TTTE llKlS: OMAHA, FRIDAY, HKCKMIJISK la, L!flU- "lie (g e c jrne aaz.lie p)a le SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT Well, When You Stop to Consider the Thing Copyright. 1915. National Ntws Ass'n. Drawn for The Bee by Tad COME OS) SOOGB. BRACE Up, Tea mu t I. Mi--l. r A. V GEE Voo'LU KJOjE?. rWUlSH VMITH vW AT TH i A P ATe km ow But i "ixifJN nF WiF POOf-'C" THAT" TICKET AMD "T GS3 rAV GOA.T - inppinv3 op me Judj (WOO KMC---' ' AS r.E"D'M& Aw ar ncLE IM mT PAPEP Dv A GCHA-J 00TDfc. I vifc-MT Awn, ME HAS DIP PETVL. j ' DOPE OU DCiwvuKifr- H& (-Am Nvsvt ANV fvANw Quit THE iTlFP WITH k TUt&SC MET NOW V iEC AO H6 AVS HUNT EVJEK-VTlMf VOU UPE ' " vjELL -ovJ DOO0, etm a" -1 A DAW ' Mil OP i TP gBjoMtlvOEO leJ puff AJEQt.TT' The Vaudevilliaos The Guests of Mrs. De Shine's Theatrical Boarding House Are Dining. - J Ity IIKI.KX (iKKKN VAX CAMl'KN. Tlio Landlady Gehnan kh' ladles. I Rot Mis Mangle (uu.ib'.e to control her it pUnful duty to perforin. Several suetts , sobs) It I irul been Riillty of this cilmo, Imvo lojft valuable ablets 1" arc from kleptoitiHliln, xiipgrlnduccd bj- tlin -if-thr npartmontu, nn" tlu partv who tuck j ferlns boriu- by mi unlovrd wir. Ik my em sets at tills table. .pxctiae. Minnie, cumo to tin- Ihis-odi of a Dora, Dubb (of Doni Uubb nnd Her Six pnrent. wlio. if corned by tbe: world. :.s Tieliclous DumpltiiR'j), n Mlnsinc and danc-' still your moth-:: InK net Woll. If the contract took fioin ' UtUe Allnntu MuhkIp-.Vv, 'tti 1 1 v'r wo room nln't returned 1 mIi.tII certainly i Pullln" at me, inominei! 1 ain't ft my son thu police. It called for eleven hundred I I'roons yet a Week from the new syndicate, and no ' -',10 liiRehuij A kleptnmfiniiic, Indeed! ,Ono but n' enemy stole It. IKvcry Khopllftcr says the same. I al- Tho Incenuo My rubbers urtd two per- ' vinyH did have my suspicions of thru fectlj new ruuco naws are mlsalnir. I'm ! woman. : Dora Uubb .!. for one, will prosecute her If my contract ain't returned! Mrs. Mangle (throwInK iaper upon the why. Why did I do it' table) There! Oh. The Inirenue (exjitnldlnfr contract)- Kleven hundred, eh? This calls for n hundred and fifty a week for Miss Uubb and her whole mob of c-hurlesquers' Oh, performers Is pnM suro I never lived in a house with rob Ijers before. Too Property Muii I a'u't lod jjawthln'. innimo mem prunes. Tlttlo Minnie Munsle I wanna sasser of proons mommer. Miss Murohy (billed as Texas Tessle, olmdinlnit ttn.1. ,.ttA .1... 111. " Ul the deceit of some - One of my cowboy bats and a-pair of lliil,fi yellow flllc tiKhts have disappeared, and ' Ml, muurK' I hope you don't think I r sot my own opinion of who the guilty , hmJ 10 hall(1 , t,H t.M hMlwMt ms l'a"ty It- ij,, Rhine. I've done my best to train my The. Lnndlads-Ml.s' Mangle,. Imvo you , wlf(. proper. It's hard on rar. a loss to report? . - .1 I jirs. MaiiRle (moanlr,R)-Ileptomania, .Mr. MfUiRlo iJoeulnrlv)--yVcll. I ,I().t.,u ,' kleptomania! Ah. just Jleav'n!' '" hut esterday. Mis' do Shine. I 0ra IJ.ubb-aimmo tlmt contract. MUs Tjie Uindladv (coldly) A truce to hu- j Montasu, betoie I slap you' fo's you'll remember it! nierous remarks. Mlsta MatiKle." My qnes. tlon is addressed to yer wjfe. Mrs. Mangle (with hauteur) No. madam, tho Mangles Vaur have no complaint. NU Nogdlo (of Ned Noodle's perform ing seals)! left a receipted bill for a week's fish for my animals on the dresser and It's gone, and here the guy comes 'round the show shop trylns to collect offer me nvnln. Win-, you can't nut nothing down and find It. The Landlady (with emotion) I h.ivb before me a most dreadful ordeal. May 1 bee for a mlnnlt's attention'.' Susy, uo to the door an' see what slob Is doln' all thnt rli)Bln'! The TiiRcnue What can she mean? The Property Man Humpln' dnlu" now, tnko tt from me. The l.and!ad The culprit what has Hintc.k itito what yuh inlKht well call the profession's vcif home, an' like a loath some Miake In the grass stripped the Rticats of their possessions. Is settln' at this table! Ml thu Hoarders Oeo! What do you think- of thnt? The Slavey Am 1 to call the hull on the block. Mis' de Shine? Tho I-mdlndy Susy, oust more I com mand yuh not to uso them common ex pressions. Ho refined an' say fly mug. Can't I never learn yuh nothing? Mrs. MnnKle I am not well. Pray par don me if I retire to my room. Tho Landlady Nay, Mis' Mangle. I ust that you lemaln. Mis' Mangle kindly ex plain how these here yella tlgjits Suy. Pioduce. them come to bo found beneath the snfy in ye.r room. Miss Murphy My tights! She took 'O'll Mrs. Mangle-It is fnlso! The Landlady An do ytili dony that i H flat corner was enfolded In them tights, said infltriinvnt belongln' to tho Swauee Ttivor Musical Kour" Mr. Mangle I-oiiisa. sprat: The Ingenue-Cat! I laugh in your' fare! i The Property Man-Maybe tmft name's1 on the level with that play. I'vo knowed ' of these, bugs copptn' stuff and not belli ' able to help it. i The Landlady The dejir knows. I never' thought to see this day. I'm JuHt trem blin' in every nerve. I klnnut stand shock-j ns 1 onct could. The Mangles has' alltl' been gave the best cf It here, and my own dolhn' KIdo ain't been treated ' better than Minnie. Tho Property Man-Say, look a' here. Twenty minutes fur a new book ull around, and everybody call It square If they get their Junk back. Hey? The landlady I "Utlenly have no ih to work hardship on one. of my sex. Ms' Alansle Is unions her ftens. an' kin count. 1 feel assured, on their seeln' the mniter In a burning manner. Dora Dubb I demand that she leave the house! The Propei i) Man What's meanci n ono frail knockln' -iiiother? 1 never ue one put In a plpg vet, darned If 1 did Ned Noodle ThatV right. Vou happen to have my fish bill around. Mis' Man gle? Mis'. Mangle I will make restitution. Mr. Noodle, only spare m for my child's sake! The Landlady Let us furgcit what haa passed, folks, and be onct more a re united, happy fam'lv. As fur Mrs. Man gls's lapse, the past Is accidental, an' the future ea-vc1 by our own niltts. Susie, bring the paddln'.-All P.ights Ucf-ered by the Author. THE'-JPOKeS AND L OTZIX, WTA?er Hft F POW WOW. BRRON OB BROKE HAD PRORp&tTO TO OrCTTXOE Wfl5 TtRNCO JPOWW COi.D.'Wfl7 ingt His Hfljt? oor. "i Hnver NOT EE-VBM CflP?pflf MON-GE. SfUDDCISJLY A MEG&ENOER BOY blew jrv, ruLueo n Horeour HMD THCy fSLL TZGPlD, "If ft duke wa Hf)NDsx3 n MILLION BONES WrlflT DO YOU SUPPOSE THE QETTLE MENT 0 . . i o , WILLIS WN5ETHECAH! Hfg Corns father I'VE JUST BOUGHT ME THIS NEW BENNY, IT'S A VMARW COAT THAN AMY. be itlemcn oa Bemtro "boncs-mstah Jcwves, ah sre VOU LOOKIN' OUTOVftH DC HOUSE, UP IN DC GftLLE&IElS OVnH INTO DE BOXtrfi IF YOU WEBf COUNTIN' UP DC HOUSE WE HftVE 70HiattT INTCRLOCWTOP. WttL, (J3&e I ftfl ? WHAT nooOT IT? DOlSffS- YOUBE likb n pnOCJaPLL WHTfS VOU DO THAT INTERLOCUTOR- LIKE n pflse rariLL ? wHvnM i Ltne SflSCSfltL WMBfH I LOOK OPT OVEI3THC tjOUGC, OP tN THE GrRLLEniES nND UP IN TH K BOGG T BOrtS-CftUSE YOU LOOK KOUhlD ITS CHINCHIt-CA, AND IMPOrVTCD. THINK. I'LL (O tWHT OUT ANB oPORT IT. - 1 -i 1 l i In. I . I t-H'. VJHAT r OCTHt IFtOtH POUNDERS, wrNTlOTHCtlPCt. nLLTHe wnv -To'VoufV jerry wi whistling- ri Bum scWfi- wHcri INai&TGD ON&THYIN6 ON THO wwoNfi- ncv. tovtv goon THey?. CrtMS to the "auus amd jbrwv apy. in n Fiom with HfWLs, orr Hir?oN mhshcr to o?rft"frie poor &lft in rtftLF wiifN the rnr lhoy SCREweDOUT' " oont Hit P(30R Qu&TIVUSi OUT TELL N)C THIS)- If YOU CMST WPiTA TO MI& OlfJM. PRlCND Witt THE TV PC WRITER? The Trend of the Times Ity KliHKKT IllMlHAltl). ! A Utopian bus bmn dscrlbed as a man ( accepted thorn, at least In a mental wnj 1 who, when ho suggests s thlnw, consld- I and It now remains for us to carry thesa DON' CHA :;;7Noh? WHO 'M THE BOOB THAT POT THE CHt-l- IN CHINCHILLA. i i ers It done. However, before any great leform It can I Ml thtoimh It must first be sug ig'sted. Then, al ways, It Is opposed. because We oppose j everything thnt we ' are not used to I Tsually tho iiimii ; who suggests u ! great reform goes down to defeat 'and the men who I fought him to n , finish take up his lib a and emrj it through to HtiecesK ' ful victory. ' llcfoie the people today, and espe ' clnlly before the I lrn I ted States, there are seven gient tasks orreren lor our imderliikiug. Tliete haveall gone thloiigh the stuge ' of rldleulo iirul Indlf frrence. We havo Business Training Makes Happy Wives Wash With Persll Is No soapinfS and no rub bin4 necesiary. With Persil you toak olothet, bring them to boil and rime. Periil iharmlei( to (abrio, color and hinds. The time far ment may be wathed with Periil many times where one or two laun dering with ttroniCioap would ruin it. Periil taves clothei, tavei lirae, saves labor. It savei money too. The only Self-Acting Oxygen Wsihinj! Compound in , America li Periil. 10c At All Grocers ( ilenl Iteiuiirks, i One wrinkle looks worse on a woman's i fae than ten mi a man's. There are lots of prlncessos In this ' eotmtry. but they are all attending hlghl j school. t j This would be n better world If wre as critical when they soloct hijs-1 ' bands as they ore when they select dry ' goods The old-fashioned lover went with a' 'gnl for a year before he got up courage ', j enough to hold her band. Nowadays hn , inci is her on Momlnv and on Tuesday he hobN h r on his knees. I notice that In spite of the flock of . Mhcp. rcdythes and Alyeea, the plain MaiNs and .Margarets seem to (jut the' husband?. ! When imughter visits Mother she takes, a whulo trunk filled with dresses for gala occasions, but when Mother vtnltf Daughter sh" knows that two kltrlieh I apions will be all thu fol-de-rols she! will need. ( a week and paing six fin board 'chases of mo and talk to nie j)t my hard ;iot and hint to me of a manner of Ufa 'they considered easier, and men would j loiter and ogle and tell m 1 had a bright fiuti ami s Dim I'Iriiiv. nnd waiving tho ! ceremony of Introduction Invite mo to I dine or to go to the theater with them. I "So very quickly one comes to separate (the human wheat fioni the chaff. Tho j trained eyo needs only u glance. 1 um thankful every day for what my behind-'the-iiinuler experience taught in and I recommend' It to parents who want to bring ifp Iteen-eyed, level-beaded, soif- I , iclliint daughters. reforms thtough to a successful conrlu slot). Wo havn the truth In our heads, but wo have not yet ijulto gut the tech nhpie. In other words, wo haven't tin habit. The net result of these reform-: will bo the health hnhlt and the happy habit When, as a people, thee two hablti are, acquired, we will be well out on the highway toward tho celestial city of Inn minds These set en great reforms are. 1 Votes for women. 2 International disarmament. 3, Oood loads. 1, Tree planting (. Children's gardens. 0, Oral righteousness. 7 Agriculture in all the public schools Any person who lias not enlisted on th sldn of three or more of these great re forms uud Is not talking and working for them, should Imvo his mentality rated In gulneii-plg power. There Is u double value In working ti bring about a great social betterment Not only do we hulp It about, but It the process we evolve ourselves. Some one asked Wendell" Phillips what was his lecelpts for deathless fame III answer was, "Choose nn unpoi.hv and worthy cause und then live for It The seven teforms Just named dn not call for N.icilflclal victims. They do however, call for earnest thought mil persistent endeavor. Alexander tho Great died MjchlliK fJ more worlds to conquer. We will neve die from Alexander's disability. Self-pity Is the meanest of ilie vice' Self-pity Is Introspection. Don't fc. sorry for yourself feel sorry for tin people who havo to live with you, The motto of IMwaul Hverott Hale "Ijonli up, not down; out. not in, and learned what has been of tieniendoils "Six month?, 1 should suy generally are i Mil,,' ti. .u 111 liMMaot. i.Aiilun uvutmil iilllllll.'ll . Illlt a VfUl' Ol' tWO tUHV llOt l0 tO'J I learned to have a time, i learned .long. It Is n pn.ellcal school In Und a hand, " Is In order now as never to II vu by schedule, which Is the only 'naturo and the best training for wifehood , before. wav lo iiceotnr.llKb much If vou live. ' ' know. As In unv other schools, some ; And the most helpful sign of tho time- by Khedule' you can always do a Ilttl6li" quicker, morn apt pupils than In nn- I in which wn llvo Is the fact that them MUS. ItACJA Wuuh My ADA 1'ATTHIIKOX. mituie i . i i.ehii,.i u ..i.uiter In lx If I were, n jnultl-inllllonalress biiiI..1'11""1" '' ' ""- .I learn in a, ntudlo In man Is judged by bis works and a f hRl daughters I wnuitl placn every ui Vents. -. t ever learn in soolety, woman b her Hhlllty to work him, Ol tliem behind H eounler In u big dc ""'. "i"e quite rignt. Cincinnati (inquirer. , ' imituimit More and let them study hu- "The first Icrmjo 1 learned was wlf. i man nature no that they would become control. I could not turn over In bed fur lloliti IIiik'h Hide. ( ko1 wlvos " 'another iihp on a cloudy morning. This story comes fiom Onark. 111., and I IrM ,,., ,..,, ,. h u,u,i,,i, ,muat lie at the stoie. nnd he llier- ..u loncernM a dog, not a noun' d;iwg, a collie. but 1 from her standpoint of wife, mother, itrtlU and housekeeper . time, els I would I; fined or reprl- .li.M-u .,.,.rtiiuir. .'....i.. ..,1 ' lnntuli4l. nr ImiIIi. If I f.iinlAj! I m..iu,i'. o'wVn She tried this school 'well and wnntuJ to May at home and tl" uueksTk. 7nt Mot wilehn ",J hf..HM.Wf.,rv honlf. and coddle mysCf , forced mywlf to ge, of the road." their are many who would arise und the ilern, and ohi my ailments were The doe's owner took the train at ; testify to her suece. forgotten. Simpson, 111,, and the dog tried to fol-, "When I wss Is ve ir old my. parent "Another icwou of value was that I low. The newsboy on tlie train Isiotvd thought I was old iwioujtu to learn mine every itav brought fcotue new esiiei len . the collie off the platform a the train ; uImiiu the woild Own I could see througl. I looked foswuid to what each iljy wou'd 'nw and then Use a slau at ti e fe.-liiu j. startwl, and was umazel to sett the doglthe windows of ms twine," mUl Mis. !ln1nir of noelt. Mod It always brought It Isn't pleui.ant. but U li dWpliiiory unj run llmier ine Irani. WiumI. hmLllit? mi 1 mm an ,im,i ,,r jImjI It. 1 ..if lb llolnt at vavc u viiliniK lit fiilrsi rii'rr utr ' more In the most crowded day jollier. I ".It Is the faltr wnnd tlM l.Hniis "Moreover, the bride of today may be ! achlevment out of i-htos. the widow of tomorrow nnd her training "When I married nnd managed my ' behind the counter will have trained hei I own houve I nlwa kept s dall: srhed- In si If-iellance and she will have con I ule I pinned It on the wall where fidenco to seek her own living If she mitbt ihv mulds could -ee It. ami I expect.t:l even though she flnullv finds It. its I did them to follow It. I set Iheni the e-- .'. long way from the counter Hfuplr by living My ll myself. (l In- "Mis. Wood, standing well Hack fi mil slsled that the morning 'vork ho iIoihi her eusel. placed her head on one side U ' o'clock. "ml studies, with eyes half closed, her M life behind th countor tuiight tuipresMlon of a nmple leaf ikii HiiotliKi' vulunble lesson that, con- tir to the old tidasc, We .'iiu do sev- 1 " - mil thiligH Ht once, Hi'd do tiittn well, i had learned .iat I i'ould end up tho money paid by (me customer and could 't.rn and wait upon another aitlvcly while pHk'ively walling upon a thlid. vbile customer No I WS'led fie her bange uud cijstninvr No. 2 wn- trviur make up her mind 1 would nk ens li.irii i 'o. ft what she wished, and bur-' ilcnly plsclng soiiir. nrllcli before her. .lit her begin tin prelltnlturv slftluc while I linltrd ejstonier No, J's dm Islon "When I had irsrrlcd and um kt p I lug house I iiiipUtil the tulnclpU-, While 'try roast ivis on nnd ufttr I bad peeled the potato's and nlneeil them in salt , watur I had an Uuur free. Thl hour I I nrnt In painting, i keen my easel rinse It) -the kitchen door to bo ready m act in On emergency like the kettle boiling oer oi tho cut becoming Intrusive. "I found that I could go out 10- tui.c llio air that I ould give t , illltli go.) a fres.i airing and do -in nrir- helln? three In one "I Icainfil economy. It whs my luimtsr sper!cnce that taught me tliut two duroi may ll 111" rame arti:le st drfir nt pilcee. "RomeinbertiiE UitV whrn I married i wept to Mom lo nv! lb. price uud then turned Into side rtieetv .unl lei fashionable localities lo buy .it stores where the women did their own market ing Instead of doing it bj telephone and giving the inerclmnt h elm nee for dl houtsty. In this way t svi d ') reqts .A pound on tqesk. ruul other tnlns In proportion. Think of whal such a tuv. lug eveiydny means lit the end uf u ironth or ytai." "Hut that eounter experllqice tiw pur Hills pioi'lded for me tsttfhl ine ilcepei and more iuqioitant mattois. It ium;lit me the value of iiatlcnce. Leant to be patient with h captious customer, and you will be ralif lit - with a tired, qunrulous husband, whuye day downtown bin , 'it Ills temper on the bias. It taught me that In hulua one must hoven bctteiinimts aro receiving attention and upprnval from pulpit, pew news paper office, school room, shop and fa tory, with scarcely a- dissenting voice Thinking men and women appi eclats them and know that they must some day come about. The only opposition Is the tug of I Inertia. Hut the world is surely moWng, am! moving in tho right dlivotlon.-4.'opi-ylght IHIi, International News Service. stop, the w i,ronii IMj vIvW acuMels. an liumotwi. Isllc sknteh of wimhIs In wutimin. At Osark, tha next agent and O. II. lihirtwy, condwotor ot the trln, took a look at the trucks. Ttu. .Inv uuu Ivltic- mi a lirslfA l.Ann. . . , .. . ., . turned there is r.ith .'r. lii'l'j Htnr n.uiritiv m nil worried The iiort''" u'-d ewsbo- r ase 'o if'r fr' ti lis r'J" t'r-n, nnd th'- te-Mn I sciillvenBs. jiiHe, or legMiillntf life ss an Interestlnit 1 It taught me the long pull and th. pfiiiorxiiiu an euteitalnmiiiit. Arnold jstiong pull menu unrest and It Diiubte 1 might hae gone into a studio, but life ' Hennelt dese-ibi-s class of person. me beunnse of IP's v la'oti tj be a nr ("s iinrf.U exotp and inoie whose lUes ,re 'uiie long erslasv of do - fortei smI mi nat 'o Hi in t g that t mi'lil li a d 'I piu'e T'"'!!. a' ' cmi tri u,i H"i i, n. In a rt'i-r r. mt ' wit "e.ei s whit li s'l rn ' n do fur u (,'rl It hrc n n il I an ;t wft'i - ' i" - l 'r i I r u I f I 'rlf -1 te-i ittt i -r Nrnl' r s - it' .i it i i'i i to Families Are Buying Sunkist" Oranges by the Box or Half -Box Enjoy the rich, delicious meat and sweet, tangy juice of ruddy, thin-skinned, seedless "Sunkist" oranges. Have this golden fruit for breakfast, dessert and "between meals." Cleanest of all fruits never touched by bare hands. All the pickers and packers of bunkist oranges and lemons wear clean, white cotton gloves. "Sunkist" orances are the fin est, juiciest oranges in the world. Tree-ripened, fiberless. Not a seed in "Sunkist." Buy them by the box or half-box. That is cheaper than buy inc by the dozen. They keep ior weeks. Ask lor "Sunkist ' lemons so full of juice that they go farther than other lemons. Try "Sun kist" lemonade hot or cold. Lemons add flavor to fish, meats and Salads. Get Rogers Silver with "Sunkist" Wrappers Cut the trademarks from "Sunkist" orange and lemon wrappers and send them tous. We offer 27dif lerent premiums, all Rogers A-l Standard Guaran teed Silverware. Exclusive "Sunkist" design. For this orange spoon send 12 "SunkiBt" Orange or Lemon Wrappers and 6 two-cent stamps. "Red Ball" orunge and lemon wrappers count same as "Sunkist." Buy "Sunkist" Oranges and Lemons at Your Dealer's Seuil your name and hill address tor tree premium sheet and Premium Club Plan. Address all orders (or premiums and all inquiries to California Fruit Growers Exchange t'rev.' o I a- '. I hf'bo l" p-x'tr . J l i -n r ii I- i M" I'i'rt'" ti tlr ne I'- e I i 139 N. CUlk Stmt, Chicago, IU. (US) wmmmmmmmmmmmmmi mm r.s ,v bi I" I 1 W;11 W k r - v t