Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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TIIFi UKK: O.MAI LA, UhD.NhfslMl, uw hSlimn ii. 19L2.
Ordinance Makes it a Misdemeanor
to Poit Unsightly Signs.
tcr. Clara, have gone to Loshow, Mo.,
'for a few weeks' lslt.
! on the Hoatd of County Commissioners
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1912.
Hl'lll'M UAJAAHS liavo started In earnest and It has been dlscov-
prnrt tlinf mnnv hlntrrinu anil malfli nmilrl lifil'n, nttl,., a nnmii
, .i CTflRF PRnPRIFTORS 'are dtawn. Klsasser was defeated for re
tor wieinselvcH in tlie uiir iicrs world had it been nccsary. oiunu i uui miliumu ....
i - 1 imwiiuii u. mi irirjii iu iuv ii" -icmj iiu t ,
I a me aji nanus' uazaar anti ainner iani wceK. tne women oil . . under a statute that Is valid, though it
A" ordinance making It a misdemeanor the cliurcli mado GC0. Tho affair laatod but ono day and wan held nt ,',, Mo(. for h ,.vcmn? two nfkr "9 bf' Put ln "cl "tuallv.
tj iKSt unsightly advertisements. Hills, i the Wattles Memorial Parish house. Anout 200 attended Ihe dinner In waHH Into the If.iwklns Latham ' w .... '
rf ,r1rrr . circulars within the city llm- iht. o.,inr. ti. .11...... ... a .v. ..... ... 1111 11,,., .,,, t ? nvnv . n,s lernl "' expiring until 111
. . - - - , ... . v.vuiiif.1 ijiir liiuilii lull null j.ii,.t:i vt ,1 n inn uu.r ii 11 11 LiiiTir 11 1111; .1 n . ., ...... ......... . -
( nmmlolmicr, to MuUr Irnolcr it
Thrlr rnrnlliirc ( ll Will llns-
C Innnmon Mrnr Cnnnrll
lipli Mnrr Mnnr-.
Henry McDonald and
Pete Elsasser Are
Personal Gossip.
A son wan horn Morula)- morning to
Mr and Vim. Charles Scott Smith. Mr 1
Smith wm formerly Miss Marie Kouthard. I
daughter of Mr. Hnd Mrs. Charles 1' Um for the batl)e hetwefn ryter K.
?.nithmd of St. Louis ! Klsaser, democrat, and Henry S. Mc
Donald, republican, over Klsasser's neat
the boatd. John C. Lynch ill recognlre Aq Qiyg fJAMES DELEGATES
one and I cruse to recognize me otner.
McDonald will be recognized by Mr.
Lynch. Klsasser's attorney, J. J. Stilll-
To attend Mayor Dalilman's city plan-
flnTjtpqt. fnr Rpflt.ivan then wl" ,nslltut,? " tl" wrral1t0 nlng meetings the Omaha Ad club has
UU UUHLGQU XU1 WDftU pucertinj against Mr Lynch The dls- named three representatives. They are T
R Coleman. C. A. Alden and O. T.
Eastman. Nearly all the, Omaha civile and
Improvement organizations have been In
Ivlted by the mayor to appoint commit
' tees to work with him on city planning.
a nf Omaha was Ini reduced at a meet- I ...... . . . . . . t..n.i, .. .,n. Hip
TUTlaV h f v" .iii.iii. umuj Ul n Hum niv inuiiuiiciu ui umui aim ainui . t i.eftlfirate or
. inanii.. ......... I. ...I. l J . l O i.lll"u3
I'lOl I
rlfll tic c ash retUler.
inn uoinn inane canny and attractive nann mauc articles lor tnc nomo nhl wnf-h was taken.
aiipcal to the feminine buyer. Two weeks of church bazaars started Mon-
day in tho court of the Bee building. I PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS
The women have not only given many pretty things whlrh are for.
.1. It, Sullivan, a grnduatc of f're'.shton i
LKms'd rontends the Ian Is Invalid
lection was Issued to
i . r i . .... l... ri 1. r.....
and 'l MlUUUIlHlll ll I lll. wenrj
', Mortday. Metionatd took the oath of of
IKe before Deputy Clerk of the District
Court Asel Steere yesterday, lie then filed
his official surety bond In county court.
When the newlv electee ofilclals take
strict court then will decide whether R Coleman. C. A. Alden and O. T.
Klsasser or McDonald Is entitled to the Eastman. Nearly all the. Omaha cltfc and
seat. The case lll go to the supreme . improvement organizations nave Deen in-
court for final adjudication.
Omaha Towel Co. new telephone num- As soon aa all respond the meeting will
ber, Douglas MS. be called.
If... nf lh. M 1 1 I ' .AMmluJMI
i 'j nt lima ii A. '. Kug awl was referred j "'anaRc larRo households.
ti t ie committer of the whole, meeting
Moida for dls-uslon.
l ty commtaslpners will ro-nperate In
c ittiii some ott of legislation to Uu
a..av v ith th uns'phtly Mil lonrds. Tho
rdlnantc Inlftxluoed was ilraftt-d by Cltv
Attorney ltliw. H provldw only that
losttiB of suh bills ehall he subjei t to
f ne. I
nothrt ordinance was Introduced eov- i
rlnc the utrninir.of gasoline. COl idl, I
... ...l .. .1. .TIhi. u'Hhln lh ' nnnlinl r Mr Dtmnil ta n ' ' il nnn. ntul thn ti.i.itn, a ...ullii f ,l,nl. '
I'ri ' II III I iraf'.i.wi.." - ...... ... ii. (. cnii ci.. i.i.iiivi ..iiti nil. I'.wviuo 110 infj LVDIIHIt .11 lilull , T X
I tut? It iwuts .owllUns and fixos efforts netted them over $ 450. ' Koi" lJHlldrilff, FclllinS ilair OL"
Tii luriilli lnv,.lee. i Tl.l,.,n,. TJ-
that iAM'uua'bl' Ahbii&jjbiuit.
c'flce .lanuary !t the Hoard of County
suiu, am are Riving tneir ume as wen, at tne cnurcn rnirs. 1 univru law srhgm. now an nttorney
Al hi rlnulni- of i hi. first itv nt fliln nolo iivnr inn t, .1 t.i.c. i.Un of Ln rami e and incml)er-elcl uf the
., , . . , .. .. , , I Wyomlrg legslature. is. In Oma.ia for n tm) McDonald will offer themselves for
in by the five different church sorietlos which are the flrat to occupy this few dm. teivico as commiisioners from the first
spare In the rotunda of the Bee btllldlnB. j j.WKi:V ri'T Ut.ASs-KltKNJ'.EK. commissioners dlftrlct. The chairman of
Lap I Friday the women of the First Presbylorlan ehurcli held their
A resclutlon was psed directing
a'.l city officials furnish the dcitartment ! A pretty demit tew wbh given this art
of finances and accounts with an Involae jernoon from 3 to B o'clock by Mrs. Kibe t
uf office furnishings and all chattels be- IroU Curler for her daughter. Mlsa Alice
longing to the several departments. Ui crtrr. at their l, i.V Poiill, Tlnru
list to be submitted not
tenibcr SI
At the instance of Commissioner Hum
mel a resolution Has pasxed directing that
the park commissioner purchase n cin
namon hear lo replace the bear which
died at Hlvervlew iark Sunday. Not' more
than SS5 will be paid for the bear.
The ordinance giving the. health de
partment an additional sum of ll, for
the removal of gnrbage during the re
mainder of the year was passed.
Charlca liluom was placed on the re
tired list of the police department on a
pension of t0 a month.
Omaha Office Gets
Ready for Parcels
Post Mail Plans
Official parcels post maps of the Tnlted
States have arrived at tho Omaha office.
They are slightly over two feet square,
how tha country divided Into squares or
units of area with corresponding rates
for all parcels distributed over these
areas. A special consignment of these
maps for offices throughout the state
ara now on tho toad to Omaha, from
whero they will be distributed; also a con
siderable number of parcels post guides
and explanatory booklets, which wll ac
company each map,
t'ndcr the provisions of the parcels
post law. effective January 1, IDiS, mall
of tho fourth class except permit matter
must bear distinctive postage stamps.
The parcels post stamps measure one
by one and a half Inches between per
foration lines. The color Is red. In a
curved panel ucross tho top supported
by a paneled perpendicular column at
each end appears tho words "I'lilted
Stales 1 'areola 1'ost" In Iloman capi
tal letters. Triangular ornaments oc-
eighth street. The rooms were beautiful.
decorated with cut flowers cent by th
friends of Miss Caller. '
The guests were received In i-.e 'Ivlng
riKitn by Air. and Sin. Cnner and Miss j
Carter. There, was no color t-clu-nic used
In Ibis room, there being cnrys iiathe '
mums. orriiHis. narcissus and rosts or ,
ocry shade. Southern smllax and palhin
were further need In decotatlon.
Punoli was served in tho reception room.
nhero pink roses brightened the room !
Mrs. Ward roses formed a pretty center- ;
piece for the dining room table.
Mrs. Carter wore gray charmcuse
draped with gray chiffon and trimmed
with real luce.
Miss Carter waa gowned In white char-
mruse, draped with violet-shaded chiffon.
The bodice was embroidered in rhlne- j
stones. She carried a bouquet of violets.
Miss Caiter was graduated last year from
school In lloston.
The latter part of the afternoon th
fathers of the debutantes and the hus
bands of the assisting women were. In
vited to attend. Mr. Carter assisted in
receiving thn guests.
Cnrds were Issued to about S0 guests
and assisting were the debutnntuH, 'In
cluding Mlsss Mhacs-
Itatherlnc Thummeil.i'aiiline Uourke.
Margaret (I. Ilatim, Dorothy Mall.
llcrtha Dickey. Daphne Peters,
Carmellta Chase. Mary Ilurkley.
Assisting through the rooms were:
Mesdarnes Mrsdamts-
Oeorgo Thiimmell. It. V. Coiinell.
M. IV KunUhouser, .1. .1. Dlck4y.
W. !'. Durlcee, M. C. PeteYs,
Alfred Darlow, It K. Welch.
David A. Ilnum, X. It. rpdlke.
fieymour Sadler, Samuel Itees, sr.
John Howard,
Leonora Dletz Nelson.
Vn: s-.'H X'V..-
Itchy Scalp 25 Cent "UanSerine"
Save tho Itnir! Unndcrinc destroys dandruff and stops falling
luiir at onoe Grows hair, we prove it.
If .., care for heavy hair, that glistens i and die: then the hair falls out.
,v t. i..n-itv and Is radiant lth life; has If your hair has been neglected and I. ,
. ,,,.. thin, faded, dry. scraggy or too oily, i
an leomiurabl softness and is fuff) hesUatf mll get a :5.nt bottle of
ai.d .ustiuus you must use Danderlnc. , Knowlton's Danderlne at any drug store i
because nothing else accomplishes so j or toilet counter; apply a little as dl-
inui ii for the hair. i rected and ten minutes after you will.
.lust one application of Knowllan's
Danderlnn will double the beauty of your
hair, besides it Immediately dissolves
every particle of dandruff; you cannot
have nice, heavy, healthy hair If you
have dandruff. This destructive scurf
say thin was the bast Investment you !
ovtr made. j
We sincerely believe, regardless of
everything else advertised that If you j
desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and
tnt. nf It nn itm .triruf fnn HnVitrtr mcaln I
tobs the hair of Its lustre. Its strength j and no more falling hair you must use
and Hi. very life, and If. not overcome It ! Knowiton's Danderlne. If eventually
produces a feverlslincss and Itching of why not now7 A 25-cent bottle will truly
tho scnip; the hair roots famish, loosen j amaza you. Advertisement.
..Extra Special Offer..
Good Only
Till Christmas
10 Discount will hp
allowed on all orders.
A beautiful Ladies'
Sut or Coat, strictly
man tailored to your
nioasuro at $35.00,
for $31.50
Suit or Coat at $40,
for $36,00
Suit or Coat at $.0.
for $45.00
This offer will also In
clude auita or coats made
from your own material.
Satisfaction guaranteed
In every respect. Over
1. 000 satisfied customers..
F1m nota wa do alterations
Th BaUabl X,41a' Tailor.
Phona Sons;. 1901
Room 433-3S Faxton Bnliains;.
tho Amateur Musical club this afternoon
a their home. An Interesting musical
program wns given.
With the Visitors.
Miss Griffith of Wichita. Kan., and
Miss Pearson of Newark, N. .1.. acenm-
cupy both upper cornets. Tho deliomlna- jpanled by Miss Carpenter and Miss Sesrle
tlon In largo numorals Is In each tower
corner, with the title of the subject and
the word cents or dollar between. The
subjects of tho several denomination arc;
)m cent.' office clerk: S-cenl. city ear
ier. p-ccnt. railway postal clerk; 4-ceiit.
ural carrier; B-cent. mall tralni 10-cent.
teamslilp and mull tender; li-ceiit auto
nobllo service: SO-cent. aeroplane carry
ing mall: Jj-cent. manufacturing; recent,
dairy 73-ccnt, hanestlnB; SI. fruitgrowing.
According to the figures secuicd by (ho
executive committee of. .thw Nebraska.
State Teachers' aaalclatlon the Lincoln
Commercial club padded the registration
list of the recent convention with names
'rom twelve Nehrnskn counties.
U the committee's Investigation 'had
not disclosed that 1.K1 names were regis
tered and tliu membership feea paid by
the Lincoln Commercial club, officials of
the committee believe Llurolu would have
secured maoi1ttes for the next conven
tion In the following twelve counties;
Klllmorc. Hamilton- Kearney, Kranklln.
I'helpo, Jctfervon, AUamr, liutler. .York,
Hallne. Iucastcr and Uage.
will leave Thtirtdnj frjr a week's slt nt
Itrd Uoali, la., where they will be the
guests of Miss Dorothy Deemer. daugh
ter of Judge and Mrs. Deamcr. until af
ter her marriage with Mr. rflram Hough
ton of lied Oak. All of younrf
women attended "WeleVfey college"
Miss Lthel Waddcl of Kansas City,
who was the guest of Miss Mary ItlnR
wall last week, irturnod to her home
Haturdny. Miss Wadde was 111 with
bronchitis ihile In Omaha and was un
able to remain as long as she planned,
For the Future.
Miss llculah Davis will entertain at a
brldsc party Wednesday evening for her
guest. .Mrs. Marry T. Ulgham of Hakcr
City, Ore.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. Halo Jllxby have returned
from their wedding trip and are at the
homo of Mrs. Hlxhy's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Vlerllng.
Misslleatrico Coad has returned from a
visit of several weeka with her brothers.
Messrs. Arthur and nichard Coad, at
their ranch near Carlsbad. N. M. .Mrs. .1.
V. Cold, who has also been at the ranch,
Hopped In St. Isolds for n visit with hyr
daughter, Mrs. V. Krng, before ictuin-
Ing home.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Rolen and daugli-
I am pure as a Lilly.
I am clean as a crystal.
I am from the country. '
I come to your home quickly.
I arrive before breakfast.
I am safe beqause pastuerized.
I cost Eight cents per quart.
I am Alamito Milk.
I am at ypur order Doug. 411.
rTtrrrn"TTtT'xXCnt''i''''tw-l"T'v'- "'
The SUPREME quality of Washington Crisps is absolutely beyond question.
Thoroughly steam cooked, toasted, dellelouslycrlsp, ready to serve. On every
package the unqualified GUARANTEE that every ingredient Is of as HIGH
QUALITY as the ingredients la cereal foods of ANY other make REGARD
LESS OF COST ; and GUARANTEE that Washington Crisps are nude
under MOST PERFECT SANITARY CONDITIONS posiible to create a
SPOTLESSLY CLEAN MILLS, by high-class workmen. Washington
Criips, from field to borne, never loach human hands CTerytbios; dean by
automatic macalaery.
mmmmm WgBi'ats' Ma'saaa.itiia'MMiMM
lor cereal lt4, tad both Grocer and Consumer instantly recognized this
hence our big sales of SUPREME quality Washington Crisps to millions aad
millions of Americans.
Handsomest Poad Package la America Two superb portraits of George
Washington on every package, handsome enough to frame, or use unframed,
ta decorate your " Den, " or Living Room.
(161) " First in iht HOMES ef his Countrymen "
apasBmt soseiKf ouurrr er toastto cosr. ruxts. in AHtRrfAHSSE
High cost of living
Put your clothes to soak
in a Persil solution. Doit
early, or let them soak
overnight. That's better
if it's just as handy.
Birthday Anniversary.
Mrs. Catliorlne Struater. enturtaiucd
Baturdny evening In celebration of the
twentieth blrtlplay iiniilvciMiiy of her
son. Joseph. Chrlstnias . novelties were
used In tlm decorations. Those presest
Mlases -
Amelia Wotkowlc.z.
llesslo Duffey.
Maudo 1 Irmly,
Klslo Harbc.
Kleanor Htraser.
Louis Htrasser.
Hoy Morris,
Martin 8traser.
llniiiirt I'lalirn.
I. mini" Llndmlcr,
May llodgers,
Allen Hansen,
Kdward I'eteison,
Axel l'eterson,
Kilward Hedford.
Kdward Wilkinson, Many Smith.
Joseph Slrasfior, Arve Alexander,
Frank Stubbs, l.loyd Drndy,
Chailest 8traser.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Mlchelson,
Mrs, Catherlnn Htrneser.
Dinner Party.
Dr. and Mrs. W, M McClauuhuii .luul
'Miss Kathryn Mct'lanahan untertalned at
I dinner Monday evening. The decorations
(were with Mrs. Ward'a roses and the j
place cards were hand painted Janauese '
scenes. Cover were laid for:
Mr and Mts. (8. W. Wattlei.
Mr, and Mrs. V, L. Ilnller.
Mr. and Mia, Henry F. Wyimm.
Dr, and Mm. A. F. Jonas.
Dr and Mrs. .1. K. summers.
Dr. and Mis. 11. M. MrClauahan,
Miss Kiithrn McClaniibnii.
Ml Frank Hurkloy.
Buy Her a Piano
you have none in the house it is certainly
time that piano corner in your home was filled.
If you knew what a splendid instrument
you could buy at a comparatively small
price, you'd hasten to make your selection now.
Just bring the clothes to a toil
in a fresh solution of Persil.
As the water warms, the
oxygen in Persil is set free.
Soak Boil Rinse well.
That's all there is to washing
with Persil. Persil can not
harm either hands
or fabric.
V JL" Grocers
Surprise Party.
A surprlee party wn given In honov uf
Mr VYUIlHin Donovan. SSI1 H street. South
Omaha. J-'aturdaj . The evening was spent
playing amn, kinging and dancing,
Lumheon was served by Mrs. D. Dono
van. Those present were:
i Misses Mle--
' Kathreno McCJulre. It ono l.oiioxait.
: Agues Collins, Anna Donovan.
, 1'iurence Hloomnulst.
' Messrs Messret
John llyan, loar Wlklund,
William Dent. Kanry r'chmltx,
William Conroy, William Douuvau.
1 1' J Blackwood,
"A W AKWlnG"
ltli ami Iloivnnl Streets
gives warning each ye;- to pat
rons to make appointments
early so as to Insuro dfllvory
of photograph for Xmas.
l'lipno Douglna 481.
I For Mils Franki.
I Mrs. I' Frcldman will entertain at
1 wliUt Wedliusday afternoon at her home
'for Mlfs Kther Franks.
' Mr. and Mrs. I.. K. Hardy entertained
ot dinner Sunday evening for Miss Hither ,
, Fianks and Mr. Marry Nathanson of
i Council Uluff; who will be marrleil in
January Covers, wore laid for:
Mr and Mrs. George Wright
' Ml and Mrs. riamuel Harillng
1 Mr and Mrs. 11. Harding.
Mr and Mrs. O. It. Harding
Mr and Mrs. L. K. Harding.
Mlsa Ksthcr Franks.
Mr Harry Nathanson,
iTor Visitors,
Mitt Jlurlon Carpenter will eilerta(h '
this evening In honor of Mis Kllsabeth '
Griffith of Wichita. Kan., and Mlsa Con-
ttuncc I'raraon of Newark. N J,. guests ;
of Mlta Nvtl Carpenter and Mlsa Corlnne
Scarle. Twnnty-two guests will be pre,
will be
to suit
ask us
Offers you for selection, the most varied assortment of high class
fully guaranteed instruments shown by any piano house in Omaha, or
the west.
More Piano quality For Less Price than Elsewhere
is a slogan that will back with the goods and with an absolute guarantee
of complete satisfaction. See this Segerstrom piano at $172.50
$100 less than it's priced elsewhere why not save it? Don't put off
buying that piano, buy it now and make the whole family happy
Christmas. We'll deliver it any time you desire.
Don't Fail to See These Special Piano Bargains
Lexington $ 90 , Camp fc Co $ 90
Story & Camp $ 75 Hardman $125
Bohning $100 Le3ter $135 j Hamilton- $150
New England 100 Stcinway 300 1 Wellington 90
Ohickering $125
Kimball $100
Decker Son $ 95
Amateur Musical Club.
Mrs. 11 1" Whltmore and Miss Kugen'e i
j WlUtmur Dteitnvd tha numbers ot ,
Now going on
of the Churches
"More beautiful and larger than ever before."
Such is the expression of all who have seen the bazar
in progress. The court of the building has been dee
orated very tnstefully with Japanese effect, Christ
mas greens and American flags. Tho fancy goods,
linens, hand made wearing apparel display is more
elaborate, while the home cooking is simply do-liccious.
Have you seen it
The five churches which have been holding their
sales the 9th and 10th are well pleased with results.
They will probably sell out their supply and on
December 11th and 12th four other churches wijl
have their accumulation of pretty things to sell.
Here is an opportunity to select a Christmas
present for a friend or relative which has some in
dividuality. Tf you don't have time to complete
that fancy piece you are working on, come to the
Church Fairs and buy one just as pretty,, for your
December eleven and twelve
m Chare
Tirst Ms. I... . . Mrs, r. a. Wilson, 3519 Iavsa worth..,. D 533
Central Park Conr.Mra. O. B. BrswiHr, 4714 K. 39th St... W 1371
llTanrUcal.A'n.Mr. Geo. Mltis, 1683 Witt 8t W 3810
atou l.nthran. . . . Mrs. K. H. JTalr, 3435 Baratoy St. W 9I
All are welcome