Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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o( Npkn by :nVAfti noaawATKit
Enured at Omaha postofflce as second- .
uass niHtter.
sjndav Bee. one year
(.iltiriUi Tliwv nil. mt
Daily Ht without Sunday, one year. 4. J)
DaJv He", and Sunday, one yenr ... 6-w
'.ini- nn.l Kiimlnv tier month 'w!
A bill lias been Introduced In tho
houso ot representatives for a fed-,
oral law prohibiting Intermarriage !
ibotwoen whites and negroes. Us in-1
I troiliirtlnn wns iirnmntnil bv tin re-l
cent spectacular orgy culminating
In the marriage of a notorious negro'
and a deluded white girl in Chicago
As every respectable white and col
aokbuf Backward
lids Day in Omaha
I) liC. til'.
Current Events Noted by th e Amy and Navy Register.
Evening, without SutuiHy. per monin. , ,innlornd and condemned
.mil, ti. inrlnrilnr Sunday. Mr mo
Pally Bee. without Sunday. P'r nlo... Oo
Address all complaints or Irregularities
.n delivery to City Circulation uopt.
this affair, ho every man and woman
with an intelligent respect for racial
integrity, no matter what their color,
laVfthi; to The i co Publishing Company would welcome an lnmipcrnuio nur-
On'v I-ccnt stamps received In PHVinen i, rjor ,0 Mlrll miscegenation. Twen
I small account.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
prwnBl rhecki. ex
tM on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaha-The Bee building
so ith Omaha-aiS N street
count It Bluffs-it North Main street.
inco'n-M Utile, building,
f'hleago NM1 Marquette building.
Kansas Clty-llellance building.
New York-Si Went Thirty-third.
ft tyuls- Frisco building.
ahlnKton-7i". 1'ourtfcnUittjjjv.
Communications relating to news ann
dltortal matter should bo nddreweu
)mha. Hoc. KdltoTlal Department.
State of Nebraska, County of PoukIhs. s
Dwtght Williams, circulation manage:
f Tho Bre Publishing company, bclnit
Inly sworn, says that tho ttvcraKo dalll
Irculatlon for the month of November.
Circulation Manager
Subscribed In my presence and swor i
to before me this 6th day of Ofcembe .
(Seal.) Notary Public,
Subscribers leavlnur the !
temporarily shonlil linve The
Bee mulled lo Ibeni. Address
rrlll be changed ns often n re
peated. Leas than two weks off now
Thirty Year Aijo
A lively time was on at the
Methodist Kplscopal church nt Eighteenth
Bnd Webster, growing out of the trouble
between A. K Jett, superintendent of the
Sunday school and Raw A. U. Mitchell,
pastor of the church.
George Iteven, the Eleventh stieet
butcher, has found a dog which was lost
some time ago. and everyone feels easier.
Mrs. Callahan, residing at Thirteenth
and Jarkson, met with a painful accident
by h foil on an Icy plank at Thirteenth
and Far nam
The Young Mint's Christian association
hits equipped Its rooms with a telephone,
which Is advertised as a new attraction.
Rev. George C Mlln appeared tn "Ittrh
olleu" at Boyd's without maklnjf much of
a hit.
The old settleis of Douglus county are
planning to hold a meeting on January
16, the. anniversary of the meeting of the
first territorial legislature.
Hx-Hcnator A. S., Paddock Is In the city
I on his war to attend n nieetlnir of thi
Plunder, rapine and murder hcciii to ruh commission in AVhshlngton. .if whim
havo followed In the' w.akc of the he is a member.
organized warfnre, crentlng much
ty-five states. Including Nebraska,
now prohibit Intermarriage of ne
groes and whiten. If It Is wrong in
those twonty-flvc, it Is wrong in the
rost and it is a .matter for federal
Conditions in Mexico.
Information given the president by
the American business men back
from Mexico ns to conditions In that
country tends to confirm private ad
vices that have persisted all along.
Mannl t'nrpa Kqnlpment.
A board of officers of the signal corps
Is meeting at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.,
for the purpose of considering the follow-
ling questions The usefulness of the.
present service buzxer. the packing1 of
, the new too-cyclo radio pack set, the lm-
African movement and develnmnent nt the field
wire cart, the acetylene lantern and
fireworks issued by the signal corps In
connection with visual This
board was convened In furtherance of the
policy of the corps to constantly keep at
work In improving the apparatus and
If you haven't done it, set about it.
And tho smoke floats o5er the
"himney Just the same.
Omaha has made goon
hotel proposition. Next?
on the
This is tho day you can blame
anything on tho calendar.
worse conditions. Evidently noth
ing but the starkest sham of order
has been evolved out of tho chaos
and If that Is nil thus far accom
plished) the question arises, how
long will It take to restore condi
tions of safety to life and property?
However dismal Madoro's fall
uro in this regard may be, our gov
ernment must not fall in its duty
of protecting those of its citizens
I who continue to remain there. The
president indicates a determination
to net Immediately In whatovor way
is required. Out it is not Ameri
cans who are tho chief .sufferers;
it is Mexicans. Among them, It is
Haiti, revolting crimes are com
mitted. It is hoped that tho power
which conquered the organized rebels
will soon overcomes tho state ot an
archy, but tho situation warrants no
ompty visions.
position to the nominations ot UneraJ
Aleshlrc, Wothtrspoon and McClernand.
There was considerable opposition, how
ever, to the transfer of lieutenant
Vinton, largely for tho reason that other
officers who have sought similar transfers
havo not been able to obtain favorable,
nctlon on their applications at the War
Nerr tileiltemi nl.
Of the 100 candidate for appointment
us stcond lieutenants in the inobUe a.mtv
fifty-sis were found qualified and wilt be
equipment used by It The present radio ; commissioned In the cavalry, field
pack set Is considered satisfactory, but artillery and Infantry, being assigned to
aome dlffeulty has been experienced In i the cavalry, fire to the field artillery, and
pioperly packing It on pack mutes. There- thirty-four to the Infantry. After thee
Colonol YolBer did not go to Chi
cago, but ho has evidently heard
from there.
Mr. Carnogio might bo able to set
tie this war by offering to ponslon
tho sultan.
A lawyer's feo Is not tho soundest
argument on which to opposo a
smoko ordinance
Colonel Watterson thinks it Is u
pity South Carolina Insists on put
ting its freaks In office.
This much can bo snld for Johnny
Hull ho lot Unclo Sam 'dig tho
caunl. That's something.
No ueo to insist on fair treatmont
for J. Bull on tho Panama. He al
ways geto that from Unclo Sam,
Omaha would llko to havo dollar
gas, but doesn't want it badly
tmough to mortgage nil tho future
for it.
Tho cheapest as well as the mean
est fakir is tho one who takes ad
vantage of the sufferings ot ths afflicted.
Dr. Sun Vat Sen, founder of tho
Chineso republic, is coming over to
touch us for a louu of $200,000,000,
Shop early.
It should not bo hard to advertise
Nebraska, tho greatest of agricul
tural states, und the heart of tho
banana bolt.
Advertising Nebraska.
In deciding to organlzo the Ne
braska advertising campaign under
tho head of development rather
than distinctly publicity, the Grand
Island meeting of the publicity and
Immigration committee of tho State
Association of Commercial clubs, wo
think, acted wlsoly. Advertising Ne
braska is not going to be much of a
task. All that needs to bo dono Is
to get tho facts properly diffused.
Dr. G, K, Condra, who represents tho
university on this publicity board,
calls attention to u Louisiana law
that limits nil state publicity to
actual- conditions That is all Ne
braska requires. If . tho, conditions
in this Btnte are effectively set forth,
tuoy will enrry tholr own urgument
and bring the desired results.
It Is highly proper, thoroforo,
that the campaign proceed under tub
bond of development. Of course,
tho state needs Judicious ndvortls
lug, but It doon not need and cannot
afford tho stereotyped kind that
glosses over facts and conditions,
painting weird pictures of Impossi
bilities, which bring their own reac
tion, It is developenient we want.
Our natural soil resources, our ad
vantages In point of geographical
and commercial location, our trans
portation, Industrial, educational
and religious facilities, our climate;
and our puople, should simply bo
ropreBentod abroad for what they
aro nud that will bo sufficient.
Twenty V:irn Aso
Mlfcs Maria Oiirfoyle, who had been the
guest of Mis. Kennedy, 1S23 Jackson
street . left for her home In Urooklyn.
Mrs W. J. Hurge.ssi, wife of the man- !
ager of the Karnam Street theater, left
for Chicago to spend the holiday with
hrr parents. 1
8eth Abbott, futher of the late Kinma
Abbott, was visiting at the home of Mrs.
M. H. Dixon. 107 South Seventeenth street.
The latest gift of John A. Crclghton
was announced Ip a JTo.'W dispensary
building to be. erected for the Crelghton
Medical college.
Mayor llomls fired a bombshell Into
the city council In the form of a veto of
an Item In the monthly appropriation bill
of covering the November bill
of tho Thompson-Houston Electric Light
company, on the ground that It had not
given the city what It paid for. The
mayor accompanied his veto with a tart,
brief message, concluding with these
words; "1 utn In favor of allowing the
Thompson-Houston Blcctrlo Light com
pany to demonstrate, If it can, In the
courts that Its bill Is correct."
The Fnrnam Street thuater announcrd
an rurly engagement of Frank Mayo In
'Davy Crockett."
Tho overweening porsuaslon ot
tho dollar 1b no hotter proved than
tho necessity of providing child labor
laws for fathers.
A California towit has shipped
ou, six carloads, ot onions to tho
poor. Such warm benevolence is
Htire to draw tears.
Ten Years Ako
Dean Campbell Fair of Trinity cathe
dral, who was dangerously 111, paused a
good night's rest.
Tax Commissioner Fleming's final fig
ures showed a total city assessment for
1S03 of J111,(M8,T(K, divided, real estate,
$72.nW,0;X); personal, S3S,CB1,tr;5; Tho rail
roads' Hhare In this was 113,024.040,
Mrs. Henrietta Alioth, 702 Soutlf Thirty
fifth avenue, slipped 6U the Icy platform
of u cistern, fell In and drowned, dying
a honlblo death, with her husband work
ing, unconscious of his wife's fate, not
sixty feet nway. The husband, wanting
some help In his work from his wife,
called to her, nnd, receiving no answer,
Htarted to tho house. As he passed tho
cistern he saw It was opened, nnd look
ing down wad lionlfli'd at the sight of
Mrs. Alloth'D dresses floating on the
water. He got grab liookn and trloU to
ralsii her out, but failed. Ilia 32-year-old
daughter rim to a neighbor, Mrs. Pome
roy, who notified firemen at engine house
No. 7. Thirty-sixth and Jackson streets,
iiml Lieutenant Kdward LaPagw nnd
a'lpoman Cllnchuid hastened,.. to the res
cue. The poor woman was finally drawn
out of the water with a rope, but was
Illshup C'havles C. McCabe of the Meth
odist church, whose diocese comprised
Nebrusku, Iowa, Kansas and the Da
kotas. arrived In Omaha, having recently
returned from South America nnd Ku
rope. Ills mission her at this time wns
to reltuse Hunscam Park church from n
Inrgo debt.
foie, It Is one of the most 'Important mat
teis being considered by the board li thl.
The board consists of Major Carl F. Hart
mann and Captains Arthur S. Cowan and
Holland Itubottom.
Iterrnrd for I'nMitiiia KnKlnrrr.
Theie Is unanimity or approval in and
out of congress of the proposition ad
vanced by Itepresentatlve Mann of Illi
nois, minority leader in the house, to
create by legislation the office of general
on the active list of lie. nrmy with the
Idea that the appointee to tho grade shall
bo Colonel Ororge V. Goethals. chief en
gineer of the Panama, canal, Mr. Mann
was of a party of fellow representatives,
members of the house appropriations
committee, who have Just returned from
an Inspection of the Canal zone. They
are Imbued with the justice of the pro
posal that Colonel Goctlials shall be re
warded In some substantial and perma
nent way. None of them believes that
there would be anything nearly enough
adequate In the appointment of Colonel
(oethals as chief of engineers of the
army, with the grade of brigadier gen
eral. upon the retirement ot General
Hlxby In December of 1911 President
Tuft In his meMsage to congress recom
mends the appointment of Colonel Goe
thals as a major general, with a pro
vision that he be designated chief of en
gineers upon the retirement of General
litxby. Whenever Colonel Goethals' name
Li mentioned In the house or senate there
Is an outburst ot applause. There would
he no difficulty, even In the present ses
sion, In enacting the legislation whtch will
recognize Colonel Goethals' eminent serv-Ices.
l'riiillnu A mini n t nirnls.
When congress adjourned last August
there were pending before the senate
military committee five army n6mlnatton
those of Brigadier General W. W.
W.otherspoon to be a major general
Colonel H. J. McClornand to he brigadier
general, Brigadier General J. li. Aleshlrc
to be chief of the quartermaster corps
with the rank of nwor general. Major
B. B. nay. pay department, to be lieute
nant colonel, and Second Lieutenant TV.
F. "Wlnton, Seventh cavalry, now on duty
In tho Philippines, to bo a second lieu
tenant of the field artillery, tn all of
these cases, with the exception of Ueu,
tenant Wlnton, recess appointments were
made, and the officers have now been
renominated. It Is expected there will be
no appreciable delay In acting on the
nominations on the part of the senate
military committee. There Is no op-
appolntments of the vacancies In the
grade of second lieutenant In the mobile
Army that existed on June 30 tail about
fifty wilt remain, and examination of
candidates for them will commence on
January 18 next. Of th vacancies In the
grade of second lieutenant In the coast
artillery corps that existed on June 30
last all but a few have been filled, and
the number remaining Is not sufficient
to warrant the holding of an examination
Of candidates therefor. For- this reason
no examination of candidates for the
coaat artillery corpti will be held before
next September. The papers In the cases
of candidates for appointment as second
lieutenants In the Phllipplno scouts
recently were referred to a board con
vened by the commanding general of the
central division, and It Is expected that
It will be some time before this board
completes marking the papers and makes
a report to the War department.
Bllton Well. 1 suppose both your
sweethearts gave you something for
Christmas? What was It?
Tllton (sourly)-Mittens. Judge
"How did Biggs take the news ot his
wife running away?"
"Calmly enough. He seemed glad that
the man ehc ran away with was Graft
mann." "Why so?"
"Graftmann, he said, was never known
to return anything yet." Boston Trans
cript. "your husband has made remarkable
progress In art."
"Yes," replied Mrs. Cumrox. "He Is
rapidly getting where he can temembor
the artist's name and forget the price."
Washington Star.
"That man Is a ery tricky sort of fel
low." "Why. he seemed a very nice sort to
"Well, but he's tricky; he has to be.
He's a professional magician." Chicago
"Judge, why did you adjoin n couit for
five minutes Just now7"
"t felt that 1 had to sneeze."
"And I feared if I sneezed on the bench
the lawyers would make that the basis ot
a demand for a new trial." Chicago Trib
une. "How do you account. for the lack of
enthusiasm In your district?" said tho In
quiring friend.
"Well.'' renlled Senator Potchum. "I had
to make a lot of campaign promises. And
you know a campaign promise Is very
much like a Jacksnlpe. It doesn't look
nearly so large when ou take off the
feathers nnd get down to the meat."
Washington Star.
"1 put perfci't trust in you. Amaruu
tha," said Dubbleigh, "and now I find
that you nil- engaged to a dozen men all
at once."
"Now, Tommy, don t you be silly, said
quires the services of a president and a
board of dliectors?"-Harpr,s Weekly.
Marks When 1 got home to supper last
night I found my wife had been crying.
Parks What was the trouble?
Mai k She wouldn't tell inc. I don t
know whether It wns something that hap
pened at home or In a novel she waa read-ing.-Boston
The two friends were exchanging confi
dences. "What ever Induced you to accept
Toady Johnson. Mabel?" said Annette.
"Oh why well," paid Mabel, "you sen
Toady put hl-hls arm around my waist,
and. to till the truth. I yielded under
pressure." Harper's Weekly.
Detroit News.
Sometimes, when things look blcuk nnd
And pa" upon my senses.
When I've allowed myself to view
The world throuch darkened lenses.
When skies seem tinged with smoke and
soot, ,
And oven flower a thistle
This question to myself I put:
"Old boy. why don't you whistle?
No one. 1 II hazard, li immune
From fits of melancholy:
But power Inheres In some old tun
To make one's spirit jolly.
When every scene on this old earth
With megrims seems to bristle.
This recipe has wondrous worth:
"Purae up your lips and whistle.
Don't let some morbid blooding hold
You In Its bondage fearful.
But pipe some nrla of old
Whose notes are sweet nnd cheerful,
If you should ask me to indite
A heartening epistle
I'nto mnnklnil. this would I write:
"Do not forget to whistle. '
So, brother. If you'd take up arms
Against a sea of sadness.
Most potent have you of nil charms
To dyo that sea with gladness.
Accuse no vague untoward fate.
And sling no ranaom imssuc.
Amnmnllia "Pave innflH.IK. Prtn'l I Vnlir wnes nnd fOCS CaPltlllntO
you know that a perfect trust always re- When you tune up your whistle,
People Talked About
Iolng your shopping early develops a
rudo icallzHtton of the cn'M restraints of
an income under J5 a minute.
A sure cure for the scarlet nose Is an
nounced In time to relieve the pressure
!on tho water wagon on January 1.
Interest of New York bankers In tha
"Victory Won by Porklns," says
a head line. It refers simply to tho
contest over location ot the head
quarters, nothing more.
A Wall street broker tolls the in
vestigating committee about lending
-15.000,000 in twonty-fivo minutes
Just car faro that's all.
Women rind Reform.
Those for and ngainst woman's
BUffrago may find now ground for
argument both ways In tho results
of municipal elections In Los Ango-, cuniI,eiltlong ltl Kurop, is skillfully pro
les ami Han Francisco, where women portioned to tho Interest on war loans,
vote. Los Angeles Is a hotbed of re- Thoae. critical persons who clas old
form, nnd yet at a recent city elee-i i'1 0laua a 11 would be closer to
tlon the women were credited with J!'" r,u;t by rw'n h!mTnc, the
. i thing doctots. His unti-fat treatment for
defeating drastic measures. Like-1 podjetbooks Infs nd rival on the market,
wise in San Francisco, tho women pown lu .JXil!J uemocratlo housewives
aro held responsible for the defeat uro advised by the chuf of the Houston
of a proposed charter ainontlmont Pt to thtow a handful of corn '.o the
that would have, nroatPil lnenl nnflnn , Christmas turkey and tilt the JUg and let
units in residential districts, being i
a decided advantage, for prohibition. ,
' It leak over the ChrJatmas fruit cake.
Three Bell telephone companies In the
southwestern territory have beon merged
! reform, like morality, Is geograph-1 'orra; '"capual
jical In some of Its aspects the con- enlargements are llkly for a
Chicago Is to havo a woman I elusion Is inevitable thai women do!
Judge. Why not, sho slta in judg- think on theso problems. That their
ment on tho most important ques-'l),n,onH should bo in a degreo at
tlon for every man, anyhow.
Tho recurrence of murder for
trifling causes Is a grim reminder
of tho carelessness with which
deadly weapons are distributed.
Well, Elder Perkins brought home
something that loked llko the bacon,
and ho surely was entitled to that
much, considering what he had paid
out to got it.
Union Pacific magnates are trying
to find out Just what the court's
order meanB. The first thing is tho
original purpose of the road, ono
continuous line from Omaha to San
Whllo the questions Involved In ; into one. with h-eadquartern In St. lula,
tho California olectlons were of par-jT'" capital of the morged company will
amount Interest loenllv onlvand ,,e M.ftiu, or more than the
until ui ine lepuruie uuus. iwiug io u
no other
In hla democratic monthly Norman E.
Mnuk of Buffalo emphasizes tn Italics
that Mr. Bryan "cannot fall to accept the
call wlUch the country assumes la to come
to him from the new pientdent to the post
so honorably filled, by Jefferson. Adams.
Clay, Calhoun. Webster, Marcy, Everett
und Seward, by Blaine and Bayard, by
Olney and by Hay."'
The problem of the high cost of llrlnr
has been solved by Ilaymond Prior San
ford or Ithaca, a freshman In the Col
lege of Agriculture at Cornell university,
Aviation Development.
Genera) James Allen, chief signal of
ficer of the army, will make an effort
n the few weeks which remain before
his retirement by operation of law In
February to have enacted legislation,
presumably on the army bill, increasing
the army signal corps on account of the
Increasing duties derived from aviation
work. It has -lieen carefully figured out
tnat the Increase Is about $154,000 a year.
This would afford an opportunity to give
the additional compensation to those en
gaged In the hazardous duty of mechan
ical flight. It Is felt tbat this provision
must be made If officers are to be en
couraged to volunteer for this perilous
undertaking. There were originally some
sixty volunteer among young officers
who wished to engage In aviation, but
of these about half have been found dis
qualified for one or another reason.
There are at present fourteen officers on
the duty, and an equal number are re
garded as eligible. The United States has
appropriated so far very little and by
tne end of the present fiscal year will
have not more than twenty-two machines
Of various types. New construction work
proposed by Oeneral Allen In connection
with army aviation Includes a hangar
for hydroplanea, which it was al first
thought should be located at Governors
Island, but which General Allen believes
should be placed at Fort Wood, Now
York harbor, where the signal corps has
a station. It Is alao desired by General
Allen to have a floating hangar at some
place on the Potomac river. Thaie han
gars, will each accommodate three or
four machines of the hydroplane type.
I least colored by local conditions will
bo admitted, for that Is true ot
men. The main point at interest,
though, is that the women ot Cali
fornia havo shown that they aro
not inclined to be blindly led Into
the endorsement of any proposed
reform, no matter what, And, if this
is true of the women ot California, u' cutting down the cost of hla food to
r;ia cents a wcck- un inia amount young
tiauford, who Is a perfectly healthy young
may It not bo expected their sisters
elsewhere will act likewise?
Brother lleujomln Fay Mills re
member him? figures that under
the colonel's plau of having tho
membership pay dues tho bull niooso
party will have $96,000,000 in the
fund when the next battle of Arma
geddon Is staged. This ought to be
enough for the expenses of one short
Lincoln will only ask CG,000 for
a state library, Take that with tho
f.uuo.uuu state nousc, tuo iuu,- Tho deposed Chicago base ball
000 addition to the postofflco and header, who was fcold for $l,DU0 by
a few new buildings for the unlver- a vindictive- club owner to humiliate
elty. and they ought to have a real i him, gets another Job at Uih highest '"nclude that eh has quite a talent for
revival tn Duildlng down there. And' salary, reports say. ever paid
umana is going to help them get 'player
'h . I humiliation that ended that h.
Oivl Cars nt Store of Them.
OMAHA, Dec. ll.-To the Editor of The
Bee: I was amused to read In the columns
ot your valuable paper recently where the
right honorable and most worshipful
council has agreed to lie down for three
weeks and take a snooze while the strett
car company Is gathering "data" with
which to blindfold and flimflam them
over the ordinance that Colonel Rydar
has so courageously Introduced providing
for all-night car service that Is so badly
needed at this time. They are certainly
a bunch of windjammers and braying
who wish to make noise and expense on
the taxpayers of the city, while they
strive to make good fellow of them
selves by f.iilse promises and misrepre
sentation. They are afraid of the big
corporation lest they lose the Job th
common people gave them and refusti to
get busy In the Interest of thr voter
who trusted them and placed them In
office at very fat salaries.
We all know the big corporations did not
vote for the men who were "on the
squure" ticket, but rather for the "big
seven" of the business men' association.
That man Wattles Is holding the whip
over their heads and will lash them Into
submission If tliy do not do Ills bidding
nnd make ordinances to suit him and tho
corporation he represents. He wants a
law made now. to lock up any person who.
presents his conductors with an "old
transfer" und keep them in Jail until hla
wrath has been appeased by the stern
hand of Justice. What an awful offense
It Is to offer1 an old ttansfer in payment
of car fare. Fomooth!
True, Mr Wattle has given the good
people of Dundee a small sop In the shape
of one car twenty minutes earlier In the
morning "Just to keep their d d mouths
shut," but this will not fill th bill nor
meet the urgent requirements of our
great and growing city when cars should
be run all night for those who are willing
to pay the expense. People living In
Dundee anJ in the West Farnam dis
trict cannot reach any of the depot bo
fore ft o'clock and that fact alone cause
great expense or Inconvenience to people
who ought to be provided with early car
on the Farnam line. The Bee ha done
excellent work in prodding up th com
pany and I hope It will continue the good
work until Omaha la provided with ade
quate car service and better accommoda
tion In this direction.' Very truly,
Ing political Job In South Omaha and
those that sell goods to the city are.ot
course, opposed to the consolidation of
the two cities, but the great mass of the
people of South Omaha are In favor of
the consolidation.
I for one am in favor of tlia legislature
adopting a law for the forcible consolida
tion of the two cities. Let them give us
our high school, our hare of Improve
ments out of the taxes we pay and our
share of the official positions and then
unite the two cities as should have been
done ten years ago.
Allegheny, a city of 1M.O0O people, was
annexed to Pittsburgh by an act of the
legislature, of Pennsylvania. The peoplo
of Allegheny took It Into the courts and
finally to the United States supreme
court, but the act of the legislature w
sustained at every point and Pittsburgh
now has over people and Allegheny
ts no mov.
I do not blame those who are holding
political positions for fighting for their
Jobs, for I might do the same thing If I
was holding a political Job. But the
people as a whole will be greatly bene
ficed by the consolidation and T hope It
will comn before March I. People have
to get up early In the morning to beat
Victor RosewzUer, ens him a ther
please. Yours truly, F. A. AG NEW.
iium, sets all the nourishment required to
sustain life normally.
A release that traveled almost around
the world has been filed at the Lebanon
(Pa.i court house by Edward Shott, ad.
mlniatrator of the estates of Tannine and
Maria Atkins, tho amounts accounted for
being about 1900 In all. The release
traveled to the American consulate In Co
lombo. Ceylon, where a consul got ii for
etlcklng a nice little red stamp on the
Mr. Wilson wife of the president-elect,
I said to have a happy knack of making
an unattractive garden Into a thing of
beauty, in tact, those who nave seen
what she did with tho Princeton garden
U ball ml'aVlln7 KAIUllllllg UIIU tUMIU IlUtC HlttUO
. . . ir. , I .MICA II4U 1IUI
Most any man could stand crdanii ti,t ,n. .......i.i i it,..
Ud in the Unit.
Annriivrn of th Consolidation.
SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. ll.-To the fXlltor
of The Bee; A number of my friend
have said to me that they would like for
mo to write to The Bee on the subject of
the consolidation of the Omaha and
South Omaha postoffloet, and here I so
to It.
I fully approve of the consolidation and
hope that the legislature of Nebraska
will finish up the Job thl winter, for It
will ba the belt thing that ever happened
to South Omaha to be a part ot the great
metropolitan rtty and things In South
Omaha will then move along. WW'e
Omaha has htn building up tremendously
we have been (tending still and we will
stand still, tuo. until we get nw blood
Infused Into the 11 f of South Omaha aod
the consolidation of th two oltle I Just
rat will be the making of thl part of
the cHy of Omaha. Thus who arc hold-
Boston Transclrtp: As amended for th
railroad combines, "Loosed be the tie
that bind."
Washington Post: Will no champion of
the poor Perkins children arise to
thwart thl diabolical plot to throw
George out of the bull moose pen?
Sioux City Journal: The Union Pacific
and the Southern Pacific are so near and
yet o far. At points they are 1,000 miles
apart, and the supreme court has In
creased the distance.
Washington Herald: Mr. Carnegie's
Idea of how to die poor is to leave about
i?5.0OO,OM behind. Rather a sharp con
trast with the condition of thousands of
persons who have to pinch even to have
enough to pay premiums on a policy to
provide for their burial. -
Chicago Inter Ocean: Kllsabeth, N. J.,
effers a prize of St for a slogan to be
used to promoting Its coming Industrial
exposition. One ambitious poet, ap
parently inspired by fits, ha perpetrated,
vir.: "lit means bill" We hav no use
tor tM, but we are glad Liz ha rlz. Let
er kiss!
Springfield Republican: Many pictures
of the GaJata bridges at Constantinople,
famous for th, cosmopolitan crowds to
be seen there, have been published of late,
ome of them with the mistaken infor
mation that thl I th connection be
tween Europe and Asia over which many
Turks are returning to the old home of
the race. As a matter ot fact, Galata
lies not beyond the Bosphorua, which
separates Europ from Asia, but beyond
the, long narrow bay of tha GoMen norn,
which extend from th Ksiphoru to the
north and gives Constantinople Its match
less harbor. Here the water I always
quiet: In the Bosphorua Itself there Is a
strong and troublesome current, unaf
fected by tide and setting preciMly as
Shakespeare described It, "to th Pro
pontic and the Hellespont," to that (hip
now and then In pasalng thrust their bow
sprit Into the house along the bank,
with ensuing suits for damage.
tVet 'Br Cent,
Ofereiand Plain Dealer,
The next braak oonvea at 2hrtitma4,
wben we'll all be broke.
Indian. Blankets
Here is something new Indian,
Blankets that you can make yourself.
They are crocheted in a stitch so easy
that any one can master it in a few min
utes. We have issued a little book of
instructions giving detailed illustrations
of the stitchestand colored reproductions
of Indian Blankets. This book is yours
for the coupon below. Send for it today
and begin a blanket at once. They make
the most effective decoration for den or
living room, and no gift would please the
average man more. Remember that
for Christmas. The blankets are made of
Fleisher's Germ&ntown Zephyr, 4-fold,
one of the fifteen
the yarns whose superiority is so generally
recognized that four-fifths of the yarn users of
the country will have no others. They are even,
lofty, clastic and brilliantly dyed in all the
wanted shades. Garments made of the Fleisher,
Yarns stand the test of wear and wash. Look
for trademark on every skein.
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Get One for Him
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Any Portrait
n a handsome
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send engraved on tho metal and abso
lutely Indestructible. A fob that may
be -worn by any one who dresses In good
taste, at the same time a lasting novel
Stnd photo and $1.00. Photo
will be returned with car.
Engraving Dept.
Orftr may t lrt t Bt Office