Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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The NflflrlyweHs--Jen7 Doesn't start foe Week eiT Well
Coprrlght, 1912, National Nbwi, Am'd.
Drawn for The Beeby George McManus
( J3L &
l N I - '1 II It I I
I 1 fill I I I I II
. .1 l 1 If! I II
or Jover ivcco
Oorrr Town anm
OIC in one OF THE
anything to ise
TO CAU. ON (11 wnn AND
I QH.'
ritx;mx: oo can
k VMD That VTOft ti
I mm, art, v.
Walter Camp Places Butler, Tackle, j
on All-America -Eleven.
Three Positions to llnrrnril, Tiro to
AIe and One Korb Jo Pennsyl
vania, Urown, Carlisle
nnd Wlaeonsln.
Position. Player. Hehool.
Knd .Felton .Harvard.
Tackle Knglehnrn Dartmouth.
Guard Pennock Harvard.
renter... .....Ketcham Yale.
Guard ...Togan Princeton.
Tacle . Hutler WlnconBln.
Hnd.... . Homelsler Yale.
Quarter ..Crowther Brown.
Jlnlf Hack ...Bllckley llarvwrd.
Half nark- ...Thorpe .Carlisle.
Full Hack ...Mercer Pennsylvania,
Position. riayer. School.
Knd .Very..., il'enn state.
Tackle Probst J. Syracuse.
Uuard .Cooncy .Yale.
Center Parmenter Harvard.
Guard Kulpt Brown.
Tacle .Trlckey Iowa.
Knd .Hoeffel Wisconsin.
Quarter ... . .Pasiettl l.ehluh.
Half Buck ...Jtforey..,. Dartmouth.
Halt Bock ...Norgrcn Chlcugo.
iPullBaclc ...Wendell .Harvard.
Position. Player. tlchool.
Knd Ashbaugh Drown.
Tackle- Bhaughnessy.. Minnesota.
Guard.. ... Dennett Dartmouth.
Center Tllutlienthal... Princeton.
Guard Urown .Anna poll.
Toole Devore Wt Point
. End Jordan Bucknell.-
( Quarter Bacon Wcsleyan.
'Half Hack ...Hardage vanunrunu
, Half Hack ...llaker Princeton.
is Kull Dack ...Pumpclly Yale.
Butler, star tackle of Wisconsin
fchamplon eleven, 1 honored by Walter
f'Camp with a placo on hli All-Amerlean
foot ball team for W12,- his selection for
ivwhlch ore published In the current Uaue
.Of Collier's,
' Three otlier western players are given
honorable mention on the socond eleven
j fry Mr. Camp. They are Hoeffel of Wis
consin, Norgrcn of Chicago ana Thtckey
-of Iowa. Bhaughnessy of Minnesota and
Hardage of Vanderbllt are named for
ri third eleven,
For the all star eleven Mr. Camp Picks
three Harvard players, malclnr phenom
enal Brlekley one of his half hooka and
putting Felton at one end and Pennock
r .at guard. Two Yale men are honored,
nieteliam at center and Bomelsler end,
Xogn of Prlncoton won a place at suard,
.ACnglehorn of Dartmouth Is chosen far
if. tackle, Mercer of Pennsylvania for full
back, Crowther of Brown for quarter
'""back and Thorpe of Carlisle Is made
Brlckley' side partner.
Prntie for Bndarer Tackle.
Chills reasons for chooslnc a Wisconsin
jjian for one of his tackles are given by
Sir, Camp as follows: "Butler of Wis
consin was the best tackle In the middle
west this year, and tlia,t Is saying a good
deal, as there were not only teammates
ut his, but men like Trlckley of Iowa
and Hanip of his own team pushing him
, for the place. lie was powerful and ac
tive, and excellent at siting un nlavs
. good at blocking his man and dangerous
' In hit breaking through."
Analysing tho. selections as a whole,
Yale's veteran foot ball mentor write:
"The first tlevon as described thus
offers, when lined up, the followlngrom
"Bomelsler of Yale at one end and Kel- 1
ton of Harvard on the other; Ketcham of I
Yale at the middle of the line, gunrded by
Pennock of Harvard nnd Iigan of '
Princeton, with a pair of tackles In Kn-
glehorn of Dartmouth nnd Hutler of Wis
consin, the former one of the most ag
gressive men on the gridiron this season,
and the latter tremendously powerful and
experienced. Wo should have a line that
would take n lot of beating. With a bark
field consisting of Brlckley of Harvard,
Thorpe of Carlisle Mercer of Pennsyl
vania, driven and handled by that little
star, Crowther of Urown, the eleven
would bo a clone match for any formor
All-American team.
Kind Hrlrrtlnn Dirflrnlt.
"There are a fow words to say about
these selections to show Jiow close and
difficult they have been, Although Uo
melsler and I'elton make the flint tram,
Very of Penn stato, Aslibnug'h of Brown,
Hoeffel of Wisconsin and Jordan of
Ilucknell stand close to them, with Cor
bett of Michigan, Wagner of Pittsburgh,
Jourdet of Pennsylvania, Ryrlck of Cor
nell, Gilchrist of the Navy, and Morkoe
of the Army well worthy of consideration
"In the tackle position, although Kn
glehorn nnd Butler secure the places,
Probst of Syracuse, Trlckey of Iowa, Dq
vore of West Point, and 8hauKhnossy of
Minnesota were all very much In tho
running, with Hitchcock and Wtorer of
Harvard, Phillips of Princeton, Guyon of
Carlisle, Samp of Wisconsin and Warren
of Yale closo up.
His Kicking Beat the Army
Nebraska Telephone with One Defeat
Second in Basket Sail League.
Beats Merchants Xatlonnt, Ten
Three, Telephone 3Ien Beat
U. 9. AatloniUn, Trrentr
to Seven.
Standing- of the Tensas.
Played. Won. Lost. PoL
Fairmont Creamery Co. & 6 0 1.000
Neb. Telephone Co G A I .800
Commercial High 5 3 3 .600
Omaha Nationals 4 8 1 .M0
U. 8. Nationals s I & .iv
Merchants National... 7 1 6 .143
Tho Commercial High school defeated
the Merchants National bank, 10 to 3,
and the Nebraska Telephone company
defeated tho United States National bank,
JO to 7, In Commercial league basket ball
games at the Young Men's Christian as
sociation yesterday. The lineup:
LtF Hansen
H.K Flxa
C Bolen
LG Carew
B.G..Berg, Wyerman
U. S. NAT" LB.
Detrlng UP,!
Unn C
Joy IC
urott k.u.
Hutchinson ....IK.
Mies H.F.
8towell C.
Follows UG.
Nolan R.G.
H.K Smith
C SJoltn
UO Boegaard
B.F Vlokory
Keene Sells Horse
Brown, the husky right guard of the) two goals from placement were the only
victorious Navy team, whose punting I scores of tho game.
"Tho guard position was particularly Bttin,,i mnnv yard for hi team, nnd his 1
.Virftile P UA AN M1 ' mtlllA Illtf I
UitniiUii. v i nvicuniMi( nun n aa !
nftMF careful confluttatton w oPDonents
of thn various mn. Ponnock nnd IxKan Tuenday night thnt ho took thorn o(t to
Minna).. Wnlli ,linm rn ulrnna- nvfrv
secure the plnces, with Kulp of Brown. week "
Brown of Annapolis, Cooney of Yale and The Clara Belles ngnln went on the
Bennett of Dartmouth all having a look rampage and rolled tho hlghcut Indl-
... .i t... m...v..,n i,. I vldusl game that hun been rolled In
in. ciuscijr prcmu nj """"' ' ""' I r.i, . ...., i... ,..i,i.,
ard, Oslrum of Minnesota, Slcfert of BOOro ot iil03. naln whh high with KS.
enk ot Princeton." NlWartchow hint M7. Btun212. O; Johnson
y and Jarosh ISO. Tho unfortunate ou
Inarnnnirnt Wow. ponent were the Fred Delf. who los
Oocldental and Hhenk
Ai ifrili- has It on all of them When ,n ,n c"Mt wcex Hemp Iioiurra
L-huf. ..V.-;J S H Clara Belles have avorng.ul 852 total.
Al yelled so long and loud that he finds n average of Wti per game. This I the
It necessary to take treatment for his highest avorago In Omaha, nnd vicinity
A , . taamg m.1 ttnMnf air iln tit-i.l r 1 n.ttlna
The 111 don l i(fm to wo mucn cu i "'"i nutivu
thuslMtn among the Kansas City popu- P? h" ro,led h thl nWnor league
lace. Judging from tne low auenuamx
at the games, ues Aioines, wmaim uim
Bt. Joseph always Keep moir granu-
stands well Illien at tne, special mwt
Th vUMinv bowlers lire very enthus
inin nH in mnltlne this tournament
nm nf thi best In the history of bowling.
. . . . ' .. Lit
Omatia bowlers navo maue quuo n u
In Kansas City with their rooting nd
snlhuslaini. One Kansas uiy resiucni
says that we sent the liveliest bunch to
Os klcck Iram Buk Bir Sltlwai
ecTMtuI l (kcppial, tkcam baa
mnlutul tuuicti
Boston's newest hotel.
Under same manage
ment as Hotel Plaza,
New York.
Prices fsr reams
and restaurant mast raje 1
abh ctnsiderini $xcilenct
apttintmenti emi
Single Room with Bsth, $3.50
to V5.W.
DeuMc Rooms with Bath (tw
IxrtoaO, (5.00 to $8.09.
Seeifrl prices quoted for pr
oi4 sty.
J. C lit VI N. Uimmt
Oh I that tournament headache.
I three, games.
Pudry Chosen Captain
of Cornhusker Team
Kilbane Gives Attell
r ' t "I 2
severe runisnmenii
CLBVEIjAND, O.. Deo. 4. Spurred by
the demands of his friends that he dem
onstrate his utmost ability, Johnny Kll
Mn. fnLthCTw1trht chrnnnion. tonlnht
for Hundred Thousand -sis d!e mrZL 1otJZ
weight chamnion. In their twelve-round
I bout here.
MiXINGTON. Ky., 'tJc. t.Pcter Pan. Attell was receiving such pun ahment
a t ... I il A At.. .IUiU kmiShI in a nMlliXA fin-
Jumes IU Keeno's great stallion, was ' emum
sola yestorday for $100,000, H Is "reported manuea tnai tne doui do sioppeo. ana
that ugents of-Krank Gould purchased me xeioree gave xvi.Dne mo
the horse and that ho will bb shipped after one minute of fighting In the
to Krunco some time. next week. eighth round.
Attell never naa a cnance to oispiay
CREST0N AND AIJLANlIU rush and knocked Attell down In tho
DISPUTE OVER HONORS "rt round. Attell was groggy after that
ana stayea on oniy uirougn nis nerve.
Ringers Punished
By Trotting Board
NEW YOBIC, Dec. 4.-Charges and
protest that have arisen in the light
harness racing world are bring Investi
gated by the board ot review of the
National Trotting association, which be
gan a session here today.
Among the more important cases heard
was that of the trotting mare, Uicy
B'mpson, 2ilUi. which. It is charged, her
owner entered In races under the name
of Roeooe Bell and gave her record as
2:30U. Owing to complications In tho
case It was postponed until a positive
Identification of the horse can be ob.
Among the decisions were!
Gypsy Lad, alia Arden Joe, was ex
pelled from racing for one year for
starting In a race not In his class. Owu
, era of the horse were usjnded.
F. O. Strous of Bprlngtown, Pa-, and
Charles Opdyke ot Bethlehem, Pa.,
owner and driver of Moonshiner, a
chefstrmt geldlnc JilP. were suspended
until the winnings are redistributed. It
was alleged that Strouae and Opdyke en
tered the horse In a race In the 2:20 class
In Pennsylvania.
H. M. a Fry of Mount HbIJr. "X. J.,
was suspend rl for two years and his
horse. Dick Allen, whlch"wm races un
der the name of Beckon, was expelled
from racing.
John EL Connelly of Baglna-w. Mich.
suspended a year ago along with his
horse, "Storm." was denied reinstate
IjINCOUN. Deo. 4.-CSicclal Tolegram.)
their village. It Is Impossible to hear inanl Purtly, Nebraska's most brll
the pins i fall when the Omaha bunoh once ,Unt on Ul0 iM, tonight
Powell. Toman and Plsrronett took the was elected captain of tho 1913 foot ball
trip to Kansas city on a nog train in uir team at tno meeting of tne university
interest ot tne uuaany racKing coin- athletlo board, Purdy'a chotco was unun-
Eriy-w"-n .SV"." .uV.v 'mnr Imous b ythe eltter men. there being no
1111.11 MA. ,w...,,i. - . T . .1 ,' .tl ...... . !...., . . n . ..
the hoirs. but shortly round mm ana opposinK wiiiummo wirn nm uw
proceoded to the bowling alleys. came. Purdy received his first foot ball
Zimmerman's scores will not be P"u training nt the Beatrice High school,
llsnea. zimmy nas oern navmg eiiuuhu u. . .,nmrt fn .... ...
Anglesburg' said that droumstances His work on tho gridiron this fall haB
Mi. atml Vilin nut nf flftv nlns. Yoll will ibren nf thn hlehpst order nnd ha done
notlco that ho don't mention what tlib much to placo Kobraska at the head of
oircumsiancea wo. . . . , . n,--i ..nllnv .rhnnl. ttn wji rernnlpri
T llinninnnil itlln nr tltniuia UIU I . .
hnwur. was at the tournament with the as the leading backficld performer In tho
Washington Hal company team oi diuu Missouri Volley conference,
City. He was unable to mane verj , u,irtiiinn i. th a.ipiinn nf ti. rnn
good Showing In his games p.ntaln. whlrh wax ..nnrovm btf the
The Oia MUXOIl urau will ceriumiy iiuiu -
up Omaha's name at the Mld-Wt tour- athletic board, tua board transacted
nament. That 2.825 score they rolled Sun- routine burlness.
day night was a beauty. Couch K. O. Htlehm and Becretary It.
n,T5n,.hrnmadnwal, are In O. left tonight for Columbia. Mo.,
perfect condition and the balls work Just Ito attend a meeting of th eMIssourl Val-
like they do at home. The only handi- I ley conference. There la no business to
cap bowlers win nave to iace m cotno before the confoienco nt this time
SKAISJ' l Wl WUh, lna election of official, for the
Herman Besselln cut out his speed basket ball series and the arranging t
when rolling, on the tournament alleys, the schedules. Basket ball between the
Herman thought mat a siow oau conference members will start Immedl-
Th" ? most dlsa.t the at.Iy following tho Christmas holidays
tournament was the one Firestone got
lust before the singles Sunday after- llopne Beat Slnsann
noon. With the assistance ot a little glue I'llIl.ADMl.I'lHA. Dec. 4 -GeoiKo Hlo.v
and a niece of billiard table cloth the son. who last night defeated Yamada.
split was mended and the games went the Japanese expert, was de rented to.
n, hut it imt i.ra'a rout. ulitlit bv Willie Hoppo In the second game
Powell finds Kansas Uty JjUllB ex- oi ne i.s oauc line uiiuam ipuruiunrui
nensive. He had to spend a dime every here oy tw to ai. noppe naii an aver-
im h. turned around, but sometimes Ko of 33H for tno game, ills highest
Tmm Bay Hitel
It was nulln necessary.
li.nrv t:iinatnnen. j&a anu bu ror-
gaard made up a part ot Omaha's con
tingent or rooters. wnn nan vnns
tensen got his melodious voice to going
the orchestra ceased playing.
Sunday nlsht Chester Weeks held a
reception for visiting bowler. It re'
ports indicate that Cheater don't know
the reception Is over.
Youaeiu couldn't so bad all the time.
His CS1 In the single will collect a small
wail nf monev.
"Hello, Central! Send up some lee
water to room 215. McCarthy.
Homme notes, i
Earnle Chrlstensen and Ole Johnson,
two of Omaha's Imported bowlers, rolled
games Tuesday night that are seldom
seen on the score sheet. In their three
games In the Booster league they did
nAt l.iv. nln nil that allnv. nttliAP
I .-1 ,1 . nM .rwi ntl Vdrnl. r..ll-.l
002 and Ole (41.
The Popel Glllers spilled one to the
Stars and Stripes Tuesday night. Tbey
have been almost unbeatable thus far
this season.
Ole Johnson rolled 17 in a game Tues
day night without a double.
The CM games In the Booster league
tlds week were Johnson 4U Cain C19 and
Chrlstensen Ml
MoCab Is becoming a regular bowler.
He actually produced 543 In his game
this week. Now for the chicken dinner.
The popel-Olllers got away with a
game this week with an EM game. They
have won several games this season
with such scores.
Who Is that star bowler named Jack.
son? He has been seen before and is
well known. Look him up.
Captain Kidion was so peeved over
run was S& Blosson made an average o
18U and hod a high run or tu.
lleiupateud ttepreseut tllnnts.
INDIANAPOLIS. Illd.. Dec 4.-H. N
Hempstead, son-in-law of the late John
T. Brush, nrealdelit of the New York Na
tional league base ban ciud, win leave
week he win repreent tne team at me i jieii-uu
No Change Made in
Bowlers' Standing
KANSAS CITT, Mo, Dec. 4-OrdJnary
scores wers made by the six Kansas
City teams which resumed play tn the
five-man event ot the MWdleweat Bowl
Ing tournament here tonight. The best
record ot the evening was that bf the
Peerless team, which rolled I, CI.
The leaders In this event up to date
are: Old Saxon Brau, Omaha. 2,825; Eld
elwelss, Kansas City, 2.T2S; Kansas City
Grands, 2.T0S; Missions, Des Moines,
2,703; Washington Hut and Shirt Com
pany, Sioux City, 2,62a, and the Mlneral
Ites, 'Chicago, 2.61S.
CltESTON, Io., Dec. 4.-(Speclal.)-The
T?TvzTzltr ' Friend of Gunmen
ball .1 being claimed by both Atlantic.
High school and Creston High. Each
bases IWclalms on the fact that neither
met with defeat but once during the
season. Ureston has nacKea up us ciuim
by sanding a challenge to Atlantic High
for a game to bo played at Vllllsca next
Saturday to sottlo the controversy.
Atlantic has played ten games and lost
one, While ijresion naa piayca nine
games and lost but one. One game with
uresion was canceuea naruon nawi.i detectives found Kramer hiding n a
Creston-leavlng Creston's schedule but h0ll(MS on pniio,, Uat in the west side
nine games. levee.
The rouowing is tne reooru ot coin Kramer 1 23 years old and Is known
teams: Atlantic team: Dexter High under a number of other names. He was
school 6. Atlnntlo High school 2; Shen- charged wttu having sheltered "Gyp the
anuoan uign scnooi , ahbhuo iBn niood" ohd his two companions In his
Brooklyn home after the Boeenthal mur
der. Kramer had escaped from the house
of detention In New York, where he had
been held,
TakenAf ter Fight
CHICAGO, Dec 4. Samuel Kramer,
wanted in New York In conneotlon with
the Rosenthal murder case, was arrested
here today by detectives, after a des
perate reststanoe. In which Kramer was
beaten unconscious. Acting on tele
graphic Information from New York, the
school 2tl; Karlham High school 0. At-
lantlo High school 40; Dexter High
school 0, Atlantic High school S3; Green
field High school 6, Atlantic High school
18; Council fluffs High school 6, Atlantic
High scnooi js; ureeniieia mgn scnooi v,
Atlantic High school 42; Karlham High
school 7, Atlantic High school 65; Ne
braska City High school 53, Atlantic
High school 0; Vlllluca High school 6,
Atlantic High school 40. Creston's rec
ord Is Orient High school 0, Creston High
school 6; Clarlnda High school 0, Creston
High school CO; Charlton High school 0,
Creston High school 9; Vllllsca High
school 0, Creston High school 23; Corn
ing'' High school-0, Creston High school
33: Euit High school Des Mplnes 0), Cres
ton High school 7; Vllllsca' High school 0,
Creston High school 14; Shenandoah
High school 20, Creston High school 30;
Simpson college freshmen 3, Creston
High school i.
Persistent Advertising Is the Boad to
Big Returns.
Is your "car to the
ground'V Are you Jtlert
for the approach of newer
and more taatteful crea
tions in men's dress?
Here they are! in Oma
ha's moil up-to-date store
for gentlemen; a copious
and absolutely freah slock
of high-grade clothes and
furnishings, served with
painstaking personal atten
tion to every customer.
Late arrivals in smart
Kensington overcoats
luxurious models with
shawl collars and belted
backs, gracefully draped
and tailored to give not
weeks but years of satis
faction. Great values at
$20 and $25.
Remember, Kensingtons
are totally different "they
give the imgression of
being custom-tailored. You.
can find them exclusively
in our stores nowhere
Omaha Lincoln.
Any sore that Is obstinate or slow in healin-- should cause suspicion and
put the sufferer on guard. Many an ulcer which could have been cured if
it had been properly treated, in time, has been allowed to remain open un
til it became infected with some degenerate poison from the outside whicli
made it a malignant, eating sore. Most old sore3 come from an impure
and polluted condition of the blood and can be healed if the circulation is
cleansed and purified of the predisposing cause. To attempt to cure a
chronic ulcer with salves, washes, lotions, etc. is trifling with, what may
become a serious condition. S. S. S. heals chronic itlcer3 in a perfectly
natural way. It goes down into the blood and removes the impuntie3 and.
morbid matters wntcn are ute means ot Keeping tne
place open; then the sore is bound to heal. Not only
does S. S. S. cleanse the circulation but it restores It3
healing powers, and aids in promoting tho necessary
qualities for good health. S. S. S. builds new flesh
tissue from the bottom of the ulcer to the outer skin
and makes a permanent cure. Book on Sores and Ulcers and medical ad
vice free to all who write and request came.
annual meeting ot the league
Prnlrle Park Whist Tourney.
Tho play of tho Prairie Park whist
tournament Monday evening was engaged
In by twelve player. A total or thirty
three hands wcro played vlth the fol
lowing result:
Kndres -: 5ltowland -: 2
Morgans : 21 Scannell ........ -:-U
Metcult : 2 Van Buren :. t
. Nelson -'!"! t
Weather Report
From "All Wool"
Attn- an tomdltart ot tM.Mt on
Jutrovratsu. It o aow
yUU ktU la la. Cant, pcll tfU
rate. rtt Ut aaoalat.
U. MC VTAMrMU, Mwiltif 3Uwr. 'th 1.186 gmras his Clara Belles, rolled
V9HF For Motor
PSWIa the DestJH
' for Salt Evtrywhr
Cold weather clothes don't sell in hot weather,
so here they go. Nothing reserved.'
$15 $18.50 $22.50
Suits and O' coats that sold up to $35,00. I
Three prices but one quality the best
Successor to Vollmer Bros.
107 South Sixteenth Street
4 '
A- -
' t