f J 1 WANT ADS Want mis rccclvcfl nt any time, bnt to ititure proper clasniric-ulon oiuxt bo presented hr-foro 12MI0 o'clock noon lor the evening edition and before 7:841 p. m., for uiornliiR ml Sunday crNhons. Wunt nils re ceived after mh hours will have their first iuscrtlon under the head Ing "Too Late to Classify." CASH nATKSKOK WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. Ono Insertion 2 vents n word. Two or more coiisectitlvo Inser tions J 35 cento a word. No adrer tlsenicnt taken for Mo than 20 ceata. CHARGE UATK9. Six words to tho line. One insertion 12 tenia per line. Two or moro ccbscciUIto Inser tion 1) ccnta per line. Ono line per month 91.80. Twenty cents u minimum charge. Advertisement nltnrgcd to patrons liavjng accounts are measured by the hue, not by the word. XOTE The Ueo will Kot be re-pon!-ll)le for more than ono wrong Insertion duo to typographical error. ClalniN for error rannot fcc allowed alter the 10th of the following month. An advertisement Inserted to be run until forbidden must be stopped by Miitteti order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot bo accepted. liODGK .NOTICES To thf "fflcors and members of Vesta bapcr No. 6. Order of Eastern Star, the funeral service Mr Slslei Anna Harrow rloufrh will be held Wednesday, Decem ber 4 nt 3 p. ni. nt tho Masonic Temple. All lire urged to lie prevent. MARGARET WEDBMEYER. Worthy Matron. WINIFRED WAIiWPK, Secretary. CAI OK THANKS We -a is to thank our many friends nnd neighbor for their kindness and sym pathy during my wife's sickness nnd death, IV F. DOWNING. Mil, AND MItH. KBlSHlt. MARRIAGE l,ICi:.!Uf. The following permits to wed have been Issued: Name and Residence Ace. Hubert Wemple, Omaha .27 Nelllo Longman, Omaha 21 Hans Ilnrder, Avora, la 25 Mary Urammami, Avoco, la.... 18 William F. Harmon. Fremont 32 Lillian .Martens. Cedar Bluffs 23 Robert It. Corneer, Tekamah, Neb .23 l'earl McCarty, Tcknmah, Neb r..20 Nicola I ravel, Omahu 2L Mao- Hpnrtar, Omaha 19 Jesse II. Edwards, Omaha... 22 Madeline V Dnike. Omaha 20 iebastlano Fanclullo, Omaha 27 Nunzlata Tnrco, Omaha 20 Joseph Thomas J lie. Omaha 2!) Laura Uow. Omahu... 1! UlltTH.H AM JIB.VTHS. Htrths-E. W. and M. A. Barr, 2510 at. Mary's avenue, boy; A. and Sophie De Mant, 1ST. Cedur, boy; M. E. and Hella Daniels. Florence, boy; Jacob and tiarah IFInkelstctn, 1102 North Twenty-fourth, boy. Charles and Mattle Collet, 616 Hnn roft. slrl, B. P. andAnna Jonas, 2tita Davcniwrt, girl; Oene and Anna Melady, hospital, boy; J. and Mary Martlnic, 145S South Thirteenth, boy; F. A. and Nellie Miller. 2G24 Fort, slrl; E, F. nnd Mary Pike, 2631 Urlstol. boy; Thomas and Ellin aeth Swift. 4724 North Fourteenth, boy; . F. nnd BaJah It. Kassler, hospital, Kill. Deaths T. T. Finn. 75 yours. 2M9 linv tiey; n, Mullen, !3 year)?, hospital! Mary F. Woods, 67 years, 4004 Bouth Fourteenth; Harry Hchu, St years, hospital. IIUII.DI.VO PERMITS, t. W. Partridge. 2415-21 Formim, Vhk. store, $8,000; II. t. Murphy. 121 North Thirty-fifth, fiame dwelling, $3,600; Urwln lanl & Investment Co.. 53U3 North Twenty-fourth, brick store. $2,600; Krwln Land & Investment Co., 2221 Noith Forty-fifth, brick storo, $2,600; H. 1. Woolf. 1402 North Seventeen, frame dwelling. $1,560, and 1410 North Seventh, frame dwelling. Jl.MO; Vnlted Investment company. 3T.07.lMt Dewey avenue, brick nparttnent house, $9,000. William Ncgclhoin. 2012 Fowler avenue, frame dwelling, 12,000; If. T. Rose. Thirty-ninth nnd Davenport, brick dwell ing. 110,000; Albert Cnhn. 1324 Farnam. alterations. 11,000; Independent Hcalty "mpnny, 717vouth Sixteenth, brick store. HELP WANTED -FEMALE Aenli nuil Snlccvroiiirii. TEN YOUO WOMBN IN city Is demon stratprs; permanent employment; rw1 yiUarirv. Apply Room 33, Sanford hotel. Vtween 3 and 12 a. m., and 4 and 6 p. m. Factory mill Trudpa. ..;'.,"BD',,''01, Rl Dresher Hros., 1211 Farnam. ' IloBsekrpper iiml Domestics. RoiIMeMSSPV9.!rl1 PXt'oBLKM BOIiVKD The Hew w 1 run a Servant Olri Wanted Ad FREE until 1 you set ?he desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Counril Bluffs. Uilng your ad to The Hoe office oi telephone Tyler low, I'OMPKTKNT maid for general house work, small family; good wages, 4fcj7 IFarnom Pt Phone Harney HQS. WANTKD Ca pable elri for Keneral housework; no laundry. 2362 St. Alary's Ale. rhone DotiKlas 6041 . WAISUrtr?A R,rl for PlHln cooking In small fwnlly where second girl Is liont fta S, 29th Bt. phone Huriw- 193a. Wanted, a girl for General housework. Jo cooking. Phone Iinrney 6131. 222 Park A Yd WANTKD Kxperlenced nurse girl with reference. Harney 65S. BXPIORIBNCBD girl for general house tvork aio Charles. Web. 780. ' RBMAHITk whTtegTrT fo"rgnTrai Jiousework; small family. Mrs. It. a. Ralph. 4S0S Davenport. II. 4473. UOOD cookj good wages: at once, j'hone Harney 3272. WANTKD--A wash woman. Harney 6178. aim. for general housework. Mrs. Jos eph V O'Keefe. 4U4 Cass St. GOOD girl for genera! housework, small Tmnlly, good wages. 200a locust. Web. 52S. GOOD glrl"for general housework; do GOOD Ctrl foe ceneral housawnrk. Ur. hey 246S. 3U3 Jackson. WANTKD-A middle aged lady to take care of child and light house work In exchange for good home and wages. One who will take an Interest In her work nnd home, 1400 North IS street, down I lairs. . COMPETENT girl for general house fvork. good wages. 2i20 Hurt. Tel. II. 6St. 1GOOD girl for general housework; small ?mll.v: good wages, no washing, lis Ho. th fit Tel. II. 11. WANTKD At once, a young gill to as list with housework, good home, small bimlly Web. HS62. . QfltLMfor general houre"k7"2J63 St. Mary s Ave. Douglas 604X , WANTED-3lrl to assist with house work, good home: small family. 1K6 N. pine teem h St. Webster 1203. (WANTKD School glVl or young lady ) act as g companion nnd assist with Aitaawork fvr room and -board Ref frencea tegulred. Call Douglas 8165. COMPETENT girl for general house. jvork, good wages; no washing. Hi Ho. I Ui. Harney CI. WATKD-:irrror second work. Good .age. vu at. Muryn Ave. !G I ItL for general housework 'where ier are children; jig washing. 244S landcrson. COJ4PBTBNT ,grl for general house korfc Small family No washing. Mrs. fc. i- Welch. 411 a 56th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE ltoiiNprPHar4 mill llniellc. WANTKD-l ompetent girl for hoe .nork. must lie good rook. vf Harney. I (looifglijf for general work In lundr. "rind nage narney iv ivpsiti i mmiMtrnr flrl fur Ken eral housework In family of two: iniwt haie city t-eferenees. 'Phone Hsr. a. n WANT15D-A "girl for general house- hoik I'lione liar. wb. twvw Kill iw f-. ,.-,, ,11,........" understands cooking; white preferred. WANTKD. A nurse lrl lH?t Phone Harney ' Miscellaneous, YOUNfl women coming to Omaha a vtrangers are Invited to vletl the Young Women's Christian assoclotlon bulldlnj at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where tMey will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. I,ook for our travelers' guldo at the Union station OIHI..S for doctors' office, In nnd out of city.. German Doctors. Council Hluffs. WOMHN Get government position. S0 month. Wrlto immediately for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept 611 W. Rochester, N. "! WANTBD Capnbln business women, teachers and nurses to travel or open of fices. An exceptional opportunity to visit Florida or California this winter. Business permanent and profitable. Kstabllshed 25 itars. Income IS to 00 weekly. Investi gate. 1721 Cnpltol Ave Miss Hchulu, man ager. help Wanted male .R-rnta, flnlpsnipn nnd Solicitors, WANTKD Kxperlenced, capable office man for general detail work; splendid nnrii.tfinllt" .lata n rrtt .vn.Hani'. mil salary wanted. Address M 161 Hee. AGENTS, SOLiaTOKS t ...... ... m ml... . . ... I Ant,lM- t r r Jl juu niv A II, n tyi.u nun ivuriiN(i u. something good. Jaeger Hros. Mfg Co., 607 Brandel Theater Hldg. "Nilff ced " KXPKRIKNCKD solicitors for magazlno club proposition, Onort money 678 llran ileli Illdg. WANrTKD-Amhltlous young man to renresent nnd sell automobile supplies. Address I'nlvcrsnl .Motor Hupply Co., Chi rnko. HI. ' JW.00O is not inado by waiting for op portunities, but can be made by Indus. trlous persons building my pntcnted Over flow Concrete Illghwny brldgos, $500 dally make county right salesmen happy. CHAH. HOUTON, Hello Hive, Hi. HADKBMKN wanted; noiir office spo clnltv: sellH for cash: as Indispensable as a typewriter; first class salesmen only need apply. Sales Manager, 414 Park Illilg., Pittsburgh, la. Anincr nurt nolleetor wanted: position pleasant and permanent; a mony mnkcr; experlenoo unnecessary. For paHlculnrs wrlto Great Western Accident. Dos Moines, Jn. 1 . "aOHN'TH make bttf money during fall season wtlh our lino; permanent cus tomers; regular Income; wo help you build profitable business In your territory. Oxford Sales Co.. Oxford Colo. Factory uipl Trades, WANTED ImmeCintoly, experienced h.itmakcrs, Hnrtell, 1903 Capitol Ave. Drug store (snaps) jobs. Knlest. Uoe nidg, WA1MTRI llushelman. steady work. Jakle, the Tailor, Falrbury, Neb. I.I3ARN AIITOMOHII.13 KNGINKI5RINO. UCi iniO 1110 HUluiiiuuuu uuo'm"t iui.li! It complete In the largest and best equipped training school In this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen nt,. In ftum.l nd. Write or call for our lt tolalOBUe. , NKUIIAHKA AUTUaiUUll.fci Biiviuu. ltl5J Dodge St.. Omaha. Neb. l inT"a. .A n lnin linvhal tl'Hlll' nil II I i'Jtl YV It 1 1 If VI J IVNI 1 MS JJ tpmllfy for position lu f4W weeks; wages wnuo learning: no prengue cxuci it-uvc necessary; everything U .the business taught practically; sure )f success. with us; tool given. Call of, write. Molcr Rarber College. 110 S. 14th St. Miscellaneous. FOR SAMC A few unclaimed ALTj WOOL) Dundee suits, $10; alterations free. DUNDEK WOOL12N MILl, Northwest Cot tier 15th and Harney Sts. i'HYSICIANS, Keg., Neb., Iowa, ,o. Dale. Good salary. German Doctors, Counril Bluffs. WANTKD For D. ri, army, ablebortled. unmarried men between ages of ID and 31. citizens of United States, ot good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Kngllsh lsn guago. For Information apply to Recruit ing officer. 13th and Douglay Hts.. Omaha, Neb.; 605 Fourth St.. Sloifx City la.; ISO N. Tenth St.. Uncoln. Neb. , TKLKORAI'H puHltlonu guaranteed you by the Union I'aclflo and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training In our school. Practice on H. R. wires, Address for particulars. II. R. Uoyles, Pres. Hoyles College, Omahn, Neb. RA1MVAY mall clerks wanted; m month; Omaha examinations coming soon; coaching free. Franklin institute, Dept SIC W., Rochester. N. Y. ARK you unemployed or dissatisfied with your work, or get very low wages with no prospect for advancement? Th automobile business offers you oppor tunities. Our graduates are trained by praottcal experience In demonstrating, re pairing and driving all makes of auto mobiles, and command large salaries. Knormous sales of automobiles has left great shortage of good men, Write for full particulars and learn now beforo the rjirlng rush. National Automobile Train ing Association. Omaha, Neb. FOR SAl.K A few ulUned AM. WOOL Dundee suits. $10; alterations free. lir.NDKU WOOLEN MILLS; Northwest Corner 15th nnd Harney 8ts. HELV WANTED JtAl.F. AND FKMAI.K. "Mi;S7 IvoilKN-Uet government JoW f week: wttte Immediately for list of position open. Franklin Institute, Dept. :'' w - f - I: WANT1;d Washman or all around laundryinuii. Keith's Laundry, W. K. Keith, Ida Grove, la. x WANTED SITUATIONS KXPBR1ENCKD Swedish girl wonts Ironing or cooking by the day. Tel. Web. 4024 after C p. m. WANTKD Position as housekeeper by middle-aged iady; references. Address Mrs. iV. K. rowers. I.OU s1 e. Neb., care Theo. Koop. SITUATION as a chambermaid: col. ored. Douglas (033. WANTHD ly vuuiii: lady, iiusltloii as stenographer; high school graduate: have naa some experience. Doug, uay tu. rril "III lunntnli n..n.l -l.nnn..... wants position In private family. I'lione , i i , , . 1 1 , . i . Mariicy .ui. mu i'raiicili. Tit A V UMNO salesman, ten years ex. nerlence In grocery line, references. Ad dress A-201, care Ree. "bXPErTbNCBD-laundress wants posU tlon for Mondays and Tuesdays. Refer ences. 4 S. 10th St. FAMILY and b'lndls WwTshlng. flar. 6371. "WANTED By graduate lawyer a posi tion in an attorney's office. M. C. 8ul Uvau. Burbonk, Jl. D. WANTEDIly university student wltn two years' office experience, position re quiting three or four hours a day. Can fdrnlsh own typewriter II necessary. Ad dress L 310. Bee, WANTBO-Ponlttoii as chauffeur In private family, strictly temperate: under, stands automobile construction. Phono South 1372. , j ANNOUNCEMENTS HEBEN. costumes. '.514 Howard St. OMAHA TTJpt2bougTMSStT S, 11 Cola Bl'gn Co. P. 376S 1316Farnam Bt GRANDMA'S PANCAKE FLOUR sold at ail grocers with guarantor to please Wedding announceicentE. Doug7Ptg. Co. p. B. "Griffith, "wig jiifr. is" Fran'ser Blk. OMAHA POSTING " SERVICE. Adv., "Persir Oxygen washing compound. GRANDMA'S PANCAKE FLOl'll sold at all grocers with guarantee Jo picas. I Christmas Suggestions ELE0T1?ICAL DEVICES FOR ' CHRISTMAS GIFT8 COMDINB LUNURY WITH UTILITY. mnlm Elootric Light and Power Go. SIXTEEN INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. , ,W suhsrrlptlons to TUB LADIKS' "OMR JOI'HNAL. J1.S0; TUB WATUH DAY EVENING POST. Jl.tO; THE COCNTItY Ci BNTLUM A N, $1.51). earn W.OpO for TUB INVALID'S PENSION ASSOCIATION. Sixteen Intnllds nPI rerehc J10 a month, leaving ll.OOO for advertising, Kvery order worth 60 cents. YOUR RBNBWALS COUNT. Won t you help? Also any publlcRtlon whatever. 'Phone Douglas 7163. Alway aildres) GORDON. TUB AIAOA.tNE MAN, OMAIIAi NB1I. Lo Qreco Pros., 1607 Cuming is now open wnn iun nne or grooeries and gooa bakery; bread baked dally; good goods, low prices. Qiye us n trloU NOW Is the time tofiava your piano tuned. Expert tuning nnd regulating. Free estimates made on repairing and re-, finishing. BCIIMOLLKR MUELLER PIANO CO.. Plinno Doligl-. ,623. 1311.1.7 Farnam St. THE ELITE CAFE All kinds of Chinese And American dishes. Fine steaks and chops a spe- F'iML -JL?' 14lh t. FI'.MS developed " free, rinished iamo day. .Photo Craft Shop. Mil Hee Hldg. PKHFUMKS, TOILET ARTICLES. SAFETY RAZORS, Thermos bottles nnd many 'Oilier dainty and Useful gifts. ""JilMCNELLrjRlJO CO. "COL UMBIA ORAFONOLA makes chr jitmas happy. Ideal gift for whole family. JJoiumbla Phonograph Company. XSt Kk PHOTOH-Slieelal KoildaV prices"; open Sundays; Rembrandt 8tUdlo, Lulu Bell Hdnt. 20th and Farnam. D-sr.48. , TJIJJJ EARLY SHOPPER catches tlie bargains ut the Sign of the Crown up tho golden stairs. Fred Hrodegaftrd Jew el ry . q., itn ann uou giss w. St) FA PILIOWK sold hv tlmnhn Pillow Co.. 1721 Cuming. Douglas 2467. For strictly high grade plannj at pos Itlvely lowest prices, easy terms see G. II. Harr Piano Co., 3d 'floor Bni on Store. FOR XMAH and wedding Rlftr. High rlaKH hand embroidered; Initial and wed Ing trousseau a specialty. Work guar antee. Miss Kell," Doug. 5903, Exclusive Shops ALL KINDS OF DBAtJTY WORK. Mm. Wlhon, halrdrestltig and manl curing put-lors. over Kern's mlllltmry store. 1S08. Douglas. FrackW liver spots, moles, warts and other blemlvher, and superfluous hair removed. Tal. Doug. 6167. ATTRACTIONS QMAITA film exch., 16th and Doug. Mo tion plcturo machine and film bargains. AUTOMOJIiLK) DRUMMOND'S BIG NEW GARAGE At 2i!th and Farnam. licit repairing Rest auto shop In city. , Prompt service and reasonable chaiges. " BNEllT aut'omobifo repaiilnt, rVnson ablo prices, all work guaranteed. Also second hand cars for ale. 2021 Douglas. SECOND HAND AtlTOMORUiES J. J. DERIGHT UAnGAINS. STObDARD-DAYTON 7-pisonger'llm. ousli'ie. Btoddard-Dayton T-Pasiengor touring car Btoddard-Daytoti E-pasaenger'tourtng car. Locoilioblle 7-paiscngcr limousine with touring body, Locomobile 6-pnn8eiicer, Llroouilne Locomobtls C-passenger tourlhg car. Locomobile C-pasannger .oadster, One. closed electric. lsis Farnam St. MUBINES9 CHANCES TO get' In or out of business, call on GANGE8TAD. 401 Bee Rldg. Tel. D. 3177. FINEST confectionery and Ice cream parlor lu Iowu at Invoice; easy terms; owner leaving city Address " 212. Qee. UUS1NESS PERSONALS 1 Clilropodlstk. DR. ROY, 1505 Far. D. C497. Open even'gs. Carrie .LBurford, Pax. Rk. Red 4.S7. "DR. MONIIE1T. 403 Sri6th. Douglas 2333. Creameries, Dairies and Siippllfs. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. L'fatnn Painting. Special attention given to Ninas order work, Ruth Letcllfoid. til S. 27th. R. 6962. DBLLA 1IACJCETT. 433 Paxton Rlock. Coal Dealers.' , THY JOHNSON'S1 $5 COAL for cooking, or U.M tor furuaco or heat ing stoves. ISth and Irard. Tel. Doug. 170X llPtPPttvPS, OMAHA Secret Sen-Ice Detective Agcy,, bonded. Suite 42S-9 Pa,xton Dlk. D. 1H19. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Nevllls Ulk'. Evl" dence secured In att cases. . Tyler '1130. L. W. I.ONGNECKCli. MJ Karbach BlkT I)rPsmnlliiK. MISS D. MALLOY. altering of ladles" suits, refitting, rellnlng. etc. Suite 20 Boston Store Illdg. Phone Douglas 3ffl, " Fltipatrlok. tal ior. dresgT"M Davenpu MRS. RHYNOLDS for -plain aud faney sewlnv; .satisfaction. guaranteed. Har. mj Terry's Dressmaking college Wth & Far. Learn dreamaklng, make while learning. 2JW Cuming. your own Tyler 1276. Children's sewing a ypecUlty. Doug, tw, l)rns, DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on $10 orders, catalogue free. Sherman & McContie.il Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ETerythlnltr -Electrical. Electrical Utilities Bxchangs. Omaha. ALL kinds of electric apparatus, new and 2d-hand. and electrical repair. La Bron Electrical Workn. 313 3. lith. Omaha, Everything for Women. , DRESS pleating, buttons covered. ali, sites and styles THE IDEAL PLEAT- 5 ING CO.. SCO Douglas block. Both "phones. t WBrent. repair, sell needier. p;its of all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Ca, lSVh and Harney sts. Phone Douglas 1662. WESTERN MILLINERY SCHOOL, 412 PAXTON .BLOGK. Foundries, McDonald .Brass and Bronxe foundry Aluminum, tin. lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Florists. 1607 Fart A. -DonnBliUe I). loot; A.1C01. HESS A swoboda. 14IJ FarnsniSt. L. 1IENDHRSON !ll Famam, ! BATH'S, flortst. Hoyd Theater Bldg. Rtandels cut flower oept- nUtv store Fnrunppa mill ItPpulrs. : RKPAIRS n htock to fit your stove. I furnace, steam or hot water heater; ntw . furnace, wrought Iron and call. Let us iigurit l . ot . OMAII' 'TOVB REPAIR WORK8. h20.lSJS Pt uglas St, T-ler 20. HLSINESH I'KHSONAI.' Almlntr, Stot-HfCP nnd UleMiilnK. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van I Co. Furniture packing, piano moving ' t,,tlce 'jf H. Utli 3t. Doug. 384. i Furn. moving; 2 men. 1 tier hr. W. 274 Laige moving vans. tl.SH per hour. D. 391. McLaud & Son, Van .ts., 3-lioife van. I men. K hr.. 2 hrs. $1 hr. D..433S. W. 64J. .Itntlc, Art mill l.nfrine. VIOLIN lessons, "violins loaned. W. 7212 Nurseries nnd Spoils. STEWART'S REBDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Osteopathy, Alice Johnson. CCR-3 Urandels The. Bide Paints nnd Gins. We dn gtazln? and deliver kIum In tall parts of the city; also Pl'-tme fnmlnc. Bnrkor Bros. Paint Co. "The Paint Men You Know." 1W914 Farnam. Douglas 4(50. Pnleiit. HIRAM A. STURGES, Patent CawyeK C46 Brandel Theater Bldg. Doug. 8469. D. O. Darnell. Paxton Ulk. Tel. Red 7117. Printing. N,H. I UOtJrci-AS Printing Co.. Tel. Doug. Lew W. Raber, Printer, p110. BEK BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Rels.Hall Ptg. Co.. 103 g 14th. lnd.A-3524, Waters-Hnnlhart Ptg. Co.: tuallty kind, quick service. Doug. 2190. 522-24 So. 13th. Hnnllnrlum. "roszelle" .Sanitarium and rest home. 2?3J Sherman Ave , For Chronic Invalidism. Nonoperatlvo cases; ipilet. beautiful, homelike; all modern conveniences; trained nurses, both male and female, In attendance. Terms on appllantlon. nils. j. it. iuuaiqK. Phone Webster 679. Superintendent. Stenodrnphers rtml C'onrt Ileportcra. 0 Msrtlr A. Kelley. SISiHran. The. D. 66S2. Store nnd office Flxtnres. STORE FIXTURES, coolers, rofrlgera tors, grocers1 display counters. Ice ma chines. The United Une, 1117 Farnam. DESKS, safeu, scales, showVases. nhclv Ing, etc.; We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 4I4-16-1S So. 12th. D. 2721, Trnnks nnd Suit Cnses. Frellng & Stelnle 1S03 Farnam St. Wines mill Llqnnra. WILLOW Rpi-JnRs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches, Alex Jetes. SC2-3. S, 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 63e a large bot tle. Klein Llouor Houbc, 022 N. 16th St, EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLIjEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR CompUt courses In Business, Book ki -ping. Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Service or Salesmanship. Thd- catalogue Is free for the asking, Call, wrlto or 'phono for It at once. Address II. B. Hoyles, President Royles College, Omaha, Neb. i MosherrLampman College Unsurpassed courses Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. W6rk for board. Address Mosher-Lump-man, 1815 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. DanctnK. Mackle's, 3 class nights per week. D. 54(6. JjIVK STOCK FOR SALE Horses anil Vehicles. FOR SALT? One hand made, heavy klngle wagon, slightly used; also ono light delivery wagon, cheap. Copeland Flnin Co., 1203 Howard St. HAY Ml per ton. Wanner. 01 N. 16th. GOOD driving homo; new rubbor-tlred buggy and harness for 1100. Phone Web ster 2CS8 or Douglas 1291. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some nrtlcle would do well to call up tho office ot the Omaha Hz Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars'. Many articles each day are turned In slid the company Is- anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 43. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY GOLD band ring, sapphire between two diamonds, suitable roward. I C. Res leg. Red 114. Council Bluffs. LOST Silver clgnretto case marked W. .1. D. Finder amply rewarded If send acdress to W. J. Dixon. 27 West Ith, New York City. lX)8T-OR STOLEN Cat having pure white body, some black on Its head and h bluck tall. A substantial reward will bo paid to the person returning this cat to 10 8. 33th Ave. Phono-Harney 61. LOST Leather purse. Finder please re turn with contents to Bee office and re ceive $10 reward. . MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures PlIcS, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed und no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN Snlnry nnil Chattels. THINK THIS OVER WHEN YOU NEED MONEY THE RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor, SOjrTaxtan Bldg. 217 S. 16th. Will supply the; needed AT A VERY LOW RATE of Interest. . Loans procured on FURNITURE, PIANOS, WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS, FIXTURES. HORSES. WAGONS. REAL ESTATE OR ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE it permanently employed. No red tape, no deUy. Easy transaction, confidential. Terms to suit. Your call appreciated, but do not hesi tate to write or phope Douglas 1111. ' RELIABLE. CREDIT CO.. DIAMOND LOANS. at 3H and 6 per cent. FLATAU. Ull Dodge Bt. Tel. Red 6619. MONEY loaned by a private party on chattels at much lower rates than regu lar loan offices chat gey Terms reason able. Confidential. 11 Autibach, 1831 Leavenworth St. D. w$$m$$$$$$$m$$ljw$$$$m$$$$$; f ?1U AviU UI LOANED on the GUARANTEE PLAN. We tell you lust what we want for the accommodation, and If this Is satisfactory to you, the understand ing Is perfect and you get the money. We want you to know tho GUAR ANTEE syttem. to know that It stands for courtesy, consideration and a square deal. GUARANTEE LOAN CO.. 201 Wlthnell Bldg... 15th and Harney. (Over Nebraska Cycle Co.) Fbonet: Douglas 5045. $ m$m$$w$$$$$$$$t$$$$$$$$$tw$t$$$$ URNITURE SALARY payments. LOANS. Wlihnni nublleltv. Easiest Lowest rates.. Confidential. Private, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Established -Twenty Years. ' J803 FARNAM ST. . Room 213 Board of Trad Bldg, Telph6n Douglas 2293- DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 6 per ce"nt GROS LOAN CO.. 410 North 16th. Money on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate of Interest Nebraska Loan Co.. Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. MONEV TO LOAN 9nlnr)- and Clinttela. i $)M)ttttttt$tt$tmuittst)i;ttnt OMAH-A FINANCIAL S COMPANY t 310 RItOWN I1LIC. i t t 16th & Douclas Sts. I it$m$mmmmmmm$$mtsm ... "' yOU KNEW 3 J $10 i THE DIFFERENCE 3 I Betwecen the Oir.aha J J f Financial Co.'s service $ or and that of the ordl- nnry loan company In S MORE mnklnc LOANS ! , J 310 oc MOflB $ f inANpn t to HousekeepcrH and $ s i.UA.Nt.u Worklnginen i f 1 J you would never bor- $ T 7 r .. . . to y iuit tv uuiiitr iiuiii nuy X company but the j Omaha Financial Co. $ I THE FRIENDLY (In- terost. the courteous, J i s J ANYONE confidential, consider- $ nte treatment we ac- 3 cord our customers. S . Iirs brought us lots of t buslnesH and made us i thousands of friends, t CAN'T WE HELP YOU $ with your mtoncy wor- $ rle.i? $ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. $ 310 BROWN BLIC. i It 16th A Douglas Sts.. Opp. Brandels J IS Of lice hours 8 A. M. to 6 P M. CHATTEL LOANS" S3 to 3100. SALARY LOANS. You can get H today of OTA It IAJAIM W W)l 1'aXlOll IIIOCK. imimtmumwmmmmmummttjmm ! S.VT.ARY AND CHATTEL LOANS. $ The CHEAPEST place In Omaha to t 1 borrow- money. Let us prove It to you. I t f Borrow 10. pay S ,40 per month. Borrow 3 lo, nay 3 .60 per month. Borrow 20. pay t .75 per month. Borrow t 23, pay U.O'i per month. Borrow I GO. pay 32.15 'per month. Borrqw $100, pay $3.00 per month. X Other amounts In equal proportion. t Deal w Ith a home concern. Cheap, S . CONFIDENT I AN and Quick. PEOPLE'S LOAN 'COMPANY. 1623 Farntfin. Room 4. Tel. p. 7477. $$$$i?m$$$i$wm$$t$?$n$$$$w$$$$$w$$$s OFFERED eOlt RENT Board anil Rooms. NICE gentleman. 43, will tend furnace for room ahd board. Address O 27?. Bee. O. M. E. Hauls trunks. Dougins fill. STEAM HEATED rooran with A-l table board. 211 S. 26th. Tel. Douglas 3138. Famished Itooras. FARNAM. 2702 Largo dining room and kitchen, complete for housekeeping; reasdnab'e. Harney 2073. FURNISHED rooms and best of table board. 21S3 Harney. Tel. Doug. 5877. LAndn front room, suitable for two: near car line: meals If desired; free piano; all modern conveniences; no other room ers: $10. Tel. Webster 2107. LARGE front room, private . family, modern: rent to 2 gentlemen or ladles; 1 or 2 meals. ' H. 6479. Famished Apartment. ' FURNISHED apartment for rent; apart ment No. 19. In the Colonial. Farnam and 3Sth Sts.; five rooms nnd bath; finely furnished; to rent for the winter months. Apply between 3 and r. p. m. -or by tcle phono appointment. Harney 6446. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT Either for winter months or for one year, modern S-room, well furnished house. West Farnam district. Address, '., this office. Fnriilihcd Itousekcpntiigr Hooraa. VERY nicely furnished four-room apart ment: complete for housekeeping. H. 4183. 20IS DAVENPORT Two or three front housekeeping rooms. note! anil Apsrtnirnta. DODGE HOTEL, modern, reasonable. New Hotel Rex Up-to-date, steam heated rootiuM-Weekly rates. 16th and California. CALIFORNIA HOTEL -iSteam-heatcd rooms. i2 per week and up. Froo baths. Apnrtiuents nnil Flats. FOR RENT Modern S-ioom flat, 638 S. 26th AV6.: references required. Tel. H. 3170 C-rni. mod. flat. 2310 8. 21. Tel. Web. J78. 6-ROOM flat. 1203 S. 11th; $18.00. 4-room flat. 1206'4 s. nth: so.oo. EQUITABLE LOAN CO., Room 15, Neb. Nat'l Hank. D. 114J. D013 Chicago St.. 6-room npartmcnt In new, modern'bulldlng. Best neighborhood. References. t'N KQ UTlED, steam heat, all modern! 4-room corner flat. Tizard. 220 No.' 23d, Itansra nnd Cottages. room, $16. 270S Seward St. Doug. UOS. FIVE rooms, 1807 Farnam; modern; suitable location for offices, studios, den- fill nr i1rftftmMk1nir rnomn fnr tnnnts wishing home adjoining. Hall. 433 Ramge Hldg.. nauglca 7408. 6-ROOM newly papered house at 2415 S. 24th. G. Grush. Tel. Doug. C54S. JANUARY lst-8-room strictly modem home northeast cor. 22 and Brown. Shades at windows, laundry, fruit room. etc. In basement, row of bearing Concord grapes, length of lot and abundance of small fruit. OWNER leaving CITY. Ixase to desirable party. -J. If. JOHNSON, C78 HRANDEI8 BLDG. WALKING DISTANCE. 2S41 Dodge. 8-roonis, modern, a Uargaln nt $30. Water paid. W. W. Mitchell, 414 Bee Hide. MAGOARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. HOUSEHOLD goods packed and ror wsrded: cheap freight rates. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Douglas 384. Office 216 S. 17th St. FOR RENT 2 story frame dwelling on Cass St., between 26th and 27th Sts.. all .modern Improvements. The Crtlghton University.. Tel. Doug. 2320. 723 .So. 3fth St.. strictly modern house. Electric lihtS. Web. 2690. FIVE Km. cottage, nuggles W-1010. " 110 So. 26th Ave. 12 rms.. all" moil.. $50" 6022 California 8 rms., all mod.. $13. 1128 So, 3h 7 rms., all mod., $30. 2009 Spencer 9 rms,, all mod., $30. 2628 Capitol Ave 9rms., all mod., $23. 711 So. 19th 9 rms. mod., ex. heat, 3K. 802 So. 2&th 7 rms., mod. ex. heat, $20. 2812 Webster 5 rms., city water. $15. 2I20H So. 16th 45 rms,, city water. $12.50. 2024 Grant t rms., city water, $10. McCague Investment Company. Doug. 416. ' 1506 Dodge St 1923 Maple 7r., all modern."- Has gas range and hot water heater, $13,00. c. R. Combs. D. 3916. NEW strictly modern &-ooin cottage, furnace heat, $25. Call "SOS Pratt St. Phone Webiter 1239. H19. EMMET ST. Eight-room modem house, hot water heat, to desirable tenant, adults only, S37.50. Tenant pays water rent. Housa now occupied, but can give possession Dec 1. Phone P. W. Sperry, Owner, Douglas 2113 or Douglas 3861. 6-r5oM and reception "hall and bath, furnace heat; house In fine condition. . near school and car. 2251 Florence- Blvd. Tel. Webster 2793, At 2763 Dewey ave. we have an 8-room modern house, with hardwood floors; a good warm, comfortable house; recent tir.ant lived, there three years; has full U.'tnent basement and good furnace, also, has mantel and grate. Rent only $34 per month to good parties. HARRISON & MORTON. J916 Omaha Nat. Rank I MOVING, packing and storing of house ' hold goods and pianos Is our buslneit. I Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof I ttorage. 806 S. 16th. ny the viaduct. Branch office. 300 3. 17th St. Tel. Douglas j 4163. A-15J9. . $74 8. 28th St 8 rooms completely muu I ern. Hall. 43 Ramge. D. 74i; A-06. 10-ROOM modarn brick house, hot vritur heat. $0 per a nth- 2632 Harney St. Sea T J. O'Brien Henshaw houl. Douglas 1214. Harney OFFERED I'Olt RENT Jlnnftcn nnd CaitlnRPa. TTnnona In all parts of the city. "UU83t-sCrelgh, Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. S ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 2Sth St. D. 2717. Ji3L Douglas. 8-rms.. bath. D. 15US. HUNT without mnnev this winter If vou are a house repair man and can do with a plain 3-r. house on edge of Omahn, but near good school and 7 blocks from cftr. Two of nme slz adjoining. New well and good neighbors. See us at once, 507 Paxton block. FOR COLORED Two" 6-room houses, close in, neur high school and Crelghton college; kckhI condition; newly painted; water paid. $12. Chn. E. Williamson Co. Phone Douglas 2107. Stores nnd Offices. FOR RENT Office room. 23x30 ft., on ground floor front. In, the Edward Cretgh ton Institute. 210 3. iith St., opposite city nan, xciepnone uouglas 6S43. CROUNSE HI.JC. Offl. rnntn tl M 16th St. Opposite post office. J7.00 per month. Conrad Young. 322 Brandels Thea. Doug. 1571. DESK room. Room 6. Continental Blk. FINELY furnished private office and reception room; sublet to desirable party for actual cost of rent. Address, K 303, Bee. FOR RENT For wholesale, light man ufncturlng or retail purpoes Farnam St. after December 31 tho thren story and basement building. 22x100 at No. 1011 Fai--nanr St. Upp.ir floors have light on three sides. Inqilip nt room 314 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg.. Telephone Douglas 1242. Warehouse. FOR nENT First floor and basement, 1102 Dodge St., 6,000 square feet net: five years lease: electric elevator; shipping platform and trackage. Possession given January 1. National Lead Co., E. E. Brando, Mgr. STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS. New York. Londonderry and Glasgow, New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and alt Scotch, English. Irish. Con tinental and Mediterranean Polngi. Su perior accommodations. Excellent cuisine. Efficient service. Apply for reservation to local agent of Anchor Lino or HEN DERSON BROTHERS, General Agents, Chicago. III. OFFERED FOR SAIiE Furnltnre. HOWE ventilator, furnlturo cheap. 2520 Cuming. COMPLETE dining room set, chiffonier, rocker and small table In best quarter pawed oak Phono Douglas 2179. Typewriters, A REMINGTON VISIBLE TYPE WRITER, brand new, for sale cheap. Sent on trial. MISS BERTHA MERDI3. Route 5. ROSEDALE. KAN. REBUILT and second hand typewriters rented 3 mo. for $S. Sold on easy pay ments. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months $5. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Slaslcnl Instruments, UPRIGHT piano, high grade; latest style. Fine condition. $90. 308 No. 16th. .Miscellaneous, FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories: bar fix tures of all klndc; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collcnder Co., 407-409 South 10th St. FOR SALE Very fine buffalo calf overcoat, beaver trimmed: about 42 waist: $100. 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7406. I THE ANGLE OIL LAMP, the light that never rails; more light ror less money. JOHNSON LAMP CO.. 621 SO. 16TH ST. Dry kindling. Acme Box Co. D. 1837. STORM SASH. CALL WEB. 2677. SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. 4K COAL) It's. good; try n ton; best for money. Web. 848. Harmon & "Weeth. FOR SALE $100 Fox typewriter, good as new, only $63. White's Loan Office, 1203 Douglas St. Bargains; unredeemed watches, Jewelry, o'coats, trunks. -Jeff'son Loan Co.,418 N. 16, All kinds machinery bought, sold and ex changed. II. Gross, Much. Ex.. 1001 Doug. Kindling. $4. H. Gross, lumber & wrecking. ON acount of moving into smaller quar ters must sacrifice some fine china, beautiful pictures nnd 20Qvolumes of high class fiction In best condition. Will sell for almost any price. Harney 400, or call at 422 N. 38th St. APPLES for sale; about 4,000 bushels of cholco winter apples of different vari eties In excellent condition by Edward Walder, 50th and Uenlngton, Kansas City Mo. GIRLS' bicycle and mahogany dlvan. 41 't S. 38th St. FOU SALE Cheap, quarter sawed oak cigar fixtures, also humidor, pipe pase, marblo bases. C. C. Cannam, 1511 Harney St. GAS range, upper oven. H. 6344. Old brick. $3.00: lumber, $12.00 to $15.00 per m. H, Gross Lumber and Wrecking Co. PERSONAIi MASSAGE. Mme. Allen ot Chicago. 203 Wlthnell Bldg., 15th and Harney. D. 7663. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. MAGNETIC healing, over, 710 So. 16th. MARSAtTh"1, Swedish movement. Apt. JVlAOOilUrl 2, 1802 Farnam. D. 6240. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair nnd sell at 131 N. Uth HU'for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. "Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. - YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union Btation. GALVANIC electric treatment, maseage. Dr. Walters. 309 S. 15th. 403 Ware Bldg. Af ARRAlTIT! Corns removed. 25c. Mrs. iYl-tQCi.VJJ-i Hayner. 707 S. 16 St. D. 4432 WIANTED To board, 1 or 2 children. II. 6620. BEST bracer for men. Gray's 'Nerve Food" Pills. $1 per box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. A business woman going to Los Angeles Cal., for tho winter lth her mother and a nurse will act as companion for jadlc4 or children who wish to make the trio I unattended. Every care nnd attention given, nave personally made tne trip 24 times. Best references given. Address M 276, care Omaha Bee. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles. 60c postpaid; samples free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha.J Massage, Mra. Goldsburg. 108 Boston Bid. MASSAGE, Mrs. Rlttenliouse, baths, electrical treatn.'ints. 4.8. Brandels The ater. Douglas 863. t MASSAGE Hours 1. noon to 8 p. m. Mra Steele. 109 So. 17th St.. room 1. BATHS,' SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. Druglesa treatments. 703 S. 16th. Apt. B. FOR SALE A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits. $16; alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Northwest Corner 15th and Harney Sts, FOR SALE-Massage business; will teach you for $15; lady only; give partic ulars with answer at once. W. 311, Bee. I'ET STOCK FOR SALE Bird dogs, "setters;" either sex. E. G. Kephart. Holt. Mo. FURNITURE DEALERS Dolgott 2dhand store pays highest prices for fiirnlture. clothes, sheer. Web. 1607. WANTED TO BUY WANTED A National cash rogltter and S or 10-foot display case: describe with price. Box 385, York. Neb. WANTED To buy 6 or 6-room house to be moved on a lot. would like nne within 13 blocks of 24th and Franklin. Telephone Red 4301. Bhatton buys, old clpthes, shoes. W. C479. WANTED TO IIUV. Typewriters Any standard make. Cen tral Typewriter Ex . 1907 Farnam. D. SW WANTED-To buy old broken watches and old gold. M. Nathan. 109 S. 13th St. WANTED TO llORROW. WILL pay good Interest for loan ot $3,000 to $10,000 on western prairie land. 100 per cent steam plow; want about $2.E0 per ncre on Innd worth $12 to $15. 3S37 Eleventh Ave.. So.. Minneapolis. Minn. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans nnd warrants. W. Farnam Smith fc Co.. 1320 Farnam St. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. City and Farm Loans John N. Frenzer. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Omai Nat ""LARGE loans our specialty. Stull BrosT ibo to$10.000 made promptly. F- D. Wead. Wcad Bldg- 18th and Farnam. Ci ARVrtfTVROK Loans. $600 and up. LfiUtVljN XSitUO. omaha Nat. Rank. 6 i'ITV T.nVK Hemla.Pnrlherir Co.. 0 810-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. FARM LOANS near Omaha; no com mission; optional payments; cheap money. Orln S, Merrill. 1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg LOANSon farm and Improved city prop crty. 5 per cent to 6 per cent: no delay, J. H. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam. Omaha. ""MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties. $1,000 to $30,000. W. H.. THOMAS. 228 State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. MONEY to loan on Improved farms in eastern Nebraska. Loans made for 5Vi per cent, with privilege of paying all or part of the principal after 3 years. For further particulars write to home office. The Equitable Loan Co., Percy E. Gwynne, Ass't Seo'y, Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE SEND for our system of exchanges. Shopen & Co., Dept. B. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Furniture stock In exchange for quarter section of South Dakota land and balanco cash. Rox 383. Spencer, la. FOR SALE or trade, a millinery stock and fixtures In live Neb. .city; excellent location, long established; Best reason for selling. Address Inquiries to James Faw throp. 200 So. 12th, Lincoln, Netx CLEAR land worth $2,400, $4,600, $12,000, to exchango for equity closo In Invest ment or homes. Address 427 Y. M. C. A. REAL ETATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. '206 Brandels Theater. ACREAGE FOR. SAL-. A, NICE B-ACTVE PLACE. Three mileR out, with two good, hard roadsto city; near graded school. Has good 6-room cottage, with large porches on south and east sides. Cave cellar, windmill, several acres In grapes anil berries, a few apple, cherry and plum trees. Owner going blind and cannot take care of the place. Offers for $2,760.. See us about It. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. CITY PROPERTY FOn .SALE. 12 Investment Close In - This is -three strictly modern, attached brick houses, having 7 rooms and recep tion hall each, now renting for $1,620 per year. They are exceptionally well built, nearly new. In first-class condition; and close to tho high school and within 'easy walking distance from the retail business center.- This Is one of the best paying In vestments of its kind on tho market to day and we can sell It at a price that will net the Investor 10 per cent interest on his money after paying all fixed charges. Terms $8,000 cash balance at 54 per cent. Be sure nnd see us about this Investment, as It must be ,told at once If bought on a 10 per cent net basis. George & Company 902-12 City National Bank Bldg, Phone Douglas 766. New Square House Walking Distance Has reception hall, living room, dining room with plate rail and panelled walls. These rooms finished In oak, nlco roomy kitchen with pantry and entry way. Three large bedrooms, and bath with tiled walls, on second floor; oak floors through out. Elegant lighting fixtures and house nicely decorated. Bnsement cemented, hot nlr furnace, sink for laundry purposes. On corner lot In a fine neighborhood. Streets paved, paving paid. This can be handled for a few hundred down and balance like rent; would consider a good vacant lot or auto fi exchange. SCOTT & HILL, 307 McCagUo Hldg. Douglas 10)9. Kountze Place A beautiful home, Just completed and well located. Every residence In this block Is less thnn one year old: large living room with fireplace, dining room with paneled .walls nnd beam celling, kitchen and rear entry. Three largo bed rooms on second floor, one of them Is 12x19 feet, and bath room with flno fix tures. This house Is finished In oak throughout: all walls nicely decorated; absolutely (complete and ready to oc cupy, located 2121 Pratt St. Price $5,950. Easy terms. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270. Real Estate Contract For $770 Which Is a first Hen on a nice hoVne, sold for $1,650. Purchaser pays $15 per month and 7 per cent semi-annual In terest, and has never missed a payment. This Is first class. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. THE ROSEBUD LAJND CO. handles exchanges nt all kinds. Room 6, Continental Blk.. Omaha. Kountze Park New Bungalow Has reception hall, living room, dining room, den and kitchen: these rooms fin ished In oak. except kitchen. Beam ceil ings In living room and dining room, also built-in bookcase, china closet, buffet, panelled walls nnd plate rail. Second floor has two large bedrooms, and bath with tiled nails, nlso store room an I linen closet. Basement cementeD, hn guaranteed furnace and tank -tonnecteil. sink for laundry purposes. On a corner lot at Eighteenth and Laird Sts. TIun bungalow can be bought for a few hun dred cash and balanco like rent, or would consider a good vacant lot or auto In exchange. For further Information, see SCOTT & HILL, 307 McCaguo Bldg. Douglas low, , - FIELD CLUB HOME J100 DOWN Valance monthly, will buy a dandy home located In the Field club district; hall, parlor, living room with fireplace, stairs; double stairway; five bed rooms and bath on second floor; cemented cel lar, with three laundry tubs; modern plumbing; good furnace; strictly -modern In every way, lot. 40x124, paved street, close to car and good school, fine neigh borhood. Price only $3,500. Come in und wa will show you what a snap this Is. BEMIS-CAIiLBERG CO. 310-313 Brandels Theater Hldg. SACRIFICE of C 6 or 7-rooru-property; best offer gets them. Telephone owners Webster 3229. ' CHEAP HOME New. modern ' rooms and sleep' r porch. oak finish. mne'l.-d w m. window seat latest comblnutlou fixtmee floored attic, ctote In. :as tciin Tele phone owner. Douslu 152. ) 1 f. I