Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, TltfliSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1912.
Advises the Plan Be Worked Out for
TWo Yearly Tax Payments.
Sh -that l'roiirt- Ovrnrr ftlmulil
IIktp Ttto t)rflnlti Unlen nn
men into Mny lir mm
In t'ltr mil (limit).
Baking Powder
Purity in food, lower cost of living
these are the demands of the day.
Pure food is health, and health is economy itself. We can
not have health without healthful food.
The most healthful foods are the quickly raised flour foods
biscuit, cake, muffins, crusts and other pastry when perfectly
made from wholesome ingredients.
Dr. PRICE'S baking powder makes these foods in specially
attractive, appetizing and wholesome form, and for both
economic and hygienic reasons, such foods should be mor
largely substituted for meat in the daily diet.
But bear in mind that alum, or
unwholesome baking powder, can
never make pure, wholesome food.
Stack-ratoon.r Co., Undertaken.
Hav Boot Print It Now Beacon "ress.
Lighting- rixturai. Hurffess-aranaan Oo.
BHy the Stntlit, City Nafl. D. 266!
Try riattron Oaf rjverylhlns right.
Model Laundry telephone changed to
Douglas 241.
Omaha Towel Co. new telephone nunv i
ber, Douglas 628.
Diamond Iioana at a4 and S pr i
cent. W. C. Flatau. Iat4 Dodse. Red fifflo ,
The Savin? Habit, onre formed leadi
lf;- Independence. Nebraska Savings anil
Loan Ass'n., organized 1SS3, 1i05 Karnam
Knit Bear Parcel! Foit 3 1 amp As
sistant Postmaster Woodard announces
tliat after January 1. no nietc handlsr will
he transported tlitoush the mall unless
bearing a parcels post postage stamp.
Jensen Caia Continued Dr. Hobert P.
.lenf-cn w as, arraigned before Judge Fos
ter lti police court on a. charge of wife
abandonment. He pleaded not guilty and
took a continuance until Tuesday, De-
comber 17. I
Walworth Sella Ranch C. It Wal
worth, who loft Omaha three years ago
autl went ranching In Cherry county, thli
tate, has sold out and returned t.
Jmuha,. He had a ranch of l.SW acre In
tlie sand hills, woll stocked.
aviu uiuu ifc fcjr r- u . . 1 1 i.f . w. .... .
Companies to Contest Payment of
$41,000 on Stockman's Life.
n,,er In Suit Slintrn thill I'lulit
Will Hp .limit- nil (In- (iroilnil
Hint Wnlf'x llnlillx Wrri
Xnt nn lit' Slntril.
Insiiianco companies In which the late
Louis Wolf carried policies totnllng'gll.OOO
will resist collection of tho amounts on
the ground that Wolf procured tho
policies by representing that Ills habits
wero coriect and temperate when sucli
was not the fact. Tbe companies are
the Pacific Mutual Insurance company
of California and the Aetna I.lfe Insur
ance, company of Hartford, Conn.
That tho companies will resist collection
on 4he ground given above Is shown by
unsweis which they filed to suits of
Xuthan A. Splesbcrgcr, executor of
Wolfs will, and Mrs. Cora Wolf, the
widow, Splesberger has sued the Pacific
Mutual for $10,000 accident insurance, and
.Mrs. Wolf has sued the Aetna on two i
policies naming her as beneflciury. one
for ?2.-,000 ami 'one for jy.OCO.
In answering the suits, both compuules
assert that when applying fur the Insur-
Coffee Testifies and Adjournment is
Taken Until Thursday.
((urntloii or AVImt Ilreiiiiie of Vot
In One of the Third AVnril Pre
cinct linn Sow Ilcen
At the regular veckl. meeting of the
Oinhfi 1'olnry club hold ostetday W.
O. I're. county and clt treasurer, spoke
about a plan umler consideration to con
solidate. the state, rottnty and city taxes
of all description, so that alt would fall
due. upon two definite datea during tho
, year. Instead of a man finding', as ho
does now. thot he has tAxes of otic form
' or another 'contlng due practicably ovcry
! month of tho year, they would all be.
payable at ono Mace, upon one definite
date, each spring and each. fall,
i Tntler this plan the titxpaycr would
a!to receive, a bill for his taxen and
j could In turn malt his check for the
amount In'stend of going to the court
, hotio rittd wrtltlng his turn to havo them
looked u,. only to lenrn-lha very next
day tlMt a new tax has fallen dun In
the Interval.
Under tho present system expenditures
are madn and the money to meet the ob
ligations l not collected until about
eighteen irionths later. This, of course,
necessitates merchants and those selling'
to tho county whiting many mouths for
their pay, resulting In higher priors and a
carrying charge being levied In one foim
or another.
'This new .system,' said Mr. I're, "will
enable us to mako a more dr,fi-,lte state
ment ta any time of the continuity's
true financial condition, and will obvl
ously reduco the cost of handling the
business and result In a lower tax for
every property holder Jn the county."
The municipal affairs committee of the
notary club consisting of E. II. Ward,
Harry fcoch, A. J. L'ggers and Ilarley H.
Moorhead was requested by Mr. Ure to
co-operate with him In bringing about'
the best situation of tho tax business to
the betterment of the pocketbook of all
concerned. ;
The notary club Includes in its member-'
ship only thoso who are proprietor;,
corporate officer or manager of the busi
ness he represents In tho club and with'
Its seventy odd members Is vitally Inter-
jested In Improvements of ntunklRal nf
.fairs of this nature tlioueli taking no part
i whatever In politics.
The municipal affalis committee of th
notary ciuu was the flist committee of
any organization to call upon the city
commissioners and offer the co-operatloti
of the Hotary clUb Hi the solving of city
problems. Severn! commissioners hnve
discussed buslnesn of the city before the
i cum and when Mayor Uahlman was re
; questing various organization to appoint
committees to'stand In readiness, to con
fer with him In tho formation of the now
j charter he found tho notary club with
jsuch a committee already appointed
els to the acn. is in town fiom the Chl
cc;o land show lie was one of tho
leading oxhlbitois at the Omaha land
show last eai.
Subscription List
for the New Hotel ;
Continues to Grow;
Public subscriptions to the stock of the
new hotel will be dosed on December SI. ,
after which date no preferred stock will
be offered with tlie common stock as a'
bonim. This Is the decision of the fin
ance committee of the big hotel propool
lion. l-awyets ami dm tots sent In their sub
script lorm quite iibtrally. and. these with
others, helped to iitl the list to f3J7,s40.
Subscriptions nliondv teported 2.i.rtt0
John 1.. Webster 4in
W. D. Motlugh 4i
r H. Oalnes aw
C. J. Smyth son
H. 11. Soott w
W. 1''. Hurley 3
It. W. lircckenrldge nw
Krancls A. P.roKan
John C. Wharton aV
V. It. McConnoll. . TM
John It. Webster fJ
Uryne A Hammer Drr tloods Co... i.'A"
J. P. Palmer Ift)
A. F. Jonas l.oOO
H. Glffortl 3,V)
W. 11. McCord.
McCord-ltrady Co
t.000 I
. 2,000
Butch Johnson Terrorizes Neighbor
hood Flourishing Gun.
Mm ii 'Win. I'nl Itolilirr In I'IIrIiI
Marts to Cclrlirntr In n Wny
of Ills Own nnil Coinrs
to (irlrf.
"Mutch" Johnson, erstwhile dlsappolnter
of bandit .lopes, turned desperado him
self Tuesday for brief hour. NVw ho
Is lit a cell at the cltv lall. I'harged'Wlth
abusing his famtb and resisting an of
fleet. Johnon Is the man -m two weeks
rgo fired two shots at a pair of high
waymen who attempted to rob him. Last
night he started to abuse his family and
when neighbors rnmonsttnted. be pro
cured a tevolver and soon had the neigh
borhood of Twenty-seventh and Fowler
avenue, in a panic.
Patrolman Fold attempted (o place him
under arrest but Johnson flourished his
WcalHin and dared tho officer to take him.
IVid colled for afststrtuco and Detectives
Fleming and McDonald came (to his aid.'
The butcher was finally overpowei e"d aid
placed under arrest without any',bllKnl
Mrs, Alice Arnold
Burned by Gasoline
While cleaning clothing lth gaaoiin
In the bathroom of her residence, ft7
South Twenty-sixth avenue, Mrs, Alice
Arnold was severely burned about the
head. There was a gas jet lighted nnd
tho fumes from the gasoline came In
contact with the flame. Tho explosion
Itt'll.UIMi Pim.MlTJI.
Julia Johnson. C N'orth Thirty-second,
framo dwelling. $I.5n).
Paruels fiom the first of the year on
will not be taken from tho mall boxes,
but according to the new parcel post
law must be brought either lo tho neat'- '
est substation or the Omaha general ,
poMofflce. Mbiiv of the parcel boves are
being taken down, hut in aso the wotK
should not bo completed before tho flist ;
this notice Is Issued
WATCHKS Fit UNZKIt 15th X Dodge.
Vetirnnk'nna nt the Hotel.
J. W. Mitchell of Superior, Joseph Jleha
of Mulligan, S. llavey of Auburn and J.,
J. StantOn of Carroll are Rt the HonshaW.
M. H. Hall of Hooper. D. T- Mnsteh of
Norfolk. A. Ii PHco of llwingi Adulter
Scott of North Platte and II. l:owana.oe
Central City aro guests of. the Mo,u'hants.
W. C Hunt of lloldrege. Phllllp ll. Kohl
of Wayne, F H. Nye of Plalnvlow and
Mr. and Mis. W. K. Studel.aWtr of Su
perior are staying at the Paxton
C. I., .luellon of Wnhoo. M. T, Itow
land of Central City and Olto I-nn.Tn of
IlUHtliiRN ale at the Millard.
W. H and lOlltabeth Davidson of
Kpringflelil, 11 II Drake of lltoken llnw
H. K. Cates or Lyons and D. K. Smith
1UWKUS Cl'T GLASS PnKNZKn. and family of Cralg.ate at tho Uyal.
Quinine? No! Pape's
Best for Bad Cold
First! iloso of Pnpo's Coltl Coinpountl
rollevc.H nil nilsory from n coltl
or iho Krijipo.
It Is a positive fact that a dose of
Papo's Coltl Compound, taken evory'two
hotirs uhtll three consecutive doses are
taken .will, end the Orlppo and break up
the most seVeio cold, either In the head,
ehest, bank, stomach, limbs or any part
of the body.
It promptly relieves tho moat misera
ble headache, dullness, head and nose
setutfed up, f erlshnoss, sneeilng, sore
throat, running of the nose, mucoual ca
tarrhal discharges, soreness, stiffness and
rhuchintfo twinges.
Take this wonderful Compound as di
rected, with the knowledge that Ihern
is nothing else In the world, which will
euro your cold or eiul Grippe misery as
promptly and without any other assist
ance or bal after-effocta as a 23-Cent
package of Pape's Cold Compound, which
any druggist am supply accept no sub.
stltutc - contains no quinine. Uelongs
In every home. Tastes nice acts gently.
Seeks to Recover
for Husband's Death
No. 1, .Spanish War Veterans, will hold a ance and being examined for It. Wolf
aid party at the lodge room, 33. Paxton
block, Thursday evening, the proceeds to
be iihd to purchase a monument for tho
lodge's plot In West Lawn cemetery. The
public Is coullully Invited to attend.
The State Bank of Omaha pays 4 per
cent on time deposits', 3 per cent on sav
ing accounts. The only bank In Omaha
whoto depositors are protected by tho
depositors' guarantee fund of the state
of Nebraska. Corner Seventeenth and
Harney streets. Advertisement. " !
Damajres for Broken Wagon Welti-1
hlcln & Adler, wagon repair shop proprie- J
tors, who sued tho Model Steam Laundry J
company for for damaging some wag. j
otis. were given ii verdict for JM by a
jury In Judge Lee S. Estelle's court.
Woikrnen who were unloading coal rrom
a railroad car for tho laundry tried to
move the car and lost control of It. It
dafdied down a spur track and struck two
wagons In the reixilr shop yard.
asserted that his habits were correct and
temperate; that the fact Is that at the
time theso representations were made und
until the veiy day of his death Wolf's
habits were not correct and temperate, he
drank ti excess, assoeiuted with bad com
panions, lived out of wedlock with an un
married woman, and frequented iuimoial
The companies assert that these misrep
resentations void the policies.
II. Coffee, witness In the contest
caso of A. C. Pancoast againft J H.
Grossman for a scat In the state senate
from Douglas county, testified" that money
had been used In the second prfednct of
the Third ward to Influence votes before
the election. He did not go Into dotnlls.
Ho also testified that when he went to tho
polls to vote a Judge of election offered
him a ballot from a latge bundle of bal
lots he was holding across his arm. Cof
fee sold he thought he detected some
marks on the ballot and lie refused to ac
cept it. Insisting that he be slven one
from a pile on tho table. Ho said he
was not sure that the ballot was marked. '
but when 1ih thought he detected sonvo I Mary C. Waterman, former wife
murks on It he grew suspicious. He wan ; Homer li. waterman, has sued his
Mrs. (Jlovana Buteta. widow or John
TlUlera, accidentally killed while working
on construction of the Datlron building,
his sued the building- contractor, J. c.
Mardls company, and the owner of the
property., tho Sterling Realty, company,
for JiO.Ono damages for her husband's
A falling crane struck , Mutcra Negli
gence In permitting tho crane to he im
properly operated 'is chanted.
George W. Ames, a meat market pro
prietor, whose wife unsuccessfully prose-
uted him for Infidelity, has med for dl
orce. charging extreme cruelty.
The Ames family troubles first got Into
ti.e courts a year ago. Mrs. Ames sued a
wumun for alleged alienation of her hus
band's affections. Later she caused Ames'
.irient on a statutory charge. Judge Day
threw tho case out of court.
lo his petition Ames clmrgca his wife
with unjustly persecuting htm and forc
ing lilm to turn over to her u J9.iO) In
heritance from bis father by threatening
to bring hlin Into public Ignominy by
airing the f.unlly affairs in court.
Piesident Sproulo of tho Southern Pa
ifl'. enroute from San Francisco to New
York to consult with the executive com
mittee of tho Pacific roads, relative to the
dissolution of the merger, ordered by tho
I 'lilted States supreme court, will arrivo
in .Omaha on No. 10, at 8:13 o'clock TO
rtfy night. Local railroad men are of tho
opinion that President Sproule has no
knowledge of the plans and will have none
tmtll after ho has oonfurrcd with tho
committee, wild tu have the entire mat
t. f in charge, .
HlltTIIS A.M 111: ATI I
Ilirths-Tootall and Alberta Alexander,
North Thirty-third, girl. Rov and
I lancli llralnard J7I Pntt glil. II L.
and Lthol Norton MM North Nineteenth.
Hirl Walter and All It'.'blnson. LIS
s ifi Mvh ith lo l' ui '1 L
mi ti v i'" i
Dt at Jt 'i I ritt 1 ' ar" ' itjt
.V J Ptoffitt, b years hospital.
Oscar Belsendorf was fined and costs
In police court on a charge of larceny as
bailee. Belsendorf Is alleged to havo
boarded a Dodge street car and presented
to the conductor a $1 bill. Tho conductor
gave Belsendorf J5 In chonge. The con
ductor discovered his mistake and asked
tho passenger for the money and the
latter Is sold to have refused to return It.
Miss Kmina Heed, daughter of Phllburn
H. Heed of Perclval, la., and Mr. Hudolph
Jaeger were married by Ilev. Charles W.
Savldge at his residence Tuesday morning
at 10 o'clock. They wore accompanied by
the bride's sister, Mrs. J S. Clanton of
Perclval, la., and Mr. Albert Trantz
slveu one rrom the table.
The heating was adjourned to 0 o'clock
this, morning. I'p to this time the
testimony has shown that there were
large plies of straight ballotB In the
second precinct of tho Third ward for tho
republican, democratic and progressive
patties. This was testified to by several
witnesses. At the same time the re
turns show that Pancoaat got only
eighteen votes In that precinct. N, P.
Dodge for state senator got but six.
Since Pancoast and Dodge were both run
ning on both the republican and pro
gressive tickets, the question has arisen
as to where the piles of republican and
progressive straight votes went when the
Judges got down to Pancoast and Dodge,
In this precinct Grossman Is credited with
27S votes. Other testimony was that
judges la one pieclnct had been drlnklnc
heavily during tho night when the bal
lots should have been counted and that in
tho confusion ballots were torn In two.
ents, Mh and Mrs. Alvah Waterman
for 125,000 du lunges for alienation of his
It is alleged In the petition that shortly
after their marriage ten yars ago the
young people -went to live with Water,
man's parents on a farm; thathe par
ents by undue Influence turned Water
man against his wife, Induced him to
abuse her and drive her from home, a
divorce resulting.
William Stewart, a rustic from fnlon.
Neb., strayed near Tenth and Capitol
avenre Tuesday. As a result he Is 19
the poorer. He told Patrolmen Pzanow
ski and Sfhwager that he had been rob
bed by a negio woman. Ttie officers ar
rested draco Mitson, a negress, dent I fled
by Stewart and she Is belnt held as a
ftusplclous cliarueter.
Prof. Buffum of AVorlmid. Wyo., who
operates an experiment farm there and
Is designated ns the grain w I raid on ac
count of having produced enimer. a grain
of the wheat family that grows ,150 bush-
Model Laundry
Douglas H3.
telephone change to
rrlze took worth a dollar to three beat each week. Hall roar to
XUffydlll Editor. Tbe Bee. Bee Tbe Sunday Bee tot prlie wlmaerm.
Contest will close on Sunday, December IB-
Clayton Van Doran, Dundee If we
fchould break up housekceirtng, would
the sideboard?
Katherlne Singles. 413 North Thirty
ninth street If you went to Iowa, would
you "Cedar Kaplds?,
If you con triake a shrimp wiggle, can
you make a lobster?
F. B. Bollard. 1623 I'"arnam Street If
David's son had drowned in. a" water
tbath) house, who, Wi those days of stress,
would write hi bio-Uraff?
Louts Hertrberg, SiU Seward Street If
Anna Held two kings, and John Drow two
aces, could Iawrence Barrett to see
Charles Beaton''
Jit r 1 t'."'iM Nfbraska IMV, Neb
If n' K"1' I 'T shark wus fjti the rldr
i'l a lil'l, wuJli tbe mo inUIti dew 7
Mies Clara Wlesman, 3018 North Twenty-first
Street If tho line was out of or
der, would the telephone operator?
If you wero asleep and got hungry,
would you take a roll?
Mrs. A. M. Jackson, 6115 Ppppleton Ave.
If an auto toots lu horn, will Mobile
O. K. Iamb, Lincoln If wheat had ears,
would tho Corn Kxchange?
If Governor Woodrow Wilson made a
holler, would the governor of Illinois
Mr. I'. M." Henry, Loup City. Neb I'
a curtain made a window blind, how
could Tennessee?
If corn Is cultivated, Is a la winnower"
If i lady r.-.", chould gas meter'
V ' r c uid riuebago''
Ii a ui' rig I'lu ever still?
Out dUcIc treat !Uek By Suinn i
teavulint ts hopptaf , theatre i
rttMmtUl dlitritlt
Boatoh's newest hotel.
Under same manage
ment as Hotel Plaza,
New York.
Pric4i far rooms
and restaurant most reason
ehlt considering excilltnct
of anointments and
Single Aoonu with Bath, $3.50
Double Apoii,with Bath (two
peroiJ) ityto to $8.00.
Special pricei quoted far pr
longed tiay,
FRD STBRRY, MtaejbJ Diraeler
Tamp Bay Hotel
Alttr it uptnllluM ol fM.toO oh lntitor
or6TmnM, It U now oo of tt bttt
lolattf ktttli la ta, south. Dptcltl mttklr
tHn. Writ ttt bootiUt ,
HbbbbS .bbbbV ..HFV ill H In I I1PIII .It 1
Go to the
phone now
and order a
case of Blatz the
Vpr that should be in
everv household where a suoerior
malt oeverage is aesireu.
Generations ago Blatz was brewed by an old
fashioned brewer in a primitive fashion. Today
the methods are modern and original, and the capac
ity of the plant is enormous, but the quality and
character of the product remain the same as of old.
Omaha, Neb.
802-810 Douglas Street,
Phont: Douglai 6662
Express Labels
That Protect You
Yf How Label Mmiii
White Label Means
Yellow Label
When you receive an express package bearing
a yellow label jm nothing. The shipper has
already paid the tcharges.
White Label
When you receive an express package bearing
a white label pay the charges.
No Label
If a package bears neither Collect nor PreDaid
label it will be delivered without charges, arid
collection, if proper, will be made thereafter.
This New System
of yellow and white labels has been adopted by
the Express Companies by order of the Inter
state Commerce Commission for your benefit
and protection. Your co-operation is earnestly
Please Ship Your Christmas Packages Early
Adams Express Company American Express Company
United States Express Company Wells Fargo & Company Express