10 Isn't This Just LYNCH AGAIN LEAGUE HEAD President and Secretary of National Unanimously Be-elected. BRESNAHAN CASE TO BE TRIED F.ffort to Arblltntr tirllnii nn lo Contract Fulls Whni I( l Fnnnil Imnnllile to I'lnil Third .Indue, NEW YOniC, Dec 11. Thomas J. Lynch was re-elected president, and John A. Heydlcr, secretary nnn treasurer of the Notional league at the meeting late today. The present hoard of directors was continued, except that C. J. Sullivan if New York, succeeds the late John T. IJruh. The election of Messrs. Lynch and Heydler, the former for a. term of one year and tho latter for thrco years, wan unanimous. The league would not per mlt a rumor even of a ripple of discord to bo uncontradicted, and tho report that one club littd opposed the re-election of President Lynch was denied. The. rest wan mostly routine. The re porta of President Lynch anil of the hoard of directors were duly approved. Presl- dent Lynch, In detailing the official his tory of the 1912 reason, awarded the pen nant for good behavior during tho play ing year lo the Philadelphia team, whlrh had a record of no suspensions und only one fine. Other things noted in the report were that 12,to0 base laln were used In the scheduled games; that clghty-clght games were postponed that thoro were 140 dou-ble-headera iuid seventy-eight games on the schedule left unplayrd of tho six proteatrd against tho results of Raines during tho season, flvo wero disallowed'. Chicago being the successful rn)testant, having Its claim to u came with Pitts bureh sustained. Umpire to Ilccrlve .Monr), President Wller of the Philadelphia! club cleared up the clnlm of Umpire Klgler for X2.000 for services In signing Pitcher Illxey by assuring the league that the sum would bo paid. Tho league, however, wont on record as op posed to the umpires acting as scouts n the future, declaring Buch employ ment to be ugntnst tho best Interests if tho game. It was also decided . that In drafting players In tho futnrc tho name of the club shall bo drawn first In accordanco with a rulo adopted by tho national commission. Tho names of players have boen" drawn first on several occasions, It appeared, In violation of this rule, A discussion of telegraph facilities at tho games and other matters relative to the reports of games resulted In tha naming of Messrs. KbbctH. llompHtcud, Oaffney and Locke a. committee to ar range these details with the telegraph companies. Tomorrow morning the club owners and officers will visit tho new Brooklyn, base ball park as tho gusts of President Kb bets. In the afternoon tho final session of tho league meeting will be held. Those attending today's meeting were: August Herrmann, Cincinnati; Harry Hempstead, C, J. Sullivan and U. II. McCutcheon. New York; Alfred Wller and T. J. Hogatoz, Philadelphia; Harney Dreyfusa ahd -William Locke, Pittsburgh; Mrs, Helen Brltton. James C. Jones and AV. F. Crawford. St. Louis; Juinos E. Gaffney and llennun Nicholson, HoHtou; Charles H. Ebbeui and S. V. MeKeostor, Hrooklyn. and C. W. Murphy. Chicago, The National league decided tonight to try the case Involving the claim of Uoger Dresnahan, deposed manager of tho St. Louis club, for alleged breach of contract by that club, at a special session of thu board of director?, preliminary to the February meeting of tho league. This decision was reached at a meeting of the board of directors. The St. Louis club was directed to file within twenty days an answer to Uresns ban's complaint. An official copy of the complaint will be supplied forthwith to the 8t. Louis club. The National league's action In assur ing Dresnahan i trial of his claim ww taken after tlfe former manager ami President Jones of the St. IuLi club failed to reach an agreement on the ques tion of whom they should select as it third arbitrator to alt as tentatively sug gested with two men of the National com. mlttce. Every effort was made to bring about such arbitration. Creighton Team to Enjoy a Banquet The Creighton varsity foot ball team for the 6cason of 131 will bo tho guevt of the athletic board of the university at a banquet In the ruthskclier of tho Hotel llenshaw Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Twenty-fire men, Including Coach Miller. Manager Young and Trainer Joe Urldel, will be present. Coach Harry Miller will act as toast master. Tho feature of the banquet will be the election of a captain for next year's squad, and the awarding of letters for services on the varsity during the Deacon Just closed. Miller, Tumisea and Hanley have, been tho only men men tioned for the, position of captain thus far. Fifteen men .will be given a "C." Sweat ers have been ordered, but will not arrive until nest inontb. Those who will receive the coveted Utter are: Captain Hopkins, Hanley, McQrane, Hall, Tamlsea. Parker, Waller Brennan. Millar S'nioii Levey, Phil Levfy lluuson, Dalderson, McCar. tir-- and Collins. . -3 (never minoS wait till i fcofnc To eutfi r-t -v fVi?0) f Gee(JiM ISP Co ON M I 60T THE GET A TA X I CIGAR-WAIT A 5AY JlM.fioT A To 'GHTI TfiMT WAP I HAVf AHOTHER I CHANGE If I'LL TAtfE. YdU 1 MINUTE MOW.' MUCH DOUGH tn TOO JUST ASKED LNJrJ",M,T I I RIQHT HERE. TMUKS) - UpToWAO' J THIS IS ON ME vMITMVoU?! TlREP HAl TC TAKE I mr "-j otiE em a Like a Man? Old Hand at Joe Kogler of Hrooklyn, who has on- tcred the slx-dny bicycle race with Will- j ter Ittitt as the Oermnn-Amerlcan team. l-'ogler hns several tlincs been a winner i Basket Ball Boys Respond to Call , s OnOapitol Hill The first1 for candidates for the Omaha High School lluskct Hall team brought out seventy-seven latlx. Th ! the first time In tho Mstory of th hlgn Mnh,,nt llln, ulinli I . . . I - - . , . ' shown III hiiHltct ball. About llfty h'gh school buys played their first game oi mmtpi rtnit ball yesterday on the high hrhon: cJinpim and many wero the bruised Hlilim and roughed up faces after tho game. At the present showing, soccer probably will be success ful as u new Interest nt tho high school. If this Is estubltshi'd In the school n meeting of thoso Interested will be held and n captulu elected. The veterans who are out for the high school five are Hurkenroad, forwnrd und captain; Mark Hughs, guaid; and James Gardiner, guard. Thoso candidates who repipacnt the various classes held meetings under the direction of several of tho faculty, who wero Interested In tho sport and elected captains as follows: Seniors under Mr. Woolory. Captains. Itawson White and James Durkee. Juniors under Mr. HornBteln. No cap tains. Sophomores under Mr. MneMtllan. Cap tains Uusscll Larmon, Leon Carson, Paul Flothow, Icvoy Hazard and Art Houncr. Freshmen, under Mr. Orchard. Tempo rary captnln. W. S. Potersen. A rather tentative basket ball schedule has been arranged. Somo of the games not having been decided upon finally. The team will have about nine regular sche duled games with other high schools nol In tho Trl-clty league. The tentative schedule follows: January IS Lincoln at Uncoln. January -York nt Omaha. February 1-Hloux City ut Sioux City. February S-South Omaha ut Omaha. February 15-IJncoln at Omaha. February 25-South Omiiha at Omaha. March 1-Hloux City at Omaha. March 8 Open. March it Open. Stato tournament probably at Lincoln. Sensation Promised , By Base Ball Owners CHICAGO. Dec. ll.-Ovvners of clubs In tho Amerlcun league, who gathered hero tonight to attend the annual meet Ing tomorrow promised to produce some startling news to the base bull public before the meeting udJourns. Trades Involving some of tho 'most prominent players In tho league were reported pending and the uppolntment of the manager of the New York club was expected to be announced, Frank Ounce, former manager of the Chicago Nlttlnnnl likfupll nltilt nti.l flc.1.!Aa. Tn.. who formerly piloted the Chicago club 1 or the American leugue. were mentioned tonight among the possibilities for the ; position 'hance has been approached by Frank F.irreil, owner of tho New York club; In fuet tlirs reached an understanding before Chan left for California to I spend tht winter, It was said today, 1 the Game of the nnnuul weary Blind. The nice la a twenty-year-old Institution- In New York, but It Is u slghtHhut never. lo.os Its power to Interest or Its thrills for the most blui-e. Johnson's Negro Lawyers Withdraw from His Oases CHICAGO. Dee. 11 Jack Johnson's at torneys, W. IL Anderson and K. H. flight, both negroes, asked the United States district court today that their names be stricken from tho records as counsel for the fighter, Tho lawyer said that Johnson's recent marriage to Luclle Cameron, a whlto girl, whs disapproved by them to an extent that they do not care to bo any longer associated with him. Wright and Ander son represented Johnson In tho whlto slave cases yet to bo heard. Johnson appeared In the municipal court today to answer to a charge of assault and buttery brought by a nows- pnper photographer whom Johnxon Is nl- legeil to have struck with a cane when the photographer tried to take a picture. at the time Johnson was locked In the county Jail. Hearing of the case was dc- ferred. Many-Angled Deal for Tinker and Chance CHICAGO, Dec. H.-Amcrleun league magnates, ut their annual meetlpg toduy, were expected to "waive" on iuftelder 'Corrldon of Detroit, upon whose re lease to Cincinnati depends tho many- angled deal planned to put Joo Tinker, the Famous Chicago shortstp. In com mand of the Iteds and make Chance, irstwhlle "peerless loader" of tho Cubs, manager of the Now York Amertgnns. Frank Furrelle. owner of the Yankees, Intimated that Chnucn would be his mali nger, but stated that us the iHtter has not been lgued. he must maintain silence on the subject. it was practically arranged that Tlnkr, ficcontpaied by Loudermllk and Chap man, or some other Chicago battery, will go to Cincinnati ns manager, In .exchange for Mitchell;. Pliclau, Corrldon. Humph reys and Knlsely To procure Corrldori Chicago having Instated on getting a shortstop before let ting Tinker go Cincinnati was to release Chance to Detroit and Farrell planned to buy the ''Peerless leader'' from the Tiger club. NO CHANGE TO BE MADE IN GIANTS' MANAGEMENT NEW YOHK, Dec. H.-There will be no change In the ownership of the New York National league club or In the management of tho team. It was an nounced today by II. N. Hempstead, son-in-law of the late John T. Brush, Immediately utter he had been elected president of tho National Exhibition company, tho rorporatcd title of the New York club, to fill the vacancy cuused by Mr. Brush's death , The di rectors elected C. J. Hulllvan, one of their number, to be vice president. ie placing Mr Hempstead In that position. The Persistent and Judicious I'se of Newspaper Advertising Is the Itoad to Business Success. TITK BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1012. M'CARTY WHIPS JIM FLYNN Fight Stopped in Sixteenth Round When Fireman is Helpless. DESPERATE FIGHT WITNESSED I'lirlilu I'aclHit Take Count of Nine In Tenth mid Only Continue Unfile ! 3Irnnn or Mix PtnylnK Power. LOS ANUKLH3. Dec. ll.-Luther Mc Ctirty, the Missouri heavyweight, stands In tho foiefiont of the ranks of "white hopes" today as tho result of his decisive defeat last night of "Ffgh'lng Jim" Klynn, the Pueblo llght-hcavywcight. who has proved a stumbling block o aspirins successors to Jim .Jeffries for many years. McCarty now Is scheduled to meet Al PaUcr on New Year's day In the second lound of the heavyweight elimination contest arranged by Promoter McCnroy. Tho winner of tho bout will be balled as the whlto heavyweight champion. In as much ns prize fight authorities generally concede that Juck Johnson has ceased to he n. actor In ring affairs, .the winner probnblv will he considered the world's clminplMi heavyweight. McCaity's showing wa a mirpurlhe to ring followers generally, us, although he weighed considerably more tha". Flynn, the tatter's cxpoilenco nnd stamina was expected to carry him through, Flynn carried much money to defeat, one of the largo bettors having beeii "lis -econt op ponent,' Jack Johnson, vrh,"! Wolcast was nlSo rumored to have bet heavily on 'Flynn. Flynn's manager. Jack Curley. made tho following statement after the fight: "McCarty Is a big. strong, clever fel low. He Is fast and a goot hitter. He beat Jim. to every punch and It Is need less to .ay that It whs a Miirpilie. Only Flyings gamenosH kept htm In the rim? after tho ninth round." McCarty said the fight resulted Just us hg had planned It. "1 figured on beating my-man down systematical!';" he said, 'ind -I did It. I was noveVhlt hard and could "re-enter tho ring tomorrow." Tho gate receipts were $15,600. McCarty was given a gii.frar.tce of S'l.Ourt. or a per centage of the receipts. FlKht by Hound. I .McCarty and Flynn entered the ring at iS'35. Betting at tho ringside was at even ; money. Time was called at 9:0i Mc Carty carried tho fight to Flynn through j out tho first round and the fireman spat ) blood as he went to his corner, j McCarty continued to force tha fight ling In the second and Flynn seemed un able to reach him effectively. Near the end .of tho round Flynn was staggered by a series of rights and lefts to the face and appeared groggy. He camo up with n rush In the third, but McCurty stopped him with a stinger that drew blood from the fireman's nose and forced him to stall. Flynn even It In the fourth, rushing McCarty repeatedly and hooking him with an uppercut that rocked tho MIs- sourlan's head. The fifth was a ham-mcr-ond-tongs affair, ending with a fierce mlxup in the center of the ring. In the sixth Flynn staggered McCarty with u left swing that sent him agafn.t tho ropes. e veil til Hound Kvrn. The seventh, bitterly contested through out, ended with honors even. Both men showed signs of wear when they went to their corners and the succeeding round was tame. In the tenth, however, McCarty landed a hard right to the Jaw, putting the veteran down for the count of nine. Flynn arose groggy and hung on. Fol lowing up this advantage, the Mlssourlan dropped Flynn again, but the fireman made u remurkable rally und lasted out the round. McCurty tried hard to end It In the tenth, but Flynn showed strong recuper atlvo powers and held his heavier oppo nent fairly even. Badly battered nnd rushing wildly, flynn went through the eleventh, rocked repeatedly by the blows that McCarty landed almost at will. It was tho same In the twelfth, tho fire man's stamina 'arousing tho wonder of the .crowd. Flynn kept boring In In the thirteenth, shaking, his head under tho fusllade of blows that McCarty ruined upon his puffed und. bleeding face. The next two rounds went the same way, the Mis sourlan having his antagonist at his mercy, but lacking the driving power to stop him. Flynn seemed almost helpless- when at tho outset of the sixteenth he was sent down for tho count of nne nnd when a moment later a smash to the Jaw dropped him for tho second time, Heferee Kyton stopped the fight and declared McCarty the winner. lltlllHrds. Calvin Denial est, ex-champlon billiard 1st of the world, will exhibit at Harry Symes' billiard parlor, 313 So. J6th St.. Thursday and Friday afternoons and evenings. Admission free. Illnelimnn Will Mniiimr Cnlunilina. COLt'MBCS. Dec. ll.-Presldent Schoen bem of the Columbia Base Ball club to day announced that William Hlnchman, Columbus, outfielder, has been signed to mauagH the Columbus team next year. He succeeds William Frlel. Hlnchman began his lw-e bull career In the New York State league and has played with "Wllllamsport. Cincinnati and Cleveland Joy for the Children. Ill our rubber toys, rubber balls, rubber animals and many other novelties. Brlns the little ones with you to see our d:s p!a Omaha Itubber C' Drawn Champion Bicyqle Sprinter Flank Kramer, world's champion hi- cycle sprinter, who Ms riding this week , Willi Jlnjmy Mornn as tho American team ENGLISH GETS iN BAD- 1 IN ARRANGING A FIGHT Tho St. Louis Republic has a story of the experiences of Clarence Knglish, the Oipaha fighter, which reads as follows: Clarence English, who participated In a ladyllkn slapplng-on-thc-wrlst contest with Hay Brouson at the CoHsum u month or so ago, has broken loose In At lanta, Ga. Tho Omaha boxer met Frankle Whitney In tho southern city In a handicap bout an Idiotic proposition under any circum stances and It was advertised that "Eng lish must stop Whitney to win." Clar ence stopped Frankle with a foul In tho fifth. Bdt that wasn't all that Clarence did. According to the matchmaker of tho At lanta club, English tried to frame the fight with Whitney. Tho story us pub llshed In an Atlanta paper recites that English got "Whitney by telephone urn. Frankle told Clarence there was nothing doing In the frame-up line. At which Olarenco lost his temper and swore at Frankle. The telophone operator made a complaint ugulust English and tho Omuhu pugilist was fined 20 for swearing. With the Bowlers Booster' League, Fit ED DELFS. 1st. ?d. 3d. Total. A. Bowers 212 ifiT 111 Juckson &B ltil 5)1 1M) IKi 1117 till 5: Bengele 155 H7 Wand 157 l: n. Bowers is, is; Totals 915 -sol POPBL-GILLBitS. 1st. 1A. $54 2.601 :td. 11 1!)5 K.9 i:w 234 Total KM -tyj & 1i'j !' 2.6Mi Chrlstensen 20fl HS llowcll ik; 131 Hemleben a 2tl Norgaord no 153 Firestone ...im 161 Totals Dili 825 !l." STABS AND STK1PES. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. Hammond lu 1S1 159 IK! Stern 15t 197 1 but Purshouse IS) 17a UK tH Stockwell us no 137 nt Johnson 117 122 170 400 Totals 74i 7S2 797 asj BBANUES HIGH BALLS. . 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. McCarthy 1K1 187 1SI Iw7 Blco . 140 16 160 Itti Hosslg 173 IK lor, a33 C. Bice air. 205 2J3 Wtt foman i$i 17s 159 ols Totals Mil 937 9US 2.i MIDWEST TAlLOUS. 1st. at. 3d. Total. Simon t 199 1S7 IS) 5k I -a ml st rum 139 155 1C9 4G3 Boegurd i 113 ltui 110 361 .Mioleeii IK 152 )Mi 4,0 lovum IGTi I5i tt9 r2i Huudlcap Ui M CO JW Totals 833 &JU Mil OLD STYLE LAGEItS. Ht. 2d. ;td. Total. McCabe, Wm IKS 169 1SS 193 Shaw 169 177 ISO 5i'i Atnsden 129 161 16 Sdplu , 156 19S 109 aSl Ills 127 169 'US 434 Total 709 tt J. S. CI IOSS. 1st. 2d. Hansen IK 107 Wlegera -D3J 175 Thlele HI 159 Q rote 115 1S1 Itles 159 173 313! 3d. Total. lit 316 HI) 1U2 130 173 4SJ 40o !26 WXi Totals 715 765 GS& 3195 FRANK'S COLTS. 1st. Stl. 3d. Total. Donze 91 llj 143 379 Kocnberg 153 U6 ICS 476 Arkla t...lr 110 154 514 Lee ,.,1V IT" 101 W KoUuchluk P'' )S6 ISA M Handicap i3 13 13 W lotula S15 845. bSI 2477 Hovrllnlf .Nolen. If the captain Is liHlf of the leant it ia time for Jay Lefler to hold up his half Don't ask McMartln about the score lc rolled In the singles, tfutfl' u It to say he won the booby prize Charley Hoe Is now uuig Co Uh1o for The Bee by ln the nlx-dny bicycle race that opened "' ""f011,, S,c'UiU,e Gard?"; Nw uii. i uc ian i iiimutru rrt-uuu 1 11 i uu annunl clnplc In 1911. V ball with lAarked success. He keeps It I on the alley"half the time. ! Tho StcHngs won two from the Cracker 'Jacks with 11 2,ilS total. Krause did the ' heavy rolling for the vlstors. 'I lie I'etetsen Knnuy Kids had too much Kansas City Judging from the way they shot .Monday night. They only manuged to get a total of i,m. The Hlncliojs would better close the traji door, or they will be dropping Into the cellar position. Tho tallend Garlow's uro creeping un the stairs. . Krause of tho Boyco's Cracker Jacks was in good trim Monday night. He rolled a single game of 243 and a total of 007. If you haven't visited Fred Stelllng and his little brown Jug. now Is the time. He suya that It Is n cood omen nn,l nnv bowler after sipping its contents Is suro of a 600 score. George Gribble used n dodo ball for two days and then threw It away. Ho thought It wan easy to roll a dodo, but luunu 11 whb as naru or even Harder than rolling a hook ball. A special match will h enllnil nn fin r. low's alleys Wednesday night. December jo, ueiwcen ine Tracy Ijv Truda team of the Gate City league and the Midwest Tailors of the Magic City leugue. "Helen" Gould, the crimson Inn "hon. doo" of tho Martin Tigers, has been of- uciaiiy appointed mascot of the Popel Glller und Luxua teams. He. may be seen at any mutches rolled by the above u-hiiih grooming i- irestono it goat. .Mullen, the cuntaln of Garlow's Colin. WHS as ticked IIS ll boV with hln first nnlr of trousers Monday night when his colts won two games. Last week they won three. If they continue to be victorious they threaten to break up the league. The bowling scuxatlon of tho week was the Garlow's Colls winning two games from the Petersen Kandy Kids, tho win neis of third placo In Kansas City. Herb Garlow, of course, was on the sidelines with his foghorn voice, but he got too nolby and was forced to leave. Nellie Nelson has been made cantnln of the Gordon's Fireproof team. Ho Is anxious 10 nil 1110 place made vacant by the retiring from the game of Johnny Laird. Any bowler wishing to Join a leading tram will please correspond with Mr. Nelson. No questions asked. Leplnskl has sent his old punctured red ball away to get the rough edges taken off. He is huvlng three more loads put In It nnd two additional finged holes Just opposite the other two. Frank Intends to get a patent on the ball If It works well. Three comical Jews Firestone. Golden berg and Johnny Iilrd. Tmiriininent New. Salute the captain. He Is bo's. C. J. FrancUco Is the original comedian. Ask him to tell you that Oliver Twist joke. The Pullman company Is short a few bedclothes. Hoarch the South Omaha Jet ters' locker. Who put the coke In Koch at Kansas City? He only rolled 41S in the five man mutch. The Jettei Old Ago team was unable to land In the money. They only managed to roll 2.575. The Burkley Envelopes landed In the money with their 2.675. This will add an other bunch of money to the bag already collected by Omaha bowlers. Jimmy Blouln was off form at Kansas City. When the spectators watch him shoot they expect to see somo classy rolling, but this tlmo Jimmy was unable to hit the brad pin. Chief Brlggs or South Omaha didn't en joy the trip to Kansas City. He happened to bo good natured and of course the rest of tho boys made him the brunt of the jokes. .It seems the chief was Playing cards In the smoking room of a Pullman car while the iwrter was making up the berths. A couple of teammates filled his bed with shoes and his pillow case with cuspidors. Tht chief 011 discovering th articles in his resting placo was wroth and by lotting out a few oaths and throw ing ever) thing, bedclothes and all, Into the aisle, succeeded In causing a panic 1 among the (xiupants iif the car Brlggs foiKi where be was and attempted to use his uuthoiltv by Stowing his Potith j Omaha lollce budge. The emblem was not .recpecte.t however, and after promising tin angrv und excited crowd that ho would be quiet the rest of the night he .was allowed to stay In the car What ! will the ihlef do to the culprits who Iplatr-d the tr. k on him when he gets . tr ' ba'k in So'ith Omaha where he Is H. B. Martin UNHOLZ AND GORMAN EYEN Two Pugs Go Eight Rounds Without a Deoision. , POLICE PUT END TO ONE BOUT Yoonir nnrton of "North Side Sends Wllllitm Sprit vllntr, When Ser gennt Conk Prevents the Finishing Touches. Itudy Unholz, tho Chicago Boer cham pion lightweight und Juck Gorman of Omaha fought eight rounds to a draw last night before the Flambeau club. The match, which was merely an exhibi tion, was well taken by tho club mem bers, of which almost 700 wero present. Although no decision was given, it was the opinion of the fistic fans pres ent that the match ended wltli honors even. However, Unholz ld not exert himself at any stage of the bout and hud he opened up he could have put his man out nt any time after the third round. Gorman. however, deserves much ciedlt for putting up a clever exhibition. He was fnft on his feet nnd covered In fine hhapc. Unholz plainly showed that he was a master at the ring game from the start. He tried out his man until he knew his tactics and managed to get away from harm. I'nholz used a left hook very effectively during the first few rounds of the fight, but towards the last he opened up with a now style of fighting In which a right swing was the fcatuie. The semi-final battle of the evening between Young Williams of Fort Dcs Moines and Young Borton of the North side was stopped during the third round by the pollre. Young Borton outclassed the Iowa man and in tho third round had Williams grogg. A right hook to the point of the jaw sent Williams sprawling and Borton was about to put tho finishing touchm on when Sergeant Cool; called hostilities off. The bout was the fastest of the evening, both men . going after each other tooth and nail from the tnp of tho gong until tho tlmo When the police stopped. The first preliminary between ' Young Merkle and Younc Kitchen, feather weights was well received. Tho little fighters put up a fine exhibition. Th ' bout was clearly a druw. The second preliminary between Young Wallace of East Omaha and Carl Martin of Council Bluffs, lightweights, went four rounds with Martin having a shade the better of the argument. The honors wero even for the first two rounds, after which Martin came back strong. In the third round he had his man groggv and the bell nt the end of the fourth' round found Wallace reeling. Wr'eMlerx Meet nt Bentrlee. BEATBICE, Neb., Dec. 11. (Special. ) The state wrestling tournament of the Young Men's Christian association will be held In Beatrice next month, the date to be announced later. Beatrlco Is mak ing plans to put a strong team in tho field, and will try and carry off first honors. The towns In the association are Omaha, Lincoln, Fremont, Beatrice and Hastings. Our new Kensington overcoats (delayed in mak ing and just received) are certainly attracting the peo ple who want good values. Here are stylish coats with real tailoring and re finementcoats that are built to serve and satisfy you for two or three sea sons. You'll find no "decoys" either in our cases or in our windows no over coats or suits upon which the prices are boosted first and cut afterwards. We're after more than your money we want your confidence, good will and continued patronage. " It is with such thorough ly dependable values as we offer in these Kensing ton overcoats and suit that we expect to win it. $20, $25 and up. Specials in furnishings for Christmas buyers. MAGEE & DEEMER 413 S. Sixteenth. Omaha Lincoln