Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Bee's Letter Box
tnvltti short contributions on cur
rent topics from Be readers. Let
i hear Ironx you. Limit 300 words.
Generally fair
VOL. XI At NO. 143.
Discrimination Against American
Trade Must Stop, gays Execu
tive in tteacage.
Full Maximum Tariff Rate is Fa
vored for Certain Nations.
It is Better Than Bullets and Much
' More Effective.
First MrimiKe l Ieoleil Kntlrelr to
Itelntions Alirontl Other Sub
jects Are to lie- Trentctl In
Later MrMium,
WASHINGTON, i Dec 3. - President
Taft's first message to the last session
of congress In his term was received with
close attention, of both branches when
legislative business began today. Dealing;
entirely with foreign relations and Amerl.
ea's commercial progress in foreign trade,
the message paved the way for others the
chief executive will send later dealing
with the biff questions of legislation and
A note of warning Jo power which by
'ndlrect mentis continue to discriminate
'.Igainst American trade; a strong appeal
to the congress to uplift the great for
eign policies of America above mere
questions of partisanship; a triumphant
vindication of ho diplomacy of the ad
ministration, which is characterized as
that of "dollar versus bullet"; a
masterful pride Jn the 'enormous expan
sion of American trade as a result of
the foreign policies of his administration,
and an earnest appeal for Joint action by
congress and the executive to open new
markets for American industries these
are the more striking features of tho
Flrat of ui Merlon, I
The message is tho first of a series of
such communications which he will mako
to congress in tho early days of the
aeislon, and deals entirely with tho for
eign relations of the United States. He
ginning with the usual reference to the
existing good relations with foreign
powers, the president adds htat these
have been strengthened by "A greater
insistence upon justlco to American
citizens, or interests, wherever It may
have been denied, and a stronger Am
phasis of the need of mutuality in com
mercial and other relations."
orjthe'' first" time In "Ha'tilstory, says
the presidents the- State aepartmen't jms
obtained substantially tho most favored
nation treatment from all of the coun
tries of the world. Therefore, he says
that it Is only- natural that competitive
countries should view with some con
cern the expansion of our commerce.
Hence the warning. "If In some In
stances the measures taken by them to
meet it are hot entirely equitable, a
remedy should ba found."
Recommends lietnllntion.
To this end. the president strongly
recommends the enactment of the bill
recommended by Secretary Knox last
December, permitting tho government,
instead of Imposing the full maximum
rates of duty agalnut discriminating
countries, to apply a graduated scale of
duties, up to that maximum of 15 par
"Mat tariffs are out of date," says the
president. "Nations no longer accord
equal tariff treatment to all other na
tions, Irrespective of the treatment from
them received. It Is very yieces
Hary that the American government
should be equipped with weapons of
negotiation and adapted to modern
economic conditions."
The State department, "an archaic and
Inadequate machine," at the beglnlng of
this administration, the preseldent says,
has become a new organization, with
highly specialized bureaus and experts
dealing with every phase of tAmerJcan
trade and diplomacy. Holding that tluj.
essence of this reorganized service Is
found In the merit system. President Talft
makes a strong appeal to congress o
make this machine permanent, by giving
the force of statutory law to the ex
ecutive orders governing admission to
and promotion In the diplomatic and con
sular services.
To show that these appointments are
already largely nonpartisan, the president
points to the fact that three of the
present ambassadors are hold-overs; that
of the ten he has appointed, five were by
promotion from the rank of minister,
that of the thirty ministers appointed,
I'leven were promotions, and Hiat in the
consular service no less than. 53 per cent
of the "consuls appointed by him were
from the southern states.
"The diplomacy of the present uMmlnts.
tration has sought to respond to modern
deas of commercial Intercourse," says
President Taft. "This policy has been
"haracterlzed as substituting dollars for
bullets. It Is one that appeals alike 'to
deallastic humanitarian sentiments, to
tie dictates of sound policy and strategy.
nd to legitimate commercial aims."
The president adds that "because mod
rn diplomacy is commercial, there has
been a disposition in some quarters to
(Continued on Page Two.) '
The Weather.
Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
- Fair tonight and Wednesday; not much
iliunge In temperature.
at Omaha
"our. Degree.
8 a. m at
S a. in 3t
I m at
a. in..... ji
. m a
W a. m as
II a. m its
12 m
' P- m tc
- ! m
3 p m .. . yi
- tiiT"'"'
j Czar Will Announce
His Attitude Toward
I American Commerce!
j ST. PKTKHSBUUO, Dec. 3. -It is of. !
j finally announced today lint the Hussion '
(government pill imlillsh on January 1, j
uio uny oi me expiration of the Kusso- I
American treaty of commerce uml navlga- ;
mon. a statement outllnlnr its futnru
commercial policy toward the United
j States and also h provisional tariff which
'hiii noi contain uny great Increase over
eating tariff.
ine policy or the Htmslan government.
it Is said, will not be Imbued"- by any
spirit of animosity, but will be directed
solely to the protection of- the Hussion
I markets and be assuring to-the Husslan i
uonsumrr the mdst fuvorahle conditions
of supply of the staple Imports hitherto
coming direct from the United State -namely,
cotton, faint tnachlnciy and Im
plements. The pressure exerted on Husela In the
matter of Jewish passports mid the le
suiting denunciation of tho Husni-Amorl-
Russian government to thr necessity of f
protecting the interest!! of Husslan con- i
sumeis. Hm-sla. It Is pointed out. now .
j grows more thnn half the cotton it con- '
jKiimcs, mid Iti fifteen years from now it '
will In thN rfsprct become self-sufficing.
; me i-nniMi states contemplnto .
u.v....uK measure against Husslan
promir.ts or shipping. It is argued hero , state convention this morning In the
that It would be well to roinember that : council chamber of-the city hall.
Uussln is ab!e to seek cattlo In Kgypt and with the oxplratlon or tho term of of
India and machinery lii- Kncland nmi in .,.i,ii, t nu. rtu,i nr i c
Orozco Questions
Right of President
to Order His Arrest
AUSTIN. Tex.. Dec. 3.-The constitu
tional right of he federal government
to hold violatois of neutrality laws prison
ers at the wish of the president of the
United States was argU'.d today In tho
habeas corpus suit for the retraso of
Colonel Pasnual Orozco. father of the
D r, , II , , a,,"Ulll be made by some sort of proccduie
up la Fuente. Both are sp-klng re case . . ... ... .... .. ... .... ......
from the military priton at Pan Antonio.
where they are held for their Mexican
' revolutionary activities.
I Federal District Attorney Hoynton In
j outlining the government's case said the
I power delegated to the president by the
l neutrality section of the Denal eoJn is
i discretionary. j
Counsel for Orozco deiiled the president
had the right to order the arrest of any I
one except under due process of law, anil j
snld he would Insist ihnt HiIn I- ti.o flr ;
time in history that n. president has evi
tried to exercise such discretion.
Mr. Hoynton admitted there is not smf
flclent ground on which to base a charge 1
at this time against the prisoners, but
said they were hld. by the military I
au.thorit.lpa, wjth .thpihop o'fMiu-ninK..thenH
over to the cMI authorities, but that tfie
time tills" would be done was IndcflnUe.
Former Nebraskans
Elect EE, J, Penfold
IT. J. Penfold, a former king of A!f-Sar-nen
and Omaha business man, ha-j
been chosen president of the Nebraska
State society of San Diego county. Call.
j-fornia. He was elected At the n
meeting at the Mihlon Cliff with about
350 former Nebraskans In attendance.
Mr. Penfold In an address at this meet
ing spoke of the necessity of co-operating
with tho exposition authorities to
procure nn appropriation from the Ne
braska stnte legislature for nn exhibit
at tho Panama exposition In .San Kran'
cisco in 1915. Ho asked the former Coru
huskers to addrcsn the legislators of Ne
braska, giving them information relative
to the exposition and the urgent need of
a Nebraska exhibit there.
Others elected at the meeting were;
A. A. Thomas and Mrs. U W. IJIlllngsley,
vice presidents; TJwlght D. Uell, secre
WASHINGTON, Dec. J.-Presldent Taft
today sent to the sennte nomlnatiqns of
the following to be postmasters:
C. A. Connelly at Independence, Kan
John, R. Chache, San Jose, Cal.
S. A, Finger, Davenport. In.
William C. Bdwards, Wichita, Kan., re.
The Bee and the Nebraska
Votes for Women Movement
' "iff I . Defended. jieport Its considerations Hhortly.
. Judge Archibald's attorney replied to all . According to Mr. ltosowater thn com
nie rollowinjr correspondence between the, editor of The Bee nliil the'0' tho Impeachment charges made by thn mlUee had agreed upon the retention or
president of tho Nebraska Woman Siiffrace association is ..'f n..i,...,.,... ! houge' ,,e0,ftrlnE thnt u, witnesses sum- j rort Crook ag a atrlH0U 1K,t, but upon
IVWUV . buiimro association, is se.f;exiIanalory: j mon,d in behalf of the accused Jurist ' ,ile ubrtndoment of Fort Crook. Of
IJNCOliN, Xeb Xor. 11. 5tr. Virlor ltosewatcr, Kditor Omaha I'ee, i wu' substantiate their claims; tbatttourse It Is a far cry between u recom-
Omaha, XelK
ii... n,. ,
. Jiear Mil . in Hie
frnge association, at Its convention in
in mlinii iu .....i , 1
IU BUlllllli liie IllieSIIOn Ol irnlllmi vil
fall, by InitJntivo petition, what will
Vonrs, very truly,
OMAHA, Xov. 21. Dr. I, 0.
,. ,
nuurage Association, Mncoln, Xeb.
answering your letler due to pressure of other matter,
question, and ore entitled to a frank answer.
Tl. e,.,,,M.lo..,
. ,.... .w. .,.,.,.,. oUl.Hfto nui iwvo lair ireaunent tor iotll,jUdgo Archbuld
! sides accorded Jn the columns of Tho
readers fully informed of Its progress. f
The nee's editorial page discussions will continue lo he controlled by
the editor with complete independence
j tlon. -
l It Is decided to proceed at
confined to nsklnc for an omiortunltv
', I
i from the suffrage clause of the constitution, The Itee will he glad lo help
not (lie iiivi.mpv xliniiiiiirMi ami
' "
for ro-operallon Hi tms part of the
Very truly yours,
Opening Session Will Ue Held This
Morning at the Omaha
City Hall.
Interesting Programs to Last During !
Three Days' Sessions.
Want the Word Male Stricken from
the Franchise Clause.
U.'mn rn t inn U First Kvrr Hold In
OninliTmuil U I.ooUril on kn Kn re
runner of mi Active t'nmitnlun '
hy (In- Women.
-Voman's suffrage will 'hold sway this
week when .the members of the Nobraska
Suffrage association will convene for the I
I'Phllbrlrk of 'Lincoln hs president of the
j association, It Is igenernlly conceded that
! the office will be -filled by an Omaha
j woman. ' ' I
I This is the first meeting of the state 1
j association to bo held in Onmiihu and it ,
IB me liill.lj -neuiNiu hhiiuhi i-utm iiuuH.
The. women are detel mined that this
year they will start an active campaign
for tho right to vote, rind the state will
be thoroughly caijvnsscd and each dis
trict will be In charge of somo one who
will "ninke things hum," said Mrs. V
H. Shafcr, cx-prcsldent of the Omaha
.Suffrage association, Tuesday morning.
It Is expected by he suffragists thnt
I an amendment to the state constitution '
to strike from the lines of tho section
which makes the. provision as to the re
quirements of tho voter the word "mnle."
Just how this .will be dono will bo de
elded nt the meetings of. the convention
this week.
I Meet In City Hnll. '
The halls and council chamber of-the
oltv ,m" wl" decorated with the nn-
tional colors, yellow aim w. te, aim me
international color of lavender. Tlio
stage will be. decorated with American
flags and maps with the stales whlcii
have adopted woman' suffrage outlined I
With the yellow will be Included In tho j
(Continued on Pago Two.)
-r T . T tJ- j.
U fVJOi. SneeCl:--JC OUnQ... rVf
. r , it,. 't '-kir t
JNOt iruiity oi iviuraer
of Oapt, A, G-. Boyce!
VOrtTH, Tex.. Die. 3.-J Deal j
wan today found, not guilty of
the murder of Captain Al 0. Hoycc, si.,
Sneed shot Captain Hoyce lo death on
January 13. In Kort Worth, soon after
Sneed had returned from Winnipeg.
Canada, with his wife, with whom Al
O. Boyce, Jr., sou of Captain Boyce. had
Sneed claimed self-defence and also a
conspiracy on the part of the Hoytes to
rob him of his wife. Al Boyce. Jr., ivns
killed by Sneed In Amarlllo, Soplcmbi-i
ii liiHt Kneel will hp trleil nn tlilx rhi.ri.-A
In February at Vernon.
The families Involved In the two
tragedies are wealthy and have luyl
prominent parts in the upbuilding of
Texas. After the olopmont Sneed spent
fclO.OOO In a charm across tho continent to
find hie wife.
Sneed'h first trial on the charge of kilt
ing Captain Uoyce resulted In a disagree
ment. The dpinotiHtiatlou by Sliced and his
attorneys over tliK, verdict was spe".
tacutar. Walter Scott and AV. P. Mc
lean, Jr., defense lawyer's, were fined for
throwing their hats over the' chandeliers
In the court room.
Sneed emitted a cowboy yell, but the !
court refused to censure him 'or in fln I
him. .
Mrs. Sneed awaited the verdict In a
downtown hotel. Sneed telephoned tho
news to her.
. , , ; ircinmiu nan iiern Kuiuy in no wioins
eent that the .Nebraska Woman HuN, doing, and that his relutlois to certain
Omaha December I, .i and fl, votes100"1 la"d dfaU hatl Ur'11 open nn( """'(fa' ","", that nothing will be aocom-
I frnrrn l.n ..A. ..r a
inu ?yicin ii nil' mhi next
he th nirli..,l. f ti.- it.w. .....-.i
INK C. PHlhnitlCK,
President Xebraskn Woman Suffrnge AKsorUIIon.
I'hllbrick, President NJebrahka Woman
.My Ucar .Madam: Pardon delay in
..,, ,
Ileo. which will nlm to keen nor
and upon the merits of the proposi-
TOKIO. Dec. 3. MarUlM SalonJI, the
(Japanese premier, lias, It Is understood,
once hy initiative, and (he petilion Irt'dccldsd to tender his resignation to th.
to vote, to strike thn Mi ...,.i..!e,")eror tomorrow, owing to the dlffl-
nnioi. .. mnm ...ii.i.i.. .
' " K ""Kr.ui.iii
work. I hare the honor lu he,
hare the honor lu be,
From the New York World.
Judge Hears Assertion that,He Has
Degraded High Office. .
t i 'i - . ".
Attorney for .lurlM Drelnre Wl(
iiexac Will Prove He In (iullly
of no AVronicv Ilolnur In Colli
linnd lien In.
ii.iulnvi.miv t t i ... i)..i...,t
WAfc.lIlNOT.ON, Dec. 3.-Judge Itoboi t
! y. Arclibald of the United States coin
! mcrce court sat beforo tho bar of tho
seimto today and heard himself referred
to as ono who had "prostituted his offl-
,.ni n.iiinn tn rwiTirtniil iji-ofli." wlio bud
"commercialized his potentiality as u
Judge" and who had "degraded his offlco
'and destroyed tho confidence of tllp pub-1
I ho m his integmj.
i To this arraignment by Ucproannlntlvn
I Henry 1J. Clayton of Alabama, i-"liresent-
jlng tho managers for the house of icpie
scntatlves in the Impeachment proceed;
Ings ugoiiist the Jurist, Judge Archbuld's
chief counsel, A. B. Worthlngton, made
an emphutlc denial. 1 lo declared the
house had brought proceedings against
Judgo Arclibald upon facts that If prop
erly analyzed showed the Jurist's motives
to bo un iuestlonable.
"I do not like to think that any man
can bo brought Into a court of Justice
anywhere and made to answer charges
no vngun and Indnflnltp," added Mr.
I Worthlngton.
Judgu Aichbald sat with his attorneys
'at tho right of tho bar and tho house
maiiHgern occupied corresponding -positions
at tho loft.
Itopteseiittttlvo Clayton, making the
opening statement for the homo, de
clared the facts shown in the Investiga
tion of Judge Archbuld's "business rela
tions with coal companies and railroads
showed that Ills "sense of morality had
been deadened," and that he had UM-d his
i official position tu Induce officials of
railroads i hat wero or might be litigants
: before his court to grant him favors or
Ito consent to bubtness deals.
Hl ...Il.,.,i. Ill 1 .....1
' ' ii mm wiiurBtw win in Miiiiiiiuiini
l)rorH u,e HfMte court ot impeachment
1 It la AVnAAt 1. Sir.
persons called will bo Ilward J. AVill
lams, Charles F. Conn, Wllllum A. May
-,und J. II. ftlttenhouse of Hcrantton and
Oww & nrownell of Nw Vork. general
i solicitor for the Krle railroad.
Few new facts were brought out cither
1 1 . Ii a linlluj. in 'i in iuru . 1 1 T 1 1 . 1 irnli.
Voil ask a blunt jbahiV, .attorneys that had not been pre
sented In the original articles of Impeach-
rnent and the fonnal answer made by
Japanese Premier
Decides to Resign
. (ultv of finding a successor lo r.len
ulty ot finding a sucpessor lo Lieutenant
General l yelwro ha mlnl.tei of war.
r or war.
1 Japanese pres severe
the aftloir of Prince Vamagata
fa ll n A tu hi
. .r :
.tta, 'ngithaf It is now a Midlght
a. d ti-t
inl'ltar ubtl-constit Jtionullsni
instlt'Jt r.n
v Allies,
The National Capital
" Tncyiilny, Herein lirr It, 11(12.
.AlpfsnsiJ l-pild from President Taft. rr-
Viewing Amerleun fnlellrn rrliillnns. IMC
lug that the fundamental foi'Plgn policies
of (he nation lie ralHed above the con
flict of iiMrtlsaiishln.
llbhm Dollar of San Ki'nnclico recom
I mended cliangrs. iu seaman's Involuntary
'serxltude. testifying beforo commcrco
1 fcUbenmmltlce.
Wllllnni P. Jackson of Maryland and
Klrlland I. Perky of Idaho were sworn In
senator Penrose Introduced
bill for
I-cent letter Hostage.
Senator McCumber Introduced n bill to
pension former presidents a command-
I ers-lli-chlof of the nnv at 110.000 anuu
I "i'V n'1 5'n0 for t,,rwrr vrnU-M'
At ll.'W tlin trial of Judge Hubert W.
Arclibald on articles of Impeachment bo-
I meeting at 2 p. m. ihillv the court re-
. censed until 2 p. in.
1 Chairman Crawford of claims committee
guvp notice he would ask for coiiHlclrni-
tlon of omnibus claims bill Wednesday,
The 1 1 ii use.
Convened at noon.
'Consideration of Adamaon bill for phy
sical valuation of Interstate railroads was
Aepresentatlve Levy Introduced a reso
lution (Hireling the secretary of treasury
to. deposit In national banks IM.OOO.OOO to
relieve the "Sharp uml active . demand
for money,"
War Department
Plans to Abandon
Fort Crook Post
(From a Staff Correi-pondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. -(Spi-clal THo
gram.) The committee from the Dar ie.
partment with the duty of lecommendlng
to congress a redistribution of the troops
and incidentally the abandonment of cer
tain garrisons, which Is still uppermost In
the mind of Cleneral Wood, Mr. Hose
water learned today hud partially com
pleted tho work assigned It-and would
. menaatioii linn tile acconiDllshment of
the act bv leclsiation. and u i. w.,ttv
pilsiied nlong thwso lines during the pros
I . i. ... m
j nu hphhiuii ui COIlsrfSK.
Oeorge H. !Unom and wife of Han
I croft, who have been on a visit to their
son. H. If. Hanson, chief of the micro'
I scoplcal division of the ruheuu of aiilmil
; Industry, left for their Nebraska horn
j today. They
"several week
have befii In the east foi
' several weeks.
Cattle Tick Big
Factor in High
Cost of Living
CHICAGO. Dec. 3.-"An Important
factor In thn present' high cot of llvlnr
I Is tho Insect, known ns the tick, which
by attacking cattle in every part of the
countn costs tho people J10O.0OO.O0O an-
nually," said Dr. Peter F. Ilahnsen, state
veterinarian of Heorgla. in addressing the
l'nlte.1 States Live ritock Sanitary uwo-
j elation hero today.
. lligld enforcement of luspvctlon aws to.
e.y crillcuiedrevent tho shipment or Infected cattle
ftnlii .nuiliutvirtt. I1..I,. .. 1 i
..." . J! " . '
juiMiiui' oi in in in i Him si'icK raiser
wrre nggtU'd as a remedy for Ihe
Dissolution of Hnrriman Lines Meant
Much to This City.
Mon? Officials nml Clerks Will He
llronlilit lo nmnlin HendMunr
ter lleeniisn of the Urn
eminent' Aellnu,
Monduy afternoon when the I'nlted
8tates supreme court at Washington dis
solved (he moVger ot the Union ulid
Southern Pacific railroads that trlbual
gave Omaha one of tho greatest boosts
In Its history, according to railroad men,
Thn foregoing Is the unanimous opinion
of ttll'rallroad men outside of thn Pnlon
Pacific family, who aro noncommittal
upon tho subject, though thoy- admit that
lu no wise will the decision Injure Omaha
or the Overland system,
By the terms of thn decision or the
court the Union Pacific Is given authority
to nouulro the Central Pacific, the lines
extending from Ogden to San Francisco,
a distance ot nearly 1.O0O miles. Steps
looking to thn acquiring of this property,
It Is said, have already been taken and
In Salt Ilake City next Thursday the
first meeting of officials having this
end III vew will be held. President
Muhler of the Union Pacific has gone to
that city and ho will bp followed by both
freight and passenger truffle officials of
the company. Tlio.executlve and traffic
officials of the Central Pacific, the Ore
gon Short Line rjnd the Oregon & Wash
ington Navigation company are on tho
way nnd will participate lu a meeting
that will discuss nnd formulate n plan
for the operation of the four roads as
one. this plan to be submitted to a reor
ganization commltteo that will hold a
meeting In New York In the near future.
lliirrliniiii Wniileil hut One Hoatl.
When the late Kdwara II. Ilarrlman ac- i Turkey is to havn the right of revlotual
uulreil the KoiiiAeru ami Central Pacific ni! B) its besieged fortresses and all
(Continued on Page Two.)
New York Gunmen
Are Not Wanted
In Los Angeles
I.OS AKdKM&S, Dee. 3.-The police of
Long Beach announced today that steps
would he taken to discourage or to pro
hibit If possible the proposed Istt of
Sam Sohepps, the New York gangster, to
that city, where his sister, Mrs. IX Levy,
' Levy, stated that she has
! Tom He.rothrr since the con-
ciusion ot me trial, although it wan re-
tMirteri lhat behnrma wrm .ti win. In i
her home
The polio, asserted today they had
Bdward W. Dauuler, u chauffeur, yester
day was Ihe work of gunmen recently
arrived from the cast. A rigid Investisa
tlon has been ordered.
Smallpox in State
TT 'i. 1 T
HOSPltal I0r InSane
Tni.i'.nri it itn ft iii..... -i.i..
Insane natlent. In th. T,,IH,.
' ' " . ii "a VI viilH!.,tiiii ... I I
pltal. heretoforo diagnosed as chioken pox,
has been definitely pronounced smallpox
by the rlty health department. These pa
tients, with two llimates of tho Institu
tions who are uffeclcil. and 100
00 oilier
been ex-
. ... . . . . . :
fM)M.d , .,. , ' ,,, ,,. (
lniic.iis an emniovcs wnn mive iu.m y
tiv til
a men's ward. There are no strong w
g WardS
.ii tlie inunlrlpol jtest lionf and the pa.,'"' a ln xne roec'1t demonstrative
Unit' some or whom are violent at times, ' ha,n gf vWl ot c''""tesy wbl. h lk
inini'H be removed to that Institution,
Bulgaria, Servia and Montenegro De
cide to Proceed with Negotia
tions Without Ally.
Other Nations Mak" it Plain that
They Arc Ready for Peace.
Abandonment of Claim Makes New
Division Necessary.
iJreree Seen Hint Pnri of Territory It
Conquered Muat He ilen Vp r
llulunrln Concede Adrla
iiople to Turkey,
ii:h.i,F.ti.. '
CONS'i'A NTI NOPLK, Dec 3,-lO:W p.
H Is officially announced that ah
armistice has been signed between Tur
key and Hulgarla, Servlu and ilont
negro. Apparently U recce hM not
LONDON, Dec. 3,-Adrlnnople was th
obstacle which threatened to wreck thn
parleys between the plenipotentiaries of
Turkey and tho lialkan allies when they
llrst opened at nagtcho and AdrlanoptH,
appeared again at the end of the nego
tiations as to tho most serious hlndranco
to tho attainment of nil agreement.
"At the first session iho Turks abso
lutely refused to surrender Adrlnnople,
hut when the Hulgarians finally yielded
to them on this point, the Greek dele
gates shrank back and demanded tluio lit
which to submit the question to the gov
ernment at Athens,
The rason for the Greek's objection to
such submission Is not far to seek, ac
cording to (diplomats. It is pointed out
that It Is obvious that If tho Hulgarians
sacrifice the ultimate possession ot
Adrlanopln In the interests ot general
peace, thoy will expect their allies to
share their sacrifice nnd tho only way In
which this ran bo dono Is to give llul-
,l,arlu compensation in the slmpo ot ter
ritory conquered by the Clrceks, Servians
and Montenegrins and which they staked
out for themselves. Hence "the wall from
Athens that any concessions to Turkey
will "endonger the fruits ot victory gained
by thn allies above all those ot arrece
and Servia."
Oreeee, apparently, fears that In cas
Turkey iittlrpMcty retains Its northern
fortress, llulgsrta wll more -actively-dlt-putp'Jiellenlo
claims lu the possession df
'Che firm and unchangeable Httltudn of
Turkey on the subject of Adrlknopl
throughout the negotiations Is nhown in
u telegram from the sultan to King Ferdi
nand to the effect, thnt whllo he is
prompted by the most peaceful motives
he Is unable to runounca Turkey's hold
on Adrlanople, which all Ottomans con
sider as a Mohammedan sanctuary.
Diplomats In all tho Kuroncan countries
am anxious to sen the real peace nego
tiations begun, as they consider there
will then be a better chance of reaching
a settlement of the Austro-Servlan ills,
putr, which Is still worrying the nerves
of Europe.
Oreeee Hitler nl lliilirnrlii.
The bitterness of feellpg between,
Oreeee and Hulgarla was reflected today
at the CI reek lpgatiou In London. Tho
0 reck minister claimed that the action
of Ihe drrek floet was the "one decislv
factor of the whole war. Without the
presenco of our ships Turkey would Iirva
been able to bring Its best trocfrs from,
A hIii Minor and flank the Bulgarian
armies, 'thus rendering their magnificent
victory nulte Impossible."
Ah regards th Bulgarian position at
Tchatuljtt, It appears that Greece mor
thuit onco offered Bulgaria, threo divi
sions of fresh troops and the entire us
ot the Greek fleet to augment the fore
before the Tchataljn lines, but received
no reply, to Its offer.
Teriim of Ariutstlee.
The terms of the armistice between
tho Turkish and Bulgarian armies as
accepted by Bulgaria provide that th
truce shall continue during the whola
nerlod of the ncace negotiations.
the detached bodies of Ottoman troops
I remaining lu Macedonia and elsewhere
j as well as the Turkish population In the
various parts of the theater of war,
For revlctualllng It may use the Adrla- I.. n.1.lltl... n 1 1, a
ordinary available routes, The allied Bal
kan nations are to furnish safe conduct
for tho levlctualling parties and Otto
man convoys are to bo permitted to pass,
if necessary, through the forces of the
Tho blockade of the Aegean and Ad
riatic coasts of Furopean Turkey Is to
bo raited.
Xe""re. '"'laiir regari.ed as
fel" f.' ,. 'l.!1!" "L i'!,,.8
find In revlctualllng her scattered forces
' tnelr "'raot,ca, "ffect probably will not
i "L ,ver' 1!"r,.a? .... . .
armistice was regard?., as an Integral
part of the peace negotiations ulso helped
Turkey to secure more favorable terms
than would have been granted under
other circumstances.
Hiiuiuuiilnn Crown Prince In Berlin.
B KH LIN, Dec. 3. Crown Prince Ferdl-
j nana oi iioumama, accompanied by Gen-
!eral A,bert obesco of the Uoumanlaa
larml' I' r I V ll llul'. Mlinvi,nnl.ln .3
!" I .-.. w uill,lol,tUlj IUUU.
The prince was the guest of Emperor
I ""'"' luiivnoun, anu
in thn course.
of today and tomorrow will confer with
Albert von Klderlen-Waechter. Imperial
secretary for foreign affairs, and other
German statesmen.
XTr. n r, ililm. ....... a.... h.1 I . V. .
i ii.iuiiis me mean-
tlnK ot Pr,nce Ferdlnad's visit has been
' maae, out mo press generally declares
. thnl II ivrttl?,! tin. lij. vmrt n J .. U .
' made.
'vn.nur H
iContlnued on Page Two,l