TliE JJEK: OMAHA, FJMDA , DKCEMHEIt , l!H. WANT ADS I tVnnt nil rccolvwi nt nny lime, "hut to Insure proper clnntilf lent Ion must lo iircsentcit before I2KHI o'clock noon for flip evcnlnir cilltloii ruul before 7:110 i. in. for tnornliiK ami Hominy criltliiiin. Witnl nils n "lvoil wflcr Miii'h Iioiim rlll linvo tliclr first Insoi linn under the haul Jng, "Too Lnto to Clnxilf)-." CAHII ItATKH I'Olt WANT AIIH. 11K0TLAK CliAMHII'ICATIOV. Ono Insertion !i renin n woul. Two or more consecutive Inser tion 1 H renin n wool. No nilvcr tlsenienl Inlirn for Irn limn UO cent a. CHAIUJi: ItATI'H. Six wnrtln to tlio line. One liner! Inn lii cent per line. Two or more rninecnilvo Inner tloiin t) cenlN per line. Ono line per month SI. HO. Twenty cent n inliiliniini rlinrKc. AdTertUetnenln iinrRe1 topntroiiN linrltic XcronntiH nre niiiuiireil liy the line, not by tlm wonl. XOTH Tlio lleo will not lie re. MKHtftllile for nioro ttntii one wrotur 11 anr.1 Id ti .1 im ... t I I. ' ,: : !' ' ".Drnif Mtore kuwih) Jolm. Klilrnl. Ilr Utile v .nimn ior error rnnnoi no niioweo, lifter tlio Itlllt of tlm following montli. An nilrertUement Innorteil to ho run until forhldilrn niintt ho nloppeil hy written onlor. Verhnl r telephone rnnrcllniloiin rnnnot ho sccrpletl. DBATII AND rUNHUATt NOTKJIJH. HBAhnr--Kvflyn Kmnli. at fr Trail. Colo., I)rmbr 2, 1P13, of piminnoiiln, nctvt 37 ynnrn. runnrnl. Friday mnrnlnr, Docrinbfr , JSIJ, from th rMldrrirn of Mm. Ik A. AIM!, CM )nrk Ave. nl Si.V) n. tn., to Ht. yntnr'n chiireh. nt 0 n. m Intirmnt Holy Wopulchor ermetory. Bho lft to mourn her Ion four xtntern, nnn brothor nml hor fnthtr. OAltl) OK TI1ANKH To tlm DnnMli llrottmrhood nml Hlrtnr Tiood Indrea, nlno thn rmployen of the Twf)iity.fjooiid nlid Nlrholnn ntrnft enr barn and to thn many frlondn and nnlrh ar who no kindly nnnlntml tin In our lntn Imrravcmtnt, and for thn many hrnu tinil floral offntliim ntid tokpn of aym pnthy for im In thn ton of our ilnnd ami nnloved husband nml fntlmr, wn wlnh lo ffnr our Imnrtfntt thanka. MilH. JOItANNIOS CliniKTIGNHICN AND CUH.nilKN. 1.0I10K NOTICICH ... l'OtKllO NOTICl Attantlon, KntRhtn of l'ytlilun M m,d Uthem l,i"rf 'nv,,d o pnrllclpntn nt our ynnun elnctloii of offlcrn mid hnnqimt PoIIowlna- on Thurmlay, no. R. iftiz. i in Ami i, in wvun no. M, TheOommltleo. IM and Cumluit Htn. MAiuiiAnn t.icncNnnn. Tlm followlnc permlta to wrd hnvn lirn Istllfdi Nnmn and Tlesldrnc. JJnnnln O llrlnn. Hout), OmnlVi Hininn HchouOlk, Houth Oiiinhii,.... JOdwnnl Hflotv, Oiunha. Kathrrliie Qamby, Omnlia, 3lobrt Wnrimr, Omiihn Ornco Iuch. Council Hlnffn. ....... Ororija W. lllrr. l'lattnnloutliA coc W. MolNlmrrr, 1'iiittnmouth... Age. ...,JI ....III ....2.1 Frntik 10. Tjine. Oinnlin i Mlldml Wolfe, Omnhii II KdwHrd 1. Tnylor. Omaha 33 Pntllii Corbln, Omnhn U IIIIITIOl AND UI9ATIIN, Ml Hickory, boy: willlnm nml OnVtruiln lUyimr, air North Twmily.foiirth, relrli C nml Kliimm iCntclinor, 4M3 Hamilton Klrl, J nry nnU lry Mcl-omb, 2707 How. 'OA' .V"'. l" IWlia A. Nlelnnn, Fl ',rw"y-foyi th, boyi John unit Annln llllnmi, noranoa, boyi Alike und Anna Wolfnbnunr, 4M lJncoln nvniun, noy. ' ' "r . lltill,1UNJ I'r.HMITI. H Fowler, 294,1 North Twnnty.fourth frAtito (JwolllMir, 12,600; O .tnmrsou, 2110 ?J?uw.e.t, "pMlvurU. frmnn.. itwrlllnn, M.W). ! 1). Thomnun. 31V, HoiltTl Twenty. . "'0"w,i.'"K. 3.w: I'. I). Thorn 141.11. .TTTil M.111II. 'r.u...,i.,.uu. V..'' wen, iuui HOUth Twmity.Bi.rnn.1 tm. !ni, ""K;, J.'i Alflo Ctttamla. UU Houtn irnino uweiiinir, ji.wm; jonn. W!? 9- .(.irBbi. im Homii Klnvmith, H, 11. ilownky. o4 l m ui)Uln-ard. frame dwelling HKU wAnTKU KH.MALK Cl.rlenl nmt llrriat, jmidte'f..? Mi,o,nn"" u MTWN(XillAI'IIICll ...,i ... .i.... . ...:.-ir" ' keeper for "wholeinle " Jewelry " SSSTm: ! rrrnt tihanca for II. 307, Hen. Factory nod lindrs. UoBsrkectiera nnd Dumrallca. iiqi,vii!ii5S!ivA?,t ?.inh s,"oi-km "Ul. JCl The Hen will run a Olrl Wanted Art FllBH u,lU Tathl 'R?1 VultS- 'fhl apPllea to reside n 1 i S1"1;.' Ho,,th Omaha and Council Uluffs. Iirlnif your ud to The lien office or telephone Tylor 100a WANTKOJood second ulrl with lef. erencea. Harney . )XA1?P:.UA "lr or inuii to assist with kitchen nnd chamber work Ono J!'..1 ,Uy "l own nights, K07 WANT"l3l'?-airl"for6eiinral house woik! WANTKO-A thoroughly competent cook In small family; no laundry, enclose reference tl resjnMidliig. 11 month; other hell kept. Council Uluffs. A il IWr l Mi. lien. VArn'IClJcrfSrsecoiid work. 63 B,.ln Ave. Phone Oougloit 3130. "3bMI'irmNT girl forge"n"cTa"rTioTrM ork. HmaJI family. No washing. Mrs. K. Welch, 411 . 38th ft. WANTKOCompvtrnl girl for housu work, tnmt be good cook, saoo Hnmey. lioOD girl for general work'ln UundryT good wagea, Harney 4U. WANT1CD A eomiMitent girl for gen eral hoiuawork In family of two, must Jinvn city references. 'Phone liar. 4K3. WANTKI A gtrl for soiurul (m. hOUSg. work 'i'honn 1 lar OOOD gtrl for general housework who UDdersUndH oooklng; whltn preferred Joug RS. lwy Capitol Ave. WANTKO- A nufae girl past 'A, Harney UM. 'hone YOUNO gtrt to aaslsrwl'lhliousnwork." ramlly of two. M4 K. SSd. OlflL for general houseworks" twoTn faintly no waatilng. Mnt W. 11. IVj-lor. Kit Davenport Harney OJa WXl'KTtlkNCKD girl for general muTE vutki ihi wngeni no washing. un Mo, tH. Phone Harney IVA. MteevItaBcona. WOMKN-CJet gwemment petition, tw roiwt. Wrltn Immediately for list of tweMtana oikii. Franklin Institute, Dept. M. W. WtochesUr. H 1 ' TOUNO womenctmnig to diila"ha a M r.nii.r. r. I nvl I .1 ,,. l . , , Vm,.. eejtM's. ChrUUan astoolatlon building M m. Mary's Ave. and 17th Ht.. where win bb uirecteq ui suuuuie boarding plkcea or otherwltn assisted. Look for our travelers nulda at the llr.Iim alallnn Key to lt ' ltutlo-;ite Advertising HUM' WANTHDMALr" Aurnli) "inlesiiiPM nml Mnllrlltire, AGENTS, SOLICITOUS If yuu die live wire nml looking fnr something guml Jaeger Urn Mfg. Co., 607 llrnhrtels T'nenler llldg. ' Nllff ceil." AN Mtrnrthe prnHtltliin fur good so licitors Vnruuiti wnshtH-, IMI fH ran in. WANTKD Hnlen fnniiHgei for oinnhn nml t'ourtrll Uiuf's. Mxli-. Inas. good ref erences, for nmrlly eudnrfteil bj llmilil Health 44 ml lending physli'lmi Cnpl Inl or bond required In enter stuck. Mr. Hllr, lleimhuw Hotel, Thursilsy, jiAlTiWM UN wnYfed. "f?ew office sp ' lull)' fella fin pitfall. An Indispensable s iv typewriter. First-Hues salesmen iiiiv need apply Hnt Mnnnger. 414 Pnrk llldg. Pittsburgh. Pn WANYKI An pxpe"rfeneeii olgnr enlea rnnn for country trade by iv lorn I oon iein Addrers !-. mte The Uo WANTHD- l9iirJpirHl tdgnrsnfrsmiiTi fur city trnde. by u I mm I concern. Address l-'-W. rare the llee. ( lerli-nl nml Offlne. WANTf'D-ltilKhl young tnnn, who linn a, knowledgn of llii smln wnlrr nml lunoli hnstiies. Hhermnn ft McConncll Drug Co., Ifllli nml Dodge. l I'nrfoo anil 'I mite., WANTI5D- ImmKtMtely, experienced niumsKers, Kartell, iwi rapnoi Ave - - - - -rr, . iw(!--A ,HT.rf-,11r:r .rT.iT with Komi iill-nmiind eklinrlrnep, rnpnhle of itovolnpliiK Morklnir ilrnwlnK from Krlciif. AMrHDllvr, if rumiictii Miun lo Mint) mllnfy iik rniiulrrmxnl. Atlitrrun TMMI'I.H ilirmtiyWH, AltrillTICCTH, unvniport. In i7maun AtrfoMo'imVic RNOlN'meiUNH. . Oct Into tlm Killipiiii'lilln itiiRlnrnf. Irnrn It complnln In tlm InrKrM nmt t)l o(Ulipci trnlnlnic nohool In thin trrtlory. Itrlinlriiieii, itemoimtrator ntid unlrnmrn ntn In doiiiMiig, Wrlln or cnll for our )nlrt entnloKUe. MClltlAHKA AtJTOMOniliK Hf'MOOU 1415-17 nndita Ht.. Onmlm, Nt, ' At ION wnhlnf tirieinrnTjnrlit'r lr"3i rn'ti anillfy for ponlllmi In fw wrnkN; wne wlilin UnrnltiR; -rn p ret low exnrlrnrn noci-nKury, nvrrytlilnR Iv tlm liulrn tmiRlit ptnollcnlly, miro If nucRnnit with wn; tooln rIvpii. ('nil of write. Molrr llnrhr roiWis 110 Hltth Ht. " SIAHON. ntn" well hornr? "nlo "coflnr rtlKKrr Ono Joh rurli now (imvprnl more mtr); piim oncn, W7 iiiJLtoniiiK." Mlnpellnneoii. FOlt HAI.K-A fw unrlnJmed AL1 WOOL Dundon milts, I10i nitorntloiii free. DUNDICK WOOI.IJN MIMA NjDTtJiWft Cnrimr 13th nnil JJnrny Hln WANTKD-Kor'tv" rt. "nrmy, nbitboillriC inivinrrlAi) nirn bntwunn nnrn of 18 nml 13. ultlxnnn of Unltrit Htm, of good char acter nml tftttipemtn hnbttn. who rnn pttiik, rruil mid wrltn tlm llimll'li Un KunK, For Information npply to lUorint tint offlnnr, Ulh nmt Douulnn Ht.. Omnhii, Nah.i 00 fourth fit., Hloux Cily. In..' U0 N Tfntli Ht.. Uneoln, Nnh. Tlll.lCcniAl'll poNltlonn Kiinrnnfrd you by tha t'nlon 1'aclflo nnil llllnoli Cii (rul rnllronda If yoil tt'lln your trnlnliiK In our nclmol. I'motlen on it. It. wlrim. Address for pnrtloulars, tl. II. linylKs, I'rfs. Iiqylns L'ollrgo. Omnhn, Nnh. ItAll.WA Y mull rli-rkn wnntodi W wnntodi monlhi Omaha examlnntlotiN commie soon; nonmunr rrcn. irrniiKiin inxuiuie, urpi IK W ltochostnr. N. Y. A I tie you unnmploycd or rilnutlR(ltl wllh your vtorli, or got very low whb-ji with no piospcct Tor iiUviinceninut? Th mitomolilln buslnnsn offrm you oppor tpnltirs. Our RrnduiituN 11 re trnlnril by prnutlcnl cxpi-rlnnrn In dnmonstrtttliuf, rr piiltlim nnd ilrlvhiK nil iniiken of mito. tnohllcs, uml commnnd Inritn siilnrlt-n, ICnormoun mil h of iiutomobllen Imn 1 f t urnut dliortiiKi- of kooiI men. Write for full pnrllculnrn nml lnrn now bnfore tlm npiinir rush, Niillounl Automoblln Train. Iiik AnsoclAtlon. Omiihiii Nib, I ' ' .lM."FHMg'll I HUlil- WANTKl) ' MAI.K ANIt KIC.MAt.IC. "Mi5n WoKl f;lN-U'rVo'vornniiuu"liTmir K0 wfi-k. wrltn Imumillntrly for list or positions open, Kriuiltllp Institute, Oupt. SIT V lloohiislnr. N, V-"WAHTKl)-WMNhman""iir 7iH nrou'mt Iniitnlrj'nmii, Knlth'a I.mindry, W. K. KUh. Ma O rove. In. WANTKl HITUATIOiVH COlJHKO wumnn of hooiI nlmiaeter wnntn x)sitlon In Piivnta fiuully. Cnll Fmncnn, Harney 4007. CO(iblll'll) man of fin-in)- and vhur. MUtr wlshen position as Janitor, portm or lioiiM-mnii, murrlfil Cnll JnssJe, Hnr niy 4T. FAMIUY nnd bundln wnshlnit. Hnr. 11374, Wa N T lib 1 tv i rnii Ua't'e lawyer n' iios"P lion In nn iittonmy'n ofiloti. M. C. riul llvnn.llurbniik, H. IJ. ""WAN Till) fly' unlvirslVy rtudrnt witu two.yenrn' office nxpcrlence, ponltlon rr nulrlnic thiro or four hours u day, Can furnish own typewriter II imcmsnry. Ad dress l, mo, iicc WANTUO-l'ONlilon nn chnuffnur In prlvntn family, nt Hotly temitefutnj under, stands nmoinobltn eonstrurtlon Phone Hnnth 1372. WANTICD HtnnoirruPhlc IkmIHoii ilit'li young luily; some expeiiencn) i i)'2"J.,frnvi!,li?- Call Uoiig. waj. Art a eorresvohdeut I huve pioved that 1 enn iruin mid hold huslmos. I can make you think so, too Hulnry low enouuh, "Htnrch," Y !4!, lire. ANNmiNOUMKNTf ItlSIr;NL ooatumes. 14 Howard Ht. H. It. CoITbIiiii Co. t). 37 M. Ute Faniam tit " tilUNOMA'H-pANOAklC FIOITh' sold at all itroaern with iruarantee tu plense, Wedding announcements, Doug. Pig. Oo. MONEYil LOAN -I.OW 311 lire 1! du. 'hone Doug. K)I. UNION LOAN CO. i) H. brirfltii". wig nfr.. II FrenterJIik. OMAHA POHTtNO "HliltVlcTcl Adv.,' 'Pemll" Oxygen wnHhlng compound. N. PINEOOLU I.mlli's' tailor. hn movrii from 803 H. tli to 30.1 Kuilmih tllk. (Ireat reductlun on utrst Kill inr ntx from Dec 1 to Jan. 1 will be iiffmnl to my old and new cus. tniners. Tri. lira Bill. ATTHACTIONK OMAHA film exch.. Ith nmt Doug. Mo Hon picture, tuuvhlnn and film bargains. AUTOMOlllLUM DRUIVLMOND'S BQ NEW GA11AGE A I SKlli nnd l'arnam. lleet repairing, llest uuto shop In city. Prompt stirvlca and reasonable charges. HXPKHT uutomoUIn rennlilng. roason. prices, nil work guaranteed. Also second hand cam for sale. 3I Dougles. Murphy Did It'H'jffj.' IIUHINKKH IU1ANCUS T9. J" J"" out ' business, call on flfur.iiiAU, svt 'leeuiiig, Tel. U. 3477 YOUTH and lleulth 1 have both, and a uunii insi a auve uo strnight to the point In ad or letter, nnd will da lllu same witn you nmaii salary "titarch I zw. lire.. riPibm- rouieciioiieiy ami ion cream parlor In Iowa at Invoice, easy turins; owner iviii Lilt nuurr l Hi. lit. HL'SINKHH 1KIU0NAIJ Cbtropodlsti, DU. nOY. IMG Far. D, 6487 Open even'gs. "trarrle J. llurford. a.l'a HkrTted""iVnT Da MONliniT. 433 0. J?th7 Douglas I3JJ. L'rrauirrlrs, llnlrlen mill Vuppltre. DAVID COLK CltiCAMtCKT CfJUPANY, China Pnlitttnif. DKLLA HACKKTT. is Paxton lllork Hpednt attention gtvtn lo Xniss order work Ituth Letchfonl, 117 H. nth. It, M1 Christmas ' Suggestions iDLiscj'jtioAL Dibvroiss KOIl CltniBTMAH OII'TH COMIIINIC MIXUIIV WITH UTILITY. Onniha Elootric Light nnd Power Co. SLXTE10N J N VALflTS N JCIOl) PENSIONS. 4,0 aiihucrlpllona to THIC UAUIICM' IIOMH JOtlllNAU HXO: THIC HATIJIt IMY I1V10NINO J'OH'r, II.Ml Til IS i-u un- ill' UBNTI.P1MAN, II.W), nrn tl tYlti t- flit INVAh ilU'H I' 'ICNHION AHHOCIATION , Hlxtinn invalids will reci lvn 110 a montli, lenvlna ll.ftO for advertlntnr. ICvery onlr worih M cotitn. YOlnt ItlJNKWAI.H COUNT. Won't you hrlpT Also nny publlcntion wlintovnr. 'I'honn IoUKlas J1G3 Alwny siMrens OOltlKlN, Til 10 MAOA.INB MAN. . OMAHA. NKH. I.o Oreco flron,. l?7 OumlnaT la now oimn wllh fulf nn of nrocsrlm and noott bnkrry, .hrrml hnksd dally! ijooil Roods, low prlcns. Olvo lis n trlnb NOW is "thot"linii to hsvn your"pinno tiiiind lixpert tunlne ami icirulnlltu l'rnn fistlfnntcs mnde on repnlilns and r fiiiishiuir. HCHMOl.I.UH . MUKM.KU PIANO CO,, Jhoiirt Ooiiai-.. in. iiii-isFiirnnm St. Whlln DoiliK'rourXmnn Hhopplna; Visit the Elite Cafe Omnha'n MwitAt nnd flnl nuulppoil mstnumht In thn wmt. Qunllly uimitr pnsnrd, vnrltv liimqunleil nnd prices thn mohl mimoniiblrt, In omnhn. Anmrlcnn nml Chlnrnn illshrs. flim ohop nimys, ntrnka alid rhops, KVftryihlllR to plfnse the nppMltn 14TII AND UOIinWH H'm. UI'HTAUtR. KJIiMH dnvtlniied fre. "fhitnlinl uiiu day, riioto Crnft Hhop, 411 Hen llldir. I'l'illl. UM1SM, TOII.1CT AHTICI.ICN, HAFKTV HAZOIlfl. Tlmrmon bottles and mnnv ntlmr dnlnty nnd usnful Rifts, nilNHMAN MI'ONNKI.Ii IUH V.O. a OKU MliT A lItA(N6l.A"iiiaUf.n Chrlsttnns hnnnv. Idpnl lfi for wholn family. Colunihln l'honournph Compnny. XMAH I'HOTOH- Hoeclni hoTldnnrlees: open Huudnys; iinmbrnndt Htuillo, ,ilu iimi mini, zotn nml mrnnm. D-ruH. Tliia TilAUiiY HHOI'PKIl i'ntchft thn Imrgalns nt tlm Hlmi of thn Crown up thn Holdnn alalrn, Fred llroilKKimril Jew lry Co., inth nnd Doiialun Htn, HO PA 1'ir.IXiWH sold bv Umnhn Pillow Co., 1121 Cumin. DotiKlna 2407. For slrlctli hlnh itrniln iilnniM nt do. Itlvniy lownst pilcnn. niMy txfins, sen 0. II, Hurt- Pliitio Co., M floor lloston.Ktorn X Tt "Ttwent" Mlmp, Irtih i"nd"Jncknon. lionlt over our Xmnn cnndlrn b- foro you ptlrchnsn, Exclusive Shops ALL KINl)H"OF 11I0AUTT WOltK. Mine: Wilson, hnlrdresslng nnd manl- curing parlor, over Kern's millinery store, lww uouKina, rrecKins, nvor spnis. moles, wnrts and other blemishes, and superfluous hair removed. Tel. Doug. 01C7. IlimiNKHH I'ICUHONALH Oon I Oenlere, THY JOHNSON'S $5 COAL for oooklng, or p.W for furnace or heat. Ing stoves. llh and Uanl. Tel. Doug, 1702. lletenllven. t A MICH AI.tVN. 312 Nnvllln lllk. lCvl- dencn loenred In ntl casns. Tylor 1U. OMAHA 8ecrnt Horvlce Dotnotlve Agoy.. bonded. .Hultn 4rf.i Paxton lllk, O. 1310. ). W. IXINONiCCKlilL Elf Karbuoh lllk. Uressiiinklnnri ' MtRfl O.' MALtlY. altnrlng of ladles' nulls, refitting, rellnlng, etc, imite50 lloston Rtorn Bldg, i'honn pougiaa mto. Fltipatrlck, Inllor, drrsakg. 2C04 Daveupts MllH IlMYNOLDM for iiinln and fancy sawing; jtttUfHQtlon gunrnntejhHar. III! Terry'a Dressninklng rollege. Win " Far. Learn dre'smaUlng. inalo' your own while learning. 2KH Cuming. Tyler 1270. Children1 shwlng a specialty. Dong, MVi, II runs. illl.ljr HI l l Jinmil. wi. 110 orilorn: rntulngun free, Uhernian A McConnelt Drug Co.. Oinnha, Nnb; Bveryltiliiar i:ieotrli;nl. Klsolrloal Utilities fCxohangn. Omaha. a i.i. kinds nf nlmitrlc atitinratus. new and 2d'hand. and electrical repairs. Le liron Klnotrlpnl Wotka. 813 H, lath. Omaha. laveryltilnar for Vnteii. IItRHH nleatlugn. billions rovnrnd, all . nl ilvl.s 'l'HIO IDICAI, PI. HAT. 1NO CO.. 300 Douglo block. Iloth 'phones, Wl rem. nllinlr. sell needles, nnrts of all sewing machines, Nebrnska Cycle Co,, let it ana narney ois, -i-nonw Kooains iqq.. WF.HTI011N MILLINICUY ttCHOOt 412 PAXTON IIMK'lf Fonnilrles. Mennn.lil nrns. and Jlrnnsn faumlrv. Ahiinlnuiii. tin, lead cnstlngi, 1107 Jackson, florists. A. Donnghue.'.lW7Fnr. D. 1001; A-IOOI. ITlCfIS A HWOIIODahiS Farnam Ht. U HICNDfCltHON. IMS Fnrnnm. U. taw. IIATH'H, florist, lloyil Theater Illdg. Ilrnndeln cut flower dept., new store Purunoes nml llrpnlm, UKPAlllH In stock to fit your stove. .tsatn or hot water heateri new ......11. Ik. I.nn u.trl ...I t... II. . i , 1 1 1 Y l r . ,iviv,.,,. iivii M.t. v ' .... - llgure Willi you, OMAHA HTOVltl 11MPA111 WOUICS. m-lSWt Douglas Ht Tyler 20. .Movlnu, Murssr nml Gleaning, Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Cn. Ftirnlturn nacklnu. tilauo movtne. ulflco !I0 H. 17tll Ht. Doug. 331, Large moving vann. 1 1-26 per hour. D. 34. ' Furn, moving," 5 men. lpnr hr. W. !74, Mcl.nud & Hon." Van . H.. 3-horse' vnn. I men. 1136 nr.. S hrs, 1 hr. D. iXa. W. t4X Munlv, Art nmt l.nnituniies, VIOLIN Ictsons, TioMns loaned. W. nil. Nnraerlvn suit Seeds. BTKWAttT'H SICWiTmAN. Ill N. 16th. Oalrnpiilliy. Alio Johnson. I08-9 rtrnndela The. mdg BTAuut TW City National Hank. D.23. Paints nnd lllnss, We do ittasInK and deliver glass In all pniln of th oily; also nli'ture framing Barker Bros. Paint Co. "The Paint Men You, Know." 1M Farnaoi. Douglas ilo. Pnlruls. y 1I1HAM A. BTUHQItR, Patent lawyer, C4 liranutls Theater mag. uaug. in "l. 6.' Hsriieli, Pnxion lk. Tel. Itrd T117. Printing. DOl'fUS PilntiltTca. Tel. Doug, tilt. Low W. RubcFr"; Printor, lZ- llliH HI, Dtl BNTHANCB ON COUnT. Itels.Hall iTaT'Co.. W H Uth. lnn.A.3Mt. Watrs"linrnhart Ptif. Co.: quality kind, quick service. Doug. I1W KZ-U Uo. Uth. flnnltartitui. "I108ZKUL15, 8A?JlTAniUM AND HK8T HOMR, 3U2 Hhermnu Ave,. For Chronla invalidism. Nonoperallvn cases, quiet, beautiful, bomnllke: all inodirn oonyenJenoes, trained nurses, both main add femtle, In attendance. Term on applloatlon, MUH. J II. MU8Uy 'Phone Webster I7t, )rtilerlntendent. HUHI NKHH I'KMSO.VA l,M NlenoiirMiiliern nml lourt Itepnrlere. Myrtln A. Knllny, m lirnn. The. 0, MM. Nlore nnil Office I'll lures, BTOItra FIXTUIllln. coolers, rnfrlgem. tors, grocern' display oounlerg. loa ma chines. Thn United Line. 1117 Fnrnani. "7MHKH. safes, scnlen" liiinris, shelv ing, rlo. , We buy, we sell Uiunlia 1'lxturn and ttupply Co , 4I4-Iil-I Ho Kill. I. 1714. Tenia nnil AtrnliiK. OMAHA TKNTCO Tel. Douglas M2, 'IrnnU. nml Null ("nses. J'reling A Hlelnle, jsrtl Fnrnnm fft. Wine nml Ultra, WILLOW Hprlngs beer. Ilipinrs. cigars, ssmlMclirs. Alegj.teten. M2-3. r. Hill Wt ""VllKHNIA OA71R wlne.fif.o a Inrse boN tie. Klein Llipmr House, 622 N. Wlhflt. ICIUf(1;ATINAl DOYLES COLLEGE ' DAY AND NiailT SCIIOOI ALL TIIE YEAR Complete courses In llunltiess. flook nrriMiih. nirnoni einy. 1 HKI "I'll, l I V II Hervlce or flnlramnnshlp. Tlm cntnlogtm Is free for the asking, Cull, wrltn or I. . ........ a.1. ..,..11 phone fur It nt mire. Address II. II, lloylos, President Jloyles College, Omaha, Nnb. MoBhor-Lnmpman Collogo Uusuru.issed courses Finest nunrters. Orndlintes are giiarnuteed good positions, Work for bonrn, Address Moslmr.Lainp. mnu, nib irnrnnm hi., omnna, .Nnn. Ilnnnlnax. Xtnokln's, X rlnns nl silts per week. I). M44. L1VIC 8TO0IC 1'OU HALIO tinmen nml Velilelen, HAY III Der tun. Wnuner. Ml N. Uth. IX)HT AND FOUND PIOIIHONH having Inst some nrtlole would do well to call up the office of thn Omnhn A Council Uluffs Htreet Hallway company to nscertnln whether they left It In the street enrs, Many artlclon each day nrn turned In and tha company Is anxious tn restore them to trie rigntrui owner, uun uaug OMAHA COUNCIL I1LUFFH BTWCKT HA1LWAT COMPANY LOHT -Honton "bull, whlto spotteil. He-' wnrd. 2fJl Hnwnrd, "LOfrr Hmnll bfi)wn"nnd"" wVltn nir nenrf Helurn to 1st Nafl bank mid re rrlvn reword. ITNOLIHIt toy poodln. hlnrtt and whltn. nnttm Trouble, n. ohlld'a pet; re wnrd, Harnny 1(114, 1B42 H, 27th Ht. I8T Three lodge rw;oril Ixiokn, Hn turn to 314 H, loth. MICDIOAh Piles, Fistula Cured Or, K. 11, Tntry ourcn Piles, Fistula and other rectal rtlseasna without surglcnl op erstlon. Cure gunrnnteed and no monty pnld until cured. Wrltn fnr book on reo. inl dtsnasnn with testtmonlalN. Pit, 10, It, TAnuy. lien llldg.. Omaha. MONHY TO M)AN Nnlnrr nml Chattels, DIAMOND LOANH at 3V4 nnd 5 psr cent. FLATA U. 1M4 Dotlgn Ht. Tel.Jted881. MONI0Y loaned by a prTvntn party on rhattels at much lower raten than regu lar loan off Icon chatge. Terms reason able. Confidential. II, Auerbnch, 1821 Leavenworth Ht. D. tt.10. ill I i u $ i?uii7Tri 1 01 1T$$ $ i m 1 I 1 i I I I I I 1 OMAll'A FINANCIAL t COMPANY I SIO IIHOWN II Lit 1 0th k Douglan Htn. t MlMllltuI ICW I ciuoNcn t lllttltlM44limiif$fll$M I I IF YOU K NIC IV I iu I THM DIFI'ICIHONcn I lietweeen tha Oiruha I ? Flunnclnl Co.'n nervlco J nud that or the nrdl- I I nary loan company In I i making $ or MOllH J I0 or MOItK J r.OANFD I 1 UnunokcopnrH and t I.UANI.W Worklngmon V you would nnver bor- J T .. .... . to I iuii u uuunr i rum nny J t company hut t li o I Omaha Financial Cn. t ANYONI1 Tlllfl FUHONDLY In- t t lerest, tlm courteous, I 4 confidential, coiiNliler. t I ate treatment wo no- I i cord our customcm. I ban brought un loin of I $ bunlni'sn and made un I thousands of friends. I PAN'T WICHHLPYOU I I wllh your inenoy wor- t t I'les7 I I OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. I I S10 HltOWN IILIC, t t HOT A Douglan Hts., onn, Ilrnndeln t I Offlco hours K A. M. to (I P M. I l I IStlHUItlM mmttmnii t$WWHUHHmHMHWJmHWJeWtm I $10 AND UP LOANED on the aUAIUNTrira PLAN. Wn tell you Just what we- want for thn accommodation, nnd If this In satisfactory to you, the understand Ins Is perfect and you get thn money. We want you to know thn OUAll. ANT1C1! system, to know that It stands for rnurtety, consideration .nil . anunra denl. QUAIIANTKH LOAN CO,. I 201 Wlthnell Illdr.. Uth and Harney. !(Ovr Nebraska Cycle Co,) Phonesi Douglas 5045. IWIHWWntlWWWKWItWWHIWWeWI Money on furniture, pianos and real .estate at a vary low rata of Interest. Nobrnsku Loun Co., Douglan 1320. 2J0 Una Illdg. HimWMommmijitmuiHmf I H.VIkVnY AND fJHATTKL 1XJANH. I Thn CIIICAPlOm- place In Omaha to t borrow money, Let us prove It tu you. Ilorraw I 10, pay I ,40 er month. Ilorrow I 1ft, pay 1 ,cn per month. Horrow t 20, pay t ,7K per monlhi Ilorrow I 23, pay I1.0J per inuuth, liorww ITiO, pay li.ift per month. liornw fioo. pay 3.ft per month. Other amounts In equal proportion. Denl with a home concent, Chenp, CON FI D 10 NT! AN and Quick. PKOPLI1H LOAN COMPANY. 123 Fnrnnm. Iloom 4. Tel. D. 74H. iiuuMHmtmtittttitmiitmmmmuututg FUiiNifunu" ' - HAUx,iy- LOANH. Without publicity Knstest paymenta. Lowest rates, Confidential. Private. OMAHA MOHTOAUK LOAN CO., lOstabllshed Twenty Years. 16M FAHNAM HT. , Hoom 215 Hoard of Trade ni.dg, Telephone Douglas EBIS, MONKY l6ANI0DHALAHIr?D I'lOOPLK anil others, iim)ii their own names; cheap rates, easy ptiymruls. confidential. D. H Tithnan 504 New Out. Nat. Uk.Jtldg DIAMOND LOANH at 2"nTid e" per cent. OflOKfl IXAN CO., 410 North lth. CHA1TKL LOANH M to 1100. hVlAIIY LOANH, You ran get It today of STArt LOAN CO.. 801 Paxton UlocU. OKKKIIKD FOR HKNT Baaril nud llooms. O. M. E. Haul trunks. Douglas (II. FnrnUtieft Hwu., 5U3-4 FAlt-lAlge, nice funtlshel ntml ern single or double: reasonable. II 3tUl. I.AIIGIG front room, private family, modern rent to 2 gentlemen or ladles, 1 or 3 meals. 11 617V. okki:ui:di'ou hk.vt I'lirnlslieit llou.ra. FOlt IIICNT-Kltlmr for winter inoutis or for one yenr. moilurn -HKm, . wll riirnisiimi house, Weet 1'Virnmn district. Addlews, '., thin off lee Fnrulsheil llou.ekeeiilnit llnnin., 301. DAVI.VOOIIt"Two or three front housekeeping rooms PAIlTY7wnlng "lioine luinTiscom Purk dlslrlot will slmre it wllh party of adults. Phone Hnniry XM Unlet nnil A tinrtittents. DODOIC IIOTKL. modern, lensonnbl. I Nnw Hotel Ilex tlp'tO'dnte, steiwn liented rooms. Weekly rnten, Itli nud California. OALIFOHNIA IIOTKL Htenm-heiiteil rooms, 13 per week nlnl up Pree hntlia, Apnrtineriln nml Flnla. FOlt llFrr-Miide7i7B.rOnni flnt. MS . Jfith Avn.i'references rroulrnd. Tel. II. 2170 UNI0OUALI5D, nlenm hrnt. nil modern, t-room pornei flnt Tlsnr!. 311 No, 33d. 4-IUH)M. furnliiipil' minriinnnt": every. ttitfisr flmt-claes. 'Phone Harney 411. nfter B. 912 H. 27TII. S-room modern flnt. 130. Ilnmln-t'nrlberg Co.. 310.312 Hrnndels Theater llldg FIVF. ItboM Al'AllTMJiNT "THM OKOIKHA" At iW) (leorgln Avo,. cliolcent npartinint 111 tlm elty Hrn U at once. PI4THI1H TIll'HT COMPANY. "FOlt HiCNT-Apartumut No. "l9n"tlin Colonial. Km nn in nnd 38th Hla.-C rooms Hml bath, finely furnlnhid lo rent for the winter months, Choicest apartment In thn house. Apply forenoon or by telephone apNlntmetit. Homey 044t. ' LAm ' 111 IMC N. Ifth Ht , 8 rooms, modern except bent. t?7.fO 15113 Hhermaii Ave., 0 rooms, onk finish, furnace bent, newly decorated. PAYNK INVKHT.MUNT COMPANY, PIhuib Douglas mi. Ware lllonk $-3 largn'Toomn, part mixlern flarl lir Kim Ht , Tet.JUrney 4.V., Hansen nnd Cattnitea, frooin, W. 2703 Howard Ht. Doug, UW. "FIVM rooms, 1807' Fnniatn; modern; aullabla location fbr offices, studios, den. tnl or dressmaking rooms for tennnt wishing homo mUoliiIng, Hall, 433 Itamge llldg... T'auglna 740". JANUARY lsl-il-roiim ntrlcliy modern home nirrthwnst cor, 22 nnd Hrown. Hlmdee nt windows, laundry, fruit rtuuu. etc. In basnmeul. low of beurlng Conconl grapen. length nf lot and nhunilance of enmll fruit. OWNF.H having CITY. Inso to desirable parly. J. II. JOHNHON, C7S IIIIANDI'.IH 111. DU. WALKING DIKTANCIC. 2048 Iiticc, S-rooms, modern, n bargain at 1.10. Water paid. W. W. Mltoholl, 414 lire llldg. MAOGAHD VAN AND HTOIIAOIO CO. packs, moves, Mores mid ships household goods nnd ptnnos. Douglas UK. "1IOUHISHOLD goods "pneked" nnd for warded; cheap fielght intes, Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. TeL Douulnn l, Office Zl B. 17th Ht. "F0fl UF.NT2iitory frame dwelling on Cass HL, between 2th and 27th Htn., all modem Improvements. The Crelghton University, Tel, Doug., 2330. 72S Bo. 17th Ht., strictly modem house. Klectilo lights, Web. 26W. , FIVIO Ittn. cottnge13702 lluggles WJOIO. MM.ATTI1- Hon movo trunks. tfk, lMVVUm Douglan 4S1.1, "c-UOO.M and leceptlon hall anil bath; furiuice hrnt; House In fine condition, nenr nchonl mid enr, 22jl Flornlicn Iltvd. 'f L Ylk"!.11!- - , AlOViNd'.liscklnK nnd'ntorlug of housed hold goods and pianos In our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 100 H. lfith, by the viaduct. Ilrunoh offloe, 100 H. Uth Ht. Tnl. Douglae 1113, A-1M3. 674 B. 2Klh Ht. II rooms completely mod. ern. Hall. 433 Itamge. I). 7400; A-41M. Ilniiuriu In all parts of the city. """""Crelgh. Hmis A Co.. llrejlhlg. " IlOOMH.' modernll2 N.liUirHt t). 27f7. " Z127 bouglnn. K.rnr. b'ntil". YkT'd," "l"C9S. HAVIO you seen thn flats that rent fnr Itt Just liolnr romodrlcd at 31st ami Far nam Hts,? Itcst places In city for the money. nn: iiyhon iii)i3i) co Phono Douglun W. 212 H. 17th Ht. 2124 N, Kill, 0-room flnt, 1I2.W. Ill N. 12th, six rooms, closo In, 117. 334 N, 41st, V moms, all modern, M0., 1203 h, 27th, 0 rooms, all modern, :A. 3407 Jacknon, 0 rooms, all inodurn, 122,50, 2ti2 Parker, 0 rooms, partly modem, ftlso burn, 111. 1310 Capitol Ave,, f rooms, modern, close In, 132.50. .1008 Hnward, C rooms, partly modern, has barn, 114, 3003 Franklin, 4 rooms, 110. 54ft H. 25th Ave., 4 rooms, ulose In, III. 1807 Hurt. 4 rooms, clone In, f,1. 27I0 Parker, 0 rooms, modern except heat, tit. 22I0 Leavenworth, 10 rooms, modern ex cept heat, 121 3105 Iyjavouwortli, 7 rooms, all modern IW, TII0 1IIIYON U10I0I) CO.. Phono Douglun I g7 2tf H. 17th Ht, ""fJHICirh6ime,3lt Dewev Avo. 7-room ttiod. Moynr Htn. tro.. MK1 Farnsm Ht. NHW, strictly modern 5-room "eotfnge, furnaoo bent, laundry, attic, nto. 1. Call KhO! Pratt Ht. Webster 123. HIX rooms, inedem except heat, every thing complete, Including ntorm windows, 118 per month. Heven-room moilrrn house, with hard wood finish, hardwood floorn and all mod ern conveniences, 115, This house has . bedroom and bnth on first floor nud threo bedrooms on second floor, J. H. DUMONT CO., I'honn Douglas tSOO, 1003 Farnnin Ht. FOlt HUNT, t IV-A100 Ohio. 3 llim 12 ao N. Mth Ht., 7-r., new, ilB-srou N 2th Ht, 7-r, modein lAX-ZitW Mnnderson, (1-r , modei n. 123-'250ft N. 18th Ht., 8-r. modern ex. heat. 125- 3J0S N. 17th Ht 7-r. mod, h. w. heat. 126 W5 Pmtt. 5-r, new furtiactT heat PAYK11 INVMSTMUNT CO., Dduglan 1781. DUNDUM HOUHKH FOlt IIJIN'T. p...00 "-rooin, 6107 Cuming Ht.. modern, flna repair. 140.00 7-room modern buugulow, 6115 Cap. Itol Ave. Hot water boat. 45.00-7-room strictly modern house near 48th and Davenport, fine tepalr; pos session Decxtntiei' 16, 1DI2. aiCOIUHO & ( OMPANY, I'honn D. 78e. KG City Nat. Ilk, llldg. gtores nml Office., FOR rtENT-Otflce room, 26x3J ft. on ground floor front. In the Kdward Crelgh ton Institute, 210 H. 18th Ht, opposite city hall. Telephone Douglas 543. CitouNliio m.K.-oTficT To"om nTtT Ilth lit. Opposite post office. I7,0u per month. Conrad Young, 321 Hrnndels Thea. Doug. 1871. DICHK room. I loom 6. Continental'l'llk F1NHLY fiirnlslieit prlvnte offlco and reception room; sublet to desirable party for actual cost of rent. Address, K 30u, Hoe. OKKKUKD KOIl HALK Furniture. Hown entllatorfurnolieap, X'JO Cuming. "TTOMH.NTK dining room set, ohlfTonleT" rocker mid small tnbla In best quarter saw ml oak; 2 brans beds. T)oug. 2179. Typewrltnrn, A ItKMlNOTON 'viHIIlLH TTPB WntTKIt. brand new. for sale eh tap. Rent on trial. MIHH IIISIITIIA MBltpiH, Itoute 5, JIOHKDALK.1CAN. lilt HUil.T and second hand "typewriter rented I mo. for It. Hold on easy pay inentn. Omaha Typewriter Rxchang.. TYI M4 W 1 1 IT K it H for rent, I months IV CKNTHAL TYPlOWltlTlSn KXCHANOK. Mnslenl In.lrmuenle, FOlt HALF Pianola, Including M rec ord having fine selections on aach. Iteasonable H No Cd. Call Uar 4B6, .lllnppllHiiPuus, TIIK ANOLi: OIL LAMP, th light that 'never falls, more lliht fn lets monty JOIINHON LAMP CO. r. HO. UTH 8T, OI-'K.ltiD VOH HA I.I'. .Mlspellnnrnu. FOlt ftALII New nnd secnnd.hand cnroin nnd pocket billiard Inbles nnd linwllng nlloyn nud ncccssorlns; bar ri turnn of nil kinds; easy payments, The Iirunswlek'tlnlko Collender Co,, 40740 Houtli loth Ht. flTOUM HAHII. CALL WIOII. 2477. HAFKH-Jd-hand. American Bupply Co. ilk COAL; It's goodi'try a ton; best for jnpney. Web 848. nnrnton& We'lb. Hnmulll"; tluieilenmed ttntriies, eelry, n'eonts. trunke. .Icrr'nou Ixmn Co. .411 N. 1. All innds mni'lilTtery bought, sirid'aiid ox" changed. H. dross. Mnch. I0x 10OI Doug. Kindling. II, II. OroM, Itiniber A wrecking OHttJl' hlej-eln a't"dinithogaiiy dlvnn. 414 H. 38th HI. ,,ry 'i Al llle llox Co. D, 1837. Foil HAlTc-Oienp, quarter nnwed onk cigar fix tut is, nlmi humidor, J'lpe case, marble buses. C C t'nnnam, 1511 Ilnrncy Ht. Old brink. 13.00; lumber, 112.00 tiT I I500por '"' Ornsn Lumber and Wrecking Co. I'KlirULVAL MAHHAOIO. Minn, Allen of Chlcngo. 201 Wlthnell llldg., Ulhitid llnrnny. D. 7CCS. m-1'myTTlo'od It KM ISO Y. Itrxtrn pharmacy, 13th and Dodge, Af AHAilIO Hwedlsh movement. Apt. (240. T1IF. HALVATiON AltMY solicits cast off clothing; In fnct. anything you do not need. Wo collect, repair nnd sell at tsi N- Ilth Ht., for cont or collection, to the worthy poor. 'Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. ""LADY, nome Intent, "ileslresi pnlntlng lessons In exnhnngn for household duties. Addresi X-Y,, Hen MHN pi of. Osborno'a Pullmolor Per. fei'l (lrirnn I Ini'iilotilnir Atitillance. Os- borne Co., 4C07 Delmnr Ave., St. Louis. Mo, Hend for lrree hook on wnveiopmenu "hTAHCH I'm choiik fiTlfof Idenii'wiilch nhoiild find un nutlet In your business. Young num. Hmnll snlitry. "Htnrch," Y 241JJeo. ""YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strnngor nro Invited to visit tlm Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and Bt. Mary's Av., whom they will bn directed to nullnhln boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trnvelein' nld nt thn Union taton, "GALVANIC electric treatment, mnseagc. Dr. Wnltern. 300 a 16th. 403 Wiire Hldg. f A fiClA niiT Corn removed, 26c. Mrs. MAftOttVUl'j Haynes. 707 H. lHt. D, 44M "irKHf"hrnce7 for men. o'ray'n Nerve Fond PIIIn, II Per box. postpaid. Hhermair ft M'nnneil Drtlg Co., Omnha Nnb, Mussagn, Mrs. Ooldshurg3wTHontoQlJtl. Massage,' Mrs Hltte'iih'ouse, Imtiis, elec trical treatment, 418 Hmndcln The. 1)11 MAHHAOIG Hours 13 noon to 8 p, tn. Mm. Hteele. 100 Ho. 17th 8t room 1. 11AT1IH," BCilflNfii-'Ul MAHHAOW. Druglesn treatments, 70.1 54. 18th. Apt. II, FOlt RALH--A few unclaimed- ALL WOOL Dunden suits, 110: alterations froe. DtTNDKI) WOOLKN M1LLH. Northwest Comer 16th and Harney Hts, PICT HTOOK FOlt BALK lllrrt dogs, "selteni;' sex. 10. G. Kephart, Holt. Mo, either I-'UItNITUniC )I0ALKKK Dolgoff 2dhand atom poy highest prices for fyrpltuireclothcs, shoes. Web. 1607. WANTKD TO UUV WANTI5D To buy 0 or il-room house to be moved on a lot; would like one within 15 blocks of Ilth and Franklin. Telephone lied 4301. "Hhafton buys old clothes, shoes. W. M7. Typewriters- Any standard make. Cen tral Typewriter lCx 1607 Farnam. P. W. WANTICD To buy old broken watches nnd old gold, M. Nathan, 100 H. 18th Ht. 1U3AL ICHTATK LOANrt WANTMD City loans and warrantr, W. Farnam Hmlth ft Co.. 1320 Farnam Ht. WANTHD City loans. Peters Trust Co. City and Farm Ixiann-John N. FrenrerT IIAUIHHON ft MOHTON. I6 Oma. Nat. ""LA'ltOR loans'our specialty. Htull Mro. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D, Wead, Wead Illdg.. 18th and Farnam. Q ABVIN BROS. Sfe TAX ac CITY LOANHrilemla-CarlbergCo., IIMlIIIrandiilnhejitnrllldg.X "FAHM IXMNHnear Omaha; no com. mission; optional payments; cheap money Orln H.MorrlII. 1213 City NaL "ankjlld LOANHoiirnrinttnd improved city prov nrty. 6 per cent to 0 per cent; uo dolay. J, II Durnont ft Co.. IWJ Fnriiam. Omaha. S10HlBYr to loan on business' or" rest dencn properties, 11,000 to VAOOO. W. II. THOMAHll Htate Hank llldg OMAHA honiesr Knst "Nebraska farms? O'KHHFM KKAL 1CSTATK CO.. lOiamalmNntlonal Douglas 2718. M'ONHY to "loan on impioved Vnrtrts in eastern Nnhrnskn, Loans mnde for 6H per cent, wllh privilege of paying all or Part or th principal after .1 years, For further particular write to homo office. The KqulUthlH Ixinn Co.. Percy K. Gwynne, Ans't Keo'y, Omaha. Neb. I OH HAM: Oil K.XOIIANOK CL1CAU land worth I3,flp"l4,tt, lU.OOO, to exchange for eniilty clone In Invent ment or homes, Addrens 427 Y. M. C. A. FOIl Bain or Trade- 4.1 II. P. Appernon touring car. Call or address Georgo Thrower, Htunrt, In, 1CI3AL HTATK A"TltAt;TN OF TIT LIE. IlKTCD Abstract Co., otdest abstract of (Ice in Nebraska. 200 Hratidnls Theater. Cl'IY I'ltUI'Ult I V FiMl 1AI.L. Don't Miss This West Farnam Resi dence Easy Terms Thin Is n first class 7-room, all modern house, with selected oak floors and finish, 1st floor, 3 bedrooms and alcove, I'd floor; full cemented basement! furnace heat; this hotisn Is located rlaht In tlm Went Farnam district mid offers thn unusual opportunity of securing a medium priced homn In thin choice district. Th house In well built throughout, not having been built for sale, but for a home. Thn price In right. Key at our office. For full par. tloularn nee George & Company Tel. I). 768. S02-U City Nat. Ilk. Illdg. Why Pay Rent? $200 Cash $25 Mo. 5 room cottage, large parlor, dining room and kltohtm with built-in cupboard, choice combination lighting fixture, ele gant art dome In dining room, two well ventilated bedroom with fine bath nnd lavatory between, nice talrway to laraa floored attic, where two rooms could be finished with very llttln expense, large cemented baseinsnt, up-to-date furnace and laundry sink with hot and cold water attachments, on large south front lot lut 127. near rar and nchool. M us take you out In our car to are thin pine. I2,). AMKItlCAN HKCU1UTY COMPANY, IFormcrlv Hhlmer & Chosn Cn.) 100 Ho. 17th Ht. Doug. 3ff7. Open Baturday evenings until 9 o'clock. Wfo INVES1LENT Would you be satisfied with 10 per cent lutertnt on your money W hav four now. splendid, all modern, five-room col Uses, In fine location, all lying together, worth H2.000 and bringing In ll every month In th yenr. Can sell them for a good rash payment down, balance monthly fall or wrlie PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA Hi: AL KHTAXK CITY PHOPHIITV FOlt FJELD CLUB DIS'JLCJ.1 110(1 down, balance monthly, will htl " dandy home, hall, pnrlnr. living room with flreplnce, stairs, double titrwn five bedrooms and bnth on seoond flooi . cemented cellar, wllh three Inillnlr. tubs, modern plumbing: good furnnci strictly modern In every way. Iit 40x124 pnvinl street; rinse to enr nnd gnno school, film neighborhood. Price nni" M.fjoo. Come lu nud we will nhow whnt a snap P'i l" BEM IS-CA H LHERG CO. 310-312 llrauilels Theater llldg- $2,100 Good fl-ronm houso near Will and Mt)i. ttnrfvin, two hediooms and bath up, 4 room nnd sleeping porch nn first floor; oil1 wnter, snwer, gas. nleclrln light. Inllei and bnth. Must be noM In tlm next 1 itnyn. I'. .J. TpIiIioiih, Solo Agent, 750 omnhn. Nnt. IlnnU. Tel. Doug. 2b: $2,700 COTTAGE Hlx rooms nml modern In every Wn Fine IniMtlon on the norlh ehle. Imvk-M-fnot lot. Onlv I2VI vnsh, bntunre' monthly payments. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Phone Doug. as Ii8l. 'J!".'1, TO IH'Y.HKLL"oil ItBNT. FHtHT SF.I'! JOHN W. ItOIIIUNK. 1W2 FAItNAM HT Tifro iiohkhud "land co, hnndles exchanges nf nil kinds. Itoom 6. Coiitliientol Hill., Oinnha. " i0O t)(")VVrN. 120.00 ndr month for f.-room modern col tne, Cnll lied 4721. ItHAIi KHTATK FA It, It HANCII I,4MI8 Flllt MA 1,1 Arknn.ns, 480 n., rich dnrk losni land: 120 null ; bnl. timbered; level; no rnckn; 1 ml. ry. 113 n H down. Itoht. Hesnlon', Wlnthrnp, Arl Dept. II, OetirKln. TIlAVUnHioiT"nY THIO GREAT SOUrril GEOltGLA ATLA'NTA, III IIM INflllAM-ATLANTIC HAlLItOAD, fluids ndapted tu tlm wldnst rnnge nf props. All the money cropn of thn nnuth filenttfully produced, For literature trent ng with this coming country. Its noil, cllmntc, church and school advantage, write, W, H, LI1A1IY, Dept. K, Getmrnl Passenger Agent, ATLANTA, OA. town. DO YOU DO ANY HUHINIIStf IN IOWA? The Den Moines Capital In lowit'a most widely circulated nnd iitosl Influential newspaper, ttn dally circulation exceeds 43,000 coplen. The classified ndverllslng rate In 1 cent a word or fl cents n line, You can sell your fnrm In Iowa or yoi can buy lunil In Iowa by the turn of the Dos Moines Capital. Thn into hy tlm month Is 11.20 n line, Address the Drs Moines Capital, Dos Molnen, In, Knitnnn. 80 AGUISH ALFALFA, II.MXV-HAMll.-ton Co., Kan,; rich Arkansas river bottom land, about one mlln from Kendall (mnln linn Ha nt a Fn Hy.); good fence, no build ings, 11,000 cash, balance at 0 pnr omit, Jnmen I Lombard, Owner, Kantian City. Mo. Mississippi. HIOV10NTY acres richest soli, adapted for any truck growing; numlcr mile from dnpol, Lvtnnn, Miss. A bnrgriln. W. W. llyrne. Holt. Fla. "VpbrnsUn, 40.I1UHIIF.L WHMAT LAND, 2T. to .1,i PICK ACIOO. Wn have for sain over ao.000 nci'cn of Cheyennn county, Nebraska's choicest farm Inml, where the crop yields for 12 years. Including 1810 and 1011, nvcrnso with thn best In thn state. Alfalfa also a leading crop. Ilettnr soil, water anil climate ennnot he found, wilte fOr full Information, Agents wanted every whet FUNDINGHLAND 1NVI4TM12NT CO., HIDNI5Y. NKII. Teitltessep. ALFALFA, corn, cotton land bargain lists. McMath ft Johnson, Memphis, Tenii lilVH HTOCK MAIIKUT OK WIWT Hhlp llvo stock to Bouth Omnhn. Hitvo inlleag and shrinkage. Your ooiisIkii mentn rocelvo prompt and cnrnful atten tion, Live HlnnU f'ltninilssloii Merchants. I1YMHH HltOH, ft CO, Htrnng. reliable t'LUTON Com. (),i 222 ICxohnngn llldg, Hnyder-Mnlone-Coffman Co,, I5 Hx. Illilg LAVMItTY HltOH.. 188 llldg MAltTlN HHOH. A Co.riOxchango llTdii. Clny, IlnblliHOii ft Co., W) ICxcliango llldg UANK HTATKMKNTH. No. TilA, lleporl of tliu condition of thn The Met-c limits Knllonnl IlitnU, ut Omaha, In the Htuto of Nebraska, nt the closo of business Novnmber 20, 1IM2. IIIOHOUHCICH, Ioaiis mid dlscouutn,. Vi.W.M.M Ovetdrnfts, n n a ureil and unseaurcd ... 16,128, W U. H, bonds lo securu circulation .180,000,00 V U. houdN lo snourn U. H, deimslt 160,000,0) Other bonds tn spaure postal savings ..... Iionds, securltlen otc. Hanking bourn IW.Ooo.ty Due from national bnhks mot reserve v ' agents 1107,403.02 Dun from state nnd prlvntn hanks and bankers, trust com panies mid savings bank 274,m21 Due fro m npprovrd rcsurvn ugi litn. ...... fAT.lM.67 Checks and other cash Item 27.W.I.I14 lSxchangen for clear ing house 300.0l9.os Notes of other ha- tlonnl bank 64,770.00 Fractional paper our renay, nickels mid cents , , 683.74 lawful money msrrv In bank, vlx Hpecle fi40,a.10.U0 Legal tender note HT.lnO- Z,326,7U7.3i Hedempttoli fund with . : V H. treasurer l& of circulation) ID.ono.C Total.,., .11,119,415.11 LIAIHLITIIW. Capital slock paid In - Hurplun fund Undivided profits, less expenses ind laxen paid National bank notes outstanding Dun tu other na tional bsnks ttC,lt!.S6 Dim to ntatn and pri MO.OOO.oi tOO.OOn.n. 213,112 2( J80.00H.iX vate liana nnn bankers Dividends unpaid .. Individual d e Posits 2,6A7,PK fill.OO subject to check., 7,lt3,XA.0T, Demand eertinraten of depoilt Tlnm fertlflcaten of deposit Certified checks .... Chlrr's checks out standing I'ultril Htate d -posits Postal savings de posits 75.00 P,27i.3!i 10.687.P6 142,945.3; 1SO.O0O.0O 27,J.51- tt,690,OI2.V. Total 8,lW.436.l"j Htate of Nebraska. County of Douglas, I, Fred P, Hamilton, cashier of the above named bank. dt eoleinnly sweat that thn above statement Is true to tilt best of my knowledge und Iwllef. niKD P. HAMILTON, Cashier, f.'orreot Attest. LUTHKIl DHAKK, Fit AN K T. HAMILTON, O. H. iioouna. .., ., , . Directors Subscribed and wnm to before im tn, 4th day of December, mi.' LOI I8 W WKYMt LLKft, Notary Publla.