Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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Organized Flay Meets Success in the
City Schools.
yinrtKniniU Ilelim Killed I'p nnd
Kqnlpnient Added a Sehotara
Provide II ThroiiRh Their
Orrn Cotilrlliutlonn.
Orfranlied play lit the School depart
ments of the city has won the com
mendation of Superintendent ot Tnatruc
Hon X. M. Graham, vfiio Is ivrcerul In
his praise of thi work done by the
teachers In thh line. The superintend
Hit say the iHChfi.3 have found the
srgantzed piny one of the best and most
successful mean of oldalnfris thefcfinfl
inco of their backward pupils.' The
children thcntselvei have inKen; tq th
hew system with rtrpilnc alacrity
considering the nttlludeEeite'r'ally felt by
School children -for SxiYeiscs performed
tocordlne to rule.
The organized piny yystem was Intro
duced In the continental;- schools -first
and later In the eastern part of the
United State. A year no fin 'exponent
of the work visited South Omaha tuid
arged the teachers to Inaugurate the
tlan. Little by little the work ban
trown until the present, when several
Intersehool teams have been brought to
a. state of admirable training. Within '
Wek two volley bnll teams oj girls from
Central and AVest Side schools will meet
lo decide the championship. The chli
Bren and tho teachers have, contributed
their mite toward the purohase of sport
hiK ( goods necessary for the different
parries. Ah - yet the scliool .board has
tonservatlvcly waited to expend money
for -such equipment, contenting Itself
with the beautifying and arrangements
pf play grounds In the different school
John McKale, chief of the fire depart
ment ot South Omaha, will Inaugurate
fc movement this winter looking to the
Creation of a pension system for the fire
department similar In some respects to
lhe one now In operation In Omaha. The
thief will take the matter up with the
flty officials and go before the legisla
ture this winter In the hope of having
uch a law pasted. At present the South
Dmaha department has no such law. In
fcaae of- Illness and Injury the men are
Compelled to depend upon the .gratuity
tif the council If they receive any as
llstarico at All. " '.'
For the tlmo belngi the department has
been In tho habit of giving occasional
dances and entertainments In order to
gather funds sufficient to do any work
nmong themselves. These entertainments
ire few and limited to times of absolute
need. The money derived from the
dances Is devoted exclusively to the pur
Chase of new uniforms and needful
trappings. After a lapse of four years
since tho last entertainment the fire de
partment will give a dance this year on
pecember 2T at the Live Stock exchange
building for the purpose of creating a fund
to bo dlvjded among the men In need of
new uniforms. Kvery effort is being
Siftde to have a 'big' night. Tickets are
n salo throughout the city and the men
ro working through their friends to In
'.erest the citizens generally.
City flcrUV. Report.
Tho following Is the monthly report of
51ty-.GIerk Percy Wheeler:
Dlsb'rsem't!! X'nexp'nded
'' til Nov. SO. bal.'NoV. 30.
General 4.701,12 ,
Salary ....;..-.;.... I0.7ar.9tf
IKlre , 12.126.R9
Police P.509.31
Street repairs ...... ,4i30i78
Ktrecl cleaning 2,019.75
Jnt. nnd sinking.. 3t.B53.12
light 5,150.0
.Water ...
IjPark 1.104.S0V
Ubrory-....! 1,350.70
belle l'"Iaherty, and Messrs. M. Klnnegan,
Ray Sullivan and Iawrenco Sullivan.
1st. 3d. 3d. Total
Hansen lis 111 ITS t(S
Iludlger UH JM 1) ill
Welmer 1R 1M 137 4AJ
Koch .
4U tSi
Jionms & co.
1st. 2d.
IX. 117
..177 l&S
4& J.SSS
3d. Total.
Ut 3wj
1!M 513
19S 981
4fiS ' t
1st. 2d.
U2 204
, 14t; 1S2
1M 1SS
3d. Total
173 MS
15T 4.V1
Parker ...
Totals W 371 S14
1st. 21. 3d. TOial.
Knight 162 14S 162 " 4T0
Swift 1S6 !4: 174 409
Nichols 201 aOU 1R7 56$
Totals m 49S 503. 1.497
Music Cll (ioaalji.
The Kasles of South Omaha held their
annual election of officers last nlgiit
Airs. C. D. Eads Is visltlriK her mother
nt Plattsmouth. She will remain for' the
rest of the week.
Nebraska lodse No. 327, Ancient Order
of Vnlted Workmen, will hold Its annual
election Thursday night at the Hedmcn
The Ladles' Aid society ot St. Luke's
Lutheran church wilt meet Thursday aft
ernoon at the home of Mrs. llluiik, 3620
U street.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians will
i .eet Thursday evening at the Workmen
temple for the election of officers to
serve for the ensuing year
For Sale Klght-room modern bouse, on
22d. between U and 11 Sts. Wilt take
small house or good lot as part payment.
Phoaa South 1S81.
The holidays In the public schools will
extend over two weeks this your. Tho
schools will he dismissed on Friday. De-
ember 20. and w 11 not reconvene until
Monday, January 6.
The funeral of 1 lush McOeo w II be
hold Thursday morning at o'clock from
his late residence, 411 North Twenty
fourth street, to St. Agnes' church, thenco
to St. Mary's cemetery.
The todies' Aid socletv of the First
Methodist church will give a tea at the
borne of Mrs, Charles Oowe at 1021 North
Islnetecntli street Tnursciny at. z p. m..
assisted by Mrs. Dennis.
The Women s Foreign Missionary so
ciety of the ,Flrst .Methodist church will
give a reception this evening at the home
of the paator. rtev. J. W. Klrkpatrlck.
1128 North Twenty-fourth street
South Omaha branch No. 14S. lT N. A.
. O. C. at a regular monthly meeting
elected tho following officers for the en
Btilng year: President, C. ft. Way; vice
president, K. .1. Davis! srcietnry. A. S.
Cohn: treasurer. N. F. Barker. The Ve-
tiring officers were given a vote or
thanks for their services of the last year.
For Sale-Thrce five-room bungalows.
with sleeping porches: nil modern, newly
completed, pn 2Hh, between C and D Sts.
Tako. your choice now. For prices and
terms phone South 19S1..
Smith O-.nnlin rnmn No. 211. Woodmen
of the World, will hold Its annual election
ot officers this evening at the Odd Fel
lows' nan, opposite the postoincc.
J 22,228.41
' B.079.70
Totals 1 80,238.43 . t235.53S.74
SurprUe for Siilllvnn.
John 8ulllvan was accorded a delightful
urprlse party last evening at his resi
dence, 1212.. North Twenty-fifth street,
upon a. return from a business trip. Mrs.
Sullivan as .hostess, wan, assisted by Miss
Isabel! Flaherty. After a series of high
five a tasjy luncheon was served and the
prizes distributed. The prizes were won
by .Mr?- Tom Sull(van and. .lame? Shca
lian, while the ladles' prizes were won
iiy Mesdames D. G. Robb and' Jack
Murphy. Those present we're: Mr. and
Mrs. r. Lavelle, W. Sullivan. T. P. Sulli
van, Jay Trapp, Jack Murpny, Dan -Han-lion,
Morgan Heafy, George Houseman,
D, G. Robb. Bert Blanchard, James Shea
lian. William McGlnnls, Albert Noe,
James Fitzgerald, John Sullivan and En
right; Mesdames nuh, Walsh and
flialnard; Misses Nellie Lavello and Isa-
Do People
Shun You
They Corao from Various Points to
Discuss Their Affairs.
Annert Thrjr Arc Here In lllru
.Melltnds at MnnllMtloii nnd NrT
Drrlcri for Alnmifnelnrr
of llulter.
The American Association of Bolter
Manufacturers Is holding a convention
In Omaha, discussing, It Is said, methods
of sanitation nnd new devices for the
manufacture of butter. Who called the
convention or why It to quietly came Into
Omahn unheralded could not be learned.
Butter manufactures tepi naming the
largest butter Interests of the middle
west are In attendanco. There are men
from Chicago. .Kansas City, Lincoln and
towns In Nebraska, Kansaa and Iowa.
About fifty of them gathered for lunch
eon at the Commercial club at noon.
Thoy adjourned n morning session at
tho Paxton hotel to go to lhe new club
rooms for luncheon nnd resumed their
business at the hotel In the afternoon
Some of the principal butter manu
facturers who are attending the conven
tion are; Prof. George L. McKay and
James A. Walker of Chicago, C. B. Kent
of Kansas City. George K. Haskell, A.
H. Wllklson nnd tt. H. McGlnnls of Lin
coin. Frank Pitley of Cay Center,- Kan. ;
William I.utz of Clyde. Kan.; F. 11.
Haskell of Topeka, Kan., and A. S. Han
ford of Sioux City.
I.'nnsht In 4he Acl
and arrested by Dr. King's New Ufe
Pills, bilious headache quits and liver,
stomach and -bowels act right. Only 30c
For aale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
.labez Cross, who was arrested on a
charge of helling liquor to minors, wis
discharged In police court when evidence
showed that the hoys to whom tho beer
was sold luid purchased It at the Starn
and Stripes saloon at Thirteenth
Douglas streets. City Proaecutor An
heuser filed a new complaint. In which
A. Jetes, proprietor of the Stars and
Stripes waloon, was made tho defendant.
Whipping Post for
Criminals Favored
In Baldwin's Talk
1UCH.MONU, Va . Ueo. 4.-Hotora-tlon
of the whipping pot for certain
classes of erlmlimls and sterilization for
others wore advocated' by Governor Bald
win of Connecticut today In an address
before the fifth annual governors' con
others weie advocated by Governor Bald'
win's address followed an address by
Governor Bhafroth of Colorado in which
Governor Shafrolh advocated lenient but
certain punNhment to criminals Mid cited
hts own state ns hp exnmplu where thlrt
system had worked well.
Governor Shafivth declared severe
puivjsluucnt had proxed no, dnl,errent to
ct Imp. Certainty of punishment. In his
opinion, with nn opportunity to shorten
the sontenco through labor niu giod be
havior, not only punished the criminal,
but served alike, as a deterrent against
future crimes nnd Incentive lo reform.
GoVernor Donnghey of Arkansas de
clared for a severe penalty for lynchers.
No . puntxhmeut save detth, be said,
would deter mutdcrer from their crime.
Uvery court ot nppeal should be nbol-
lihcd. In the opinion ot Governor Kbcr
hart of Minnesota. The Jury system, ho
thought, was reponslhle for the fro-
i queiit misiarilngi' of Justice
, "I wunt to take off my hat to Vlr
KlnlH aim to New York ' Governor mi-
ehrlst of Florida ild. "for I believe
they have done Justice In their recent
murder rases I don't believe lleniv
Clay llentlle .ould have been convicted
In my state "
BLAllt. NeU. lec. 1. (Special i-Tbe
cose of 1'rank V. lirseu of Burt county,
who was convicted and sentenced lo life
Imprisonment for the murder of his
brother, and who obtained a retrlHl of
the case, was recently granted n change
of venue fivm Hurt county to the dls
ti lot court of Washington county bf
Judge Troup at a session held In Tekn-
niah. The trial Is expected to come up
here In the term .f court convening Pe-
comber 10.
iConsti-patcl, Bilious, Headachy,
Liver Torpid? Cascarcts Sure
Turn the rascals out the heoilache, biliousness, constipation, tho skk sour
stomHcb and foul gasesturn them out' tonight with CHarurcts,
ton't put In another day of dlstro.w. Let Caaeareta sweeten and regu'a''
your stomach; remove the sour, undigested and -fermenting fofWl and that mlcr
making gas, take the eteess litlo frou.' your liver and carry off the decomposed
waste matter and constipation poison from the bowela. Then you will feel great
A Casvaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a lt-i cut lux ir.
any drug stoio will keep your head clear, stomach aweet. liver and bowel regular
and make you feel bully und cheerful for months. Uon t forget the children
LONDON. Dec I. -The suffngvtte
raids on post boves were resumed to
night over a large area, extending
throughout l-omlou city to lllchmoud l,i
Surrey. A large number of letters In 11
Hammersmith bos. were completely de
stroyed, the acids entering the envelope.
The boxes In tho financial district were
again attacked.
One treat secret of youth and beauty lor the younf woman or the mother f
the proper nodarsUadintf of her womanly tyttcm and wclI-beiDK. Hvery woman,
youaf or old, should intnr ktrtelf and her physical make up. A jjood way to'
arrlTO at this luiowlodtfe is to get good doctor book, inch Tor inttanoc, ss " The
People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," by R. V. Pierce, M. D., which can
readily be procured by sending thirty-one cents lor cloth-bound copy, addrcsilng
Dr. Pieroe, at Buffalo, IS. Y.
The womanly system is delioale machine which can only be compared to the in
tricate mechanism of a beautiful watch which will keep in good running order only
with good care- and the proper oiling at the right time, so that the delicate mech
anism may not be trem uf. Very many times young women
get old or mm W before their time through ignorance and,
. 1 1 f . I i t w -l
me improper nanuunc 01 mis miman nicennnum. mcniai
10 CCIl2S Never gripe or sicken.
nnd VriliiWV
- mw i
Nenl Throo - Day Treatment
Sonds Sunshine and Joy
Into Thousands of
Darkonod Homes.
In over twenty thousand huppy lioiueH
Where the Neal Thrve-Uay Treatment
haa replaced darkness luid misery with
uilshlno and Joy last Thuradny was a
real oldtlmo Thankaglvlng day.
WHAT IT M1SANH to mother, w'lfc and
children to again have the dear one a
i sober n.uu can only be nppreclatetl by
depression, ooufused Und, backache, headsche, or hot , thw w'0 tiirox)f(U t)lut
Mas. k:i.
flashes and many symptoms of derangement of the womanly
system can be avoided by a .proper understanding of what to
do, in those trying times that come to all women.
Ma. 0. IT. VTiluaks, of Lynnhatan, Va., went: "It It tli rears
Inr my hasltii gave way. 1 had femtl troubl and all tho doctors
1 employed threa) said 1 wouVi die. I was not sbl to do my work,
had In hire mnnKKta all (ho Unit. Finally. I rd In tho pspor about
Dr. Pleree's Farorltn Proscription, and deeMtd to try It. 1 hud not
taktn but on bottle until 1 found It hsd don me food, I took. In all.
flr hottlM of 'Favorite Pr icrlnllon ' and two of fioldtn Mollul
Dloeorery, and now I ant shla in an all my hontf work, and have salnfi
fourteen ponndi. 1 ailvlta all wntntn nltft auffrr from female troubl
to (iv your 'Farorlu riottriptlon.' 11 i the only niacin on rarta."
'Valley of tho Bhndow of Death" runsed
by the excenlve Indulgence of u loved
one in strong drini;
WHAT IT MKANS to tho high duaa
man wlioee Hyatem hna liecome anturatnu
wltli alcoiiona poiaon the CAUbls of ex
tiesslvo drinking, to hiive t ellui(nateil
by it hurmlesH vegetublo meilklne whl'-ii
tuki'H uwuy nil deslro and appetlto r -r
liquor, ami pluco.M him back nt his usual
work at tho end of threo duya" treatiueit
In apleiulld mental and physical iond.
(Ion. run only bo appreciated by the man
who ban taken or known of the marvelous
rcsultH of tun Neat treatment.
AVJIAT IT JtUANH to our bomen and
for urritc.ted und suffering humanity 'i
havu a million-dollar company, owned
und mumiged by men nnd .women who a
hearts nrr In the work, with three, pcoro
aplendld Nenl lntttltutea Having men und
women from drink and drug liubtta In
thnt many American nnd foreign rltlos,
cannot bo realized lidr the grand results
npprertatod by iuijono who ban not In
vestigated. . WW TlIKUKl'XmH INVlTFi nil who
lit-o Intorosted In tho uplift of man and
nil thoso high chusa men who wunt to
escapo from tho awful final reaulta of
excessive Indulirfnoo, and especially the
relatlvea iuui friends interested in thorn,
to call, write
wlrb or phono the NBAL
1602. South 10th. Omnhu. Nob.
Douglaa 7650. Advertisement
The Most Advertising Mediums in Their Territory,
Attack on Mayor
Inspired by Vatican
ROME, "Dec. t. The Osservatore Ro
mano publishes an article inspired by the
Vatican attacking Mayor Nathan for his
recent "revolting references to the punuc
Insults against the spiritual power of the
pontiff uttered In hi? speech of Septem
ber 20, 1910, now renewed with the ac
quiescence of tho public authorities."
The paper says that Nathau Is lack
ing in elementary decency and repro
duces the text of the pupal protest ad
dressed' to the cardinal vicar directly
dfter Mayor Nathan's speech
CltESTON. la., Dec. 4. (Special.) A
mortgage was. filed by the Creston, Win-
Jcrsct & )cs Moines railroad yesterday
which gives a Hen on all property now
owned and to be owned by the company
to secure the bond company for tl)e lasue
of $760,000. Theodore S. DeLay. Clarence
Wilson and A. S. I.ynn are the trustees
named In the mortgage deed. The first
Scries of bonds. A, has been Issued,
amounting to 200,000, and used to build
the road from here to Macksburg, a dis
tance gf. twenty-two miles. Series B la
to be Issued when the work of construct
ing the road from Macksburg to Wlnter
ot Is begun. This will be for the sum
of. J1D0.000. and when Issued will be a lien
on the first section of the road, as will
also- the first Issue be a valid lien asalnst
the. second section. Herles C will be Is
sued when the Taut section of the road
between Wlnlerset and Des Moines Is
under construction. This sum will be for
flOO.OM nnd these bonds will be A lien on
the entire system, as will all of the
previously Issued bond bo a. lien. on. the
entire system when the road Is com
plete. Tho work Is belbff rapidly pushed
between here and Modksburg, and It Is
thought by the end of this week the road
bed will ho graded within dx miles of
that place. A large force of extra men
was put to work this morning laying the
rails and the officials ot the road ex
pect to be operating trains between
Mackeburg nnd Creston by January 1,
boy squeezed to death
in coilsof Kay rope
KSTHEnVlI.M:, la.. Dee, l.-Kdgar
IlendUon. a 'J-yearold boy living on a
farm 'eight miles south of here, died to
day from the effects of being squeezed
in tho colls of a hay rop?.
Yesterday the lad was helping fill a
barn with hay. In play he threw the
rope around his body just .us the team
started to pull a load Into the barn. The
lad was pulled against the. pulley ut tin
end of the bain, the full strength of a
team of horses being exerted upon his
Culls from the Wires
Louis I-evv. .a Jewish rabbi, lost his Ufe
In a fire which swept nwny an apartment
lioute In upper t'lttn avenue, isew i.orh.
Seven person'! weie Injured.
I A Jury to try O. M. Arebach, charged
with the murder of hla business partner.
'My, My! What a Uroath! Why I Harry Klahei of Chicago, by shooting
Don't You Have Oau.8 Cura 1Vt,aewin.aric.rC,,r,U 'n drCU,t
7i Tv J-l i The Western Forestry and Conservation
it 7 mi,, j n naA ami rm i bfesociaiion cunriuaeo us iiiuu niuiwai
and there Is a constant dripplnc from the forest fire conference in Seattle. Waah i.
,. ,, ,, u ..., .... .Tvlth the selection of Vancouver. U. C,
nose Into the mouth. If you havw tllB' neKt m,etnK pace.
(disgusting ureal u, you nave t alarm and
I can cure "It
Alt you need to do da simply this: Flit
,out coupon below, , . , .
Don't doubt, don't argue.. You have
.everything to gain, nothing to lose by
Idolng aa I tell you. I want no money
Just your name and address.
This coupon good for one trial pack
age of flauss' Combined Catarrh Cure,
mailed freo In plain package. Sim
ply fill In your name and address on
dotted lines below and mall to
O. E. OAUag. 3235 Main Btrstt.
Marshall, Midi.
Announcement was made yesterday of
the approaching marriage of Miss Made
lints Kdlson. daughter of Thomas A Udl
aon, to John B. Hloau. a young Inventor,
formerly associated with Mr. Bdlson.
.' Denial of the report that Mrs. William
1C. Vanderb'lt liad promised an endow
ment of SWo f(.;r thrt Ulg Bisters' move
ment for th care of wayward ond Name
less girls was made by tno organization.
A discussion of the proposed organiza
tion of a natlopal Jilghway department
tyriFUnini the groater part of the pesxiou
of the Hlxth anhual convention of the
American Hood nullders' association lu
While Henry C James, the govern-
I inenl's first wltnjJi in the trial ot offt
i clals of the National Cash Itegtster rom
, patiy. charged .villi vlc'atlon of the crim
1 jnal section of lhe Sherpmn anti-trust
. act. was on the stand In Cincinnati un
, dergolng rioFi-txainlpstlon ail day. Ill
iti Information was forthmlng from
The boys and girls of America are having a picnic, every day in the year, on the children's picnic grounds (and in mother's pantry ?) with)
Washington Crisps, the delicious toasted corn flakes, which is the most enticing combination of food and confection ever manufactured.
The little tots feel that they are dwelling very near Heaven when foey are called from the nursery, pr playground, to a bowl of dainty,,
delicious Washington Crisps. Washington Crisps are much safer for your children to eat than pastry, and far more nourishing, wholesome
and healthful. Meat and heavy food, and sweets, derange the little stomachs of the men and women of the future, while Washington Crisps
can be easily and quickly digested by the little tots, preserving the robust health and rollicking happiness of the household. A
Washington Crisps are good for young and old boys and girls, as an appetizer before dinner, as an ideal dessert after dinner and 'tween'
meals, for bedtime lunches, for picnics, camping parties, yachting parties and for every occasion when light, toothsome, wholesome
food is desired. t
11 More
Washington Crisps are made from the finest white corn grown in the celebrated Corn Belt of the United States, with pure cane
sugar and salt added. They are thoroughly steam cooked, toasted, delicately crisp, and are all ready to serve. Every package
bears the unqualified GUARANTEE of the manufacturers that every ingredient in j . -
T X !
aJU U Q K x I
Is of as HIGH QUALITY as the Ingredients used in the manufacture of cereal foods of ANY other make, REGARDLESS OF THE
COST; and the further GUARANTEE that Washington Crisps are made under THE MOST PERFECT SANITARY CONDI
WORKMEN. Washington Crisps, during all the processes of manufacture, from flaking to packing, never touch human hands everything
is uone oy automatic macninery.
The fact that the 250,00s) retail Grocers in
mending Washington Crisps, which the Grocers
corn flakes, in America, proves that the
HIGH cost of living. Washington Crisps cut
so far as cereal food is concerned, ana both
this hence our big sales of SUPREME
millions of Americans. Every family in
PURE food mills which give MORE pure food
America are sur
rj and cordially recom-
know are the SUPJR.EME quality of toasted
Grocers are glad to helb the public reduce the
off one-third of the HIGH cost of living,
merchant and consumer instantly recognized
quality Washington Crisps to millions and
America, which REALLY wants to REDUCE
support, by their patronage and influence,
of SUPREME quality, for the same. money. . .
KaaJO est Fm Package in Asserlea Two superb portraits of GEORGE WASHINGTON on erery ptckif c, In colors, handsome eaoug h to frame, or use uniramed, to decorate your "Den" or LWlag Raws,
Tho SUPREME quality the LARGEST quantlty-the SMALLEST price is it any wonder that Washington Crisps are,
"First in the HOMES of his Countrymen "
in almost every State in the Union.