Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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fc.nU rt3at Omaha postofflco as second
c au in titter .
" f KiiMs or prwwmrTiox.
F indft Hee, one year f-J
Saturdsv He one year J-J"
Dall Hee, without Sunday, one year 4. )
lol v' Use. and Sunday, one year.... bd
,int mil nn,tv ner month 400
Real Cornhusker Spirit. ;
Kverybody in No'rraM .t I n forn-i
busker when it 'como lo love and I
loyalty for tin- state's university.
Kvorybody In Nebraska, therefore, i
ahotild boost for the enterprise
launched by the Omaha nluninl for a
more rohoront University of Ne
braska spirit. This nluinnt has
planned a bnnqnet especially for tha
t.- .. I r. nllhniil HlinrtaV. TH'T ITiOnin. ' r. . 1 t t i 1 II ....... 1
.. "W i . i. .nn ' v uriuiUBHUi iuoi uuu irum uii ami
IlalK Dee without Sunday. per mo...
Address All complaint or lrrenumi iu-
In delivery to City circulation Dept.
Remit b diaft. exptes? or KMal order,
payable to The Ilee Ilibllshlng l ompanj .
Onl I-cent stamps received In payment
of small account. Personal check, ex
cept on Omaha, and eastern exchange, not
OmahaThe He building.
SouUi Omaha-!'.: N street.
Council BluffH North Main street
Llncoln-2 Little building.
iTilcago-lOU Marquette building
Kansas City-Reliance bulldlrvs.
New Tork-SI Writ Thlrty-third
5t ixuis vu rriseo duiiuiuk.
Waahlncton 7t"i lurieeri
I Communication relating to new anu
editorial matter ahould b addressea
Omaha Hee Editorial tcpartment.
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas,
Dtvlght William, circulation mannger
of The Bee Publishing company. betn
dtjly sworn, says that the average dalll
Tlreulatlon for the month of November,
hi wasO.Mo. DWIQllTWIhMAMH.
Circulation Manager
Subscribed In my presence and swor i
to before mo thl tth day of Iecambe
Notary Public.
Xnliscrllicrs lenrln- the olfy
lempnrnrllr olionlil littTC The
Bee mailed lo ttiem. Address
III be changed in often re-tieted.
Deer hunters usually hunt, too.
Come on, girls, bo good follows
nd shop early.
No letter should go out without Its
Rod Croat) seal.
nary 8. In Omaha, to which also tho
high school foot oall tennis of the
state have been or will bo Invited.
Representative, men with gifts of ora
tory will Impross upon this concourse
of youth the urgent appeals of tho
state university, will lay before tho
young men the reasons why Nebras
kans should attend Nebraska's uni
versity. The plan Is altogether laudable
and business-like and It Is gratifying
to note Its enthusiastic reception
ovor tho state. Tho newspapers of
Lincoln and othor cltlea have given It
tholr rordinl endorsement and will
exert tholr lnfluenco,to make" it suc
cessful. It would bo amazing If ob
jection wore raised to tho plan, but
the fart that none has been and on
the contrary such prompt and hearty
approval is accorded, encourages the
utmost faith In tho large results of
the scheme, It was an Inspiration
that ever suggested it. This banquot
should mark n new op";h In the life
of our university, that It might bo
enabled to go forth Into wider flcldB
of usefulness, with greater rosources
and outlets.
In giving try to make It usoful
lvlng, so as to make it meritorious.
Typists, they say, are out of date.
What, thoso pretty little things?
But tho apologist for the medical
fakers xloes not daro defend, the fake
on Its merits.
Even at this lato dato one cannot
help admiring the way Dear Mnr'la
restrained herself.
iKC. 1li U
By Rev. E. T. Otto, Pastor.
In January. IMS, roui ships, cairylng
Lutheran emigrants from Saxony In Ger
many, arrived nt New Orleans. A month
later theee pilgrims settled at St Ixi'Hs
and In Perry county, Missouri. Them
Thirty Vrnrs Ago they established churolics snd si hool and
Rev Oeorge '. Mlln Have hi famous lin December of the same yeur founded n
rendition of "llnmlet" at Boyd's to a
good house.
Rev J It. Inghram, for several years
paMor of the Christian church In thli
cli. I hrsltatlng between two call. nn
or a church In Bau Joae and the oilier
us tate evatiBnllst with headuuarters in
Knn Kranclco.
i:hler I). T tnimmon oftlrliitcd at the
dedication of tho new Methodist church
ot Pnplltion.
"The rush to Kulin & Co. was unprece
dented, everybody being anxious to jjt
a ticket for that handsome, WO celluloid
set they are going to lvc away."
MIsg Ida L. Barlow, nn experienced
traclur of voice and piano, has located In
thl city.
Kd Haney, hasgage agent of tha Union
Pacific, lias returned from a two month'
trip to New Mexico and California.
Paul Wi'lnhoBKHi, recently editor of tho
iPost-Telcgraph, has Jurt recovered from
a severe attack of Inflammation of the
Mr. nml Mts. V. I. Adama and tlielr
little daughter Helen left to spend the
winter with the father and mother. Mr.
and Mr. John II. Kelloni, In southern
J. If. Roeder, Sixteenth and Webster,
will hereafter conduct the druir buslnej
formerly b-longlng to Dr. VS. I). Ieltl-rich.
Jn the concert of the powers one
cannot hoar the rest of The pieces
for the baas drum.
A Chicago man kfeks againBt "n
eloan cars." Omaha's are clean
tnough, what It has. '
'Geno Debs says J. Plorpont Mor
tau Inspired tho federal lndlctmont
9i him. Uoly Bmoko!;
That vya? epmoroply Constantino
J. Smyth mado tp our frlonds, tho
scjclallsta, Just tho samo.
Butter confl'mn1t!rs''wfU'vnof bbject
If tho manufacturers maJto n pound
if butter ldok like So cents. '
Paris has decorated our Mr. Mor-
gs.ii with a gold medal, Come out
nnd ask for lt don't "hint,
Uncle Sam probably never ex
pectod to hit upon a Panama policy
that would satisfy Johnny liull.
Base burners must have been so
named from their Indirect relation
to the parties who fix coal prices..
perhaps they mado a mistake hoU
to pond Mrs. Martin y. Llttloton In
stead of her husband to 'congress.
Aa to the Sentiment of the South.
"lie doesn'treflect tho sentiment
of the south," says a loading south
ern newspaper of Govornor Colo L,
Rlcouc of South Carolina, who dis
tinguished himself at the. council of
governors by advocating lynrhlng
and Immunity for Its porpolrators
and damning the constitution.
Ho surely docs not reflect tho ma
Jority sentlnicnt of the south. That
Is easy to' believe, but the fact re
mains that 0110 of the. foromost south'
cm states, a stato thnt, perhaps, bet
tcr than all others, crystallizes what
Is called southorn sentiment nnd tra
dltlons, has -.twice olocted thiB man
to tho governorship ntd given him
warrant for declaring that at tho end
of his second term he will step Into
tho United States sennto as a reward
for his services as governor.
So long n stntos in the south con
tinue to olevato such men to tho
highest offices within their gift and
power, so long must tho south ro
muln subject lo criticism for the
responsibility Mississippi Varda
mans, Arkansas Jeff Davlses, Tonnes
boo I'attorsonB and South Carolina
Colo Ulenses (fannot elect themselves
.tygfc?i . e i
Mohler nn Institution.
Controlling powors of tho Hnrrl-
man systom, together with manager
ial heads of tho various roads com
posing tho merger dissolved by tho
Supremo court, havo gono Into con
ference In Now York, evidently to do-
cld6 'upon now to moot tho, demands
df the decreo nnd plan for tho fu
Omaha and Nebraska people, aa
well aa .those nil along fho Union Pa
clflr, will, wo are sure, hopo thn.t
vyhntovpr changes aro made hero will
tond' toward the elaboration of tho
powers now vested In tho president
of tho Overland nnd that that official
will Continue to be A. L. Mohler.
They uro tint even deposed to give
him up for higher recognition In tho
So fur4 as Omaha Is concerned, It
has coirip to regard President Mohler
as -unJ' Institution, nnd wpuld look
Rofore giving up hope offlhdlng
enough cabinet material, the new
president wants to remember Joseph
V. Folk, like Barkis, Is wlllln'.
Tho New York Press sayy, "Nowa
days people want their catechism
sugar coated like liver pills." And
Mien many of them will not tako it
From agate to zinc," says Under
wood. Which Is even more conipro
henslvo than "from Dan to Beer-
theba," but may not mean any more,
Indians Bcem to como by their
names most accidentally, as tho cog
jiomen, George Murphy Johnson
hanging to a Winnebago, would sug
Colonel Roosevolt admirably ntlcks
to his friend, Perkins. Right or
wrong, Perkins helped him, and tho
colonol s bold enough to admit it In
he open.
Tho loudest nolso that has been
heard in connection with the post
office consolidation emanates, from
those who have a direct personal In
tcrest In pie.
While a professional pitcher I
teaching John D, Rockefeller's grand
son the art of throwing the ball, the
kids grand-dad could give the
pitcher r- few valuable pointer on
-urvea If ho chose.
If tttVeifijemH'Blar vlll 'eouilt tuo
number of Omaha, boytf and plrls real
dent fn Lincoln-while -tending to
heir studies at the ITnUnndu of Ne
braska, Jt may feel mpve.l to revise
Its estimate ,is to tlio'fTereBt Omaha
lakes In the great durational instl
iutlon located at the capital.
preparatory college and theological scli'l
nary In the piimeval forests of Pcny
county, the professors mid students them
selves cutting the log for the Instltn-
dlvine reason for the existence of an In
itltutlon. which requires the attention,
tlmo and money of it supporters and
bcneflclarle. The church platform
therefore Is Htandpat In doctrine and pro
gressive In custom, as the changing times
Tho form of It church government Is
founded on the Lord's Idea: "One Is
your master, even Christ, and all ye aro
hrcthicn." A call for a pntor. for In
stance. Is extended by the vote of all
lion's firt home. Sixty-five year apo , Ilg votB members. In the wide range
twelve congregations and their pastoif of those matters, which God has left
unlUd and ortranlxed the "Lutheran synod ,0 Christian liberty to decide, for Instance
of Mlssoui I. Ohio and other states." Fnun J lnp order. lime and place of service.
the center of the country this body spread ' method of chuich finance, etc.. the mem-
until It has now become the largest mem- I i,er. themselves decide together with their
Tom What did Betty sny when you told
her she was a "pouch"?
Jack Sho ald. "1 do feel like something
to cat," and of course 1 had to take her
out to dinner. Boston Transcript.
"Slaw, what 1 honey made of?"
"The honey that comes In bottles?"
"Don't try to find out. dear: If a mys
tery. Hveu the atigcls don't know." Chi
cago Tribune.
Mts. Ame Aro they happily married?
Mr. V owl They're still friends of the
people who Introduced them to each other.
Chicago New.
"Would you marry him If you wore
"I'd marry anyone that asked me. If I
Were you." Houston Post.
Tucnty Year Ao
John J. Roggen, secretai-y of tho
Blatchly company, lithographers. Ta
coma, Wash., was vlaltlng his brother,
Coloml 15. P. RoKtrcn.
Miss Ada Hudson of Gothenburg was
visiting' her sister, Mbw Ella Hudson of
the government mlcroscoplo force at
South Omaha.
At tho meeting of the Board of Fire
and Police commissioner, Chief Scavey
reported tint a number of second and aloon permitted dancing,
singing and Instrumental niuslc. which.
the chief thought, tended to make tho
place disorderly and he therefore, sue
gested tho piissngo of nn ordinance for
me xupireaston of hucIi thing. Tho
board decided to take It up at the next
Fannie M. Scott was sulrur tho Omaha
Street railway for J10.000 damages for
personal injurlc before Judge Scott of
the district court.
Four night schools were opened for tile
winter. Dodge, llartman, Hatl and
Leavenworth. The does at Dodge street
wn composed of RuitHlau Jews, all ex
cept three or four of whom werp beardod
men, pomo bent with the burden of their
year, all eager for a working knowledge
of tho English language.
Ten Years Ako
Citation S, Young, ndvmMng agent for
tho Burlington In Omaha, received word
of h promotion to tho position of assistant
to J. It, Griffith, general advertising man
ager for the Burlington, with "headquar
ters in Chicago, effective January 1. Mr.
Young was a leporter for The Bee before
entering railroad work. General Passen
ger Agent John Francis of Oinulia. satd
the nffhtr of the advertising 'office for
the Burlington west of tho river wpuld
bo handled by P. P. Fodrea, who had been
assistant to Mr, Young.
Omahe and vicinity were covered by an-
other miow three Inches In depth.
P. U. Her was out with thn-announee-
ment of another , tannery project for
Omaha, 13. B. Thaw of Richmond, Va
with offices at 33 Wall street, was hi
guest, huvlng como to launch a $500,000
company fgr tanning hide. LoraJ capl-
mums, Air. jier proclaimed, would take
stock in the concern.
A full section of a plank sidewalk was
offered as evidence In court before Judge
Hlnbaugh, where the damage ault of
Olgoldt Krantx, whom tho sidewalk wnn
ohurgrd with assUultiiiK, was being tried
for $1,100 personal Injuries.
Campbell W. Fair of New York, son of
Dean Campbell Fair of Trinity cathedral,
arrived here In response to a message of
tho serious Illness of his venerable father.
ber of the synodlcal conference, which I
the largest Lutheran church body In the
t'nlted States.
the first church of the Missouri synod
In Omaha was organized In 1870 by Rev. T.
Kuegele, who, In the following year, ac
cepted a call to Virginia, where he la still
holding ft prosperous pastorate. His
successor. Rev. J. Hllgendorf, served the
church In Omaha for five years, and k
church was built at Eleventh and Jackson
.streets, from where It was moved to
Twentieth nnd Mason street under the
pastorate of Rev. VS. J. Frese. Twcntv
fh'e years ago those members of the Klrst
German Lutheran church who lived north
of Cuinlng street began holding services
In the Norwegian Lutheran church nt
Twenty-fifth and Hamilton streets, and
with the assent of the mother church
formed an Independent rongrcgation.
which twenty years ago built the present
house of worship on Twenty-eighth and
Parker streets.
In IMS Rev. J, F S Her, It first pas
tor, accepted n call to Denver. For tho
last four years Rev. E. T. Otto, formerly
al Landcstrcn, Saskatchewan, Canada,
has held tho pastorate. The church num
bers I'M communicant members.
The Lutheran church holds thnt man's
faith In God must he wrought, guided nnd
supported nlnne by the word of his God
and Redeemer and It recognises no media
tion between God and the sinner, except
that of Josu Christ, und It know no sal
vation except justification by grace
through faith In Christ's merits and His
redemptive woik.
Therefore tho aim and chief business
of fit. Paul's church must bo the publish
ing of God's law. which convicts every
.mortal of slh and returns tho verdict of
"guilty" and tho proclaiming of , free,
full and fltnl pardon by tho gospel, of
Christ to every one who will accept it.
Tho ncceptanro of this pardon constitutes
Christianity, nnd education, civilization,
social service, honest citizenship and loyal
patriotism will and must follow In Its
ThlH program forms the basis of Its
activity nnd furnishes the moral and
pator. tnddentnlly. this ngrees with
the policy "Let the people rule," whete
God's1 word has neither enjoined nor for
bidden. Extraordinary means for raising church
funds, as suppers, bazaars, fairs, etc.,
are regarded as not being conducive to
the welfare of the church and are not
St. Paul's church Is a bilingual congre
gation. Preaahiug. tlm administration of
the sacraments, instruction of confirma
tion classes, and all It church work Is
carried on in English as well as In Ger
man. The volunteer choir of fifty voltes
under tho leadership of Mr. J. A. Hilgcn
dorf. sings In both languages. The Sun
day school of the English department
lias had a rapid and solid growth In tho
last two years.
As this church holds the Christian
school to be tho best means under present
circumstances to aid the Christian home
In the Instruction of the young, It sup
ports n. German-English parochial school.
In which all the branches of the eiade
si e taught In English, nnd instruction
In religion, Bible history, catechism and
In German I given. The aim to build
character and glvo moral training, as
well ns to train the intellect, to teach
the pupils to be good citizens in Christ s
kingdom as well as loyal p.itriots of their
country, good citizens of their community
and useful members of human society.
Mr. J. A. Hilgericlorf. a graduate of Con
cordia college at St. Paul, and the nor
mal seminary at Seward, Neb., has been
at tho head of the ' school for the last
three year.
As the authority of scripture must be
affirmed over and against all human j
authority for the regulation of tho faith '
nnd conduct of Christians, and ns thlH
church must strive to create and korp
a well-Informed and Intelligent member- '
ship, the spread of religious publications 1
and church papers among Its members
must be another aim of tho church, and
The Bee would be the last to take ex- '
ccptlon to the statement thut tho church !
paper should bo their "home paper"' no
less than tho Dally and Sunday Bee.
'Courageous, Isn't she?"
"Very: Why. she Is engaged to marry
a man named Trlplett!" New York Sun.
"Your husband is a very particular man,
Isn't he?"
"Particular? Why, he's the flnnlklest.
fussiest mortal that ever lived! It
wouldn't surprise me a bit if lie should
have the picture nails manicured some
"I Asked your husband last night If he
had to live his life over again. If he
would marry you, and he said he certalnlv
"He certainly wouldn't." Judge.
"Before I was married a $20 bill looked
like a two spot."
"And now?"
"Now, by George, u one looks like a
miracle." Chicago Tribune.
a clein gift of $1..VV said Bollar En
what do vou say?"
"No," said Blather, "t can't do that
but suppose you give me JAW and keiv
the car, eh? Clear saving of $1,000. oh
WhatT'-Harpcr's Weekly.
"Young man, do you know how to
Young man "Well parson. I know the
holds, but I don't know the steps." Life.
Saddlee A man can hardly wed now
unless ho can show the girl two licenses.
Denston Two licenses,
Saddlee Yen marriage Und automo-blle.-Boston
Hammdnd Why do you take your wife
so often to see the moving pictures?
Way burn I want to Impress on hor
mind that action .speaks loilder than
words. Philadelphia Record.
"At whom are ynu looking." demanded
the young lady of the young man who
obstructed her path.
"Atrhoo." replied the hay-fever vic
tim, and hurried awav. Houston Post.
"This car cost mo $.1,500. Blathers, hut
I'll let you have It for $2,000. eh? If
Clark McAdams. St. ixiuls Post Dispatch.
A soldier of the sultan
Lay hiding In a ditch.
"Tho trouble with the Turk." he said,
"Is very plalnovltch. '
"Ho has too much religion
Confounded with the state.
And ho can't tell one from t'other
When the need Is great.
. i
"He rises In the morning
A little after t.
And. long petitions Allah.
With his forehead to tha floor.
' "Ho badgers hlni for ilche.
And tho fruitage bf the tides.
And ho asks him for a harem full
Of young Circassian brides.
"He nsks him for a fig tree.
And he asks him for a vine.
And he asks him for some ryo bred
And a goatskin full of wine.
"Ho never tires of asking,
His mood Is soft and meek.
And he gets his Sunday oil mixed up
With the balance of the week.
"He kneels from 4 to 7.
Prostrated to the east,
And you would fancy when he quits
His. pants were ever creased.
"The Bulgar, on the other hand.
Arise In the dark,
And while the son of Allah prajs.
Is shooting at a. mark.
"He swings an old tomato can
A bit above tho ground.
And even- time he fires at It
The can goes round and round.
"He lays down on his stomach
Behind a bale of hay.
And spins the old tomato can
Around tho other way.
"He sets a little shaving glass
Vprlght upon his nose,
And rolls the target like a whe,el,
Performing with his toes.
"He never mentions Allah,
Ills lips are close and mute.
And the east Is where th sun comes ur
So he can see to shoot."
A soldier of the Sultan
Lay hiding in a ditch.
"Tho trouble, with tho Turk," he said.
"Is very plalnovltch,"
Southern Brigadier Who Warmed Northern Hearts.
A Opieril southerner, with a large heart j my head. We haVe a problem there that
overiiowing wnn rooq win, iHMeii (i nni you 10 ncip me to settle. I want
People Talked About
upon his loss as a sovero ono to the
business. Interests here, which he has
done no much to build up and make
prospuroua. Not only has he heartily
co-operatod with every enterprise for
hb wolfoTrVof bin territory, .but hu
has advanced a reglmo of good will
and mutual Interest nil along the
route of tho Union Pacific, the result
of which Is most beneficent, Omnhu,
Nebraska, nnd, Indeed, this section of
tho west, therefore nsks a voice In
this council nt Now York to request
that no change ttmy take Prosldent
Mohler away front hlB position.
Red Cross senl is the height of fashion
for all letters and packages this month.
A Chicago girl. Iruultrd by a male per
son, totsed htm down two flights of
stairs. Some main rx-rsom have to be
lli the death of former Cnltcd States
Senator James Gordon of Okolono, Miss.,
a few days ago. Senator Gordon was J
one of few southern brigadiers who knew
when the war was over, and preferred
fighting tho battles of Industrial peace
to raking up he memories' of the dead
past. During his brief membership of
the United .States senate, -filling a va
cancy - by appointment two year ago,
he won nationwide applntue ly his
kindly nature, his chlvallrtc good will
and common sense. Especially admira
ble .were the sentiments expressed in his
farewell address, delivered at tho closo
of his term In the senate.
"I am tired of sectionalism," he said.
"God knows, I have seen enough of It.
I don't want any more of It. I do not
want to hear any speech In the senate
or anywhere else that stirs up strife be
tween the old soldiers or citizens. I nm
nn old confederate; you are old union
men, perhaps. We disagreed, and you
uro the victors. But our paople were
good people, nnd wo do not dispute that
yours were Just as good. Our people are
not quarrelling over those things down
south. We have a few blab-mouthed rei
lows who always muko a fuss, but they
nre not even worth cursing. We want
you to think well of us, and there is no
use in calling us traitors.
"Nobody can take away tho glories of
either side. A man might as well attempt
to scale tho ramparts of Jehovah and
pluck from heaven' diadem God's bright
est star as to snatch the laurel from tho
brow of the conqueror or tho conquered
that stood under that apple tree at Ap
pomattox. They were oil good men and
famous, They disagreed, anu iney
foucht. but when conquered. we took our
oaths of allegiance, nnd I can hold up
my hand before Itjgh heaven and before
assisted In "Liking a tumble."
Governor Hndley of Missouri Is putting I the senato today nnd say 1 havo never
Supervising Evangelists.
Fho Federal Council of Churches
at Its annual mooting In Chicago pro
vided for nn Interdenominational
commission to.suporvlso or censor
all evangelists preaching In tbe name
of evangelical Christianity. Stout
and tart objection to tho plcu whs
manifested, nevertheless It wns up-
provod by tho vast majority of con
servative churchmen, clorgy nnd
Why Is not such a plan perfectly
valid? Surely no one will deny that
the church and all It stands for havo
suffered at the hands of false or un
wiso prophets going rortn witn a
blaro of trumpots in the. name of the
Lord. .Tho strange part of tho pro.
ccedlngs to us seems to be the objec
tlon to tho plan. Why should any
faithful adherent not wish to excr-
oIbq the utmost care in commission
Ing tho propagandists?
The evangelist Is not as popular
today as ho once was; thnt Is, there
are fewer of him. Diffusion of the
gospet seems to depend upon some
what different mothods. While here
and there men of magnetic pulpit
power aro swaying great cougrega-
un wi munvci a superior nrticie or bronze
turkey at $10 each. They are recom
mended as a particularly fetching renter
piece for harmony feust.
May Sutton Is to marry Thomas Bun
dav. Miss Sutton used to bo tennis
champion; Mr. Bunday Is the tennis
champion. People have Invented wholo
novels with himilUr plots than this.
Fifty million dollars' worth of Unions-
lues roll around tho theater district of
New York nightly. A horse-drawn car
riage Is a rarity In that section. Night
life on Broadway Is a moving picture of
auto searchlights so completely has
motor cars captured the residents.
A Brooklyn husband, appalled by his
wife's Increasing list of Christinas gifts.
has felt compelled to udvertlse notice
that as ho supplies her with reasonable
fund for all legitimate purposes he can
not be responsible fur any debts she may
contract at this glad season.
Denver women say after a close Inspec
tion tliat Sir Thomas Llpton doesn't look
a hit like th "proverbial baohclor." Just
what may be the distinctive traits of a
"proverbial bachelor" Denver women do
not explain. Hvldently he hasn't the red
sporting blood of Sir Thomas.
Mayor James Rolph, Jr., of Ban Fran
cisco, while viewing the sights In Chi
CAgo. was shucked by the statement of a
policeman that the "Barbary coast" sec
tion of his home town is the toughest
spot on earllu "I depend on the poltco
to keep me Informed," remarked the
mayor. "It Is evident I havo not' been
made acquainted with the facta." An
Innocent abroad, and reared In San Fran
clco, too.
In Michigan, as eiw where. It Is the foreign-born
women who rear large families,
and they begin early. Recent statistics
show that 4,W. or SS per ent of the ba
lden bom last J ear. had mothers under M
to see Mason nnd Dixon's line oblltcr- '
erated fro nitho map of the fnlted !
States, and on It written the words, 'Our '
Country.' " I
Inspired by the 'sahte sentiments were!
Gordon's remarks on Memorial day "Wot
Join together on Memorial day," said. he.
"to decorate' the- soldiers' graves; not the
soldiers of the north, nor the soldiers of .
the south, but the graves of the United;
States soldiers. For manv years. In
many places In the south, we have deco-'
rated the gray and tho blue alike; espe
dally did wo do this when there were
few northern people present to assist In
tho beautiful ceremony of paying respect
to their dead.
"All wrongs, real or imaginary, should
be forgiven and forgotten by all our peo
ple. My home Is In Mississippi. My citi
zenship Is' In tho Fulled States And'
when 1 go abroad It Is my government, ,
and not my stato. look lo for protcc- 1
tlon of any right I may possess, of which ,
I might be deprived.
"If ever I wrongoJ h man. 1 regret U.
and would ask pardon where I have of
fended. If any one has wronged me. I !
forgive him. and my God forgives us
Senator Gordon was described by a
Washington correspondent as "a belated
survivor on the American stage of a
civilization and mode of life which exists
no more, and never will exist again. He
Is as far removed from this world of
chicanery and commerce as the knights
of King Arthur's Round Table. He Is a
chateau vintage of the produot of ante
bellum days In the south. The condi
tion whlc.i produced tho flavoV and
bouquet of his personality con never be
reproduced. He Is as distinctive a prod
uct of those other older, happier times as
a piece of Georgia sliver or mahogany.
In mind, manner, mode of thought and
attitude toward lifo he Is no more like
liU modern fellows than the output of
dream sweyt dreams of the 'hours I have Grand Rapids Is comparable with thul
seen here In the senate. 1 will, not sleep finished craftsmanship which gae a
with the sword nf Damocles hanging over 1 name to Sheraton and Heppelwhlte."
violated that oath, and I do not know a
soldier of the confederacy who has vio
lated the obligation.
"Down In Mississippi, where I live,
when 1 go home to my bed to sleep and
ill in.' imw.- hi jztui
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one of these heaters would
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his opinion Is correct, the Inference fol
lows that the antl-rellgious man Is the
one who is opposed to high Ideals. So far
Mr. Smith buz discredited himself rather
than soclalltm.
To prove that socialism Is unpatriotic, i
i Mr. Smyth tavs. "It teaches that our j
, present Institutions om court", our leg- !
Sniytlt'a Hrlef Aanlnul Socialism. mature, our executives-are uniust anil
OMAHA, Dec. 10. To the Hdltor of j unworthy of support, and should be over
Tho 'Bee. To prove that socialism Is turned and socialism substituted. This
nntt-rellglous, C. J. Smyth quotes from tends to destroy respect for law. produce
three socialists of Uuropo who been j unrest and loads to public disorder." Is
dead for a good many years, and quotes not Mr. Smyth doing, as a democrat, Just
from two Hvr ones In the United States
The dead ones aro' riot hero to defend
themselves, and. as a lawyer. Mr. Smyth
ought to know that their evidence Is
not tho best, especially when confronted
by millions uf living witnesses all over
the .world who ar. sodolUtq snd pot
Get One for Him
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Any Portrait
on a handsome
burnished copper
Reproduced from any photograph you
send engraved on the metal and abso
lutely indestructible. A fob that may
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taste, at the saino time a lasting novel
m 1 'j9ijS
what the socialists ore doing calling at
tuition to abuses of government and of.
firing something alleged to be better
iu iHhc uie iuhccs ui iuo!"i' uituaes. now i
ran such .effort lc unpatriotic in a so i
rlallst and unpatriotic in a democrat
Does Mr. Smyth bellee Jn the fetish of
Send photo and St. 00. Photo
will be returned with care.
Engraving Dept.
Orders may b left at Be Office.
Jury to bring In a verdict of guilty against
the socialists charged with belns undesir
able citizens? WILLIS HUDSPETH
years of age. while women between
and H had 3.;oo. Of IS! women with his opinion that men must become angels
thirteen children, however, seventy-two when they become socialists, In order to
iu. -aitv h ,,(., r th were native born aiWl only eleven foreign i practice socialism because of its high
. . ... . . , . . , .born Klghteen children seems to b Ideals. In this Mr Smyth refutes h!
church aertns ip huvo t"pnedJ.ifo tUo', , k.,I,.-- h-, ...n. ,,.m t.,
j sterner cnanneis of tonal service, j rounded cut the coie.
ga!nst religion. Mr. Smyth quotes from name, or Is he trying to pettifog the
Congressman ' Merger as follows: "It Is
chamcteriktic of the Roman church tljat
It keeps the masses In Ignorance and big
otry, and thus tu submission to the
ruling rUss " Whether Mr. Uerger ,! Id
this or not, or whether what Is quoted
I true or not. Is no proof 'that social
ism Is anti-religious. Rut Mr. Smyth
searches around and' finds a man In
Canada by the name of Barltz to testify
Iras follows; "Tho socialists cannot btllove
In any supernatural god.' 'i his Is clso
no proof that socialism Is antl-rellglous.
Socialists may believe In a natural GU
However, to prove that (oclallsm Is
Impractical, Mr, Smyth offers In evidence
Antlqnltr or the Kick.
St. Louts Globe-Democrat.
It Is no comfort to read that the
Egyptians were troubled by the high cost
of living 1,800 years ago. It la too late to
sympathlio with the Eteyptlans, and, any
way, the world la so much wiser now
that It ought to be able to handle a dis
tressing situation better than the ancients
Prompting nf Kronoiujr,
Indianapolis News.
Considering what happened Monday,
and what Is HVtJy to happen during the
present session of congress, a pollT of
wise economy would suggest that the
hntlKM liuv lis slleakrr'm l-uv.N In u-nnli.
(prove I, at tvclallfiu s anU-reWliious. If ( Male Iota.
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