i 14 TILE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1912. f r I miE OMAI1A DAILY BEK VOL'NPKD BY KOWAIUl noSBWATWH. VICTOR ROSBWATlSIt, UDlfoll. JtKH RtllLDINU, FARNAM AND 1TT11. tfntcrcd at Omaha postofflce as eeeond tltaa matter. Tfiajts or sx'uwmrfioN. Sunday Bee, one year ttH Haturdny Ilee. Che Year 1 (0 Pally Bee. wltbout' Sunday, one year . Dally Bee, una Sunday, one year... sui rittt.tvtsnnn iiv fAJinmii Kvening and Sunday, per month Vff' Evening, without Btui(U) . per tnonwi. aw 3ally Hce, IntluJlnlr Sunday, per mo. w IDally Bee, without Sunday, per mo... too Address all complaints or Irregularities n delivery to Clt' Circulation Dept. llUAIITTANnKH.. 1 Remit by draft, express or portal order, f naiablo to The Bee Publishing Company. , Only !-ceftt stamps receive! In jayinent pt on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted, offices. Omaha,The Bee bUIMInK . Houth Omaha-MlS N street. Counell Bluffs-H North Main street. Jlneolnr:fi Little building. Chicago 10U Marquette tottllilltiK KaniV City Reliance building. New Tork-3t Went Thirty-third. St. Lous-4 Frisco bhlldlhg. Waehington-TX. Fourteenth at., N, W. r coitriEMi'ONOHNCi1:. - Communication relating io news and MUtorlal matter should , pe addressed Omaha BeC Editorial Department. , NOVEMBER CIRCULATION- 49,805 Slate of Nebraska. County of Douglas, a. Dwlght William. - circulation manager of Tho Bee. Publishing company, belli.' duly sworn,-aay that the -average dully circulation Jar the month of November, 59ii, wax.sori. pwight wilmamb. Circulation Manager. SubMTlbed In my pretence and sworn to before me thin Gth day of December, t3U. ROBERT HUNTKR, (Seal.) Notary Public. Subscribers tearing; the city temporarily ahonlil have The II ec mailed to them. Ailflreu will lie rhnniced na often rr iuratect. If you shop, shop early, i ' . Today Id a good duy to begin imying. Omaha's merchant novor offorod tetter bargains. Did your coal bin tremble a llttlo t wider that drop In tho morcury? Base ball and foot ball nave their seasons, but tho high ball rolls on foroTor. Greoco scorns to havo boon play Inn tho part of tho . joker In . tho Hainan deck. I Democrats opposo clmnging tho into of Inauguration from March 4, I naturally preferring tho wind. c , . , 3 Tho meanest fakir on earth Is the 5 ono who prpys on suffering human ,5 Ity, and Omaha has some of tfiom. f J '.; ' ' "You caln't skcer mc," ropllos tho t' czar, to tho kaiser, and tho war spirit contlnuos its ghost dnnco on tho con : tTaoht. ; r.hennnr funl and nnwnr will rnni. Lvlete Omaha's equipment aa tho peat Industrial contor of tho ruiaaie-wcBt. Congress has,bcen pictured n num bor of times as awaking: Lot us f. liopo It does not go back to sloop bo- foro March 4. The Glasgow s'tudontB gave tho ' militant suffragettes an illustration of how tho riot rulo works when It it reversed. i It, L. Motcalfo says he never found friendship real In politics. lie would not say as much for tho sting of ingratitude. Dahlman is to call a mass meeting oh' city planning. Will it include Improvements In tho sheriff's office ejone of Its tasks? ' The Lord must havo meant tho Missourlans, who domnnd to bo kown, when ho exclaimed, "Oh, faithless generation." Speaker Champ Clark denies ho Is ft knocker ;Juat bocauso he broko two gavels calling tho.. house to. order on tfab opening day of congress. l r rjngy Connors you remember ' Plngy says he is -proud of Gov trnor-elect Suiter. It Is to bo hoped tho governor-elect vindicates hlm- self. . Some folks nlay not know tlie dlf l fereuce In tho appearance of tho L new and old coins, having been una- jp i. Mo to get on closo. terms' with tho e t Utter. I. . If a combination of retail grocers can tel the big Jobbing flrmB whero to head in, whut can It do the house i wife who buys her stuff by telo- phone? . The Psalmist In entreating thanks Unto tho Lord for his goodness ; added that 'his mercy endureth for- j over," which Is our flat for making overy day Thanksgiving day. I i - .- , ieurnoua sunraeettes navo now launched their active campaign. All t that remains for them to do Is to get the rotes of enough men, and then they wJll have votes for women. The editor of the Frnncltas (Tex.) Bee Bays the peoplo of Francltas aro the beat people Jn tho world. Of courser they must be, for that llttlo village was founded and populated hy Nebraskans. Pawng resolutions at mass meet lags wll not abate thu-smoke nul Mace. The oivner of the offensive cklBaner aaust be educated to tho V&lRt where he will understand that aaike Is wasteful, as well as offen sive Union Pacific in Nebraska. If under tho torms of tho merger decision, tho Union Pacific secures control of tho Ogdon-8an Francisco lino, thus completing as now Its Pa clflc coast outlot. It will ifbt only make Omaha In fact as In narao tho headquarters and eastern terminus of tho greatest transcontinental line, but will Inovltnbly result Jn monu- hiontnl ndvantages to tho entire state of Nebraska. Theso will como In tho form of branch linos acting art now feeders, which the expanding interests of tho state now so much reaulrc. Whllo tho Union Pacific has main tained a high grade of efficiency In lis physical property and service in this state, it has not, btrcauso of Its subserviency to tho Southern Pa cific,, bcqn freo to doveloji Uh lines Jn Nebraska, as It should now as a soparnte'nnd Indppondent orgnnl- ratlon. It has onjoyed dlstlnption as, tho groat Nebraska railroad, when as n mattor of fact tho Burr llugton has moro than double Its in II cage in this state and tho North western has within a few "miles of as "much. Nebraska's prodigious develop ment .Is calling loudly for Just such results as spim to havo been con tingent upon tho situation crentcd by this decision. Tho benefits ac cruing wilt, of course, bo mutual to the railroad and tho atato and, with tho boBt of feeling existing between them, tho futuro appears very prom ising. Peace and Armaments. Secretary Meyer, In pleading' for a strong navy, Is well within tho fncts of record when ho assorts that lim itations upon armament have not ad vanced tho cause of peaco. It would be wlso to start upon this propaganda of world peaco from that point of viow, for It would savo time other wise epont on sophistical arguments. It Is of striking Interest that tho secretaries of our navy and army, as well as tho officials of other govern ments ciiargqd with the grave re sponsibility of maintaining their na tion's defenses, though thoy may bo ardent advocates of poace, Invariably tako tho view, which Mr. Moyor urges, that tho best way to avoid war and Irisuro' peaco is to bo proparod to fight. Across tho Dominion Canada's promior Is urging tho samo thing, These men leave tho disarmament policy to bo preached by thosb with out snob official responsibilities. It was not economy nor real peace promotion for tho democratic house to defeat tho two battleship bill; It vob a false play to tho political gal leries. Socrotary Moyor Insists upon thrco battleships a yeur to hold this nation In' tho front' rank of the pow crs at sea. Wtf have let our mer chant marine dotorlorato at a cost wo could not afford; we' cortalnly cannot afford to woakon our naval force, especially so long as all othor .world powers porslst in strengthening theirs. . Boys' Corn Clubs. - Promoting tho corn club plan among boys of thostato should havo the (doifble valuo .of ' Increasing the quality nnd quantity of Nebraska's com production' ahd 'attracting boys to tho farm. .Vor that r'paion this enterprise should'bc maintained with increasing Interest. Ab tho out growth of corn expositions, good seed campaigns and tho university's fOHterlug care, It has begun to yield excellent frultngo, as tho specimens brought In by tho boy farmers at South Omaha Indicate Some of theso lads uro raising moro than 100 bushels of porn to tho aero and that. too, In soil not tho choicest for this cereal. The fact Is, as appears from all -experiments mado, most of Nc braaka's land Is- hlchlv ndaotcd t corn culture and If properly culti vated will ytold returns much greater than anything yet reallrcd. Tho sys tem of offering prizes among tho boys Is a valid Incentive to their in- i dustry, which Hhould begin to havo a vory vital Influence upon some of tho older tllloro of tho soil. Canada and the Mother Country. Premier, Borden's speech In the Canadian House of Commons de manding three new warships at a to tal cost of 135,000,000 to strengthen tho mother country's' armament In view of Germany's aggressive cam paign, breathes loyalty to Hnglafid, but nt the enmo time- the-unmistakable- spirit jut ultimate independence for Canada. Thus fur Mr. Borden has not adopted tho candor of former Premier Laurler, but that ho has sep aration in mind would seem no longer subject to doubt. Those Bhlps. tho premier Bays, are to form part of tho British navy, yot he affirms that with the "now order of things Canada would have a volco) in foreign affairs." Ab If that were! not explicit enough, he adds: When Great Britain no longer assume sole responsibility for defense upon the high seas, it can no longer undertake to assume eole responsibility for the control of the foreign policy And so the mother country, Im pressed by her great province's grow ing Importance, has conceded' the right of Canada to send a minister to London to bo consulted In, any plan looking to a-chango of 'foreign policy, with the promise that no such change will ever be mado agaiu without i tutlon. however. Is not to make money Canada's advice, If England had ' tor 1,8 fender, but to aavo money for tho adopted some audi course as that alloor nien " women -of BooX character .. . . .. who may need funds to inet the emergen goou many years ago tue taco oi tne J map might look differently today This Day in Omaha i COMPILED PROM BE.E flLB- r1 DKC. 7. L Thirty Vent Ako Madame Chrlitlne Nellaon, tho famous ulntfer. nnd her ;concert company went through Omaha In n, npoclal car n route to the coast. They nro to be buck In Omhha for a concert In January. The county clnrk waa buny cleanlw? out the vault and In thn course of the work burned the ballots cant nt tho fall elec tion of 1871. Thn rinmea of Governor Kurnan, llruno Tiechuck on tho atato ticket, and Orson "WIIon, Wlltlain Dwycr, Wallace II. Ilartlett, John U Webater, Charles F. Ooodmah. Martin Dunham. H. V. Dodpo and'N. J. Ireland on the count v ticket looked like old times. Piof. Horry Kpiera'dn, wife and baby. arrived to vltlt i the family of D. C. Ilmokn, Tho rlae In the price of beer Is pre- rlpltntli a big jHsCuaeldu In the public print. ' . ' The financial . report for the atato fair show total rrcejpts df I8.70C with a balance after deducting expenditures of The Ancient .Order of lllbernlana are planning their fifth annual ball to take Placo next week nt Masonic hall. According to tho r-al jntitte record lotn and 2i Jn block 3 of ttanacom park havo Juaf (been sold for 'Sl.GQU. ,A number of Omaha people, Includfnir Mr. and Mra. John M. Thurston' and i3r. 8. V. Mercor. wont to Lincoln to attend tho ellver wnddlnc of Or. nnd Mrs. Matthewaon at tho Insane asylum. Twenty Years Airo , i-.x-aovernor QeorKe, V. Baxter - of Wyoming came fo town and put up at tho I'axton. Mra. Kau nnd her aranddaughler. illas Blanche Ilellman. left for California. Mlaa Margaret Mather, tho actrcaa. was stilt confined to her rooms at the Millard hotel. All efforts of tho street railway com pany to open Its tracks were futile, ns the anow fell faster than the nlowa could clean It away. On the electric llnea three motors coupled together tried to buck the atorm. but without aucccaa. Walking was the order of the day. The company nircu overy man It could get to work. The u, Fay Mills revival meetlnaB at Kxpojltlon hall did not stop, but hafl.,i gooa attendance notwithstanding tho fact that" Kldewalkp und atrccts were blocked with 'snow, which oontlnued to fall ahd not a atreet oar In the citv was running. Nine or ten men and women came tip" for conversion. George Hlnea, naalatant aunerlntenilent of tranaportatlon for tho World's fair. formerly of Omaha, wds In the city. He aald that receipt for tho great exposi tion nt Chicago were Juat beginning to pour In. but the heavleat run waa not expected ttlll February. . ' Tert Yearn Ago ' The coming of John IT. Converse, tUo millionaire lay evangellat, was announced. ie wag to como to old In meetings at First Persbytcrlan church. Court Sergeant Whalen won taken eud denly alclt with alna Jn his right aide, auggeatlve of appendicitis, He waa at tended by three phyelclans. Cleric Martin Sugorman of tho county Judgn'n office was preparing , to post a net or the holidays for 1903 and the Irlah patilota were Hated to know that Uhcle Bill Hnowden wn exorcising his Influence to have tho iyh day of March Included in this Hat. Uncle filll argued that the kuou twini i'aincK was. entitled to a place at tho ahrlno of our . patrloUsm along with George Washington and everybody understood what Uncle Bill's Influence meant when it got under a full head of nteani. union I'acinc atrlkcrs threatened to make trouble for the (Milwaukee becauao It delivered an engine to the road in dis tress. Cajitaln Moatyn aald tho police would be on their guard iignlnat Impostors bo fore dispensing aid for the winter. Ho said thoy had many 'anneals that did not look real goodtto the searching eye of the law. ttev. J. 11. nignell, the paator of North Christian church, waa present at tho morning service and conducted the cloning exercises after the aermon by ltev. W. 13. Gray. People Talked About J A hurry call to arrevt a rcd-hcaded htghwnyuuuw 'Operating 'In Chtcngo, ' re-t-ulted In twenty bearers of natural torches being quizzed b' the police be fore the right ono was found. Women are .fleeing from the Turkish harems to western Europe. They mlirht have stayed and tried suffragette tactics on the Turk.. Then Indeed would Con atantlnople'a caaa have been desperate. Charles Kwlng, a civil engineer, who was elected business manager for tho borough Of Lamlsown'oPa., has Just re signed Jits position because Ho waa unable to find enough to do. His salary was U.SX) a year. Caitaiit Louis t'.-Flatau of Ht. Loula, has JM practical- Inventions to his credit tin tho patent offlco at Washington. His lutest is a turbine engine which he ex pects to revolutionize transportation by land and sea. Washington correspondents persist In attributing to democratic victors covetous designs on the pie counter. Why scoff at motives and promises? For aix months past spoken and written words assured voters that democrats sought only the country'sod. ' Tlie reported rush to the pie is n oure-enougn exaggeration. J James Whltcomb ltlley. tho HooiterJ poet, una WTltten n heart-gripping tetter to Governor J ladles' of Missouri, urging i the pardon of Herman Kretsctimar, a salesman, sentenced to eighteen .years Imprisonment for" killing Clarence N. j ones in st. ixui tour years ago. Kretsohmar was a classmate of tlie poet. Sarah Bernhardt, who has started out on the mid-west vaudeville, circuit at S.O0O a week, scouts the report thut this U a farewell tour. She proposes to remain Jn the spotlight as. Jong as thn box office responds to tho divine's deft touch. There must be aome, activity at the box office totrake In JS.WO per and other Incidentals. Colonel James G. Butler of St. Louis, a retired millionaire, bus resolved to re enter business and he la now organizing what he terms a poor man's bank, with nco.coa capital. The purpoae of this instl (lel hhh ow allJ then tff(ve the w(h, jnro the clutches of" the loan shark IN OTHER LANDS THAN OURS Some Old World Events that Are Making History. Und of the Ilnlknn War. Just two months ago the Montenegrin army crossed the Turkish border and fired the first shot of the JJalkan war on tho Ottoman government. Two weeka later the armies of Bulgaria, Pervla nnd Greoco moved against the ancient enemy oil tho plana agreed upon by the allies. In barely six weeks tho Turks have been all but awept out of Europe, a dreaded military force utterly demoralized, and tho Ottoman government forced to aue for peace, flnlonlgl, Monastlr, Uskub, llhodosto and Uuraszd have fallen to the victors. Tho Turkish garrisons of Adrlanoplo and Scutari alone hoM out against the allies In their victorious sweep of the country up to tho gates of Constantinople. A wonderful achieve ment of arms which astonished the wvrid and slgnnllied the birth of a powerful confederation In the near cast. Victors and vanquished, having agreed to an armistice, the acene of action now ahlft from tho sword to tho pen, from battle' field! to London, where represen tative of the warring powers are, to meet on tho fateful Friday, December 13, to nrrange terms of peace. Meanwhile thero Is an Abundance of war talk bo tween Vienna and St Petersburg. Ger many through Its irimo minister served notice on all concerned tliat the cmplro would inisheath the sword If necessary In defense of Austria. Ilussla responds that It is not scared and contlnuea mo bilizing. Servla occupied Durazzo on the Adriatic. Austria was aald to Uiavo for bidden this action on pain of war. Ser vln. called the bluff. For tho present war talk Is merely war talk. What may happen In the near future depends on the action of the peace commissioners In London. Cot of n. MIk War, The atx big powers of the old world are divided Into two . warlike campe the Triple Alliance, consisting of Ger many, Austro-Hunsary and Italy, and the Triple Entente composed of Great Britain. Ttussla and France, (suppose, as a result of Austria's dispute with oervia aitout an .vanatic port.) a war results, llusala will defend Bervla. sup. ported by ,the Ballmli atates. Germany and Italy undoubtedly will bock Austria to the limit. That Is the essence of the Alliance. Will Great Britain and1 France remain Idle spectators while their. B,us slan ally bears the burden of the atrug gle? Hardly. But the probability of such it titanic war Is remote, for the very good reason that Us cost In money Hlono woum challenge national bankruptcy. M, Jules Bochc, former minister of com merce of France, contributes to the Gau lols of Pails some interesting calcula tions on that point. Taking as a basis the cost to, France of the war of 1870 he flgurea the cost of tho six power armies fn the field at G,i(,000,0( a month for maintenance alone, with out taking Into account other expenses, "And what would he the Internal Con dition of tho warring nations?" he nska, "The belligerent nations would be atnick w;lth Rcnernl paralysis and wouM see their very mtans t aubslatence disap pear.. Suspension of work would be forced even on those wiho are not In cjmled In' th'e general mobilization, elnce whom would there be to work for? To whom would they sell their products? How .could they be exchanged or trans ported? All' tho large works and factor les, where tho1, division of labor Is com' picted, wouiu (have to he Klnit. Even agrlculturo would be Impossible. No more purchases or sales, either tho eco nomic or tho financial death of labor, an nbrupt stoppage of the heart's action In the national organism of all the na tions at war, with profound reaction on all others such would b6 tho conse uuences of a genernl conflagration In the present conditions of European civil ization." Abdul Ilamtil In Aaln. A correspondent of the New York Bun nt Constantinople sends to that' paper an nccount of th transfer of former Sultar .Abdul Hnmld from Solonlkt to the Adriatic tilde, and the action of the famous pris oner on that occasion. "Abdul llanv.d bore himself with extreme dignity," the writer says. "He shook hands with the captain and some of the other officers and conversed a little while In French, lie BeeS Lett :erm IT IlrltitllliR; Sufferer. OMAHA, Neb., Dec. C.-To the 'Editor of The Ilee. I read' on Monday, tlje Jd Inst., In an Oiimtiu dally pajicri an article on a now tuberculosis cure that they said was "of tremendous Importance" aa a "Christmas glf,t to suffering-humanity." It la to be regretted that un Omaha news, paper of standing should buve .been caught by any such u tuberculosis fako remedy advertisement. It would bo in teresting to know how many thousand dollars "Special Staff Shepherd" received for playing this game, whereby Dr. Fried man could mate a million dollars or more before ho could bo exposed, I have care fully reviewed the weekly Issues for the last alx months of the following named medical Journals, ' tho best In Germany, the best In the world., rind find nowhere any referertco to any auch a man, or any experiments or 'discoveries: Berliner Kllnl'che Wbcheiitchrift. Munchener Mediziiilsche ' Wi)chenachrlft. Deutsche Medtzlnlsche Woclienschrift, the weekly Issues pf tho London lancet. The British Medical Journal, The Journal of the American Medical Association, The New York Medical Journal, The Boston Medi cal and Surgical Journal, The New York Medical Record. These Journals keep In touch with and publish weekly the doings In medical circles In every part of the world, and would have known of such experiments ami discoveries If they had existed. The story on the face of It shows It to be a fake advertisement, for It Is well known that every tubercular germ In tlie patient's body may be destroyed with no harm to the patient, but thla does not cure the condition of a chemically pois oned blood stream, tlfut paved the way for the development of the germ, for the multitudinous development of the germ s u, result and not primary cause. Gorma of tuberculosis can be found In very many people who are lit, perfect health; Tho great Vlrvhow a-ild: 'They can bo found in the'bodlee of ev.ery1 living person." Yet these people ds not get tuber cuIcbIs because the white blood corpuscles, the defenders of tile body against germs, and the electrical conditions are suffi ciently strong to withstand their attacka, Rut, when from wrong niethoda of living, improper selections, proportions and com. and then went bHow to the ambaasadors quarters, the ladlei going to the ward room and the officers cabins. Abdul remained below alt the voyage, but when the vessel reached Ints destination he enme quickly on deck, and In quite an Imperial manner bade farewell to the of ficers of the ship. It waa difficult to be lieve that this man was -deposed a little over three years ago when I saw him. giving souvenirs to the- officers of the Lorelei; our would havo thought that ho waa atlll the sultan. He gave the cap tain a magnificent cigarette case, while to each of the offlcera he presented i diamond scarf pin. He Is lodeed now i with his family in the Beyler Bey Pasha, on the Asiatic side of tho Bos porus almost immediately opposite Dolma- Uagtche, tho residence of the reigning sultan, and It Is strange how In this their moment of anguish the hearts and thoughts of the Turks go out to the 'King across the water.' " Liberal Alllra on Cnnrd. The liberal party allies In the British Parliament have been tauglit a salutary leason In watchfulness by the snap divi sion on the financial clause of the home rule scored by the Tories three w'ecks ago.. While the rcatllt simmered down to ton days' delay. It served to arouse the min isterial forces to a deeper comprehenalon of the danger of lax attendance. Be sides the home rule bill, the party pro. gram calls for disestablishment of tho Welsh church, electoral reform on the one-man-onr(-vote principle, some vital amendmsnts) to the worklngman'a pen sion law "and lanb reform. To carry through these "measures, assuming that the House of Lorda will reject each of them twice, requlrea their passage at the present 'session, in order that the houss may repass them within the two-year limit. The life of the present Parliament has a llttlo over three years to run,' pro vided it Is not overthrown In the mean time. Every enforced delay which the opposition can' bring about to that extent diminishes the chances of putting the program Into law. Particularly energetic mcosurea .have been adopted to Insure regular attendance of every one of eighty members of the Irish party. Leader John Itedmond ha taken personal charge of his group and put a crimp on the free nnd easy methods of aome of his follow ing. In the future "no work, no pay" la to be tho rule. Every member of the party Is now obliged to report himself dally to the whips, except In case of illness, when medical certificates are de manded. Mr. Redmond also Insists that his followers must no longer be mtre voting machines lounging in the bars nnd smoking rooms waiting for the sound of tho division bell. They must be In their places In the chamber listening to the debates when they are not actually tak ing part In them. IttiKaln niul AlonRolln, Foreign Minister Sazonoff recenty pro tested against Imp.utlng to Ttussla base deslgna on Mongolia, rtussia's intentions toward that, section of Northern Chlnu were patriotic and humane. The idea if Russia wanting a section of nearby ter ritory was positively Insulting, he said. Ilussla merely acted as arbitrator be tween rival factlona of Mongols with the object of preventing a declaration of Mongolian independence. On being asked whether a protectorate would be estab llshed by Russia over Mongollat Mr. Bazonoff replied that such was not Rus sia's intention, as it had no desire to take over uilmlnlstratlve dutiea. The Mongols line suggested thot Instructors might be supplied by Russia for the army which thqy wished to organize. At present, however, It did not appear that any nucleus existed round which an army could be created: but If a request weie made for Russian military Instructors later on, the Russian government would probably send them. A Chinese resident would be established at some town where a Russian consular officer was stationed, possibly Urga. He doubted, however, whether tho suzerainty of China would still be recognized by the Mongols If the central government ut Peking were to assume a republican form; and Russia woultt have to recog nize Mongolian Independence If It worn declared. These lofty professions. It may be observed, are distinctly Russlanesque. blnatloiw of foods and faulty methods of elimination of the waste 'matters of tissue changes, the blood becomes overcharged with chemical agents called toxlnes. that damage chemical and electrical energy, the blood stream and tissues become a favorite soil for the development of tuberculosis and other germs that could never have long existed In a normal blood stream- The medlcaf profession have given too much tres to "The aerm Theory of Disease" and too Hubs to keeping tho body In a condition so as to be able to resist any germ. Germs cannot develop In an unsuitable medium. Germs cannot develop In a healthy blood stream. Germs develop only where there Is unlmpared energy of the vital forces. Nature is always constructive and never destructive, when allowed to func tion In a normal nianner. What we eat and drink, and lraw we dress, work, breathe, think and live, are conditions that make and keep us strong and well, or may bo our undoing by damaging the hlood stream and electrical energy, and thereby lay the foundation for and be come the primal cause of, not only tuber- reulosls, but more than W per cent of ail diseases. There cannot be any such a vaunted discovery for the cure of tuber culosis except as an adjunct to "living tlie life" in harmony with nature's best expression of the law, that obedience to natural law la the condition of well being. DR. L. A. MBRRIAM. HOW EDITORS SEE THINGS. Indianapolis News: It Is rather dis appointing to learn that the Harvester trust's "divine plan" of doing business was the same old trust plan of putting competitors out of business by fair means or otlierwlse. New York World: Making Colonel Ooethals' a full general for hla work in building the Panama cnnal wtll be- a new departure- In military promotion. But an achievement which, among the ''victories of peace." Uv the equivalent 6f a Waterloo or Sedan, ought to have tin appropriate reward. Chicago Inter Ocean; Far be It from ua to rush in where angels fear to tread and express an 'opinion on the merits of the slight difference that aeema to have atlaen between Dr- Mary Walker anJ Miss Jane Addams. Nevertheless, we are haunted with a vague feeling that Dr. Mary will have her say In public and free her mind. The wonufn who has succeeded In wearing trousers for fifty years all over the world la not likely to take to her bed because of a little polite i snubbing by the suffragettes of Chicago. LUTES TO A LAUGH. 'It Is a wonder that a shoemaker ever succeeds In getting on In thla world." wny notv 'Because his first work la ant tn be his last." Baltimore American. . i int uivnit uu v 1 1 n l juu lull them you had never paid a dollar for a "A' few cheered, but most of them Star. Ktllcker Has flmlth tn1tnwrf lh TnrU. Ish war? Rocker Followed It? Not much: he hai predicted ever' move. New York Sun. "Beg Pardon. Sir." UM thn itnnrmin at the Staghorn club. "Hoven't you made a mistake?" "I reckon not." rrntl l rnrr,t.l "The sign on the door aays 'No Admla J.on,' and if they's no admission it's free, ain't It7" Judge. IT .l nrl a rat vaii - . .i. mmr cure, ana .r, mv rm li the vtry first to ro tbout this flhls Till vaa rim.--. T . ttllM tl'alftt hfAM In Ma. II V a Opinion. , "11 f knnill All that nKt H town." ' Why doesn't he ariiMt with ih.m then?" They know him." Cleveland Leader. "That man who aava ha alaena Irs than two hours a day has given the world some remarkable Inventions." "xes. And I can't help wondering if that atory Ish't one of them." Philadel phia Leader, "Why these sad looka?" "t am getting old." aaid the actress. "tJm," said the Impreaarlo. "My face ahall go upon the billboards no more." "Well, your gowns are new," said the BakingPowder AbsolurelyPiire There is a remarkable interest in Home Baking and Cooking throughout the land. This is a most encouraging in dication that the battle against impure, improper food is going to be won. The credit for the victory will belong to the women of the country. Home cooking has the backing of science and the approval of fashion. It adds to housekeeping a pride; to our food, healthfulness. It is acknowledged by experts, and by the women who know, that the best cooking in the world to-day is with the aid of Royal Baking Powder. Get One for Him for Xm&s Any Portrait on a handsome burnished copper Watch-fob Reproduced from any photograph you Bend engraved on the metal and abso lutely Indestructible.- A fob that may be worn by any one who dresses in good taste, at the samo time a lasting novel picture. Send photo and Si. 00. Photo , . will 6c rtumd with ear. , BEE PUBLISHING CO. ' Engrftving Dept. BEE BjjDG., OMAHA, NEB. Ordsra may ba 11 at Ih Offle.. The Best Oil pJBI 7rrlr Eonywhtrm aPsfSff'' Wsfrraaxa I BsiaPaBBBsBBWsW resoutcctul manager "8upiose we past--i up artistic Illustrations of them."-Louls-Mile Courier-Journal. WANING OF THE CRESCENT. Herman Sehauffauer in Harper's Weekly. With sword and standard shriven War from the mountain broke; The mitrailleuses rpoke, The hills by flame, atood riven, The Tillages were smoke. The old, half-blind eagles That swam athwart the sun , Marked down red valley run Black Slaughter's unleashed beagles Hind, shepherd, myrmidon. Along the white roads ranging. They saw etrango serpents writhe Like grain beneath the acytlie, Steel-ridged battalions changrng To musket-laughter blithe. The saw the fires Incessant Like scarlet banners toss Pawns of Imperial loss . Fanged star and livid crescent Ride out against the cross. Like monks the peaks stood leaning Over the roar and hum. Time spake: "The hour Is come!" Hla thin voice, intervening. Struck all the nations dumb. In Thrace the paths of pillage Ran like a sentence red; ' The wolf waa strangely fed Within the ahattered Milage And howled above the dead. Afar with turrets gleaming By the swart Bosphorua, Lean, old, yet valorous Stamboul, in evil dreaming, Lay still and ominous. O'er the black town and water , O'er dome and minaret. Banned by the planet's threat. And dark with ancient slaughter. The horned moon waned and set. Price $1.00 VBaaal t