Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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You will experience
more comfort if yon
shop in the morning?.
Your Christmas money will
d better service here- Yeu
caiv buy more gifts and better
gifts for your mono a'
You con buy more
satisfactorily here
where amJesnre wider
Buy ihe Most Acceptable Gifts of All ia This Gretf Sale
Matched Fur Sets
From Our Purchase of a $42,000 New York Stock Such Values
Were Never Before Offered by a Store in America
Every set is perfectly matched. They make the moat
i beautiful presents a woman could wish for. All from the
( stock of a Fifth Avenuo importer, who sacrificed his entire
Soprano Soloist
Hotel Loyal Orchestra
Albin Huster, Director.
From 6 to 8 O'clock
Hotel Loyal Cafe
"Omaha's Best Place to Dine"
surplus stock to us.
For Fur Sets of black
fox. blito wolf, Jap
mink, raccoon, beaver,
Worth $05, $70,
$75 mill $85.
For Fur Sct of raccoon,
red fox, Jap mink, wolf,
black fox niul Canadi
an Marten.
Worth up to $50,
$55 mid $00.
J Fine Quality Fur Sets Red and gray
0P 10X, IJIUCll MIHl 111 1115 WUU, U1UUIV I1UII1V
. Canadian marten, etc. Worth up to
$45, at
For Fiir Sots of Iceland
f o X, Russian lynx,
brook tnlnk, Canadian
marten, bleilded rac
coon, etc,
Wortli up to $i5.
For Fur Sets of Ilus
Blan lynx, Canadian
marten, gray fox, Ice
land fox. bluo wolf,
brook mink, etc.
Worth up to $25.
"At QVD A 17 A rtrp TVrTT-P'PK
Every now style, In mink, beaver,
fox, wolf, civet cat, marten, black
and, red fox, blended sable" oc. ;
P A to
New Sets of
All tlio newest shaped In throws an 1
Bcarfs of fox, mink, ormlnc, wolf
beaver, squirrel, marten, otc.
$2.98 to $198
In combination, natural and black Muffs at $5, $0.08,
$7.50 $10, $12.50, and $15.
SearfH and Stolls, at $3.00, 90, $8.90, $8.08, 910, 913.30, 5118.
Money To Loan
Omaha Property.
Douglas Co. Farm.
We Want to Buy
"Douglas Co. Farms.'
Love-Haskell Co.
Women's Silk Boot Hose
BOX at, a box V
Wnmfiii'a nuro thread silk boot, hosiery with wide lisle
garter tops, lisle doublo soles mid high Spliced heels and
toes-blacks, tans and whites a Christmas gift that tmy
woman would sincerely welcome.
One Dollar for 2 Pairs in Fancy Box
Tov CitvWonderfully Complete1
n.. Tiv Citv Is'a fairvland for the children. The twinkling lights, the hum of
toy the whizzing of trains and the beautiful dolls and the now games tire an unceas-U
ing source of wonder. Jolly, old, St. Nicholas is hero and wants to see every boy and ft
South End 16th
St. Viaduct
To'Get the Worlds'
Best Magazines
NO. 1
McClure's Magazine.
Womw'i Home
The Ladles' World.
30 Cents
a Month.
NO. 2
wS"n.oInome 120- Cents
Pictorial Review. f 1Wr.nVi
The Sanies World.
girl in his place
Sample Lots of Dolls' Ap
parelSweaters, niickots,
hats, bonnets, shoos,
stockings, uridorclothing,
furs, muffs and. boa sets,
etc., worth to f)0c, on sale
at, each ..,10c and 5c
Sample Dolls "Worth up
to $1, at 49c
Campbell Kids, ut 98c
and 49c
llrovrule, Jr., Ice Skates With
new key clasps, at prices
lower than olsowlioro.
Moving Picture Machines;
splendid models from a jjj
famous European maker; &
will give absolute satis
faction; prices are 49c
to $5.98
Double Traction lllll Climbers
Locomotives, flro engines,
automobiles, trucks, Btrect,
cars, etc., well made, nicely
rinlahcd toys, at 50c 75c
and $1.00
Three-Coin ItcKlstcrlnj; Hanks
Kings overy coin, register
ing oach nlckol, dhvio and
quarter doposlted, new and
substantial models, $1,25
Mechanical Trains Specially Priced 100 sam
ple sets comploto with locomotive, cars and
track, will go on sale sit Half Regular Prices
NO. 3
.Ta&worid. 22 Cents
KrTun'"" J a Month.
Wo show complete lines of the very latest and most beautiful
patterns in this rich, handsome silverware. It is tlio ideal ulinst
mas trift for Community Silverware is guaranteed for half a cen
tury in ordinary use its lasting qualities insures remembrance of
fi-. . the jnver yeav alter year, wo olror many
exquisito patterns at vpry modornte prices.
The Standard Patterns
for January Showing
all the new uud fashion
ably correct raid-winter
styles, are now on Bale In
the Pattern department.
Special'Thursday A set of 6 beau
tiful tea spoons for
Fine quality pillow tubing stamped in a score of
HOW eyolet, punch work, French and monogram
deigns with sufficient floss to comploto the em
broidery, in size 36x42 inches; 50c val- . 'JC
ues, at per pair OUL
Thursday in Pompeian Room.
Delicious Pomptoinn Bitter
Sweet Chocolutes with pure
. . . . . w
crushed iruit and nut cen
tersregular 40e )Er
chocolatos, at a pound. ,wJC
NO. 4
1 30 Cents
Pictorial Ravlaw,
Review of Kovtowg
Woman's Home
Companion.' T a Month.
i "
NO. 5
Pictorial Review
The Ladled- World.
Mothers' Magazine
Modern PrUcllla.
20 Cents
a Month.
NO. 6
The ldiei' World. 1 -t n rt i
Omiortunlty. I 1U
Hucceasrul 1'armlnK. f lUTrintVi
The Fruit arower. J B WlOnin.
NO. 8
Woman's Home
Pictorial RevlfiTr,
The Ladter.' World,
Suuset Musuzlne.
1 24 Cents
fa Month-
NO. 9
Thp Amertcan. rr x
Cosmopolitan. I OjsS ueulS
McClure'a Mairaxlne. f jrrtH,
The ICles' World. J MlOnul.
NO. 10
Good Housekeeplnsr. 1 or rii
Womaii'a Home OentS
pi5SGSBikw. J a Month.
NO. 11
Good Housekeeping-. ) Of nntq
a Month.
The Lad
uackeeplnr. f
les', World. J
NO. 12
McClure'a Magailne. ocr p.4.
The Ladles' AVorld. ut tfniS
Pictorial Review, iTntVi
Uood UouelcplnB J tt WiURfc".-
NO. 13
Review ot Revlewa. ) oo flnvif.
Pictorial Review. J a' Month.
NO. 14
Sunset Magazine.
The Fruit orower.
National Irrlpatlo
12 Cents
a Month.
If you do not care to bother
with monthly payments, you can
nay two or three months at
time. Just send ub the coupon
price for aa many mo.itha aa you
Bneleted flat .'. . tor oon-
pons Wot Hartilnti
far thm month of
to be stnt to
AMreM, Magirise Cmb Dept.,
TweatUt Cerisry Faiatf, Osstka, Nek.
Toyland is Now Open at the Christmas Store
Do your Christmas Buy
ing Now You'll Get Bet
ter Service and bo Better
See the Biggest Doll in
Omaha It will be Given
Away Christmas Eve
Ask about it.
Holiday Handkerchief Sale
Buy them Thursday while the assortments aro
splondldly complete and prices greatly below
All 5c Handkerchiefs at 2H and 5J
10c Handkerchiefs 5
16c Handkerchiefs 7V&
20c Handkerchiefs 10d
25c Handkerchiefs il5
60c box Handkerchiefs, on sale 39
75c box Handkerchiefs, on sale. 5i)
$1.00 box Handkerchiefs, on sale 75
J 1.50 box Handkerchiefs, on sale SI. 00
$2.00 box Handkerchiefs, on sale $1.25
Holiday Gift Specials
A big lino of Holiday Novelties on sale at
about half.
'50c Pin Cushions, each 25d
50c Fancy Garters, per pair 25i
50c Mufflers, big assortment at.; 25i
60c Olove and Handkerchief Boxes 25
$1.00 Auto Bcarfs, at, choice 49
$1.00 Coat Hangers, on sale 49
$1.00 Olovo Boxes, your choice 75
$1.50 Olbvo Boxes, your choice $1.00
60c Hat Pin Holders, each 25$
A $25,000 Stock of Fine Fur Garments Priced Far
Below Actual Worth in Our December Sale
Handsome and lasting gifts which
are always appreciated. See them.
Long, Serviceable Coney Fur Coats,
Skinner satin lined, $35 values, on
sale Thursday at, choice $24.50
Long Brook Mink Fur Coats, made
to sell at- $125; -most delightful
bargains shown in Omaha, at $75
.Russian Pony Fur Coats, mado to
sell at $85; handsomely marked
garments, plain or brocade linings,
at $49.
Hundreds of Beautiful Fur Sets,
Muffs, Scarfs, all kinds and all
style's,, at bargain prices which will
astonish those who know real value
in fine furs See them Thursday. t
250 Handsome Tailored Suits, made to
sell at $20 and $30, all newest ma
terials, colors and designs, broad va
riety for selection' at, choice . . . ; $10
Hundreds of Beautiful New Dresses,
biot one worth less than $20,-in satin,
charmouse, embroidered serges, tweeds,
chiffons and fancies, big ass't., $8.95
Klosfit Petticoats;
silk jorsoy tlnd mes
saline; all 'colors, on
at $3.95
Ladies' Wool Eider
down or blanket
bath and lounging
robes; to ,$5 values,
at 5j2'.95
Beautiful Silk Ki
monos; all newest
styles and colorings,
, choice bargains
at $5
50 Evening Wraps;
values up to $25.00
and $30.00, on sale
to close
at ..$7.95
Rousing Holiday Qifi Bargains
W.e are offering our customers, the entire
The largest manufacturers of Holiday Goods in the
World, at prices fully ONE-THIRD below their worth.
Men's Miltary Brush Sets at 50S 75 SI. $1.50 and $1.75
Tvndle?' Comb and Brush Sets 35, 50, 60S 75S $1 to $1.50
li dies' Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets
nt $1, $1.50. $1.75. $2. $2.50. $3 and $3.50
Men's Traveling Cases $1.50. $2. $2,50 up to $6
Hand Mirrors 25S 85. 50 to $2.00
BIiirIo Hnlr Brushes 19, 39. 39, 49 to $1.25
All. good are perfect No two alike Over 000 of them for selection
Sweater Coat Specials
Children' Wool Sweater Ooata.
$1.50 values, In red, Kroy.
navy blue or brown 69o
All B07C and Mle' sweater
that sold at 31.50, rough
necks, Byron collars. Jerseys,
etc., in all colors, on sale. 98a
93.00 Boys' and Ulstea' Sweat
era, a I .wool. Norfolk, stylos,
with adjustable collars, spe
cial ....91.4B
ladles' Sweater Coats In all
best weaves, styles and col
ors, great values at SI. 88
to $7.60
XiHAUb' and Children's Knit
Caps and Toques, 25c tq $3.00
Infants' 3-plece Se.t, Sweater,
Leggings and Cap, $,00 val
ue, at 91.49
A Grtai December Clearance
of All Millinery
Every bat In
t o c K priced
at a small
fraction of re
tall worth.
Here's a' Few
Kxtra Special
Bargains fur
Velvet and
Felt Shapes,
worth to
$1.98; Hand
made Velvet
Turban s,
wort h tu
$1.50; Street
Hats worth
$1.98, OQo
at .. J
Choice of trimmed Hats, worth $2.95, ou
sale at 69d
200 Trimmed Hats that sold up to $7.50,
choice at. . $2.50
Choice of Trimmed Hats, worth up to $4.50,
at : $1
Aviation Yar.n Hoods, regular $1.00 values
at 50
See Our Display or French anil Willow Ostrich
Plunies for Christmas Gifts Our -Frires
AVIll Surprise ou.
Buy Now Your Dried Fruits, Etc., For
Ypur Xmas Puddings, Pies and Cakes
Speoial Canned Goods Sale Thursday
If in Doubt Give Jewelry or Silverware
Wo 10 Offering Specials This Week That Will Make
Buying Here Most Pleasurajileaiid'.Profltahle.
Ladles? O- Size Gold Watch 20-year guaranteed
fllled'case, ID-Jewel Elgin. or Walltinm movement,
special $10.00
Hoys' JO Size Gold Watch-2 0-year guaranteed filled
c?sc, Elgin or Waltham movement, spoclal
$lO.Uhls'week." .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .'"I 81.50 to 8375
Necklace Sterling Sliver and solid gold, values to
Solid Gold Baby Kings To $2.00 values, choice
f0r 75c
Sterling Sliver Cream ladles, Pickle Forks, Olive and
Souvenir .Spoons llegutar $1.50 values, this
week 75 c
912.00 Four-Piece Tea Sets Quadruple silver plated,
on sale this week , .$4.98
German Silver Mesh Hags Values up tp $8, on sale
at , $2,50 and $3.00
Quadruple Plated .Military Sets 2 brushes and
comb, values to $7. on sales .$2.50 and $3.00
SI Watches and $1 Alarm Clocks, on sale 59c
An Immense xane of 8KA.OSX.ETS at JUST HAtr.
SJO.QO Bracelets 5.oo
$8.00 Bracelet 1 M.00
T.OO HracfJetH S3.SO
11.00 to 16.00 Bracelets t ?1.33
500 Fteces of Beautiful, Brilliant Out 01a
Berry Bowls. Cinports, Spoon Trays. Olive Ulslies, S?upnr
and Craincr, etc., to $5 values, choice ' 98c
10 lbs,, .best Granulated Sugar. . . .91
18-lb. sack best hieh-Rrade DlanioitU
H. Flour, msde from No. -1 selected
wheat, nothing finer for your pud
dings, p.les ajd caJtes. per sack 1.15.
The Best Cleaned Currants. lb..,10o
3'Crown lucatel 'RaJatn?, lb. . .7Hc
Fancy California Seedlms nalstns. at
per lb. .....7o
Fancy. California Cooking Figs, lb.,
for TH
Fancy California Golden SulUna
HaJstns. lb. . .."
Fancy California M'ulr Peaches, at.
pound 7V4c
Fancy CaIlfonla Kvaporated Prunes,
tit, pound 'Ho
pkga. best Condensed Mince Meat
Kvaporated Raspberries, lb 05o
Uvaporated N. Y. Apples,1 lb.
Fancy Mutr Park Apricots, lb..,.15o
The oest Glared Citron, Lemon or
Orange reel. iu.
Imported 7-Crown 1 lg, lb. . . . . . .Mo
California 12-ox. pkg. Figs. pkg..7Ho
"-lb. bst Mixed sifter top
rans for .10a I
S-lb. cans Early June Pitted Peis
for 100 I
2- lb. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
for SUc
-lb, cans J'aney Wax, string, Green
or Uma Beans for , ,,...75e
3- lb. can Golden PUnipkln, Hominy
or Squash, for. , . . :. 8 l-3o
3-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes
for 7 ..'..' 1Qe
S-lb. cans Fancy Table Apricots.
Peaches. " Pears or Plums, in heavy
syrup, for 150
The best Domestic "Macaroni, Spa
ghetti or Vermicelli, pkg 7Ho
The beat Tea Sittings, lh
Golden Santos Coffee, lb 35o
Xle Best Mixed Mats, lb 15c
Eggs, Bnttsr, OHoese and Butterlne.
The Best No. 1 Kggs, per doa.....25o
The Best No. 1 Dairy Butter. lb..38o
The Best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk 3?o
Ncufchatel. Cheese, each 3o
The Beat No. 1 Country Creamery
Butter, lb, ...........300
Full Cream, Young vArnerjca, New
York, AVhlte- or ..Wisconsin Full
'Cream Cheese, lb -.830
3-lbs. Good Uutterlpp ,85o
Good Table Butterlne, lb. .180
The Best equal to creamery Butter,
lb. . . , 350
Wo Advance on Potatoes at Haydsn's
Our price for the Best Bed lllver
Karly Ohio Potatoes, 15 lbs, to the
peck, for. ,,...15o
Fresh Shallots, Beets, Carrots, Tur
nips or, HndlshCfj, large bunches,
per bunch ,4o
Largo ltoad Lettuce, per head.,7iao
.2 heads Fresh Leaf 'Lettuce 60
: bunches Frch Upthouse Hadlshes
for ,,..,&a
Fresh Horseradish Hoot. lb,,,,.. 60
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. ...... .7VaO
Cape Cod Crnnborrlefi, quart 74o
4 bunches Fresh Parsley.., So
Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs,
for 1 loo
Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Pars
nips or Rutabagas, lb .....IWo
Fancy Large Flat Dutch Cabbuge.
per lb. ,lo
Brussels Sprouts, lb 15o
Fancy Cauliflower, lb. .100
Fancy Hothouse Cucumbers, ea..7Ho
Rice Popcorn, per lb, .. .5c
Fancy California Grapes, lb 7Ho
Fancy California Figs, pkg 7l4o
Fancy Fard Dates, lb , ISo
Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, lb.,.. 8 1-Ce
Fancy 7-Crown Imported Figs. Jb.SOo
Our FamouH brand of HlKhlund
Navel Oranges, dozen . 20c, 35c, 30c
li Try HAYDEN'S First