230 ami , liiMii.j) The Omaha Daily Bee OUR MAGAZINE PAGE will Interest every woman who likes pood heart-to-heart tnlks with other sympathetic women. THE WEATHER. Generally Fair VOL. XLII NO. 146. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 0, mi2-F0URTEtiN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. CZAR NOT SCARED BY RATTLING OF THE SWORDJf GERMANY Novoe Vrcmya, in Inspired Article, Bays Such Intimidation Will Frighten No One. WARNING IS GIVEN TO AUSTRIA Methods Used When Bosnia Was Oc cupied Will Not Be Permitted. SITUATION BECOMES MORE TENSE War Partisans May Sweep Peaceably Inclined Ministers Off Feet. GREECE REFUSES TO SIGN TRUCE Kegrotlntlons (or Peace Will nesrin In London Week from I'Villny - Armistice aa Ilerlned Ciwi tnlns Fonr Conditions. LONDON. Doc. 4. Russia has retorted to the "rattling ot the German sword" in the Balkan war tangle. It nfuj declared it will not permit a repetition ot the methods used when Austria occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina. "Such intimidation will frighten no bodyl" exclaims the Novoe Vremya, com menting on the German chancellor's, giv ing prominence tp the Idea of war. The war parties both In Russia and Austrln-Hungnry Beem to hold the pub lic platform 'for the moment against the peaceably disposed ministers ot those countries. Any untoward incident or pro vocative act on the part ot Servia would. In the opinion of diplomats here, in a moment set Austria-Hungary In motion and this probably would loosen forces In Russia which tho government of the Rus sian empire would find Itself unable' to resist. The Novoe Vremya continues: "History is repeating Itself, but it Is not so easy to force Russian diplomacy Into a faint-hearted retreat." Tho Immediate withdrawal of the vast Russian deposits In tho German banks Is ndvocated by many of the RusBlan journals. j Attitude of Greeee. 1 Should Greene persist In Its refusal to adhere to the armistice "signed yesterday It would necessarily throw Bulgaria more closely Into the embrace of Servia and give fresh encouragement to the Servian resistance to the European powers who are practically unamlmous in condemning the Servian demands. If Apstrla-Hungry should attempt, as has been suggested, to employ Rumania to keep Bulgaria "quiet fn'the 'event of an Austrian-Servian war, It Is thought that such action would' only enlarge tlie area of conflict and precipitate a general catastrophe. Any Intervention by Ru mania, it is argued, woul Inevitably com pel Russia, to take drastic action on tie halt of the Slavs in the Balkans. Diplomats realize that the crisis do inands immediate treatment and efforts to .bring about an ambassadorial con ference as quickly ns possible have been renewed, as It Is thought that this is the only means of bringing the necessary pressure into play to extinguish the In cendiary tendency of tho extremists in the various countries concerned in tho dispute. Servia has Issued a decree calling 'ip for servloe all the men in the country capable ot bearing arms, according to a news despatch from Sofia, which states that the information was obtained from an authoritative source. Will Negotiate In London. SOFIAf Bulgaria, Dec. 4. The peace plenipotentiaries representing Turkey, Bulgaria, . Srrvia and Montenegro, will begin thelr work In London on Friday of next week. The armistice signed at S o'clock last evening at the villus of Baghtche.'- took the revised form drafted by Dr. 8. Dan eff, speaker of the Bulgarian parliament. It contains the following conditions: "I. The belligerent armies shall remain In tho position they at present occupy.. "II. The besieged Turkish fortress shall not be revlctualed. "III. The revlctuallng of the Bulgarian army In the field shall be carried out by way of the Black sa and Adrlanoplr, (Continued on Page Two.) The Weather, For Nebraska Cloudy; colder. For Iowa Unsettled weather, with probably rain; colder. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. Hours. Deg. 5 a. m, 6 a. m r 7 a. m 8 a. m 9 a. m - 10 a. m 11 a. in 43 12 m 48 1 p. m 48 3 p. m. 43 3 p. in 43 4 p. in 39 5 p. in 40 6 p. m 4 7 V. in 44 S p. m 43 Comparative l.ocnl Kecore, 1911. 1911. 1910. 1903. Highest yesterday , 43 46 27 19 Lowest yesterday 31 S 19 s Mean temperature 42 JS 23 14 Precipitation 00 .00 .14 .21 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal; Normal temperature ....31 Excess for the day ., 11 Total excess since March 1 .....El Normal precipitation... 03 Inches Deficiency for the day 03 Inches Total rainfall slnca March 1..24.S4 Inches Deficiency since March 1 3.50 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 19U.16.1S inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1910.14.45 Inches Reports from 'Stations at 7 l, it. Station and State Temp. High- Raln- of v earner, i p m. est. fall. Cheyenne, snow 22 Davenport, clear 40 Denver, snow 2$ Des Moines, rain Si Dodge City, clear 53 Lander, cloudy 23 North Platte, pt. cloudy.. 40 Omaha, cloudy 41 Pueblo, cloudy 38 Rapid City, cloudy 18 Halt Luke City, Pt. cloudy.: Santa Ke. cloudy SS Sheridan, pt. cloudy 26 Sioux City, rain 38 Valentine, cloudy 38 42 44 SO 38 G2 34 48 49 ts .10 .00 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .22 T 01 T '-.ft 40 3 W 4i T T Indicate trace or prflnitunnn L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Woman Wins Suit Against Oliver Iron Mining Company HIBB1XG, Minn., Dec 4. The home ot Mrs. Elizabeth Hukarl IJend wilt not tumble into the great open pit ot the Oliver Iron Mining company, for Mrs. IJend has won a notable, legal victory over, the big subsidiary of the United States Steel corporation. Judge Martin Hughes late yesterday granted the wo man a permanent injunction against the Oliver company and ordered the com pany to pay tho costs ot tho suit. Mrs. IJend owned a little home near the great Sellers optn pit of the Oliver company. As the mining anil-stripping operations advanced peril came. If tha work were not halted the dwelling would topple Into the excavation. Mrs. IJend had not much money, but sho had plenty of courage, and she took her troubles Into court. The case was long fought and many expedients were adopted by the corpora tion to win the battle against the woman. Now, however, the district court has or dered tho company to ceaso cutting into or obstructing Mrs. Llcnd's property. Substantially tho decision, applies only to the premises of Mrs. IJend and the streets adjoining, and to no other por tion of tho territory adjoining the Sellers mine. The application for a temporary Injunc tion was made last February, and one of Its direct results was tho closing down of the Sollers open pit mine, which has never since been reopened. German Diplomats Must Not Marry Foreign Women BERLIN, Dec. 4. The entry of Ameri can born wives Into tho German diplo matic corps Is forbidden from now on, under a ruling of Imperial Chancellor Von Bethman-Hollwog, which has re stored the regulation made by the late Prince BIsmark, prohibiting German dip lomats from marrying foreigners. In the course ot years the regulation has fallen Into desuetude. Former Imperial Chancellor Prince Ber- hard Von Buelow, with his Italian wife, Princess Maria Baccndelli di Bologna, headed a service which was largely graced by American brides, who Included Lillian May Langham of Louisville, Ky the wife ot the late Ambassador Baron jjpeck Von Stcrnburg and Joanne I.uckc- meyer or. iew iotk, wue oi mc present German ambassador at Washington, Count Johann .Helnrlch Von Bernstortf, and other ambassadors. Dr. Von Bethmann-Hollweg has now Informed tho members of the German diplomatic service that tho decision ot nn official of tho German diplomatic corps serving abroad to marry a fotelgiier will hereafter be regarded as an expres sion of his, wish to retire from the ser vice. Wool from West Should Take the Fourth-Class Rate WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 4.-In n supplemental opinion upon tho subject of the alleged unreasonable rates and practices of transcontinental railroads in the transportation of wool, rendered by the Interstate Commerco commission, it was held: "That a minimum carload weight of 24,000 prescribed by the commission Im poses no unreasonable burden on the1 shippers, but actually Increases tha car efficiency and economy of transporta tion. "That tho contention of shippers that baled and sacked wool should tako the same rates 1& not sustained. "That the rates on scoured wool from Now Mexico to casternNlestlnatlons are oxcesslve and should be 'reduced. "That wool in the western territory should take the fourth-class rate." This decision finally disposes of cases Instituted by the railroad commission ot Oregon and tho National Wool Growers association, which, in one form or an other, have been pending for several years. Water Power Plants Merged Into Forty Million Company SALT LAKE City, Utah, Dec. 4.-Four-teen of the largest water power electric plants in Utah, Idaho and Colorado have merged in a $40,000,000 corporation, which will supply railroads, mines, mills and smelters with power. Announcement wan made hero today that the deeds com pleting the merger were signed yester day In New York by the Electric Bond and Share company. At the same timo the articles If oncorporatlon In Utah of the Utah Power and Light company were amonded to Increase the capital stock from 31,000,000 to 340,000,000. D. J. Jack ling, a prominent mine operator and banker, is president of the new oompany and Its headquarters will be maintained in Salt Lake City. The larger of the com panies Included In the merger are the Tellurlde Power company, Ames and Ilium Hydro-Electric plants In San Miguel county, Colorado; Durango Gas and Elec tric company, Colorado; the Grace plant. Bannock county, Idaho, and the Knight Consolidated Power company, Utah. DAHLMAN TO CALL MASS MEETING ON PLANNING At the request of Mayor Dahlman a committee headed by George T. Morton has been appointed by the Real Estate exchange to attend a mass meeting on city planning to be called sometime In the near future. The mayor has made similar requests of all the civic and commercial organi zations of the city and when all are In the list the .moss meeting will be called. The mayor has some ideas about city 'planning which he wants to combine with the opinions of Omaha' business men and city planning experts with the end In view of bringing about proper leglsla- tlon to govern the future growth of the I city. ARCHBALD'S FRIEND JpSSIONStj ' : MAKES First Witness in Impeach Say?udge Wou fited' INTERESTED DEAL Williams Reluctantly Gives Testi mony Against Accused Jurist. INFLUENCES RAIL OFFICIALS Deal Begins with Request for As sistance of Arohbald. JUDGE IS THE SILENT PARTY Document Asalacnlna- Tart of Wil liams' lntrrent In Culm Ilnmu to .lodge Admitted an Rvl dence After Klirht. WASHINGTON, Dec. I.-Admisslons that Judge Robert W. Archbald of tho court of commerce had been Interested with him in a deal for tho Katydid cillm dump, near Scrnnton, Pa., and would have profited from the sale of the prop erty were drawn today from Rdvynrd J. Williams of Dunmore, Pa., befo'ro tho sunnte court of Impeachment which is trying tho jurist for alleged misconduct. Williams was tho first witness sum moned In the Impeachment of Judge Aroh bald. Standing at the. elevated clerk's desk in the senate and facing Judgo Archbald, who had been his friend, ho said for thirty years, tho aged Welch man became a silent witness to tho duel between the houso managers and Judge Archbnld's lawyers as to what evidence and what testimony should bo admitted before tho court. Chief Interest today centered nbout the first article of tho charges, which alleged that Judge Arohbald hud exerted Influ ence upon officers of tho Erio railroad, which then had a lighterage caw pend ing in his court, to compel them to give an option to Williams upon Its portion ot tho Katydid refuse coal heaps, owned through Its subsidiary company, the Hlllsdatc Coal and Iron company. To Get Half of Profits. Williams declared Judge Archbald had nothing to do with getting tlio option, further than to apt, as his friend and recommend him to the officers ot the Hlllsdalo company. Later, however, under the questions of Representative Webb of North Carolina, , ho sold Judgo Archbald would have received hulf of tho profits realized from tho sale ot tho property. "What did Judgo Archbald do for which ho was to receive one-half of tho profits from the coal dump?" demanded Rep resentative Webb., "It was none ofanybody's business If 1 wished to give It to him," retorted WIN Hums1.' . ""to "t tits later he added tlldt"Uio inter-' ; . ..r th,iifa AriValH raMultrtd from i cat w i , niiRL . "what ho did for me" ami that "It wus partly through his Influence that 1 got thu options." The deal, us outlined by nuams, began when ho went to Judgo Archbald and usked his assistance in getting an option from the Hlllsdalo company. Judgo Archbald, ho said, gave him a letter to W. A. Mav. superintendent of the Hllls dalo company, but Captain May declined to give him an option on the dump. . "1 went back and told Judge ArciiDain I did not get It and he said he would seo about it," said Williams. Evidence Admitted Judgo Archbald'B attorneys fought agalivst tho admission of a document pur porting to atelgn part of Williams in terest In the culm dump to William P. Boland and a "silent party," supposed to bo Judgo Autnbuiii. A. S. Worthlngton, counsel for the ac cused, declared tho paper had been prepared a sa damning piece of evidence" In the office ot William P. Boland of Scranton and that "It shows part of tho conspiracy against Judge Archbald and tho attempt to get htm Into trouble." Tho senate was finally forced to a vote and tho document was admitted a evi dence. From Williams Representative Webb finally drew again the admission made int summer In the house investigation, fthat ho had drawn up an assignment of nart of tho option to Boland and judge Archbald, naming the latter as the "silent party" because he thought it might get him into trouble It he were an open party to tho deal. Affectionate Note Sent to President WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-"Dear Old TH-c.iHnuf. I hate to give you up. God bless you." With those touching words, an old soldier of Missouri, appealing for the pay ment of his "back pay" concluded a letter received by President Taft today. Ho wrote; "Dear and Well Beloved Old President Will your honor please allow me to pen you a few lnes in regard to my back pay. "I raw quite a while back where you ordered the paymaster to pay that back pay not later than the coming Tuesday. I have not receivel mine. Will your honor please awaken that paymaster?" Nobody hero knows what back pay Is duo the soldier and Secretary of the Treasury MaoVeagh has begun an in vestigation of the claims. REPUBLICAN DINNER PROBABLE WILL BE JAN. 4 WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. Details of the republican reorganization dinner In New York next month were discussed today at a brief conference between Secretary Hllles andformer Representative Olcott of New York. January 4 practically has been decided upon as the date. President Taft will be the principal speaker- Tho affair probably will be glvenfln the Waldorf-Astoria and Invitations will be sent to 1.S00 republicans. President Taft has already made It Known that he will not permit his name to be uued as a candl date in 191 and the speakers will be I asked not to make any references of that naturw mm in g8 i - " REORGANIZE JJNION PACIFIC Harriman Officials Are All Flooking to Salt Lake City. MEETING TO BE HELD THURSDAY l.ocnl Railroad Men Xny that Omalin Will lie llenefltril anil that Union Purine Men Will He Helped hy Chnnire. Whllo everything Is up In the air so far as what Is to be tho ultimate, outcome relative to the divorcement of the Union und Southern Pacific roads, It U con coded Jjy. .alt of thej-allroud- men: that Omaha will be A gainer by tho final ad- justment. Special trains and special cars during the last twenty-tout hours have carried all of the executive and traffic officers of tho Interested roads to Salt Lake City, whero today the first meeting look Ing to the formation of somo plan to be submitted to tho executive committee In Now York will be held. What this meet ing will determine, upon no one knows, but railroad men 'who claim to bo close to the throno of the powers that be say that there will bo a recqmmcndatlon that the Central Pacific from Ogdcn to San Francisco be taken over by the Union Pacific, as provided for by the decision of the United States supremo court. There Is also an opinion prevalent that there will bo a recommendation that the executive committee, or boanl, as It now exists, be abolished, thus doing away with salaries of the members, which, in the aggregate, run up to something like 1203,000 annually. It Is contended that the new Union Pacific from Omaha to San Francisco, with Its branohes running to Portland and HeUttlo, can be better managed by the president and his traffic managers than by a number of princely salaried gentlemen sitting In the New York offices, who know nothing about actual conditions, nalde from tha facts' that they gather from the dally reports sent out from Omaha and other head quarters points on the system, Union Pacific Men In Control. Anotluer thing that seems probable, ac cording to railroad men, is that the Union Paclfio men will again come back Into their own. When the merger oc curred each ot tha Pacific roads had general agents in all oi the large cities of the country. When the merger was complete Southern Paclfio interests and Southern Pacific men dominated and as a rule the Union Paclfio men were let out and those who had been under th Hunt ington regime held on at largely In creased salaries. With the old Southern Pacific Influence gone, men who have studied the situation, give It as their opinion with the divorce decree signed and sealed, Union Pacific men will get back Into their old positions, or better ones and those who wore sub servient to the Huntington Interests, will bo the ones who will do the walking. It Is believed that this will apply In high aa well bh in low places. As to the Ogden gateway, railroad men, others than those ot the Union Pacific, say that It will be closed tighter than ever and that this would be detrimental to coast business both ways, were It not for the fact that the Western Pacific Is completed Into San Francisco, giving an outlet to traffic, both freight and pas. senger. The court decision provides that the Union Pacific, inside of ninety days from the rising of the court, shall submit a plan for reorganization. Railroad men say the plan will be ready long before that date. They contend that all of tho preliminaries will be formulated at the Salt Lake meeting and that about all that will remain to be done will be to secure the approval by the executive committee, which all agree will be In con trol of the situation until after the court passes upon the plan. llHttlrnhlpa Heave Jfrtr Orlraus. NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 4-Aftnr a visit here of nearly a week the battle ships Minnesota, Kansas, Michigan and South Carolina, under command of IW-ar Admiral Fletcher, weighed anchor this morning and sailed for the passes. The division will stop at Galveston, Tex, on Its way to Vera Cruz, Mexico, Leap Year is Passing ' -1)0 II The National Capital Wednesday, December 4, HtfJ, The Nennte, Convened at noon. Nominations by the president Included Walter F. Frear us governor of Hawaii. Senator Brlstow IntroduoHl resolutions for the initiative anil recall of judicial decisions. Sub committee on commerce heard rep resentatives of capital and labor on pro posed seamen's involuntary servitude bill. Court ot Impeachment begun taking ot testimony In trial ot Judgo Archbald. Chairman Martin of Joint commission to Investlguto foreign purchase of Amer ican tobacco announced commission would meet Thursday. Tbn.llnusn. Convened at noon. Annual report ot secretary of treasury tfa road. ' ' . Chalrnlitn Padgett of naval affairs com mittee Introduced bill to confer title of admiral on commander-in-chief of At lantic and Paclfio battleship fleets. New York delegation .caucused and l cldrd to oppose Burnett Immigration bill, prescribing literacy test for Immigrants. Passed CrugO bill to pension Spanish war veterans, widows and children. Miscellaneous. Banking and currency commission will moot Thursday to consider Lew bill for doposlt of W0.O00.000 by treasury in naP tlonal banks to relievo financial stringency. Prouty Drafts Bill Forcing Consignees to Unload All Cars (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-(Spcclal Tele gram.) A solution for tho problem of car shortage was offered by Representa tive Prouty ot Iowa In a bill ho Intro duced, The gist of tho bill Is that rail road companies shall require consignees to unload their freight in five days, de murrage or no demurrage, mid that If tho railroad company dora not enforce this right it will he liable to damages to tho person ordering cars and not receiv ing them. "The railroad people wiy that the shortage In cars does not result from the railroads not having sufficient rolling' stock," said Judge Prouty today, "but from the uso to which the cars arc, put. The shipper naff found that It la cheaper to use cars for warehouses than It Is to build warehouses. It Is said there are now standing on the trackH at New Or leans 6,000 box cars that have been so held from ten to thirty days, whllo tha business ot the country Is paralyzed by lack of cars to movo pressing traffic. "This condition Is intolerable. 1 sup pose my bill la to make tho railroads put cars to their legitimate use. I expect to follow with another clothing tho Inter state Commerce commission with author ity to Investigate tho rolling stock of railroads to ascertain If they have suffi cient stock to meet the demands, and if they have not, to clothe them with power to require additional equipment." British Suffragists Decide to Use Bombs in House of Commons LONDON, Dec. 4,-The militant suffra gettes decided, at a recent meet ing, to resort to the use of explosives If the government refuses to Incorporate woman suffrage In the forthcoming fran chise bill, according to a statement is sued by a news agency today. Volunteer are to be called for to use bombs, both Inside and outside the House- of Com mons. MAN AND WOMAN ARE SENTENCED FOR MURDER LISBON, O., Dec, 4 -Judge Moore this afternoon sentenced Mrs, Mary Burrows to five years in the state penitentiary at hard labor, and John Coburn to Indefi nite stay In Mansfield reformatory for killing Contractor Richard Burrows at East Liverpool, O., September 2, TAFT TO NAME POSTMASTERS President Informs Mr. Rosewnter He Will Adhere to Polioy. NOMINATIONS UP TO SENATE Chief Hxri'ntlve lleurnrilfl Work III Conatltiitloiial lluty and Will Not tthlrk II, l.rnvliiur Upper Chnm lirr to Art Upon It. (From a Stuff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-(Speclsl Tile gram.) After a , protracted conference with President Taft today, Victor Rose. water, ex-national chairman of the re publican national committee, said: "President Taft slated to mo that he would oontliniL- to do his full and consti tutional duty by sending to the sonutn the names of jtostmastcrs entitled to re appointment and such other names aa come up In tho ordlnnry coilrsn of gov ernmental husli'ess and h will stand be hind his nominations with all his strength, leaving to the senate the ques tion of confirmation. "Should tho nominations fall," said Mr. Rnsewater, "In view of the already loud protest mndo by tho dcmocrntH, especially against pnstmHstershlps( tho party to as sume completo power of tho government on March 4 next must take full respon sibility." Mr. Rosewater returned to Baltimore, this afternoon to visit with relatives, hut will return to Washington on Sutur day next. F. D. Wcad and Wllllom Stull of Onmlia arrlvod In Washington thl morning to nttend the ninth annual meet Ing of tho national rivers nnd harbors congress. It Is believed that In view of tho Illness of Henry T. Clarke, Mr. Stull will ho appointed as ono of tho vice presidents ot the organization. I'rntir, Hull Clerk's IMsi-liarse. By tho terms of a resolution passed by the senate today tho Postofflco depart ment Is culled upon to furnish all corre spondonco relating to tho demotion of William Hall, C. II. Erwln, R. E. Erwln, J. J. Nlgley and C. P. Rodman, railway moll clerks In Nebraska. Senator Hitchcock, who introduced the resolution, said that the demotions were made about a year ago, and (hat the clorks In question hod been unablo to get satisfaction from tho department as to the charge against them. It developed later that the cause for their demotion was they were alleged to have upheld a publication Inimical to the department. Senator and Mrs. Norrls Brown are In Washington and will live ut the Portland for tho winter. Poison Kills Girl; Note Says Suicide CLEVELAND, O., Deo. I. Tho body of a well dressed woman about IS years old, was found In Wado park here lata today. She died from tho effects of poison shortly after sho was found. The only cluo to her Identity was the namo "Muthernoii, Los Angeles" on tho Insido of tho Jacket of her tailored suit. A plain band ring was tho only Jewelry sho worn. A note pinned on Iter breast said: "This Is a plain caso of self-murder. It ts not necessary to hold an Inquest. There are no relatives to notify." The womun wns about five feet four inches tall, weighed about 115 pounds, and had four gold upper bark teeth. FATAL STABBING FOLLOWS HAZING" OF A PREACHER 8PR1NGLIELD. Mo., Dec. 4.-Bryan Crane, the 16-year-old- son of Dr. T. V. U. Crane of this city, died morning at a hospital of two Itnlfo wounds In the abdomen Inflicted Saturday following a hazing party at Morrlsvlllo college. Mil lard Copeland, a 26-year-old student, la under arrest charged with the stubbing. After tho hazing of Copeland. he Is said to have hunted up Crane and to have attacked him in a dormitory. EQUAL FRANCHISE POLITICAL POT IS AT BOILING POINT Chief Excoutive Appoints Nominat ing Committee to Make Report on Choice This Morning. UNKNOWN INFLUENCE AT WORK Attitude of President Philbriok Con tinues to Be Closed Secret. MRS. SMITH GAINS STRENGTH Mrs. McKclvey is After Presidency, but She Will Not Admit It. SOME DELEGATIONS DIVIDED nilrtj-Kerond Annual Convention ot Htnte SnffriiKC An'lntloii Opens Wednesday and Will Continue Thrnuuhtiut Friday. With tha nluiolntmcnt of the nomi nating committee, tho duty of which Is to select and recommend candidates for offices In tho Nebraska SuffrnRo asso ciation, the political pot wns set to boil ing yesterday, hardly before that organli xntlon had settled down to the Thirty- second annual convention, which will continue throughout Friday. Mm Iimn been smoldering untlcnicaui tho kettle for somo time, but not until tho nominating committee was hh nounced by President Inez C. Phllbrlck worn the embers fanned Into a flume, and moro filcl added. Thcro Is a gen eral feeling that Mrs. Draper Smith, a. womnn ot excellent ability nnd widely known throughout tho state, will becomo thn next nresldent of tho association, yet thcro Is an undercurrent if politics that appears disconcerting to tho leas cour ageous sisters, WorkliiK Democratic Sentiment. Mrs. Blanche McKclvey Is In the rrcs for the presidency, though sho does not openly admit it. Hho ha been worklmt quietly and under cover most of tho time, nnd thn result Ik that her strength In nn unknown qunnlW. Although hor plan to virtually adopt tho Nebraska Suffrage association and muko It a part and parcel of tho Women's State Dcnut- crutlo league, of which sho was organ izer nnd Ih president, was exploded sev eral days ago, she Is still, working along those lines hoping to retain tno support of those democratic) sisters who are af filiated with tho HUffrngo organization. Hho Is a deleguto to tho stalo conven tion from tho Omitha Suffragn associa tion, the oldest body hi thu city, and It nppears that sho will rccclvo tho solid votn of that, delegation. Mrs. Draper Smith, who Is a member of tho Polltlcut Equality league, - -cupeclJ a, solid , vcito from her delegation, In addition to 'that of tho Equal Franchise society, which Is admittedly a unit for her. President Phlllirlrli'H Attitude. Thus, It Ih seen that Mrs. Smith con trols a majority of tho Omaha votes, nnd she hns been gaining strength out in thn Ntnto rapidly slnco It becamo known that Mrs. McICelvleattcmpted to make tha suffraglatH an auxiliary to her democratic league. Whllo many pIiohch of the fight for the presidency nro now on tho surface thcio Is an element of uncertainty In the attl tudn of President Phllbrlck nnd the per sonnel of hur nominating committee. Mrs, Phtlbrlck'H support no doubt would bo of valuo to either cnudldate, but sho re fuses to express her sentiment. Sho will neither say sha Is for or ngalnst cither candidate. Whether or not tho members of tho nominating committor, who aro no doubt Phllbrlck friends, will have any Influence, tho women generally aro not prepared to state. At uny rate there will be two candi dates In tho field and It will rest upon the convention to mnke a choice. If thero aro ,nny contests for other offices thoy fade Into Insignificancy as com pared with tho Jockoylng between tlw two presidential candidates and their lieutenants. Xrv Departure Is Taken, The nominating commltteo of ten Is to report nominees for tho offices, to thn general body this morning, twenty-four hours before tho election Is to tnke plnco. President Phllbrlck, In nominating the committee, stated that while the constU tutlon did not provdfor such a com mltteo nnd hucIi a method of nominating, she nevertheless believed It a good way to facilitate matters. ' Some of the other associations lit tho country have found this a very good means of getting tha (Continued on Page Four.) THERE'S NO SPEED LIMIT If you're going to leave the city -- if you've got more ears in your gar age than you can use if you don't' care .to keep a car during iho winter season i f you've got your fancy fixed on one of the brand new models if for any reason under the sun you want to dispose of your automobile aud do it quick take the selling route whore tho going's good and tho grades aro easy whore there's absolutely no speed limit - T II K BEE WANT AD COLUMNS. TYLER 1000