Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
will !nterc8t every woman who
Mkca good heart-to-heart talks
with other sympathetic women.
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLU-NO. 130.
Provocative Language of Vienna
Papers Also Adds to Bitterness
and Excitement.
Belgrade Organ Says Nation May Be
Exterminated but Not Conquered.
King Charles Serves Notice that He
Expects to Be Consulted.
Presentation of Nct llalllrnhlp l,r
C clonic win Xot lie I'ntloivrd
by Hrrtnotliin In rinlltllntr hy
Mnther CniintrjT
BULURAD10. Servia. Deo. 9. The ac
cuiiuilatloti of Austilan troops on the
Servian frontier and the provocative Ian
puase of tin, Viennese newspaper; have
led to a recrudescence of excitement and
cmbitterinehl or feeling In Servia.
Tlio newspaper Pravda, voicing the pre
- filling Irritntlon. says:
"If Austria desires war with Servia, let
it come. It will be the most hitter fight
i'i history. Every Servian man and
woman, young or old. will take part In
l and Austria will have to exterminate
bn entire nation before conquering It."
Many Servians visiting Austria-Hungarian
frontier towns on business have
been arrested on charges of spying. The
Servian government has protested to the
Austria-Hungarian authorities. '
Hiiiuiinln Must Iti' Consulted.
BUCHAREST, Rumania, Dec. n.-Klng
linrles of Rumnlua. In his speech from
the throne, at the assembly of the Ru
inanlan Paillament today, asked the leg
islators to give the Rumanian army the
support necessary for the fulfillment of
tho hopes of the nation in the forthcom
ing congress brought about by the Balkan
war. At the same time ho significantly
remarked that the country's confidence
(ii the Rumanian army was fully Justi
fied and tho troops would be found ready
to fulfill their mission.
"Rumania's policy." decared the king,
"is for moderation and pecs, within the
limits compatible with the higher Inter
ests of the country."
Remarking that Rumania has preserved
fsirlrt neutrality during the Balkan hos
', J'Utlcs, King Charles proceeded:
"Wo have the right to hope that this
Kttltuda will ctvo favorable" results for
our rclutlons with the Haitian states In
their new constitution and that our In
terests will be respected. Rumania Is an
independent i actor in the concert of
Kurepe and in the definite settlement
if the questions raised during the Balkan
crisis Rumania's word will be lis
tened to."
R was nnnoilnced In the speech from
the throne that the Rumanian Parlla
nint would be Invited to vote Increased
appropriations for military purposes.
HrHnlii'n .nvnl I'ronram Stand.
LONDON, Dec. 9. All doubts were
Hwept uway today of the possibility of
Groat Brltuln curtailing Its own naval
program In view of the gift by Canada
to the British empire of three powerful
battleships at a cost of $35,0(0,000.
Winstoff' Spencer Churchill, first lord of
tho admiralty, speaking In the House of
Commons, said he adhered to the point
of view of the Canadian government,
which Is, he unnounccd:
"That aid given by Canada should ho
TiT addition to the existing British pro
eiain nnd that any steps Canada might
take should directly strengthen the naval
forces of the empire and the margin
available for Its security."
.Mr. Churchill deprecated the putting of
further questions on tho subject pending
the approval by tho Parliament of tho
Dominion of Canada of the naval pro
posal put forward by Robert U Borden,
tho Canadian premier.
CINCINNATI. O.. Dec. 9. Three men
entered tin Jewelry store of Adolph Wie
bell here this morning while Kddle Roel
ker, a clerk, 16 years old. was alone In
the store und by representing that they
were tax assessors Induced. him to set out
several thousand dollars' worth of dia
monds. tMhen tho stone were exposed
on the counter the men seized Roelker
and quickly bound and gagged him. They
then gathered up the diamonds and
walked out of the store. The stones taken
were estimated to be worth J10.O00.
CHICAGO. Dee. 9. Three schooners,
two weeks overdue, arrived here early
today. They wero the Cora A., Butcher
Boy and Tyler.
Tho vessels were covered with Ice. but
In good condition, despite their rough
voyage from northern lake ports with
cargo of lumber.
The captains stated that they put Into
upper lake ports to escape last, Thurs
day's gale.
The Weather,
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs arid Vicinity
-Fair tonight and Tuesday; warmer to
night. Trinprrature
Hours. Deg.
5 a. m 17
A a. m IS
itr&'Vf 8a-m 21
CUuJJifA 9 a. m 23
f L,. L W a. m Zl
Sfc Ttf) Wm
L. iiNi 1 p. m 3
' p. in 47
2Z2BfaBk r p ir W
President Mellen
Will JBe Refused
Immunity Bath
NBW YORK. Dec. It is doubtful
whether President Mellen of the New
Haven railroad will be allowed to testify
before the federal grand Jury which Is
Investigating the relations between his
road and the Grand Trunk. United
States District Attorney Wise received
President Mellcn's letter yesterday.
"The Investigation."' he said, "Is under
tho direction of Attorney General Wicker
sham nnd 1 am In no way connected
with it. 1 forwarded the letter to the
attorney general and whatever action Is
taken In (no matter will come through
In regard to Mr Mellen's offer to
waive Immunity from criminal prosecu
tion. Mr. Wise said that according to the
Interpretation of the Sherman act no one
would have the right to naive such Im
munity. "The law Is clear in tills respect." he
declated. "It expressly provided that Im
munity from criminal prosecution shall
bo granted to any person who testifies In
an action brought under the Sherman
An official of the New Haven road
was the first witness culled today.
B. .1, Chamberlain, president- of the
j Grand Trunk wan In town today but de
' t.led he had been subpoenaed to appear
befote the gland Jury.
Big Match Company
Accusefrof Violating
the Child Labor Law
MADISON. Wis., Dec. 9.-JWJiat Is de
dal cd to be the most fur-reaching and
the most significant prosecution ever
brought under the child labor laws of
America was Instituted today by the state
of Wisconsin against the Diamond Match
company. Service was secured today on
the officials of the company's plant at
The company may be fined nn aggre
gate penalty of J22.400 If found guilty of
each of the 224 specific cases against It
and assessed the maximum fine on each
According to the papers the Diamond
Match company employs a largo number
of children between tho ages of 14 and 1C
years. It Is charged some of these chil
dren were permitted to work more than
the maximum limit of eight hours a day,
that some were permitted to work more
than forty-eight hours a week; that sumo
were permitted to work before 7 o'clock
In the morning, und that others were per
mitted to work after 6 o'clock In the
evening. The law provides a fine of not
less than $25 nor more than Sl.Ou) for each
offense, and the complaint treats oach
day's violation as a separate offense.
Roosevelt Wanted in
Idaho for "Contempt
of Supreme Court
CHICAGO. Dec. P. Idaho friend" if
Colonel Roosevelt would like to have the
colonel come to that stale to face a
charge of contempt In the supreme court
there, should the Boise court care to ful
fill a quoted declaration that If he came
within the boundaries of the state .he
would be haled Into court.
J. M. Ingcrsoll, who Is here to attend
the progressive conference carried with
him a letter addressed to tho committee
fron.1-J. Monroe Smock, progressive na
tional committeeman from Idaho. Smock
and the editors of tho Capital City News
of Boise have been cited to nppcar in
court for alleged contempt In printing
and repealing remarks credited to the
progressive leader. The lattcr's remarks
commented on a court decision prevent
ing tho names of the progressive electors
from going on the ballot In Tdnho.
When Smock nnd tho uther edltuis
were cited for contempt the Judge was
quoted as saying that Roosevelt himself
would bo brought to tho bar If ho cnine
within Jurisdiction of the court.
Mr. Smock's letter suggested that the
colonel come voluntarily to Boise to face
nny.otie who may des're to accuse him.
Auerbach is Given
a Life Sentence;
Will File Appeal
BALDWIN, Midi., l ee. 9.-0. M, Auer
bach of Chicago and '09 Princeton grad
uate, was bentencd today to life Im
prisonment at Jackson for tho murder
of his employer. Hairy Fisher, former
Chicago' promoter. Klshcr was killed
while hunting with Auerbach anil the de
fendant claimed tho killing was acci
dental. Auerbach declared today that he
was confident of being granted a new
trial. Judge Withcy said:
"It Is with regret and mUglving that
I pronounce tentencc. But if the legal
effect of the evidence Is sufficient, theu
the verdict Is warranted by the proof.
This will be determined at the March
term of the supreme court.
"I have done something In this case
that I never have done beforo In writing
a personal letter to the prison warden
asking him to show you every comfort
consistent with his duty ponding the su
premo court hearing."
Story of Enoch Arden
Revised Up to Date
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Dec. 9.-After a
separation of twenty-eight years, the
family of James Alee was united last
night when he and hU wife. Edith Jen
nie, returned to their home' at Kansus
City. Kan., from Denver, where they
were married last week.
The Alees were first married in Atchi
son, Kan., and lived together fourteen
years. A son and daughter were born to
them. After separating each reman led
twice and neither heaid from the other
until three weeks ago.
Learning recently that his wife was a
widow again, Alee wrote to her and they
arranged to meet In Denver and forget
the past I.awrencr AW a 13ear-o.d
grands ft, witnessed tr"!r rnanlagc Mr
A'ee rerveil In the Co'crado legislature In
1S3J aud lC
rvnruoiwr tq?a?
Minim ESJhfics of Pro
posed SanJjflWe of Thirty-Five
Thousand by Eric.
Option Given Jurist's Partner for
Four Thousand Dollars.
Clerk of Commerce Court Brines
Papers in Lighterage Case.
Wltneim Gl veil Testimony Concerning
Uenliil 1 JuiIkt nf Wllllniitn' y to Sell Inter
rut In 1) until.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 9.-,liimes II. RH i
teuhouse of Scrnutun. Pa., an expert into
Ing engineer, who surveyed the Katydid '
culm hank under direction of Wrlsl- i
Rrown of th? Department of Justle, tcs-
tlfled today In the impeachment trial
Judge Robert W. Archlmld of the com
merce court that the ICrle railroad could
havo secured J.Yi.000 for tho coal out of
the refuse Instead of theW.fo0 for which
they agreed to give an option to U. J
I Williams, the business associate of .ludge
The testimony of Rlttcuhouse came it
the conclusion of n day In whlchf there
had becij few developments. He said he
had been employed by Blown without
Knowing whom the latter represented or
tahnt- his work was In connection with
a government Investigation. Judge Arch
buld's attorney. A. S. Worthlngtoitf ob
jected to the questions by Representative
Floyd as to the value of the coal, hut
Senator Bacon, the presiding officer, did
not sustain the objection.
"What would tho roal In that dump
hnve been worth to the Krlc Railroad
company? 1 asked Representative Floyd.
"It would have been worth $47,572 at the
breakers." said Rlttenhouse. "leaving
out the question of freight. It would hnvo
been worth fctt.OOO to the Erie railroad."
Sold for I.e Tlinn Viilur.
The testimony of the mining engineer
was Introduced by the house managers
in nn effort to show that through Judge
Arch'bald's 'influence y.. .1. Williams had
secured the option at S4.500 for the Erie's
share of tie dump, when tho real value
of the property to the rullroad was much
t , . -
i cxurnu' uesiKucu 10 rciuie tnat pro- i
ivlously given by K. J. Williams an to I
I his knoweldge of the cases pending for
(the commerce court Involving tho Erie
t railroad was presented by the house man-'
agers through the medium of eGorge i
! w- clerk of the commerce court. 1
Mr. Williams hud testified that Judge
Archbald did not tell him the so-called '
"lighterage" eases were pending, In-
j volvlng the Erie but he had seen papers
i on Judge Archbald' desk with the word
J "llghteragu" on them nnd had asked
about the cues..
j Mr. Snyder produced all of the briefs,
!' complaints and dockets thut might havo
I been Involved to show that the word
I "lighterage" did not appear oh any of
The po.MtUe statement that he had
been offered an option to purchase an In-1
terest in Hie Katydid culm dump by E. J. !
Williams in the office of Judge Arch-'
bald at Scranton. i-rverul days after Judge
Aichbuld hud Informed llm that Williams!
i had no authority to sell, was made by
Thomas II. Jones of Scranton. The
statement was brought out during the1
cross-exumluntlou by Representative I
Webb of North Carolina, on the part of
tho house managers. '
I !
! .Indue Cliiuiue Attitude. )
j The witness declured that Williams had J
offered to veil his Interest In the dump
for f.SXtyj nnd accompanied him tu tho !
offlco of Judgu Archbald. There, said
Joner, Judge Archbald told him thut Wll- !
Hams had no right tu sell uny piirt of i
the culm dumD.
"Severul duys later," said Jones. "I
went to Judge Archhuld)s office and there
, an option wus given me to purchase Wll-
Mams' Interest for J25.000."
' "Did you think Judge Archbald drew
that option?" asked Repirsentatlve Webb.
! "I fld," replied Jones
"And seveial days beforo tliutXlm Judge
told you that Williams hud no tltlo to
tho dump?"
The house managers will pluco C. G.
Bolund of Scianton on the stand tomor
row. Four Negroes Are
Lynched in Alabama
MOBILE, Ala., Dec. 9.-News of the
lynching of ono negro and tho reported
lynching of thrue others litur Butler yes
terday In connection with the finding of
the body of B. JJ. Hush, who was mur
dered there last Monday, was, brought by
Sheriff Locke, who arrived here tonight
with six negroes brought from Butler for
safe keeping und charged with complicity
lu the crime.
According tu the sheriffs story, he was
forced to leave with his pilnoiiers In audi
haste, In order to escupe violence, that
he was unable to verify the report that
three other negroes had bn victims of
the mob.
The body of Bush, whu wus a fanner
In Choctaw county, was covered with bul
let und knife wounds and the skull
showed murks of a blunt Instrument.
Robbery Is supposed to have beuu the
Powder House Near
Chicago is Blown Up
CHICAGO, Dec. !. The powder bouse at
the O'l.aiighlln ouarry at Bellwood, ten
inline west of Chicago, blew up thl
jalternoou. but the employes wr it
lini' li and though one wus Injoied.
' iim( one wus Mlleij 1 i.c shuck was d.--tli
i I' ii t un-r .i id.' h of fifteen mllo
.I i.,djw' ' t l .. ,ii..i mil' s fiom
1 1 V.'I "I h I i
From the Washington Star.
California Senator Says Party is
Tainted from Start.
i ,
Aildrea I Jlnde In Semite In Support
of III Amendment In 1.1 ml t
. . Prealilouta in One. Sli. .
1 car JJ'erni.
WASHINGTON. Dec. !.-ln a speech
today tu the senate upon his resolution
for a 'constitutional amendment Hint
would provide a single slx-yeur presiden
tial term Senulor Works of Culirorula.
Identified since his entry Into tho senate
With the progressive lepuhllcuu faction,
made a strong criticism of Theodore
Roosevelt und the progressive party for
their affiliation with George W. Perkins
and other representuth es of largo cor
porations. Senator Works declared that both
Roosevelt und Taft deserved defeat, llu
(inserted that Roosevelt when president
hud withheld action against the Har
vester trust, with tho natural result that
Mr. Perkins had been one of the chief
Roosevelt hackers In the fight this year
for the progressive nomination: und.
with equal emphasis, he declared that
President Taft had "lost thn respect and
good will of many good people by going
upon the stump ugalust Colonel Roose
velt." The altnck upon Roosevelt came
lu connection with Senator Works 'as
rerllon thut the president's office had
been used to prevent adverse HCtlon
ta'utnst corporations.
Ilnrvester Trut In Polities,
"We are not without evidence of the
effect of such action on Eucceedlng elec
tions," said Senator Works. "The great
Harvester tmit. one of the worst und
most oppressive nf Its kind, was signally
(Continued cm Page Two)
Woman Says Bible is
Not Up to Date and
Should Be Revised
CHICAGu, Dec. H. "A woman cannot
hi conxolt-ntloui Chrlitluu and a miffru
glst also, bocuuso of man's monopoly of
the Itllilu uiii religion," snid Mrs. Laura
Q. Flxen, builnes nmnuger of The Work
ing Womru'i Hume, last night before
the woman' party here.
"We cannot accept the Bible us a di
vine Inspiration becuuse It features the
male sex In everything almost to the ex
clusion of the femule," she continued,
"Mun hus usurped almost ever thing tu
religion uu well us everything else.
"in the Bible thut we know, God Is
represented ua u mun, (Jhrlit as u man,
the apostle's us men and tho angels In
heaven as men und In it women ure com
manded to obey tholr husbands. Suffia
Klitu caunut accept the Bible literally
as u divine Inspiration. Wc must see
that It wus1 written ut a time when women
wero their chattels.
The position gl en women In the Bible
bus kept them fiom their right us the
equals ut men. 'i'tho Bible needs revision.
H Is not up to date."
Officers of the Nebraska Traelers' as
sociation, tn behalf of themselves ami
the S.hfV) members of the organization,
who travel in this state. hac filed with
Postmaster General Hitchcock a proton
against a portion of the order that does
away with the delivery of mall on Sim
days. The Nebraska liaveling men ask Post
must' r Geiicial Hitchcock to amend hi
order tu the extent of Permitting mall to
i." 0'ilitr d and thrown to boxes In Hi
l '-st ffK i marked I'oioini n lul Timi .
,1 nil
Sqcond Battle of Armageddon
The National Capital
.Yluiitlu.v, llfcri ft-jrr SI, I IM
The Semite.
Convened ut noon. Senator Oveiman
Introduced n joint resolution authorizing
a Joint Inauguration committee of six
President Taft trnnuilttnd the report
of the economy unit efficiency commission
reeoniinendliiK rudlwil changes In patent
offlco procedure t. . t .
Coilrt of lmpraehmriit resumed trial of
Judge Robert V. Archbald at l:.V) n. m.
f. Senator Works spoke' advocating IiIh
resolution for a single six-year presiden
tial tellll
Judiciary committee Informally consid
ered President Tuft's Judicial apixilnt
merit. Tilt llnllne.
Convened ut noon.
Resumed consideration of legislative, ex
ecutive and Judlelul appropriation bill.
Democratic members of the ways and
means committee conferied n pious for
tariff revision nt snecliil session
Dunking and curiency subcommittee re
sumed henrliigs in "money trust" investi
gation, Chairman Pnjo making statement
repudiating leports us to the committee's
Representuth e Allen Introduced u reso
lution proposing a geueiul luveHtlgutlou
of the cunning imlustn
New York Man Says
Was Robbed of Big
Sum in Chicago
CH AGO, Dee. !.ln etlsutl"li of the
complaint of Joseph .Mcmchiilcli ut New
j York that he was held up and rohhed
or S27..7W In diamonds and ll.M") lu cur
rency by two negroes here last night was
begun by the police loduy.
Captain Helplli, chief of the delpctlvn
bureau, InterroKntod Meiochnlck very
closely today and tlmn sent three deteu
liven with him to survey thn scene of
the alleged robbery.
"Meroehnluk's duscilptlnu of the two
negroes Is very rematkMbln for detail,
esxutally of the line who attacked him
frwn behind," said the chief of detec
ting. "The robbery , occurred lu the
dark, but thn victim noticed that ono of
Ills assailants had a wrfld tooth und the
other hud not."
Meiochnlck stutoil that tho ll,tf wus
the proceeds of a sale to a Milwui.kro
Jeweler last Tuesday.
M'Givern is Called
on Carpet by Judge
KRIiMONT. Neb.. Dec. D.-tHpeeirl
Telegrum. l -I'Vank McGlvnrn of Umiliii
and his formei wife, Mrs. Rose McGlvcrn
of this city, huve been cited by Judgu
Hollenbeck to appear before the district
court on Saturday, December It, to shutv
cause why tlif decree of divorce grunted
last mouth should not be set uslde ou the
ground of collt'.'lon.
Tlie order wu Usued by tile court on
Its own motion and was ejusvd .by h:i
alleged Interview by u reporter with Mr.
McGlvcrn in which he Is quoted lu hub
stance us saying thut the evidence ugalnst
him wus a frame-up and In uccuidunu'i
with nn arrangement between himself
und former wife.
Piesldeut Redlck of tin- .State liar as
sociation had occasion to write Judge
Hollfiihcck calling his attention to' tho
matter. The atturnejs for both pal ties
deny any knowledge of any agreement
or understanding except as to alimony
SICATTI.H. Wash . Dee. 9.-A strong
earthquake. 1.200 miles south of Seattle.
1 was recorded on Hie seismograph of the
jrnlwralty of Washington from 12 40 to
, 1 no this morning Tin maximum titra
tion wai ut 1130. t'ic most violent shock
at Wi
Interstate Commerce Commission
Rules Against Roads.
lU-Seiintor Vtlltlird, In WnsMliKtou,
, SilJ Six Month' lleiuuurntln Hill
Will Suite Problem Confront.
Inu Itepiililleun Party.
(From u Stuff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. iHpodiil Tele,
gram.) The Inteistate Commerce com
mission todu.v decided that u proposed
advance of from ',s to K centM per 100
pounds In the rate on potatoes from South
Dakota, west'in Nebraska, Coloiado and
similar territory to the Mississippi iler
nnd points east Is not reasonable.
The decision applies to the Northwest
ern, the Burlington, the Rock Islund and
the I'nlon Pacific railroads. The 'idvauco
was proposed last July and held In abid
ance until next May for Investigation
This Investigation has been made and the
commission has decided that the present
into Is not umiHUally low and that the
proposed udvancoH are not proper.
The curriers have been ordered. to can
cel on or before 'January IS, 191.1, the
schedules specified lu the commission'
oriler of huspeuslon. Tho commission or
dered flintier that tho cuirlers should
continue In force and for a period of two
years the rutcH on potatoes In carload
lots In effect July 31. 1BI2."
llnrlelP Case dwiuml.
The supreme cut 1 1 today assigned for
hearing on Jonuary 6 next the case of
Jjster I. Bartell, plaintiff In error,
iigulnst the f nltcd States. In April of
this vear Bartell was sentenced to' five
years' Imprisonment In the penitentiary
by the l'nlted States district Judge of
(Continued on Page Two)
McCombs Talks Over
White House Routine
Matters With Hilles
WASHINGTON. Dec. 9 -Chairman Mc
Combs of the democratic national com
mittee put In a busy day tn Washington
conferring with Charles D. Hilles. secre
tin y to tho president and chnlrmaii of tha
icpuhllcnu national committee; Speaker
Clark. Representative I'nderwood and
other democratic leaders
Chnlrnian McCombs had a private
luncheon with Mr. Hilles. At his leanest
no Invitations were issued, as he wished
to tHlk over with Mr. Hilles sevoinl
(locutions, partli'iilai ly the organization
of the White House official. Mr. Hlllls
has been Mr. Tuft's secretary about two
years nnd Is fully familiar with many
qiicMliiiis. among them these of precedent,
which will face President-elect Wilson
when ho enters the White House.
Their conference was the basis for .1
report that Mr. McCombs would come to
Washington with the new president In an
official position. Some of Mr. McComb's
friends said, howover, that while he had
been offered a pluce lu the new adminis
tration he had not decided if he would
accept it
ST. PAfL. .Minn.. Dec. 9.- Damas Rlv
aid. ehuiged with having been connected
with John Carkeek und J. B. Corcoran
lu an alleged fake race horse "book," was
placed on trial lu district court today on
the specific charge of forgery.
Tho men were Indloted on the ohariri-
. of conducting a swindling game In which
i William Schemf. a fanner. Is said to
have been Induced to put up' 12,. '.00 as a
"sure bet on a horse race It Is n
llegcd a thffk for the amount was issued
I by ti c promoters
Baltimore Manager Says They Are
Beneficial Institutions and Should
Not Be Hampered.
A. C. Knox Says the Clearing House
! Wants to Run His Bank.
Chairman of Monetary Committee
Denies Rumors of Friction.
There tin llrr-n Nn .Mlnndertnnd
Inir wltli t'nimsel Despite Hos
tile Kffnrta to Hnilinrrn
the Inquiry.
W AH! 11 NO TON, Dec. 9. -A general de
fense of thn clearing house system of
banking nnd a decided stand against
government regulation of clearing- housea
was made today by Waldo Newcomer,
malinger of tho Baltimore clearing house,
before thn house money trust Investiga
ting committee.
Tho committee took up tho clearing
house situation In Baltimore. Representa
tives of two banks which had been re
fused conditional membership In tho bb-
socatlon appeared. Manager Newcomer
explained that tho bankn were not ad
mitted becntiso a- conditional members
they would not be bmtnh by the rules of
the association ns to out-of-town check
exe'hungo charges and other rates and
would ho In a position to compete at nn
advantage with the other members of the
association liound by the rules.
In a prolonred discussion with Samuel
I'ntermyer, counsel for the committee,
Mr. Newijomer declared that clearing
houses throughout the country wero ben
eficial Institutions and that any attempt
at government regulation would hamper
their efforts.
Badh senutor nnd representative would
be called upon to file a statement show
ing the Interest of himself or family In
any banking, loaning or brokerage busi
ness under a resolution introduced by
Representative Ijindhergh of Minnesota.
The resolution says tho senate commit
tee on ftnnnoo and house committee on
banking and currency hnve memberships
mostly made up of hunkers and bankorif
lawyers nnd "controlled by those U
rectly. personally nnd financially Inter
ested In that cluss of legislation." and
that "to greater or less extent many
other senators and representatives ar
nillurly Iptarested."
j Mltiinllon In IMttxhiirKli.
The committee tipxl took up tho fl
nnnclal situation In Pittsburgh, A. C.
Knox, vice president of the Mellon Na
tional hank of Pittsburgh and brother of
Secretary Knox testifying.
Sr.( rntormoyer tool; up a coir rov Cray
between the Mellon Nutlonal, tho Furni
rs.' Deposit National and the Lincoln Na
tional and the other members of the
Pittsburgh clearing huiiso which grow out
of nn effort tu obtain uniform regula
tions hy tho clearing house association
of Cleveland, Cincinnati. Columbus and
Pittsburgh as to the lutetest to be com
puted on out of town checks. Mr t'nter
meyer rend from tho record of the Pitts
liuigh clearing house a series of dls
cusslons and resolutions relating to tha
The bill In a civil suit against thn
clearing house growing out of tho con
troversy wns put Into the recotd.
Mr. Knox testified thut the Pittsburgh
elourlng house would like to prescriba
lates of Interest on deposits, commis
sions on out of town checks for his bank
"and generally run our business," He
said that If his bank were defeated In
tho pending taw suit and barred from
tho clearing house association it would.
Ipse half Its business.
Then Mr. Dntermeyer asked the ques
tiou which he put to every witness dur
ing the day.
"Would you favor a law requiring that
a clearing hoiuo before closing up a bank
by denying it clearances must consult
the banking authorities and spcurc tho
consent of the state authorities In tho
case of a state bank and tho national
authorities in the case of a i national
Mr. Knox said he thought such a law
would be beneficial.
Harrison Netiblt, president of the BanW
of Pittsbutgh next took the stand.
I'njo Make Stntriurnt,
At the opening session of the commltten
today Chalrniun Pujo made a statement
In which ho repudiated reports of what
purported to be the committee's Inten
tions for the course of the Inquiry Hi
said :
"In resuming this Inquiry the committee
feels that the muny unauthorlxed, mls
leudlng und Inspired reports that hnvn
been eiiculated concerning Its work arid
plans should be corrected and that tho
public should be warned against placing
any credence in them. There has hern it
consistent hostile effort In certain direc
tions to embarass tho inquiry. No state
ments have been or will bo made or
(Continued on Pago Two.)
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