Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    T1HS 13KK: OMAHA, TJiritSUAV, Dl'X'HMBER 12, lHlL'.
Superintendent at Milford Puts in
Request for Cash.
liter Half "Who I.enve I until utlon
Itrlnrin, Wlillc (Inly Tucnl)' Per
( cut I'nll to ('limine Mntinrr
nf I.HIiiu.
iKiom a Staff Correspondents
LINCOLN, Dec. 11. (Special.) The su
prilnlendcnt of t)io Girls' Industrial
school it Milford asks In licr report fo:
nn lncreafe In the appropriation for that
school of JM.C-U Tho report shows that
the institution has over three times as
many Inmates at tho close, of tho'blennlum
than It had at the beginning, and'on the
show ins made of work done, declares
that the homo Is entitled to more funds.
Tiie report on enrollment Is ns follows:
Male. Females.
Enrolled December 1. 1910 12 10
liecelved during blcnntum 4 11"
DIseharRed or died. 33 99
Numbering remaining m
In speaking of the work of the insti
tution the superintendent says: During
the lust two years ninety-four girls have
' eceived instruction In cooking and house
hold duties and have been fitted to take
up tho work of tho homo. Fourteen more
Have been Instructed In hospital work nnd
ro fully actjualnted with the work re
i ilrcd of a'nursei
ItCMiilt nof TrnlnlnHT.
Of tho girls -who have left the homo an
ifort has been made .to keep track of
them for tho purpose of ascertaining Just
how far they have, been benefitted bc
. ause o.f: the Instruction received whllo
inmates' of the home. Of the number
IT per cent have beon lost track Qf and
nothing Is .known of their, condition.
Twonty per cent aro not living as they
should Uve or their Uvea nro doubtful.
Thirty-one per cent arc married. and are
doing welt whllo 27 per ceht are sup
porting themsolves of aro living with
parents or relatives.
That some of the unfortunate girls who
Hro sent to tha homo, do not let their
misfortune drive them, to desperate
straits is shown frequently In the report.
One little girl of only 16, shows so much
of tho mother spirit that she refused to
... . I, minnnrt.
part wun ner mwe unu wn i
ing herself nnd baby by doing sowing.
Another took up the burden of life, re
fused to be parted from tho little ono and
utter receiving instruction In the cooking
Jepartment of tho homo went out as a
ook and Is earning $35 por month with
which she supports her child and Is lay
ing up money for Its education as soon
as It 'is old enough to attend school.
Cripple Save ljonrr,
Misfortunes that would drive strong
.ncn and women to death, do not affect
no Uttlo girl who is a cripple. She re
fuses to Join the ranks of the discour
sed and though a cripple Is supporting
Herself and child nnd has saved In thrj-e
vears ?1G5 with which she expects to
tart the little one with an education.
Tin expense of running the Institution
luring the blennlum was 16,070.73 and
the per capita cost of maintenance was
H24.26. There is ft bala,nco of cash on
hand of $800.27. The request' for' -an In
reaso Is mado as follows:
l 1913-14. . JS1M2.
Officers' salaries : g-22
HmploycH salaries 0.-20 '.0
Maintenance 22.W0 17.000
Ucpalrs and improvements 12,000
Totals Totals 17.200 J33,2fO
.Vti Ueflelt at Kearney.
Superintendent A- O. Thomas of the
State Normal school at Kearney makes
a report In wltfch he says that tho
Kearney school has never yet, reported u
deficit. This year, ontwtthstandlng tho
fact that ho has had to equip the north
ud south wings of tho school out of the
Keneral appropriation, yet by economy
po hopes to pull out without a deficiency,
llo bays that when he discovers that
thero is liable to bo a deficiency or that
the fund may run low lie uses the only
prcvcntlvo he knows of and that Is to
stop buying. The total enrollment of tho
institution has been over 8,000 pupils dur
ing Its existence. Tho property is worth
V22O,O0). An appropriation is asked for the
coming blennlum as follows:
Maintenance 24,500
General repairs and Improvements 8,000
Maintenance J2I.W0
Employes' wages 12,20
Total W58,580
Heaver Arc Plentiful.
Andrew'l. Madsen of Cherry county is
aonthor man who complains to tho state
came warden that beaver are cutting
down trees on his land and asks for a
permit to destroy the animals. According
to reports of this nature coming In 'the
beaver this year must, be working harder
than ofnncrly or aro setting more plen
NHBKASKA CITY, Neb., Dec. 1l.-(Hpe-cil
Telegram ) Ex-Mayor Otoe Clay Mor
ton, one o ftho leading men of this city,
died at his home here tonight after an
ailment lasting over nlno months. He
was the only son of the lato Thomas
Morton, founder and publisher of tho
Dally News, of this city and for many
years was Its manager and one of Its
publishers. For a time hp published a
stock paper In Denver and returning to
this city he took over his father's In
terests in the News. He was president of
the Commercial club for years, member
5f the city council and served ono term as
mayor. lie was prominent In all public
Mr. Morton was taken 111 in March and
since that time has been unable to do
any work or attend to any of Ills affairs,
lie Is survived by his widow and one son.
As yet no arrangements have been made
for tho funeral. He was a member of
the Masonic lodge, the Woodmen of the
World, Ancient Order of United Work
nion and had been a fireman slnco-man-hood.
He was interested In every public
.nterprise in the city.
YOUK, Neb.. Dec. ll.-(Spedal.)-Mrs.
I'ermella Graham as guardian of Benja
min Graham has filed a damage sirlt ir
district oourt against Charles BmUli for
W.StO. Mrs. Graham alleses that her son
tvas not given room to pass the defendant
m the state road near this city wnen an
automobile collision occurred about ten
lava ago.
Kearney Has Footpad
Who Works Regularly
KEARNEY. Neb.. Dec. It. -Special Tel-ecmni.)-
Kln'it aiicufftc u'mi, i.,..i.i ....
day. following the holdup late lust ulRht I
ui i,eorgo iiiugrrt, assistant CH'hler of
the City National bank and formcrb city
superintendent of schools, nnd Uaudo
Jackson, a clerk, the two holdups occur
ring In two of tho most thickly settled
residence sections of the city, llurgcrt
escaped by running, being but. a block
from home, but the other man was
robbed, his loss being slight.
This Is the second might In succession
that responsible citizens have been ns
salled. Practically alt agree on the de
scription o fthc footpad.
University Professor of Law Takc3
Place in New School.
.Ininrx is, l.nrrrnife Wrilo Minn Helen
II. Rrarri nt Lincoln llrtluiny
Traction Will Imip More
(Kroni a Staff iVtrrcspoiident.l
LINCOLN, Dee. ll.-(Spccln1.)-Prof. V..
'. Conant nt tho University College of
aw has been appointed to a m-ofciunv-
shlp in the College of Law of the t'nlver.
Mty of the Philippines, and will lenve m
May for his new station. He will not
sever his connection with the university
here, but ban been Rranted a leave of -ib.
irnce to the end of the year. -Mr. un.l
Mrs. Connnt will sail from San Frnuclsci
bout May 5. the university year nver i.
the Philippines beginning the Ut of Juno.
The College of Uw nt Manila was opened
July 11, 1911, nnd 1GI students wore In nt
tendance last year. Judge C. s. l.obli
ger. formerly a well known Nebraska at
torney, is a member of the faculty.
Iinrrrrnrr-Crn rn iv.t.i
James E. Lawrence, city editor of tho
Jncoln Dally star, ami Mis. iti, ir
Gravos of Lincoln were married tonight
ai me nomo or the bride's parents, rtcv.
air. lvawrencc of the Preslivterinn cim.-ni.
performing tho ceremony. "Jimmy." as
no is known among his newspaf-er asso
ciates, Is on? of the nomilar viiiinc nw.
paper men of the capital city.
WllllnniN Hiiiik Awn.v.
P. E. Williams, countv
Morrill county has mado application to
Governor Aldrlch for a requisition on the
governor of Pennsylvania for Mnii,-
Ewlng, a young man who was convicted
of burglary In Mori ill, county and sen
tenced hy the district court. On aeonnm
of his ago and the previous good character
or tho young man. the court suspended
sentence and ho was clven his iih.r,.
under parole to tho court and bond given
in tne sum of ttOO, He was turned loose,
Juno 12, 1513, hut two weeks later ho left
the country and after attempts to locato
nun he was discovered In the countv nf
Lanncn In the stato of Pennsylvania.
Mnrv Itnllivfiy Stock.
The State Hallway commission thin
afternoon granted the application of tho
Hcthany Traction 'company to Issue nnd
sell additional stock in the nirmnnt nf
Tlie stock Is in addition to a
former Issuo of J20.000 for the puriiose of
uuiimng an extentlon of the Lincoln
Traction lino from University Pin i,.
eHthuny. The last Ih'sue Is for tho nnr.
pose of completing tho payment of obli
gations incurred in putting In the new
line and for the purchase of equipment
needed hi the operation.
complain of railroad
(Prom a Staff C6rrcspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. ll.-(Speclal Telegram.)
-Several weeks ago a complulnt was
filed with tho railway commission by a
largo number of residents of Gerlng.
county seat of Pcott's Hluff county, that
the Union Pacific railway, which ter
minates at that town, had placed its
depot so far away from tho business
center that It worked a detriment to the
town. The complaint was not made public
until today.
Some of tho panics making the com
plaint go so far as to say that- the rail
way company Is trying to kill off the
town, or at least tho older portion of It,
whllo the company insists that tho depot
Is placed where the people will best bo
served. a9 tho town lies In a pocket In
tho hills and the road could not havo
gono closer, and. In fact, on account of
expense of grading a great deal would
havo been saved by leaving the town
half a mile farther away. One largo
petition declares that 93 per cent of tho
ptoplo will have to roach the depot by a
detourcd route, which will take them
half a mile out of the way. and asks
Ihe commission to compel' the company
to movo the depot so that It will be con
venient for the public.
Tree Full on I'nrincr.
llEATUICi:, Neb., Dec. ll.-(8necial Tel.
egram.) Frank Ilelff, a farmer living
near Holmesvllle, this county, was prob
ably fatnlly Injured today by a tree fall
ing upon him. Ills skull was fractured
nnd the physicians say ho ennot recover.
Sufferers from Bad Digestion and Shattered Nerves Cau Again
Enjoy Food.
it was Dr. Ilobln. the noted French stomach specialist, who Rave to the world
the best corrective for all dlsordera of atoniach and nerves
The famous formula, which has brousht relief to many thousand., In all lands
U found In Samuel's -P-'-a really wonderful prescription, which opens the door
of happiness to Hufforers from Indigestion and kindred Ills.
When your atoniach Is Hour. upet and you are'iiervous. can't Bleep at nit-lit
and fell at outs with the whole world, beifln uslne Samuel's "3-P." in each liaJm
nerveeaPSUle CerU,n re,Uf for abuBed fltma!hs and real food for weakened
Same H'sjklookoi'.eien'paxet'
Nebraska, .
County Commissioners Find No Solu
tion of it at Lincoln.
UoiiKlnM Ciinnly llonril Member
.llukrx Aililrcnn llrforr tninrii.
Hon Commercial Clnlt
(ilvrs tlnnqiiet.
(Ftoin a Staff Correspondent.!
LINCOLN. Dee. ll.-(Spcclal.)-Aftcr
spending nn evening last night with tho
Dockstader Sc. lYlmrose minstrels as the
guests of the Lincoln Commercial club,
tho commissioners, supervisors and
county clerks, who are holding their
eighteenth annual convention In Lincoln,
gathered this morning In the banquet
room of the Lincoln hotel nnd spent tho
morning hi dlM-ussliig the handling of
county poor.
Commissioner Po.t of Douglas county
gave n very Interesting talk on the man
ner of handling the poor of his county.
Douglas county, according to Commis
sioner Urst. has spent 12.CKX In taking
care of the poor this year.
Tho stato capltol of Nebraska came In
for an Inning during' the morning ses
sion, Commlrsloner U 11. Unrlow of
Cheyenne county saying that the No
biaslut state cnpltol was a "disgrace to
the slate and that the next legislature
should appropriate $?.WO,000 for a new
Commlsloner Aden of Sherman countv
lead a discussion on dirt roads and the
best methods for taking care of them.
H l ihniiirht that' the association will
adopt a resolution nskln that tho county
commissioners of the power being Riven
ih.. hnivpr to unnolnt road supervisors,
Instead of electing them In the ptcscnt
wa .
At the Hose ofthe forenoon session
limn, wns some talk that' Fiank Dowey
of Omaha would bo the new president of
ii... flirts' association, and the same
rumor doped Henry Krlckson ns a can
didate for the presidency of the com
mlssloncrs and supervisors' organisation.
llclrantea VUlt Prison.
The afternoon ses-lon was a short af
fair, the association adjourning early, as
innny of the members desired to visit
the penitentiary. The discussion on roads
occupied all of the time until adjourn
ment, several taking part In the discus
slon. All were In favor of good toads,
but the best way to get them was a mat
ter In which theie were different opinions.
Tonluht the association members again
wcro the guests of the Lincoln Commer
cial club at a banquet served In tho big
banquet hall at the Lincoln hotel.
Todny'n I'roarnm.
Tomorrow will conclude the session, fol
lowing being the program:
"A Legislature." John Cain lUmllton.
Mortgage Tax Clause,-' 11. l' Was
mund, Jr.. county clerk, Sheridan county.
"Our Western county, u. i. .loiim-un,
commissioner. Scott's Hluff county.
"Making Dirt Heads for Automobiles,"
Hinll" Helling, commissioner, Saunders
county. , , ,
"Problems of a Western County." K. K.
Pontius, county clerk, Sioux county.
laying Out n Western Road," 'M A.
Howell, commissioner. Thomas county.
"Itesponblblllty of a Commissioner." C.
H. Taylor. commissioner, Thurston
"JteaU,Estn,te. Assessments," George h,
Fai ran, commissioner:' Wayno county.
"Recommendations In Regard to Road
Uwa," Paul Storey, commissioner, Web.
ster county.
"A Senator's Tioubles," J3. li Placck,
state tenator. Saunders and Sarpy
Flve-mlnute talks on road laws, II. P
Chapln, county clerk. York county; Mat
Dwyer, Wheeler county; J. H. Carson,
commissioner. Valley county; George W
Wolfe, commissioner, Sherman county,
James Ii. Maher, commissioner, Washing
ton county; Oeorgo Heldt, commissioner",
.Saundors county; C. K, Dutcher, county
clerk. Red Willow county.
The afternoon will be spent In general
discussion. "What Membership In ' This
Association Means" being tho subject If
a paper by M. P. Sullivan of Holt county
as a starter. "
This will be followed by the appoint
ment of permanent committees, selection
of the next meeting place and the eleci
tlon of officers.
Lincoln will again entertain the asso
ciation if the members so desire, but
Omaha and Hustings are also candidates.
Famous Horse Suit
Ended by Compromise
HROKKN HOW, Neb.. Dec. ll.-(Spe-clal.)
An Important horse case that has
been more or less conspicuous in district
court for the last two years has been
settled this week by mutual consent of
both parties to the suit. Tho case was
known as tho Mllburu Horse company
against Miller & Nelson of this city,
wherein the company sued Miller i Nel
son for the value of a certain horse sold
them In 1910. The horse was returned to
Miller & Nelson Just prior to the burning
of a barn In which they kept their live
stock and the horse was burned to death
In that fire. Attorney N. T Oadd ap
peared for tho Mllhurn people, while hul
llvan & Squires conducted tho defense.
Settlement was mada by Miller & Nelson
delivering to the company a horse or
equal value as the one destroyed In tho
fire and each party to pay Its own cost.s.
Omaha Towel Co. new telephone num
ber, Douglas E2S.
It will surely arnaz you
tNuoiy anil quick y von trill
eating- what you want and enjov.
nu uie niesaings of obd di.
Kestlon and healthy nerves, with
no more nervousness or sleepless.
Don't needlessly suffer another
day net a 50-cent packet from
iWt "'r1' anrt oekyo
be feeling flno, or a rostal to The
Hamuel Chemical Compai y, cVn!
ilnnatl. Ohio, will brilB yoii a
free trial box Hem for it dow
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County ,
HPATRICH. Neb.. Dec 11.- (Sp.vlal.l
The tlage County Farmers' Institute con
vened yesterday nt the court house with
n large number of farmers tn attendance.
At tho morning session J. II. Cooper of
Lincoln gave u talk on the proper care
of fruit trcs, -nhd C. U. Noyes of Water
loo. Neb., spoke on the subject, "Tho Old
and the Netv Methods of Feeding Cattle."
He talks from practical knowliHlge and Is
heartily In favor of ensilage. In the after
noon Mr, Cooper spoke on "lVtato Cul
ture."' and Mr Noyes on "The Silo and
Its Relation to the Cattle Industry' of
Nebraska." The Institute closes Wednes
day ovenlng.
Tho Hluo Grass Mercantile company,
which erected a flno block nt tho cor
ner of Third nnd Court streets last
spring, will "soon begin the erection of u
similar, building Just west of Its present
FA1RHI RV. Neb., Dec. Ui.-(Speclal.)-County
court Is busily engaged In re
coijntlug nlTthe ballots cast at the gen
eral electlov November ,"i to determine
wjiethcr republican-progressive candidate
O. R. Jones, ttr J. C. Hnitel, democrat,
is entitled to the office of county 'asses
sor. Former Congressman T3. II. Henshaw
Is. counsel for Mr. Jones, vhlle former
Adjutant General I. C. Hnrtlgiin Is fight
ing the case for Mr. Marie!. At the recent
election Mr. Hartel defeated Mr. Jones
by one vote receiving !, W Votes, while
his rival received 1,633. Mr. Jones filed ;
a contest In county court several weeks i
ago. stating that he failed to receive the
benefit of ten to twenty votes in each
cf tho precincts of this county. He also
appeared on the ballot ns the prohibition
vaiiuiiiiiii hiiu lev-.-iM-ii l,lIl" loiiui 'or
of otcs nnd nserts he Is also entitled to I
theso votes, Tho cise will be carried to '
You are missing a real opportunity if you
do not buy an Orkin
Copyright i9"BvMAHTiHSCAnTi
We have told you these pianos are worth 3 hundred and 50 dollars each and so they are.
jf Come and see them. You can see for yourself that they are worth it. Seeing is believing
T . 1 . 't 1 1 .
uon i iet anyining swucn you in your determination
to see and examine these pianos. You may take our
word for it, that they will be a revelation to you.
Take our word tor it, you will consider them worth at
least a hundred dollars more than you have to pay.
Cjf The pianos being distributed through the Orkin
Brothers piano club are worthy of being placed ih any
man's home. They are good pianos. You are miss
ing a real opportunity, if you don't look at them.
J Don't judge these pianos by the pries ($357.50).
Judge them by what they are worth ($350).
f If there wasn't a single other advantage in joining
the Orkin Brothers piano club; if there wasn't a single
privilege given club members other than is given with
a regular piano sale, the economical feature of these
club pianos alone should appeal to every one who is
interested in making their dollars go as far as possible.
For the convenience of people who cannot come in during
appointments with
Copyright 1912 by Stone & McCar
rlck, Inc. Unauthorized use in whole
or lu part or colorable summaries
thereof forbidden.
lt'ii i tlie
(From n Staff CorresiMindetit
LINCOLN, Dec. II iSpoola!.)-"IHI'. "
he governor's bulldog. ! no n un'. T.'l-
afternoon h ucvumlil to a dose of poi
son Hdmlnlsterwl b himself by ml't.iKi1
or by someone else iniiHiel.
The State HiMrd of Health, composed of
some of the most noted pto sli'lilUS of li e
iuuntr, was In eslni at the time Hill
was attacked and were railed In consulta
tion. Several veterinarians. lo In ci'ti
ference, weie hurried to the scene, but to
no avail, for Hill was too far gone wlun
his condition was dlscmered to bo saved
Hill was licked uliout two mouths ago
by n big dog of his own species, nnd
though only n pup pui up .i good fight.
Since that time he ha been in training
with the Idea of gettjug even, but now
the State house crowd v 1 11 never enlnv
seeing Hill crowned vlrtot
! AFHl'RN. Nub.. Dee. tl (Special.! -Dr.
Utodgrs of the Smithsoiilun institution 'if
Washington has' made Inquiries of the
evldenco of prehistoric occuimncy of
Nemaha county, and will ineoriHirnte tin
evidence furnished him in the new work
now III the course of Issue b the bureau
of ethnology This will tfe tho rirst Hme
In the history of the eountiv that east
ern Nebraska lpis been reciignlxed bv the
depat tmrttt ntWnshlngton.
For several y;oks "this tall a party of
surveyors worked III the neighborhood
of Auburn. They am milking .i soli sur
vey of the state, learning the Kind of soil
In the various sections and lt piopert'cs
YORK. Neb.. Dec. tl.-(Special John
D. Schrlko o'f St. Louis. Mo., and MImh
(loldlo Tit t to of this city weie nm tried
Monday afternoon, Judge A c Vr.v
the snprvin t .'ir. t (.
No interest
added to this
Mnko It worth whllo. nmlto U tho. brat, tiny ot his wholo
voar: ninko hint n little pnnont -not nnccsBnrlly nn ox
iiPitHlvo ono. but HomethliiK h will npprcclntc. So cct
sotuolhlUK front tho vnst stock of qtinllty goods In tills,
tho ono roiilly Brent clothing storo of tho tow n. Here n
list to Kiittlo you. hut to know he worth of tho nrtlclen
listed you musl sen them. Our lnrKC nnd ptlnstnkliiB
snles forco nt your cotniunntl. Look or buy. ntt you ehooso.
liiixtirloiiN Until nnd Lotitiglim Itubos S2.50 S15
SiimkliiK .Int'kt'fs nt' llou.M" Cat S5 " 12.50
linportcd Silk anil Silk Knit. Xeokwenr. . .50 to S2.50
(Jlovos LltuMl or I'ui' (JntinllelN.
raJaimiN Silk, .Madras, I'Oiikco, etc. . .
Toilet nuil .Manicure Sets
Col In r llnus
tinlilniitl(m Collnf. llandkoivlilef nnd Tie Cases in fine
leather S2.50 to S7.SO
Ootnbiuatlon Sets Hose, Handkerchiefs nnd Tics, nil
foloi-s SI to S2.50
Knucy llntulkerehlers, silk, linen, and Initials. . . trP
Silk and Knit .Murflers S1.00 " fJ.r0
(Jlft Suspender of exeelleitl quality JflA V
Shifts, Too (Jreat Line at SI to S5
Brothers club piano
Player -
gyr Wo haVo Inaugurated a I'lnyiT-nlaiio club in connec
M tlon with our r00 piano club. Tho price of theso club
II I'luyc'r-pIiHio.H la 395 (loltura tho tonus uro O dollars
( lio firht payment and 'J dollars n week without interest
nililcil. Theso l'lnyei'.plnnos hiivo novor beon sold for leaa
than $050, with tortus of $2r down and $lf a month, with
Interest uddud ut tho rafo of (1 pnr vent. This is tho first
time, so fur aa our knowledge goes, that such trustworthy
instruments liavu been offered for salo upon such popular
lerniH its 0 dollar the first payment and 2 dollars n week
without interest added.
Theso I'lnjer-plnnos nro stimdaid 8K.noti) players
that Is, theso Club Player-pianos play every note on tho
pfuuo when tho music roll is In motion ttieso I'layer-planos
have a shifter which compels tho music to piny perfectly-
most lMuyer-planos sold at from $200 to $250 more than
these Club Player-pianos will not play perfertly. We glvo
you an unconditional guaranteo with theso Club Player
pianos. ' 1. The nayer-plano club will consist of 100 members.
2. Tho Flayer-piano club price Is 305 dollars.
3. The tiavliiK in prlco to each Flaysr-plano club member is
ILL dollars.
i . Tho Flayor-plauo club meu.ber has uo interest to pay.
5. .She terms to Player-piano club membern are -3 dollars
cash 'and 'i dollars a week or, putting it In another way,
IMayer-plaijo club members havo 193 weeks In which to
pay for their FU7r-Ptano.
6. Kaclt riayr-plano club member receives the free use of
J.000 rolls for ono year.
7. If a Flayer-piano club member dies during the life of his
contract wo will Immediately cuncel all fpturo payments
and send a rclp( in fall to his family for tho Instrument.
the day the store will be open
any of our salesmen.
.SI to S12.50
....SI to SIO
S2 to SIO
rOr to 5
piano club
evenings until 9 o'clock by
Kindly send in particulars about your
Piano Club and your FUyer-plnno CJub