.
TeeiiniReli Hotel Keeper !)lnpcHr.
TKCITMSKH, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special,) -"I'at"
fccogh, who has been landlord oC
tho HopkhiH hotel In this city for tho last
fow weeks, has dlsappcored. Ho loft
without a parting word a fow nights ago.
Ills wife and child have gone to Ileatrlcc,
where Mr, Keogh's parents, Mr. nndMrs.
A. ('. Iteol. reside. Koogh loft a few un
paid hills about town, Htownrt Htoh., own
ers pt tho hotel property, took Immedtato
charge and not a meal wli missed.
Iccted as one of the two secretaries, rep
resenting the faction supporting Taft,
nnd when the split camo and the Taft
delegates walked out, Mr. Ludden
watched their progress with tears In his
eyes, for It grieved, him greatly to see the
party with whloh he had affiliated for.
years split up with dissension, and what
seemed to hit him harder than anything
else, on account of his position as secre
tary, he could not walk out with the rest.
IWIMLLION. Neb., Dec. 17.-(Spedal.)-
states." Senator Kenyon made the chief
speech In support of the Sheppard-Ken-yon
bill to prohibit shipments of liquor
by any channel of Interstate commerce
across tho border of a "dry" state.
m st nulat ons for settlement were uieu "Vi i, ,,.. ii..
Miss Kmma Steckclberg, Instructor
tho Falrbury High bchool, liss been ap-i,vlth the clerk of the district court today
ponltcd Instructor in German nt the stats in cases of Cass county against Sarpy
normal school at Chadron.
county. These are the famous Ixmlsvlllc
bildgo cases. In tho first one, which 'was
filed In 1M0, Judge Travis had recently
granted a change of venue to Otoe county
and the trial was to have been held this
month nt Nehruskn Ottv. Thes suits
KBATtNnY, Neb.. Dec. 17.-(Spedal.)- wera for rep8rlra on the Iulsvillo bridge.
T. N. Hartzell. county awessor-elect. and 'thQ frst Qne WM for ,.93 nnd tne B0C.
whose offioo was voted out of existence 0ld for j2,4olt3j. Harpy county agrees to
at the same election, has announced his pay j ln tne tlm and J750 , tnc iecona
intuition of contesting the election. nnU costs of sult
lu Nuckolls, and Keith counties, where.
SsCof iSUo? having "county COLORED WAITERS FIGHT
amessorshlp office was embodied anions DUEL ON DINING CAR
tho other officials and propositions on j
the regular election ballot. In Buffalo j pjijajioNT, Ncb Dec. 17. George Bur
bounty a small ballot was provided with re an(J wm JonnwJlli colored waiters
just the asscssorshlp proportion on it. abQard Un(m VAclnc ,raln No, WC8t.
thus making It a special election, accord- bound fought a bloody ducl , tn(, dlnInff
lug to the contention of Hartzell. , car on the tpam netween Valey nmt
Ho docs not expect to begin his pro- . Waterloo nUrrell' wounJs may he fatal,
tcedlngs until after tho new count.v Johnson wa8 arnlt.d wlth a razor nncI
supervisors Imc taken their oaths of Burro with an leo pick.
'''IlcCl 1 Union Pacific detectives arrested the ' hut
I combatants and took them off at Fre-I u)Ion hc nc)t to DflnH tpo govem
jiuuni. lu,"") ! ' ment charged. Joined with other union
; officials In plotting tho destruction of
property of nonunion firms.
Concerning motions for the dismissal of
1 other defendants, Judge Anderson said
BY GAGE DISTRICT COURT t,,em hcrc aml thcy were ukc" back to
j umina.
BI3ATMCE. Nb Dec. 17. (Special.) j
Judge L. M. Pembe.lton yesterday In the
(Continued from Page One.)
Imalncd in Canada slnco. cmln hero."
I asked Judge Anderson.
hcrc In this
court room."
"J will increase his bond to JXj.OOO and
the marshal wll take him In custody."
As he was unable to procure bond, But
let was taken to Jail. Three other defend
ants, Including Herbert S. Hockln. who
resigned as secretary of tho union, also
are in Jail. Two witnesses for the de
fense are under bonds and hekl to the
.federal grand Jury on charges of perjury.
Doml .More Obedient.
Tn T . . -I . .
I (, uiavnnihiiis Lfutvu, uuukc Aiiocrson
j said:
"His acjlon 011 the witness stand was
.so much better than some otliers arid bo
much more to his crodtt that I think 1
may believe him. Ho was asked ques
tions and he answered them frankly. It
was not necest-ary to use tongs, pincers
and hammer to compel him to obey the
orders of tho couit.
"Tho lettcr.4 Dowd wrote, which. It has
been chargnd, brought him Into the con
spiracy, aro all suscptlblc of an Innocent
Dowd formerly lived "t Mansfield, O.,
as an organizer for the machinists'
Christmas Presents for Men
district court granted four divorces nnd
(JUK3scU of a number of other cases.
Minnie A. Batderson was granted a de
cree from Wlnfleld S, Ilalderson and the
orce was
husband. Kit Stevens, on
of cruelty and drunkenness.
Schcmbeck was granted a decree from
Emanuel Schembeck, and Alice Larabee a
decree from K. L. Larabee. Mrs. Larabee
was given tMO alimony and the custody of
their daughter. All the parties to the suits
lefidc ln Beatrice. Spencer Horn of Bea
nice and H. Ashmoro pleaded guilty to
the chaige of petit larceny and were
ghen thirty days In the county Jan.
Votes from FnlrJiury.
FAIItBL'Ity. Neb.. Dec. 17.-(Special.l-
Npik Notes of Alliance.
ALLIANCH, Neb., Doc. 17.-(Spcclal.)-Judgo
Westover todHy made the Injunc
tlon restraining tho county commlpslonor
from proceeding with tho lisuo of bords
for the erection of the now court house
Several reatons wore gvun
, m-inlv nf their minor children. A dl- (
. , 1 , ,
... . -I . s t - . Wll 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1
given r.v:i oiutuna uxwi neri' .
the grounds lor 111 oecision. niimnvo p-mino nw
Lena , 18 courag eu, nui win sirn ax once wiiu
la campaign ana noia anotner jac&uor,
that before the dnfense began Its cane he
foil Inclined to discharge certain defend
ants, "but since that time the attitude of
tho defenre's witnesses on tho stand" had
made him change his mind.
i Argument to itcRln,
Four days 011 each tide was fixed for
arguments beforo the Jury, which will
tifttfln fntiinrirtn' Ah asvriri n m aAnA r
n"1 0,Brcn- v. Kern announce-1 that the defense
The new cluster lights on Main street refited 0..erllm, mM h"
were turnd on for tho first time last , ,, ,!,,,,,,
night giving tho city a holiday appear
ance, fitoro windows arc bouutlfully
decorated and
tho largest
" u . , ' Cooley, New Oilcans; Frank C. Webb,
Dave Kuta, who w.s opiated on , New York; William J. McCain, Kansas
for appendicitis at St. Josephs hospita. ntv M .,,,...,, K . ..,,,
Matched Sets in Leather Cases
Hose, Tie and Suspenders,
Silk Neckwear,
Silk Hose,
Silk Handkerchiefs,
Jewelry, Shirts,
Matched Sets in Boxes Tie,
Belt and Hose,
Fancy Suspenders,
Initial Handkerchiefs.
An order for a Hat or a Pair of
Gloves saves you a lot of trouble.
si a. . i
to offer In rebuttal.
The defendants who did not testify in
; their own behalf ar-j; Hockln, Olaf V
and th merchants nntlclpato j Tvtmpe, R N. Ha ,rrancl!)00.
holiday trade In tho history of j K JIunary SaU Jjlkc cty. A'
. - . a - ,.,11.1,' I. a liultnr I im n ll. fi nrt uan... .
J J Ilreheney. a uock isibuu uuumi 01, .-v r.i j
this diy. has been promoted to train- jcoudltlon since the operation.
i-"ntli I'corl.i, III
STtllLI SG NOVEL f 1L3 -fltLNJilJIt.
m mi mm nn nm 1 m t mrm rii