WANT ADS Want mis received at any time, tint to Instiro proper classlflcnfion must bo presented before 12:00 o'clock noon for tho evening edition and before 7:30 p. in. for morning and Sundny editions. Want ads re cdvod after such hours will have their first Insertion under tho head Idr, "Too Lato to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. Ono Insertion U cents a word. Two or more consccntlro Inser tions 1H cents a word. No ndver- ttvjX taken for leas tlinn 20 f r CHARGE RATES. Ax words to tho line. Ono Insertion 111 cents per line. Two or inoro consecttUvo Inser tions 0 cents per lino. Ono lino per month $130, Twenty cents a minimum charge Advertisements charged to patrons tinting accounts aro measured by tho line, not by tho word. NOTE Tho Be will not bo re sponsible for moro than ono wrong insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after tho 10th of tho following month. An advertisement inserted to bo run until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot bo accepted. marriage ucknshj, Th following permits to wed have been lulled: Name and Residence, Age. George A. Ury, Mams, la .. 21 Fay Heald, Arlon, la 21 Ralph Vonneea, Plrgah. la 21 Ethel Coff roan. (Mondamln, la. 21 fW,ll!uun O. George, Omnha. 37 Stella Gray, Omaha. X Clarence R. Crawford, South Omaha... 24 Hasel Jones, South Omaha 18 Oscar J. Mil I us, Portland, Ore 29 Effla C McConn&ughey, South Omaha 23 Howard C MoMurrny, Council Bluffs,. 21 Haiel Arnold, Council Bluffs...... 38 "Ernest Cockerlll. Gretna- . ST Bertha White. Gretna.-, .... 23 Ieahder G Bryant, Ontiht 28 IFlorenoe Anderson, Omaha.mM.imi, It William Bargmnn, Pender 26 Laura Jensen, Thurston 19 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. (BCrths-J. (J. and I JanowsM, 2720 8outh Twenty-fourth, boy; A. and Cath erine Doyle, hospital, Rlrl; J. and C. Anderson, snoo WIUIs" Avenue, boy; O. and Anna Moran. 2819 West Omaha, boy; J and Clara Arnold. 4007 Leavenworth, girl; Lorenz and Mario Brekunttsch, HO South Eighteenth, boy; Thomaa and Blanche Murray, hospital, boy; M. C. and Florenco Cole, 1015 LoUrrop, girl. Deotha F. Gould, 54 years, hospital; Anna It. W. MoConnelt. 00 years, 151 South Twenty-ninth; Anna Moore, 73 yearn, 5221 North 81xtoenth: Anna Borrowclough, 46 yearn, Decatur. building pcnnrn, IL C Ross, 115 North Thirty-fourth, frame dwelling, $1,000; J, A. Moron, 621 North Thirty-first, framo dwelling, 13,000; A. R. Ttintcher, 3324 Walnut, frame dwell, ing, 13,000; c. o. Larson. 3130 Stone avenue, framo dwolllng, $2,000; A. 1C Thatcher, 6315 North Twenty-fourth, framo dwelling, $2,069. HELP WA NT KD FES I ALE Agent nnd lenomcn, TEN YOUQ WOMEN IN city Is demon trators; permanent employment; good aalarlrs. Apply Room 33, Sanford hotel, between ! and 12 a. m,, nnd 4 and 6 p. m. wANTED-iNoat appearing lady be tween 20 and DO to demonstrate, travallnr. Call Room 5, Patterson, Bile, corner 17th nna vurnom oin. LADY SALESWOMEN WANTED llrtRlit, enrrgutlu nnd not afraid of work. APPiy nnno ncpariment. urain iiroy Clerical und Office. WANTED Bright young lady, who lives at home, to nasi St In our tMrfurn department. Sherman & McConnell Drug v. v., mill ana jjuugo oi. irotory nhd Trndti, WANTED ressera at Drhar Sros 2211 Farnam. lloasekeevers mn& Domeattoa, TUB SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents ot Omaha, South Omaha and Council limns, unng your aa to xne nee office or teiepnone Tyisr 1000. WANTED A girt or woman to assist with Kitchen and chamber work. Ono that will stay at own noma nights. 2507 .ara hi. WANTED A thoroughly competent cook in smau i&muy; no launary; enclose refcrcnoe In responding; $30 a month; owier limn xepb vouncii uiuus. JK.TX swer Y M& Bm. RELIABLE white girl for general housework; small family. Mrs. R, A, COMPETENT girl for general housa- worK: gooa wages, ssk nun. Tel. II. 581, , GOOD girl for general housework; small xauuiy; gooa wages; no waamng. iu so, 3th St. Tel. IL 1L ' 'WANTED At onoe, a young girl to aa. sii wun nousewora; gooa sornt small 1 family. Web. mL OIKL for general housework. MM Bt. Marya avo. uougiaj tmz. WANTeuuiri to assist with house work; good noaasi small family, lias N. rtineieenio esu weusier jajo. WANTED School girl or Voung lady to act as a companion ana assist witn housework for room and board Ref erences required, uan Douglas aes. COMPETENT girl for general houso- woric; gooa wages; no wasning. us Ho. sun. liarney tsi. WANTED Girl for second work. Good UOtUliirKXST girl for general house work. Small family. No washing. Mrs. IL U Welch. 414 a SSth St. WANTED-Competent girl for house work, must bo good cook. 3200 Harney. GOOD girl for general work in laundry, Kooa wages, iiarney vm. WANTEI-A competent girl for ten rral housework In family ot two; must liars city references. 'Phone liar. tsa. WANTED A girl for general house work 'Phone liar. u2. "GOOD girl for general housework who understands cooking; white preferred, DOUg, 3U88. UW UapttO! AVO. WANTED A nurse girt past 25. Harney CCS, Phone Miscellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt. where Jcy will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise a listed. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. GIRLS, for doctors' office, in and out of city German Doctors, Council Bluffs. WOMEN Get government position. $89 month- writs immediately for list ot positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept Ot W. Rochester. N 1 HELP WANTED MALE Agtmit, Dalesmen ana Sellcltara. WANTED Experlenc1, capable office man for general detail work; splendid opportunity; state age. experience; and salary wanted. Address M 281 Bee. AGENTS, SOLICITORS If you aro a live wire and looking tcr something good. Jaeger Bros. Mfg, cu., m Brandels Theater Bldg. "Nuft ced' AN attractive proposition for good so licitors. Vacuum waaber. 1K4 Farnam. HELP WANTED .MALE. ARrnti, Snlmnipn mill Solicitors. t AOKNTS Semi for free sample fall lender. Something new and good. Quick sates Ills profits. Easy, pleasant em ployment. The Western Sal Co., 1301 Octavla SI . San Francisco, Cal. Clerical nml Office. WANTBD Bright young man, who han a knowledge of the soda water and lunch, business. Sherman & McConnell Drug "Co., 16th and Dodge. Factor nml. Trniles. WANTED ImmeCtalely. experienced hntmskers. Kartell. 1909 Capitol Ave. Drug store (snaps) Jobs. Knlest. Hee Bldg. WANTED Bushelmsn, steady work. Jsklo. the Tailor. FaJrbury, Neb. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. Get Into tho automobile business, learn It complete In tho largest and best equipped training school In this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen aro In demand, Wrlto or oalt for our latest catalogue, NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1415-17 Dodgo St.. Omaha. Neb. ' MEN wanted to learn barberTrade; can qualify for position In few weeks; wages while learning; no pretlous oxperlenco necessary, everything li the business taught practically; sure of success with us; tools given. Cnll or write. Moler Barber t'ollege, 110 8. 14th Bt WANTED Gordon Rabefs. Bee Bldg. press feeder at Miscellaneous. FOR SALE A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits, $10; alterations tree. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Corner 16th and Harney Sts. PHYSICIANS, Reg., Neb., Iowa. Ho. Dak. Good salary, German Doctors, Council Bluffs. AUK. vourself which vou would rather be one of the countless failures or half-fail ures In life, or one of 02,000 picked men who are sucoesses or on the road to suo cess. This year the navy will comprise J2.000 men, 4.000 mora than before. It you aro between 17 and 2j. can at wavy Jte- orultlng Station, rostofflco Building. Omaha, Neb., and nsk for run details about navy pay, hours, promotion, etc. Or send for fascinating free book "The Mnklng of n Man-o'-warsman." Tells In simple language nnd Interesting pictures all about the navy. Send today to Bu reau of Navlgntlon. Box 209, Navy Dept. Washington, D. C. WANTED For U. fl. army, ahlebodled. unmarried men between ages of It and 23. cltlsens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can spealc, read and wrlto the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit ing officer, 13th and Douglas Bis., Omaha, Neb.; GOG Fourth St., Sioux City, la.; ISO N. Tenth 8L. Lincoln, Neb. TELEGRAPH nosltlons suarnnteed voti bv the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training In our school. Practice on R. R, wires. Address for particulars. II. B. Boyles, ,'res. Hoyles College, omana, Neb. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted: JOT month; Omaha examinations coming soon; ooachlng free. Franklin institute, uept. 210 W Rochester. N. Y. ARB you unemployed or dissatisfied with your work, or get very low wages with no prospect ror advancement! Th automobile business offers you oppor tunities. Our crmluatos are trained by practical experience In demonstrating, re pairing and driving all makes of auto mobiles, and command large salaries Enormous salts of automobiles has left groat shortage of good men. Writs for full particulars and learn now tmfor tho spring rush. National Automobile Train Ins Association, Omaha, Neb. IIEIiV WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. MEN. WOMEN Get Kovernment lobs: $20 week: write Immediately for list of positions open. Frnnklln institute, Dept. 217 W Rochester, w. v. WANTED Washman or all around laundryman. Keith's Laundry. W. B. Keith, Ida Grove, la. WANTED Piano player and. vaudeville norfonners for medicine show. Coll Room 5, Patterson Bile, corner 17th and uwnam bis. WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants Ironing or cooking by the day. Tel. Web, 4024 after t p. m. COLOIU3D woman of (rood character wants position In private family. Call Frances, Harney 4997. COLORED man of energy and char acter wishes position as janitor, portet or houseman, married, tnau Jessie, Har- noy 4857; FAMILY and bundle washing. Har. 6374 WANTED By graduate lawyer a posl tlon In an attorney's office. M. a Bui Hvan. Rurbank. 8. D. WANTED Br untverottv student with two vearo' office experience, position re quiring three or four hours a day. Can furnish own typewriter If necessary.' Ad dress L 810. Bso. WANTED Position, as chauffeur In private family! atrtotly temperate; under. utlj stands automobllo construction. Phone South 1372. WANTED Stenographlo position by young lady; some experience; high school graduate. Call Dour. KM. ANNOUNCEMENTS LIBBEN, costumes. Ult Howard St B. H. Cols Sign Co. D. 8768. 1316 Farnam Bt nilAKDXIA'H PANCAKH FLOUR sold at all grocers Willi guarantee to pieuse. Wedding announcements. Doug, Ftg. Co. D. a Griffith, wig mfr.. 12 Frenser Bit OMAHA POSTINQ SERVICE. Adv., "Persll" Oxygen washing compound. ITAZRL LBAP PILE CONES Best remedy for Itching, .bleeding or protrud ing piles, too postpaid; samples fro. Sherman & McDonnell imig t:o.. umana. nllANnMVfi l'ANCAKH FLOUR sold at all grooers with guarantee to please. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA film exch.. 16th and Doug. Mo tlon picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES DRUM.MOND'S BIG NEW GARAGE At 26th and Farnam. Best repairing. Best auto shoo in city. Prompt servloo and reasonable charges. EXPERT automobile repairing, reason' able prices, all work guaranteed. Also second hand cars for sale. 2024 Douglas. Murphy Did It BUSINESS CHANCES TO re: In or out of business, call on GANGESTAD. 494 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3177. FINEST confeotlonetv and Ice cream parior in lowa at invoioe: easy torms owner leaving city. Address Y 212. Bee. CONFECTIONERY and groceries for sale; good location; living room In rear. Call Douglas (728. Leaving town. 1IUSINESS PERSONALS Chiropodists, DR. ROY, 1M6 Far. T). 4W. Open even'ga. Carrie J. Burford. 033 Pax. 111c. Red 4587. DR. MONHEIT. 403 B. Kth. Douglas 2333. Creameries! Dairies and Buppllra. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. China l'ntutlna. DBLLA HACKETT. til PaJtton Block. Special attention given to Xmas order work, llutli Letchloru. SIT S. 21th. R. pej Coal Dralrrs. rrmv TrTTVTCrVTCJ tn nrkT TRY JOHNSON'S $5 COAL for cooking, or $100 for furnace or heat- le stoves l$th and Hard. Tel Doug. U02. Christmas Suggestions ELECTRICAL DEVICES FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS COMBINE LUXURY WITH UTILITY. Oinaba Electric Light and Power Co. SIXTEEN INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. i 9W --i. m ) A -r T Y"f HOME JOUHNAL, I1.G0; TUB SATUJU "i luvrjrtifMu njnl, tl.uu; inn COUNTRY ORNTLEMAN, $1.60. earn &C?ATIo' -WVA" Sixteen Invnllda will ri-.tv. ttn n mnnth. leaving 11.000 far i1 v-rtl.tn--. Every order worth 60 cents. YOUR RENEWALS wut. won't you help7 Also any publication whate.vr. 'Phono Douglas 71C3, Alwny address GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, OMAHA. NEB. Lo Greed Bros.. NOT Cnmlnr la now open with full line of groceries and good bakery; bread baked da'ly; good goods, low prices. Qlve us a tttal. NOW Is the tlmn In hava vnur ntano tuned. Expert tuning and regulating. Free estimates mads on repairing and re flnishlng. SCHMOLLHR MUELLER PIANO CO., inuno uoiigi-, iszx. 13H-1S Farnam St. THE ELITE CAFE All kinds of (Chinese and American dlshei. Fine steaks and chops a spe cialty. I07-9-11 S, 14th St. While Doing YourXmos Shopping Visit the Elite Cafe Omaha's newest and finest equipped restaurant In the west. Quality unsur passed, variety uneaualed and prices the most reasonable in Omaha. American and Chinese dishes, fine chop sueys, siobks ana cnops, i 14TH Everything to pteaso the appetite, AND DOUGLAS 8T8., UPSTAIRS. FILMS developed free, finished soma ay. I'hoto Craft Bhop. 411 Bee Bldg. PERFUMES. TOII.RT AHTICI.ICH. SAFETY RAZORS, Thermos bottles and many otner uainty and useful gifts. BlUSltaiAN MCQNNKLL DRUG CO. COLUMBIA OnAimNni.A mnlmi Christmas hannv. Ideal elft for whole family. Columbia Phonograph Company. XMAH PIIOTOS-Stoeclivi holiday nrlcesT open Sundays: Rembrandt Studio, Lulu lieu Hunt, 20th nnd Farnam. D-3548. THE EARLY SHOPPER catches the bargains at the Sign of tno Crown up the golden stairs. Fred Brodegaard Jew elry Co., 16th nnd Douglas Sts. SOFA PILLOWS sold bv Omaha Pillow to., ii2i uunung. uougiaa zot. For strictly hlch nroda Dlanoa at noa itlvely lowest prices, easy terms, see G. u. uarr riano co za tioor Boston store, FOR XMAS and wedding gifts. High class hand embroidered; Initial and wed lng trousseau a specialty. Work guar antee. Miss Koii, Doug, Etox. Exclusive Shops ALL KINDS OF BEAUTY WORK. Mme. Wilson, halrdresslng nnd mani curing parlors, over Kern's millinery store, iws Douglas. FrecKics. liver spots. moles, warts and other blemishes, and superfluous hair removed. Tel. Doug. 61(7, BUSINESS PERSONALS Detectives, JAM1CH ALLAN. 811 Neville Blk. Evl denco secured In all cases. Tyler 1115. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agcy., a ...... . m , , nil. i.ia ponueu. ouiio rnxiuii urn. i. iu.?. L. W. LONGNECKER. B17 Karbach Blk. DressuinkliiK- MISS D. MALIXY. altering of ladles' .nit, rrflttlna-. rellnlna. etc Bvlte 209 Boston Storo Illdg. Phone Douglas 347$. Fltspatrlck, tailor, drose-kg. 2804 Davonpt Mna. REYNOLDS for nlatn and fancy sewing; satisfaction guaranteed. Har. 1219 Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th & Far. Learn dresmaklng, make your own while learning. 2500 Cuming. Tyler 1276, Children's sewing a specialty. Doug. 6455, Drags, DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid or 110 orders: catalogue iroe. nnerman x McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. everything: Kleotrlcal, Electrical Utilities Exchange. Omaha. at.t. klmla nf electrla apparatus, new and 2d-hund, and electrical repairs. Le Bron Electrical wonts, sta a. lain, umniia. Everything; for AVonicn. DRESS pleatlngs, buttons covered, all lr and ntVl.E. THE IDEAL PLEAT- 1NQ CO.. 200 Douglas block. Both "phones. WE rent, repair, sell needles, parts ot all sewing machines. iNeorasK -ycie uo., 15th and Harney Sts. 'Phone Douglas 1602. WESTERN MILLINERY SCHOOL. 412 PAXTON BLOCK. IToBBdrles. M.rnnnJi1 nrass and Bronae foundry, Aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-lOOh HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 19 Farnam. P. 12SS. BATH'S, florist. Boyd Theater Bldg. Brandela cut flower dept., new store. Farnaors nnd Hepalra. REPAIRS In stock to fit your stove, furnace, steam or hot water heater; new furnaces, wrought Iron and cast. Let us figure with you. OMAHA. HTUVH1 IVUlUva ltOC-liXa Douglas St. Tyler 20. Mavlng, Storane und Clrantuar. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van CO. Furniture paoaing, piano raoviua. Otflce 316 8. 17th St. Doug. 391 Large moving vans. $1.25 per hour. D. 39t. Ftirn. moving; 3 men. $1 per hr. W. 274S, T . . . 1 , O A ,1. M men. $1.26 hr.. 2 hrs. $1 hr. P. 4333. W. Ml Hallo, Art nnd Lansuases. VIOLIN lessons, violins loaned. W. 7211. Ifnraerles anil Seeds. STEWART'S SERDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson. SOS-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Palnta nnd Glass. We do clazlna and deliver glass In all parts or the city; aiso picture framing, Barker Bros. Paint Co. Tho Paint Men You Know." lcOStt Farnam. Douglas 4 S0. Patents. HIRAM A. 8TURGE8. Patent Lawyer, 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 3469. D. O. Uarnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Prlnttng. DOUGI-AS Printing Co.. Tel. Doug. 644. Lew-W. Rabor, Printer, BKB BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Rels-Hall Ptg. Co.. 109 8 14th. Ind.A-3524. Waters-llarnhart PUf. Co.; quality kind, aulck service. Doug. 219a 522-14 So. IStb. Sanitarium. "ROSZELLE" SANITARIUM AND REST HOME. 2232 Sherman Ave.. Pnp ftirnnli- Invalidism. Nonoperatlva cases; quiet, beautiful. homelike, all modem conveniences trained nurses, both male and femsle. In attendance. Terms on application, i MRS. J R. MUSICK. i 'Phone Wcbstsr (79. Superintendent. DL'SINESS I'EICSONAIjS tenographera and Court Reporter. Myrtle A. Kelley, 816 Bran. The. D. 5682. Store and Office Fixtures. STORE FIXTURES, coolers, refrigera tors, arocers' dlsnlav counters. Ice ma chines. The United Line, 1117 Farnam. DESKS, safes, scsles. showcases, shelv ing, etc.; We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-1C1S So. 12th. D. 2724. Tenia and Annlnsa, OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 8S2. TrnnUi nml inlt Cnsea. Frellng A Stelnle. 1803 Farnam St. Wlnrs nnd Llqnors. WILLOW Serines beer. Ilauors. cigars. ssndwlches. Alex .letes. S02-3. S. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wine. Co a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House, C22 N. 16th St. EDUCATIONAD BOYLES COLLEGE DAT AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR ComDlbta courses In Business. Book keeping, Stenography. Tolegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, write or 'phone for It at once. Address II. B, Boyles. President Boyles College. Omaha. Neb. Mosher-Lampmnn College Unsurpassed courses. Finest Quarters, Graduates aro ausranteed cood positions. Work for board. Address Mosher-Laxnp- man, I SIS Farnam 8t Omaha. Neb. Dancing. Mackle's, $ class nights pr week. D. 6446. FINANCIAL $1,000 FIRST mortgage on Quarter sec tion land drawing1 6 per cent Interest, ayame annually, aue in tnroe yearsi ror $901 cash. For particulars address the owner, Jay Spells, Kearney, Neb. MVE STOCK FOR SAJiE Itoraea nnd Vehicles. HAT $11 per ton. Wagner. S01 N. 16th. nnnn ,irivini tinnm; new rubber-tlred buggy and harness for $100. Phone Web- ter 2688 or Douglas 1Z5M. LOST AJ(D FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. ILTonv ArtlnlM anh riAV nrm turned in "and the company Is anxious to restore them to tne rigntiui owner, uan louk laa 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL nLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. GOLD band ring, sapphire between two diamonds, suitable rewara, u. ues leg, Red 114, Council Bluffs. ENGLISH toy poodle, black and white; name Trouble, a dinars pet; rewara. Harney 1614. 1548 ft 27th St. WANTED Good second girl with ref erences. Harney 665. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. 1C IX. Tarry cures Piles. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured, write tor booic on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. "HOW I Cured Myself of Consumption," booklot of priceless value to tuber cular sufferers. Absolutely free. Charles F. Aycock. 711 International Bank Bldg., Los Angeles. OSTEOPATHY. Dr. Hunt, 703 City National Bank. D. 2823. AITS Sc- MONEY TO LOAN Salary nnd Chattels, THINK THIS OVER WHEN YOU NEED MONEY THE RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor, 308 Paxton Bldg., 217 S. 16th. Will supply the needed AT A VERY LOW JIAT12 or interest. ioans procureu on FURNITURE, PIANOS, WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS, FIXTUREB, HORSES, WAGONS. nEAL ESTATE OR ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE If permanently employed. No red tape, no deUy. Easy transaction, confidential. Terms to suit. Your coll appreciated, but do not hesi tate to write or phone Douglas 1411. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 5 per cent FLATAU. 1514 Dodge StTel. Red 5619. MONEY loaned bv a nrlvate Daxtv nn ohattejs at much lower rates than regu lar loan offices chatge. Terms reason able. Confidential. H. Auerbach, 1821 Leavenworth St D. 633a $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.$$$$$$$$$$ 3 OMAHA FINANCIAL 1 $ COMPANY $ $ $ $ 310 BROWN BLK. 1 $ 16th & Douglas Sts. $ t$$$$$$$$$$$$4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$i $ IF YOU KNEW $ THE DI7FKRENCB J Betwecen tho Omaha JVInuncIal Co.'s service $10 or and that of the ordi nary loon company in making LOANS MORE $10 or MORE to Housekeepers and Worklngmen you would never bor row a dollar from any company but the $ LOANED to Omaha Financial Co. $ THE FRIENDLY in- $ 8 ANYONE y tere.it. the courteous. confidential, consider ate treatment we ao- $ cord our customers. $ has brought us lots of $ business and made us $ thousands of friends. $ CAN'T WE HELP YOU $ with your money wor- $ rles? 1 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. ' $ aiv nitwit iiuivi, s $ 16th & Douglas Sts.. Opu. Brandels 3 $ Office hours 3 A. M. lo I P M, $ I $ $$$$m)M$w$t$$$m$$$$$$$$$m$$$$m$m$i$ $10 AND-UP LOANED on the GUARANTEE PLAN. We tell you lust what wo want for the accommodation, and If this Is satisfactory to you. the understand ing is perfect and you get tne money. We want you to know the GUAR ANTEE system, to know that It stands for courtesy, consideration $ 3 and a square deal. $ $ GUARANTEE LOAN CO., $ 201 Wlthnell Bldg.. 15th and Harney. $ (Over Nebruska Cycle Co.) $ Phones.; Douglas 5015. IWamiKKIttlllllWWIIlHfflKlllWlWllll Money on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate ot interest. Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 2M Bee Bldg. I SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANS. $ $ The CHEAPEST place in Omaha to 3 $ borrow money. Let us prove It to you. Borrow $ 10. -pay $ .40 per month. Borrow $ 15. pay $ .60 per month. Borrow $ 20, pay $ .75 per month. Borrow t 25, pay $1.05 per month. Borrow $ to. pay $3.15 per month. Borrow $100, ay $3.00 per month. Other amounts In equal proportion. Deal with a home concern. Cheap, CONFIDENT! AN and Quick. PEOPLE'S LOAN COMPANY. 1623 Farnam. Room 4. Tel. D. 7477. MONEY TO IiOAN Salary nnd Chattel. FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. Without publicity. Easiest payments. Lowest rates. Confidential. Private. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Established Twenty Years. JC03 FARNAM ST. Room 215 Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone Douglas 2295. DIAMOND LOANS nt 2 and 5 per cent. GROSS LOAN CO., 410 North 16th. CHATTEL LOANS J.", to 1100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of. STAR LOAN CO.. C01 Paxton Block. OFFERED FOR RENT Bard and noome. NICE gentleman. 43. will tend furnace for room and board. Address O 278, Bee. O. M. E. Hauls trunks. Douglas 611. Furnished Rooms, 2703-1 FARNAM Large, nicely furnished modern single or double; reasonable. Har ney 3031. FURNISHED rooms and best of table board. 25S3 Harney. Tel. Doug. 6377. I.AUUK frnnt room, nrlvate family. modern; rent to 2 gentlemen or ladles; 1 or 2 meals. II. 54i9. PARTY ownlnir home In Hanaoom Pork district will share It with party of adults. i-none iiorncy 3ese. Furnished Homes. FOR RENT Either for winter months or for one year, modern 8-room, wen furnished house, West Farnam district. Address, Z. this offloe. Furnished Honarkerplag Rooms. VERY nicely furnished four-room apart ment: complete for housekeeping. H. 41S3. 2018 DAVENJMyrlT Two or threo front housekeeping rooms. Hotels and Apartments. DODGE HOTEL, modern, reasonable. New Hotel Rex Up-to-date, steam heated rooms. Weekly rates, 16th nna uaiuornia. CALIFORNIA HOTEL - Bteam-heated Free baths. rooms, $3 per week and up. Apartments nnd Flats. enrt IiP.NT-Mndnrn K-room flat. 638 S. 26th Ave.; references required. Tel. H. 2170 012 Chlcaco St.. C-room apartment In new, modorn building. Best neighborhood. References. UNEQUALED. steam heat, all modern, 4-rooin corner flat. Tlsard. 220 No. 23d. 3120 PACIFIC. A nniilful r,.r.. ntrietlv modern "St, Louis" apartment. Field club district, fln- laned tnrougnout ,in quarter-sawea oa, Inrm llvlns roam 'M ft. lonir. 18 ft, wldo, with bullt-ln bookcasta and largo brick flreplaoo; arrangement Ideal; bargain at ' PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. STANDARD. STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS, e moms! flnn woodwork: fine decora' tlnnn- nrlvat halls. Iinth. tiantrV. closets. shades, range, hot water. Janitor; hlfch aualltv: wnlklna- distance: $35 and $30, winter; $10 less summer; equal to any at too; references. PAYNE A SLATER CO.. Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., Or office STANDARD, 1101 N. 18th St, A MONTtnS RKNT FREE. Cr. tfnt. m nil or n excent heat In rood shapo; reduced to $15; will rent this for winter months to gooa famines tor i.ou; located at 1914-16-18 N. Z4tn t, PAYNE & SLATER CO., Omaha's Rental Moll. 816 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. MO N. 17TH ST. 7-R., heat furnished. $3S. RASP BROS., 106 McCaguo Bldg. Ilaases and Cottasjea. 7-room, $16, 2703 Seward St. Doug. 1591. rrvn rooms. 1807 Farnam: modern: aultahla location for offices, studios, den tal or dressmaking rooms for tenants wishing home adjoining. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg.. POUSIOS 7408. B-ROOM nowly papered house at 2415 a 24th. G. Grush. Tel. Doug. 6548. jamitatiY 1st 8-room strictly modern home northwest cor. 22 and Brown. Shades at windows. laundry, fruit room, etc. in hannment. row of bearlnir Concord grapes, lentrth of lot and abundance ot small fruit. OWNER leaving CITY. Lease to desirable party. J. H. JOHNSON. 578 BRANDEIS BLDG. WALKING DISTANCE. 2648 Dodge, 8-room 8, modern, a bargain at $30. Water paid. W. W. Mitchell. 414 Bee uidg. ulnninn ViW A Km HTrin AOTtl C!f nsr.ks. moves, stares and ships household gooas ana pianos. iouaia HOUSEHOLD goods packed and for werded: cheap freight rates. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. TeL Douglas 334. unice ziu a. run ot x Ttl-KTT 9 rt,u frttmM ftnTAlllns' All Cass St., between 26th and 27th Sts., all modern Improvements. The Crelghton University. Tel. Doug. 2320. 725 So. S7th St., strictly modern house. Klectrto lights. Web. 2590. FIVE Rm. cottage, 3702 Ruggles. W-1010. 1923 Maple-'Jr., all modern. Has gas ranee and hot water heater. $3.W. u u. Combs.D. 3916., MT,ATTTV"'6on move trunks, 25c, $18.00-6-r., 2119 Blnney St., modern ex cept heat iao.floC-r.. 2810 Grant St.. modern. $20.00-6-r., 1811 No. 19th St., modem, ex cept neat. 120.00 7-r 3424 Franklin St., modern, 135.00-tUr.. 3711 No. 20th St.. modern. trr.M -r.. S829 Florence Blvd.. modern, $27.60 6-r. flat, 1615 Howard St, modern except heat 1.12.0O 7-r.. 524 No. 26th St. modern. $33.00 7-r. flat, 617 So. 16th St., modern except heat $13.00 7-r.. 4905 Davenport St, Dundee, modern, fine repair. $40.00 7-r.. modem bungalow, 6115 Cap Hnl A va . Dundne. U5.00 7-r.. 3734 Lincoln Blvd., Bemls Pork, modern. 150.00 7-r.. 133 No. Slst Ave., modem strictly first class. tiii.r i?i So. 54th St.. modern. $110.00 24-r., 1611-13 Howard St., modem except nciai. tfEORGE & COMPANY, 904-12 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Phono D. 756. 1619 EMMET ST. Eight-room modern adults only, $37.50. Tenant pays wafer rent. House now occupied, but can give possession Dec. 1. Phone P. W. Sperry, Owner, Douglas 2113 or Douglas a. .'nnnM nml receDtlon hall and bath t.,rana v,iif kinsa In f1n condition nur Kahool and car. 2251 Florence Blvd. Tel. Webster 2792. At 2765 Dewev ave. we have an 8-room modem house, with hardwood floors', a good worm, comfortable house: recent tenant lived there three years; ha.t full Qement basement and good Ifurnace, also, haa mantel and grate. Rent only $34 per month to good parties. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Omaha Nat. Bank. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. fireproof storage. 806 S. Kth. toy the viaduct Branch office. 809 S. 17th St Tel. Douglas 4163. A-1559, -ROOM press brick house, hot water heat strictly modern, near oar ana school. $25. . , 6-room modern house; corner lot; one block to car. $18. , 6-room cottage strictly modern. In fine 17voms,'hot water heat, electric lights, cement basement large lot. fruit and shade, good chicken house; one block AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Formerly Shlmer & Chase Co.. 003 a 17th St Doug. 3S67. B74 8. 28th St. rooms completely mua ern. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A-4406. tTnnoaa In all parts of the city. 223 PARK AVE. An $-r.. strictly modern, detached house. In a desirable residence district and within walking distance; price. $35. Owner pays water rent and furnishes hot water. Special Inducements If taken at one. PAYNE & 8 LATER COMPANY. Omaha's Rental Men. "S 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg, ROOMS, modern, 112 N. 26th 6t D. 3717. OEFEHED FOIt RENT llonsea and Cottnsrea. 2431 S. 16TH, 6-r., modem $24.00 4534 N. 40th. 6-r.. city water 10.00 S210 Maple. 6-r., city water U.OO 1610 S. 61st, 5-r., well 10.00 4719 N. 40th Ave., 7-r, city water.. 11.00 4531 Parker, 6-r., well.. 9.50 8115 & 16th, 4-r., well 8.00 323) Emmet 6-r., well 10.00 3216 Bedford Ave., 6-r., well 10.00 CREIGH. SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 200 08 Bee Bldg. 261" Capitol Ave., !-room, all modern.$30.00 2116 Bpencer St., 8-R., all modern.... 30.00 2708 N. 20th St.. 7-R., new, all mod.. 30.00 2214 Grand Ave., new, 6-R., mod 19.00 11A81' duos., ios McCaguo Bldg. 1008 SPRUCE STREET. A 7-r.. strictly modern, detached house. In a very desirable residence district, $33. Window shades, gas rnnge, goa heater furnished. Half month's free rent If taken at ones. PAYNE & SLATER. COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 1725 8PRAGUE. A 6-r.. strictly modern cnttaee. harraln at $2C. Special Inducements If token at once. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. GOOD house. 3-r. and basement, with sink and toilet: walking distance; saves car fare; rent $10; water free. HOOK, 1101 i. ism. 2127 Douglas. 8-rms., batn. $30. D. 1598. Stores and Offices. FOR RENT Offloe room. 25x30 ft., on ground floor front. In the Edward Crelgh ton Institute, 210 & 18th St.. opposite city hall. Telephone Douglas 5845. CROUNSE BLIC-Offlce room 119 N. 16th St Opposite post ornce, $7.00 per month. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Thea. Doug. 1571. DESK room. Room 6, Continental Blk. fitj FINELY furnished private office and reception room; sublet to desirable party for actual cost of rent. Address, IC 309, Bee. FINELY furnished private office and reception room; sublet to desirable party for actual cost of rent. Address K 309. Bee. Warehouses. FOR RENT First floor and basement. 1102 Dodgo St., 6,000 square feet net; flvo years' lease: electric elevator: shipping piatrorm ana tracKngo. possession given January 1. National Lead Co., E. E. Brando, Mgr. STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS. New York, Londonderry and Glasgow. New York. Palermo and Nanles. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Con tinental and Mediterranean Points. Su perior accommodations. Excellent cuisine. Efficient service. Apply for reservation to local agent of Anchor Line or HEN DERSON BROTHERS, General Agents, Chicago, III. OFFERED FOR SALE , Fnrnltnre. Howe ventilator, furn, cheap. 2530 Cuming. COMPLETE dlnlns room set. chiffonier. rocker and small tablo In best quarter sawed oak. Phone Douglas 2179. Typewriters. A REMINGTON VISIBLE TYPE WRITER, brand new, for sale cheap. Sent on trial. MISS BERTHA JERDIS. Route 6. ROSBDALE. KAN. REBUILT and second hand typewriters rented 3 mo. for $5. Sold on easy pay ments. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, TYPEWRITERS for rent 3 months $. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Musical Instruments. FOR SALE Pianola, Including 20 rec ords having fine selections on each. Reasonable. ICS No. 42d. Call Har. 6359. Miscellaneous, THE ANGLE OIL LAMP, the llsht that never fans; more light for less money. JOHNSON LAMP CO.. 621 SO. 16TH ST. Dry kindling. Acme Box Co. D. 1837. FOR SALE Now and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories: bar fix tures of all kinds;. -easy payments. The HrunswicK-uaiKe uouenaer uo wi-vn South 10th St. STORM 8A8H. CALL WEB. 2577. SAFE8 2d-hand. American Supply Co. $5 COAL; It's good; try a ton: best for money. Web. 848. Harmon & Weeth. Bargains: unredeemed watches. Jewelry. o coats, trunks. Jerrson Loan uo..m .N. is, All kinds machinery bought, sold and ex changed. H. Gross, Mach. Ex., 1001 Doug. Kindling, $4. H. Gross, lumber & wrecking, APPLES for sale: about 4.000 bushels of choice winter apples of different vari eties In excellent condition by Edward Walder, 60th and Benlngton, Kansas City Mo. GIRLS' bicycle and 414 S. 38th St. mahogany divan FOR SALE Cheap, quarter sawed oak dear fixtures, also humidor, ploo case. marble bases. C. C. Cannam, 1511 Harney St GAS rangeupper oven, II. 6344. Old brick, $3.00: lumber. $12.00 to $15.00 per m. II. Gross LumDet ana wrecmng uo. PERSONAL MASSAGE. Mme. Allen ot Chicago. 203 Wlthnell Bldg.. 15th and Harney. D. 7665. 63-DAY BLOOD. REMEDY. Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. M AKKAlTri1, Swedish movement. Apt JVLaejOAUHi 2. 180S Farnam. D. 6240. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. 'Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. LADY, some talent, desires painting lessons in exennnge tor nousenoid uutles Address XYZ, Bee. younu women .coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwtse assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. GALVANIC electrio treatment, massage. ur. waiters, jmj a. mm, w ware uiag. T A RSvA OTP. Corns removed. 25o. Mrs. JUAESiYUHi Haynes. 707 S. 16 St D. 4433 BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 per box, postpaid. Sherman ec Moconneii urug uo., umans, nbd. A business woman going to Los Angeles Cal., for the winter with her mother and a nurse will act as companion for ladles or children Who wish to make the trip unattended. Every care and attention given. Have personally made the trip 24 times, nest references given. Aaaresa ai 276, care Omaha Bee. Massage. Mrs. Goldsburg. 308 Boston Bid. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse, baths, elec trical treatment. 4(8 Brandels The. D863. MASSAGE Hours 12 noon to 8 p. m. Urn. Steele. 109 So. 17th St., room I. BATHS. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. Drugless treatments. 703 S. ICt.h. Apt. B FOR SALE A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits, $10; alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Northwest Corner 15th and Harney Sts. PET STODIC FOR SALE Bird dogs, "setters;" sex. E. G. Keph'art, Holt Mo. either FURNITURE DEALERS Dolgoff 2dhand store pays highest prices for furniture, ciouies. snoea. veo. wi. WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy 6V or 6-room house to be moved on a lot; would like one within 15 blocks .of 21th and FrankUn. Telephone Red 4301. Sbafion buys old clothes, shoes. W. 5479. Typewriters Any standard make. Cen. tral Typewriter Ex., 1607 Farnam. P. 80S. WANTED To buy old broken watches and old gold. M-Notion, 109 a 13th 8t. OFFEHED FOU HAIjH WANTED TO HOKKOW. WILL pay good Interest for loan of $3,000 to $10,000 on western prnlrlo land, 100 per cent steam plow; want about $2.50 per acre on land worth $13 to $15. SS37 Eleventh Ave.. So., ailnneapolls. Minn. WANTED lo HENT WANTED to rent for a candy stand, fifty square feet In an Omaha retail store. Box 622, Sac City. Io UEAIi ESTATE LOANrl WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. City and Farm Loans John N. Frenxcn HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Oma. Nat. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wcad Bldg.. 18th and .Farnam. GARVIN BROS. Omaha Nat Banfc. CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co.. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. y0 Loans for Home Builders The Best Class Take an Interest Bate of 5 With Optional Payments Any Interest Day. Peters Trust Co. 1622 Farnam Street. FARM LOANS near Omaha: no com mission; optional payments; cheap money. Orln B. Merrill. 1213 City Nat Bank Bids LOANSon farm and Improved city prop erty, 5 per cent to 6 per cent: no delay. J, h. Dumoni uo., 1W3 Farnam, umana. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties. $1,000 to $00,000. W. H. THOMAS, 223 State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. MONEY to loan on Improved farms in eastern Nebraska. Loans made for hi per cent, with privilege of paying all or part ot tne principal alter s years. i'or further particulars write to home office. The Equitable Loan Co., Percy E. Owynne, Ass't Seo'y, Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE SEND for our system of exchanges. Shopen & Co., Dept. B. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE or trade, a millinery stock and fixtures In llvo Neb. city; excellent location, long established; beit reason for selling. Address Inquiries to James Faw throp, 200 So, 12th, Lincoln, Neb. CLEAR land worth 32.400. $4,600. $12,000. to exchange for equity close In Invest ment or homes. Address 427 Y. M. C. A. WILL trade small stock of merchandise nnd modern house and lot, 613 North 41st St. Omaha. Neb., for good lana; no sandy soil considered. Reply, Box $76, Albion, Neb. i REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. CITY PltOPEnTY FOR 3ALF,. Kountzc Park New Bungalow Has reception hall, living room, dining room, den and kitchen; theso rooms lln lshed in oak, except kitchen. Beam ceil ings In living room nnd dining room, also built-in booKcase, cnina cioset, ouiiei, panelled walls and pinto rail. Second floor has two large bedrooms, and bath with tiled walls, also store room and linen closet. Basement cemented, has guaranteed furnace nnd tank connected, sink for laundry purposes. On a comer lot at Eighteenth and Laird Sts. This bungalow- can bo bought for a few hun dred cash and balance like rent or would consider a good vacant lot or auto In exchange. For further Information, seo SCOTT & HILL, 307 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1009. Close-in Homes On Easy Payments At 33d and Chicago Sts. we are offer ing you for $500 cash as a first payment a new 6-room, modern, complete nouse that was built for a home. Has a good flreplaco, oak floors and finish. Is strictly modern. Is a house that Is worth while seeing. At 3311 California St. 1b a house that will pay you to see. House has 8 rooms and needs several hundred dollars spent upon It for repairs, but will bo worm When fixed not less than $3,000. You can buy It for a good deal less than this and on easy payments, bee us now tor price. At 114 S. 29th St Is an 8-room. modern. complete house on a full lot Owner will take a smaller house or vacant lot as part payment or will sell on very easy pjyments. At 832 8. 19th St. Is a 3-room house In need of considerable repair. The lot Is worth the price asked for this place. It will make you a homo and a safe, profit able Investment as well. $300 cash and $15 per month. Phono DouBlas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. Model Home "Prettiest Mile" 5310 Florence Blvd. We have alnost beautiful home of six gdod rooms that Is right In every sense of the word. The outside Is bungalow style, all stucco, with heavy timucrs ana brackets and very substantially built Has beautirul oaK nnisn. p&neiea oas. staircase, beamed ceilings, bullt-ln book cases, beautiful real brick fireplace. Oak floors In all bedrooms nnd double floors upstairs and down. Wired for electricity with switches for all fixtures and beauti ful lighting fixtures. All walls decorated, all one panel oak doors, 8-foot basement, with laundry tubs; tile bath room, with fine plumbing. The lot is 239 feet deep, east front on the boulevard and the house sets 90 feet back from the drive. The price on this house Is low and the terms easy. Como out todav and look It over. Charles "Y. Martin & Co. 10IS Omaha National Bank Bldg. FIELD CLUB DISTEICT $100 down, balance monthly, will buy a dandy home, hall, parlor, living rpom with fireplace, stairs; doublo starway; five bedrooms and bath on second floor; cemented cellar, with three laundry tubs; modern plumbing; good furnace: strictly modern In every way. Lot 40x124; "paved street; close to car and good school; fine neighborhood. Price only $3,500. Come In and jve will show what a snap this Is. BEmS-CABLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. NEAR KOUNTZE PLACE Joining Kountzo Place, we have a splendid 7-room house, practically the same as new. which is too large for the present owner, and the low price at which It Is offered will sell It very quickly. The location Is good, being yn a nice paved street and only 100 feet from the street car. We are offering this property at $3,200 and a vacant lot or smaller house will be considered as part payment PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Phone Douglas 1781. Ware Block. V