4 D No Wedding KGAXi ESTATP) CITY PHormiTV KOll FIELD CLUB DISTRICT New Modern Homes South East Corner 38th Avenue and Marcy Street ' .MODERATE PRICES ' $4,250 TO $4,750 6 AND 7 ROOMS '!Why. You Should Ihvcsligule Buying: I . Because,. In no other part of tho city have homobulltlurH dovolopcd their property An Uko manner. Native trocH In nbunilunco have been pre Horvod, and shrubs tuid (lowering plants have been set qui by u landscapo gardener, Riving tho property a homelike nspect. Bocoubo, this property Is surrounded by high-class rcsldenceH, a fact that assuros you stability In valncB arid pleasant environments. It 1b closo 16 tho Flel Club and a good school, BecaUso,' the-houses aro attractive In appeiiranco, well built and beau tifully finished. Tho plumbing and heating plants nro, first quullty and aro guaranteed; Becaudd, wd can glvo you tonnB that will b bolter than the rental Imposition, Look.t this proporty today. Opon for Inspection. Payne & Slater Co. jcig umana Naliqnal Bank Uldg. - i West Farnam District House-on Easy Terms This -houso Is 'located right In the West Farnam district within a block of some ot tho most expensive residence-. In Omuhit and tho highest priced lots. Tho house in well built throughout, of moderate size, having 7 rooms and reception hall, with nuarter sawt-d oak finish and floors, 1st floor. It is thoroughly modern, nearly now and located on beautiful lot. 6pxl2 ft., fronting, on asphalt paved street with Mam. fine ihadt- trees. Here Is an un usual opportunity to huy n god home upon easy terms for only $J,M0 In thM residence district. Immediate possession. Key at our office. George & Company 902-12 CUy Nft,ti. )lanlc Uldg. Phone. D. 75C J Dundee Home If you aro In the market for a first-class- home, take a look nt 6010 Chicago Ht. Has good rooms, consisting ot a tine living room with brick fireplace, beamed celling, etc.. sun room, fine din Ins room with bullt-ln buffet, window rat,; breakfast , room and kitchen nud toilet and lavatory on first floor. Thera nro four fine bedrooms and bath with tile -floor on second fjnor. 1-arge finished 4)tUo with water, beat and llcht ami two larg torns Ioset ftuo bus-uncut: 'house rtecoratedthroughout. Owner would ooBldr a good lot ns -part payment: E. W. Stoltenberg Douglas- 1O0: Harney Stlii. Owner Must Sell Easy Terms 6-roorn cottaite, nio-lern except heat; lias large llvinc room, dining room, two bedrooms, bath and kitchen: 'house newly decorated, throughout nnd newly painted outside, has fine electric light fixtures, iwnr artlv and Ohio Hta.j handy to car dinn, stores and school; ownr has reduced priccrto U,W0 for quick sale, u few hun dred catli und balance like rent Will handlo this deal. Would consider u Kuxl vacant lot as first payment. Call up or cm . SCOTO JJTLL, vDou-tUs 1009. -31)7 JtcCague .llld-. IU2A!fTr ESTATE loTtypo 4 A Warm House InDuneee U the redutml price for Mil Capitol Ave., a new house, planned and liullt for a home; owner called to Cali fornia; Living room with fireplace; burfet built In tho dining room; Hires bedroom and a sleeping porch: house Is stucco .finish; oak finish interior; very na( and attractive and a cosy homo, at actual cost. Paving taxes paid in full; key at offic. Glover & Spain .pD-'a City National. Doug. XXX NEAR KOUNTZB PLACE Adjoining Kountxe Pisco we have u aplsndld 7-room house, practically the same as new, which Is too largo for the present owner, and the low price at which It 1s offered will sell It very quickly. The location Is good, bslng on a nice paved street and only 100 feet from the street car. Wt are offering this property nt U.HOt snd a varant lot or smaller house Will be considered si part payment. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Doug. Kit. Ware Ulock. Close in Investment Two S-rooni oil modern flats und one t-rootn house, modern ex, heat, paved street, renting for l.o? per annum; good steady tenant. Owner has left city und wants mo to jjet an offer. P. X Tebbens m Omaha. Nail, Bk, I'ho ne D, 21StJUarwy WJO. Bells for Him UKAIj ICSTATU I'noi'Kii i v koh s ai.i: CITY This Property First Boforo - Phono Doug. 101C J..W..ROBBINS BARGAINS in HOUSES $4.2tONw,' S-i'oom tnndorn house, oak finish, easy walking distance $4, 300 Very flno, now, 2-story bungalow, 3Sth Avo.. feouth of Farmim. $3,000 8-room modern houso und good bnrn or garage, corner 22d and Uruut. J2.C00 S-iooni house, modern except fur nace, Davenport nnd Kith; near rrolgliton University und High School; nonresident owner must soil. . . ILSCKWr-room house, corner 2Sth Avo. and Manic, iii'nr nir Hun nnd xrbnnl. Jl.tffO 1-nHiin house. 23d and Ornre. These prices nro right und It will pay you to investigate. If you nro looking for a homo or an Investment, GOOD BUILDING LOTS U.WO-iOxlM, corner Cnpltol Avii..hnd 60th, In "Dundee; special!- nil pilld. Jt.cno tr.xlttt. corner 31th and Dodge. $l,ra uxl3i, on Davenport, near 2Gth. $lilC0 Thrro full lots, ono a corner, south of llunrooin Park. $ 150 Clood lot In Qrammcrcy I'nrk; closo to Military Ave. FARM NEAR OMAIIA Sixty acres, vqry flno land, 8 miles due west ot Omaha: 35 acres In alfalfa, bal ance In timothy nnd clover. Price. $145 per ncro. Small down payment, balance lonu time nt G ir cent. No trades. HKI5 MB VOll OTillCU llAltOAlNB. JOHN W, IIOUIUNH, iS02 FAHNAM ST. Owner Must Sell One of the Nobbiest Up-to-Date, Modern Bungalows To be found In tho north lmrt of town. Ftvo large lllng rooms, beHldrs bath, pantry and closets; oak beamed colling and hrlck-furrd flnplaco and mnntel. with mndu-ln bookease on each bide. In living room, filled with lomlc'd glass doora; i'oloiimo KPenliig with maaalvu h'junro columns between dining room und living room, nud oak-lxinolfd walls In dining room, itftk floors throughout and all walls dHotatd to huruioiilKe with tho tvoodworW; the latest iMitierit of hard ware nnd lighting fixtures. No. t open Plumbing, lurnurr, cemented collar, ce ment walks, etc. Oet l;ov of tho owner, 1. J. Hnrrlw. nny lime Sunday, or even- tni after o'clock, at 2310 Knwler Ave . br wOl at the bungalow. S. W. corner of ISth nnd Shlr His.. Hundav between 1 nild 6 uYloek. Tel. Web. aiC.' West Farnam Home $8,000 South front on Harnev near 3ith St.. eight rooms; two batlf -rooms: one of linun tiled. Keautirul ouk finish; nrtlsli. flr eplaei' In IKlng room. White enamel (liilsli on st-eoud floor. Only ono block from West Farpam car line. K90 us for further particulars. Armstrong-Walsh Co, Phone Tyler 1M. 110 S. 11th St. modern" six-uoom House ixju $2,400 llontlng at Uu.00 per month. HwwDtlon hall, lwrlor. dlnitur room and kitchen. Full biuemeut. laundry, Three bedrooms ami modern bathroom on Hocoiul floor. All in best order. Lot WxlSt. AT 39i"J NORTH ISth STREET. Nonrildent owner very anxious to sell. V. II, GATES, til Omaha Nat. Ilauk Hide. Tel. Douglas iSi. 44x132 $45,000 Next Flint National. Harrison & Morton Hanscom Park Lot !arge rip.p front SxUS on pave.1 treet. vltv wunr. wui-i ami j-o nig uargam ju lenps- I'nono owner TIL1S OMAIIA UKAIj ehtath I'tltll'MllTY Klllt HA 1,12. crrv Open Today 2 Till '4:30 New Homes Walking Distance First Time Offered Small Down Payment 1540 South 2Jth Ave, $3.0.7). Blx rooms, parlor, dining room, vestibulo and den nil Inflshed In oiik; kitchen and upstairs In bent rraJe yellow nine. Two largo bod room and bath. Downstairs den has ulathns closet, can no used for bedroom IT desired. Full foundation, cemented cel lar and sidewalk. Heady for occupancy about January I. 1613 South 25th Ave.. $3,150. Five-room buuKalow, oak In two rooms, rent of houso finished In yellow plno! buth room' opens Into n ltttlo hall' lending Into both but rooms. I.arKO bullt-ln cupboanls In klt chon, lea box room, large cellar, outsldo cellarway, furnace, cement sidowiUKs. yard sodded. Heady to move Into. 1618 R 26th Avo., $3,160. lflve-room col tnirn: Inside nrrnngement very much like nbovo cottage; outside plan entirely dlf rerent. mrge porcn, yarn souacu. ion will Hko cither of theso houses. Coino out this afternoon and look at them. Hastings & Heyden 1611 Harney St. Tel. Douglas 1W. . West Farnam District Brand New Home A'o have Just completed a fine two story modern homo, located nt 4223 Doug las street, which we can hcII you on my ment of a few hundred dollars doWn, halanca monthly, or a liberal discount Will 'bo allowed for cash. It Is arrnnged so that you get tho use of every Inch of floor Hpocc,' large living room, vestibule entrance and rout olosot. dining room, hnndy Uitohen, pantry and Ico box room on first floor: three liexlrooms and sun room on second floor; full oemonted base ment with grado entrance: first class plumbing and furnace; largo lot, Wxl28. street im.ved and paid for. Prlco M.100. UPen today for Inspection. Payne & Slater Co. C1B Omaha Nat'l. Pank Bldg. Phono Doug. lOlG.- BENSON F. S. Trullinger. New Frame Stucco House Dundee bocatoil 011 Uard St. between 61st and 62 Sis, high, sightly location. The first floor finished In oak with beamed celling und fireplace In dining room, largo sun room with .south una east exposure, 4 good bedrooms and sleeping porch, tiled bathroom, enamel rtnlsh with mahogany finished doors. A well built and con leniently urronged house, in a location where values ure increasing. Price, fLitt). Terms easy. Key ut our office. George & Company Phono D. 766. P02-12 City Nat. nans, tiiug.- SPEND"XMAS"IN" YOUROWNHOME ONLY $200 CASH Halanco $35 monthly, for your choice of two strictly modern, pok finished homes of 7 rooms each, full two stories; brund new. living room, dining room, den und kitchen on first floor; 3 good bedrooms. t closets. Uled bath and sorecncd-ln sleeping porch on second floor; stairway to attlo; guaranteed furnace and plumb ing; large lot 10x140; located on Omaha, s Prettlent Mllo ut 2219 and 2223 Ofcden St. One block to N. 2lth t. car line. Price. U.750. Phono Owner, Harney 5310. $2,600 COTTAGE 6 rooms and modem In every way; fine location on the north side: lurg 60-foot Wit; only $160 cash; balanca monthly pay ments. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Doug. 17S1. Ware Block. Site in Fairacres nldotn aro you offered, a corner like this, south and east fronlngc. overlooking best of Dundee and .Fatmcrea. I block tooth of I'ndrrwood. Only $2.1W- Ask to this Monday. O'Kccfo Heal Estate Co. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. V.ouK- 2711. Evenings. II. SB, or 11. oui not Advertised beeoke ' Tan.wwMn .,,w1l'M hOUXe Oil IS til AVC north of Farnam St., $K,C. Ask us about ibis. It is almost new snu very uw uble j. ir. dumont & co. leoa Farnam St SUNDAY BEE: DECEMiSER 15, 1912. IlEAIi ESTATE CITY I'llOPKRTY Foil SALE FIELDCREST , Field Club District TJio most desirnblo residence section in the city and will be filled with beautiful and costly homes in a verv short time. LOCATION: Lincoln Ave. to Hickory and 33d to35th streets. Lots 50x133 Prices $1,200.00 to $1,600.00 and includes Water, Sewer, Walks Building Restrictions This month wo have sold known citizens its Mr. Fred II. several others, who will at once build homes costing in the aggregate over $50,000.00. ON ALL LOTS REMAINING' UNSOLD JANUARY 1ST PRICES WILL BE ADVANCED. ACT QUICKLY if you wish to take advantage of these very low prices. NORRIS & NORRIS 400 Bee Building. Why Pay Rent? $200 Cash $25 Month E-ronm cottage, largo parlor, dining room and kitchen, with built-in cupboard. Choice combination lighting1 fixtures; ele gant art dome In dining room; two well ventilated bedrooms with fine bath and lavatory between; nlco stairway to large floored attic, whero two rooms Coul.1 bu finished with vnrv lltlln nxonnsn. Large cemented basement; up-to-dnto fur nace ami launury simc witn not aim coin water attachment: on large south front lot SOxl27; near cur and school: let us take you out In our car to see the place. 12,900. Easv Pnvment Plan $300 Cash. $30 Month. 7-room now houso, finished In oak; up-to-date; on paved street; paving paid. Near car and school. Price $3,600. Near Bemis Park $1,900 $500 Cash. !4.40 Month ' 6-room cottage; 4 rooms and bath on tho first floor; 3 nlco bedrooms upstairs; largo lot, paved street; iKilf block to car. $1,400 $100 Cash. $20 Month 4-room house In fltto shape; gas. well, sidewalk; sewer In street; largo lot, with nine bearing fruit trees. American Security Company Formerly Shlmoi- & Chase Co. SCO S. 17th tit. Douglas 3XG7. Open Sat. evenings until 0 o'clock... Dundee Lots J1.000 WxlK foet, fronting south on Izard St.. overlooking tho new boulevard system: paved street, city water, sower and gus; $100 down and bill nnco monthly for this choice lot. $1,100 Wxl25 fret, north front on Chicago St., surrounded by good houses; all specials In. Prlco subject to unpaid pa1ng. Rasy terms. $1,31060x133 feet, south front on Capitol Ave., near aist. All improvements In. Subject to unpaid paving. High, sightly lot. Terms easy. $1,60060x135 feet, northwest corner of Capitol Avo. und 61st Ht. One of the few single corners for sulo In Dundee. Kxcellent neighborhood. One block from car line. Ho sure and sob this lot. ICnsy terms. $.',So For 100x130 feet, northeast corner or liurt ana &:i t-sts. uoth streets paved. City water, gas and sewer In and paid for. One of the choicest corners In Dundee and the cheapest wo know of In any such location. Above price ,1s Subject to unpaid nn vine. George & Company Phone D, 766. 902-13 City Nati P.k. Uldg. ONLY $1,400 For only $100 cash you can move Into one of our neat cottago homes. Balance only u ier monin, rnis payment in eludes the Interest Situated 3 blocks from $1001100 CKNTKAL PAKE SCHOOL,. Oiime distance fxm 42D AND OIIAND AVE. CAK UN IS. All lots level. Blt- uuted high and sightly. These houses are new, built by day labor and or aeiectea materials. Call Doug. 1064 for an appointment. They ure going fast. Only three unsold. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., H. M. CUItisTlE, Mgr. Real Estate Dept isw Farnam St. Tel. uoug. looi.' Yovms FOR $1,200 Northwest corner SJd Ave, and Wright street, 64-foot frontage, on paved 'street snd ear lliw. If you are looking for u flue home rite this should Interest you. Can make terms. W. FAHNAM SMITH & CO., 1SJ0 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. KK4. 100x169, $25,000 Harney, near SOth. Harrison & Morton Drawn RKAIi ESTATE CITY I'ltOl'KIIT Y FOlt BALK FIELDCREST lots to such well Krug, Mr. L. B. Whitmarsh and Tel. Doug. 4270. What You Want We Have Large New House Close In This Is ono of tho best built 1 1011 sea In tho city, being built hy day labor; has reception room. larR living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor. All fin ished in mission oak, with gcnulno white oak floors. Four largo bedrooms upstairs, modern bath room with tile floor. This house has' an 'Ideal arrangement and Is In walking distance of town. Full- ce mented bnsoment with laundry sink, good furnaco, double flloors, both upstairs and down, with an Insulating dedeulng felt botween. You must see this house In order to upprcclutr it. Man will uo there to show yo uthrough from 2:30 to 4:30 todny. Very easy terms. -Located at 2505 Mason. Payne & Slater Co. OMAItVS HOME HUlI-DEItS. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank I$ldg. New Modern Home Must Be Sold East front on Florence Boulevard. 1 block from new 24th street cur line and Miller park. This Is a well built 7-room. 2-story, all modern attractive home, fin ished in oak throuifhopt. downstairs, and whlto enume finish, mahognny doora and glass door knobs. 2d floor, with complete bathroom, having pedestal lavatory and iltrous china flush tank- oak floors In nil rooms; limndsomcly decorated through out 4 bedrooms on 2d- floor. Price $4.S. but want offer for tiuicl: salo. Easy terms. Investigate this proposition If you want u home In a locality which In Increasing In value and which can be bought at a low price. Key ut our office, George & Company H02-12 Cltv Nat'l. Hunk Uldg. Phono D. 766. Six 'Rooms Modern Hanscom Park District $,3500 One block from throe car lines. A beau tiful ltttlo home; south front on paved street; lot 60x135 ft; four"rooms and re ception hall on first floor; two bedrooms and bath above. AH unusually good size. light and airy; gar grate In living loom: gas water heater In basement. You'll like this. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Phone Tyler 1S3C 210 a 17th St. $300 Cash All modem. 6-room. oak finish home: cast front; cement walks; IVi blocks to car; fine neighborhood; will sell on $300 cash; balance very easy monthly pay ments. For price call D. 1722. BENSON & CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block Big Interest VQU YOUIl "MONEY. Two 10-rooni liouses, 512 lteea St.. rent ing for $30 per mo. Owner will pay pav ing. Price, $3,500. J. B. Robinson 413 Bee Bldg. Doug. U7. 22x132 $20,000 Farnam. near 13th. Harrison & Morton for The Bee by UKAIj ESTATE CITY IMtOPHRTY KOll SAI.n Beautiful Home Walking Distance On Easy Terms N. W. COR, 27TH AVE. AND This hnmlsomo now, seven-room, nil modern residence wns just completed Friday, ana Is ono of the most complete and up-to-date homes In Omaha. Ileccptlon hall, living room, den and dlnlnc; room tlnlshed in oak: Mtcucn, b t ler's pantry nnd refrigerator room In mnl plno, and maple floors; three lurgi full-height bed looms und buth room on second floor; all woodwork done n wi ll enamel; tiled floor In bath'rponli largo storage closet ndjoinlng front bud iooi full length French plate mirror In door; 'glass door knobs 011 nil doors on si con' flook-: full basement, with laundry sink, fumnco. etc.; lighting lixturrs wH installed; .cprnor lot, south and east exposure. Amlj lust, but not lf-ntt t riallv'substantlully constructed, ' The jirlce ,Ja very modorutc $4,750. 'Jjorfns, $50) cash, balance monthly Slu we.show ,you .through this houso this afternoon? Open from 2 ' until' o p. n. oda-y-. ' . . j . A : " . '' The 'Byi'on Reed 'Phone Doug. 297. A Magnifcent Xmas Gift Whero will you find a moro useful, practical and economical Christmas present than a nice, now home, such us we doscrlbo below? It is 'one of those rare gifts that will please tho possessor every day Hi tho year, and provo a never ending source of enjoyment and satisfac tion ror years to come. ;oio me ou scrlptlon of tho property; A brand now, entirely modern, tJ-room suuuro house, built with core and finished up properly throughout; nice, laige reception hall, with open stairway. Jurgo living room und dnlng room with pluto rail and paneled walls; theso rooms are finished in oak; good sized kitchen, with nlco pantry nnd entry: one of the bedroom.--extends across entire width ot tho house, with roomy closet and colthes chest; the other two bedrooms are good sized; bathroom has best of plumbing and tile effect on the sldo walls; flool-s throucliuut the tentiro houso are of oak; every room is tastily and attractively decorated; lighting fixtures aro up to tho standard and in keeping wtlh tho remainder of tho .house; cemented basement wtlh first class furnace, sink for laundry purpose and coal bin. Corner lot. .both streets paved and paving paid. Tho property is convenient to school, etorcs, car lino nnd about twenty minutes' walk down town. Think this proposition over and then glvo us the opportunity to bhow you tho property. Moderate lmyment down; bal ance like rent, will purchase this most desirable and appropriate Christmas gift. SCOTT & 1ILLL Douglas 100. 207 McCacuo Bidg. $4,250 New Brick and Stucco 6W X. list Ave.; hardwood finish; com pletely modern; full cemented busement. with laundry. Living room, dining room, two bedrooms, bath and, kitchen on .flint floor. Space for two moro large -bedrooms above. Nicest In' town; opjeudld location; two blocks from Furnam car and three from new calhudral. Will make terms If desired. j Armstrong-Walsh Co. Phone Tyler 1536. 210 S. 17th St. Dandy Cottage Buy Homo or Investment; ndsi only $M0, and will pay 15 per cent on your money; 6 rooms, all modern, paved street, near car line: close In and always rented: fiood neighborhood. Iet your money make money und have security. Birkett & Company 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4764. Bargain, South Side Owner removing to California authorises us to sell their home, situated N. W. cor ner 15th and Martha streets: 9 large rooms, fully modem; lot CfixltO feet; barn that can be converted Into garage: one block from car line. Price, $6,t0. Can maJio terms. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. lOtH. 100 and 140 Farnam and Slat Sis., $100 a front foot. Harrison & Morton . r. Jusl tinidhed. all iiioilefa flv- ro'jm cottage, hard wood floorn. east front, furnace heat, ono block from went 11 lTnnacnm Iurk car line, smull !&- 'mailt down, balance liko rent Ptioai I owner Harney 2763 Sunday, Douglas .J22 week days. G. Michelson UKAIj ESTATE CITY I'ltlll'UKTY l'Oll SXI.IS DODGE ST. OPEN TOl 212 South '17th fit Dundee Home Just Completed $4,500 Easy Terms 4J01 I'ndorwood ave.. 7 rooms and bat'i lurge living room across Uie entlr. ironu with coat closet; dining room with i.ir tUht windows und long window a. it .i.J plate rail; den or music room vvU'i !, 1 windows, all three rooms very nk'cK i- -orated and finished in llsht oak; k.tclie.i with pantry and Ice box loom, bakstni; bnc-k stairway and cellar way. full cel lar with floor drain nnd sink for faundi puriowy-). SIJCGNn FI.OOH. hallwa unl thin, nice, large liedrooms. with two wlmUiws and closets in -ach. ' two jnuiel lln-h doot-s. Batii room finished In Keen -mmt to imitate tile. ITpstairs white enameled with mahogany stain on door Lrfirgo scroened-ln sleeping porch witf combination lighting fixtures. Best ot plumbing und bruutifiilftxttin t ATTIC floored und well ventilated This houso Is woll built and comylrm In every particular. We belU v. th-it it Is tho best house In Dundu f v price asked. Hastings & Heyden 1014 Harney St. Phone Dour, A Christmas Gift Brand New Home $1C0 will bo credited on the in- price or either of 31)11 and 3917 onn Jin street oulevard If bought betwe' n 11 and Chrlstniati dav. Tlue hom-es o--brand new, conveniently irn'ued well built. Kaoh lias largo J11 in,; roe vestibule and dining rouin flm-Uud m und decoratitd. hamlv ki;.lun. hn i Ultchcn cubliiLt, three bedrooms, bath a'- i Bleeping porch, full cemented ba--emer outalde enti-.m-.-. fir"l-elass f'n-n.n-i a pumblnx: nice level lot. sine 40X120. Mr maple i-lmde fu", good cement waik no paling to pay In front of lot. I'r reduced to $3.W0 oh term if you C!o out today to see them. Payne & Slater Co. 016 Omaha Nat Jtank BJdj- 'j .a a l' " Acres $2,800 For C acres in Keystone Park oti" i 1 wutt of lleiiKHi on pa ve.1 load, h and sia-htly; a beaitlful tract lor und gardening or country home. $8,000 For 5 ueres well improved on Avh.. with hoii(H, b'lin. Mck-n b" and other otltbulldipgn. All kind-, f fruit. In splendid condition Bostwick 21S S. 17th St. Oround Floor I'.ee ill. Brick Flats $S.O'iO Near CrWgitoti university: m tennnts: $90 a month: very anxims sell and .want an offer. $tl.E(i-Near J4th and Harney, new hiu . flats; two tenants, 11S0 a month, nun.r leaving for California. 312.400-On J4th HCr Harney; i.i.tii; $110 a month; not ofrarud before; bear In mind that Wth 8t. -cround Is Increa.in ; in aiue rry day. IHlIIV - loae m roriiBi.- i- menu, very deslrmbU: reUr. $1' Ttl INVK8THHNT l-SUHI'i ' ' r.n j " Glover & Spain 1SU-S3 Cfly National. Doug Jj1 MAP OF OMAHA aTKKjT li ' i fric jtt off i : ta: if.. n. m . ' M I- W1LX.IANS i Cd K -. , , in. u .tin, i! Cj.o u I rvp. rt' i n,.ll.