THE BEE: OMAHA, TlfTRSDAY, DECEM13EK 1L 1012. NEW OIL FIELD ATTRACTIVE Moorcrofl, Wyo., is Now the Center of Interest. SEVERAL RICH STRIKES MADE werz It By MELLIFIOIA. I n.iuuti AVork linn IIi'imi Dune to liimlncr thi- Operators Hint There U Oil In lircat i( llli lit 1 1 1 r-s. Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1912. CHURCH FAIR DRAWS CROWD (Real Estate Men to Get Into the Game iHhrum: Ut. and Mrs. W. .1. Leary. Mr. ami Mr. II. .tnhti!oii, Mr. anil .Mrs. H. i Voir Four More Churches Have Beautiful Things on Display. ALSO GOOD THINGS TO EAT T I.Mi-Kf Tntiles Vfrll I. mini and House Ivm IIhto n Mplrmllil frlrctlini from Which ti Hake Their Choice. UHHK U a vitj literary womnn. who is not really kcon about etn- ...l. .. .. . . "'ulul""s. iio i requesirti to give Home nrtirie or fiiiicv work, i unliable for a Chrlstnins gift, for one of tliu churcli falrH to lo held in the rotunda of the Deo building next week. Mr M on-mtt I'll field of Wyoming JIlc OI U,R ,,rflI "0iicrs to arrive nt the churcli fairs, which onenetl t omisc m . penny tn- center .f in Mas 'his morning In the line rotunda, was the literary woman. "You are buy. I an.i.t the attention nf eajrffatisis. i ng a lot or ChrlBtmnn glfta this morning," remarked one of her friends 'nrzzi'r aro ,,o, nM 1?r,st,na8 K,f,H'" ft,,,,,mt'd ,h par,y mor", .t . th past few weeks, according to u'lth n mcrrj twinkle In her eye. "You tree 1 have to donate something A Arnold, a Htinlng and irrigation en-' ior our eiiurclt fair next week, nntl my timo Is so taken tin nttrmllnir ! v.un t.n.hnru., .i.i .,,, c. wh., is just in rrom tiio district. literary and muwlcnl clubn. that I don't have time to make anything for!(ntii Park ' Congregational churches A,",,M " n"V1' lh ru'h ; the fair." will ocvupy the space Wednesday and The third ilav lit the Pair of th churches, whlrh is being held In thr ro tunda of the Hee building, opnd with the tables In the possession of four more churches. The Methodist ttplscopal' church, Mooicrofl Melds will start tht ! t i t ' tiUr tut next "HTttiK he looks for n ri..,i yr m. ,1. rru. f..towMl.i that win h,. i Creighton Dcnta Hop. , .-.tttrnkd w,th ureal success. The new! rh"'p w,l ""' t Crolgbtoti Den- I t ! thai ' beln? nnl i alcng Donkev . ,u' "-fllcKe ho at Chambers dancing aca- ; i etk and North P rk. both tributaries i detny Tuesday evening w here given a rar .f the Hi l.e Fiiurciw river and wltlrin j treat hy the committee In charge, who J I u- t'j tm mile or the t wn Already had .lhmmnocd that something wa In 1 Kilf a tloirn Wells have he n iut down more. Iile In the evening the flour waa (Card Club Meets. nnd In each oil ha been found. T,htiy 1 t, en red and a number of lancy dance .1 c an limping prop isitlutis, the gush-j vyem interpreted by Miss .Mildred Mouse t-n haMng not been etruck. imlllf Ij-,iuI rof. U'illlcim Chainber. Mha llnuiie tause the (lulling Im not bee, carried tolflm,i iM linrcurolle and the -How and H suffl1 lent depth. Anow" dance. Mlsn lloiine and l'rof. In tho imt.key rtsk field oil Itenn chumlwra datiied the single and triple flru ,li at a depth of ftiw to m tKA. lio-,,.,,. i0.ii.,. win, ,h, r ,i,r Mr. M. N. Murphy. Men. S.-Morgan .Mtn. ! Metx and Mrn. W. H. Itree. .Mr. V. A. r'aie and MlfH Catherine Care and Mir. It. .1 King gave the proKram of th) afternoon. Member of the 1U12 Oard oiub were en tertained bv Mr.i. .;. Xovtlh nt her home Tiieetlnv nfteiiinun. HlRteon wer prewit and :rl7ea were awa tiled to JlMxlantM Henry Itunipert, C. linen, J. Novak, J. Van Nov and I.. J.' i'lttttl. and Boost Nebraska Preaidunt Uyioti Uastlng of tlw Iteal Katnte exchange appointed UiorKe (1 Wallace thnlrnmn. II. A. Scott. A. I Crclgh, F. W. Shotwell and Frank Islle rnemberji of a cnmmltee to ndvertlne Omaha and Nebraska ana work with tio legislative committee of the exchange In securing from the next legislature an ap propriation for state advertising .Wter an enthusiastic tall; on Nebraska an agricultural and manufacturing state, comparing It with the best and piscine It ahead of many states which ate recognized because of publicity as leaders In tho.i lines. George G. Wallace recommended a stao publicity bureau and 1 iw to protect the fruit of Nebraska With proper legislation. George I. MrNmt of the Katy tallroad. who lives in Kansas City, told or his ob tervatlom of Nebraska's agricultural te sourees from car windows and deemed H. K. Dalley pace Wednesday and Thuisday. A (otiNtHiit supply of pretty thing are given by the women of the different churches for the sale, and the tables are again luden with the dainty handicraft of the women. The women of the Fiist M.thr..iisi ' lhom 1,,R he,t ,n ,,ie llnln ehurth bavn probably the largest exhibit ! tt vll'"r -"cattle, also was Imbued of the four churches. .Mrs. A. T. Austin i wl,h the ",,lrlt of ,,ride n'"R a'1 Is chairman of the committee and Is as. -bru..;a, and George Payne, who deals alsted by Mrs. U. W. Wlckereham. Mrs. i York ,,a,p luua- concluded the Nch Olson. .Mrs. Charles (iosi .Mrs II ( ndclresnr? of home admiration by placing Hippie. .Mrs W. t. Selby npd Mrs. H. i Neuraf P0rty above them all. W. Hreikenrtdgf rne bulnes of the session consisted The wom..n of ti,. -..Mir.i it.,. ,.,. of t1"" aniutHl report of Treasurer Slater it ts of a superior auailt. carrying a ! ,tK,itlj. , ncn in going ii large ici rem ot it.uiti ana ncn " j (ii i-eai-old in in iri ny-pi ofiiicie. untf '.'... ,1... I,...' .....1 .....i t... t,,.. greater depth, say. r to lv. fei-t. Mr. ,ml, nt wlt',7 .;,;, rnol 1 Is of he opln on that oil in suf- r .Telghton iclcnt quantity wouk be struck M. that , tho gns pressure woild foice It over tho i , . , .... top of the ground. from obM-tvallons h lh, , M"' 1'1'r Innovation ..... , . ...... . tlulrodui'ed at this dance was the uork ot that he has mini and woik that he has ' . ... ,, .lone in other fields. Mr. Arnold Is of the i" c,,im,n,K""11 v.n.pos,M of James O Nell. ..Pinion that the big oil domn. the source U: ' 'n ? Joh"1'0"', U; , Wfll""r ,Sor,m; of tho aupply will bn to. not xery far ! "' 'c0,' '' 1 rru- H; l,H,vurJ from Moorcroft. which ftom nrosiuetlntr ' U (-op" IS; ,,ur,U!,t ' ""ck- 'u T,,n"t already done, appws t.. be pietty well , wr": li'ffT !!!;S:!Aom:;or Visitors. .viPAHIMll'I I'OMtCK ' yteKBtlorml church have tho space around i und i resolution inviting Myron West of Clilrago to talk to the exchange on city and ' tne rniiniiiiii ,m m. ri si u... , ,....., Mrs. VlH '" cl"r- uf lle sale. 1 assisted ! vUnMnK CI'H-le-. Klmittcr hnve t.L i ,.i. t. Mr J Marrow. Mrs. K. K. Hrew- nn ut I,,,,,,,, ,....,i,... ,x i . . 'iter. Mts (). Geuiimer. Mis. VV 3 until l. o'clock at 27(t .tones st.eet for 8,1,1 1"'- S""' K "'K'wee. Mrs. 1. Kettell I PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENING .Mrs. Krunk t. Hubrl of Minneapolis and i W '' ""Khe. Mts .1. Syme audi Mis l-.'miinurl Iflnsller of ('hlcDr., pi la. Tliomas Fry. Halnty hags of all' The Misses Huldaand liene Uusch en- 'aJA-KARD club enjoys a Millers Married 1 Half a Century With thllt-flve relatlven Mr and Mrs ; Tl. . t , . 11 . .1 .. . ,nnd. ' at th.'r home. 3324 Iirimore street yes terdsy In celebration of their fiftieth wed ding anniversary. The celebration lasted through tat nluht. when a reception for nil the rela tives and the friends of the long mairled couple will be held at the home, letters and telegrams of congratulation are being received by them from friends in various parts of the I'nlted States, white tlv nearer relatives have come long dlstanees to be In attendance nt the annlversarv Suffragists Meet to Listen to Talk i All members or the Political Keonomy league, Kqunl Itlchts Franchise society. Women's Suffrage league nte requested to be at the council chamber of the city hall Friday evening a S o'clock. Men and women who are Inclined toward equal suffrage are Invited. The occasion Is Intended to be along the order of a mass meeting, when Mrs. Frank Harri son of Lincoln will be the speaker. PIONEER WOMAN DIES IN HER EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAR to the north side of the great oil fields ..U"I"'H , , ,,,,.,. t 'I-iIihi C loin, f Wyoming. , Agnea Friend, licit or tirrnt 1,1-nutli. i Veronica Sexton. t. t.i,.4..i.. ,.r i.w...n. .11 i Ma Curnav. . nit vii.iinj vi .. .... ii i hi n ail ,i,, III the way across to Cosier, Mr. Arnold ,t," iBium' looks upon i the ill bidt of tins state. Mar uimil. It Is more than 'JO miles long und from Iicutneo (J'Kell. 10 to 100 iiiIIim wlil... All thi'oiich tlilx l?.intld ITJnslter. section there are Indications of oil, while around Casper and Wnllmuu, the field i Juts been proven. Misses ituth .McSn.ircn. K. Donnbue. AgiidR Duffy , Woodhall, Minnie IJworak, Veronica Duff. Minillu. ) I I'll!' I.UUgltlll, llahikcu, Elks Entertain. ' The ladles social committee of Omaha T.ImIcc. No !4I llt.nni...l.i.l 1 , . -----r... . .. 1,11, , i, i, nil,,' i der of Klks announce a ihinclng and card ! party to ho held in tho bids and Huh rooms, Thuradjy evening. December II. 1' will ho offered to the card play iers und tho p.ntv will he Informal -Members of Omaha lodge nml visiting ! Ulks and their ladlea are InvlL'd to at- i tvnd. Mrs. Sarah . Ulalr, widow of the late Robert Blatr died yesterday at S i kinds and handwork of the members of ' tertnlned the A-Iiard club .Monday even-I o'clock at tht lesldence of her son-in-law. the Aid society are for sale, and It Is a I lug "t the club rooms Piizes wefe , W. A. Smith, 144 South Thirty-ninth uplended opportunity not only to assist ' awarded to Mis. W. J. Leary and Miss the women, but to buy attractive Chrlt-! Vera Stafford. Messrs. W. J. Krlig and street, in her eighty-eighth year. Mrs. Hlalr has lived In Omaha for many years mas KlftH at very reasonable prices. The women from the German Kvnnirl. I was the guest of the club. .Members are: leal societies linvo the table at the right Mlsf-es Margaret Stickler, Vera Stnffoord, side of the rotunda und Mrs. G. Marks. An" Hock. Wllhelmlna Ainihurst. Irene who Is In charge of these sates. Is assisted I Uusch. Ilulda Armburst, Hulda HupcJi, by Mrs. P. Ostertag. Mrs. J. Vocgell, Miss E,1tb Petersen. Katherlne Krug; Messrs. Helen Martin and Miss Clara Ostertag. Hnrrv Petersen. Kmll Gall. John Volz, The Zlon I.uthetnn churcli Is among the pry '. Hairy MchioUer. Ft its Arm- John Vol Mr. Fucljer of Gordon. Neb., and was well and most favorably known by all the pioneers of the city. She la survived by her daughter, Mrs. Bessie D. Smith, and also by one grandson. Fred Klrby Smith. Funeral will be held from the resi dence. 14t South Thirty-ninth street. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends Puii, Inn McKtraviuk, Violet Manning. J-ninem ..iciu'.tvlek, C. Lang, lllto Carpenter, Flanlgun. Ituth Koran, Mabel once. Aiii. i. t, ..,.f. i..i.i i. n ii.i niiiuioy. rranciH spear. , " irh" , , ""''OhbsIc lltadley. Winifred Donuhue. been thoroughly proven, enough work Mj , uo M-oufe. jiarm Aiiuciauti. has been done and enough wells drilled i Victoria Pustule. Huillii Wlltoil, to convince tho operators that It h 1 Theresu Flanagiin, Manila Horrlgan. rich h. that of Sand .,d Salt creok. J ?.Vor",her. cISlreDwM farther south nnd b' nunc ac Bhlcld!., , Ulancho Humphrey, .esslblc to market. Oil from the Moor- Unison, llncid Johnson. croft field will not ha to be piped In H"11" uuuvteau, Loulsu Hutch. J.iiliiiiriu. I,a....l.. III . .....v., ,,W,C ,n UII71lllllS ..I. ':" al S:OT l",J,, n;'lc during these two days and Mrs. G. C I.J,. itC"",,AUr0 ,l,c,u,lw' Alexander , W. Snyder Is assisted by Mrs. O. Bhbe Heed, Hayes Gsanter. 1. M. flooldlnir. ..... , . H it icni..r w . , . r wiubs. .,ii-. niKinttii ami .Mrs. ' H ull nil J i ,, "n,'h J",," ' I William Hush. The sales open at 9 o'clock ,niu.t and J a. UID. in(, ,lot l.()He , () m To t))e I matron of a large houtehold It may Kensington for Bride. i lighten her work for the holidays to buy I Miss nntl, tjuiuii "gave a kenslngton i "min of ,,IR homc-uuiile mince meat and Tuesday afternoon for Miss Helen Hart? otl,cr "goodies" for the Christmas sea- wno will be u Jnnuarj bride. Those pies- r""' .'"c" Bro for tiil at this Fair of churches which will have Its Christmas i bur,t- A- ilurkey, W. J. Krug, C. jure Invited to the funeral ixc ted four to fifteen miles to a llur bngtou station, while that of the Sand Hlld Salt creek hah to be piped twtlltt-' five lo forty miles to the Noithwestern. in tlie Moorcroft iletd, the manager of tho Natrona Pipe Line company of Cimper lias two drilling rigs on the gruioid and will begin work, continuing during the winter Drilling will be commenced on two wells, about four tulles apart. So far one of the heavlust Investors In the Moorcroft Held is the prliice of Mo- Hiiriawcr. Wouver, H .Nichols. Flosey Jones. Agnes Soliars, I.ldft Whorrj. I. Kulrd, itot.o Welsh, Tuggart, Mevsra. John Uclchant. I'"tank i.'li. Lester Caldwell, F. K. .Mills. ferry Murphy, n' o mm .uwiuc iiiiu. iiv nus aneauy Mnlfi. upent $110,W Htid is piepured to Inoieuse j cieoige iliishniuii, this tu TOO.Kti. He has two wells that are James O'Neill, lumping proMsitloti4 and Is constructing !J,ur.H'1' J,0hnsiiii, tankage In the field, where he will stole "'hk "'urine!' lite produrt until he can complete u pipe John Kelly, ' line Into Moorcroft. which will be early It. if. cnrnov. next spring. . . H. H. Kohcrls, One adviiut-igc th.ii the Moorcroft field I uoync.'''''' ban over those of Hand und Halt creeks I y MeMong'.iIe. Is thAl In the vlnlntty there Is a large' tl. . Vodlcker, area of land, aggregating mnhy thous. 'V J- . . . .... I.'. K Iftvlor ands of acres that his not lorn filed upon, s i fur, owing to the fact that the mut ter has been given Utile publicity, few filings have been made by people from oulsldc. K. K. Tftylur. M. J. Met! rune. J. A, tlogrrty. F. J. Kuhltschuk. Kthul Allen. Kvelyn Winkles, .artlo Bnookums, Mary Kellaml l.aura MuHuyck, S-.tiic.p. Ctoulii, Ituth Stiici. Nellie Ijtnetj. tur.V flritelii't Gertrude Mayhani, Messrs. Petoy Urelbus, lleliklng, John Holland, Solomon, Schlelssnutu, Churle Hi null, lien Hnllcr, ,uy Murphy. T. Wheiry. A. J. Muilrll, . T. J. llicbe. Illcliu itlls.i, Clint Hamilton. Hail) negley. Jntiusoti, O'Connor. Alexander Jamison, Storz, Hall. Claude Patker, .Hay Manning. ( Kelte. V. A. Taylor. cnt weret: Misses Helon Hum, OJIvo Ferguson,, . . i.i;i ivt.IV i fi Win trln ndcr. 5ladyn Lohcck. I Hortl tide Allller. i Irene Shrphard, I Mesdanies iO. 1. Hart. W'. Wagner. .l. I, Ootids, Ml?sc- Iltuilah llefslre of Clllcngo, Helen Chesney, Anne floberts.m, I.oulsn Heltfeld, Mario Ilcivers, ' Daisy Fry. Mesdnnies 1 O. Swnrtzlander, I,. I). Harris. John T. Dillon. the Churches. An electric washlnir ma- I cninc was also on snle J. Dausky, Crawfotil, 1 tieorge curroii. ! Ittgliinttl lituker. ' Cyrln Deudinger. I AW HnWRRR RFMMFW T7 '"u.. n?ihoii nvivwiiv w wii iv ha ? ; CREIGHTON SCHOOL OF Gior.'.o A. UaldiTSont'haiicx Anders. i.. i), unnpp. Huyuk, .lolm Astor. Ftauk MiiMulllii. Oeorgo Arnold. Sam Uirsou. Harry Wolf. At the so.slon of the Creighton law school yesterday John A. Uennewits, who linn been one of the professors there, but lias severed his oouuectlon to Income a member uf tho Colon paulflr's legal family, was given a very pleasant mrprise Fuon the close of recitation protestors and students put lured In the big court loom, where Dean Martin spoke feelingly of the, loss, the school would sustain by Mr. lbniiewitz sever ing bis connection with the faculty. He K. (IJllugher ! Norninu Diakc. Witt. I.. A. Gates, Wuller Scott. Bridge Supper. Hr. and Mrs. II. M. McCbinahan and Miss Katherlne McClanuhiin will' enter tain at n bridge supper this evening. The guest list Includes: Mr. and Mre. Myes standlsh. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Thom. ' nun .Mrs. iinirv Kelly. Mt. und Alls. .Mm. Mln Harding, y S i. ami Mis. Wilson Austin. ' Mr. und Mis. Frank Wllhelm. Mr. anil Mis. Uenrgo W. Johnson. - Mr. nntl Mrs.. Hiyant Rogers. JJ". ami Mti.. Denlse Hnrknlow. Mlstes Mlases Hilda Hwiiiriiei. Di..,n,. Caiolyn Harkalow. Dorothy Steveiu.. iMthrrlnc Moorhead. Mildred Smith Mesrs,- Messis. .lamea . Mnrrls.. jr. Ueutennnt .-"I V? M"Kn, Havmond Hiuith. .ilr,'.,1 .U hiirtun. Hen.tnmlii Wood, retik INtmer. Dr. William N. Robert Hmns. Anderson, tieorge Diincnii, HEAVY SNOW COVERS j WESTERN PART OF STATE I While the railroad men are not looklnc? ! for winter, they are getting It all through I the northwest. Tuesday night there was from one to five Inches of new show all . over western Ncbiaska and eastern j Wyoming, driven along before n brisk northwest wind. t I Su far as Nebraska was concerned, ! Sidney was tho, -coldest 'sjjot on tho rail-! road, map, th'e mercury' leaching xero i during the night Farther north and up ! in the Hlnck 1 1 1 1 Ik country the tempera ture wits fitini 10 to 23 derees above r.ero. MANICIJUK SETS- Fit i:.V J H I . In nd Out of thr. r-e wjvPi Miss Kiltheiine Mootheud Is e))ected I home from Chicago the first of next week. -Mr. Mark J. Com! letuined vesterdnv at Kxcelsloi At Fort Crook. Frlduv evenlni: the of fleers , lliul ladles of J'ort Crook will give the second hop 1 f,'01' ten days' stay In tho series uf winter dances to be given wrings. Mo. ut tho post heiuliiuartois. The hop com- " iutnern .MM.ianahlin leaves next milieu for tho winter Includes Captain ' visit nor cousin, .Mis. Swope. In lrfiulH Nuttmon. Captain Krmlerlcl; Van ! independence. ,Mo ... . ...... . . ) -vnurt i.-itn4.i. Duvne. IJeutonunt Reginald Kclley. I.ltui- i-urat)Cth Hooker leaves next tenant Walter Scott Fulton and Ueuteti. i "vrii fur Atlantic. Ia to spend the hull ant ilrown. Several dinner parties are 1 with iter sisters. referred to tin- splendid work lift had per- planned for Friday evening for the i:uent Major Curl F. Ilnrliimnii and Captain formed, both for tbo school and In hi n-oin Onmlui .ind Fort Omaha. Among i Holland Rulmttom of Fort Oinalm m-c nrlvale practice, ut the close, present- inosc entnrliilnliiK nte Cliaptuln and Mrs. "lu'Udliig ten duys at Fort Leavenworth. Ing resolutions commending Mr. Ilenno- . John Chuiiovvcth, who will have Miss J,,SH I'runccs Harris of De Moines Is KANTLUZE Safety Garter Purse Just out All men delighted No moro loss of money nnd valu- nbles from stock ings. The rraataat protection ajalcot prurse snatcliers and robbers ever devised. Secret, convenient & secure. Made in var iety of sort, flexible leathers, Leather lin ed. Has two cennpart- mcntn. Place rot bills, cuius. Jew els, chuiiiols & latchkeg. SIlK elastic garter, with adjustable! fancy buckle. A beautiful purse in oviery way.Price SI postpaid, Order today KAKTLUZE OAXTZS PUESB CO., Box 497, Omaha., Kebr. 1 ill FUr" Order Today OMAHA HKH U-ll-l'J I That's Right, Madame- TELEPHONE US! Our number is Douglas 919 "Nlne-onc-nlne." then you'll bo aure to have the right plnce to send your family wash, as well an the men folk's Btalrle and collars, for clean work and careful hnndllng. THE OF THE HOME KfMMiT IAUNDRY fo. HliL'K WAGONH PHONE DOUOIiAS 010 S5 buys any Gorman Silvci Mosh F3ag in tlio hon;. Tliis includes: FOUR-INOH BAGS, FIVE-INCH BAGS, SIX-INOH BAGS, SEVEN-INCH BAGS. which sold up as high as $15. No shop worn goods. All brass Mi ot't". Yes, there is a rea son. "We are closing out t hose department Xmns is a good time to dispose of them. When RYAN says sale it is bona fide. RYAN Jewelry Co. 15th and Douglas x a ur. i oaa s raienieu i bbiii arc making good. People have commenced to realize that some of tho old methods are "fogle." Many have become dissatisfied with, half teeth In their bridge work and have In vestigated and found half teeth to be unsan itary, uncomfortable and unhealthy. The greatest blessing from the dental pro fession is to savo and replace bad teeth with full teeth, giving comfort and appearance ot nature's original teeth. Talk to DR. TODD About Sanitary Dental Work. Office 403 Brandeis Building-. Leather Goods Make Ideal Christmas Gifts Traveling Bags and Suit Cases, Traveling Bags fitted with toilet arti cles, Manicure sets, Tourists' Medicine Cases, Drinking Cups and Flasks, Ladies hand bags, Men's card, cases, Photograph trav eling frames, Jewel and Stick Pin Oases, Collar bags and Toilet Rolls fitted in Ivory and Ebony. Freling & Steinle Good Leather Goods 11303 FARNAM STREET Phone Douglas 273. 20c This Coupon and rood for the next number ot ALL tho following: magazines; Sunset XOacasln. McCluxe'a Mag-ailn. Tie X41es' Weria. Vattoul Xrria-atton Jeomal Address, Mnguslne Coupon Dept., Twentieth Century Fanner, Omaha, Neb. witi, which were unanimously adopted, Mr Ucnewits responded, but It was several minutes before he could gather bis thoughts sufficiently, so completely was he overcome by the mnik of appre ciation bestowed. Mary lilngwalt nnd Miss Dorothy Itlng-1 '"' atHrgarei mown and M wait as their week-end uuests: l.leuen- w1" Iwlv, S'duy for St. Louis to i ont and SI in. AValtef Scott Fulton and I vl,lt 1,rr ' -Mrs. Hubert N'orrls Lleuteuiint und Mi's. Clarence Farnham. 7S l.l.iitonaiit Ituymond Smith, who has, Th Persistent and Judicious Cse of been ervlng as nt.lo on the personal staff i w1 a''T N,lvflr',"r of Ida father. Ilrlgadler Oenural Pied A. Smith. Ihii been onliMwl to rejoin his legiment. the Fourth Infuntrv. tit Fort ' Crook. December IS. He will tie sin cceded as aide by Lieutenant Hruee M.i- grudei' of the lli;hteeuth Infantry sta Hound at Koit Mackenzie. 1'esi Sucees. Happy, Laughing Child Shortly If Cross, Feverish, Bilious and; Amateur Musical Club. oKMv Let "Svnip Of Figs" i ''"be Ht meeting of the Amateur Mu Glenn Its Liill( Wimin ,loul club was held Tuasitavtnnoon at tUlll ilb Ulllll, UilSie- , the home of Mis. Hsrrv Whltmie and it.... i it i I Vwiuyycw iiuwl'I. No matter whut ulls your child, n aen- lf though laxative phyeto khuuM ( ,,c; slrN ""krge Mclntv- ,r navi Ik the ft i at treatment flven. . tltllHUi Hluhcrk. Sirs Hpiry Whitisi- f yo r child Isn't feeling well; ust- llr- T- J- Mahoney, Mrs Willi im Hast ing tiicelv. eating regularly and acting Ur' S,r ''rnnk Van llnssilaer. Mrs l sturdily it is a sure sign that If little Joh" T HUwart. Jd.. .Mrs. S. s CnUiwell 'oma :i liver and ai) (., t r txjtvtU ! ur- ' 1 ivennciv, .Miss l.uginle Whltmore. Mls (lieleliuii M.-Conreli and Mes Alice KiHinatd.' a nusi'ellan. ous program wuf Klven bv the number ut th club. Tlds Is thn soventh sH..n for the club ami tlie rietiti Wellcslev Quests. are filled with f.uil. cHtfctlSitl want,, matter and need a M4itl. eleanelng at one. When cns. Irritable, foVHrlsh, stom ach hour breath bad or yu little una j in honor of Miss ttiluiheth outrun of nan sioiiia.-o-ucne. .itarmuvii. Kee thit. ' Wieaita. Kan., and Miss Constance Pear. l of cold tuiieue coated: jiIvb a twi- !w of Newark. N. J., the guests of M'si fMjonful of Syrup of Kis and In a few .Corlnne Kearle aiul Miss Nell Curpenter lidurs ati the . Vogg d u. wx. undlse- 1 all .if Ihmh atleiidtHl Vlle:ev college ted food ud wttr bile will gentlr movi HU Henrietta liack eiitertulned nt tit and ;ut of Its little Iwwela wttttaut hiuclmMi ttxlsy at her horn. Pink mres 'ajca sr. s ing or wee.kne. ami u mere uU in dworutlou and eovers uer wd sureij bav o, wall. wy ami suill- ,.ttleie for Ifcehe guests. ng cnuu acaia ktwrii). , .TM)t OVonliic Misses lluzei ruri With Syrup of IVs f are not diug. ! sxg your chlidion. being camMu on lirely of luscious rigs, senna and aroma-' tics It cannot bo harmful. bv4.its they dearly lovu tts dtlic'oue fig taste. Mothers should always keep Syrup of Vlgs handy. - ir. Is (so unly stomach. Itvtr and bowoJ slaatiMir and regulator needed a Htla given today will suvo h a-ek. child ternorryp-. Pull directions for' cbJIUrmi u and for grown-ups plalnh luintej ui) fy package Ask your druggitts for Hu- fu name, I ' syrup of Pig ami Kiuir of senna". Prairie. Park Needlecraft Club. prepared by tbo California Klg Svrup to The Prairie Park Needlecraft club held TbU is tho deb' lous issuing gmume ola Its krr.Miigt n at tht iub bQuae Tuesday reliable refuse auyiunsg else offerrJ arie."oon w'i-h th' )itaif were Mr Advprtlstint. lj k McConds Sirs 1L A IAgnccker Howard will enterlaln at an Informal pic nic supper at their home for the sum I guesls. The evening wlil be spent danolng j and fourteen guests will be pirscnt. j Linen Shower. Mrs. T Pearlman etitettalntd at a Hnep sitower for M1m Dorothy Donovlts. who. ' vvtsfeWtlie,- to lieu Mlbler lakes, nlqce osHbr tl. I'rliee were won by Mis. j Lovll!. Mi J. D. Kendis. Mrs . Milder , AtHrtll fifty cutstf were pienl. I BBBBBBBBBCl b ffSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl sssssssssP sflHSsssssssssai BBBBBBBBBBBBBBsW. aaWsBe 1 bssssssssssssbsIHa? aSBSSSSSSSSSSBSSBSsi asaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSaBBasBEIBSffBBUJ asaBBBBBBSMIBBBBasBBlvBBBBBBBBMBaBBBBfi WSl P HI skkm Ti c ar f- e c f fc-a- ta t 4U liua lecon o a fixture lufudo if tnuny large stores during tbo CJ-rly tni.ix eeason Dining Hie last two week the face of William II llusycll has been ever present in the nelgnbor hood of one of Omaha's big atorrs, although he bat tried and sur-eeded In making himself a good deal morn Inconspicuous to (lie paaserby than the traditional Santa Claus. The teason for Mr HiihscII'h modest luuu nerp is perhaps better understood, when It Ih known, that he is one of the veteiMii detective of this imin try. and has been ihIIckI t' Omaha by the I 'luhHig Kei-ret Servi.-e fa to guard thn gift-leaded vvtn.lowH of tlie Prfd liroleikMrd Jewelry I'.i Mr. Ilusseli lias a wide tvperiemo I' this special kind of werk. and ono f hi dearest reiiliusi enres traces ha. k to the tli'.e daring the World's Pair u St Louis when he was delegated t'iget'ler, w h a large forco of dr. t.ives ro keep au rye upon fie laiot-J wela of Que'n Mttcr'a Schemes at Kilpatrick's TO CATCH THE UNWARY. Never a SPECIAL advertised BUT WHAT IS A SPEOIAL-that's what has begotten and developed the faith and CONFIDENCE of the PEOPLE IN THIS STORE. Takes longer to attract the crowds, than brass band methods and fake schemes but when they have came, as EUGENE FIELD would say, WHY THEN THEY HAVE COME. All this by way of a leader to tell you about A Crepe Sale for Thursday Fancy and Plain fc?ilk Crepes, 'J3 inches wide, for Party Dresses, lieeoption Dresses, Wedding Gowns, etc., nnd right here lot's give you a little advance information-Crepes are to be especially desirable in the spring of 1913 (this eoniesMirect from Paris) -and there's perhaps 25 styles suitable for Scarves, Auto or otherwise. Now there are Crepes WORTH 75c, 85e and $1.01). Note tne word worth, please. Thursday starting at 8 A. 1., 39c yard. Thursday, Fridav and Saturday, just .J davs more of the 92.00 price for MAKING of Skirts to YOUR MEASURE. Our own expert fitter takes your measure and gives tjie final touches to the finished garment and you can't have it UNLESS IT IS A PERFECT FIT- that's all there is about it. Some different from the fakir's, with whom it's anything to make a sale and get YOUR MONEY. Lots of Dress Goods from which to make the Skirts, too, at reduced prices. , We are having excellent business at the Book and Stationery Section. We made an offer on a Clean Up of Stationery, etc., and the sale will shirt Thursday. Everyman's Library of more than 500 titles, offers a splendid lot of hooks from which to select for a young man or woman, and the price 35c can't be considered extravagant. We have a lot of Library Sets much he low publishers' prices. Also some choice imported Sets made from India Paperall priced lower than usual. Cards and Calendars, ad lib. and ad infinitum the big value package for a quarter, fills one important Christmas want, as it gives for 25c an assortment of tags, cards and stickers which are mighty useful these days. Thos. Kilpatrick & Co.