Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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    1 1 ' 11111 1 I... . I..T... . .irzLTiZaTiiii
i HHHssasaBssssaMHMsssHHssaH
Has Stenographer Draw Salary Over
and Above Salary.
l.ind Cnttintlaalniirr CoitIcs Ileclars
State- Could Srrnrr Smile nt Much
I,ra from Any Agency
Ilentlnw Machines.
(From a 8t&ft Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Dec. 7.-(Spcial.) With the
Increase In the cost of living tho rental
on typewriters seems to have more than
Kept a corresponding pace, according to
a meeting of tho State Board of Public
Lands and Buildings held yesterday.
Jand Commissioner Cowlos, the watch
nog of tho state, presented a, resolution
Just at tht close of the session calling
upon Superintendent C. B. Manual ot
the Boy's Industrial school at Kearney
to reimburse tho stato in the amount
f five dollars a month for a typewriter
ovned by himself and rented to hla
uenographer for use at the Institution.
According to Mr. Cowles, the steno
nrapher was required to draw her
voucher for $15 a month and then pay
air. Manual back tho five dollars above
:r salary of $10 for tho use of the
iliaclvlne, M. Cowles says that all
kinds of typewriters can be rented for
nbout half what the stato paid for tho
una of tho Manuel typewriter, and he
thought that there was no call to list
Iho machine In tho Kerns listed in the
' high cost of living" catalogue. After
considerable discussion the board votod
to oak Mr. Manuel to put it back.
Superintendent Manuel was chairman
nf the populist state committee during the
campaign when A. C. Shallenberger was
the democratic candidate for governor
against tho republican governor, George
K Sheldon, renominated" for re-election,
engineered a deal wheroby the populists
fused with the democrats and assisted in
the defeat of a republican governor. As
a reward for his able leadership he was
appointed superintendent of tho Kearney
As tho term of Governor Shallenberger
drew to a close and he wa3 renominated
for governor by tho democratic party,
Superintendent Manuel showed his fine
Italian hand In a political way by pulling
off a deal that ended In tho populist com
mittee of the stato endorsing C. H. Ald
rloh. the republican candidate, for the
governorship. Mr. Aldrlch was elected
and Mr. Manuel was again rewarded and
showed his appreciation during tho late
campaign by trying to again get tho pop
ulist endorsement for Governor Aldrlch.
However, he was unsuccessful and the
indorsement went to tho democratic can
didate, Mix Morehead, and as the latter
won out the chances for Mr. Manuel re
taining his Job do not seem to bo good.
However, Mr. Manuel owns, a papor at
St. Paul, and when he has turned over
the institution to his successor ho will
not be out of a Job, but can hie himself
back to the print shop and with tho type
writer grind out a story of "How I
Stacked tho Cards Wrong and Lost Out."
FREMONT, Neb., Dec 7. (Special.)
Tho Fremont Ad club, an organization
under tho management of the younger
business men. Is holding an industrial
fair In Masonic hall and adjoining rooms
this week. The number of exhibits of
"Made in Fremont" products Is limited
only by space, no less than ten exhibit
ors not having room. The leading ln
flustries are all represented.
The feature which attracts the most
attention Is an aeroplane ot tho Curtis,
type built by Knox and Jensen, two
young men employed by the Nye,
Schneider, Fowler company. It is of
regulation size, compltely equipped, ex
cept with the motor. The boys havo been
nt work on it for several weeks and hope
to make a test trial of It soon. It dif
fers somewhat from tho usual Curtis
typo and those Interested in aeroplanes
who have examined It, believe it will
tirovo a success. ,
High School Leaders'
Conference is in
Session in Beatrice
BEATillOB, Neb.. Dec. 7 -(Spccial.)-The
high school leaders' conference com
menced hero this afternoon In the high
school rooms for a two days' session.
Dean IUnger of Omaha Is the presiding
officer and Secretary Dennlson of the
Omaha Young Men's Christian associa
tion has charge of the credentials com
mittee, t
The address of welcome was delivered
by Paul Clark of Beatrice, with response
by Harold Hall of Lincoln. Hew U D.
Young of this city followed with an
address on the subject "Efficiency, the
High School Boy's Highest Charactertls
tic." At 6 o'clock h banquet was served to
the delegates In the Christian church.
The evening program comprised an
address by B. J. Rcltzel of Lincoln and
a paper by Leo Kehlman ot Falrbury on
tho subject, "How to Add to Our Effi
ciency Through Our Scholarship." Tho
muslo for the evening was rendered by
the Wcsleyan Male quartet.
The program for Sunday Includes:
Paper on "High School Leader's Tlaco
In the High Schools."
Address, "What Can Be Done In tho
High Schools Through These Leaders,
by V. G. Mays of Lincoln.
Paper, "Our Work for the Coming
Year," selected delegates.
Address by El F. Dennlson, general sec
retary of the Omaha Young Men's Cnrls
tlnn association.
Summary by Robert R. Kltlott. deputy
stato superintendent of public Instruction.
Address by J. W. Nlpps. Interstate
students' secretary, Colorado and Ne
braska. Good Roads Meeting
, Called for Omaha
KEARNEY. Neb., Dec. 7.-(Speclal.-J.
Harry Lawrie, tho Omaha director of
the Platte Volloy Transcontinental Good
Roods' association, was notified by mall
tonight by President C. E. Ochler of the'
association that a meeting had been
called of all directors and others Inter
ested in the road and its possibilities to
meet at Omaha In the Commercial club
rooms Wednesday, December 18, nt
which time stens are hoped to bo taken
which will add the Iowa Transcontinental
Highway association and tho Wyoming
Good Roads' association to tho Platte
valley organization In a united effort to
form on association In extent from Chi
cago on west to and beyond the Rocky
mountains and frustrate any plan now
on foot In throwing the official transcon
tinental trail, for which national aid Is
exnected at the next session of congress,
to tho south, possibly by way of In-
dlanopolls, St. Louis and Kansas City.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
The Change
Is Wonderful
Vo More Pimples, lilotches or Black
heads After Using Stuart's
Calcium "Wafers.
A few days Is sometimes enough to
clear the worst complexions, Stuart's
Calcium Wafers get right at the source
of the trouble tho impurities In tho
blood. When these poisons nro re
moved, the effect on the skin is almost
Immediate. Blemishes of all kinds disappear.
roa Will reel aa rina ai Ton took With
a Claar Skin Made So by Stuart's
Calcium Wafers.
These wonderful little Wafers contain
the most effectlvo blood-purifier known
to science calcium sulphide. iEvery
atom ot impurity is driven from your
system. With pure, vigorous blood
rourslng through your veins Instead of
vitiated fluid, your whole body feels
renovated, your face becomes as pure
vs a lily.
No matter what your trouble may be
pimples, blackheads, liver-spots, rash,
bolls, muddy complexion, .(Alter or
rczema, you may absolutely depend upon-
Stuart's Calcium Wafers. They have
made thousands of complexions as pure
and aa beautiful as could possibly be
There's not a bit of sense in going.
Wound with a face to blemished that
You're afraid to havo your friends look
at it. Get a CO cent box of Stuart's Cal
rlum Wafer at your druggist's today.
Take them every day for a little while
and you'll be astonished at the change
our " mirror will show you. Advertisement.
SEWARD, Neb., Dec. 6.-(Speclal.)
Some time ago J. Hartman discovered the
remains of some kind of prehistoric ani
mal. The discovery consisted mainly 'of
tho bones of the lower Jaw of the animal.
These bones contain only two molar toeth,
which are about eight Inches long and
measure nearly eight inches in diameter
lengthwise and more Uinn four inches
orosswlser The circumference of these
teeth Is about twenty-one inches. The
enamel of tho crown is well preserved In
some places. Tho skull measured about
two feet across. The weight of the re
maining Jawbone is about seventy-five
pounds. They were found about fifteen
feet below tho earth's surface In a layer
of sand and clay. Mr. Hartman contem
plates donating them to some museum
that Is interested in such discoveries.
The body of Mrs. M. Wyncoop, a pio
neer settler of Seward, was brought to
Seward from Lincoln yesterday for In
terment. She was the mother-in-law of
Lotholr Schultz, ox-county treasurer of
this county.
The University club of Seward county,
composed of all former students of the
Stato University of Nebraska, will hold
Its annual banquet on the evening of De
cember 19 In Seward during tho Corn
show week. This club Is composed of all
former students of the university, law,
agricultural school, summer school In
fact, any person who ever attended the
university at any time is a member. Tho
women of the First Congregational church
ot this city will serve the banquet.
Herman Wlebke, who was assaulted by
Sheriff Smett of York last Fourth of July,
has settled the case against the sheriff
out of court to the satisfaction of all
Tho members of the Royal Neighbors'
lodge of Seward recently chose sides lor
procuring new members, and is a result
pf their efforts twenty-eight new candi
dates were secured. The class will be
Initiated into the mysteries of the order
next Saturday evening, the losing side
furnishing a banquet for the occasion.
The suit of David Bogert against the
Blue River Power company on account
of backing water on the Bogert land was
tried last week and Monday In the dis
trict court. The Jury brought In a ver
dict early TueaQay morning, finding for
the plaintiff In the- sum or $2,000 and in
terest. Judge Good went to York Tuesday
morning to hold court.
charged with desertion
TECUM SBH, Neb., Dec. 7.-(Speclal.)
Deputy Sheriff R. S. Walters of Spring-
Yield, 111., came to Tecumveh today and
arrested Joseph Wllltaes, u young man
who has been here for three weeks, upon
a charge of deserting his wlfo and child
In Springfield. The officer was at St.
Joseph, Ma, yesterday, and while there
arrested F. Klsclle, also of Springfield,
and also wanted on the churge of wife
and child desertion. Mr. Wllltaes said he
deserted his wife following a quarrel
November 1, and his child has been born
since ho left. He worked In Omaha for
a tlmo and then came to Tecumsch.
aiarrlatrr Mediae llrfnerd.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Dec 7.-(Spe.
clal.) M. George Bolmer and Mrs. Jane
Harding of Kidney. Ia., came to the city
yesterday and applied for a marriage
license. Mrs. Harding had her dlvoroe pa
pers with her to show she was a divorced
woman, but they were dated October
12, 1912. at Sidney, la., and the laws of
this state do not permit divorced couples
to marry before six months after a de
cree has been entered and therefore they
were refused a license.
Model Laundry telephone changed to
Douglas Z13.
Sharp ' Interests Seek Franchise
Through Havelock. '
A'cw Hnnril of Control Amendment
Confllrti. vrtth I'anrra of nunrrt
of Public Land and tlulld
Inn In Nclirnaka.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 7. (Speolal.)-Tiiat
Omaha and Lincoln may yet be Joined
by an interurban railwa ywas evidenced
by a meeting held in Havelock last night
In which lYesldent W. K. Sharp and
other officials of the Lincoln Traction
company m"t with the cltliens of the
shop town and asked for a franchise for
the "Citizens Interurban railway"
through that town. Mr. Sharp told the
citizens of Havelock that It was the In
tention 'of the company aa soon as the
Havelock line was laid to continue the
lino to Omaha.
Both nt Omaha and IJncoln, con
nections wilt be mado with the local
companies of those cities and transfers
Issued to all parts of tho cities.
According to Iresldent Sharp, the
decision to build the new lino to Omaha
comon from Indication that the Loup
river power project In which he Is In
terested will bo developed.
People of Lincoln have been greatly
disappointed for years that the old
Omaha. Lincoln & Beatrice Interurhun
road was not built and had always hoped
mat as tho line had beon graded, tho
track might be laid. Whethnr thU will
ever be done now that Indications point
to competing road. Is a matter of con
jecture. Tho Omaha. Lincoln & Beatrice
and tho Lincoln Traction company have
beon at war for some months, and have
been fighting for territory, but no one
will venture a guesa as to whether tho
activity of the Sharp Interests to Uulld
to Omaha will wako up the others and
cuuso them to get busy.
Power of Hoard of Control. '
A proposition before tho board of pub
lic lands and biillrilnrn nt h tvi..i
tlmo Is whether tho constitutional amend
ment creating a board of control usurps
the duties of tho board of nnKII
and buildings and thus puts It out of
Dusiness. Tho amendment provides that
tho board of control shall havo charge
of tho public Institutions of the state,
which have heretofore been looked after
by tho board of public lands and build
ings, and reads aa follows:
The board of commissioners shall have
run power to manage, control and gov
ern, subject only to such limitations as
"hall bo established by law, tho Btate
soldiers homed, hospitals for the Insane,
Institute for the deaf. Institute for tho
blind. Industrial schools. Institute for
feeble-minded children. Nebraska Indus
trial home, Orthopedic hospital, tho state
penitentiary and all charitable, reforma
tory and penal Institutions that shall be
by law established and maintained by the
state of Nebraska.
The proposition before the board Is
whether It was the intent of tho amend
ment to do away with the board of pub
lia lands and bulldlngst, or Just take
away away from their control a portion
of their work. It will be noted that the
above' section of tho amendment does not
Includo the state houso or any other
building owned by tho state, nor does It
refer In any way to tho public school
lands of the state, which are-" also under
the control $t tiio board bf public lands
and building's. )
It is t?ie opinion of some of tho mem
bers of tho board ot public lands and
buildings that It was the Intention of
the f miners of tho amendment to do
away with the board and turn every
thing over to the board of control. Tho
way the amendment leaves It now there
will be practically two boards to- conrol
tho property of the stato and may result
In considerable of a mlxup some day,
Mny Pardon Channel.
The Board of Pardons and Paroles will
meet next Monday for tho consideration
of business on file. According to Secre
tary Piper there may be no recommenda
tion for pardons, except possibly that ot
Jesse O. Chappet, a colored man sent
up from Omaha for forgery. Chappel Is
In a very serious condition with tubercu
losis and his wife desires to take him
back to tho old home in Louisiana, where
they resided before going to Omaha. It
has been the custom of the pardoning
board to recommend pardon or parole !n
cases where the convict cannot live long
or has a disease that is of a contagious
or Infectious nature, as long as friends
or relatives are willing to take care of
him, the prison hospital not being large
enough to take care of them.
Artlclea of Incorporation,
Articles of Incorporation of the P. T,
Barber Dental Supply company of Omaha
were filed with the secretary of state
today. The capital stock Is 315,000, di
vided into COO shares of $23 each. The
Incorporators are I. T. Barber, 13. 13.
Gray and K. S?K. FJnlayson.
Lieutenant Frank I Bbrglum of the
mdlcal board of the national guard ha
handed In his resignation and will retire
from the service pf the state.
Insurance Men
Advocate New Law
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 7,-(8peclaI.)
Stato Auditor Barton returned ths morn
ing from Chicago, where he had been in
uttendance at the annual meeting of the
executive committee of the National As
sociation ot Insurance Commissioners.
Among the' other things of Interest takn
up by the commission was the matter of
having all tho country put in force a
uniform law regulating the sale of stock
of corporations and banks.
This law would require that all stock
subscriptions be submitted to a board of
Insurance commissioners and all bank
stock to a banking board. Any party
promoting tho subscription of stock to
any organization should receive IS per
cent only of the stock subscribed for pro
moting the deal and authority granted
him by the Issuance of a commission
from the proper source, the IS per cent
commission to be held by the state board
in escro until tho organization was com
pleted. The commlfsloners went on record as
favoring a bill which would compel large
Institutions which Insure under the Lloyd
system In vogue In England by large cor
porations, to file annual reports with the
state auditor, Tim Lloyd system Is a
sort of Insurance scheme wherein large
corporation enter an agreement regard
ing Insurance among themselves, but are
pot compelled to make public their busl-
v Your Choice of Six Fam- O-fl A A
ptW ous Makes of New Pianos V I g g
l?5h During December for I 9mm
Wi Want You to
Know WHAT You Are
Buying and Offer You
On Any Piano You Buy
Fre Stool Free Scarf Fre Life Bnsuranoe. No "Club"
Rules to Follow. TRY ANY PIANO FREE for 30 DAYS.
Wo lmvo solil more pinnoN so far tills month than over before In onr history for tho snmo number of
tlnya. We're Kolnjr to make the month it reeonMirenkor, ami will offer IMano lJnrgnlnH that no other plaao
House ever Old or ever will bo nblo to duplicate. Order early for Christina delivery.
saoo Bohomacker Practice ft i r
Piano now . . i ... vIO
8335 Brlgga Practice Piano $20
9300 Ohlokering It Bon f o P
Practloe Piano now. . Wfcw
9350Btck Upright Piano 50
(350 Horrla It Hyde Ptano, Q5
9350 Bondotr Upright Piano,' "J JJ
9375 Bradford Upright Piano g j Q
$300 Davis ft Bon Upright
Piano sow
93115 Btrauis ft Bon Upright
Piano now
9400 Btrr ft Son Upright
Piano now
9800 Weber Upright Piano
now . . . . . .
9300 J. ft O. risoher Up
right Piano now
9475 Kehlln ft Bon Upright
Piano now
V4S5 Bmarcon Upright
Piano now . ,
SI 50
90CO Xnabe Upright Piano
now - ,
9300 Knrtsman Upright
Plaao now
9500 Xardman Upright
Piano now ....
9000 Mehlin ft Bon Grand
Piano now ............
91,000 Btelnwayl Orand
Piano now
9550 88-nota Player
Piano now
ZT ,...$I2'$I
5$ 1 8
We nro exclusive representatives lor the Stolmvny, Weber, lliirdmiin, HteRer & Bonn, Kmcrnon, McPhall
nnd our own flcbmoller Mueller Pianos. Also tho Aeolian lino of Pianola Piano, Inrludlnir tho Btolnway,
Weber, Stuyvesant, Wbeeloclc, Htet'k, Stroud nnd Technola.
We Can Undersell Any Piano House in iho West. Every Piano Guaranteed.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co,
1311-13 Farnarn Street. Omaha
G-us Roudebiisli
Is Found Guilty of
KEARNEY-, Nob.. Dos. 7.-(Bpoclal.)-Contrary
to tho genorui expectation tho
Jury on tho RoudebUBh manslaughter case
returned a verdict of guilty, thU3 Impos
ing a sentence ot from ono to ten years
on Ous D. ItoudebUB.1i, tho 16-ycar-old
boy, whose flat blow on tho templo of
Archie Mageo In September wan 'hold to
havo fractured the temporal pluta and
caused the formation of a blood clot
from which Mageo died.
Awaiting the expiration of tho threo
days' tlmo in which nn appeal can be
filed, sentence was not made.
Tho fight occurred In a pool hall over
some disputed money, tho two boys hav
ing been playing for a wnger, until
stopped by the keeper of the hall. When
stopped, the dead boy is said to have
held that the bot was off, while tho
other demanded tho money, Tho doad
boy received but two blows, left tho hall
apparently all right, but was found later
In an unconscious condition.
NORTH PIArrE, Neb., Dec. ((Spe
cial.) District court convened Monday
morning and tho jury began work Tues
day. The first case tried was tho 1'en.-
boly Huggy company against C. 8. Bv-
erly, in which tho Peabody Uurgy com
pany nucd to recover $235 dun upon a
note glyen for buggies. The defendant
resisted payment .9" the ground that tho
buggies wero poorly constructed. Tne
Jury rendered a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff for S1S1.
The second case tried was an notion
brought by Phillip Sharr against A. B.
Tlmmcrman, a saloon keeper, In which
Sharr claimed damages of $3,000 for being
assaulted In Uie defendant's saloon. The
Jury gave the plaintiff tl.
The court Is now occupied with tho trial
of the case of Henry Pulk against the
Paxton & Hershey Water company for
$1,000 damages which the plaintiff claims
he sustained by reason of an irrigation
ditch hclonglnn to thn defendant, causing
water to overflow upon his land. Die
Jury probably will bo kept busy for an
other week. After this there are a largo
number of equity enst-s li bo tried. Tho
court's docket Iiiih K2 enses on Its list
at this term, which Is tho largest docket
In recent yenrs.
Hondo havo Just boon voted In this city
for tho construction of u, now school
building for tho east part of tho city
school district. Tho building will bo
erected nt a cost of nbout $25,000, and
plans nnd specifications will bo prepared
at 1111 early dnle.
A summary of tho acreage Involved In
tho'flnul proofs mado during tho month
of .November shows that 33,000 ncres of
land wero proved up on during that
month. At this rato It would toko loss
than two years to muko final proof upon
all tho lands In tho North Platto land
court beg1nuntangling
double marital mixup
NEIirtABKA CITY. Neb., Dec. 7.-(fipo-
clal.) Some time slnco a woman who was
living with James Taylor ran away with a
man named Weston, deserting her 2-year-old
child. Taylor waited about a month
and then Induced Mies May Hvud to go
to Omaha and marry him. On his return
to this city he wns urrested and charged
with odultory. Weston wus located over
In Iowa nnd brought buck on the charge
of wlfo and child desertion, having de
serted a wife nnd five children. Ho Is
awaiting Ids hearing In tho county court.
yesterday Taylor pleaded guilty to the
cliargo filed nnd is In Jail awaiting his
sentence at tho hands of Judgo Travis of
the district court. When Taylor servas
out his sentencn on tho present charge,
naving stated lie was living with the
first woman and permitted the people to
think they were married, ho Will bo
charged with bigamy. Taylor's law wife
is still In hiding in Iowa and no effort
hns been mado to locate her slnco Taylor
pleaded guilty to tho charge filed against
CniiKrrxaiiinn AVooilit Ilctlrr,
E8TI I E H VI LI.K, la., Dec. 7.-Cpngrcss-man
Iank P. Woods is still In a serious
condition, although a slight Improvement
was reported todny.
Key to the Situation lice Advertising.
Wl i Ml m m turn 1Mb
Blight's Disease
it the terrible consequence of neglect to take In time a good efficient remedy
for kidney diteatc If your kidneys are not acting right, don't delay.
Take at once
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy
it has pro red most eflecti vo in checking the Insidious advances
of kidney diseases when taken in time. Thousands have testi
fied as to how they have been benefited, when It seemed
that relief was Impossible,
"Mr kidneys and bladder wn In
Vary bad shape: loat over 5 lbs. I
eoRunaacad taalnr Warner! Bafa
Kidney and liter lUmedy and
after mlnronlr adcht bpttlef, am
fully rurad."-k. J. Nolan, Colum
bia. Aril.
Tl t t COOK MOOt ir fW4t4
"M:" tlltttf nm it 1 mutt i.f ,
m araMMMi, m4U-t, Max.
1 Kidney end Lieer ReaMdy
2 Rhmmatic Kae4y
3 Dlabetet Kerned?
4-Athma Renvxjjr
5- Nerlne
6- pin (acitesr)
Writs for a (m eampla giving the
number of remedy deelred to
Weraer'e Sat RemedUe Cm..
Dept. roi Ilocheetar, N, Y,
Means Correct Laundering
No Wonder. Years of Study and Practical Ex
perience in Laundering for Particular
Pooplo Has Made Us
Omaha's Quality laundry
Every Shirt in a Sanitary "Protec" Cover
Douglas 2560
Get One for Him
for Xmas....
Any Portrait
on a handsome
burnished copper
Reproduced from any photograph you
eend engraved on tho metal and abso
lutely indestructible. A fob that may
bo worn by any one who dresses In goad
taato, at the- samo time a lasting novel
Send photo and $1,00. Photo
will be returned with ear.
Engrq.viig Dopt.
Orders may be leJt at Baa Offlca.