Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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    TIIK 15KK: OMAHA. WT.DXI'.SDAY, DKl KMUI-.W 11. P'j.
, the footing that thr iiml hv 1.1 N- ,
on n to Itrlllsli ntid rnltiil Pintis !f' I f-jE
oil inilie ui rmmi intnim-m i
j tf the iMt ( onllrtthe Hdy-l'suiucN"
itri.ity jtcurr to urmi luitnin im iii'irc ,
, than iiMitf.orrd-nHtlon trommn I. Uie
nuf of tlii' ronrtilrmtlon (l"n f r-
causes run-down health and sickness.
Scott's Emulsion and rest are needed,
but SCOTT'S EMULSION is more
important because it enriches the blood,
nourishes the nerves builds the f
body and restores strength, vigor
and immediate energy without
interrupting daily duties. i v'
Scott Js Emulsion drives out colds
and strengthens the lungs.
Scorr & Bowrnt, Bloomfield, N. J.
pcrscdlni; tin- Cliiylon-Uulwn ti'it !
not appnmit to Ills inn.test's K..Mrr
men! Noi is It easy lo in wlmt nuy
tho principle of nrtlrlo vlll of tho cuy-ton-Uulwer
irRty whlrh pro i.Im ror
rcpml trvatnirnt of Hrttlsh bii.i I nlto I
States ship has brcn imilntattird '
TIip arifumriit advanced In the I'mli-d
Stato sent) to tlml tho wonts. nil na
tions.'' cannot Include th Vnltnl State"
which would otherwise be prevented fron.
ti'lnc Its own territory for rcvli'ttialitiR
its wnrclilp hi- IniulliiK tr.ops. 1 hrlrfl)
dismissed ty the stntetne'iit that It If
completely ow-rliimed b a remlliiK if
I Will Give the Medicine
BOOK: biggest uu Made
i h nv II N -.rnlnrliiR!
' None Sustains Injury ! YOU Gt V the Time
firm I o
off lie
'IHt I
Hie . Hay-I.'AMnrefote trmitji In iinneotloii
ttlth tlie Rilei ennui conventions As the
I l'nlted gtafr1' dtil'ifot'tiwn the w
mill xon
the Hnv-1'.auiii efote treaty wus
ttdld not Include the Sum
lust off the preiwi I
lion. Ktini n
Tlie houW In filled
from , over to . over
w th rn unl'lf tnfor
Uiion It til explain
t'ic a .ion mill rra
Ki"" ( many thltiRS
i have n. 1 n y s
waiueu to Know ma
ftPl .-mi t help hut he de-
i' rni cm witn n.
The man w hone
Uot-.v Serou'. Vi.tiiro ou see. here.
VI p n rte the hook I -
l n r r h Spur 1 .1 H Hi
Sproule Is u pisirlan of the fit's t rank.
His clioopn profession has heen hot oltl
a life work, hut an absorbing: paauU'ti.
As a renult of all liln stuily. SpiffHHst
Spriuile believes, Catarrh to be tfte. mot
of more trouble In tho human ' system.
until i l,Ian o'oi ptMipic iiuukiiic.
A. Few Days Will Be SSuleIem
to Prove You Are Curable
1 wlKn
i made.
iNiles. whtcli lemmitxed th rixM of
'-...i .... . ... ; ; n '
n i.u.e Kuril niriiBiiiey ilf Ulllfi" e iie.-.'" I 111 si n,uuv eillllOll Is KOtlP. '1U
isoty for the defonse of Itx possessions. Melvo one ritKK of all eharKe.
Orel entillmirs "Xn. 11. ul II... fntleil '. 1 "n ,vo. " W nr"nK piruire.
YOltK I .re 10- Kllll of ll-ll'Cl.
ami f flfl tti weHht. thf
lurnest ami inrt type built by the
1 lilted Stairs KOM-rntnriit. at tost ot
ii. exploded at the Sandy 1look , A fw ,f ((llp ,,. fll. (rv, ,
proviUK Kriumds to.uM WntMl the o-' days ami I will demonstrate to you. Willi
plosion of smallei' aims has takh sroteajnut epene to m.uisi-U. itmi I nae a
of Hie. the blr ll.lneh blew ta Pleieii meui.ine inai ories i.rie ,cm r"ison
without causln mi much a a scTatch to
the tueti ar-mmi it
Tho two-ton bieeeh bUn-k vtu hloWh
n nimrter of a mll, tn muaalo wrs
hurled HtUI fuvtb. i aw, ami frametit
ftnin the satem and hy so dotnu cures
Isldni y trouble, hlndder tt-ouhiH P.tMl rhen
matlsnv I don t atk you lo take ni
word fot it. but stinplv rtant you to let
me semi ou some of this medicine
that ym can u.e It personU.
I am trylnK to uoiiv mre atilterrra ri 'm
were unread in exery dlrrfUon. but or- ii.ese disease that I lme Hiimvthliik fa
dnanee tiffleer Michael Hi-etuiBii. who helter than the usual ran of remedies,
wa standln, on ,e temporary d.s TV
PfnHnfr ean laa.' was tot Mruck 1- , t(l tUr es,n!W( f r,ml ndinc the medl
thouclt Uie sti-ucture itself was wrnked j ,.ne uml senillni: it out tree t ottartfe
ltrelinan was thrown many ards but , TJtls I am islu.l to rt.i f.n any sufferei
' ....i.,ui i ,.li. ., i,m.i.. M'lie other . W"o win iae uie lime 10 .vine me
iiruise. r.i..t.,.t i ..... .....
If you want to Nee this now hook. Just j officers and inni In charRc t tho flrlliK i .,,,, ,iB' ri,f r i',.i
1...I.I.,.! u l.,nl, tinlAr tt Mil WhlCH ..fill 1 v.tii .. tin. La... .if tnml !rl tie
yilU Will t C- ..... . ..... I ,1 k.i. Ihdl tL.., .ui. y,,nu nt II All. I
I 11
no .i, i a v.-iaueii
treatment. . mi
tt ho
will send medicine to anyone
free of charge.
Formal Note Written by Sir Edward
Grey Presented to Knox.
.sertt the i:ciiipllon nf Amerlcnn
ortwlivlme Vessels Ik t'llfatr
sserts It Would llrenk
tlie Trent)'.
be offered to any attempt to exclude
from tho canal tlrltlsh ships owned by
Canadian lallroads or whose owners may
be KUllty of vlolatlnt; the Sherman anti
trust act. Ho holds that this section of
the &v cannot apply to HHtlsh shlpplnjr.
but only to I'nltcd StatM vessels.
I 'ears I'llture ('nniitlleilt Ions.
He also Indicates In his note that un
derlyliiK the objection to the exemption
from toll of American coa-siwlse shit lrt
an apprehension that In the future tho
principle might be extended to cover
American ships In the foreign trade.
ami u that yVu an tie some of It and i
p) for the rest, but I will send xou a
supply free of ehai'Ke and you will 1ml ,
he asked to pay for this Kill nor win
you on miner any ommnimiis. i WHIIts ,,. Know Is .f a certain H
All I want to know Is that you haw a im , ,. , ni'M. and lure I m
dlnase Tor wlilcb m nudlelne Is intend- i ..ppm mnitv to find out without c M i
ed. as It It not a cuih-hII." and 1 give iK.,i0ii or Important loss of tunc Tlll.e'l
I. lie
VII nn fair minded afr u ted per
. protected Ihrm from mjill)
sti.l t h'pecUlHtlon as to the cruph of ..the
hMS not A. drv niuinnh t.t It r!.rf-ti Shr. l.U ' ..... . .... l.liaf
States has become the practical sovetelxn Ul Spwiil. Tim nim.M io write book Vhleh I "Cciueui urouRin mi. me
of the canal, his majesty's government w,n Jsjepie ln vht ihfv .in to know j pet hah the sudden diop In tho temporn-
inuv not iiueslloll Its title to exerclso ,j.V;erM ilirase. of the il.v --nun miu won
belllireient riuhts for II. itrnteellnn " I II. U rlrinc this h...L imWiuv ! ! L.l ! other roiort vva that the etpetlments
- ' , . - - -. , - .. . . . . ... J i . . . . . . , . . i ' " - r-. i lata I mi i 1I nil ni nun nis.s in imiiv
The next point made Is that the ex- " ,n" menimi mmwifixe nun oinm wmrh were inane i.oav were iu mm- berewllh some of the lvmlltiK symploms ; ,-.;w HAYM mm be the turning point l
einnilon of Amrlcnn. eosslwUe siiiimiiiir "7 ."Z,,.. ..... CL' . ' .' .'" "AT ' "rSZ mine how larRe a cliaiKe the gun vvouiu of Ki.niey. nm.iii.r ami rneumatu' iron- vollr lfo.
cl.ll.l gproulfii ether ork. lime been r .uo- carrj . Offlclallx however. l.lPlneiiiuii ,. .n woo are iiuereeieii rniiuKii i..
trfiil. in 1 e.1 read rerte.t i-nilii fnr Oil. one sr pni...,,! llMlibttt wl.,. . ommanded the llr- " "V.J ' . m',Ml . M "'eillelne and lm. for tl. f medicine will a'.-o re-
l-m, m..le. t,r tu...e ho kn. of HI. Iiitrntu. i M"01 ' ' IH,'l,,t, "'" ' ommanueu u i mi , ,l(J K,H( , ,,,, y(H ,,, f n f ,(,(.,v lk f m u,K0 nlatrrttel ntf.u
to rile umilher book. ! ItlK declared the cause of th explosion y(nl will wtlte me the number of the ,. book which describes these dlfcasei
ll : i mi mot ihit tine new ixmk. rill out the it- i bad tiol been determined j symptoms vuu have, plvo your iikc, and i fhorouKhly. II Is the laricert bodk of the
ia. he.l isnipen, rul It off slip ll into n enieloi. hour name and addres Mv addiess is i kind ever written for free distribution
in i e in on i.jium. iM-iiKnii iuiiv.
from foils VMilild violate the undertaking I
thut the lolls should "be Just and equit
able." 1'uless the whole voliPne of ship-
pi nc pa.-rlnc through the cunal is taken
Into account, there are no means of de
terinlnlntt whether the tolls eliatKed upon
any vessel represents Its fair
proportlMii of tlie current expenditure j
proerly chaiKcuble nk'alnst the lanal I
There Is no Kuarantee that tlie vesela i
upon which tolls are belnir levied are not I
beltiK niado to heur more than their fair '
share of the upkeep Therefoiv. tli
llrltlsli government Is entitled to the de
n l een.l It elf A.m will reeele tti
Nwk liv reiurn mall, Pltnn Write
Catarrh Specialist Sproule
Otherwise tho . note Is devoted alnurst
WASHINGTON, Dee. 10. Great Britain' j entirely to an effort to demonstrate that maud on behalf of British shlpplnp. that a t.ntn r r n.nina. rnnr .. , . .. .1 ... . ... ..1.1,. '
titm of the f'unatna eailnl act which
xempls American coastwise shipping
from payment of tolls for passing through
Hie, Panama canal, a document written
by Sir Kdvviml Grey, British minister for
foreign affairs, was presented to the sec
retary of state, rhllalidcr C. Knox, to
nlnht by the Ilritlsh umbasstulor. James
Uryce, who read the note, word for word,
to tho secretary at the lattor's hnmc. It Is
an elaboration of tho points of.-objcctlon
In tho note presented to the- Statu depart
ment last July.
any such exemption of American shli- u vessels passliue through the canal.
ping as Ik proposed is In llrcct eoht'llct whutever their flag or clmractei. shall
with the terms of the llay-lNunccfote uh(.n jlt, account In fixing the
treaty and that 1'rei.ldent Taf t W nniount of the tolls.
Name . .
i Commission Will
I Rule Evangelists;
clearly wrong when he took the contrary
view. Generally, the Ilritlsh note might
be summed up as a clear definition of
the differences between the' two govern"
ments regarding the construction of tlie
Ha -r'auncefole tientv, winding up vvltlj
a proposal thut the Issues should bo set
tled hy arbitration, provided that thoy
cannot be adjusted' by mutual agree-
I me tit for which a way remains open.
In brief, those, objections are: Secretaiy Kiibx listened attentively to
That while It was clearly In violation 1 the reading of the note and promised
nf tho Hny-Pauncefoto treaty either to , to take the mutter under careful consld
remlt or refund tolls on all American eratlon. which ho ftlt would remdro
shipping using the canal, the name ob- j some time. It has been ntrnngly Intl
Jcctlon probablv would apply to tho mated In otflclal eirvles. however, that
.ciwtwlse shipping In view of the prob- It vmis the piesldeut's lnteutluuto set
.thle impossibility or framing regulations ! ' this Important nuestlon before clos
that would not result In u p'refeience la i '"tT his administration, either by recom
mencing tnat tne Henaio agree 10 auo
merlcan shipping.
lit addition to Htipporting these points
bv long .irguments. Sir Edward indicates
ery clearly that sttong resistance will
! nllt It to arbitration, or. preferably 'by
ISillllclllllM lluiay.
ltegardlng the president's conlentlon
that the effect of the Hrltish claim would
be to proven! the I'liltid .States from aid
ing Its own commerce In a. way that all
nnttons may freely do, It Is tald that
this is not so. I'Xiunl treatment as speci
fied In the treaty Is all that the British
government claims. Hit it does not fol
low "that the United States may not bo
debarred by tho treaty from granting a
subsidy to certain shipping In a particu
lar' way, If the effect would he to lmpouo
upon Ilritlsh or other foreign shipping
an unfair share of the burden of the up
keep of th canal or to create a dlscilm
luatlon or prejudice Urtllsh shipping
'Klutly l)Cnle I'renldeiil'M Sm (eiiienl.
Therefore, 1t In helo that the exempllon
the more direct means of an agreement j of American coawtwlso shipping, well
betweiMi the two' nations referred to In as Punanuin shipping, clearly conflicts
Without Fear,
Tiahtiips of tlifi Stontpclr Catis.oil ly j-stu
. t,'tilify;ftpl yonil .Stoiipgtl.. vvttli n fun
with the treaty guaranties of equal treat
ment for Uritlsh and American ahlps and
that the interests of foreign nations
fwbuld thereby bo seriouslv Injured In two
respects. I-'Irst, In plnclng the entile cost
of 'tho building of 'the cannl upon foreign
today's British note.
Tho ambassador was aeeoinpanled by
' Mr. lnnoH, tho counsellor and first aeC-
, retary gf the embassj and In reiulInK1
' .tlie entire liltlsh note to. tlje secretary.
I followed nreclselv tlie. instructions of
Sir ICdward Grey, the writer of the iiot). I esels. mid. Itr the second place, In
' ' ' . . ...... i.A . ...... i, ..... ........ iA i..
I I'.i.lllnii Minuiukerstllilll.. ..ui..iis i"-
Sir Hdwnrd begins his note with
itemerit that
f nil v appreciate the British point
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet, and has ilJlsunderstood even the note of'""' cu," 1,1 rlu,rr mreciinn. siupp-ii on i.
When von feal as If your stomach was Juv s. Hf.-says It Is not the case that f"1'lK" c,ul,, ,Jl" POnl 10 l,H ucstlna-
belng tightly ohoked-when the pain lsitho nrltisi govpriimeut seeks to prevent ' ,fon nl0r'' r'"l,,' "-"'K' Innded at a
Irish Crown Jewels
Restored to Places?
1A)NI)()N. Dee. 10. -A rumor Is curient
In lomlon tonight that the Irish crown
Jewels, which were mysturloualy stolen
from Dublin custle In Juno or July, 1MT,
liuvo been a mysteriously replaced In
tact In their original positions. It ban
been Impossible so far to obtain corrob
oration of ; this relent.
1 lug. Chicago. Ill You promise tne noth
1 lint, von nay me nothing for It. All I
ask. o there shall be 110 mistake, Is that
I mm send me the numbers of your s mp-
toins or a description In your own wonts.
- and that you take the medicine aceurrt-
'1IU'AG.. I'ee Hi n Inti rdonilnii-I lug to the directions I scud you it Is
" 7!';K.'tftt IJemllUrnown
Its and icllglous revlinls was voted hv ... ..., .. mV(. ,,.., t
Sthe Kediral t'ouiu II nf fliunhes of f'hrlst that It dissolves and drives out uric aeld
1 In Ameiicii hero todav In the cloilng hoh- 1 hisoii ll tones the kidneys so that they
' . .. . ,. 1 ,. ,.... ,t,. .wnik In harmony vvllli the bladder 11
nu.ii 01 us aee.i.ii. ... .. .. ,, r" Mrei.glhens the bladder so thut frmuent
The novel Idea of a commission of all de- 1 (U(,r,, ,,, rluale and other urinary dlv
iiomluntlons to legulute revlvallsls awl I order are hanlshed. II stopa rheuuintle
revival methods did not go thmilRh vvlth-taihes nnd pains immediately. It dissolves
i,i 1 urlo nrld crystals so that hack and nius-
oiit opposition. 1(,B ,,llm,.r acl, ,, P, , uiked Joints
"1 cannot conceive of nnv enmmlson I tult Icly straighten mil. ll reconslructs
controlling the temper of the aveinge the blood and nerves so that you soon
rvuuBollbt." said the llev I'.dwln IHyl feel healthier and more vigorous, sleep
1...11, e in,u,.,ii.,!.i I better and eat belter and have energy
Delk ot Philadelphia throughout tho day It does all this, nnd
liach or the thirty-two denominations . y, r0ntulns nothing Injurious and If ub
represented In the fedornl council will solulely vouched for according to law.
have a member on the commission. I Sufferers from these dreadful and dan-
... . , ... 1 e gei-ous diseases cab surely afford to spend
I'lnancliig. advertising itt.l e.piliimet.t of ,,, rn,., (1ny for trw inyn
ovangellslli eniiiiuilgni "HI I" 1 .intruded. I ,,, ,lein()iislrntn to their own satisfaction
hj the coitiml-stun ir tbe are curable, esperlally when you ,
, puii'lder 110 expense Is Involved, and I
1 wllllngh give you mv lima and my nietl- 1
uml a new edition Is Just being printed
I will also write you a letter of dlaguos s
and medical advice that should In o'
great help to you:, hut In tinier to do III s
1 must know that you need my medklni
Write tne the numbers of the symptoms
that tiouble )ou. and your age and I
will promptly nirrj out my promise
Klu.u 1111 liiclliiatlon to be cured and No, I
will be
These Are the Symptoms:
I Fain In tlia back. '
3 Too Ir.quent doslre to urinate.
3 Darning' or obstruction of urine.
4 Falu or soreness In the bladder.
B Froatatlo trouble.
0 Otis or pain In the stomach.
7 General debility, weakness, dliil
insi. 8 Fain or soreness under rlffht rib.
9 nwellliijr in any part of the body.
10 Constipation or llvor trouble.
11 Palpitation or pain under the
13 Pain In the hip Joint.
13 F.tln In the neck or head.
14 Fain or soreness in tho kidneys.
1' Pain or swelling of the Joints.
It Tain or swelling of tho muxclns.
II Pain and soreness in nerves.
III A 011 to or chronlo rheumatism.
11 ir)f(ientlal mwltton as ifcunU otlior
U the president' -does jiot shlpplrtR. Thuk, it mlglit be that a cargo
le the British point of view 'intended for if United States port beyond
intense, and you break. out In. a cold and tnt, rolled states- from granting sub
lamtnv perspiration and there Is ai sl(os to ts owri"sljtpplng passing through jcm! ihJ thence forwarded as coaxtwls5
lump 111 your throat and-yon nro weak I , caRi
and nauseated all von need Is .1 Stuart's I iiu. fnjtedi'r!Ui
fy,Tsjeiwii i.iuiei iu n-' '"' Is open either ai Hlicmselves or any
wjeckage.. or, undlgesteu roou leii uu uie utllor ,,1,, tl) qourage its own shlP
tomaC,li"' and. Intestines nnd restoro you , or ,n mfatiTCC by -.lubsldles. The
V I h1 'I I'tlti fill i ll lu 1 '"
juui. .17.11".. - 1 purpose pt the Vnlted States iii negotlnt-
doeK it seek to deprive
ales qf any liberty which
sap nil be
nciiimpUsliwl within a fewi
ing the Hui-Patincefote treaty was to
recoVcr their freedom of action and ob
tain the right which they had snrren-.
dercU In the jClayton-Bulwer treaty' to
construct the c.'vnal themselves, But this
ninplete liberty of action was to he
Uiultccf by the maintenance" of the com
plete principle of couul tieatmcnt for
both ICnglish and L'nlted States ships.
U'lint Neutralization Vleiin,
The wonl "neutralisation" In the pre-
t'nlteil Slates port before lertchlng tho
trade American vessels may also com
bine foreign commerce with coastwise
tragic, thereby entering Into direct Com
petition' wllli foreign vessels while they
retained the right ot free passage through
the canal. These adverse results would
fall" more .severely on British shipping
than any other.
Tho British government dffes not read
the section of tho Panama canal act pro
lilbltinif railroad-owned or trust-owned
ships fium using the canal iih applying
to or affecting British ships, but It tmyn
thnt If this view Is mistaken "they must
reserve their right to examine the mutter
further and to raise such contentions as
limy seeur Justified."
lu conclusion. Grey rcltmutvd hlH gov
On several previous occasions repoit.s RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE
01 1 lie leiurn oi 1110 irnu crown jewels i
to Dublin custb- have gained currency, 1
only later to be discredited. The Jewels
stolen were those used In 'the ceremony
of Investiture In the order of St. l'atileU,
the proccshlonul cros Mil. hied with dia
monds and the Jeweled Hword. xaloed
In all at 2r0.0ii). Sir Arthur Kdwnrd
Vlcknrs was the custodian or the jov.i h
hut he refused to appear before ,oin-,
mlhslon ivbleh was uppolntivl to lmesii-i
gate the affairs and was dlstul'-sed u.t
I "Inter king ot arms.
1 1
ItOKle l'uluky. negro wife of a wlntn 1
prlsonei ui the count Jail was dmmj al
rushing business lasi night smuggling
ponerid cocaine and morphine tnlm-ls in
to prisoners bv means of a fish line
when ratrolmeii Sch waiter and rNrnn
owskl happened to puss the Jul!. I'olne
Mil In. 11 Gibbons found nearly 11 pouu.t
of cocaine and morphine on the wiunnii
who wus letalllng it nt grentlv lm.ieased
prices. '
The I'ulask woman Is tlie same wh
was raugbt two months ago xmiigglt-
drugs to pils.uieri She wns glie'i tblriy
days In Jail for punishment at the Kmc
The Christmas Spirit
the spirit of giving is in the air at Peacock's. For
three-quarters of a century it has been "The Gift Store
the place to which those seeking gifts have naturally
turned. Though the Peacock standards have been high,
Peacock prices have always been fair and just no more
than is reasonable to pay for the best
H you cannot do your Chrittmat shopping in person nt Peacock's,
cnd for our 1912-191 3 illustrated Shopping Guide, from which
you can make selection with every assurance of satisfaction.
(Eubllhod In 1637)
MitH arconaK uilih-n
, amble of the Hay-I'auncefote treaty Is J eruiuent's assertion that the provisions of
not confined to belligerent operation
but refers to the sj stein nf eijual rights
for which article vlll provides. Joint
the ennal act as to tolla conflict with the
Ilritlsh treaty rights nnd adds;
"Hut they lecognlze that many persons
, protection and eiun.l treatment are tho of nolo In the Pulled Stated whose npln-
nnly matters nlluded to. to which that
neutralization must rffer.
"It certainly wns not the Intention of
the 1'nlUd Stales- government," says
I Grey, "that ;j,n; tenpynilbl)Ity for tho
protection of the cnnnl should attanh. to
them -in tlie - future. Neutralization,
therefore, inuat refer to the system of
euual rights."
The note thtfn declares (fiat the situ
ation created by the HUliBtltutlou of the
llay-l'aiiiicofote treatyafor tho Clayton
Hulwer treaty was Identical with that
resulting from the : boundary water
rou May Have Often Envied the Hearty
Eater! Why Mot Emulate Him?
Thousands ot people have learned so
well how sure and dependablo Stuart's
Jyspopsla Tablets are for all Htoinach
Ills that they now eat- anything they
want without fear of distress. They are
never without a iiacknge at Jiome and
nt the office, and "uiKin any indication
that the stomach is a little vwary. they;
ni,,. n Qi.iari'M T.'ihlnt after each meal
for tv few days until the digestive organs treaty of 19W between Great Britain and
lilt- I'lltieu niHivp, .rimi'ii, in iiik-.. i...-
get reitod up again.
This la a hpleiidtd plan to follow and
nlwayh results In much good. The ap
letlto la Improved, the food Is relished
more, your sleep Is. more refreshing, and
your disposition will make ou friends
Instead of enemies.
I-'or Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Belch
ing, Gas, t'o.atfd Tongue. Jiuesunai in
Ions tne entitled to great weight hold that
the provision of the act does not Infitnge
the conventional obligntloiiH hy'whlch the
l'nlted Stales Ik bound, and undei theo
olrcumstances they desiro to Btuto their
perfect readiness lo submit tho question
to arbitration If the government of thu
United States would prefer to tulto thlH
course. A reference to arbitration would
be rendered unneci-KHary If tho govern
ment of the Knlted States shoulrt he pie
pared to take such Hteps ;ih would re
move tho objections to the act which his
majesty's government hnve stated "
Finally, Grey declares It Is with great
reluctance that 'these objections have
ichest purest most delicious whiskey
ever tasted guaranteed to
ease you in every way or
Your Money Back
vldcd that the boundary waters should 1 been leased, that they have been con-
' 1' free and ouen lo commerce, "an-1 fined to the narrowest uusnlble limits:
.plying equally and without illscrtinlna-) bad recognized In the fullest manner the
tion to the Inhabitants. miIiw. vessels
and boats of both countries but
all such rules and regulations, all tolli
charged shall apply alike to the suh-
trcts or citizens of IhJ hlgli contraetlutc
digestion and all Stdmach 'Disorders ! patties and they slwtll he placed .,
and Pnlns-or for liss of atile -'"" ' ... , ,
Stuart's nyspopnla Tablets are Inval... " lo a'rtcd that similar, though
" 'more ro-slricted . iirovjslon, apieared In
'rse the... freely-tl.ey are as harm-the treaty or Washington and
Vs a sugar would Ikv-h.i.I -'me not totalled "how strenuously tho I nltcd
le claVsed as "medicine- They havo.Btatos proteMed. as a vlolaUon of equal
00 effect whatever on the sytem except
right of the I'liited States to control the I
canal, and that the Ilritlsh government 1
looked, with confidence to tho United
States not to Impair the HufeKiiutds
granted to Uritlsh shipping by treaty.
j Captain Eostron
Visits Congress
tliebcnents they brlog yoii through the
.rnjicr digestion of your food.
All Dmjc stores sell"' Stuart's ' lipep--1
1 Tablets Tne prte Is tti . epls ier
ppc of Aytr"s. Pttfr at bdtime just
one. Arts 'jm the liver. Gently laxative.
Sugar-coaled. All vegetable.
rights against the syMcin which Canada
had Introduced of a rebate ot a largo
p 11 Hon of the tolls ol certain freights
on the Wetland 'canal- and how In the
fate ot that protect'' the , system was
I'tiuf. of uer 1 uiihI.
Inferring to the thjril article of tins
Hay-I'auncefote treat', tlie- note points
it fiat tho Suez canal rules, which th
treaty adopts for the I'uiiaina canal, la
tnat the waterway nl.oll bu free and
open 10 the vessels' nf tlie .ooin'merce and
war of all nutfons observing the rules
n terms of enilrn quality, so that them
uii.iii i nn dlKeriinlnatlon ' iiirulnst any
Painting", such nation. It Is said tliat the piosl-
i . statemant of the v'ase is whop
at variance with the real .piovis.ns
iK"i"vU-he trgut the word."nJl jinllnnV j
, is- rxcludln the I'nlteil St ait because j
lt IUJU COIlfcltTJUieii mn, uunm iiu nn fii
TrimminiT territory and thereby auqulrd an nlwo.
b lute right of ovvnM-shlP. Including tlie
right to allow Us own commerue the u-e
..f the canal ufin such' terme as It ur,
. WASHINGTON. Pen. W Whether ' 1
Hiltlfh private citizen, honored with thi
tlianks of congrese and n congressloiml !
medal, has u right to enter upon tli I
floor of the l'nlted States senate eliaili
he.r Is a question which gave lllo uffl
clqls of that body some busy monieiite ,
today. Captain Arthur II. Jtoitrun. res- I
cunr of TOO survlvoi'H from the Titanic, ,
cHine Into the senate under thu escort of
Senator William Allien Smith of Michi
gan and spent some time meeting mem- I
her of that iHidy Officials of the nenu. '
tonight hud not et determined ulietlifir 1
lie was entitled to the privilege of the ;
floor. The Tltunh: hero vUlted liotli
hounw of congie.tM wllh Senator Smith !
SAN t'UANCISCO. Urc The 10 -flitted
railuays of this city must produce be
fore the state lailioad ronimlacJon Its
ywkf covering the last x ycur. Thin
nidr wai mHde by the lOHlmlnHeii toduv
l if.iiiiH'tloii with the application of th-
l'!.e iihe British gin ci nine nt 1 1 .ju- 1 street iwllwa conipajn made Nvvembei
ider says Sir IMwaiil 'that bv t'"' S lm,keiofi t. sue t VO.V) worti.
l 'aytonBulwr' Cw ''tilt 1 St.iti -f f bonds lo rcti e In lir' up e.ij't iirli- y.
bad s'trreft'tred tlie right o rtri't-f t,j,iv. btrdi .- f f'fti).
the r ,n'' and V n' b' t UA -I'H' i h - .
fntl treaty t" ' rr red tWat r ..t M si! I'll.-J M t I. II' 1 III 'A' I!
Thii ii the Ideal
Whiikey for the Home
WE know you will want some Rood, pure whiskey
for the Holidays for your own use- and to set
before your friends. Be particular in your
selection avoid blends and compounds consider
quality as well as priceand remember there is only
one way you can be SURE of getting absolutely pure,
straight whiskey and that is to insist on BOTTLED-1N-DOND
the kind with the Government's Green
Stamp over the cork.
That'. What We Offer You
Hayner fine, old Private Stock Bottled-in-Hond
Whiskey rich, pure and delightfully plfasinjj
shipped in strong, sealed case direct from distillery
to you and all it costs you is $3.20 for FOUR full
quarts express charges paid by us.
There It No Quettion ,
About a Whitkey Like This
You KNOW it is good-you KNOW it is pure the
U. S. Government's official Green Stamp over the cork
is put there for your protection and it tells you in plain
words that this whiskey is bottled-in-bond, fully aged,
full 10056 proof and full measure -and is your assur
ance that it comes to you just as it left the original
barrels as pure and good as it ia postible to produce.
Nowhere Elie Can You Do So Well
Blends and compounds can be had anywhere ami at
any price the papers are full of such offers but when
itcomes to BOTTLED1N BOND the kind with Uncle
Sam behind it - the kind with the Government's Green
Stamp over the cork - Hay ner Whiskey stands abso
lutely alone the greatest value offered by anyone
in America at our price of only 80c a quart delivered.
How Can We Afford To
Name So Low a Price7
We are the largest distillers of pure, straight whiskey
in America and the oydistillere who bell thnr entire
product direct from Distillery to Consumer -th ssav
ing you all the profits of the middleman and dealer -and
offeringyou this fine, pure, bottled in bond whiske y
uiieci irum uisiuiery ai mc distiller s price, jis.a) by l'tugnt rrepaia. h.h
THE IIAYNER DSSTtfiLING CO., Dept. J-105 2110 Central St., KANSAS CITY, M0.
Profil By Thii Great Saving
Over 1,000,000 men in the United States are our steady
customers they know and appreciate the quality of
Hayner Whiskey and send us their orders time and
time again for more of the same good kind. NOW
we want an opportunity to prove our claims to YOU
we want to show you what we are producing we
want to convince you of the great saving our Direct-from-Distillcry
plan of selling means to you.
Send Ui Your Order Now
Try thi3 Whiskey at our risk and on our positive
guarantee that you will find it all we rlaim -as fine a
whiskey as you ever tasted and the fVsf value you ever
bought or you may send back balance of goods at our
expense and we will return your money without a word.
You Take No Chancet
Our guarantee is as fair nnd square as we know how
to make it it means what it says wc MUST make good
we must send youaqualitythatwillstrikcyouasrich,
pure, delicious- right in every way and we will do It.
Don't Put It Off
Attend to this right now while you think of it no letter
is necessary use the coupon below fill it out and
mail it to our nearest Office and Shipping Depot and
we will surprise and delight you with the quality of
the goods we will send you.
Knrloed find 11.20 for which nerd mn FOUR full nuart bottles
of Hayner Private Stock llottled-in-llond WliUkey -cxprrii paid
aa per yourntfer. It is understood that If this wliikey in not
found an represented and stiifactory to me in every way, it may
bo irtiirned at your expense and my 13.20 ia to be promptly
' ""
No ordtrn fillad for lest than 4 quirt
In... I..M..............U.U. ........... i...... H....HI. mi... I...I.1 1. 1... mi. i...... .in w
Orden for Arizona. California. Colorado, Idiho, Montana, Nevada,
New Mexico. Orcun. Utah. W.iMunnton or Wyoming must be on
the basin o( 4 Quaits lor 51.CJ by Express 1'repaid or 20 Quarts for
11S.2Q bv I'rimlit l'reoald. n.ii
jum ouiiioo aCKiAL no. not.
ritfl Willi tflUU
nxi t urns. Jtwrv
1 1 Plat " JAUU" TiuAU
Olllcet and Shipping Oeptlt als at
lllillllirr nt Tror, lllilr,
rTAiil ihiii ihnn i. hiiiu run raid
Mrin jar rnn.
.1 l AfCo
Ask Vour Doct-r.