MHTW ni,'U. n f A TT 'llll'IND AV nW'K KKR a. 1H12. MAGYEAGH URGES REFORMS EQUAL FRANCHISE 1 Stop and Think of the Wonderful Values, Wo Wonder This is POLITICAL POT IS I Present Monetary System Promotes and Develops Panics. SAYS TOO MUCH CASH IS IDLE i en tem Shntold Pro Mr rvcr PnUlnsr HfrrTcn and Xnrr Pull In Cnrrrno lloili Shnnlil H Kluntlc nnd Plrlltlr. AT BOILING POINT '(intituled from Page One ) WASHINGTON'. Dec. 4. -Strongly urKlntf idlcal reform of thr "unrMsonrd ami unscltntlflo" banking and Mirrenoy sys tem of the t'nlted State.. FrnRlln Mac VRh, secretary of the treasury, freely arns congress In his Hnnunl report sub riittted today that the federal government, ss long up the prenent at-heme exist, will be executively responsible for the com- mtrclal, Industrial and social disasters fc-hlch flow from panics and attack directly or Indirectly, every homa In the ' natlop. The present system promotes and de eIops paiilra and legislation Is urgent, declares Mr. MacVengh. In outlining his id of the necessary general provisions of an adequate relief measure. Aside from affording flexible and elastic cur rency ond reserves, such a 11 revision, ho says, thould bring the banks Into organ ized co-operation nnd provide h central agency through which they could work together, free, of political or trust control According to the estimate of the Treas ury department. he secretary forsers a deficit of tt,4.K3, exclusive of Panama canal expenditures, for the fiscal year ending June 90, H. the first fiscal year of President Wilton's administration. In cluding tlie canal expenses, the deficit Is estimated a $S2.-30,S. The canal ex penditures, he adds, however, may be paid under the law from bond sales. The esti mated leeelpt for that year are 710,000, f. while the ordinary appropriations are estimated at fnWMfiB. and the canal oipendlturrs at I30.U4.432. Undoubtedly having prohable tariff revision In mind, the secretary announce that these estl mkr are based upon present conditions and laws. flat-phis of Forts- Millions, For the current fiscal year, ending; June 30, 1912. Mr. MacVeaffh estimate i that there will be a surplus of MO.J0O.00O, exclusive of Panama, canal expenditures, and a deficit of fl.00,0. Including the cunal transactions. He estimates receipts for this year at $711,000,000 and ordinary disbursements at W'O.ROO.OOO, In connection with financial reform Mr. MacVengh asys the people are helpless i.nder existing evils. The present pystem never permits free action at any time, because Its liability to sudden constraint and restriction la always' a part of tfle nation's financial consciousness. 'There never Is a time," continues the secretary of the treasury, "when there Is any long look ahead, except when we are In the midst of a panic, when there Is n long look of disaster ahead. There Is never a long look of ease and convenience and prosperity ahead." In the crop-moving season, Mr. Mac- , Vcagh points out, thorn la a special stress and restraint, and the secretary found an object lesson In the conditions during the lust autumn, when tho banks wpro called vpon to finance the movement of rceord- ' breaking cropst necessitating tho employ ment of nearly alt of their jwallablo re sources under "our constricting system.' t "This relief which Js no urgently needed py the legitimate business and enterprise cof our people." IMluldK. "Is not relief from a ffjiancja'f situation built up by a financial work Itself, but is from a svs tern and; condition superinduced bythe m'i ciiiiiiviiii aim lorveu upon me inisi nets community- and upon American so ciety. The banking and currency system lis the product of federal law, and there can be no relief from It until congress acts. And this la why congressional c 'tlon Is urgent" Too Mweli Moiier la trite. Pointing out that tho banks fortunately had been able to flnanc the crop move ment of the last autumn unaided by the government, the secretary euya that the iftiiomaloua relation between the Treasury iiepanmeiit and the general financial world Is a part of the system to be re formed. He added; "Taking large sums or actual money out of the ordinary nnnnciai use ana locking It up as d dead mass in the vault of the treasury la proceeding as unscientific and unreasoned ss any other jwrt of our unreasoned and unscienuno banning and currency nys tern." A relief measure reforming the bank ing and currency system, the secretary declares, "mutt Include, among Its neces sary features, ryovlslona for never-falling reserves, and never-falling currency, and for the perfect elasticity and flexibility of both: for the permanent organisation and organised co-operation of the banks, J which are now suffering and causing the nation to suffer by reason of their un organlxed stale! for a central -agency, to ' represent and act -for the organised and "operative banks-thls agency to be t ' eurely free from political or trust control but with the government having adequate and Intimate supervision of It: for ln . dependent banking unite so Independent that no one bank can be owned, con trplled. Or shared In any degree, directly or Indirectly. Hy any other bank; for the equality of all banks, national or state, both as to standards and as to functions so tbat. every requirement made of a national bank must be complied with equally by a state bank, and ever)' func tion or privileges enjoyed by a state bank shall be enjoyed by a national bank, for the utilisation and the fluidity, or bank . asaetst for the scientific development of exchanges domestic and foreign; for 1 foreign hanking as an adjunct of our for- l o-lgn commerce: and for taking the treas- 1 Jury department out of the banking busl- ness." t Wuutd Abolish Assay office.. i D14cuastaic customs reforms, Pecretary MacVeagh say'a" that widespread expos- I Hts- by - the present administration of ' frauds have, resulted In an annual sav-I ng to the government of more than 110.. ' WM80. "distinctly an underestimate. 1 names or the nominees m-iore ossouh- lions liefwp the time for hsIlntliiK The nominating rommlttt-e Mis Frank Harrison, Mncoln. .Mrs I.ulu Hal voreen, NVhfHsko City; Mls- llelle Dcwe.y ' Omaha; Mr. Julia Oox. Kxeter; Mis ' Mary Williams. Keartio , Mrs. Olllu Klrkpstrlck. Nehnwka; Mrs. Annn Knvada. Table Itook; Mis. Aniteltc N-s-blt. Pawnee City; Mrs. Mary Mm tilth Haw. Bid. fhudinii, nnd Mrs. Mary Dlehl. Crawford. hc PlrnilM for lliiriiuiiiy. President Phllbrlek made n very brief talk at tho point where slit- wns scheduled for her official nddress. film urged that all work shoulder to shoulder for tho caumi of wumsn suffrage, and that all personal feeling. If there should be any. be laid nsldc. loiter xlio announced thnt she had wrltttti sixty-two letters to i1tl,ir ,if linwunnttnM lh(t tttntn tn learn the attitude tliey would take snouia the suffrage iiuestlon be pushed to an lsiie In the state during tho coming year. Sho snld the repUnn of fifty said they were for suffrage, eight ngalnst. and four said they would accord tho question fair trcutmont and allow f rro : discussion In tho pages for both sides. i KnimitH Hlolrr Tnlks, Mrs. Helen Kackcr, secretary of J,he Kansna association, told tho worm u of the fight In Kansas In which the women won their franchise at the last election. She sold the work of their assoHsllott would now bo devoted to the rlvlr edu cation of the women, "Wo have the bal lot now," sho said, "nnd we must edu cate our women to use it. Tf wo fall with tho ballot In tho hnnda of tho women It will hurt your cause hole In the nrtghh'oilng statt' of Nebraska. Wo will remain In the fight until every wo man In the country Is enfranchised, nnd Hi 19IT there wlil, not lip a political party that will daro to Jeavo tho woman suf frage cluuie out of Its platform." Mrs. J. U Claflln of I'nlvcrslly Plauo led a conference on publicity, in which it was urged that the women make ef forts to enlist as many newspapers na possible' In tho cause, Qfferlng prises for, tlo best essay on woman suffrage wan also recommended an an excellent way to get pulblclty. On mntldn of Mrs. Frank Harrison It wun enacted that suffragists from any town In the rttuto which has no stlffi-ago organization may1 become un nctlvo mem-. lire of the state association on payment of thu necessary dues of 50 cents. Labor Fnvors .Muff rune. T. W. Parker of Lincoln, president of tho Nebraska Stoto Federation of Labor, addrcsalng the women mild In part: The organisation of which I have tho honor to be chief exccutlvo und that larger organization, with which .wn nrq affiliated, tho Ainorican Federation of Ivihor, urn on record as favoring equal suffrage. Wo" favor It us a measure of Blmpla Justice and right, but wn favor It for what sepms to us a better reason than Justlce-tho rooHOtj of selt-pieserva-tlcn I am Old-fuHhloncd enough to be lluvo that womnn'H domain Is the homo and man's doiiluln tho marts of Ira do. Hut because of ait Industrial condition fnrfed "Xipon us by soplld and grasping men B.COO.flboVo'nle'ri likvn" been forced Into Industry, W? demand that Jrt sheer self defense these women, und all others, be given the ballot, to thu end that they may have soma part lit framing candU dates under which thoy must work. We insist that In no uther way can wa cor rect the evils now oxlstlng, which If not corrected wilt Inevitably destroy that bul wark of American liberty, the American homo. Wo demand for our sister work ers a, weapon with which they mny de fend themselves against exploitation, and furnish us with un added weapon to u.te axainst (lilso who would fatten unduly from our toll." First Meetlnw lit Oinnhu. Whn the gavol fell on tho presiding of- :rri TumiCAMnc ; m m i BlSii World's Best; 'O T0 O mL CLOTHING ! mKTwiFT-D for Men and Young Men. IT I w C 1 1 mrrxwWr' THOUSANDS of Highest; Grudo SUITS and OVERCOATS All Newest Styles and Models. Nebraska Clothing Co.'s entire enormous stock of fine clothes on sale at most extraordinary sale prices. Don't miss this remark able opportunity to set highest quality clothes at sacrifice prices. The now owners of the Xebrasln Clothing Co. are milking "CHANGE I wnj' as'quickly as possible. Also ii 'b the detenujnatiou of the new owners OP 0WNKK81IIP" an event that tile public will never forget. The vnl j of this business to make this store famous for greater values this store ties in this great sale are positively unparalleled. These great reductions will be the "Greater Nebraska." To double your money's worth is prae are being made to got all of the Nebraska's enormous stoek out of the tieally the rule in this big sale -don't miss it. lilK IttMluctlona In All Ilpfiartmviitn, JOHN A. SWANS0N, President. r Mi Tf II Mill II I me T m rwrmr?MW-rm Do Your Oluristmas Buying Now. Treasurer. MM tim eltv hull, yesterday aflcrnon at z, , tnat I'rcsldnnt J'hllbrlcK called to oruor mo flrs state suffrage .meeting -which has ever bueri.hcld In Omaha, though this is tho thirty-second -mcetlnc of associ ation, . It Is tho flrat ono to bo held in Omaiia. Tho council criUmbcV was beautifully decorated with yellow and wnuo anu laveiidei, which ilro the siiffragu colors, and huge bou(uots at. yellow and white chrysanthemums' added, to the decora tions rfjf the pjatform. wjhlio AmeriLa.i flags wire draped over tho urclias. Tho committee' which Jiad charge of the decoratloim hhd very Enthusiastically "niado u flag with ten Pturs. incso ien stars stand for tho ten states wmcn navo adopted suffrage, but owing to the fact that the result in Michigan Is In doubt tho tenth star was left hanging by a thread. When this flag was put up by the men who assisted In the decorating the star woa pulled -off by ono of the men, v ' , Huff rime J.ose n State. When ho was Informed that he had taken a state from the list of those favor ing suffrage ho bohHy' stated that he was not In favor of suffrage, and although he was sorry to spoil tho decorations he was glad that ono stato has 'been lost to tho opixwilng side. ' MlkR Murv H. Williams off lvcnesaw. mm, . wim is n. keen suffragist arrived ' . ... ... .il.Lu mi tho somo truln wltn ur. ni""" Miss Williams woa one of tho delegates f;om, ffebraska to the national conven f t til . wlilrh was held 111 Philadelphia. "Moro Interest and enthusiasm wan shown! by tho women ut tho nationui convca Hon." said Miss Williams, "111011 hus ever been known at any national sufratfo con vention before. At the Sunday meeting. which waa held In the Metropolitan Opera Imimn In Phllndcllihta. thoro were 4,000 People who attended the meeting and the doors wero closed to at least 6,0ft) more. Nino platforms were erected out side the theater and during tho after noon at different times, forty suffra gists spoke und held the crowd by ad dresses on tho subjeut of suffrage- It wan ono of tho most enthusiastic gathering tho suffrage movement is gaining very fust in the country." Miss Williams said that they expected that by tho time of the , noxt national convention that Nevada would bo the next state to adopt suffrage. fleer's table In the council chamber ofH have witnessed and It Indicates to mo TVcnstirer Arrives, Among tho other arrivals of the morn ing wan Dr. Kmmu Domarce of Roca, Neb., who la tho stato treasurer of the association. 'Or. Demaree Is. a. physician and has 'been for many years 6no of tho prominent suffragists of the state. MJss Viola Harrison of Lincoln, who is chairman of the atate auditing committee, was opo of those to arrlvo on the samo train Vfhlch carried Dr. Phllbrlek. Thcrq .wore many prominent women .of the city of tho county chamber to -welcome ,tho visitors nnd among them, were Mrs. John N. Baldwin. Mrs. Charles TCountse, Mrs. C. "W. Ilaye?. president 'of the Woman' club; Mrs. W. E. Shafor, Dr. Abblo Holmes, Mrs... Mao' n. Newton and many otiiers. pect to lie running tho cities years yourself ' Hcntliuriit Clinnuc. Mrs. G. W. Covell of Omaha, in a few Ing the word '-Delegate." and white rlb Ibons benrlng tho word " VIMtor " Not only are tho visitor women from Omalui, also i but many of them from out of town. Ilnlilnimi IVrlcauim Wiinirn. Mayor Dahlman avoided a discussion of the woman suffrage subject In the aft ernoon when ho, delivered thoiuldresn of welcome tQ the delegates to tho' Nebraska Woman Suffrage association assembled Iri the council chamber of tho city hall. Instead ho extended. to,.the wo'hion tho j Keys to tno ciiyr ;ajiqjpiaiitnam to go wherever they would In Oho' Ho.vto1d j me women mai umanu vyaprouu ,01 commercial lnterstf, Itn -Jargro.j business concerns and oTlU location !lh the center of the richest 'iipticulturali district In the world, with a vast undeveloped empire lying west of It that Is alt tributary to Omaha. The mayor tnformod the women that there would bo a special meeting of tho city- commissioners this morning at 10 o'clock and that the women -would hnvo to adjourn for a few mcmcnts to give tho commission tho right of way In the council chamber at that time. He then said that It would not be a long session and added, "Perhaps majiy of you would like to stay for the session and seo how the commission form of gov ernment works m I understand you ex- gave an address of welcome,. She said that twenty-five years ago such a meet ing would have been looked upon with scorn Instead of receiving such a wel come as thla one had received. ( While up to yesterday itj was thought that Mrs. Draper Smith of Omaha would Have clear sailing for the presidency of the association for tho com ing year It developed that certain fac tions of the women nre secretly deserting her und attempting to atnrt a boom for Mrs. It. B. McJCelvey for the presidency. It is said that a delegation waited on Mrs. McKelvey and told her thnt If she wanted the place they could swing votes enough to elect her at the business ses sion Friday. Will Cull on Governor. When Governor-elect Morehead comes to Omaha Thursday, oji he Is expected to do to look after tho distribution of sptno state appointments for his political friends Hiere, ho will either have to hide behind lock and key OV come to tho front before the women and tell them vfMm ho , stands on woman euf frake. This' President Phllbrlek of .tho association declared when she learned that he was expected In omanu. "We want to know where , ho standB, for or against us," said Dr. Rhll- 1rlek. Wo will give him a chance to como beforo the meeting and make a speech. - it? Is tho general opinion of tho women that before the session cIoscb they will arrango for tho circulation of petitions throughout the state for the purpose of securing the necessary signatures tra bring the Biiffra&e question before the stato In the Initiative. "Wb do pot ex pect to bring tho matter up In tho legisla ture," Raid Dr. Phllbrlek. "It will not bo hard to get the necessary signatures on our petition as wo only need fifteen per cent of the votes cast for governor at the last election, and that would mean nbout 18,000 signatures." The doors of the council chamber at tho city hall are filled with a stream of women wearing the yellow ribbon bear- Among the late arrivals ore W. 8. Jay. P. A. Harrison. T. J. Doyle, W. E. Barkley, Lincoln; Frances Henld. Osceola, and Mrs. S. B. Glllet, Tenora, delegates. Mrs. J? N. Cox, Kxeter, chair man of tho peace and arbitration com mittee, arrived yesterday afternoon. In replying to a question asked Dr. Inez Phllbrlek, president of the Nebraska Stato Suffrage association, regarding methods by which the women expected to secure an amendment to the Btate constitution, the doctor said that this isinndt nnd would be decided upon by the convention. Key to tho Situation Bee Advertising. DEATH RECORD. AI.1UON. Ni l'.. Dec 4. (Special )- Charles B.lly, e of Albion's most spectfd clthens. died of tubercular pc tonltis December .1, at the age of 65 yeare Ho came, to Boone county from'Gc esco. 111., in the year 1S8?, engaging In the practice of law, which profession he followed until his death. He served through the civil war In the .One Huti ilrcd and Twelfth Illinois Volunteer, ivivs honored by five successive terms as county Judge of Boone county and was prominent In all educational matters. lie leaves a widow, Harriet A., one Hon, Chnrles Klley, Jr., now In the Philippine one daughter, Mrs. C. C. re- j ni- r I) Goodrich, of Cedar Itaplds. Neb. Funeral services will be held Frldi afternoon. NERVOUS DYSPEPTICS, CHEER UP! TAKE SAMUEL'S "3-P" AND SMILE Your Sensitive Stomach Will Feel So Good and Your tered Nerves So Rejuvenated. Sim l- Many a man and woman Is today suffering thq tortures of upset Mlomacl and bad nerves. Indigestion, bloating, no energy after rating and. fecjjiig gener ally "rotten", who run quickly get rid, of It all by nieroly .getting ;fl the- drug store a 50.cqnt packet of these wonder-working. hurmleHH ilttle capsules. i "Yes. I've seen barrels .of remedies 'advertised," you hmv, "livit they're all" ulike." That's where you are mistaken. Some are worthless, some fair, some good. Havo YOU tried "3-P" It's different; it acts on an oiitlrcly f?HW prlh. clplc; It's not a secret patent medicine, but u prehcrlptlon endorsed bytho world's leading authorities aa tho most effective of digestives and m-rvo rcpiilrors. I, .l.tAati't Ifll.-n n'nnbu Irt vtrnt'ti .jSiuD . - ." ....... 7? Its worth. Just one little capsule gives relief additional ones niaKu your Rtoiieh glud and your nerves tlnglo with renewed vital ity. Hoon you can eat what you want and forget you've got a stomach except when your appe tlto reminds you. A postal to The- Samuel Client- l7S leal Company, Cincinnati. Ohio, will bring you a freo trial box. Send for it now MkivurDrwQhtfhr Samurt's'jiriciokoneim'Daa fortnukimeofSamuel and imr Trade Mark ofthcflgmv'fui the luge IcttefP " Will there be a Victrola You your can search home this in Christmas? The following Omaha and Council Bluffs dealers carry complete lines of VICTOR VICTROLAS, aid "all of the late Victor Recirds as fast as issued. . Yaii are cor dially iavited to inspect thc tocks at any of these establishmeats: the whole world over and not find another gift that will bring so much pleasure to every member of the family. $15 $25 $40 $50 $75 $100 $150 $200 Any Victor dealer in any city in the world will gladly play any music you wish to hear. Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. Nebraska Branch at 334 BROADWAY Council Bluffs DEATH RECORD. Mrs K. It. Todd. PKATTBOUTIT. Neb., Dee. t.-e-p-1L) Mrs, IM ward It. Tood. umt of the tdonr yomei) of C.m county, died thla morning at hpr home west of this uy Hlje came to1 this county with her parents, T J, rrnomaa nd wife In UU, and was married to Mr. Tood In Uf). 8he Is sur vived by five ion. iUv huaband Ed ward It! Tood having died five years iro. The sona are Thomas E., lonr Death, rati Pr. George V. of Omaha, Dr. Timothy J. 'ipf Wohoo. A. K A. U and Husftll Todd ' of Mattamouth. Two brother and one slsttr survive Mrs. Todd, J-elnif X. U Thomas. I-on Peach, lat . and James M ThomM of Plattsmouth and Mrs. O M. Carter of Deuvrr. J Cor. 15th and Haraey, Oaaha Geo. E. Mlckel, Mr. Cycle Co. Brandeis Stores Talking Machine Department in the Pompeian Room A. Hospe Co. 1513-15 Douglas St., Omaha, and 407 West Braadway, .... Council Bluffs Orkin Bros. Victor Department Third Floor Cor, 16th and Harney Sts. Victor-Viclrola XVI, $200 Mahogany or quartered oak