Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Stsck-ralconsr Co., Undertakers.
HaTe Boot Print It Now Beacon l'ress.
lighting rixtures. Burgess-Qranden Oo.
Bailey the Dentist, City Nat'l. D. 35.
Diamond Loans at 2H and B per cent,
v. C. Flatau, !5H Dodge St. Ked M19.
Clara Scott Want Divorce -Clara A.
tcott has sued David C Scott for divorce.
Tou Can Start a Sarlnn Account a I
lit Nebraska Savings and Ioan Ass'n.
with HO) or more. 1C Farnam street.
Ben rraahlln Clnb Metti At the reg
ular weekly meeting of the Ben Franklin
flub at the Commercial club new meth
ods ofiwt tlndlng and genet-nl printing
biMnesa topics were discussed.
AUsohuler Discharged H. Alt.tchuler,
one of the proprietors of the dniK store
nl 816 Houth Tenth street, was discharged
In police court on a charge of conducting
a disorderly house and on another charge
of selling llqunr without keeping a
Street Car Company Sued John Husso
has started suit for $23,000 personal Injury
tlamajM against the street railway com
pany. He alleges that while he vat
working for the company on tracks near
Krug park a crane dropped a rati on
him, striking his left arm so that It had
to be amputated.
City to Fay Kr. Xaagorshek A reso
lution allowing Mrs. Fannie Raagorshek
S00 damages for the- flooding of her house
due to grading of a street will bo sub
mltted to the city commission for adop
tion. Its adoption will be recommended
by Commissioner Mctiovern and City At
torney nine, to wirom Mrs. Rosgor
shek's request for $2,000 damages was re
ferred. The $S00, It Is understood, will
satisfy tho claimant.
Field Club Election
is Becoming Warm
Wednesday will be a lively day In Field
clnb circles. It Is the annual election
day when balloting will he In order from
9 o'clock In the morning until 6 o'clock
In the evening at the Burlington ticket
offleo. Fifteenth and Farnam streets.
Two slates have been put up In tho
nominations and the campaigning during
the day Is expected to be lively although
not participated In by the nominees.
I'hlllp Potter Is running on both elates
for treasurer and J. W. Hughes and Vf.
It. Wood are opponents for the secre
taryship. The directors to bo nominated
for the, coming three years are Hurry O.
Jordan, F. .T. Wcnrne, C. K. Dcnman,
R. R, Itnlney and J. W. Hughes. Jordan
Is on both directorate slates.
'Tho votes will be counted at S o'clock
In the evening at tho Commercial club.
The directors will hold a conference after
the meeting and name the president of
life club.
Many Interested
in' Parcels Post
Ciiculars sent out earfy In tho month
by Postmaster Wharton In regard to
parrels post are bringing hundreds of re
liefs and estimates from tho3 to whom
they have' been onr. Tho object of the
c'rijulars was to make ths public la pin
era! thoroughly acquainted with ths
methods and charges of the paveols past,
and to obtain .in Idea from the bualtiesn
houses as to-thc amount nf matter thuy
would send by this method during the
coming year, also whethe.- the mulling
!s to be local or foreign. .T-nJelns from the
:ountless replies, a groat deul of iutercst
js being taken In parcels post.
Out of nine marine recruiting substa
tions In what Is known at the Missouri
district, comprising the state of Nebraska,
Missouri, Kansas and Iowa, the station
located In Omaha accepted the largest
number of recruits during tho month of
December, It accepted ten out of forty
applicants. The stations are limited In
tho number they may accept during any
one month, and the examinations are
ipadft very rigid, as tho marine corps Is
usually full, so that few recruits are re
quired. At present, however, the marine
corpa Is 2S2 men short of the quota al
lowed by congress, as congress Increased
the force by ICO men at the last session.
Of these 409, already 218 have been made
uft in the yarlousTecrultlnc stations.
Nothing On Earth
Uki ZEMO for
Eczema, Try It!
Jwt Apply It On Any Eczema Spot
er Skin Blotch-That'U Prove It.
Every single eczema, sore you've got
on your body, all pain and unreachable
Itchmtr, every skin blotch will absolute
ly vanish as you never before believed.
It possible by the uso of the new reme-
-Terror Looks et You When Yen Have Skla
Trouble. Use ZEMO and Get Rid of
Them All Rlcbt Away.
ZEMO. There's no Question about
ti no doubt about It. It does the
tvork. It does it In a remarkable way,.
You never used anything like It be
fore. Tou can't find anything like It,
ilmply because there's nothing like
SKMQ known or sold today,
ZEMO will be a surprise to you
lust as It has been a surprise to thou
andi who have already tried It Tour
tret use of ZEMO will bring Instant
relief, potn nnd Itching will stop. It leaves
Ibe tkln clear os though you never had
rienia In your life.
And you ought to see how It goes
iftcr dandruff, tool Dandruff, yon
know, is merely eczema of the scalp.
'o. away goes dandruff, all ccsema, all
blotches, all spots.
Don't tnlea it for 25 cents. When
rou have proven with 25-cent bottl
now remarkable ZEMO Is to your own
satisfaction, then you can buy & $1
bottle, which contains aU time as
nuch as the 25-cent bottle,
Zcroo IS oJl and ajari: i-.u tr drug
gists everywhere and !n '.-ma n by Sher
man McConnell Prug A 16th and
Dodge Sta, 16lh and Ha rey Hsrney Sts..
ritb nnd Farnam Sis. 7.0 al Pharrnscy.
7-9 Noith 1T at
Roads Sought Not Monopoly, but a
Through Line to San Franoisco.
Uxpend Xenrly MOO, 000,000 In PJcl
trrnient Jltinp IftOt, tiolna tn
ShOTT T r j- Did ot Intern!
(n Stifle Competition.
The Union Pacific had associated wlUi
It as the appello In the merger fase Just
won by the government the other com
ponent parts nf the so-called Uarrlnnn
system, the Southern Pacific Oregon
Short Line and Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation company, now the Oregon &
Washington Railroad & Navigation com
pany. Tho railroads won the suit In the
United States circuit court' for the dis
trict of Utah, which was heard nt St.
Paul before Judge Walter IS. Sanborn
and had high hopes of securing n con
firmation before the United States su
preme court.
N. H. I,oomls, general solicitor for the
Union Paclflo, lu his argument In behalf
of the appellees, epitomized the rail
road's si do of tho case In these words:
"The object which tho Union Pacific
had In view In acquiring an Interest In
the Southern Faelflc was not to supprets
competition or to obtain a monopoly, JAit
to secure a permanent relationship' with
the Southern Fnclfto which would lnstne
for It a perpetual through line to Sun
Francisco, as contemplated by congress,
and give to It as welt an entrance Into all
the traffic producing centers of Cali
't Cunipetlujf l.lnrn.
Tho railroads denied that the Union
Paclflo and Southern Paclflo were com
peting lines, baaing their contention pri
marily on the point that the Southern
Pacific not only operated, but controlled
the broken water and rait route from New
York to San Francisco and nlso the rail
lino from San Francisco to Ogdcn, the es
sential part of the all-rail through route
from New York to Pan Francisco and tho
only lino over which tho Union Paclflo
could send Its California business.
The Union Paclflo undertook to show
Its Intent by the botterments made In
the system sluco tho merger. In the
argument It was pointed out that the
government foiled to show that the prop
erty liad deteriorated and that an a mat
ter of fact the defendants proved that
they had expended hundreds of millions
of dollars since 1901, the year of the
merger, In the physical Improvement of
these lines. They further cited that since
the acquisition of the properties by tho
late B. H. Harflman In 1S98 XB,i26,9SS
had been expended, on their reorganiza
tion and rehabilitation. -
Iiunc ami Luclii Cut-Offs.-The
Lane cut-off, Just outside of Omaha,
costing $3,S41,643, and the Lucln cut-off
apross Great Salt lake, costing: $S,3uS,S33,
are cited as two of the principal Items of
In further showing that the Union Pa
cific and Southern Pacific were essen
tially one continuous lino of railroad the
defendants set forth that the Southern
Pacific was not even bound by any agree
ment to submit to Joint rates' or tariffs.
The prosecution of this" caio was or
dered by President Roosevelt t and the
litigation has been pending -Sinco .In the
courts, running tho regular "gamut of'.pro
cedure. Associated In the defense with
Messrs. Loomls. for the Union Pacific
and Dunne of San Francisco for the
Southern Pacific were former Senator
John C. Spooner of Wisconsin, now a
New York attorney, and John G. MUburn
of Buffalo. "N
Take Down Xent Sums on Result of
Paciriu Merjfcr Suit.
The decision of the supremo court of
the United States dissolving tho merger
of the Union and Southern Pacific roads
proved a windfall to a large number of
Omaha men, many of them cleaning up
snug sums at tho commission houses and
brokerage offices.
Omaha men, at least a majority of those
who play the markets, have felt that
the court was going to knock out tne
merger, and last week when It was an
nounced that the decision was likely to
be handed down began to sell short on
both Union and Southern Pacific. Wihen
news of the decision was flashed over the
wires prices of the Pacifies began to
tumble from ITS, the high mark of the
morning. These prices went down by
quarters and halves until they reached
160, when there was a temporary rally
and they shot up a point or fo, only later
to drop back. In the meantime, how-
i ever, most of the Omaha speculators had
I made their killings, closing .out at the
I low mark, cleaning up good profits.
I .
Ham He Doe Not Think It Will
Have ncnrlnn on I'ntou I'nclflc.
When told that the United States
supreme court had dissolved tho menrrr
of tho Union and Southern Pacific roads.
President Mohler of tho Union Pacific
"Not having seen the full text or the
decision, I am not prepared to discuss
the matter, or express an opinion as to
the ultimate outcome. In fact, there !s
nobody here who would know anything
about what will be done, That Is mat
ter that will be disposed of In New York
by the members of tin executlvo boards
of the Pacific roads.
"I don't see what bearing the matter
could have upon the Union Pacific as It
i has been acting wholly within' the pro
i visions if law and there has been no
attempt, or desire to violate tho Shorivuiu
anti-trust or any other laws. If there Is
to be any rhauge In policy, or readjust
ment of matterv, I have not been ndvl-fd
as to the plans."
Clrnrnl Solicitor of Vnlnn Pacific
Declines to Tnlk,
't havo nothing, whatovor. to say,"
said N. II. Loomls, general solicitor of
the Union Pacific, when advised of tln
decision; "there U nothing 1 could say
with propriety."
Railroad Station
Robbed by Holdups
cSALT JiAKE CITY. Dee. l.-Two
' masked liUliw.tyiiii. unned with re
I givers, entered the Hamborger route
i Matlnn hero late tonight, compelled the
I tn ket agent to open the safe and robbed
,Jt of ufM)Ut 1309. The rohhi-rx t'xn bid
I ll,(r xii Hill "cium! .llplif' uml r-M urt.l
j There were no MMengera In the depot
I he depot
j si Hie time of the tolihi r
Smith Inheritance
Tax Suit Moved to
the Federal Court
Douglas county s suit against heirs of
the late Francis Smith to force iMMnent
of a $35,00) Inheritance tax, which thny
are charged with avoiding, was re-moved
to the federal court from the county
court on motion of nttorney for the
heirs. Ths Skinner Manufacturing com
pany and other parlies made defendant)
because they purchased proerty from
the Smith estate, demurred to the suit
on the ground that they huvo no Interest
In it and no Inheritance tav claim against
the estBte can bo a lien against their
Tho suit is entitled Dougtns county
against Oeorge Warren Smith, David
Clifford Smith and others. Jt was Insti
tuted by John H. tlrossman nnd Oeorge
K. Ilertrand after the county commis
sioners had contrarted to pay them S
er cent of any amount they should col
lect. In early days George Warren Smith,
David Clifford Smith and Francis Smith,
brothers, then of Maine, dealt extensively
In real estate In Omaha and Nebraska.
They became Immensely wealthy. When
Francis Smith died a few years ago his
surviving relatives began to fight for
his sharo of tho proporty. A law suit
was started, but It was dismissed when
a compromise was effected.
Such Declaration is Made in Report
to County Commissioners.
IloII Apt Used In IMwnr of lllietn nnrt
.Some lltvct Holes Are Reported
in Ilnre Itrrn Filled
wllh Putt j.
A report"!!! affidavit form that the new
county Jail Is not up to specifications has
been filed with tho Board of Pounty Com
mlssloners by A. J. I'. Bartschy, iron
work expert employed by the board to
inspect tho Jail.
The board notified Frank J. Link, n
representative of tho Pauly Jail Building
oompany of St. Iouls, that unless some
officer or representative of the company
with run authority to act appcare before
tho board within a few days tho board
will refuse to accept tho Jail and order
tho company to bring It up to specifica
tions. Link Is communicating with the
company by wire.
Bertichl's report says the rivets are
not counter sunk. He defines a counter
sunk ilvet ns ono sunk 30 per cent through
one Plate. If tho definition Is correct
the rivets are not counter sunk. Link
Bays the definition Is Incorrect. The
rivets In tho Jail are counter sunk a six
teenth of an Inch, and in so being con
form to specifications, which call for
counter sunk rivets. Link says the
Hertschy definition applies only to head
Ilolen PlnRacil rrltli Putty.
Mr. Dcrtschjv reports that In some In
stances toolproof pins nro used to secure
non-toolproof steel. In some places bolts)
ar used In place of rivets. Some rivet
holes are filled with nutty nnd contain
no revets. Mr. Link says tho specifications
call for rivets one Inch apart. So many
rivets are placod. The pulty-fllled holes
are additional ones. They were placed
where specifications call for no rivets at
all. They were not filled for th"e purpose'
of deception, hut simply because the
open holes would mar the appearance of
the compelted Jail.
Action U Deferred.
Friday the board was about to adopt a
resolution Instructing the Pauly company
to bring the Jail up to specifications. Mry
Link asked thnt action be deferred until
P. J. Pauly, hend-bf the Jail building
company, could come 'to Omaha and try
to convinco- the board that the specifica
tions hod been met. He told tho hoard
Pauly cannot come because Jlrs. Pauly
Is seriously 111. The board asked ,hlm to
get Borne other officer of tie company
or some representative with full authority
to come hero at once. He was given until
tomorrow morning to arrange for torno
one to come.
Gradys Persist in
Fighting All Day
Mr, and Mrs, Grady persisted In fight
ing all Sunday afternoon. At 2 o'clock
tho battle started. At 3 o'clock they were
arrested charged with dUturblng the
peace. At t o'clock they were released
on bonds and at 5 o'clock were arrested
again on tho same charge. Judge Foster
assessed each 110 and costs In pollco court.
Began With Pimple. Spread All
Over Face, In Agony All the Time,
Itched and Smarted, Used Cuticu
ra Soap and Ointment. Was Cured,
Mobcrly. Mo. "My trouble began with
a stnajl pimple on tho left side of my face
and it (prtad all orer my face and to my
reck. It would he searltl
red when I got warm. My
face was a sight. It looked
rr unpleasant, and il felt
uncomfortable. My face
vi as fcomcthlng anful: II just
kept roe In agony all tho
time, tiome said it vns
Utter, and some cald It was
that awful eczema, hut I
rather think It was tetter. I had been
troubled with It for about, two years and
tried many remedies but got no relief until
1 uted Cutlcur, Soap and Cutlcura Oint
ment. "When I would wash my face with the
Cutlrura Soap ad apply the Cutlcura Oint
ment It would cool my ilia and draw great
hlg drops of matter out of the kln. You
would think I -was sweating; It would run
down my fare Jutt as though I had washed
It. It Itched and smarted and I suffered la
the day time mott from the heat from the
stove. I uted the Cutlcura Soap and Cutl
cura Ointment for a month and I was cured
nt It. I will tell everyone I know who has
any trouble of the skin " (Signed) Mrs. J
Drookther, Apr 15. 1012.
Cutlcura tioap and Cutlcura Ointment are
old throughout tho world. A single set Is
often sufficient. Liberal sample of eafti
mailed free with -l?-p, 8klo Book Addreel
post-card "Cutlcura. Dept T Hoston."
4"Tender -faced men should uso f utlcura
coau 8hilng Slit k, -rA bauiple frtv
Amendment to Teachers' Constitu-!
tion Doesn't Have Desired Effect.
lie Will Hold Office About lout-Iron
Months -Instead nf n Yrnr,
Which ti Designed n n
I it 1 1 Term,
Vestenlay Slate Superintendent Jam-- .
U. tv-lse.ll assumed the oftlor of president j
of the Nebraska Stats Trhrrs' nswU
tlon to allien plase he was elected nl the
........ I -v ......... V. -'
iiivniiip, ill iiuTnuucii
Although n term Is a year In this as
sociation, It looks at preeeut as though
Superintendent Oelrell would have to
hotd the office about fourteen months
This rompllratloti come about through
an amendment to the association's con
stitution adopted at the last meeting
That amendment provided that the presi
dent should he elected by n referendum
vote tHken bj ballot through the mall nt
the time the members ballot on the loca
tion of tho next association meeting.
Ansnelntlmi t'listom.
According to the custom of the assochi
tlon the executive committee does not
meet until January- At their meeting
then In 1914 after tho next meeting of the
association they are to take tho names
of the five receiving the greatest numhr
of votes for the Humiliation for prcsldont
and send them out on a ballot to the
teachers to be voted upon. This will bo -i
month Rftfr th term of President Del-
sell shall havo Expired. The teachers are
given a reasonable length of tlmo In
which to voto and mnll their chotco back
to the executive committee. Then the
executive committee must meet to can
vass tho vote Then if, former customs
aro followed President Orlxell will hnve
to hold his office over at 'least two, if
not three months, to glvo the committee
time to determine who the newly elected
president will bo, and to qualify him.
The Mavlnir Clause.
Happily, howevor, a clause In tho con
tltutlun a It stood before the recent
changes snvs, "Tho officers shall hold
offloe for one year or until their succes
sors are elected and nuallfled." This U
the saving clause that will allow Deltoll
to act ns president until the new man Is
determined upon and will save the asso
ciation tho embarrassment of being two
months wtthuut a president.
Whether or ript the new clause In the
constitution will havo the desired effect
of eliminating political horse play from
the association Is a matter of conjecture.
It hud been argued that the uld method
of nominating by congressional districts
left openings for too much politics which
waii not In nccord with the proper dignity
of a teachers1 association. The new clause
provides that every elector at tho tlmo
ho enrolls at the association meeting,
shall havo the privilege of costing on
Informal ballot for his choice for presi
dent, vice president and treasurer,
llovr Nominations Are Miitlc,
Tho five highest for each place ore thus
nominated and the executive committee
Is to placo their names on ballots and
fcend thr.m to tho teachers when tho bal
lot for the meeting place Is sent out.
"I'll bet a horse 1 can get out now and
elect the man 1 want under the new sy.
tern," said one of the foremost members
of the association recently. Thoy
thought they wcro eliminating politics,
but they have not succeeded' In doing so,"
At -Merer of Politics.
Others have called attention to the fact
that while In former years the association
has attempted to rid Its politics of the
Influenco of text book" publishers, It has
now placed Itself at their mercy as It
never was before. Now that the teach
ers must Individually cast u ballot for
their choice when they enroll, It was the
theory that they would come to tho as
sociation with an open mind and do this
before any political Influenco could be
brought to bear on them. This incuns
that this Influenco will be brought to
bear on the teachers Individually through
out the state during the year before tho
meeting of tho association.
U. P. Bandit Hopes
to BeFreeome Day
Special Agent Canada of tho Union Pa
cific Is in receipt of a letter from D. II,
Woods, now In the federal prison at
Leavenworth, Kan., serving a life sen
tence, having been convicted of being one
of the bandits who held up and robbed h
Unoon Pacific train on the Lane Cut
off several years ago. '
Woods In writing to Canada whs taking
advantage of one of the prison prlviltegc?
accorded to prisoners on holidays. lie
expresses the hope thnt some day he will
be freed by reason of Rood conduct and
adds that If he Is given his freedom he
will thereafter be a good cltlzeji. At this
I tunc woods is in charge or tne prison
butchor shop and Is cutting up and
Jiuiidllpg 1,000 pounds of ment per day.
i During his spare time, he sayft he Is
studying geology, mine engineering and
With the Leavenworth premiers
Thanksgiving was u holiday and during
the afternoon, nil who wcro on their good
behavior wcie pet mltted to attend u
vaudeville entertainment, tho performers
all being prisoners, who on the progrum
wero designated, not by their1 names, but
by their prison numbers.
Jewelry is Taken
from Two Homes
While Mrs. Hay Nelson, 2310 toward
street, was attending church Sunday ovc
ulng, burglars broke Into her home and
gathered up Jewelry and othor artloles
valued at 1X.
Kutrunce was also gullied to tile homo
of Kred Kerns. SOW Hurdelto street. At
that place burglars, having forced en
trance through the front door with tho
aid of a jimmy, secured Jewelry, valued
at (HO. In the loot Is a collection of Ak-Kar-Rcn
buttons dating back to the first
Jimmy Valentine, who nought to make
Norhert O'Leary and Oeorge Alexander,
youthful purse anatchers, give up their
loot, denies that ho wanted It for him
self. Valentino saw the pocketbook talyjt
from Mrs. Patrick Hwlft. llo says ho
j went to 0'!ary and Alnrander and
i asked tbem to turn the proerty over to
him, his Intention being to deliver II to
I lis rightful owner.
Valentine denies that lie asked the boys
to divide up and say he did not threaten
I to expose them unles tliev did Ik- dc-
nle that ho sought to make them glvn
I up the loot by pretending i be a relative
of Mrs, Hwlft
I I I I t
I I IB iaiBMH I I II Ml D. - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 M II A.
Right IhSB Piano
Piano Right !
You may upon comparison, prefer the tone
J quality for style of
son we otter here for your selection such a varied as
sortment of the World's Standard Makes, all fully guar-
t anteed.
Wo don't want to urge
6 cauao wo think it best, but
what pleases you best.
We're Showing Now at $172.50
An absolutely new and fully warranted Piano bearing tho well known namo
Segerstrom Manufacturing Co.
A handsome, sweet-toned instrument in oak or mahogany caso, fully guaranteed by
both tho maker and ourselves. Soo them this wook.
Here Are a Few Specials in Now and Used Pianos it Will Pay' You to See at Once:
Steinway .... $250.00 j
Ohickering . . . S125.00
X Camp & Co. . . $100.00 i
wnzie tytfo.uu
Proprietor is Given Rebuke for En
couraging Minors.
V. II. Ullry'a I'lncr Is Itntdrd by
Mosry Ilernsteln, lint Mmt nf the
.Minor Krrqiientcrs JlnUe
Their Kscnpc
"I'ool hulls are tho worst breeders of
crime and In ftiem can bo found the
very worst ennractcra fur boys to asso
ciate with. Instead of louflng in the pool
halls the boy should be nt home and
I am going to boo that they nre kept
there If I havo to closo every pool hull lu
thu city of, Omaha."
The ubovorebuko wuh handed out to
v. n niiev. m-onrletor'of a pool hall at
2421 CunllngPtreet. by Judge Koster, as
ho fined th former $50 and costa In
police court. Ulloy appoalm the case,
.. . . ... ,L.
miey s pool room wan rumru uy
nnile nt the Instance of Mogy Bern
stein Sunday night. T3y the time the police
had arrived In response to Hernstein s
telephone message that minors wei
playing the majority had skipped out a
rear entrance. Three boys were arrested,
Including Thor Iiiiurltnen, 911 North-Twenty-fifth
avenue, who told the police
ho was but 16 years of age-
UeniKteln appeared ngalnst Itlley
In police court, as did three
patrolmen. .fudge Foster snld ho
hud no sympathy for jkkiI hall pro
prietors who persisted In conducting their
business for tho- benefit of minors. He
declared he would Instruct tha police to
arrest every proprietor of h pool room
In Omaha In which boyH under 18 yeaiv
of uo were allowed to cuter. Ho fuld
tho ulty ordinance not only forbldu minors
playing pool, but ulco prohibits them
from even frequenting such places,
A Kuilitrn tUillnpse
of stomach, llvor, klndncyn and b-wcls is
Snout surely prevented with Klectilo Hit
ters, the safe regulator. MV. Kor sule hv
no ton JJiug Co, - Adveitlsement-
"Cascarets" Best
for the Bowels
Tlii nilllioiiM of Cascnrcl users never
have HcHflnrlic, Constipation, !
HIIiotiMiicr or Kick Htomacli.
It Is more tiecrHsary that you keep
our Bowofcs Mvcr and Htomauh clHan,
pure and fresli than it lu to kep the
sewera and drainage of a lar;e city free
from obstruction
Aro you keeping tloan Inside wjlth
Camnrets or merely forcing a pus
ssgeway every few days with salts, c,- I
t hart o puis or castor our, j ma is im
portant Cascarets Iminedlatol) tlcnsovwd reg
ulate tho btoniuch. rnmoNo the ebur, un
digested and fermenting food and foul
gases; take the excess bllo fron; the
liver and carry out of the system the
cnnstlpatod waste mailer and poison in
tho Inteetlne and bowels.
No odds how badly hjkI upset you
feel, a Caacarrt tonight will ntrulghleu
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druggist will keep your head clear,
Htotna' li Nwcet and your llvor nnd low
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Everywhere D Lfe
Hub llttln Kantian' om rmir tanhmiAtyiUl
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OaUrrbal J.ll r u plaaaant. aromaUe, aatlMptlo,
wilt alw.ji want It to jrour hom., for ooltfj.
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any cortain instrument, be-
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Lexington $125.00
Wellington $125.00
Hamilton $150.00
Kimball $75.00
Nose and Head
Quickly Cured
of Catarrh.
The thousands who suffer tho miseries
of colds and catarrh and claim they
havo never found a cura can get In
stant relict by elmply anointing the
noetrils with Kly's Cream Balm,
Unllko Internal modlclncs which upset
the stomach, or stiong snuffs which only
aggravate the trouble, this cleansing,
healing, knttseptlo Balm Instantly
leachos the scat of thu trouble, stops thu
nasty discharge, cleura the nose, head
und throat, und brings back the sense' et
taste, smell and ln,proes the hearing,
More than this, It strengthens the
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ptulecting you against ti return of thu
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or resulting lu cntarri.
Naaul catarrh is an Inflammation of the
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cannot be reaoned by mixtures taken
Into tho stomach, nor can It be cured by
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ditional Irritation. Don't waste time on
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Cream Halm from your druggist, and
after using It fur a day you will wish
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Mothers should give tho children Kly'a
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Verfectly harmlcts, and pleasant to take,
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Here ! Prompt Kellaf
Tor all palm peculiar to women; bead
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A'ef a ttlmalant, intoxicant or ha&H
JWmer. but a pain reliever, bringing ab
eBceolpataand reat qulcklr,reoUr,aielr.
At aii Druggists
Ut V(.fKAlt.SMN
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IsipruTtoasti, It U bow oa ef th ' baat u
aolntad la tht goattu 8pcUI utMr
ratu. Writs for bookltt.
B. U. STAXTOBS. Managing Irs e tor.