SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT The f .1 r ' -i if r ' 1 Heroes in Every-Day Life By GARRETT We have had In New York City within tho taut fHW weeks two notable examples of real heroism. In each cane there were thirteen men to Khar the honor, and ono o( those thirteen was Included on liotli occasions. tiv course, i am irferrlng to the trial oj Hacker and the "curinien." Very likely there may have been actual iphyalcnl danger for u,uth Justice Guff and the Jury men In those cast's, but whit we rhlef.y honor them for Is their moral cour age. It Is all the more refreshing to contemplate because, for tho majority of the public. It was unexpected. Everybody who knew Justice Goft knew what he would do. but the men In tho Jury .box were unknown, and the fact that two suc cessive Juries, drawn from the mass of tho population, followed the anie un swerving' course seems to Indicate that there has been a clearing of the moral atmosphere, and a growth of genuine hrrolsui In the 'metropolis. What Is a hero? Thomas Qarlyle. who made heroism the subject of one of his books, appears to haVo been very much muddled In hls4thoughts on this ques tion. He spread a dragnet and scooped In everybody who hade a name for him self, "hi history or mythology, from Odin, the Norse Jupiter, to Bobble Hums, tho Scotch Ppct, and treated them all as heroes: Hui-iie mentioned ho heroines, except Mahomet's wife To Carlyle's mind, iipparantiy. anybody was a hero who had cot himself written and talked about. You might as well call J. P. Morgan or J. D. Rockefeller a hero. Very likely hoth of those able men have done, some herolo acts in the course of their lives, but setting immensly rich Is not one of them. Squeezing the public Is not heroic. Mahomet was one of Carlyle's greatest heroes; but there Is not muoji heroism in his Koran. The hero Is most heroic when he roost resembles a heroine, and, the mark. of a heroine Is disregard of self and perfor mance of duty though the heavens fall. The man who Jumps Into the river to save a- drowning person Is, of course, a hero, like the fireman who mounts a. trembling ladder to rescue a child from the flames ami 'both deserve to receive jf Little Bobbie's Pa Ta thinks that he Is awful smart, but he met a feller up here in the countr." that Is smarter than l c Is & the feller j ' hsd nevvei been In a luu c;ty in l is nie I think that after Ta gits oaver the first sad tt sick feeling, hn 'ill bo u hett" h a wiser man. Pa ct me are hunting up in the coun try, & the first few times that Pa. calm up hero he used to bring sum galm hoaxn I doant know wether he shot It or hot it but he used to have, a vartrldge or sum thing to show for his trubbel & this last trip he dldent git ft bird or anything except a chipmunk for three days. I thinl' he felt twice a bad about It beekaus I was along for my first trip into the roun try. but anyhow he was determined for to git sum galm surohow. Fo this morning he met a man thai hsd long whiskers, his nalin was Kip Whipple, A started to kid him a llttel but sll th time I n that Mister Whip ple knew moar than Ta. He was a. old man but he laffed all the time like a boy S, I sfd in myeelf that thare. are onU two klnda of real men In this wurld, old boys A- rung boys. My deer frend. sed Pa to Mister Whip ple.. I wish you cud tell me ware to find a, few partridges. All t want Is a chanst t git a shot at them sed Pa. After I git a shot at them the war will be oaver. I dare say. sed Mister Whipple. Well. I will tell you what to do. Vou know how a male partridge sets on a log sumtimes Sc makes a noise like a drum. Ho does it by slamming his big wings agenst his brest. Pa's new frend sed. like this, fc then the old man hit Pa on the brest so hard that Pa fell oaver aggenst thu bar I mean the counter. Just so you keep drumming, sed Pa's new frend. you will urely have a few other malo partridges cummins: around thare to s-e what the irublel ! -Ivjut. Then. If you are any thing 1 ) "hot that vou claim to be I tth a uvt-giin, the rest will 'be easy. , . Pa ct a Httel gun for me & he took i the b'g gun with him that he had brot , i the way from New York AH the wav i -. iha'ptaro ware we was coins- he The )ee P. 8KIIVI88. , .one of Mr. Carlisle's medals. nut who ' , has aver thought of establishing a fundi I for the benefit of th men and women! who exhibit moral heroism, which Is the i greatest or aii7 A shining example of this kind of hero- j ism is Abraham Uneoln. He was mag-1 nlflcently heroic when he defied the re- J vengeful sentiment of the triumphant j north, and determined to treat the "erring brothers" with leniency and ! Justice. ! General Grant was more heroic when 1 he gave Iee's men their horses to go j back and plow their farms than when , he. cut his lines of communication In or-1 dur to surround Vlcksburg. ' But we are all more or less like Cr-1 lyle, we think loo nuch of the leader when we talk of heiolfm. One of the things which make the Just gnash their teeth is the reflection that on the page j of history the "heroes" of thu war that , Is driving the Turk out of Kuropc will t be King Ferdinand and Geneial Snvoff. , The men who charged the lines at Tcha talja and piled their bodies In mangled heaps will excite no mure t-cntlment than the pieces swept from a chessboard. Tim women who stayed at home and worked In splto of their tears will have no his tory written ahout them. The heroism that really carries the world forward Is the heroism of com mon life. The poor mother, worlilng her fingers to tho bone In older to send h'-r j children to school, Is a sublime heroine, but her reward Is only In her own heart. Carlyle hart no place for her In his txok. The doctor who Inoculates himself with a new scrum to determine whether It Is safe to apply It to his patients does as much for his kind, and does It as hero ically, as the soldier who meets tht bayonets aimed at the heart of his country. The )ollctman who. springs upon a runaway team In the crowded street; the engine driver on the derailed train who sticks to his poit and dies trying to minimize the wreck; the ship captain who defies the wishes of bis dividend crazed owners and goes slow when ho hears of iec ahead: the Inventor or some boon to mankind whose first thought Is not of a monopoly patent; the maker of some axeat discovery who has sacrificed hlg health und shut his eyes to the temptations of money-making "busi ness" in order that knowledge may be advanced In his day and generation, these are some of the heroes of every day life, but they are not greater than the Mrotnes. - .JJ was telling mo how he had shot blids A big galm from one end of the world to the other. The way he talked 1 was - n . , . . V. - , ,nAnl an. tf Hie .-niuc mn i...n.c ...... gnlin leri. am t0,j tnat rentB are much lilthtr Wen we got to the place- that Mister j tnan the. utea t0 ,,e I .huulU think thev Whipple had toald us about. Pa set down j would be higher ctlll. Look at what you with me on a log & started to hit hsaelfjarp getting. The old fashioned apaitmem on his chest like a base drummer wud jnolJJ.p llfls no eeValoro, no ojion plumb hit ft drum. Pa kep hitting hlsself on the j ln(f not morc tnan on i,uthroom, any chest for a hour, & then I had to hit h. no marble halls, no elevator boys. him bekaus his arm was urea. t men his chest got tired & sore &' he sed to me. Bobble, you hit yureseif on the chest, you are yunger than 1 am. ffot a ilianst, I told Po, you think you are pritty wln, but knew all the time that Mister Whipple was kidding ycu. Maybe I am a lot littler yunger than Pa, but I ain't any fool, & Miater Whip ple ain't any fool cether Tharc is more fools In cities than thare is on farms. Pointed I'araftTApli.. Impatience is the fathrr of Inefficiency. Truth Is stranger than fiction and equally dangerous. People are always doing things thny would condemn In others. If a man and wife are one It is because they are tied for first place. A listener may hear good of himself after talking Into a phonograph. And a tricky man, like a worn out deck of cards, la hard to deal with. When ft woman shrugs her shoulders at the mention of anothsr woman's namn it's a sign she can tell something, When a man tells you that his word Is aa good as his bond It doesn't necessarily Imply that bis bond la any good. Forgotten. "What are you looking for?' ' "This Is the public square. Isn't It?" ys." "It's mighty strange. 1 can't under stand it at all." What do you consider .strange about It?'' "1 don't see a monument to any ut the heroes who neipea to win the base ball chumplonshlp for this town t-n fa. s ago Chicago IUscord-Herald. Tim HKK: OMAHA, TIU KSDA1, DECKMBJBR 5, 1012. Mne aazire p)a 'TWAS AT A BANQUET; ANQ ALL WAS G-ONG-ALOMG MERRILY THE HOS- BOARD CrROANEO UNDER. THE. WEIGHT OF QOOD THWQS. WWEr7 THE NUTS WE Fie REACHED. SOtE ONE PROPOSED A LITTLE ?0ATP'Sr!!,5 'IF A TREE is SCAr , S 3 ANO 3 SCATSr' ' -a it T ID OWN IJ VOURE ROCKIN ' THE BDflT WELL, t fUESS I'LL QO OUT AND DO , A LITTLE e ARL.V CHRISTMAS iHOPPNf, QEE WH THAT ft How an English Woman Sees "Luxuries Arc Responsible for the High Cost of Living" Iy MARGAR13T HUHHAHU AYUK. Why Is the cost of T 'ne high? 1 "It Is the standard of living that Is ' high, eapcclally over hero In America. 1 kivld Mrs. Hugo Mollner, u clover youug Ensllthwonifin wliu Is spending bar first winter In J'ew York. "Everyone Is talking su much about the high cost of living, but I have not yot found any one who Is willing to gu back tu the old fashioned way of liv ing, or v.liu cards to give up one of the luxuries which you Americans consider eo nccesiary to life. "A furcleucr is struck by this at once I You see we are nut yet used to Ameri can Ideas of lhlng." 1 Mrs. Mollner Is visiting friends, who J live in one of the big beehive apartment . houres that boast n marble entrance, I several hallboys and iuiirels and Pnlms In the halls. Her home lust 'outside of J Luiidun. photographs of which she showad ' me, is a mouerateiy large House w in a gaiden, which she Is renting this winter fur what si'i'inM tr, il fill exrfidliiRlv tllud i j,,, BUmi leS8 than half whal the apart, menl I tak(. lc r(;t frst of nll .... ..... ... I fca, Mvg ji0llncri Ul a uiinint-Hsiixc way. , no telephone girls. "With us In Kngluud the Individual bathroom Is still n ,;rcat luxury, though we art supposed to be the "tubbiest' people In the world, Kven In the model trnement I have seen here In America, the bathroom, with modern plumbing. Is accepted as a matter of course. "People In America seem to telephono all the time. Women must spend hours at the telephone. NHturally. that is a luxury that adds to the cost of living, yet nobody Is wilting to give It up. "For the most part 1 have found both houses, hotels, churches and places of amusement very much over-heated In America. An English winter is not as rigorous aa an American one. but we ati of us expect to shiver over top flreplucus and particularly in the ovenlng. Wn ling llsh women would be thankful for a little of that American steam boat that you have too mueh of and for which you naturally havo to ay "I am sure that If n great movement was started to abolish the luxuries which quickly become necessary to us all. and which have so raised the standard of living everyone would protest on the ground that these so-called luxuries make for more hygenlc living, for greater hap piness And comfort: but, undoubtedly, if such a movement could be started the cost of living would be lower, but no one wants to go backward and It would be retrograding 'in London fur the most part the butcher exposes his meat outside of his shop, where It Is at the merer of every germ that Is flying aloul. and unpro tected from the dust and dirt of tli, stifi-t Meat Is ncraewbat cheaper. 'Ilu- Judse Bou&'H!tS0! VflrtT noTM ii'PKOrrr n ryhti if Me nnKcTH vou tell. te Dirre&ertcrr BETWEEN plRMtfl rtNO INlEt?LQCUTOR-NO flONCS yeLL Me THe niPreRtNce Bories-weti QUH, OM& TILLS THU UAND flNP THff OTHSB LntiD& THe TILL. STAND BACK ! PRCIVL ROBERFE NEVER FALTER 5 i NJ HIS OUT V. WMZJ I'VE LOST WHV DO VUH PRESENT Set'. IV A V PURSE, WITH ALL MV CHRISTMAS MONEY, DON "OVE KNOW AP)ilrl HER.E " MHH. ill'GO MOLL1.NUR. grocers are nltnokt a careless I am as- .ccpt among very small sections of so tonlshrd here In America, and I must say clets. A part of tho Independent Amerl I am delighted to be able to get si) many can spirit. hIiows itsvlf In evrryouo' of tho ueceksltlt's of life done up In clean paxkuges Htrulght from the factory, and to kpow that they have not been handled by anyone else. , "1 am willing to pqy for this cleanli ness, though I am sure If I bought bis cuits by the pound out of a big tin, Into which nveryliody's hand went, I might get them a little cheaper. "1 am afraid I am not well enough up on economic conditions to know why the rost of foodstuffs In genera,! is going up all over tho world. I can only tell you (he things that strike me as a foreigner. and which must add to the extravagance of life. "At home In Kngland we havo well defined classes and there Is not that perpetual struggle to appear bjgher In the noUal suUo Lhao vou really ara. ex- Drawn for accN-aeei?T i6t-No TflOLC. twoooe CflLLeo HI& MnN flHD Fmiyny hold fotJ DtsnLtsa Hm&tzL.r. it wt flN'ioaflf HflMO rot ffvDy or ANy oTHenv VvwtT rwortv won THm oor WOBINSONb GOAT rRIDrlY WAS OrLRD TO WlrV BeCWtSf KOBII1SOH CrtUfaOe WHCNCVfR hc xseaT poot widiy wooiiaorv o-ot rwiDoY &y -rHe emFi nso otcwwro ir.' " WOULD VOO CALL TOcfc oepie wooo-Pite?" THIS COLD I M THE e00B THAT TOOK VOUR PURSE RECEPTHtil MHO CMA New Yorkers I wanting to look und live as well as uuy- i one else. Personally. It seems to me f ft a ver splendid spirit for It Is always striving und pushing upward: It Is the divine discontent from which great things grow. "Hut in the meantime, it adds to the cost of living of the discontented strlver. especially If of the feminine sex. Is Ik must have clothes as good. If not better, than those worn by the girl who was born with a golden spoon In her mouth. She must Indulge In all tin' fads of the mo ment, no matter how costly they nre, Just to show that she Is as good as the other i "I am told that even among sehuol clill- Idren this rivalry Is terrific. And that It , sets the young people on thu high road which leads to extravagance, arid which fHE The Magic ly WINIKIUCD Itli.VCK. Miss Alice Johns Hedges died In Kng- j trying to, flhe was Just a crostpatrli. land the othwr " and left fMO to a Unit's all. Just a self-centered, continued woman that she barely knew. i irron who thinks that her own trouble Shu lBft tlin woinnit that money because i is nil thele Is In the world. ' the woman smiled IN H'lllrtllll ,ii.,i ' j nl her when they ' walked out of I church toKQtbrr I unco In awhile, and , cometlmcs she even isnld: "Hood morn I lug," 1 Hurrah for Miss Alloa Johns I ledges mid thn woman that sho barely I knew I I under- j sIhihI eiiictly how they both felt about It. "Thcie. ' said tho I woman that she ! barely knew to herself when she saw' Miss Alice Johns Hedges walking nut of llin church Hlone. "There's a pleasant looking woman nil alone, tou-I wish that 1 knew her. fl am going to speak to her anyway." "Dear me," raid Miss Alice Johns Hedges to herself, when she saw the woman that aim baiely krnw by sight, smiling: "dear nu what a pleasant per-on-whut a smile, 1 ilccl'iire. she makes the morning brighten, doesn't she".'" I wish that I bad money enough so that 1 I i wmuiii 11-uiu wuine io every person who 2!r'.f".ln : r,T,1 tlmrjr ror I went to buy something at a shop and the woman wm wulteil on mt waa so eullen that 1 wouldn't slay where she was at nil, and the Minp lost n customer. Tired? Perhaps she was. Ho wbb I, and so was the little mother who stood t .tlio' counter with it little Imhy In her I i,in, nun aiiuiiiri HI ler SKiriB DUt She wasn't too tired to sinlle. Disappointed? Well, maybe she was ro was I -hihI so undoubtedly was the elderly woman, who wanted somo niove ami couldn't get anyone to listen to her while she told them what nhe wanted, 111? Did It make the ciosspaich any bet ter to fiown the way she did, No, there's no use getting nround It or Little White lly HKATJUCH "Thne Is no playing fast mid loose with thu truth In any game, without growing the worse for It." Utile Dorrlt. The flakes that fall in the Christmas snow u i'o beyond any man s power of calculation, and the counting of the little whitr lies that fall at this season n"CK ,n' ,r"t" when she expresses thank would plove as grent a task. j fr 'he plft she receives. There seems to be an accepted theory j " 'here Is one dsy In the year when born In Urn brain of some one whose tJ,r ,lu,n 'hould prevail, that day Is highest lunbltlon Is to be agreeable. Christmas. Yet It Is the day pre-aml-that no nun at Christmas, time must speak "'nt of ,hft ,lttl' whltr He It Is, the day the truth. The lies are so little, and so n,n lUe "l"'1 wnl,fi fs hold high Car. very, very white, and wo are sent out In such a spirit of ngieeahlcncss that the strictest moralist finds no fault with them On the contrary, she takes the little, white lie with her when she buys her gift, uses It In Writing the card that goes with It and works It overtime in her acknow ledgement of the gift she receives In re turn I su) -she" for the reason that men are t.ot ho addicted to thn Christmas Imblt. Neither are men given to telling little white lies. When a man tells n lie. he te'ls a big black one and umks It count. No man was ever known to make a pmc-t-se of using the little white lie for gar nishing or trimming. When a woman makes out her Christ mas list the little white ties of what she tails "necessity" compels her to put iimnes on her list that are not there In urii spirit of love. They are there for the same rriuon that the name of the grocer or the butcher appears on her monthly iiccHiunts. She lakes the little whito lie with her when sbi buy, mid under Its Influenco she buys a costly gift for the friend who doesn't need it, and a senseless little adds yearly to the cost of living, For - innately, the desire for luxury brings much good In Its wake; it sets higher standards of iiealth, comfort, cleanliness, edueatlun and refinement, oxoept where t Is perverted and Is merely an outlet for reckless expenditure. Hilt you will never solve the prob- lem of reducing the hlh ro.t of living. until you lower the standards of com- fort, and I doubt If any American woman will submit to that ' The Bee bv Tad in a Smile ' I'm mail, savs the ernssnatch. I'm mad nnil I'm tiled of everything. Tjll niakn ' wve-.yonc who sees me tired, 'toe. And J slit does It-and then womtflYs why no i one ever urges her to come vUlllnir, or go on a larking, or to do any of the pleasant things that other people aeem to find (o do, "Why do you keep tht msld?" said some one I know to,snnio one 1 like, 'She stands un the wrong aide all the time," "t know It," raid ttin one that I like, "bill she llax such a delightful smile, Hhe lights ip the whole room when I, look; at her." "I could learn to- love j'ou whan yuu smile,, smile, i?rnlle." There used to bt a phonograph next door that played that rathar banul song nlaht and day, Karly In the morning It began, and at noon It tang (train, and at night, when the duak crept jrounrt thu corner of the house, when the atam hon rfn'l when the moon rose In aplenflor, th phonograph ptayed again, always the same tune. My heart failed me aomstlmtt, and t longed to go and break th phonograph Into shattered pieces. "1 could laaru to lore you," what an Intolerable bor. Hut bno day I learned that the on whn owned the phonograph was an lnvill.1. in, i- who lay for long hours alone In n ;cr at the pale face at the window smiling, and. then'! understood and began to lova the song, too, for It meant comfort and en couragement and stubborn resistance to prtlri. "When you smile, smile, smile." I wish that every aullen crosspatch In the world would have to lern that none apd the lesson that It teaches; for Indeed It la easy to love almost anyone whan they smile, smile, smile, and hard to' tolerate, evu the most fascinating when they frown, frown, frown. Here's a little roie of remembranet to you, Miss Alice Johns Hedges of JCngt land, whoever you were, and may tho woman you scarcely knew keep right On smiling as long as she lives. . i Christmas Lies KAIKKAX. i shabby makeshift for the friend whos needs are a rent. The little white lie directs her pen wheni ie writes "with love" on her Chrletmaa cards, though no love attends, and the! little while lie leaps to the tip of her, tongue and serves an a lentlnel to keen' nival, and are In such control the truth loving soul fairly sickens, "We must keep our friends," argut th little white lies, "and we cannot heap them by telling the truth at Christmas." Can t we? Let's try It. Let us make out a Christmas list that carries no name written there In a spirit of policy or in debtedness. Let us be honest at Christ mas Just once. Let us prune and trim and cut down that list till It holds only the names of those we sincerely hive. Then let lit buy In a spirit that knows no hypocrisy. rn. suiting each Individual need, find not the station In life of the recipient. lt us spsud most on tha poor, and no add to the burdens of the wealthy. Let us write no Christmas sentiment that the heart and the head fall to Indorse. And when Christmas morning brings to its the gifts from our friends, 1st us b sincerely grateful, and show It t mp0 words, and not In phrusas of wild exaff. geratlon. " Vou may argue that the little white Ua grace, nd embellishes, and doesn't hurt My desr. 'There I. no playing fast ad loose ith th, truth In any game without growing the worse for If On the nond. it waa getting verv late lelgh's gasoline had given out. ! "Anybody around here got any rJao i line.?" he asked, drawing up at a small I hotel by the roadside, I "Nobody but me." said the landlord, , "0"-' 'aid Dubblelgh. "How much do you wnt for "Couldn't sell It tp today. said tha , "", f' " Sunday '' 'm.Jsi.iT .""'-"i"1''' ,rot ! ..Y ","hi ":' l"' ;"' Z7 , . K:llrt ti, Undi.,r.i In.lirnr.nll.. ..r . (it nlc, room , can ,el ye WVW It