Til 10 RIM: OMAHA, WEDXKSDAY. DKl'HMHIOW 11. 1!M2. JLD POTATO RATES TO STAND interstate Commerce Commission Re fuses to Order Them Lowered. 1AILROAD MEN ARE PEEVED "v II I x,,t llKh for Xrhmnkn SroiTcr to ttnjo.r n I.orver llnte on 1'nfntorir Thnn Colo rmlo (irnnrrn. "v Railroad men connected with lines op rated west of the Missouri river arc dls t'polntcd In the decision of the Inter-' tdtp Commerce commission denying the indication to advance freight rates on jiitatoes shipped from western Nebraska " Mississippi river common points and rond. They say the application was nude because the rates on this conunod u were unreasonably low as compared i ith those on other shipments, being no more thnn those on Kraln. that icqiiirc little care and attention. According to the nay the railroad men ttwd the decision they are still forced to haul Nebraska iotatoes at a loss, while those hauled fiom Colorado to the Mis souri river pay a fair profit. They say that potatoes from the vicinity of liree ley. Colo., pay a rate of 36 cents per 100 pounds, while those hauled from the Al liance and Scott's niuff section of Ne braska pay but 17 cents per 100 pounds, though the distance Is practically the same. Pome years ago In order to encourasre tho raising of potatoes In western Ne braska tho railroads put In a 20-cent rer 100 pounds rate to the Missouri river. The rate had Its effect and the farmers went Into potato raising extensively, thousands of carloads being raised and shipped out annually from territory along the Cnlon Pacific, Burlington and Northwestern They came to Omaha and on account of tho low freight rate and the enormous j supply this city beintne one of the larg lest and best potato markets In the orld. ono firm alone annually handling as mam as S.iW carloads from the sand hill sec tion of the state. This was done on the :-rent pet U pounds rate. Subsequently the Nebraska legislature passed the Aldrhh hill, limit ing a blanket I eduction of 15 per cent on numerous commodities. Including pota toes. This broiighX the rate on potatoes down to 1" cents per 100 pounds. It was this rate that the railroads sought to ad vance In order that it would be In line with rates elsewhere. The tint CotiHli Medicine. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy ever since 1 have been keeping house," says L. C. llnmes. of Marbury. Ala. "I consider It one of the best rem edies 1 ever used. My children have all taken It nnd It works like a charm. For colds and whooping cough It Is excellent." For sale by all dealers Advertisement. OMAHA GREEKSOFF FOR WAR Party of Fifty from Packing Houses Returning' to Fight. TIIEY ARE HERE ON FURLOUGH I Wmilil Itr Considered n llrertrr If The) Mill Not Heapoiiil to the Cull or Their Mother i'nnnlr; . Klft young Ciieeks, employes of Hi South Omaha packing houses, left for Urcecc cstcrda. occupying a special car oer the rturllnglon to Chicago. Kront t Chicago to New York they will go over the N'irkel Plate, arriving there Tlnut.- day and sailing Sattmlny. Out of here j they were accompanied by Asher 11. Har rows, district passenger agent of tho 'Nickel l'late. who woiked the business, tin for the road he represents , .Members of rni- llerrc. Accoidllig to June, the Greeks of tin j party. In the event they did not i cspoit ' I to the recall, would bo considered de serters, and In the ocnl they subse uuentl.v visited Oieece would be Heated as such and punished accordingly. ' The Urcekrt are members of the tinny reserve anil when they left their nntlvo country were practically on a fuilouglt. subject to recall by the king at any time. The recall reached them last .Saturday and they lniniedUtel quit their Jobs In the packing houses, settled up their af fairs and prepared to leave at tho ear liest possible date A number of thcin ate married and some of them have prop- .erty, which they hao left In charge of 'fi lends and relatives here. The partv l I in charge of Tom .tone a Oreek, w ho has not i.nlv Americanized his customs, but his name as well Stock Market Slump on Orders to Sell; Reaction Follows NHW YtHtK. Iec. 10 -Outer to sell stocks poured In on brokers today and during the first hours of tt ruling the stock market was In a seml-dcmoralled condi tion. Trices broke sharply to the low level of the present downward movement, which has been In progresn for more than a week, the average for the leading rall toad and Industrial stocks fell to less than three points above the low average for the' jear. toadied In February. 1'nllcd States Steel dropped to !!('. Aimiltriiinnted Conner to 7.1V tteadlni: 'n !li.V, l.ehluh Valley to P and Tnlon la- rifle to 1R1. losses of neai Ix three points 'on the dnx Among the less active stocks I declines were more severe, running as high a fifteen l)i the ense, of Lnik.i i wniina and eleven In National lllacim I At noon there was a sharp rally nnd the losses were niadi' up. The present downward movement begRu on Monday of last week on the announce incut of the rnlteil Stiitcn supreme court 'decision ngnlnst the J Ini i iin.iti rallwav 1 companies In the merger ense. The c. pected revision of the tariff and pros pects of a money stringency at the end of thu year also have operated against the mnrket. IRISH CROWN JEWELS AREJJ0T REPLACED lifHl.lN. Dee. 10. - The lord lieutenant of Ireland nuthnrlxcd todnv a denial of the report that tie IrMi crown Jewels mysterloiish stolen from Dublin castlo In 1!T had been icplaced. Model Laundr. telephone changed to Douglas Hi. n J 0? Free Caidy to the Children Every child accompanied by his parent who visits Santa Glaus in his Toyland Home and makes known his wants for Christmas will receive from Santa Claus a bag of Christmas Candy. Come any day, but bring your parents with von. Lady Orchestra Every Afternoon in Our Greater Toyland We have -secured the services of one of the best reputed Lady" Orchestras in this part of the country to entertain all visitors to our Basement Toyland, from 2:30 to 5 O'clock every afternoon from now until Christmas. TORMERLY THE BENNETT CO. If in Doubt, Buy a Merchandise Certificate They arc the same as cash can be had for any amount, are honored by us at any lime, for any merchandise one may select. An excellent form of Xmns Gift. Over 5000 Free Tickets to Boyd's Theater Given Away Wednesday l.nM SiittiiMlny hp conl tail tl lor mid kiup to adults visiting our ncffly opened Toyliuiil, 5,nuo free admission ticket In Uojtl tlionter, fiilllllUK litem t ono fnt svnt, nny ovonlttir llilt mck. VAUGHAN GLASER STOCK CO. Now Play THE GAMBLERS Now Play The tlcMiinml evlintistoil the supply. So Wednesday vtl" i;' wiy (to adults only) another 5,000 to making ifiiiest.s for lliom nt Sitttln Clint' llotno, In our Krvnt ImsiMnctit Toylnml. Phenomenal Sale of High Grade Costumes and Dresses The Entire Surplus Stocks of Two Promineat New York Dressmakers, Secured at EXACTLY HALF PRICE , IS Sale Starts Wednesday, 8 A. M. vor 500 Garments in This Groat Purchase Barring None Tkis is the Most Important Dress Purchase We Ever Made Regular $35.00, $45.00 and $50.00 Gowns and Dresses Wednesday The prolonged mild weather caused many merchants to delay buying and as a result manufac turers found themselves with large stocks on hand, made up late in the season in anticipation of reorders. Merchants all over the country being overstocked, there was a great falling off from the usual demand for late productions, consequently our New York buyer was able to secure these beautiful dresses and costumes at an exceptional price concession. This Great Purchase Offers an Unparalleled Collection of Beautiful and Stylish, Afternoon and Street Dresses, Evening and Party Gowns MATERIALS EMBRACED IN THIS GREAT SHOWING ARE VELVET CORDUROY, SERGES, WORSTEDS, CREPE METEOR, CREPE DE CHINE, BEADED AND SPANGLED CHIFFONS, CHARMEUSE MESSALINES AND SEVERAL OF THE SEASON'S CHOICEST FABRICS. THESTYLES REPRESENTED ARE THE SEASON'S MOST FAVORED MA JORITY ARE EkcLUSIVE-SO ONE MAY MAKE SELECTIONS WITH PRACTICALLY NO CHANCE OF EVER MEETING A DUPLICATE GARMENT. $50, $45, $37L, $35 & $30 S?s Wednesday UNRESTRICTED CHOICE CHOICE UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY DAINTILY PACKED IN HOLIDAY BOXES What would be more practical or acceptable than a nice box of hosiery or underwear. Our holiday display of hosiery and underwear embraces all staple as well as novelty lines. Women's pure thread silk hoso In holly box, nt f1a5?:....50c Women's Italian silk vcBts, white, pink or blue, In holly box, each at $1.50 nnl $2 Women's ,")()c black lisle thread 1 m p o r t e 1 hose, :: pair in holly box, at. . , SI Women's 35o fine black cotton regular made hoso, Wednesday special. In holly box, LPR,r. ...$1.00 Women's 25o black mercerized seamless, hose, Wednesday spe cial, 3 pair In holly box, at 50c 50c d GIFTS FOR MEN siiouli) nil PRACTICAL GIFTS LET THEM BE T1IINOB TO WEAR Men's 2-plccn combination sets, iioho unit tiu rn to match, Jl and. 3Uu Men's iniitifflurs, all llio latest iitylpn and sliiuloH. JH and Mcii'h :t-U'ci- combination Hota, Iioho, tlo unit hund Wurelilcf to niutcli g j Mcii'h Milk Iioho. In nil Hhnilrn. ppr pulr OC Jl and CUG Men's 3-plcco combination cots, arn.' jinnilH, KarterH ii ml sunpenilei to inuloh, II and. .Mcii'h fine cla.Hp Kloven in n Mipu lar mnUcn. All col ors and shaduii, for atrert nnd ovenliiB wpar, ii, 1.nn and. 50c Si Alen'H tin. ROBTH CENTER AISLE MAIN W TT.OOR .seeWwear, all J la-tuHt HtyliM form of Xmns O I nrenent. f0c anil V Men's fancy Hiinpond- cr, lit holly QQn Iioxph, SOc and mm HOLIDAY SALE OF JEWELRY-Remarkable Values fTK em THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH ;OF THE FINEST JEWELRY FROM OUR REGULAR HIGH GRADE STOCK WILL BE 'PLACED ON SALE WED NESDAY AT REDIOULOUSLY LOW PRICES IN MANY INSTANCES MUCH LESS THAN HALF FORMER PRICES. . Great Sale ef Rings $1 I 12.50 Solid I CO I I Gold Rlne.i.W I $1.98 jz bonu uom PI f2.50 Solid ei&O I 5 Bolld eOSO Rlnirs . . I I Gold Rings. I I qoMUInes.Vfc layalleres, gold filled and platlonld. pearl and semi precious stonea, beautiful ties I ens, "Wednesday special.. Ladles, bracelets, Leach nnd Men's cuff links, tie clips and Miller and S. O. Uieney's per- warf pins In pearl and Bold. manent Kuaraniee. CQ Cfl Wednesday special, mi . . wuivru ( each In box 1 front $7.60 to DnnPDC "IQIT' CII TT?TKT .T1? about halt Hogers' TOILET SETS In Fancy Boxes for men and women, in fancy box, at from $1.00 to $10.00 SHAVING SETS "1847" tea spoons, Wednesday special, set 581 qo I on1 im'rmiQ Rogers' '-1847" dessert spoons, Wednesday special, set So on t i e Hogers' "184(" table spoons, Wednesday special, set eg 5f i "U'" Kogers' "1847" plain knives and forks, Wednesday Special, set, 325 ' $1.00 to $7.50 ARTICLES of PARISIAN IVORY at VERY SPECIAL PRICES Large a$sortment of Parisian Ivory toilet ware Cotobi. Brushes, Mirrors and irk all fancy pieces. Can be engraved in all colors. Manicure pieces, each l&C An Ideal XMAS GIFT Skirt and Shirtwaist BOXES 3.7C matting covered boxes, bam boo trimmed, 2C-ln. long, 15-in. wldo and 14-ln. high, 0 QO Wodnesday special . tJO $4.50 matting covered boxes, bam bbo trimmed, 32-ln. long, 10-In. wide and lti-ln. high, d0 QO Wednesday special. . p50 fC.50 matting covered boxes, bam boo trimmed, 35-In. long, 18-in. wide and 16-ln. high, te QO Wednesday special. . p070 $15.00 Cedar chests, heavy slock, copper trimmed, 4 0-in. long, 18 in. wldo and 17-ln. high - odneaday rt j AO special 1370 $14 Cedar chests, plain; can bo used as window or hall seat, 43 In. long, 18 -In. wide and 1C in. high, Wednesday t 1 1 special JJ.l MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY of HOLIDAY H'DK'CH'FS 1 Thousands uoon thousands of daintvhandher chiefs representing the best and choicest that arc produced in either hcmisDhere. Varieties are be wildering, but prices are in keeping with the Orhin rock bottom price system. Womcn'H All Linen Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, jjood size, 25o, 16o. c lOo to OC Women's All Linen Initial Hnndker chlors, each 60o, 26c, 19o, lBc, r 80 to OC wonien's Kmliroldrred Corner Jlanil- 59c Corner Hand. 75c Corner Hand- 89c Hematltclied licr chiefs, C In box, at Women's KmhroidPred kerfhlpfs, 3 In box, at Women's Hmliroldnred kerchiefs, 6 In box, nt 98o and Won.vn's Plain White Handkerchiefs. 6 In box, .. QQq uon.en's All Linen Hand Embroidered llaiKlKerchlers, at 8 l.OO, 60c, 35c anil BEAUTIFUL NECKWEAR Women's embroidered Jabots, some of these hand cmbroldored, Wed- nr. nenday special, one In hox tOC Heo our Xmas sttKk, of lace stocks, Jabots anil fanry bows at 2&e each It Is tlitf prettiest and most complete In tho city Tbo silk satin velvet combinations 25c Women's .Shamrock Lawn liutlai Handkerchiefs, I r. each lUu Children's Initial Handkerchiefs, 3 In IT-..::::::::::::::::::::::::-!5o Children's Handkerchiefs, colored stltchlnK'. 3 in box, Qq Men's J'lalii" While llcnistltched' Hund kerchlefs, C. each r . . . .. uu Men's Jabonet Initial Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, cn each uu Men's I'laln White. All Linen Handker chiefs. Ht 60o, 26o, 15o Qq Men's Alt Linen Hcmstltciieil Initial llundkei chiefs, each Ql.OO, 60c, nr. 36o nnd C3U -MODERATELY PRICED of JiiliutH ami stuck collars at 5Uc mil (IpIU'IH all women. Come anil look at thei-o before you purchase AM the latest combinations ulll lie found In our collection of women's neckwear In lare and sntln nnd hand embroidered flowers In all tho (Q wanted shades, nt from G9c to..Wfe U tL.J Vi. 71 i-j 7 r l Women's auto scarfs and veils in silk and chiffon. All wanted designs and colors. Prices "7r are 50c to $di I 0 TOYLAND THE HOME OF SANTA CLAUS AND HIS MOST WONDERFUL WORLD OF TOYS AND GIFTS Kid Dolls At Less Than Regular Prices C0c Dolls, Wednesday at. 75c Dolls, Wednesday at. . $1.00 Dolls, Wednesday at. . 39c 59c 79c Jointed Dolls Wednesday Special 39c 79c 95c 60c Dolls, Wednesday 11.00 Dolls, Wednestfay $2.00 Dolls, Wednesday at. at. at. The Largest Doll Kver Sold at f)5c 24 inches high, shoes, stockings, full jointed. Thoso have never before sold for less than $1.50, Wendes- Q day special, at. . . . tUC Over 150 .Jimliners in lliotvn Kffects $2.50 to $4.00 values. Wednesday special, each at Over 100 Jardiners, assorted shapes, 2 styles, $1,50 to $3.00 values, Wednes- rP each at 7uC day, Completo line of Hand Palntpd f'hlnri. f.ntlrn iiuMnrttnoiit nf English rock crystal Klass ware 1 i.uo values. $1.49 y2 OFF Flexible Sleds $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 Small size at Medium size at ... Large size at Kxtra large size at . . . . Toys Toys C dozen Dalky Mules Me chanical Toys, regular 50c valuoB, Wednesday special, njj each at OOC 11111 Climbing KijkIhc. largest size QO each at Oi?C I