Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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11 A
Along the
Automobile Row
II. K. FrtxliiekiKm of the FredTiolc- j
on Automobile company baa about eoro
plrtod arrangetnonta for one of the
flattest window displays err ex produced
for the automobile buslneat, It belts; an
rlcctrlo-Uxhted baa-reltef plotnre, meaa
urlnB eoven feet high and twenty-four
feet long, ahowlngr the Chalmers factory
running on the night shift. Orer flftr
flJoctiie lights are used In the exhibition,
which Includes the three main bulldlnca
of the factory, the testing sheds, foundry
Fa offlfl-a tth a dlttant rtir of the
"The theatrical world has fallen Into
Ht with the good roods march, not be
cause It expect! to be compelled to hike
over the road," says Manarer Corkhtll
V tha Colo Motor company, "but be
tauso a majority of Its members carry
tin automobile or two anions: their per
sonal effects and properties." .Mr. Cork
bill received a bulletin from the Cole fao
cry a few days ago, which said that
he Paul Gllmore company regularly de
voted a certain part of Its house reoelpta
to good roads movement In the part of
the country' In which it was playing.
-When we received our first shipment
it type T2 Lozlera, at the bejrlnnlug
of the presMit Benson, much discussion
pro and .con aroso as to the merits of
!ho left-hand drive and center control
- 'fcangn speed levers," sad Manager Dick
Stewart of tho local bouse.
"The IriUler Motor company was the
first manufacturer of high-grade motor
cars in the country to announce the In
stallation of the left-hand drive and cen
tter control feature on aII models, and.
while nt flfst It came In contaot with
motorists who were a little skeptical, it
has been able to prove beyond doubt
that left-hand drive and center control
on high-grade cars to meet American
road and traffic conditions la a feature
which has thoroughly asserted Its ad
vantages." The 14cm Motor company Is announced
lo have at last given up the ghost I
B. Saunders, general soles manager of
the company, who has been making
Bvary effort to recoup, since tho fire of
a yeor ago, which destroyed models,
tools and blue prints of the car, has
finally decided that this Is Impossible
owing to the position of former stock
holders who would neither sell their
holdings nor come forward with the
necessary., cash.
Fifty students, members of the 'senior
class of engineering, together with mem
hnrs of tho faculty. Journeyed from the
University of Wisconsin to the Itambler
factory last week and made a close In
spection of the unit gasoline and electric
motor, with which the 1918 cross-country
rar la equipped. They examined the unit
qnpollno and electric motor from every
uncle, seeing how In talcing the place of
tho flywheel this equipment saves weight,
bearings, chains, gears and complicated
wiring and marveled at its silent opera
tion. ,
Up an ascent of 4,600 feet, rising more
than 500 feet to the mile, and completing
the eight-mile trip to tho top in two
Hours, Is the .record of a hill-climbing
excursion taken by Dr. A, II. Harriman
of T.acorria, N. II., who recently drove
his Ford touring car, containing beside
himself his wife and two children, to the
summit of Mount Washington in the
White mountains.. Tho trip, which was
made without a hl.tch, could have been
completed In less time had the party not
made repeated stops to view the scenery.
Dr. ITarrlman soya that Ford runabouts
frequently malto the climb, but It Is only
occasionally that a loaded touring car
tries it.
F. W. Wooley of the sales department
of the Regal factory Is spending tho
week with the T. O. Northwall company,
lie mado the trip through the state with'
one of the Northwall salesmen In a
model C Ilegal early last week and was
delighted with the automobile situation
in tho territory through which they trav
eled. D. It Haselton, head of the Regal
lervlce department, has also been spend
Ing several days with the local house,
checking up Ideas as to improvement in
car construction, and getting an idea of
what ihe people in Omaha demand of an
O. D. McDonald, son of C. W. Mc
Donald, manager of the Marlon Auto
mobile company, arrived In Omaha
Wednesday of last week from Seattle,
where he has been engaged In business.
Mr. McDonald will Join his father In
looking after the Interests of the Marion
car in Otnalia and between the two they
should make the trade hustle during the
:ora!ng year,
TJ. R. Wilson of the Wilson Automobile
company is . upending a few days in Ar
kansas on a combined business and
pleasure trip. He left early last week
and Is not expected to return before a
week from Monday. It Is rumored that
Mr, Wilson will have a piece of Interest
ing news for the automobile trade when
ie gets back home.
.During the last week Manager Undsey
of the Velie Automobile company hoi
been making a trip through the central
part of the state, sizing up his contraota
tpr 1913. and Incidentally signing a few
new ones. Manager IJndsey has also
spent considerable time In explaining to
impatient dealers that the Velio factory
s working both night and day to fill
:he countless orders it now has on hand.
Work In moving into its new quarters
has slightly shortened Its amount of pro
Juetion. but, being thoroughly estab
Jxhed at the present time, It is working
twenty-four hours a day to catch up
with the public's demand.
U II. Smith of the Omaha. Auto com
pany made a trip through southern low
arly in the week placing agencies for
the Nyberg line. lie has so far met with
excellent success, and declares In a let
ter to the home office that prospects
tor the Nyberg could not possibly be
Improved upon.
U A. Keller, manager of the local
Studebuker branch, has gone to tho fac
tory to arrange for the Immediate ahlp
Bifnt of a few million cars (or words
to that effect). Leaving all hilarity on
the shelf, however, Mr. Keller said
before leaving that if they had 600
oars here, they could dispose of them
easily. Ever since the Studebaker people
made their startling announcement for
K UI3 line, the house has been literally
f' odrri with letters begging for ter
rftorj and oars. ,nany contracts artu
any being signed tu the strength of tha
announoemnt. The M1J stason bids fair
(o see the Studebalcer line well to tha
front. If the factory can possibly sup
ply the demand.
Tha United Motor company delivered
Maxwell 30a to M. R. Ford of Brllng.
It-, and nurt McXab of Carroll, la. Mc
Nb also received a 40. A full repre
sentative line of Maxwells Is now on ex
hibition at the local house, Including)
JOs, 32s and 40a.
Mr. Macken and Mr. Rellly of the IMatt
Center Auto company, Matt Center, Neb.,
paid a visit to Ouy 1 Smith last week
and drove homefln now 113 Hudson tour
ing cars.
Guy I. Smith reports the delivery of
a (dx-ayltnder sixty-horse power Peerless
touring car to Dr. Van Buren Knott of
Sioux City, la.
During tlie last ten days Ouy U Smith
has demonstrated his new Hudson coupe
to scores of enthusiastic prospects. Smith
has booked several orders and was forced
to deliver his show car,, as one pur
chaser won so enthusiastic he would not
Ouy I. Smith gives some advance In
formation on the wonderful new electric
starter that has been acquired by the
Franklin Automobile company. It Is
known a the Enta starter and hoa ben
developed to greater efficiency than any
other starter heretofore offered tho
publics. The, Bntr starter is operated by
the regular ignition switch, thereby doing
nway with auxiliary levers or buttons.
Dy throwing on the switch the starter
becomes operative and turns the motor
over until an explosion takes place. JuBt
as soon as the motor begins firing, the
starter is automatically disconnected. In
event that the motor is accidentally
stalled, the starter automatically takes up
Its work without any" attention from the
driver. Aa long as the Ignition switch Is
turned on, the motor must be tiring. The
Etatx Is the genuine starter, as it Is
purely automatic in operation.
The McCoolc Machinery and Iron
Works of McCoolc, Neb., closed a con
tract with the W. Ia Huffman Automo
bile company for twenty-flvo Hupmoblles
last Thursday,
August Burner of Culbertson, Neb.,
closed a contract with the W. L. Huff
man Automobile company for the sole of
the famous Hupmoblle "32" at Culbert
son. The Valentine Auto company of Valen
tine, Neb., drove home a 1913 Hupmoblle
Thursday, and have taken the agency
from the W, I Huffman Automobile
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
91g Returns.
The Car the Woman Can
KsliiiiiiiiiiiiiBsiiiisss3B5sMMi 'BjB', ;, I'aB iIImI ft
Omaha Contractor One of Speakers
at Cinoinnati Conrention,
Mast Wko Does Kot KM from llnntt
of the Interests Stnnaa I. title
Chance to Get In as
"draft and corruption, politics ami the
work of a certain class of men In putting
into legislation authorising roadway con
struction provisions which designate pat
ented pavementn and speclflo brands of
material, to tho exclusion of other ma
terials equally as good and sometimes
better these are some of tho things the
road contractors of America hsnre been
contending with for many years."
This declaration embodied the substance
of an address by Hugh Murphy, publlo
works contractor of Omaha, on The
Contractor Iolnt of View." at the fourth
session Thursday afternoon of tha ninth
annual convention of the American Road
Builders association ,at Cincinnati, ills
address was liberally applauded.
Driving home each of his points In an
emphatic manner, Mr. Murphy made It
clear that the convention should dis
seminate Information bo that furiils raised
for road construction shall be wisely and
honostlv managed. Ho Indicated his be
lief that the good roads movement, for
tho benefit of tha public rather than for
a chosen few, has come to say, and that
it can ba permanent only through co
operation of engineers and contractors
and the publlo.
U rice d to Unite.
After having, dealt In detail with the
relations between contractors and en
gineers In rood construction and legisla
tion pertaining to It, the speaker offered
n number of remedies, largely along pro
fessional lines, to better the situation.
Tho advice of "co-operation" sounded
throughout his address. As the main step
toward protection against what he termed
"tainted Clausen" and other evils, Mr.
Murphy advised the Independent con
tractors of the United States to untto
and form a protective national associa
tion. Continuing, he said: "A contractor of
paving work who does not eat from the
hand of the Interest that controls certain
specific! brands of materials or who Is
not licensed by the owners of oertaln
patented pavements. Is not permitted to
bid upon roadways specifying those ma
terials exclusively. This deprives a legit
imate contractor of on opportunity to bid
upon public works and deprives the pub
lic of the benefit of competition In the
bidding. Who shares In tho extra money
between the legitimate cost of paving
Cmm nnMf f'nn When too buv vonr next auto-
f mobjja taka jnto consideration efficiency of Imperial Cars. Ask Imperial owners about this
the rital matter of operation. You want a car that it electri- service. Wo will glvo you the names and addresses near you
call started and lighted a car that can be controlled that will enable you to raako inquiries and prove our claims,
entirely from the seat a ear that a woman can drice.
You want this Ease of Operation in a car with an estab- Value rn8 ext'eme'Jr moderate prices of Imperial Cars
lished reputation a car with a record of- efficiency behind 81185 to 81875 raako them nn object of excep
it a car at a moderate prico. tional interest to prospective autoniobilo buyers. Our tre
mendous factory production alone enables us to offer you,
Imnerial Cars answer your every demand. Models at such a moderaio price, a car with Ml tho specifications
" J4M and "34" are equipped with the of cara costing up to 4ooo. Imperial Cars are now made
North fiast starting and lighting system- a system positive and in one of the largest Individual automobile factories in the
unfailing in action. Electric starting' and lighting aro co 1 world,
trolled by switches on the dash, providing for the utmtst
convenience. The Imperial Car is tho woman'a car It wts This Model 34t holds an especial appeal for you.
a standard for Ease of Operation that is difficult In this car at i6jo you'll find
duplicate. a complete and positive electric starting and lighting system
long, graceful, racy lines -our own three point spring
Established Reotltation he excellent reputa- shackle susp'nsion for great comfort deep, luxurious upholstery
r tion of Imperial Cars is in fact all the modern scientific conveniences which make
established in the minds of Imperial owners becauso of (mpnrial Cars, unexcelled at any price. This Imperial Car
their rugged roadabllity because of the factory service back rfemand the investigation of evory prospective automobile
of them. Imperial factory service is cot an ordinary purchaser. Investigate today.
Starts by Electricity Is Lighted by Electricity
Specifications iv? ff FffffcJottHn N?r,h Three Other Models Miei "44" Five Paenger
' East electric lighting and starting system. Touring Car, 50 Horse Power,
45 horse power. aM inch bore; 5J4 inch stroke. Wheel Inch bore. sM inch itroks. uj Inch whe.l be, 18 x 4 Inch llre.
base. 118 Inches.. Unit power plant Center control levers. wjui'pment xt ni lithtlnj intern. Complete $1875
&?Jnn MK?ih?!r difran "tan Model "'fWo Passeng eV Touring ',' 40 Vlorse Power,
Three point suspension. Eqn pment: Mohair strap top. 4 Inch bore. sK inch .troke. i?4 loch whetl bwe. ! Inch ei OQC
dust hood windshield, speedometer, tire carrier, spare rim, tu. Complete jnlpmeut........ pioO
repair Idt. Jack and pnmp. Mountings, black and Modal '33M TVo Passenger Roadster, same 19QC
nickel Complete specifications ud equipment model "" V400
ModmU "44" and "34v arc UctHcaUy ttarted and lighted.
Writ or call for dtmomtration.
Bradley, Merriam & Smith Council Bluffs, Iowa
when It Is open to competition and tho
price paid for the materials and patented
pavement that uro exclu?dvoly specified!"
Worse Than Montr. 1
Mr. Murphy then dwelt at length upon ',
certain provisions ana supinations wmcn,
he said, can Ihi found In most of the
specifications for work In tho different
cities clauses which, he asserted, are
made under the rules of political bosses.
"In a ganio of three-card inonte," ho
added, "you put up your money and can
turn the cards; hut In this game you put
up your money and are not permitted to
turn the cards, or even to have n
'look In.' "
In closing Mr. Murphy made a strong
plea for a national organisation of Inde
pendent raving contractors. "If you do
not get together very soon," he said,
"thoan interests that are active will In
orease until such a thing ns an Inde
pendent contractor Is a thing of tho post.
Ton have heard, I presumo, of thoee
breweries that own the building, ntooJk
and license under which tho saloonkeepers
are doing business.
"if you do not wish to be in the same
boot you must remedy the existing condi
tions, otherwise you should not complain
because others do not do for you what
you foiled to do for yourselves,"
Qeorge B. Daniels, vice president and
general manager of the Oakland Motor
Car company, Pontlac, Mich., who la a
student of political affairs, as woll dp
of the automobile business, Is not con
cerned over the effect of any possible
tariff revision legislation by the next
congress upon the automobile Industry In
Mr. Daniels, In tho face of a probable
reversal of the political domination of
the national government, hod pliuinod
early this year to produco nearly twice
as many motor oars for 1913 aa his com
pany manufactured for 1913.
The output of America's motor car In
dustry for 1913, according to figure
compiled recently by a leading automo
bile trade paper, will exceed 600,000 cars,
more than twice aa many as were built
In 1912.
It Is a marvelous growth In production.
And there is also a vory marked Improve
ment in the cars themselves. More ad
vanced features have been added to cars
for 1913 than have been added In the
three previous years.
Tho Persistant and Jiiivj1our Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road (o
Business Success.
service It is always ready to maintain tho wonderful
CO., Factories, Jackson.
Auto Show Greatly
Benefits Dealers
Thot undoubtedly the most Important
function of the auto show Is Its educa
tional value to the dealers Is the opinion
of II. R. Radford, general manager of
the Cartercnr company of rontlac, Mich,
"Of course, a large number of cars ore
old," snld Mr. Radford, "but these, sales
are valuable only as a help toward pay
ing the expense of the exhibit. The big
thing that we must accomplish with our
exhibit Is to give the dealer enthusiasm
and selling points for his work In tho lo
cal territory.
"The donlcr conies to the show and
there sees all the cars side by side. Ho
seos his car where ho ha a chance to
compare It with the cars with which ho
must compete and he learns Just whero
It Is better. At no other time has ho
such nn opportunity for getting first
hand Information on the whole situa
A unique suggestion for Ksrngomen line
been announced by a salesman In Chi
cago, It takes the form of a novel win
dow display, which shows an nutomo
bile tilted fifty degrees and In said to
constitute a "perpetual demonstration"
for undorstrung constructunl.
The curiosity In question Is n car of
the roadster type and Is supported by
a special framework built so as to equal
a fifty-degree angle. Roth the Regal
car and the frame face the window,
"end on," and across the car's radiator
nt approximately the level of the on
looker's eye nre hung curds whloh read
"Safety of the Underslung." The car
and this explanation can be easily seen
from outstdo the show room.
Motor racing may or may not be losing
favor; but the fact remains that many
of the one-time stars are abandoning tho
breakneck speed of track and road con
testa for safer If not nioro remunerative
commercial pursuits.
Word hoa Just come from the Jackson
Automobile company to 1U representative
hero that Hurry Grant, famoua aa the
winner of the Vanderbllt'cup two yoara
in succession, has Joined the staff or the
Jackson Boston branch.
Chinamen on I.oiir .lannt,
lng Woo, a wealthy merchant of
Shanghai. China, recently purchased a
Stoddnrd-Dayton 48 and started on a
tlilrty days' tour of tho Taclflc const,
after which ho will ship the car to the
Nearly a Quartor
Pride in Your Car
You will be proud of your new
Model C-Six because of its beau
tiful and distinctive lines.'
You will be proud because of
its active power which covers more
miles a day and with greater case
than any other car of any power.-
You will be proud because you
can give your 'friends greater
motoring enjoyment than has
ever before been possible.
Houser (Si Howes
2102 Farnam St.
Stevcns-Duryea Company Chicopce Falls Mass
" Pioneer Builders of American Sixes "
Model CSlx
Sfvrn I'MtenBtrt
No-Rim-Cut Tires
10 Oversize
Face the Facts
Don't buy tires by guesswork. Keep
records make your mileage tests.
Men who do this buy No-Rim-Cut tires.
And tens of thousands find the average
saving 48 per cent.
So many know this that these tires far
outsell all others.
And the sale today is ten times larger
than three years ago.
Think of This Winter Treads
Men have tested out In service
1,700,000 Goodyear tires.
Lust year they bought, becauso
of the records, 018,687 tires. And
our factory shortage lost us sales
of some 400,000 more,
250,000 Know
Now some 250,000 motorists have
adopted Goodyear tires.
They know that our patent tires
can't rlmcut. They know that
the oversize, on the averago, adds
25 per cent to tho tiro mileage.
You ought to know, as they do,
what these savings moan.
Till Conipunr M. no cnnnrrllmi wlmtnvir with nnr other
rulibvr I'ontmi which urn tha tluodyear nam.
Omaha bees
Of Automobiles
Nebraska Buick Auto. Company
,,..,. nransh 13th and P BtS X. V.
KUooln araacn, law " Branch.
HUDSON 2205-2207 Farnam Stret
Marion Automobile Go.
- Ccntury of Leadership
Now these tires, if wantcU.coma
with the ideal non-skid tread.
A double-thick tread, made of
very tough rubber. Not a mere
single tread.
Deep-cut blocks which present
to tho road surface countless edges
and angles. Enduring treads with
a bulldog grip.
And blocks that meet at the base
so the strain Is distributednot
centered, as usual, on a part of
tho fabric,
These things mean a long-lived
tire, a grip that's sure and a last
ing protection. Co mo see it.
Write for the Goodyear Tiro
Book fourteenth year edition. It
deals with tire economy.
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With or Without
Non-Skid Tread
- 2212 FARNAM ST.
Douglas 4190
and Accessories
Welsh Cars..
1913-14-10 rarusm at. EES TSVrv, Mgr.
Overland and Pep
Hartford Council Bluffs Is,
Om&lia, Mstor.
Salesroom Cor. Tenth and Hewanl SU.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Marion and Karmon
Qas Osrs, Ohio and
Standard Bis a t rcs.
X 1 s t r 1 b ntora for
wtstsrn Iowa and
aioi-3 rarna)& St.