?? THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1M2. - 5a?" BRIEF CITY NEWS Stsck-raJconer Co Undtrtaksrs, Hare koot Print It Now Beacon Prea. Lighting rixturs. Burgess-Orandsn B alley the Dentist, City Nat'l. D. 2566. Diamond oana i a4 and C par rent. W. C. Flatau, loll Dodge, lied .Tcin The Nebraska Savings and Loan Ais'n. offers a safe and profitablo plan to help you save. 1605 Farnam street. Investment Company Butlda--The Union Investment company Is building a two-story brick apartment house at K07-9-11 Dewey avenue. It stands on a lot 30x60 feet. The structuro will cost J9.000. Ben Hnr to Meat Mecca Court, No. IS, Tribo of Hen Uur, will entertain the supreme chief. Dr. R. II. Gerard of Crawfoidsville, Ind., at their hall. Nine teenth and Farnam streets, this, even ing at 8 o'clock. . Chinaman Forfeits Bond .less Lee the Chinaman who was arrested' for vio lating the rules of tlie. road by 'attempt ing to cross Sixteenth and Dodge streets diagonally, forfeited a $10 bond In police court by falling tp appear, 4 : ' The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success. POLICEWOMEN HELP IN THE LOS ANGELES JUVENILE WORK Mrs. Ola Taylor, policewoman from Los Angeles. Cal., was a visitor In Omaha yesterday. She Is returning to California after burying her mother at Knoxvlllc, la., last week. While in Omaha she visited with Pollen Chief Omul, Commis sioner , Ryder and Policewoman Drumnjy. Mis. Taylor says there arc four police women In Los Angeles, all of whom are connected with the. Juvenile department. Vrs. Taylor works from the office of Polico Chief Sebastian. It Is her duty to take chargo of all the "women who are arrested, search them and to take charge of all girls. She says the policewomen are not sent on th streets to make ar rests, although they aro provided with slurs, keys to tho patrol boxes and police whistles. She is of tho opinion that women can 'do more good by working with the Juveniles than men. In speaking of women voting, as all do In California, she said she is not a suf fiagette and Is not In favor of women voting unless they own property or con duct business enterprises. Don't Scold an Irritable Child If tongue is coated, stomach sour, breath feverish give t Syrup of Figs" to clean the bowels. Tour child Isn't naturally cross lrrl-' table and peevish, Mother! Examine the tongue; if coated, It means the little one's stomach li disordered, liver Inactive and Us thirty feet of bowels clogged with foul, decaying wbste. .. Every mother readies after giving de licious "Syrup of Figs" that this is the Ideal laxative and physio for children. Nothing else' regulates the little one's tender stomach, liver and bowels so ef fectually, besides they dearly love Its delightful fig taste. For constipated bowels, sluggish liver, biliousness or sour, disordered stomach, feverlshness. diarrhoea, sore throat, bad breath or to break a cold, give one-half to a teaspoonful of "Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the clogged up waste. Hour bile, undigested food and constipated matter will gently move on and out of the system without griping or nausea, and you will surely have a well, happy and smiling child again shortly. With Syrup of Figs you are not drug ging your children, being composed en tirely of luscious figs, senna and aro. mattes it cannot be harmful. Full directions for children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the lackag. Ask your druggist for the fullname, 'Syrup of Figs and Elixir pf ; Senna," prepared by the California Fig. Syrup Co. This Is the delicious tasting, genuine' old reliable. Refuse anything else offered, -advertisement. PRICES CREAM BAKING POWDER A pure, healthful, Cream of Tartar Baking Powder When buying an article of food you are entitled to know exactly what you are buy ing its quality and ingredients. If this information is refused don't buy it. Somo of the low grade baking powders are advertised, but the ingredients of the powders are scrupulously concealed. A housekeeper would not use a baking powder containing alum if she Jcnew it. It is well when buying to' examine the label on the can. Unless it shows the ingredient cream of tartar, don't buy it. Dr. Price's baking powder is absolutely free from alum. YOUNGSTER ISjiHOT INTO AIR Son of Charles Terrell Has Exciting Experience in Runaway. u HORSE DASHES DOWN DODGE ST. s " " 1 Ilr la Thrown Into Mltlilli' f the TlioroiiKhfnrr, lint lie No Nounrr AIIkIiU Thllil He In Oil Ills Feet Attain. Dodge street, from Twc ntl eth to Seven teenth, wan yesterday the. scene of a thrilling runaway, one which culminated In an accident thnt fell short of being fatal only by a deeming miracle. A horse and ivaKon, belonging to Charles Torrell, 2638 Capitol avenue, an expressman, had been left at tho curbing Just above Twentieth shortly beforo noon, while the man had gone to fetch some baggage In a house nearby. In the wagon was his l-ycar-old son. who had been making the rounds with his father. The horse becoming frigluenetl at a Piece of wrapping paper which was fllown toward him, started down the steep Dodge street hill at top spocd. Aa luck would jnivo It, however. tie horde kept to tho center of tho street, and the boy, who had by this time been Miaken to the step of tho seat, was maintaining his position with great difficulty. As the wagon passed Seventeenth street, tho horse swerved suddenly toward the curb, causing tho wagon to strike against a largo truck belonging to the Anterlcnn Express company, which was hacked to tho curbing at Hnydon's. With a splintering of wood, tho boy was hurled llko a shot from his position to the center of the car tra'cks, lighting on his side. Ho had no sooner lilt tho pave ment, however, beforo he was on his feet running for the curbstone, where he was stopped by an onlooker. Aside of a few scratches on his hands and a rapidly swelling bump on his forehead, the lad was seemingly little hurt. A woman driving by in a limousine picked up the boy and drove him to the station, whero his bumps and scratches were dressed, vl (j. A. Wiee Leaves Property in Trust Hulk of the estate of the late Oustave A. Wlese, believed to be worth more than 200,000, will be held In trust until 1925 under the terms of Mr. Wlese's will, filed for probate In county court. Then the property shall be divided equally be tween Mrs. Wlese and Miss Alice Wlese. daughtr. If Mrs. Wlese mmarrl.. dies before the date fixed for the division tno entire property shall go to the daughter. The entire estate shall le taken In trust by the City Trust and Knfo r. poslt company, which shall at once pay - - mu.k- i.. icamiur, Klve J2.O0O each to two sisters. Rose Uartlett and Emma Yost, and provide a $3,000 residence property for the use of each of the sisters. All the rest of the estate then shall be converted into first mort gage realty loans or other Intercut bear ing securities. The net income of these Investments shall be divided equally be tween the widow and the daughter until November 25, 1925. The City Trust and Safe Deposit com pany Is named as executor of the will. Personal wearing apparel Is bequeathed to Mr. Wiese's brother, Dr. Henry Wlese. Dental Society Has Election of Officers The Eastern District Dental society, a component part of the Nebraska 8tate Dental society, held Its annual meeting Tuesday evening, when clinics were held at the Crelghton Dental college, at which time a number of new and Inter esting methods were shown. Dr. W. Clyde Davis of IJncoln was the guest and leading clinician and he shgwed his exceptional skill In IiIh demonstrations. The evening session was held at the Iyal hotel and a number of the local dentists gathered around the festal hoard, Dr. F. K. Whltcomb, having spent a very successful year as president, was succeeded by Dr. M. II. Dunham. Dr. .1. C. Soukup was elected vice president. Dr n. W. Iteed wan re-elected as secre larj and treasurer. Mass Meeting Set For Tonight on the Smoke Nuisance An lniBretli6 procrnm Is being pre pared for the smoke nulMuucn mass meet ing to bo held at tho Commercial club this evening, Several smoke experts have been Invited to talk and business men, nrchlteets and engineers will give their opinions on how to lessen the smoke e.vll In Omaha. Commissioner John J. Ryder will present his ordinance to the meeting for discus, slon and suggestions. W. II. Taylor, the new manager of tho Omaha (las com pany, also will be a speaker and tho man ager of thn operating department of the smelter will tell how smoke has been practlcully eliminated there. Hotel men and agents fer large buildings will enter Into thn dlsousslon. LITTLE GIRL DISAPPEARS WITHOUT HAT OR COAT Tho police Imvo been asked to locate Hazel Uoldsherry, 14-year-oId niece of Enrl Mason, KM South Twenty-first street. The little girl, whose parents aro dead, and who has been living with her uncle, left the house nt 7 o'clock Tues day morning without a hat or coat and she has not returned. Free Offer to Ladies One Full-Sized 50c Package of Miller's Won derful Home Treatment Sent Free to Every Lady Suffering W5th.Any Kind ' of Female Trouble or Pi.es8, If you iuffer from palrm In the head, spine, breast, back, croln, hips, thighs, or lower body thin M-cent free package will brine you instant and wonderful re lief. I If you suffer from Uchlntr, burnlnir, throbbing, sore, heavy and bearing' down sensations this tvcent free packauo 111 prove to be just what you were search. Int; for. If you suffer from unnatural drains on the system, displacements, periodic pains, and Irregularity, nervousness, laniruor, weakness, nausea, falntnets, hot spells, lack of vitality and ambition, sleepless, ness. Inability or aversion to performing; natural duties or any other Indication of femal. trouble or piles this wonder ful free 50-cetit package will brace you up, make jou feel fine, vo you can again enjoy every day of your life. We will send you entirely free Jn a plaln wrapper by mall a full CO-cent package of the name wonderful remedy we have sent to thousands and thousands of other women. Simply fill out the coupon below nnd mall It, you will r relve by return mall free of thaign the full &rt-cent package of owr famous home treatment Our ludy luivUer nil gladly CONTESTS DROPPED BY DEMOS , Their Attorney Offers Compromise, I but Republicans Reject It. j PANCOAST IS NOT SATISFIED He Will t .'outer lvtth KrlrniU mi to Ail Unlilllljr or tt nt Inn I n it III I'lRht Rnlnn( Ills! ,, rrfnl Oppnnrnt. Contest against tho Ihmglas county republican legislative delegation was dropped yesterday l the attorney for the democrats. Arthur Mullen, when the attorneys for both sides appeared beforo Notary Public Ida M. Walters In the Slate Rank building. A. W. Jeffcrl and Hron 0 Rut bank, attorneys for the republican delegation, went Into conference with Mr. Mullen and when they reappeared Mullen an nounced that the case would be dropped. At fllst Mulleir tried to gain a point by offering a compromise. He suggested that he would drop the case If the re publicans would drop the case Arthur C. I'ancoast, the only defeated republican, was bringing agalnM J. H. Grossman, the only successful democrat. Purbank and Jefferls at once told him this was out of their Jurisdiction, as they were not the atlorne.v s for Pancoast and thnt this was a separate and distinct case. Mullen then dropped his case without further nttempt to compromise. Wit nesses wcro not even brought Into the room, which Is taken as evidence that there na no Intention of going nhend with the case under any circumstances. Mr. Mullen said after he left tho room, "Pome of the democratic delegation wanted to go ahead with It and a good many of them did not, so I Just dropped tho whole thlnfc." I'nneoiinl I nilri'lilril, Arthur C. Pancoast when Informed that the rase had been dropped and when, asked what he would now do with his contest against J. 'll. Grossman, his sue ressful democratic opponent for the sen. ate, said, "I don't anticipate much change In my attitude In this matter. They have brought this thing upon themselves by starting' a contest against tho seating of the successful republicans, and wo started this contest ngultiNt tho success ful democrat In retaliation. I see no par ticular reason why 1 should (Iron this ' ease just because they have not found enough grounds on which to bring their ease. However, 1 will not decide def initely on the matter until 1 advise with some of my friends and members of the delegation." Met of tho republican delegation, both senators and representative, were pres ent at the hour set for the hearing George Holmes, defeated democratic can didate for nicinher t?f tho house, was the only one of the democratic de'catlon that even appeared at the hour set. Jerr Howard, another defeated candidate for thn house, dropped In casually Just aftur tho case had been dismissed. M'GOVERN BLOCKS EFFORT TO CONNECT WITH SEWER City Commissioner McGovcrn of the department of public Improvements has denied the Water board a permit to con nect a six-Inch blow-off plpo with the sower at Twenty-eighth avenue am) Spragun strret, a permission which was grunted 'by the city commission at a meeting which was not attended by Mi'. Govern. Jn the letter to the water com missioner refusing the permit McGovcrn maintains that the sewer would proba bly bo destr4'cd If such a connection was made. The Water board will take tho case up with tin? city commission again and If McGovcrn'n action is rati fied It will bo mjcessary to construct at heavy expenso a dralnagowny instead of making connection with the sewer. answer all letters asking for Information. FulUslzed boxes of Miller's Home Treatment are for sale at leading drug, gists, 11.00 a box, Free 50c Box Coupon This coupon Is good for a full sized regular 60-cent package of our Horns Treatment and most valuable IIIuh t rated book you ever read. Just fill In your name and address on dotted lines below and mall at once to The Miller Co., 1288 Miller Illdg., Kokomo, Ind.. and you will receive the remedy In plain package, by return mall. Name Street City State This free box can only be had by sending this coupon direct. No free boxes at drucglnts. Miller's IIoiiih Treatment Is for sale und recommended in Omaha at Kherman & McCTonnell Drug Stores and Ueuton Drug Co. Advertisement.' Smallpox Breaks Out in the Dunsany Flats; Quarantined Two eases of sinaltpo were discovered by Health Commissioner Council In tho Punsany apartments. Tenth and Pacific streets, yesterday and the entire' row of flats were at once quarantined until the residents could be xncctnated. Thir ty. fle persons were vaccinated wlill" policemen patrolled the plts to prevent anyone from leaving the apartments. Jordan Combs, a negro, was sent to the pest house with an advanced ease of smallpox. Ho Is the engineer at these flats. Mrs. J. Iviids, white, also has the disease, ljelng In her own apnitmcnt she will bt left at the Ounssuiv It Is believed that a colored man who visited Combs a few das ago and Is now enroute to lxs Angeles, left the contag ion. Health authorities at l.os Angeles will be notified to watch for and appre hend htm until It Is known whether lie Is suffering from smallpox or not. l)rs. Conuell and 1-aiiRdon vaccinated the thirty-five resident of the flats yes terday and the entire building was thoroughly fumigated. The health nil- I thorltles will make n united and thor- ! oiigh effort to keep the disease confined to those who already have become In- I fected. ! PERSONAL PARAGRAPH .1. A. Stowiut. general passmger agent of the Hook Island at Topekn, Kan.. Is In (own. J Samuel K Miller, nssixtant genetal freight agent of the Northwestern. Is over from Chicago for n couple of d.iys looking after business In this teirltory. Me says this Is one of the best freight years that bus even leen experienced bv tho Northwestern. .VehrnsUnns at the HotrU, J. J. Kavanaugh of Ilroken How and I). G. Hum of McCook are guests of th Htnshaw. A, J, Hull of Kimball, William Motley of Avoca, Dell Parker of Gordon. W. H. Dinners of Gland Island and It. II. Graham of Lincoln have taken rooms at the Merchants. H. Plllleg or Clay Center. I. Prllehard of North Platte. John Sears of Kort Crook. It. M. Van Nett of Platte Centoi mid W. K. Geiranl of Ilentrlce nie stop ping at the Paxton. A. J. Aiuiesou of Valentine, ft. H. Hlllott of Wnlthlll. A. Tracy of Moses uid o. J. Hrlen of ltock Island are stay ng at tho .Millard, The Pacific Coast Tour Grandest Railroad Journey in the World. In 'Seeing America First' you see its mightyo and magnificent half on a Pacific Coast tour. There are more than one hundred different ways to go or to come, but the way in one direction, at least, is through Scenic Colorado. If you desire a more southerly route in winter, go via Denver and the Santa Fe-Grand Canyon Route the way of sunshine. If this docs not take you far eqough south, go through Kansas City and Texas; returning through Salt Lake and Scenic Colorado. But to realize the maximum possibilities of this comprehensive tour, you should include the Shasta Route, the Portland, Puget Sound aud Spokane regions. BURLINGTON THROUGH .COAST SERVICE SOUTHERN PACIFIC AND BURLINGTON J SALT LAKE ROUTE AND BURLINGTON WESTERN PACIFIC AND BURLINGTON SANTA FE AND BURLINGTON NORTHERN PACIFIC AND BURLINGTON GREAT NORTHERN AND BURLINGTON Do Your Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. Just Insist ! . Say, " Waiter! IwantBlatz the beer that bears label on the bottle." Every barrel of bottle every glass I story of quality and character. Phone your order and have a case in your home. BLATZ COMPANY 802810 Douglas St. Omaha, Neb. Phone: Douglas 6662 Hvory tiny through stniulnrd nnd tourist Blcopor Borvlco to . California, t1 Denver, Sconlc Colorado, Snlt buko; porHonally conducted, excursions Tuesdays, ThursdayH and Sundays, ICvory day through tourist slooporn to l.os Angeles, via Donvor, Sconlc Colo rado, Snlt Luke, porflounlly conducted Wednesdays and Saturdays. Through tourist Hleopors to San KrnnclBco, Wednesdays, FrldayB and Satur days, via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Snlt Lake and Feather Ilivor Canyon. Per sonally conducted Wednesdays and Fridays, Through tourist Bloopers to Ijob Angeles every Tuesday night,. 11:35 P. Jd". (ready 10 I. M.), via Donvor, Santa Fo through Southern Colorado Grand Can yon Lino. j PUOKT SOUND lilMITIOD Highent class electric llglitod " through .train bo twoen Missouri Ttlvor, Portland, Seattle. 4 (JK1CAT NOHTIIKIIX KXPItlCHS Electric lighted through express between, Missouri Hlvor, Spokane, Puget Sound, through the uppor Northwest. Let us help you plan your Journoy nnd explain tho cholco of routes, thedvantagen of our personally conducted excursions, tho sldo trips and other benefits onjojed by the holder of a DurJIngton ticket. HooklotB freo "California Excursions," "Pacific Coast Tours," "Burlington Uod Folder." ' Phone Doug. VJilH, City Ticket Office, in 013 Faniniu Street, Omfihft. ' . 1 Christmas NOW KNOWING THAT WHEN THE REAL RUSH OF CHRIST MAS SHOPPING IS ON, TRAVEL ON THE STREET CARS WILL BE ATTENDED WITH MORE OR LESS CROWDING AND DISCOMFORT, NOTWITHSTANDING ALL TIIK PROVISIONS AVE CAN MAKE, WE URGE THE PUBLIC TO DO THICm. SHOPPING NOW. YOU WILL FIND IT MORE SATISFACTORY OsT EVERY WAY THAN TO WAIT UNTIL LATER. the triangular j Blatz every tells its own Shopping 1 I